Information Technology and General Services Committee - 2/3/2022 10 00 AM

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february 3rd 2022 um so far i'm joined today by my colleague councilmember blumenfield and we're waiting on councilmember price who should be with us in a moment um mr espinoza in the meantime do you mind calling the role thank you madam chair councilmember rahman here council member blue midfield and council member price and council member price is currently absent so that's two members in a quorum great thank you sir um today i want to just quickly run through the agenda there's there are a lot of items on the agenda but i think a lot of them are fairly straightforward um we have eight items item one is a motion relative to negotiating a purchase and sale agreement with the owners of property located in council district two at five one one four linkership boulevard item two is a cao report about a contract that i believe we've heard about in this committee before which is a contract with ltch network services for voice and data com services for the entire city um for i think city buildings city city offices item three is a city attorney report an ordinance about a private line franchise to lawa to install a facility in the public right-of-way that will connect buildings located at 9160 south loyola boulevard item four is a motion it's count it's yours council member bloomfield about um identifying some parameters for a lot to accommodate temporary storage of unclaimed or salvaged oversized vehicles from police garages item 5 is a motion relative to negotiating a no-cost non-profit lease agreement at the california children's academy for city owned property located at 2418 manitou avenue for the operation of a child care center and item 6 is the same but the location is at 233 breed street item 7 is a motion related to developing site plans and a budget for reconfiguring two lots in the civic center before an affordable housing project starts construction and the last item is a motion uh about executing a loose with mothers in action for a property located at west 50th street in crenshaw boulevard and that's for replacement parking for the small businesses that are impacted by the new crenshaw lax light rail line i at this time i want to take public comment on all items on the agenda speakers are going to have a minute if they're speaking on one item two if they're speaking on multiple items and a minute for general public comment and mr espinoza if you want to provide the instructions for any members of the public to join and participate in the meeting at this time i think that would be great i also wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge that we have council member price who's joined the meeting good morning sir good morning thank you council uh members of the public would like to offer public comment on the items listed on the agenda should call 1-669-254-5252 and use meeting id number 161-892-0108 and then press pound press pound again when prompted for a participant id once admitted into the meeting press star 9 to request to speak thank you starting with the first caller color with the last digits five four one seven please press oh okay hi please say your name and the items you wish to speak on you're ready yeah we can hear you can you please take your name yeah this is james um i i'm i want to speak on public comment okay so general comment uh we have one minute please begin okay um i'm concerned about these um powers that they're putting on the um on the telephone poles they're putting up these um i guess they're cell phone towers on the um existing telephone poles and if those wood holes fall on the ground what is going to happen i don't know how that's going to affect us um or the environment for that matter and that's all i wanted to say thank you thank you college please select star nine if you wish to speak okay there are no more college in the cube councilwoman okay thank you so much so um as i mentioned earlier uh there are a number of items on the agenda but i think there's an uh a few that we can take on consent i'm gonna recommend that we take items three through six and item eight on consent unless there are any objections nope okay great mr espinoza can you please call the role on these items thank you councilmember rahman yes councilmember blue midfield i'm going to feel that and accounts member price hi these items are approved um with three votes yes okay great thank you very much so let's move on to item one uh about the negotiation of the agreement uh on on at the property at five one one for lancashire boulevard um mr espinoza could you read the item into the record please thank you item number one is a motion from council members krakorian and o'farrell relative to negotiating a purchase and sale agreement with the owners of the real property located at 5114 lankerson boulevard um and i know we have matt hale here from um council district 2 in case there are any questions but and but before we open up the floor for any questions if there are any i want to note that i'd like to make a small revision to the motions recommendations to give gsd the authority to not only negotiate a purchase and sale agreement but also if appropriate to negotiate a lease agreement and i think this is really just designed so that the orders coming or the the recommendations coming out of this committee enable gsd the ability to move faster on this site than than they would if they needed to come back for a discussion around a lease agreement so i think the change in the language would be i recommend revising this to say revising the recommendations to say we instruct gst to negotiate and execute a lease agreement or a purchase and sale agreement and to instruct the cio with assistance from gsd to identify and recommend potential sources of funds for this transaction and to include this information in gsd's report if uh if there are any questions from other members about this change um i wanted to provide you the opportunity to ask those at this time nope i don't have any questions about the change i'm just curious because i i was working on a theater in my district where is the money coming from for this theater is it um just straight budget or is it is it from a different source matt are you here to provide some guidance from this and and if he's not that small i don't need to know the answer i was just curious um the the item is fine for me i actually don't see him here i thought he was we had discussed this with council district 2 staff and i thought he would be here but maybe i had misunderstood um i believe that the recommendation includes a request to find potential sources of funds so maybe when the report comes back we can have an answer to that question right i mean i'm all for for beefing up our cultural affairs we got we had a theater in my district we had to use some cra excess bond money to get it and and supplemented that with other stuff so i was just curious but i can figure that offline i'm fine with this item on consent yeah we'll have to we'll have to call the rule because we made a change to it yes okay um and council member price i'm assuming you're all right with the change uh and uh mr espinoza could you please call the roll thank you councilmember rahman yes council member blue midfield i and councilmember price all right this item is approved as amended great okay uh let's move on to item two this is a cia report for el tech for the contract with ltch network services um mr espinoza can you read the item into the record please thank you item number two is a report from the city administrative officer relative to a contract with ltch network services in company incorporated for citywide voice and data communication services great and today we have i believe we have maria ramos here from the cio to give us a brief overview of this contract is that right maria i'm here yes hi yes okay i'm turning the floor over to you uh maria ramos with the office of the cio so before you is a report with the information technology agency is requesting authority to execute a contract with ltch network services inc and this is for citywide voice and data communication services the term of the proposed contract is going to be five years through december 31st 2026 and the total compensation amount is 15 million dollars um ita has employed contracts uh contractors excuse me on an as-needed basis in order to ensure that these communications are not interrupted longer than uh is necessary so this is a backup basically two city workers this contract is needed due to the reduction of staff and ita due to the separation incentive program in february of 2021 ita released a request for proposals for these services and they did receive three proposals by the deadline in june and they were evaluated by a committee of three representatives from ita the committee and ita recommend awarding this contract to ltch based on the evaluation of those proposals funding for the proposed contract is available in ita's budget within their communication services account i believe we do have staff here from ita as well as myself who are available to answer any questions that you may have great thank you for that report ita staff if you are here did you want to say anything additional at this time okay well let's see thank you um sir council member ron i'm sorry about that from ita um so we've had this contract not only to uh to augment the staffing in ita specifically for big projects that are coming in our way for communication services for example we have our infrastructure infrastructure upgrades that are going in the mountain tops right now for our radio sites and we have also have our fiber upgrades that are happening right now connecting all city main city buildings for our data communications so this contract actually augment those our city employee our staff that is in the communication group to complete the project on time okay great and i believe this is we've heard this we had a conversation about this contract earlier um i believe and uh now we're coming back to discuss i wanted to open up the floor uh for questions councilmember price thank you madam chair um i'm excited about this contract obviously something we talked about before has some great implications but just a couple questions uh why was five years the agreed to uh term of this of this contract uh is it to help with staffing needs do you think this amount of time is necessary how do we get to five years um so the previous contract that we had for the same services fair was for three years and we've experienced that we have been extending the contract annually for the past um you know to include to extend it all the way up to five years um they see we in consultation with the city attorney it saves that time and um on our end for the contracting process because we we were left with two off of our four that we used to do the who used to do contracts in the department so we consulted with the city attorney if there's any way we can extend it and you know put the contract forward before you guys for approval instead of just the original three contracts so five to to save some staff time on our side the city attorney's side your staff your time and then the bao time in the approval process of the contract i believe just gives a little more elbow room if it's needed if it's necessary and what's the health tech's history of diversity is that part of our rfp rfq what's their history with their track record on that um maggie from my contracts team can probably answer that for you sir hi i'm maggie mcnally ita uh so uh l tech is a minority owned business enterprise that's been certified and also as a disadvantaged business enterprise um however we aren't able to directly directly affects the diversity of contractors directly but this contract shows that the numerous outreach programs disadvantaged groups are having an effect i'm sorry i didn't understand the last you said you kind of broke up what did you say oh i'm sorry um because this is this contract was awarded to a disadvantaged firm um in a minority owned firm it um shows that our the various outreach programs by the city are having an effect on increasing the diversity of our contractors so the diversity meaning what it was uh albanian alaskan or what i don't have that information exactly can you provide that to us in terms of the actual we we can look into that for you and and provide you with a report for the on that counselor and and then finally uh will the city have to appropriate money for this contract at the conclusion of this fiscal year i've seen the report there's currently three million dollars set aside how does how's that come into play um so tita zara again for what happens is it usually the funding for this we have a little bit of money in our communication services account based for to for this contract if there is a big project for example the fiber network upgrade that is happening in the radio sites upgrade we include a request so a money in there in the budget includes something in the budget request to include any contracting funding that is needed for the project completion so it's basically funding per project depending on what budget is given to us and what's the value of this contract over the term maggie sorry i'm meeting myself um so this is maggie mcnally again uh the total value of this contract is 15 million over the five-year term all right thank you ma'am chair well i have it this time okay thank you and i believe the last time we discussed this item we also talked about kind of the implications of short-term versus long-term planning around these issues um the separation incentive program leading to then a crunch of talent in ita which then requires us to contract out for perhaps what would have been the same number of dollars that we were spending on those staff members and so i do want to underscore that again as we think about heading into potential economic crises in the future that this is a moment where i think we could draw a lesson and learn from how the city plans for staffing around these issues and and and just that's mostly a note to myself but uh but i do think it's it's a it's it's something that is worth talking about and thinking about um councilmember bloomfield i don't know whether you had any additional questions no great thank you okay i think i want to recommend here that we approve the cio's recommendations for this contract uh and mr espinoza could you please call the roll on this item thank you madam chair council member brahman you're on mute sir ah caught me council member ramen yes council member bloomfield aye and counci member price hi three eyes and this item is approved great let's move on to item seven uh mr espinoza can you read the item into the record please thank you item number seven is a motion from council members de leon and ramen relative to developing site plans for a budget needed to reconfigure lot 2 and lot 7 in the civic center prior to the beginning of this construction of the little tokyo service center affordable housing project um i want to make a couple of technical revisions to this motion um i think it's in re just to clarify some of the recommendations and uh to make sure that we are including in this um request around funding future funding so the motion will now the recommendations will now read instruct boe and gsd to develop a site plan and project budget for the redesign of lots 2 and 7 in order to ensure their continued usability instruct the cio to identify funding that can be allocated to this project in the current fiscal year and see requests that the mayor include any other funding needed for this project in his 2022-23 proposed budget uh are there any questions on this item and any of the changes that uh we were making to the recommendations good no okay great um mr espinoza can you please call the roll on this item with the the uh revised recommendations please thank you madam chair councilmember rahman yes council member blumenfield feel that and councilmember price bye this item is approved as amended right uh mr espinoza anything else pending before the committee at this time no madam chair the desk is clear okay great that was a very efficient meeting thank you all for coming and your participation uh and this meeting is adjourned thanks a lot take care bye


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