East Coast West Ghost WonderBox Session 7(Key West Edition)

East Coast West Ghost WonderBox Session 7(Key West Edition)

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Oh. Bad, thing. Backwards. Sound. Like you're sick. How. Many spirits are with us. And. How many women's spirits. No. That's. All right I was. Just curious. What's. Your name. Said, Charles. We'll. Start off are you a man or are. You. Man or woman. Mumbles. Something and then yells, it like cometh like it did right there. Deliver. That clear. Signal. We. Thought it was something built-in, Oh. So. What we really need you to do if, you want to actively communicate that. Perfect, signal, that we. Yeah. I hear you you. Need to deliver that clear signal, that clean. One you. Know what I'm talking about I'm know you can hear that hear that wave you. Need to deliver the clock oh. I. Know. But. You slow it down I mean take, your time and. It's. Fine. Take. Your time, deliver, the clean signal. I. Know. You're trying that. Was very close a, little. Bit more energy and you'll be able to clean it right up. Now. Talk to her yeah. I know you're here. You're. Doing what I'm asking, you're slowing, it down you're coming through a long. Can. You tell us your name. Do. You know that you know where you are. Do. You want to cross over. Help. Me. Go. To the light. Do. You see. We're. Gonna help you do. You see a bright, white, light. When. You when, you go to the light you won't feel a thing. Trust. Me, you, go through the light you're, gonna feel better no more pain I know. You're scared I know you're nervous. Whatever. Whatever, they told you wasn't exactly, true. Okay. Cindy. Cindy, actually. Cindy. Won. Cindy. Can't help you I want. You I want you to, drop. The fear go, into the light I. Can't. Your. Loved ones are there they're waiting for you. If. You go to the light and cross, through, it. Pain. Will go the, pain will go away. Calling. On the angels to help you. Well. You're more you're just, the same amount of power as they are whatever's, gotcha, you you're stronger than that. Yeah. We're trying to help you. You. Just have to you. Have to listen. You. Have to listen to Cindy, she knows what she's talking about. You. See. I'm, calling, on the angels to help. You. Got it you're you're getting ahead of yourself again, you got to slow it down I. Know you know slow down and, we'll talk to you you, just got to slow it down you're, going too fast. Yeah. That was too slow. Do. I have an interpreter, here is, there is there someone in between I'm working through right now. I'd. Rather work in directs I. Would. Like to talk directly. What's. Your name. Tell. Us your name again. It's. What, I heard it's but I didn't catch the second part. I. Hear. What you're saying what. You're saying. I can't, understand, you right now check yes. Yeah. I can hear you I just don't understand. You oh, I. Don't, know you. What's. Your name I might, I might actually. Stand. In line wait your turn one, any time, please. It's. The only way we're gonna understand. Stand. In line take turns. Harold. Do. You want to cross over. Did. You say I do. Yes, or no. Do. You want to cross over yes or no. Yeah. You're not standing, in line you're. It's confusing I. Know. There's at least three good trains on. I'm calling, on the angels, to come and help you. Heard. I'm here to help you what do you need wanna. Cross over, go. To the, light. Try. It again I don't understand, that please I. Know. You want help one. Of you needs to speak now both of you tell, me what I can do to help you I will do it. Go. Into, that light that you see. Yes. If. You go into the light your loved ones are there we're sure. The. Angels will, help you. Are, you going. Go. To it. Oh. Into. The light walk. Into the light. Couldn't. Understand. We're. Trying. Say. You got a default. Male female, voice on the ass. So. Is there something you want to tell us do you still need. A. Little, spell things. Out just real. Quickly and sometimes it makes sense. What. Do you say spelled. Out they try to store. All. Right so make sense and actually talk to us. We. Speak in gibberish at us right now we were just having a very question, shortage, yeah. Well. That's. One of the six. All. Right let's start over what's your name. Tom. Say Walter. Would. The one who is talking about castration. Were, you talking to me for. Control. Oh. Don't. Don't, get a. We're. Just trying to have a conversation be. Polite. So. Then anything come with me from Las Vegas to, this investigation, that something come with this box. Well, when. We start calling names I. Have. Been called works ha ha I. Resent. That remark oh you are mine. Did. You. What. All. Right who's that yelling no one sorry. How, many are here with us now. Do. You know what this. Does. Anybody here that talks at, the house. Oh. All. Right we're cutting this session for now we're going to move to the third.

2018-07-29 06:52

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