Effective MSPM0 portfolio introduction to enhance system performance and lower overall system costs

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[MUSIC PLAYING] Next, I would like to invite this Gary Gao from our microcontroller team, so Gary will be able-- Gary will be sharing our latest MSPM0 portfolio to enhance overall system performance and, most importantly, helping you guys to lower the system costs. Gary? Yeah. Hello? [INAUDIBLE] Thank you, everyone to come here. I'm Gary, Gary Gao, and I'm come from Shanghai.

And I'm the application engineer in-- I'm at P product line in TI. For our product line, we are focused on the MCU products. Today, I want to share about you is about our new MCU product families. It's named MSPM0 [INAUDIBLE] family.

And this, it's the new product family here. Before this device, our product is focused on very old MCU. Maybe you are used or hear it before. It is named the MSP430. It has 30 years old products, very old products. So it is not the topic today, so I want to introduce our new product family.

Here is MSP430-- sorry, MSPM0. Oh, sorry. Here's agenda that I want to share with you.

With that, I want to introduce our new product key features and our roadmap of our new family. Second is that I want to introduce one page of our hero product, and then I want to highlight the unlocked peripherals on this device. Then as you know, the MCU will need the software, so I want to introduce the software resources I can provide for you for your designs.

And then I will introduce our target markets with our products, and then I will introduce a special using case to replace the discrete components in your design. And the last, I will introduce something in the ti.com, which results-- or something I put it in the ti.com and what you can get there. Let's get started. First, the key features of our new products, MSPM0, first is that our core of our MCU is based on Cortex M0+. It is 32 bit CPU.

It is different with our old MSP430. It is 13 bit MCU. So first feature I want to highlight here is the cost. We have too many of works to cut down our cost of our MCU.

For example, we take the process of 65 nanometer precise. It is not the most advanced process, but it is advanced in MCU markets. As you know, in current MCU market, the normal process is more than 90 nanometer, so we have some advice here to use 65 nanometer process.

That will make our die size will be smaller and cut down our cost here. And we can provide a lower price for you. The next is that we use the smallest patches device.

That means our cost will be lower, and you can make-- your PCP will be smaller. And the cost will be down from you and us, so that is the point here. The second thing I want to share is our scalable feature on our device. We have a big roadmap of our device. As you can see here, it is- I just listed a few features here.

We have 8 to 128 kilobytes, the memory size of it. And we can cover the pin count from the 19 to-- sorry, 16 to 64 pins. It is just the current products here. We also have roadmap to a large range than this.

The other key point here is that our products are pin to pin compatible if you are using the same package from the different-- as you know, we have different families I will introduce later. But it also can be pin to pin compatible if you are using the same package, so that is very convenient to use later at the platform. You can use it at different of application or projects, and just make a few changes of the hardware. So that will reduce your design time on the cycles and make your product to be faster release to market. If you are-- your application will rotate with automotive. We will also provide Q100 qualified devices here.

And the third one is that our device is very easy to use. As I mentioned before, our product had focused on MCU products for more than 30 years, so we have a lot of appearance to show you to customers how to use MCU very easy and fast to start with your products. For example, we have provided lots of examples that show our peripherals how to use it.

And the other is that we have provide the code generated tools that, if you have not used it before, another [INAUDIBLE] clear or familiar with our APIs or peripherals. But you can just use the GUI and just make some click on our tool, and we will help you to generate the code itself. So that is very easy to start to use.

Here's our road map here. As you can see, we have provide two divide families here. The first is G-series device. It is a high performance device family here.

As you can see, the main frequency has up to 80 megahertz. The other is that, for G-series device, they have not mass product yet, but it will be happen next month. But you can get the symbols on ti.com. From that family is L-series family. It will be lower mid-frequency and the lower price-- lower price, yes. And it has been mass producted now, so you can use it in your project and buy it in the ti.com, yeah.

On the right here, in this table, I have list all the devices here we have released to market. As I mentioned before, the pin count, as you can see, we covered from the 16 to 64. And the memory size from the 8 kilobytes to 128 kilobytes, it is just the latest product we can provide.

But we can provide more in future. We can provide 512 kilobytes in future. And the pin count, we can cover to up to 100 pin count in future. That is the roadmap in our future. As you can see, I separate the products for three colors here, and the blue one is L-series device. And the red one is that the G-series device without the CAN interface.

And the yellow one is the G-series device with CAN FD feature, the CAN FD devices here. At the bottom, I have listed some naming rules for our devices that, as you can see, the middle of the device number, it is the information of our scalable analog information of those numbers. Here's our product one page. Here, I will not go through all of them due to the time, so I just to highlight a few points here, like first is that, as you can see, our operation temperature, we can cover it from minus 40 to 125 degree. That is automotive label, but we can provide that in industrial products. So that's a large range temperature operation.

The other point I want to highlight is that-- as you can see here, let me see, the UART peripheral. It is a very powerful peripheral here. It not only can be used as a normal UART, it can be transformed to [? Lean ?] or [? IRPA ?] interface or [INAUDIBLE] interface. Manchester featured, and it can also utilize smartcard detection.

For the I2C module, we also provide-- you can use it as SM bus or PM bus. We can provide the PM/SM bus libraries that you can use here. The other thing I want to highlight is our analog peripherals on our device. First is the ATC.

The key point here of our ATC is that the [INAUDIBLE],, we can reach enough peak to 11.2. That is a very good spec compared with our competitors. The next is that we have 03 chopper amplifier on our device.

It is chopper technologies and make the input of site to be 0, yeah. For this device, I just highlight those few points here, and the next is about our G-series device. It is our performance device families here. Many difference with our L-series device.

As you can see, the main frequency is increased to 80 megahertz, and we have enabled the MPU unit in the Cortex M0+ core. And then to improve our accounting capability, we have add mass accelerator here that you can use in most applications, like mode control to use SOC [INAUDIBLE],, Yes, I can-- so you can use the mass accelerator to do the accounting process. The next is about our memory. Our memory are ECC protected here. ECC protected. Next is that the difference with our L-series device is that the G-series device supports the [INAUDIBLE] oscillator, both low speed and high speed.

And also, we have powerful UART here, for the interface where the key features of this G-series device is that, for some device, we have the CAN FD interface here. Yeah, you can use it in industrial CAN or in automotive CAN interface, [INAUDIBLE] this device. In the analog peripherals, we have improved the performance of ADC. The main difference is the sample rate. We have increased our sample rate to full meg SPS.

That is a very high speed than competitors. And then we have at 12-bit barford tech. You can use it as analog output in your application. Due to this device, as I mentioned, we are-- one of our target market is remote control. So we have added a few features in our timers to support the remote control.

We have added the dot band control on the remote controller system, and the QEI detection. Yeah, that is over all of our G and L-series one page. Next is that I want to highlight is our unlock peripherals on our device. As you know, TI is a very large marketing share about the analog, and our analog technology is very advanced. So we have put those on our device also. First, I want to introduce our OPA.

As I mentioned that the one important key point here is that we make it zero drift, that is chopper technology based. The other is that it also with PGA. That is a program working part here. You can change the key value to up to 32 times at runtime.

The other is the ADC dimensions that we can make the sample rate to full [INAUDIBLE]. So if you are using the oversampling technology, you can increase the peak to 14-bits. Next is, for some devices, we will have the comparator, and this comparator, will include a 8-bit DAC, includes there, and you can set the different threshold at runtime to use with the comparator.

The last one is DAC-- sorry. Our DAC is 12-bit. And overall, I want to highlight is that the peripherals is that you can connect the different of the analog peripherals internally just by coding in the device. And that can avoid layout outside and make your [INAUDIBLE] be smaller and avoid maybe some EMC issues you'll see in your designs.

That is our key features of our peripheral. Next is our software information is here. And [INAUDIBLE] the MCU products, you must to do the program on the device. So the software is a very important part in the MCU development. First is that the SDK, the Software Development Kit, at here, that SDK will include all the resources you needed to development the MCU design, like [INAUDIBLE] peripherals code examples, and our reference to code examples were all put there into the SDK.

And here, listed feature I want to highlight is that our SDK code is optimized about the code size. It will be much smaller than our competitors. That will cost lower or smaller flash size on your device.

The second is that, if you want to evaluate our device, we can provide the hardware, lots of hardware you can use, like the launch pad or boot pack, you can use. For the launch pad, as you can see, there are two main devices here. The upper one is our debugger. It is FDS110, so you can just connect the [INAUDIBLE] with USB cable to the PC, and then you can start to debug or coding the device, so that is very easy to use with hardware.

So the second is-- the third one is that a very important part is our tools. The code generator, as I mentioned before, it name the SysConfig. You can use this to configure our peripherals just to use click selections of the tables, so it can generate the peripheral configuration and code itself. And I will go details about it later. The last one is that the third party software is we can support it.

As you can see, we can not only support our IDE like CCS, it is free for you. But also, I can support the IR or Q, other IDEs. And also, we can support many other supporting software like [INAUDIBLE] and support and so on. And if it can support the M0+ core, you can use it.

Here is the detail information about our SDK. As you can see, our SDK cords are based on the standard of CMSIS that is come from [INAUDIBLE].. Based on that standard, we developed the DriverLib. It is functional APIs to operate the radiators, so you do not need to operate the radiators directly.

You just need to call our APIs, different APIs, to config or operate our peripherals. Based on the DriverLib, we have make multiple code examples for every peripherals for many of operation modes of our peripherals. We have provide many of code examples there. Beyond that, we have developed many reference code based on different application areas like mode control or automotive.

We have built hardware designs and software code there that you can get to quick start with your [? pojects. ?] If you have not used our device before, we have also provide lot of training materials for you, like the MSP Academy on the TI Precision Labs. TI Precision Labs is a video training series materials, and for the MSP Academy, it will provide a few labs and introduce our-- we have picked up some of examples there and introduced the example. And you can do some labs with that, so you can quick start with it our device. Next is our code generator too named SysConfig.

As you can see here, we have put all the peripherals in our SysConfig tools. You can configure every-- any peripherals with these tools. You can just make few of the click on this GUI, and it can generate the configuration code for you here. Here, you can see.

The one point here I like it very much is that it can preview the code at real time. What it mean is that, if you make any change of the GUI, like here, it will make any small change of it, the code will be changed at the same time. That means you can-- that is very convenient for you to debug or start learning how to code our device by yourself. Here is our security feature of our device.

We have provided a demo named BIM, the Boot Image Manager demo. That means this demo is used for that. It can avoid the MCU to run any code had been modified by a hacker.

If it had been modified, the IP code will not be run. We have provided the code examples and the application document in ti.com. If you are interested with it, you can go through it in the ti.com.

Here's the main markets we are target with our device here. As you can see, in our design, define our device. Our device is very general purpose device, so it is not limited to those target markets. This, just our focus market, we are looking at.

I don't see the features that I have mentioned before, so I will not go through them here. The one point here I want to highlight is that we have provided a lot of reference designs, both hardware and software, for those application market. And I have list a few of them at the bottom of the market here, and if you are interested with that, you can also go into our ti.com and get those reference designs to start with the application.

So that's rough designs will quick start with your product if it is similar with your using case. Here is a special using case of our device, is that you can use it to replace the discrete components on your own device. Why our device can do this? First, as that I have mentioned, we have cut down our products' production, so we can provide a lower price for you to choose it. The second point is that our device is very flexible [INAUDIBLE]. I have mentioned before, we have plenty of devices road maps there you can select for your application with the proper device. The other is that, as I mentioned before, it is you can code your-- the MCU can be coded, and you can change the functions at the runtime.

That is a discrete component cannot do that. The third part is that, the robot I mentioned before, we have built lots of new fabs in US, so the supply is our advantage here. This is our new family, and we have put it in our device in the new [? 5-series, ?] so the supplies should not be the issue in the future.

And the last one is that the MCU is for free. What does that mean is that, for the discrete components, it will not have MCU, but for our MCU device, we not only have the analog peripherals, we have provide timers [INAUDIBLE] peripherals on the device. You can use it to create new functions on your application, so that is not provided from the discrete components. Here's just a very simple example here to use our device as a breach device.

You can convert the UART-- not UART, SPRE to UART or I2C or CAN interface or analog signals here. And you can also use it back, and vice versa. Here is some information about our device on the ti.com. If you have the specific device name, the part number, you can just search it on ti.com directly. But if you do not have the part number, you can go to our products and microcontroller column and then go to the Cortex M0+ device for MCUs. Then you can go into our product page here.

The very useful tool here to select device is that the filter here, you can input your requirement for different requirement based on your application. And then it can select a proper device in this column for you, and then you can go into our product page here. And then this page will provide all the resources you needed to develop your design. Our tools include tools, documents, and all the resources I mentioned did not show here.

But also includes some practice information or design reference you can get from here. For documents like the data sheet or user guide, all you can get from this product page. Besides that, all the reference designs application notes also you can find here. Also, the software tools, like the SSC, SysConfig, and something like that, you can also get it in this page. That's all.

I don't know if any questions about the product line. No? [INAUDIBLE] Yeah. You mentioned about 60 [INAUDIBLE] right? Yeah, you're right. [INAUDIBLE] Yes, you're right. In zero support this chipset. Yes, you're right.

But at the same time, I saw that you have-- you're using the SysConfig. Right? Yeah, it combine into the SSC. Yeah. Then there's another one.

There is the-- I think last time I used the code generator, the HAL code generator, does it support this M0? Yeah, yeah, you're right. It is also supported? You mean SysConfig, right? No, the other one, the HA [INAUDIBLE]?? Oh, no, no, no, just this part of the SysConfig. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Thank you.


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