Deepin 20 2 2 Full Detailed Review - The Good The Scary & the Great

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hey everyone it's jack and today  i want to talk about deepen   deepen from deepen technologies deep in desktop  is a really pretty amazing desktop and i kind of   like to explore it a little bit more in depth  with real hardware this won't be a virtual   box install this will actually be on real  hardware and i thought this would be really   interesting because now deep in 20.2.2 is out  i'm out here at the website right now but first next jack will try gen 2 install lol ah mustafa  yes that's a good one but gotta tell you   dt beat me to it over at distrotube  i was just about to do a gen 2 video   and he jumped in and got me that's right  jackie quack i beat you to it in your face oh yeah well at least i'm not  an alien duplicate like you   what what oh great you just had to bring that  up didn't you you just had to remind me why why works every time but seriously you have  to check out dt's video it's really good   he did a great job doing the gen 2  explanation on installing it and all that   really if you want to install it great video  totally worth the watch there i even left a   link down in the description below just for your  convenience in case you're watching this a year   from now and you have no idea what i'm talking  about if you've got a lot of time on your hands   maybe you're just starting a 30-year stretch in  leavenworth prison and you don't know what to do   or you might have a government contract where  you're getting paid by the hour that would be   another perfect opportunity to use gentoo so if  you got lots of time go try out gen 2 and enjoy   all right that's my response so anyways back to  deepen this is about a two gig iso i believe so   i'm gonna go ahead and download this and then  we're gonna install it on hardware and see how   it goes really looking forward to trying this and  seeing what it's like see you after the download   okay we are now inside the live environment and  so here we're at our deepen desktop and in case   you're wondering how i got in the live environment  because when you boot to the iso you'll get into   the what you call it the dos like the terminal  installer and you don't actually go into the live   desktop so what i did was i kind of went in the  laziest way possible after i got to the installer   i just pressed ctrl alt f2 and that put me into  another terminal and then i just typed in startx   and after i did that i just waited a minute  or so and then here i am in the live desktop   so that's how i got here just in case you're  curious so this is looking nice this is a   live environment it looks like we got a welcome  screen here that's probably a video i suppose nice sounds kind of like the intro very smooth and polished i like it wow   almost has a 3d effect there and a little  bit of a quick video tour that is really cool   and there's our toolbar lightning smooth i  mean light smooth wow so that's very cool   uh i guess that could just keep going on for  days so let's head next and see what we got so   here it's giving us a little tour of our desktop  modes we can choose between fashion and efficient   might as well go with a fashion that's kind of the  more modern and then we have effect mode in normal   mode effect mode is going to use more resources  as opposed to normal mode but in effect mode   you get those cool effects and so forth so that's  typically the price you pay for some transparency   and some other cool things and then your normal  mode of course which is where it is set right   now by default and it's also reminding us that  we can just change it in the control center   under personalization great and right now by  default we're set at bloom so if we wanted to   change it we could do that right here but i think  bloom is good so i'm going to stay with that   let's go with the done oh looks like we're  starting off with a pretty clean desktop here   nice we have our other settings and stuff here on  the side nice so let's jump up to our installer   and let's give this a quick install and see how  it goes ah and there's our taskbar down below so   once i launched the installer we got it showing up  down here nice we got our browser our file manager   app store album wow i'm looking forward to  exploring this let's run through the installer   by default chinese is the default language and  then we'll just switch to english here and i have   read and agreed to the end user license agreement  why don't we take a quick look at this real quick   and here it is yeah this is different  than a lot of distros you got to   agree to the user agreement here interesting and  so we go down here and blah blah blah blah blah   i agree to sell my firstborn to the  chinese government all that good stuff   oh number 12 here is particularly interesting  check this out this ula is published in simplified   chinese and english no matter which language  version you read the simplified chinese version   shall prevail so that means the english version  isn't worth crap suppose the chinese version says   we have the right to take all your information  that you have on there even if it's your private   bank account numbers social security and all  that other good stuff and you can't do a thing   about it too bad but the english version says no  we would never do anything like that we respect   your privacy and your valuables so no we're  good then i guess if you made us think about   it they could say well we told you the chinese  version prevailed right not the english so there uh yes seriously though i'm pretty confident that  the english version probably exactly parallels   the chinese version there's probably some other  meaning to that that i don't know uh it's hard   to say though but don't know what to think about  that i guess if i was just a tad more paranoid   i'd probably turn around right now and  leave however i'm not that overly paranoid   and i think if there was a problem with that  there's so many out there that somebody would   have spotted it by now so yeah i think we're good  there but i just had to throw that in there and do   a rant and with that i guess i'll hit the back  button and then i'll say okay i trust you guys and then we'll hit next so here we can create our  petitions or just go with a full disk if you just   have a full empty disk that you just want to go  over or if you're in virtual of course i just   stick with full disk there and you're good so now  it's going to go ahead and it's going to delete   all these partitions with all my gold on it and so  let's continue i'm ready to take one for the team   all right now it's starting to install so we  are at our install and we are at zero percent   and it'll probably hang at five for a little  bit well it unzips the image and then it's   gonna zoom right up it should only take maybe  five minutes or so to install this and after   the install is complete i'll be right back and  we'll continue all right the install is complete   cool so i'm gonna go ahead and reboot  okay and here we are at our login screen   impressive right off the bat so i'm  going to go ahead and log in here and here we are wow what an  impressive looking desktop   already nice that was one of the first  things that really impressed me was how   great the desktop looked i'm just going to  scooch down here a little bit real quick there we go just for symmetry i had booted  in a little bit earlier and installed   inkscape so that looks good too and the  overall look here is just totally outstanding   here we have our bottom toolbar our taskbar which   looks great here we got our show desktop our  menu of course or launcher as they put it and   as you can see it's got the horizontal flow to it  just like you have in gnome 40. i'm liking that   this toolbar looks great and over here we have  our launcher and when i hit that there's our menu   and so by default the menu is in a  smaller mode but there's two sizes here   this is kind of the more traditional looking  menu with the categories over here on the side   and favorites and so forth so that's pretty nice  i like that then if you go over here this will   expand it into a full-size screen then you can see  everything all at once which is really cool and it   has a horizontal scroll to it that's another thing  that's kind of cool very nice and i'm just rolling   my mouse wheel right now to get that scroll in  there and then up here we got our categories   if i hit that then we can look at it by  categories and again it can scroll over   if you just drag it with your mouse or you can  come up here and click on the categories right   now we're in the networking internet category  here we have browser mail and a downloader nice   and then here we have our music clients which it  looks like it's using deep in music player i think   pretty interesting and i've never used that  before i'm just going to go ahead and exit there   and then if we pop down here and ah check  that out it's showing where i left off that's   really impressive typically that doesn't  happen with a menu even when i was doing my   recent review of gnome and going into the menu all  the time every time i got into the launcher area   i'd have to go back to where i was because it  would always restart back at the beginning and   i'd have to go and scroll back through to where  i was but this one takes you right there where   you left off i really like that i'm not sure  i've seen that really in any other distro at   least not that i can think of off the top  of my head so that's something that really   stands out and i like that that's good to know  voice notes camera very good so i really like   that so if i were to launch inkscape for  example and inkscape is something that i   installed just before the video because there  was something i noticed in the software center   so inkscape is open that's cool and groovy and so  if i were to close this go back into my launcher   i'm still in the category i was in so if i wanted  to launch something else that was related to image   i'm just right here really convenient  since i'm on the subject of inkscape   when i installed it i was in the  app store here and so i installed it   through the app store typically i like using the  terminal to install using in this case apt install   however there was something i noticed here this is  a software center which is really nice looking it   does have chinese over here in the menu so that's  something that i guess they haven't really gotten   worked out yet for the english-speaking  side of the world but no real big deal   we got the universal icons here so i can still  tell what these categories are related to anyway   well that's okay and then of course we got our  search so when i installed escape i just got   up here in the search bar here and then  did a search for inkscape without the r   and here we are and here it's showing you can  open it because it's already installed however   if i click on it i can see the details here which  is really nice and the ratings so that's all very   cool but one thing i didn't notice though is i was  thinking to myself suppose i didn't want inkscape   anymore and i wanted to get rid of it i don't  see any remove option here only open so that's   a little weird i'm not really quite sure from the  software center at least it's not obvious anyway   how you would remove this other than using  the terminal yeah kind of strange opens my   only option and i'm assuming it's going to open  if i hit it which it does and in our burger menu   we just got our settings checked for update so  yeah really nothing nothing there to remove it   so i would say that to remove it you  still need to go into the terminal   to me that's no big deal but i just thought  i'd point that out because i noticed that   so if i didn't want to remove it i  suppose i could just come up here and   type terminal and then just open that  baby up and do a pseudo apt remove escape and there we go easy peasy i believe   oh maybe not so easy peasy it says that inkscape  is not installed because i didn't install it   using the terminal apparently apt-get so yeah i'm  i'm thinking that once you install it using the   app store that you probably have it forever unless  you can do it from here in the menu let's try that   we have removed from desktop uninstall there we  go okay that's the key uninstall so if you install   it through the app store all you got to do is  simply right-click the icon use uninstall confirm   and it's a done deal so that's how it's done  we both discovered it together yay all right   so we both learned something out of  that one or at least i did anyway   and there's our message that  it was removed successfully   nice just out of curiosity i don't expect it  to be but let's see if page top is on here   type that in there it's not that's all  right how about top that should be there   there we go and so far it looks like we're  using wow looks like about 784 megs that's   pretty impressive uh with a decked out distro  like deep in with all the effects and everything   else the bling i was kind of expecting that to  be a lot higher so i'm impressed that's good   very efficient use of memory there so i'll jump  out of there now and let's explore a little more so these are our graphics  and then if i come up here   then we have our office stuff here and by default  it looks like we got libreoffice installed   probably libreoffice fresh i would assume and our  text editor and document viewer knife and over   here is our category with our probably our system  stuff we have our file manager app store which we   were just looking at there a little earlier our  terminal a deepen manual that's pretty handy   input method so if you have another language  and you want to change your input method to   say opinion if you're going with chinese or some  other language like arabic or swahili or russian   so very good nice to see back in the menu and  i still like how that leaves off that's really   cool and we have our system monitor something  that's always totally handy and that's uh   a really nice looking system monitor actually  right now it's showing that we're using about   12.6 percent cpu i think that's relating to and  about one and a half g's of memory out of 11   or with 11.5 remaining so it's got like 12.6 megs  here kind of allocated in this computer there's 16   gigs altogether and then we got our wap down here  and it's using very little of our swap partition   right now so that's always good and then our  network stats here and our disk writing and read   write so very nice very detailed and over here  we have our different views here so we got our   we can sort by name and cpu so something's eating  up the cpu we can go up here and just kind of   sort by cpu and see what's using the  most which right now is system monitor   and how much memory and again if we go by the  most memory that would be this guy our deepen lock   which is using looks like about 210 megs nice  and then over here another a view here we can   look at all processes as opposed to my processes  and then these are all just applications that's   kind of how that works and then over here we can  see our services and see what's running that's   always good so if you got a service that's giving  you trouble you can turn it off here you can say   bluetooth you're giving me problems and then  you can go ahead and just start it stop it or   restart the service and so forth and by default  this is an auto startup and same with processes   something's giving you trouble and i like how  they got the applications kind of separated by the   other processes that makes it really nice so here  again you can end process spend change a priority   and all that good stuff or kill the process if  it's really being nasty and it just won't go we have computer boot maker that's  nice so makes it real easy if you   want to create an iso and create a boot  cd so very simple just drag and drop   and you pretty much got yourself a cd  and device manager that looks interesting   too over here we got our overview of  our system wow and it's even showing   all kinds of details our monitor the cd-rom  memory and what kind of memory that's really great   the type of motherboard which on this computer is  a sony bio and our intel processor yeah very good   and all these details here related to hardware  and so forth here we got our cpu information   wow this is really detailed i didn't realize you  could see all this and deepen that's a really nice   utility man i gotta tell you information about  our display adapter and about our sound that   is really impressive and it also has a mower wow  all right well totally didn't expect to see that   and then of course our log viewers so when things  go wrong we can go in here and check out our log   another thing that's really handy this  is kind of something i haven't really   seen laid out like this since my windows  days now you got your system logs here   application logs really nice so when  you have different events happening   even on your boot and shut down very detailed  this is great dpkg and your xorg that is super   impressive and then you need root privileges to  view your boot log then you got your kernel log   again requiring boot privileges but you know if  if i was a colonel i'd want certain people with   certain privileges too so there at least a major  maybe i would let it slide but being a kernel excellent and then our last i  believe is like an other category   and here we can leave user feedback  so apparently you can go in here and   give your two cents and that's pretty smart  you gotta know chinese to leave feedback cuts down on the negativity i spoke no i'm kidding  so yeah that's nice i like the fact that they   uh do encourage feedback and i'm sure you  can do english no problem so that's great and   since we're in here this is the browser and  i'm not sure what this browser is based on   and deepen is just simply called browser but it's  probably i would assume based on chromium maybe   uh yeah we see chrome settings here i would say  it's based on most likely chromium oh really a   nice looking browser so chromium is good i  like that idea or default browser that's not   firefox or chromium specifically uh that's not  a bad choice when you want to kind of have your   own identity as a distro so i totally get that  well those are with the exception of inkscape   are default apps that are on there and then  down here we have our toolbar of course   if i was to scooch up just a tad we could just  kind of take a look at this taskbar real quick   and here we have our notifications and  i like this how this kind of pops out   that's really cool this is our notification  center and a long time ago this used to be like   in version 15 this is kind of where the settings  used to be and you had all your categories for   your settings all listed down here all this stuff  up here was all a list of all your different   settings and you could just click on down through  the list and then you could change your settings   from here and that was kind of nice i i like  that it kind of reminded me of budgie at the time   however i like the newer setup better  because it gives you room for more options   back in the day deepen was not very configurable  you were pretty much stuck with the look that   you were given and there wasn't much you  could do to change the theming and all that   other than what was given here we have our  volume control our audio control stuff here   and then our wireless and bluetooth which is  currently turned off and this little guy will   close this little part of the task manager here  so you can open and close so if you want more room   on your bar you can just shrink it right there  and then over here we got our onboard keyboard so   if you hit that that'll just pop right up and then  you can type your stuff click it again to close it   oh that's handy if you got a touchscreen or if  you're on a a pad or something here's our log out   and restart and all that so this is really  nice i probably won't click anything here   so to get out of it i'm just going to  go off to the side here and just click   and that'll close it and then here's our clock and  the clock is actually off here uh it's not really   zero hours it's more like 12 30 in the afternoon  so i guess i'll have to change that time zone and   when we click on it we get a calendar wow that's a  gorgeous calendar check that out man that's really   beautiful a lot of desktops the calendar just  kind of pops up here above the clock and it's   usually pretty small this is really big i really  like that it just looks like a real calendar   very well done something else i'm really impressed  with then here you can go ahead and hit this and   you can add an event here and put it in your  calendar so that way when something's coming   up you can be reminded of it and then in our  burger menu you can even adjust your theming   right now it's using the system theme which is a  light theme but we could also make this calendar   dark theme if we wanted to keep our light theme  we can differentiate this way and vice versa   well that's really cool and that dark theme looks  pretty nice actually but for now i think i'm going   gonna put it back to system theme because we're  gonna tweak the system here in a little bit anyway   so there's our calendar and i gotta  say that's super impressive as well   and then here's our dustbin or trash can  recycle bin i guess is the other name   so there we go and not surprisingly it's empty  being a new install all fresh and everything   so that's that part so that's kind of cool  i guess that means i can slide down again   there we go and then of course here we got apps  pinned to our taskbar our file manager browser   app store album which is not sure what that is  okay photos nice so you can store your photos in   here put them in an album so just hit import and  then grab your photos which i don't have any on   here right now obviously and then our music player  which we took a look at earlier briefly and so   that's probably a great music player  most likely it's got a minimal effect   on it i'm gonna go ahead and close that and  if it were me i would probably by default just   have it exit and without asking again however  everybody's different so it's nice that they   give you the choice to suit that to your taste and  then our terminal settings which is currently open   nice then over here we have show desktop  which is good and then our multitasking view   so here we can kind of see everything that's  open on this desktop and then it shows the   next desktop over which has a different  wallpaper nice so here's our second desktop   and nothing's open on this one but if i wanted  to go there here i am desktop number two   really cool and i think i could probably access  that multitasking menu using alt tab as well or   not but i know i can do it here and so i'm gonna  have to find the keyboard shortcut for that which   i'll have to look when we get in our  settings i'm back into desktop one   i think he could probably use super arrow there  we go okay our super arrow key is what it is   i just did super right arrow and super left  arrow apparently i have the apparently it's   also opening the menu because if you just hold  the super key then you're going to see your menu   after you let up on the key so if you  just momentarily press it and let up   on it it'll bring your menu up but if you  hold it down and then use your arrow key   it kind of does both slides over so apparently  they're kind of sharing a key stroke sharing there   and the addition of the arrow will  slide over the desktop as well   but again all that stuff can be adjusted  but i like the fact that i can access   the launcher here just by tapping the super  key so that's good to know glad to see that   and it's still leaving off in the same place  where i left off double glad to see that kind of   saves the trouble of having to have a favorites  menu actually in a way even though it's there   so now let's jump into our settings and see what's  new in here so here are settings back in the day   when i was using 15 again that was this is what  used to be all over in the side panel and now it   is here and really nice looking layout and i like  the way the icons are designed in the new thing   here so let's check out our accounts here take a  look at it and here's where you can change your   avatar and i kind of like the default really with  the flower in there but here's some of the other   ones uh some things we've seen before there's  the putty tat i think i'm gonna go with that   that's kind of cool looks a little bit  like me same fur and everything fascinating   and so here is where you can change your password  set it to auto login or log in without a password   wow yeah i didn't see that coming well that's also  handy i'm not sure i'd want to log in without a   password unless it was a guest i suppose user  here's where you would create your user and so   you could create a guest and then log in without a  password that would be really handy especially if   you're using this in some kind of work environment  with a computer that you want to make available to   the public and have special guest permissions  set up then that would be handy somebody wants   to do a presentation or whatever you don't have to  worry about people getting stuck on the password   then here's your deepen id and that's something  i think the you use in the app store and so forth   kind of similar probably to like your apple  id on an iphone or something of that effect   however this is only supported in mainland china  currently at least at the time of this video   if you're not mainland china then that's  probably not going to do you much good here   then we have our display settings and  one thing that impresses me is that this   automatically set it up to duplicate  for my display because it detected my   hdmi cable that's hooked up to my capture card  and set it directly to duplicate monitors i   didn't have to worry about a second monitor being  detected and throwing me over on the other green   very cool then we have our display scaling  here all the way up to looks like 1.25   for this setting and we're at a 1920 by  1080 resolution with a 50 hertz refresh rate and standard rotation nice then here we can set  our default applications looks like it's really   easy peasy to set your defaults if i were to have  more browsers on here then you'd see more in the   list currently there's only browser that's  installed but if i had firefox and chrome   that would also be here in the list then we  have our mail clients which i never really use   that's default applications and now and you  notice here the the list changes when you go into   something we can either be out here or when we go  in something like default applications then we can   run down the list here so it's kind of a different  layout now if we move on to personalization here's   where our theming is and by default we're using  light however i can switch to dark if i want to   or auto which apparently auto detects your maybe  the lighting in the room or maybe the time of day   i'm not really quite sure how the auto determines  you know whether to go light or dark but i think   i'm going to kind of go with the dark theme i  like the dark theme let's see how the menu looks   yeah about the same there but if i had the menu  shrunk like if i like the smaller version better   then you would see that the menu is dark with a  little transparency going on in the background and   even a blur effect it looks like very nice that is  cool the whole system just oozes with gorgeousness   and then of course you can adjust your accenting  which is here we have blue right here by default   but we could go with red wow that red really  pops that looks so good with the black   i like that just might keep that one then we got  our orange also looks fantastic then kind of a   goldish color then we have  green which also looks great   a teal and then a darker blue now that looks  even better than the default blue actually   and then purple looks really great love purple  i have a dracula theme on my daily driver and   it has purple highlighting in there and i really  like the purple and the dracula it's a little bit   different shade i think but not too different  that's kind of a tough call there with the red   and then we can use uh dark like a gray with the  dark which also looks great i think i'm gonna go   with the red that just pops so nice with the black  that's a color combo that's pretty irresistible   i like that then we have our icon theme and as  you can see by default we got like papyrus vintage   bloom is our default theming for icons and then  we got bloom classic and bloom dark and classic   is kind of what was used in the older versions of  beeping very good okay so i'm going to stick with   bloom there then here we can change our cursor  theme and i like the default probably the best   i would say but if you like it a little darker  looking then you could go with the bloom dark but   i'm thinking this looks the best so i'm going to  stick with this guy and then of course you got the   old standby ad waiter then here's our fonts and so  these are the fonts that are installed by default   which is not a bad selection actually  so there you go also i want to point out   this is something i also discovered  not too long ago in your file manager   i remember back in the day when i was using deepen  you were very limited on your theming and all that   and typically in other distros you can  i'm going to turn on my hidden files   you have your icons your dot icons dot themes and  so forth dot fonts and back in the day when i was   using earlier versions of deepen on other distros  you can go in and add themes in here like gtk   themes gnome so forth themes in your themes  folder and then they would show up here   in your theming settings and then you could use  them to enhance your themes and the same with   icons you could put an icon theme in here download  it from something like xfce look or  

and then put them in that folder and they would  show up in here and so that would be added to your   list and deepen 20 you can do that so that made me  really happy to see that you can do that so if i   want to add in other themes like say the dracula  theme i can simply download it from   and then dump that theme into my themes folder  and then it'll show up over here and i can load it   that's really cool and same with the icons and  also with your fonts you can pop the fonts in   i don't remember if i was limited on the fonts  back then but i do remember clearly the themes   cursors and all that i could not add to those  and putting them in these hidden folders over   here had no effect back then i really felt  limited on the theming and to me that was a huge   drawback a real negative for me because i like  having the ability to control my theming well   that's a big plus that's something i really  like to see now that you're able to do that   and if i wasn't able to do that before  or if other people were i wasn't so   yeah that was my experience anyway and by  the way speaking of theming down here on our   taskbar we can right click and set our mode  by default we're in fashion mode but if you   like a more traditional look we can go here to  efficient mode hit that and then it puts the bar   so it's expanded all the way across the bottom  and then we have the traditional launcher here   and your look across here with your taskbar so  everything's all just kind of laid out in a more   traditional style and also since we're down here  i'm gonna pop that back into fashion mode because   i kind of like that better also your location  right here by default it's on the bottom but   if you like your menu on top not a problem just  hit that and there you go you got it up on top   a lot of people like it there or if you're kind  of like a gnome guy we can pop it over on the left   and then we got it there and then of course on  the right easy peasy to adjust i really like   that deepen is is a lot more configurable now  more customizable and so they've really come   a long ways in the customization department  really glad to see that and then of course the   rest of our settings i think are all pretty  standard here we got our network settings   and very detailed though i mean we got wireless  wired dsl vpn wow proxy hot spots details on your   network just everything that's really cool and  then our notification settings and we can actually   assign a do not disturb for certain apps if you  don't want something bothering you that's where   you can do it and here's where you can toggle the  icon from your dock on and off another big plus   and then we got our sound settings here so  this is where you want to go if you want   to adjust all your sound settings and your  microphone input and all that sound effects   and this is another thing i like is the fact that  you can easily turn on and off your sound effects   and by default your boot up and shutdown are  turned off that's really nice back in the day   that was another thing that irritated me about  deepen is that the boot up sound was on by default   and it was really annoying and so was the shutdown  shutdown was a little less annoying than the boot   up but still annoying so it's really nice to see  that you can turn those off and if i remember   right it wasn't real obvious how you could  turn these boot up sounds on and off back then   i think you had to go in and edit a file or  something that was another thing that i didn't   like and that's been addressed and now it's easy  peasy if you like the annoying boot up sound then   you can hear that every time you boot up just  by turning it on by giving it a little click so   if you know someone that's using deepen and  you just want to annoy them just jump in here   turn that on crank their volume all the way up  to 10 and then sit back and wait for the fun downward and upward bluetooth we have turned  off by default but i could turn that on if i   wanted to use it very nice and then here's our  date and time and like i was saying right now it   looks like it's on gmt on high time actually gmt  plus eight wow so i think i'm going to go ahead   and change the time zone to my time zone which i  live in the jungles of borneo so that'll be right   there nah i'm just kidding actually i'm on  the east coast and in the new york time zone   i'll go ahead and hit confirm and it looks like we  need to authenticate so i'm going to go ahead and   give it my password and we'll confirm that  and apparently needs a password that's correct   i'll try that again and there we go all right now  we are at 12 58 p.m actually this is 24 hour time   so yes very good so now we're here -5 gmt so i  know for sure that's correct then we have our time   settings again very easy to turn on or to adjust  we got our auto sync and set up for a server and   i'm good with that for sure and then our date  and time format so here we can tweak our formats   and they make that really easy too so i do like  that we have our long time short time formats date   formatting and everything can just be changed  through a simple visual drop down really nice   and again we're at 24 hour time but  if you like 12 hour time with am pm   just simply toggle this little switch and  now we're down at 12 59 pm but i'm like 24   so i'm going to keep it at that then here's our  power setting so if you want to turn off or on   your green power settings it would be done right  here and then your brightness settings if you   need to decrease or increase and then your mouse  settings all pretty standard but this double click   test is really cool i like this if you come over  here and you double click a little kitty pops up   that's cool double click again and he hides behind  the little thingy there that's a really nice touch   you know instead of having the old generic some  kind of robotic symbol that indicates a double   click ah they made it cute and cool and i just  love that that's so cool the double click test   i could probably spend an hour just playing with  that i'm easily entertained nice and then our   mouse settings here if you want to tweak your  acceleration and so forth your pointer speed   so i can beef that up a little and actually i  would kind of like to have that just a little bit   faster and then a natural scrolling setting  which i'm not really sure what that is but somehow it feels natural actually it does feel a little smoother when i  have that on i kind of like that actually i can   tell the difference i think i'm going to leave it  there cool all right and then we have our keyboard   settings so here's our general keyboard settings  and our numeric keypad is on by default i like   that a lot of times i get into a distro and that's  off by default which to me is kind of a pain   and i like the caps lock prompt so you don't have  that on inadvertently then our keyboard layout   right now we only have english but i could easily  add another keyboard layout which is really great   makes it really easy peasy if  i want to maybe some pinion   add a chinese keyboard in there or something  like that same with the input methods again   and control shift which is pretty standard usually  well actually on some opinion it's i think control   space maybe but i kind of like ctrl shift better  really and then you can shift between inputs   very cool then system language of course which  we have it english and then keyboard shortcuts   this is always important by default it looks  like the terminal is ctrl alt t so if i wanted   to make that ctrl shift enter or super shift  enter i mean so we could click on this guy   and then all we gotta do is hit the keystroke  we want for example supershift enter and then   if i go off to the side here and press supershift  enter there we go we got our terminal nice   so yeah and and of course you could use any  keyboard shortcut there for that you can be super   t i've used that before even and then coming down  a little farther see what else we got available   and we also have a search that looks handy too so  if i wanted to say like close window there we go   and it looks like by default it's all f4 i don't  like what you'd see in windows so that's cool   but if we wanted to use a different keystroke  like say a combo like super shift c we could   do that and now it's super shift c so if i went  in my terminal here and i pressed super shift c   it closes that baby and then of course you  can add your own keyboard shortcuts here   and assign whatever you want  so very very configurable   again a big plus so this is definitely  an area you want to visit if you use   your keyboard shortcuts a lot and i like  the fact that we default here to the menu   and i guess with the changing desktops i would  probably maybe change that to super shift arrow   rather than super super arrow and maybe i can  avoid interfering with the menu there so i can   try that let's try desktop maybe it's workspace  so here we got super arrow key so to switch to the   right workspace let's try super shift arrow key ah  it's already conflicting with something else hmm   oh that's conflicting with move  to the right let's cancel that   that's kind of what i was thinking anyway so  move to right workspace if super yeah okay so   i guess we were already good there yeah i don't  know what i was thinking we already had that   i forgot okay my bad so let's jump over to updates  and so here we can check our updates and it looks   like we're already up to date so that's cool  but we can manually check for updates right here   and that's great and according to our  settings it automatically checks for updates   system updates app updates from the app store  our notifier is on and it will download clear   package cache and smart mirror switch or switching  mirrors to your fastest and then here in our about   we got all our information here we're running deep  in 20 20.2.2 64 bit with a 5.10 kernel and during   install there wasn't advanced options where  you could install with using the 5.12 kernel  

and i went in there just for the heck of it  but it didn't work i said that the kernel   wasn't present so yeah for me that didn't work  but i kind of rather just stay with the default   anyways when it comes to deep end then we have our  edition license our famous eula that we went over   privacy policy and then our backup restore  settings during install it had a backup option   which i included and that  was in the terminal install   and i didn't see it in the live version but during  the terminal install it did have that option and i   left that checked by default i think it allocated  about 18 gigs or backing up your system and so   forth so here is where we would create our new  backup for the initial backup and then you could   have it incrementally back up after that which  means that it'll just kind of back up anything   that's changed instead of backing up everything  all over again i kind of like the incremental   personally that's kind of the way i would go and  then finally we got our boot menu settings so   if you want to turn this off your grub settings  and i really like how you can just kind of   look at that right from here well this is where  you would do it and you can turn your delay   on and off if i was going to turn that off then it  would just probably boot immediately but i kind of   like having a delay just in case you got to do  something and then of course your theming which   you can turn on and off and it needs authorization  to do that but if i didn't like that background at   boot up then i could turn it off right here but i  don't think i will because i like having a theme   so that covers all the settings wow so much stuff  this is great and i gotta say you know i i really   can't speak for all the licensing and you know  there's all kinds of rumors out there people   think that deepen is uh some people don't trust  it because of rumors from the past that deepen was   stealing people's information and so forth which  i believe turned out to not actually be true it   was more of a rumor that was started because of  misinformation apparently and misunderstandings   however when i used deepa i never really had  any issues at all really other than at the   time it was kind of resource intensive and so  i ended up ultimately switching out of deepen   and going i don't remember where i went from there  probably arco linux or something to that effect   because of the fact that it was kind of kind of  a hog back then but right now it seems really   way improved and probably because i think it  probably has the k1 engine in there somewhere   which is much more efficient so i got to say  this is really impressive if i was looking for   a desktop that just had all kinds of bling  and was really polished and just laid out   so everything was right there and everything  just worked this is really a great desktop to   go with and really hard to beat too and one last  thing i'm just going to change our wallpaper here   and here we have lots of options too  we can change it just for our desktop   for our lock screen and a screen saver so that's  cool too i'm just gonna pop in here and hit this   wow holy crap that really pops i  don't think i have to go any further   that is cool i like the fish too a desert scene  that's neat kind of reminds me of the what was it   sierra or mojave edition in mac os so that's also  kind of cool but that first one i saw really just   kind of popped i love it i think i'm going to go  back to that one if i can find it again right here   yeah that is bad of the bone so i'm going to go  with that and let's check out our screen savers check it out it's like an arcade screensaver  how cool is that wow that is neat i love it that   would be my first choice right there right off  the bat i wouldn't even have to go any farther   oh that's too cool i typically i don't  mess with screensavers you know but   that's something i totally use right there  that is too cool and then we got this guy whoa   that's cool and then our rotating cube which  is kind of an illusion wow that's kind of   neat and then our disco  ball nice and then the earth whoa yeah you know in my e.t spaceship when i'm  out in space that's exactly what the earth looks   like actually a lot of people think it's round or  even slightly egg shaped but no it's not it looks   like this so the flat earthers are right it's flat  but not square it's kind of jagged like this and   actually it looks like you can fold that  up oh it is folding okay yeah and it folds   into like a what's that a doe tetrahedron or  something there you go uh that probably would be   nice and then chess all right if you're a  chess fan and then some cool writing thingy and more cool effects and flying toasters wow you know it's good when  you got flying toasters that's a classic that   goes way back at least inspired by one nice snow  and galaxies colliding wow there's the earth so   yeah i mean you could kill a lot of time here  just messing with screensavers wow and like i   said my choice i guess would probably be this  because i'm just love arcade games anyway so   yeah that's cool i love it so there's our  wallpaper i guess i forgot to set that click   all right now if we go off to the side beautiful  also there was a wallpaper slideshow setting there   over on the left hand side too check box so check  that box if you want to have a slideshow and just   alternate through wallpapers and that will do  the trick there so definitely i got to give   this a double thumbs up yep can't hold back  it's just a hands down double thumbs up for   probably the most gorgeous disc throw out there  probably and it seems very snappy very responsive   a little heavy on the demands you got to have a  minimum of 60 to 64 gigs from what i understand   because the first time i tried to install this i  tried to put it on a drive that was pretty small   it was like 30 gigs and it wouldn't accept it it  said that there was a minimum of 64 that it needed   and recommended 128 so you want to keep that in  mind if you're going to run this in a virtual   you'll want to allocate at least 64 gigs of hard  drive space for that everything else is pretty   okay if you're going to do manual partitioning  i think you might need a couple gigs for the   efi partition again on my machine at least this  machine here that i'm running right now which is   kind of an older machine it's got to be a good  10 years old however i had to run this in legacy   i couldn't use the uafi no matter what i did it  would not boot and even when i auto partitioned   and everything else i could not get it to work so  i think that's related to my hardware specifically   so if you have the same problem and you have some  older hardware and it just will not work no matter   what even though it says it's uefi and all that is  set in the bios then just run at legacy i mean it   really doesn't matter anyways it's not going to  change anything as far as your experience goes   so yes and secure mode also has to be off so you  don't want that on either when installing but   that's kind of typical with most distros i  think actually so there you go fantastic distro   i would totally recommend it for your dear old  aunt tilly and anybody else that just wants a cool   alternative to windows and maybe they're afraid of  linux they've heard of it and they're like oh man   that's for geeks and wireheads and yeah linux are  you kidding me i'll stick with my spyware infested   windows well now you can show them something like  this and they'll be like oh man i gotta have this   oh yeah there you go that is the deepened desktop  by deepen technology so this is the actual deepen   distro actually and i think overall the deepened  distro probably gives you the best experience over   and above all the other ones i think probably the  next best thing would probably be the ubuntu spin   if you try the ubuntu dde if you don't  want the actual original deepen then   that would probably be my second choice would  be the ubuntu and some people would probably   argue that that would be their first choice so  both worth checking out absolutely and with that   i hope this video was helpful and if it  was don't forget to hit that thumbs up   that's always helpful and  if it wasn't hit it anyway and hit subscribe thanks again for  watching we'll see you next time


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