Economic Storms are Gathering Peter Schiff EP 353

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should accept yourself just the way you are  what does that say about who I should become   is that just now off the table because I'm  already good enough in every way so am I   done or something get the hell up get your  act together adopt some responsibility put   your life together develop a vision unfold  all those manifold possibilities that lurk   within be a force for good in the world and  that'll be the adventure of your life [Music]   prices go up all the time because the government  is so involved that's why it keeps getting more   expensive and the quality goes down the quality  of Education I mean a high school degree you   know 50 years ago is is way more valuable than a  college degree today even a master's degree the   governments have destroyed the value of degrees  while dramatically increasing the price to to get   one so government drives quality down and price  up the free market does the reverse government   let's say the post office right post office was  a problem and so then FedEx came along right and   okay we can avoid the post office or more recently  uh governments create monopolies in taxi cabs   well Uber comes along Lyft comes along  and and creates some competition to these   government monopolies so the same thing is going  to happen with money government money is is so bad   and it's going to get worse that the market is  going to offer Alternatives yes the government   is going to try to put up roadblocks to protect  its Monopoly but ultimately it won't work [Music]   hello everyone I am speaking today with Peter  Schiff The Economist and stock broker who   successfully predicted the 2008 housing  crisis today we will discuss the current   market hyperinflation fiat currency and  the value of gold in times of instability   looking forward to the conversation so thank you  very much for talking to me today and to everyone   who's watching and listening thank you for your  time and attention that's much appreciated so   the first thing I guess I might ask is what do  you think it is that the typical person who's   watching or listening should know on the financial  front practically for their own protection and   and incremental wisdom that they don't know I mean  people are aren't taught even the basics of how to   think financially in our education system and so  maybe you could walk through what you regard as   the as the basics of fun of financial literacy on  the Practical front uh well there's a lot there   but I think the the most pertinent thing that  people need to understand before they make any   Investments really particularly now is inflation  and the impact that inflation is going to have   on the decisions that they make on their  savings and their investment because inflation   is probably a bigger threat now than it's ever  been and therefore it's a even bigger Factor   in determining everything that we do and  ultimately uh what the rewards are going   to be or the returns from your Investments  and and the reason I think that inflation   is a bigger problem now then it's it's been in  the past is because of the fiscal predicament   that most of the major governments  have you know put themselves in   and the fact that all politicians unfortunately  and this is a a fatal flaw in democracy   is that politicians first and foremost care about  themselves and their own political career and   their own re-election that's what they do for  a living they are career politicians and so you   know like anybody else you know they're  they're they're you know concerned about   perpetuating their career and most people who are  in politics they really enjoy it I mean they they   like all the perks that come with it uh you  know you get a lot of uh you know respect if   you're you know United States or Congressman  you're a senator uh you know it it's it's a   it's a career that a lot of people would aspire  to and once you get there you know once you get   to Washington and I'm sure this is true and you  know every you know country in Europe and all   around the world that you know you like it right  you like the lifestyle you like The Prestige that   comes with being a government official so you  want to stay there right well how do you stay   in office well you got to keep getting elected  you know in the United States you know we get   elections every two years right so politicians  are are very concerned about you know the polls   and they're constantly got their finger in the  air seeing where the winds are blowing and they   don't want to say anything or do anything that  might jeopardize their re-election and of course   one of the most important things that you need to  get reelected is you need a lot of money you need   to spend money on advertising on television which  is expensive and so you tend to cater to donors   um whether it's a corporation or a a you know  a union anyone that can provide a lot of money   uh you need to do things that are in their  interest and so what is usually sacrificed by   these politicians is the national interest doing  what's right for the country is secondary to doing   what's right for themselves and also in order to  be as successful as a politician you have to be a   really good liar and that's probably why a lot of  lawyers go into politics because lawyers you know   they're paid to lie I mean you have to argue your  client's case even if you know they're wrong right   and you have to put on a defense or whatever it  is and and so lawyers are generally pretty good   liars and so they they they they be they become  politicians because if you're honest and you tell   the truth you're not going to have a career  in politics you're you're just not gonna even   if you manage to get elected telling the truth  you're not going to stay in office telling the   truth so you got to lie so here's the situation  so you've had Decades of politicians buying their   re-election by promising voters something for  nothing because unfortunately that's what a   lot of Voters want they want something from the  government so if you're running for office like   I ran for office in in 2010 I was in Connecticut  uh but you know all I promised was more freedom   I'm going to leave you alone I'm going to repeal  government laws regulations I'm gonna I'm Gonna   Leave You free to do what you want and I'm not  going to interfere with you some people like that   message but a lot of people that's not what they  want they don't want to be free they want to be   taken care of they want to know what are you going  to give me what stuff am I going to get if I vote   for you right what free stuff and so yeah well  that's attractive in the short term especially   if you're not paying attention right and lots  people don't pay that much attention to political   discounts and so if you offer something tangible  and immediate that's grip short-term attention   and that can be an effective strategy yeah and if  you and so it's this proclivity to gift in this   manner that to the drives inflation do you want  to define inflation yeah I will decide I know   exactly what we're talking about yeah yeah I will  I'm getting there but and it's even worse when it   comes to trying to take away something like if you  want to cut a program spending that's even worse   because once a voter has something nobody wants to  take it away in fact even some of the politicians   let's say Republicans United States that might  have opposed certain government welfare type   programs you know when they started once they're  in place even those people won't vote to take   them away that's how how a danger it is so the  situation is you've had all these politicians who   have promised so much stuff that the taxpayers  can't deliver and of course when politicians   want to give voters something they don't want them  to pay for it so they want to spend money but they   don't want to raise taxes because governments  don't have any money they only have the money   they take they have to take money from the people  in order to give money back to the people and and   so if the government's taking your money that you  don't like so with paper money which unfortunately   we have now fiat currency where the governments  don't need gold real money they could just create   paper money out of thin air right they could  just manufacture it digitally and there it is   that enables governments to spend without  collecting taxes they run these large deficits and   they're able to print the difference and hand out  that money so they can give people money without   also taking the money away and now they don't  mind taking money away from rich people because   you know there's not as many of those right so  they don't lose as many votes although certain   rich people can donate a lot to their campaigns  which often you know prevents the taxes from from   getting too high but inflation I asked for the  definition inflation is really just another tax   because governments create inflation and inflation  is also probably one of the most misunderstood   words in the English language and deliberately so  I think governments around the world kind of led   the campaign to redefine inflation so if you go  back to the origin of the word and if you if you   have a dictionary even from the 1980s a Webster's  dictionary you'll get the real definition of   inflation so inflation is an expansion of the  money supply that's all it is deflation is a   contraction of the money supply so if you even  think about the word inflate inflate is to expand   like a balloon if you if you fill a balloon with  air it expands so with inflation what's being   expanded is the money supply and who expands  the money supply governments you know or they   they do it generally now through a central bank  but it's the central banks of these governments   that are expanding the money supply now when  you expand the money supply you have more money   well if you have more money but you don't have  more stuff to buy well the price of everything   goes up that's just basic economic supply and  demand the more money there is the less each   individual monetary unit is worth and now prices  go up now what governments have done is they've   said price is going up that's inflation no it's  not that is the consequence of inflation because   prices don't expand prices go up and down as a  result of inflation now what happens is sometimes   prices don't go up but you still have inflation  and that's because without that inflation prices   would have gone down and if prices don't go down  because government creates inflation that still   represents a loss to the people because they lost  the benefit of lower prices because in capitalism   the tendency of capitalism is to reduce prices  that's why it's so good because you keep coming   up with better ways of producing more efficient  ways economies of scale if you look at the CPI for   example in the United States in in 1800 and then  you look at the same CPI in 1900 and they have the   data prices were cut in half you had a hundred  year period where you had deflation or you know   the money or prices falling for 100 years uh and  that was a good thing you know all the politicians   now tell us that we need prices to go up that we  must have inflation you know the way they Define   it of two percent a year why why do prices have  to go up every year why can't they go down every   year isn't that better if stuff gets cheaper you  know if the cost of living goes down of course it   is but these politicians are trying to sell this  lie to the public that Rising prices are somehow   necessary for Prosperity that if prices don't go  up okay so let me sum up let me sum up what you've   said so the first thing you said that I think  is worthy of note for people to remember is that   the price of something is a function of the ratio  of the money available to the goods available   and so if you make money twice as  available then things cost twice   as much and that's and then you Defined  inflation you Defined inflation in that   regard you said inflation isn't prices going  up inflation is the value of money going down   and so it isn't because things are becoming more  expensive it's because there's more money chasing   the same amount or fewer items now you could  imagine an inflation in a particular sector that   would emerge because that thing has become more  scarce but General inflation is a reflection of   the inflation of the money supply right then you  said well here's here's the let me just finish the   summary you said there's drivers of that inflation  of the money supply and the basic driver is that   because we have a fiat currency that isn't paid  to something um permanent let's say like gold   and because politicians can create money  by printing it they're incentivized to do   so because they can offer people who aren't  paying much attention cheap gifts for nothing   and the fastest way to pay for that because they  don't want to raise taxes is to increase the money   supply and then you might say and this is where  we could bring this home to land is well what's   so bad about that is that we defer our expenses  into the future people get more free stuff from   the government there's a bit of a tax that's  the inflation tax let's say but all in all the   system works pretty well but you started this  whole discussion by saying the biggest threat   to the financial Integrity of people individuals  over the long run is inflation and so why does   that pose the Cardinal danger to long-term  Financial Security and prosperity for people   yeah well first of all it's not it's not working  well that that is the problem it it worked much   better when we had honest money when we were on  a gold standard uh if governments wanted to spend   money they needed gold and where did they get it  they had to collect taxes because they couldn't   create the gold it needed to be mined and and  so it was an honest system um and it it was   discipline on politicians now the politicians  don't want to be disciplined any more than you   know teenagers want to chaperone at the prom right  so you know they want to they want to do a lot of   stuff that The Chaperone won't allow and so gold  uh was keeping politicians in check but to your   point about individual prices you can't confuse  prices individually will go up and down based on   the supply and demand but if the price of one  thing goes up it's going to necessitate the   price of something else to go down uh and so the  general level of prices won't change uh it's only   when you have the expansion of the money supply  that the price of everything goes up because the   value of money is going down and so now you need  more money to to buy stuff but the problem now is   because these governments have run such enormous  deficits uh and it you know inflated you know   the housing bubble that popped in 2008 the US and  then uh a decade or more of massive deficit spent   ending quantitative easing programs and by the way  quantitative easing is inflation they basically   get you know taken inflation and put a nice  sounding name to it because quantitative easing   is printing money and buying government bonds that  that's inflation but if the politicians said our   policy is inflation you know the public doesn't  like that so they said no we're doing quantitative   easing and somehow that sounds you know more  palatable than inflation but they've created   so much and and for years and years these Central  Bankers were telling us that inflation is too low   we don't have enough inflation because it's not  two percent and again we don't need prices to go   up you know and the reason they say that price  prices have to go up is they claim that we won't   buy stuff that if we think prices are going to go  down we'll just hold off on buying indefinitely   waiting for a cheaper price and the economy  is going to collapse and that's a bunch of BS   because you buy things when you need them and when  you can afford them I mean if if that was true   nobody would own a cell phone nobody would own  a laptop computer nobody would have a television   that because all those things get cheaper every  year yet we keep buying them so it's nonsense   that we won't buy if price is going down in fact  price is going down create demand if you can't   afford something the way to have to buy it is for  the price to go down and then you can afford it   and then you buy it but they've created so much  inflation when they said it was too low that   now it's exploded right you've got double-digit  inflation or high single digit inflation pretty   much in all the invest economies in the world and  no government anywhere in the world is willing   to actually do what it takes to reduce inflation  because a they have to accept responsibility for   creating it and then B they have to significantly  reduce government spending and or raise taxes on   on middle class uh voters and neither of  those choices are politically expedient   and so politicians now are under more pressure  than ever to continue to finance their spending   through inflation so the inflation tax is going  to get bigger and bigger and bigger uh every year   and the reason that that's such a problem is  it's really the worst possible tax because   it impacts the people the most who can afford it  the least it's the middle class the Working Poor   uh and the retirees who are living off of fixed  income uh they end up paying the inflation tax   the most uh they have some savings they have a  pension they have an annuity a cash value and   insurance policies all this stuff gets uh  destroyed wealthier people who tend to own   assets and who have more good debt right bad debt  is Consumer Debt you go out and you borrow money   and you spend it you buy a consumer good you  buy a TV with your credit card and that's bad   debt or you take a vacation and you pay for  it on a credit card but if you buy an asset   particularly an income producing asset a piece  of property uh if you a business a comp stock   if you borrow money and you buy an asset and  that asset is appreciating and generating income   inflation is your friend inflation helps  you out because it wipes out the value of   your debt and you still have the asset so  wealthy people very wealthy people if they   invest the right way will benefit from inflation  whereas Ordinary People are going to get hurt   have you ever read the fine print that appears  when you start browsing in incognito mode it   says that your activity might still be visible to  your employer your school or your internet service   provider to actually stop people from monitoring  your online activity you need expressvpn think   about all the times you've used Wi-Fi at a coffee  shop 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like four percent  a year would be something like 10 years   yeah and so unfortunately it's going to be a  lot higher than than four percent yeah let's   talk about that for a second so two things  two questions about that that are that come   along with what you've already laid out the first  question is how is the inflation rate calculated   that's mysterious right because yeah that's it  Consumer Price Index that's another big part of   the fraud because certainly in America and I know  a lot more about the U.S CPI let's say than I do  

about cpis in other countries but my assumption is  that you know the politicians are being dishonest   everywhere because you know the inflation rate  it's like a report card and if our kids were   responsible for grading their own report cards it  wouldn't be as shocker if they came home with all   A's right so that this is the problem that we've  hired the government to grade its own you know   is its own Pro success you know in the economy  because High inflation would would be would be bad   um so the government again when they're measuring  inflation and they're looking at prices they're   looking at an effect they're not looking at  the thing itself but over the years governments   have changed the methodology for measuring  price increases so the CPI that we use today   is nothing like the one that we use say in the  1970s yeah that's exactly what I want to focus on   because so the CPI for everyone listing that's the  Consumer Price Index and it's in principle please   correct me if I've got any of this wrong it's the  average cost of something like a standard basket   of goods that's what a question then is which  Goods yeah okay so let's go into that it used to   be there was the basket didn't change they picked  a basket and they just measured the same basket   year after year and so you could see the changes  now the basket changes the politicians decide what   to put in the basket and when to take out and  generally they take out stuff that's gone up   and they put in stuff that hasn't gone up as  much there's all this substitution there's a   lot of other indexes that they use where they  have hedonics or it is CPI there's hedonics   and so what hedonics is is the statisticians who  compute the CPI they look at a product and they   don't use the actual price they subjectively  decide if they think that product got better   and if they think it got better they adjust  the price down now maybe it did get better   and a lot of times stuff gets worse and  they don't they don't adjust for that   um like let's say they're looking at airline  prices and they just look at the ticket price   and they say wait a minute but you're charged  extra for luggage you're charged extra for a   blanket you're charged extra for food oh you  know they just look at the price you know a lot   of quality has gone down and a lot of things  that hasn't been captured and you know I did   this exercise I did this a long time ago in 2013  and I made a YouTube video about it but I just   did this for kicks I looked at the CPI in 2013.  and according to the CPI over the prior 10 years   um the the price of newspapers and magazines had  gone up about 30 percent according to the CPI in   2013 magazines and newspapers were 30 percent  more expensive than they were in 2003. well I   decided to check because it's easy to do you know  you could just go on the internet and you could   see a picture of those magazines because they put  the price right on the cover so I took about 20 I   took like 20 of the most circulated newspapers and  magazines in the country and I just looked at what   the price was in 2003 and then I took the exact  same magazines and I looked at the price on the   cover and I just compared it over the the 10 years  and what I found was that the actual increase   in price wasn't 30 it was a hundred and thirty  percent so the question is where did that extra   100 go because you know that those are the prices  so obviously the CPI is rigged in such a way as to   have a a number it's not that people lie when they  calculate like they get a certain number and they   say oh no that's too high the methodology that is  used has been engineered to mask the real degree   to which prices are rising you also pointed to  something else that's a fundamental flaw if your   reasoning is correct which is that if inflation is  best construed as ratio of money to Goods merely   calculating inflation as a consequence of price  increase doesn't capture the essential element   of the inflation because that's a huge problem  too because let's say prices should have gone   down by three percent and instead they go up by  two percent that's five percent inflation in that   my cost of living is five percent higher than it  would have been um had you not had the inflation   and again if you think about inflation as a tax  when the government taxes you legitimately let's   say through a sales tax or an income tax whatever  the government takes your money money that you had   goes to the government and then the government  takes that money and gives it to somebody else   right you lose your money but when they tax you  through inflation they don't take any of your   money you get to keep your money but they print  new money and they give that money to somebody   else now when that's somebody else spends that  money that he didn't earn it drives up your prices   so now you pay more so the government didn't  take your money they took your purchasing power   so it's the same thing and you know another  thing about our CPI that they how they changed   is Once Upon a Time back in the 70s housing  prices were in the CPI and and so were rents   and and that's about a third of the CPI which is  shelter but somewhere along the way they decided   to use something called owner's equivalent  rent instead of actual rent or actual home   prices now what is owner's equivalent  rent well it's a fiction that they made   up that nobody actually pays apparently  uh the government calls people at random   and asks them if they own their home how much do  they think they could rent it for if they were to   rent it and they keep track of those numbers now  I don't know like you know who they're asking I   mean I've owned homes for a long time I've never  gotten a call from a government guy wanting to   know what I think I could rent my house for but if  you're not a landlord and you're not in the rental   market how the hell do you know what you could  rent in your house for it's such a ridiculous way   to try to measure the cost of Shelter by using  a number okay so let me okay so let me ask you   a question about that because I've really been  curious about that because it's obvious the K the   case in Canada in particular like housing and rent  prices have skyrocketed in the last eight years   and that's not reflected in the inflation  statistics and that seems to be a major oversight   at least according to one line of argumentation  because that's one-third of what people spend   their money on now you could argue this is where  it gets complicated as far as I can tell that   if what you've bought is an asset that generates  income and its value goes up that's actually not   a cost to you it's an advantage you already  made reference well only if you if you own the   asset yes if you own it if you want to buy it and  the price has gone up it's a disadvantage right   because now the assets that you want to buy  are more more costly right so does that imply   that a proper CPI that would include the cost of  shelter would be calculated on the basis of those   who want to buy rather than those who already  own yeah because I'm trying to figure out how   to measure inflation properly here right you're  very complicated problem if you already own a home   then the cost of buying another one is not as  important to you of course a lot of people that   own homes they may want to buy bigger homes as  their families grow and and so it would be but   for those people what's important are uh your  maintenance costs your insurance costs your   property taxes uh there are a lot of other factors  that would be significant to you if you don't own   if you're a renter then obviously rent is of  primary importance to you you're you're paying   rent there's all sorts of valid ways that the  government could measure shelter as a component   of the cost of living but in the United States  they don't choose any of those valid ways they   choose another way and they're doing that because  they want the number to be lower they don't want   to report High inflation and they even do this as  part of the GNP because when they deport report   GDP they don't even do GNP anymore it's GDP  now that they report gross domestic product   in order to get the number they have to deflate it  every there's a deflator which adjusts the GDP for   prices and the government always underestimates  that deflator so the GDP looks bigger than it   really is because in many cases economies are  actually Contracting in real terms but because   the government is dishonest in the way it reports  it it reports economic growth even though there   is no real growth it's inflation which creates  the illusion of growth that's another reason   that politicians like inflation and of course when  inflation drives up the stock market and the real   estate market people think they're richer right  because oh my house has gone way up my stock but   it hasn't gone up your money has gone down right  but people don't necessarily connect those dots   uh you know they they think they're they think  they're wealthier but also if you think about   as I said earlier inflation benefits debtors  it's a transfer of wealth from creditors to   debtors who are the biggest debtors in the world  governments and the biggest most highly indebted   government is the United States government we  have 32 trillion dollars of funded debt almost   and our unfunded liabilities commitments that have  been made where they didn't borrow the money but   they're on the hook like guaranteed student loans  or a guaranteed pensions Social Security Medicare   all that stuff that's like a hundred trillion  so when the government creates inflation they   repudiate enormous amounts of their debt and so  the governments have massive incentives to create   inflation but then they have massive incentives to  lie about it and pretend it's not as bad as it is   and blame other people which is the main reason  that they redefine inflation from the expansion   of the money supply to Rising prices because  when you know inflation is an expansion of the   money supply then you know who causes it it's the  government you can't blame greedy corporations for   it you can't blame Putin for it Putin doesn't  print our money we do the Federal Reserve does   and so when politicians can redefine inflation  they can they can blame everybody but themselves   okay so so let me ask you a kind of a modified  Ponzi scheme question because this is something   that's bedeviled me so I understand that so I  have two questions I understand that getting   the measurements of something as fundamental  as inflation correct is absolutely necessary   so one of the things I've wondered is like why  aren't there independent teams of economists who   generate various true estimates of inflation make  them public so that the public itself could gather   a basket of independent estimates and know for  themselves what the inflation rate is very curious   about that well they have one other well I mean  there's a website who's reliable who's reliable   yeah you know well I think the least  reliable would be the government   right yeah yeah you don't want their statistics  because they're completely biased right you know   it's like you know the mafia is not going to give  you accurate statistics on crime right so um you   got to look to Independent sources but um I think  it's kind of obvious though if you understand what   inflation is and you see the enormity I mean the  United States is running two trillion dollar a   year plus deficits now uh and technically we're  not even in a recession the deficits are going to   get even bigger uh when this next recession starts  but how are we financing those deficits it's it's   inflation there's just no other way they'll look  at the the Federal Reserves balance sheet so we   know that inflation is going to be a significant  threat it's going to reduce the value of money and   so that has to be the single most important factor  in driving your decisions on savings on investing   um you know and and even for in this day and  age if you don't have a lot of money to invest   you know I I've been saying this for years to  people I started talking about it several years   ago people have to stock up on things you know  you know buy things that you're going to use in   a year or two buy it now because it's going to be  a lot more expensive if you wait why hold on to   the cash if the cash is going to lose value  uh just buy the things that you're actually   going to need because those things will retain  their value if you're planning on using them   so here's the Ponzi scheme question so because  of the efficiencies of the capitalist system   free market system let's say we are generally able  to produce more for less and in some instances we   seem to be doing that faster and faster so  consumer electronics are a good example and   price of computation and so forth and so what  that means is that independent of inflation   because of technological progress things will get  cheaper in the future the future will be richer   than the present so then you might say if you're  a politician you say well if that's the case and   if that's invariably the the case then why not  defer our debt to the Future like essentially   why not borrow from the future because the  future is going to be wealthier than the   present and then I wonder like if we had a three  percent increment in actual productivity per year   then maybe we could tolerate a two percent  inflation rate because fundamentally   the tendency for things to get cheaper because of  enhanced productivity would be balanced by that   inflationary proclivity so are the politicians  could you make a case that the politicians are   making a good bet because they're throwing the  debt into the future when we're going to be   richer no well they they are making a politically  opportunistic decision yeah fair enough because   they're they're telling the voters hey don't worry  about it your grandkids will pay for it right or   whatever uh and and right of course not all voters  have kids right some voters you know don't have   kids and so what do they care if somebody else's  grandchildren uh pay for their for their program   but the only time you could justify borrowing from  the future is if you are creating something that   future uh people will benefit from let's say  a capital investment let's say the government   is going to build a bridge and that bridge is  going to be there for 100 years right uh and   and people who aren't even born yet are going  to benefit from that bridge okay maybe they can   sell bonds to finance the construction of that  bridge that future people will end up paying   because they're going to have the benefit  of that bridge so you can make an argument   for debt to support that but if we're going to  borrow money just to pay for welfare benefits or   Social Security benefits where we're leaving our  children and grandchildren with nothing but a bill   right they don't have a bridge or a capital asset  uh the money's been spent I see so your argument   basically is is that if you're borrowing from  the future isn't designed specifically to drive   productivity let's say then it's a degenerating  bet yeah I don't think it's borrowing from the   future I think it's stealing from the future  you're trying yeah okay fair enough and and   yeah but you know a lot of this stuff is going to  backfire because I think the current generation   is going to pay for a lot of this stuff because  the dollar is going to collapse you know we could   have hyperinflation and and because the future  Generations are not going to pay this they're   you know they're they're they're going to leave  that you know they'll leave the countries that   because they're not going to want to be subjected  to the confiscatory tax rates when they can't get   commensurate benefits from government they're  going to leave uh the the currency is going   to collapse in value and we're already there I  mean we're already at that point because you're   talking about this intergenerational Ponzi  scheme that's really what Social Security is   I mean it wasn't created that way in the 1930s  when Roosevelt uh first uh concocted this social   security and it was totally unconstitutional and  unfortunate that that we haven't but the idea was   that it was like Insurance the government was  going to take the money and invest it and then   when everybody was older you would get paid  your benefits and they even called the taxes   premiums but the whole thing was a con because it  never was Insurance because the government never   invested the money they spent the money and now  they gave themselves an IOU they created these   things called trust funds and so what would happen  is the government would collect the money from   Social Security then they would take the Social  Security money and spend it on whatever military   or whatever they're doing but then they would  put an IOU in the government trust fund in the   form of a bond and then they would say oh we have  an asset in this trust fund we have a bond that's   not an asset it's it's your own debt it's like  if I write myself a check for a million dollars   I can't take that uncashed check and claim I've  got a million dollar asset no I mean it's also a   million dollar liability so there never was any  money in Social Security they spent it all their   the system is broke and now they have to keep  raising taxes on the workers but now they won't   even raise taxes on the workers so they just keep  they create inflation to pay for Social Security we'll be right back first we wanted to give you   a sneak peek at Jordan's new  documentary logos and literacy I was very much struck by how the translation  of the biblical writings jump started the   development of literacy across the entire  world illiteracy was the norm the pastor's   home was the first school and every morning  into a begin with singing the Christian faith   is a singing religion probably 80 percent  of scripture memorization today exists only   because of what is sung this is amazing here  we have a Gutenberg Bible printed on the Press   of Johan goodberg science and religion are  opposing forces in the world but historically   that has not been the case now the book is  available to everyone from Shakespeare to   modern education and medicine and science to to  civilization itself it is the most influential   book in all history and hopefully people  can walk away with at least a sense of that okay so let me let me offer another Rosy scenario  sort of like the boring from the future scenario   so I've been thinking about this issue of fiat  currency and the fact that the currency is on   moored but we have a situation in the world  now where every currency is unmoored right   and so you might say no matter what form  of money you use you're making a bad bet   you're relying on something unreliable but if  you're going to rely on something unreliable   you should rely on the least unreliable currency   right and so then you might say well the least  unreliable currency becomes by default the   standard and the US has managed that for 50 years  60 years and so why isn't it the case because you   said for example well people who are subject to  unfair tax because of future deferral of debt   will leave but I could say yeah but there won't be  anywhere better to go I know there will be and so   the the whole world doesn't doesn't you know there  have those tax rates of a certain country you know   um Saddles it's yeah future generations with  too big a debt burden um those you know that   they could leave and go to a country that doesn't  have that demographic problem that big um of a   dead burden and and and and of course so you think  there'll still be enough call even if everyone's   on fiat currency and if all the currencies  are corrupt you still think there'll be enough   variability oh yeah corruption so that people  will vote with their feet like they are in the   U.S moving from correct Democrats correct Republic  and states and the idea that you know it's the you   have to settle for the least bad uh currency and  again currency isn't even really money money is   a commodity gold was money silver you know it  would be money uh legitimate currency which is   backed by real money is currency what we have now  is fiat currency and and both fiat currency and   and legitimate currency are substitutes for money  they're not actual money but they substitute and   they can function as money but they're not really  money in the real sense of how you define money as   the most marketable commodity which is would be  money but people have been saying well you know   the dollar is the cleanest shirt in the hamper  and but I I think the dollar only appears clean   because of its status as the reserve currency and  I think that status is in Jeopardy and when it's   lost then the dollar is going to be the the by far  the dirtiest shirt in in in in that hamper so so   and okay so two questions from that so first  of all maybe you could walk everybody through   why the government is the biggest debtor because  people aren't really clear even for example about   the difference between the deficit and the debt  and they don't know what the debt means to them   in real terms because it's always expressed in  these huge numbers like 132 trillion it's like   no one knows what that means but they could  figure that out if they knew how much of that   debt they were responsible for or their family  so you've got you've got two first of all why is   the government the big debtor well you've got the  national debt which is the accumulation of every   Year's budget deficit and then you've got the the  annual budget deficit which adds to the total debt   um but what I'm talking about creditors versus  debtors Nations can either be a creditor Nation   or a debtor Nation a creditor nation is a nation  in which the world owes it money more money that   it owes the world a debtor Nation owes the  world more than it's owed so prior to the   US going off the gold standard in 1971 and in  fact all the way up to probably the early 1980s   the United States was the world's biggest creditor  Nation right we we generated tremendous amounts   of wealth um under a Freer economy than the  one we have today and one that was governed   by the disciplines of a gold standard so we  became the world's wealthiest creditor Nation   today after 50 years of Fiat money America  is not only the world's biggest debtor Nation   America owes more money than all the  other debtor nations of the world combined   right that's how uh much our financial position  has eroded now when the dollar became the reserve   currency it became the reserve currency because  of America's Financial and Industrial might we   were the world's biggest creditor Nation we also  had huge trade surpluses now we have massive trade   deficits I mean over a trillion dollars a year  but when the dollar became the reserve currency   we made everything you know all the Consumer  Electronics that are now made in Japan or Korea   or China all that stuff was made in America I mean  if you wanted anything we made it in this country   in America and so since everybody wanted American  Products everybody needed American dollars to buy   them and the American dollar was as good as gold  because if you had dollars you had gold if you   had 35 dollars you could get an ounce of gold  from the government it was convertible and so   under those conditions the US dollar became the  reserve currency but today the the dollar would   never be the reserve currency today if it wasn't  already there right nobody would pick the dollar   given our financial position our trade-in  balances but you know it's been the reserve   currency because you know for the tradition of  the fact that it's been but in order for the world   to to maintain this status it's very expensive for  the world it's a huge benefit for America I said   we have a trillion dollar a year trade deficit  that means the world has to supply America with   a million dollars worth of merchandise for which  it doesn't get paid right it doesn't it doesn't   get products you know most countries in order to  export have to I mean in order to import have to   export you have to export something in order  to pay for your Imports well we don't have to   export anything we just print money and Export  that well that costs nothing but the rest of the   world has to produce real stuff and and use  resources land labor and capital to produce   products so Americans get to live beyond their  means because of the dollar status but the rest   of the world collectively lives beneath its means  and of course it's not um uh consistent because   some countries uh have to live even further below  their means depending on how big a trade Surplus   they have with the United States that's how much  they're subsidizing the US economy so a lot of the   Emerging Markets uh bearing even uh bigger uh uh  uh burden of preserving the dollar status and and   so I think the world is starting to move away from  the dollar not only because of the economic cost   of maintaining it but now we have raised the  political risks if you look at what the Biden   Administration did with Russia the unprecedented  sanctions on Russia this has really highlighted   the tremendous risk that every Sovereign  Nation assumes by being beholden to the dollar   because it puts tremendous power in the hands of  the United States it's like putting a noose around   your neck and then throwing throwing it over a  tree to America who's holding the other end then   you're hoping that they don't pull I mean nobody  wants to really be in that position especially if   you're a country like China where you know we've  kind of made China our enemy but in reality China   provides America with the largest annual subsidy  they're our biggest uh uh uh trade deficit is with   China so they Supply us with more merchandise than  anybody else and they're our largest creditor now   some people say it's Japan uh but no it's actually  China because you have to take Hong Kong because   Hong Kong is part of China so if you take all the  treasuries that Hong Kong owns and the treasuries   that China owns that's more than Japan so they're  our biggest Banker they Supply us with credit they   Supply us with merchandise right that's all going  to end right China is going to wean itself of that   okay so well so let's let's go after that so you  said and let me see if I got the reasons right   you said well the American dollar could stand as  the um fundamental currency because it had come   off the gold standard but had still benefited from  that it was extraordinarily productive it ran huge   trade surpluses it was a dynamic expanding rich  country with a very stable currency so it could   run on that for a long time and and you said  however now if people looked at the American   economic situation the American dollar without  that historical context there's no way the US   dollar would be the reserve currency but then  we're back to the dirty shirt in hamper problem   and I know the Russians and the and the Chinese  and the Brazilians Etc are wrestling with that   they're trying to move people away to some degree  from the dollar as a reserve currency but like   nobody in the right mind is going to trust the  Chinese currency so where so where do people   go if it's not the American dollar that's going  to be the standard for all the reasons you laid   out well you know the Euro doesn't look better  really and certainly you have to be insane to   use Chinese currency I think see that that is  the false choice that everybody thinks we have   to make one of the reasons that people are  so arrogant particularly in America that the   dollar status is not in jeopardy and so that we  can keep on running these huge deficits we can   create keep on creating inflation and the world's  got no choice right but the state with a dollar   because are they going to go to the euro are they  going to go to the Yen you know the pound I mean   they're winning B I agree all of those currencies  also have problems and so do you really want to   switch from one flawed fiat currency to another  even if those other Fiat currencies may be less   flawed than the dollar right do you really  want to make that shift I don't think that   that's what's going to happen what everybody  is missing is that there is an alternative   to the dollar that doesn't involve another fiat  currency and that's gold that is real money   everybody forgets that for thousands of years gold  was money it was money because it worked now over   the course of time we had paper currencies that  would arise and fall I mean hundreds of years ago   they were paper currencies that are now worthless  and you don't even know their names you know they   come and go but gold has has stayed you know  gold works as money and so I think what these   central banks are going to do is as they get out  of dollars they will just increase their Holdings   of gold gold will be the monetary anchor gold will  be the reserve monetary asset just the way it was   before the dollar it wasn't the British pound I  mean the British pound was a dominant currency but   gold was what everybody owned the British back the  pound do you see any do you see any evidence that   some of these alternate currencies are starting  to back their currency claims with gold oh yeah   you can what's happening on the central banks are  now buying more gold than they've bought in in in   decades especially a lot of the uh you know the  Emerging Market countries not even maybe so much   the United States isn't buying any gold and maybe  you know some of the more mature uh countries but   a lot of other countries that had predominantly  held dollars and then to a lower degree Euros or   Yen or pounds these countries are increasingly  buying gold that's why gold is at a record high   it goes around two thousand dollars an ounce but  in terms of just about every other currency on   the planet gold has been hitting all-time record  highs uh and again that's not really gold going up   that's all these Fiat currencies going down but  what are the reasons that countries would want   gold as opposed to the dollar is the US government  doesn't have any control over it you know gold is   an asset that's not also somebody else's liability  and nobody could create it you have to mine it no   one country you know has the advantage so  you know why would you want to take away   uh that that privilege that the United States has  and just bestow it on somebody else who is going   to abuse it the same way I mean the United States  abused that privilege that we had and we we we   exported all this inflation to the world we took  advantage of the this the position that we were   in uh so why would you want to put another nation  in in a position to similarly take advantage of   the world it's much better to go back to to  honest money and again even when we were on   Bretton Woods before you know 1971 and we were on  the dollar standard it was because the dollar was   backed by gold again if you held dollars you held  gold that's where the saying came from the dollar   is as good as gold in fact the legal definition  of a dollar is a is a weight of gold that's what   a dollar is dollars are gold the the the paper  currency that circulated Federal Reserve notes   are not dollars they are notes of the Federal  Reserve initially the those Federal Reserve notes   were payable in dollars the dollars were the gold  that the Federal Reserve notes paid because if you   think about what a note is a note is a promise to  pay something a Federal Reserve Note is supposed   to pay something well what did it pay it paid gold  it paid dollars today Federal Reserve notes pay   nothing their ious nothing the Federal Reserve  is not obligated to give you anything I mean   if you have a ten dollar bill okay so people  people might object and they and they have   that well gold is just another arbitrary standard  of value it has some intrinsic worth it's useful   for jewelry it's useful for certain industrial  applications but it's just another psychologically   valuable currency without any intrinsic value  and so it shouldn't be a repository of value in   principle that's any more stable than let's say a  well-managed or even a badly managed fiat currency   and so what do you what do you why is it that  gold has proved itself let's say over centuries   or Millennia as a storehouse of value what is it  about gold intrinsically let's say that seems to   have given it that edge the idea that gold doesn't  have any intrinsic value is just pure nonsense   it's obviously politicians have a vested interest  in in trying to diminish gold as a monetary   alternative to the Fiat system and even now you  have a lot out of cryptocurrency enthusiasts   who say the same thing well you know gold has no  value because they want to justify something like   Bitcoin which also has no value and say well gold  worked as money and it has no value so so Bitcoin   could work well it's not true that gold has no  value gold is the most valuable the most useful   metal on the periodic table gold became money  because it was such a valuable commodity but gold   has a lot of properties that make it uniquely  qualified to be money more so than than other   Commodities that's why gold was so successful over  the centuries as money because people preferred to   use it as money it wasn't governments that decided  gold is going to be money the people decided that   gold was going to be money and once the people  decided that gold was going to be money if you   were a king you know well you would tax people in  Gold because if you wanted to pay your soldiers   to protect you your soldiers wanted gold right  so it was the money created in the free market   and it beat out all other forms of money because  gold you know a gold coin uh all they're all all   the same you could melt gold down and you can make  it into coins uh it's fungible it's portable it's   divisible but the other aspect of goal that is  the key you can save gold because if I have an   ounce of gold in 100 years in a thousand years  it's exactly the same it doesn't lose any of its   properties and in fact even if I take my gold and  I make you know I make a ring out of it or I I use   it to make a watch right you can melt this ring  down and you get your gold back and it's exactly   the way it was you could do something else with it  there's really no other metal you can keep using   it over and over and over again I mean they fill  teeth with gold if you find somebody buried in   the ground you know you could take their fillings  and you know the Gold's still there you know there   treasure ships from the 1400s 1500s they sink if  they recover the wreckage the only thing that's   still there is the goal it's an it looks exactly  the way it looked when the sink when the ship sank   500 years ago so from a point of savings because  money has to satisfy three primary conditions   two of them are a unit of account an immediate  exchange but the third one is the store of value   and that's important because it's also makes it  possible to do loans that I can borrow money you   can lend money and you can be repaid and you know  that the money that you're going to get repaid is   going to retain its value and so that's something  that gold that gold does better than than other   metals but the the value of gold even if I'm  not using my gold today as a metal let's say   I have gold stored in a safe and you say well you  know you're not using it for anything that's true   but I'm preserving the future use of that gold  somebody in the future is going to need that gold   and so I'm storing it right now because you know  there are more uses for gold that are discovered   all the time because of its very unique properties  I'm sure in a hundred years or a thousand years   there will be more uses for gold than there  are now and and so okay so let me where are   they push you on the crypto front for a second  so so you know I've been contemplating permanent   storage storehouses of value concerned about  such phenomenon that we've been discussing   as inflation and potentially hyperinflation Which  is far from rare even among developed countries I   think you have a one percent chance if you live in  a developed country of uh hyperinflation incident   at some point in your life it's something like  that but anyways the cryptocurrency people and   I think the Bitcoin people have made this case the  best is that they've managed to duplicate gold in   its important elements in that they've produced  a storehouse of value that can't be corrupted   because it's blockchained and distributed and  that's a nice argument that also gets more   scarce with time which was quite the brilliant  um technological innovation that requires work to   obtain and so that's the Bitcoin mining but  that is also easily distributable digitally and   so it's out of the hands of governments it's  a


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