DROID ARMY in REALITY Is it possibly

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Droid Army, in the real world. How possible  is this, And why is this the best army? Today   we will answer these and other questions,  and also find out why the droid army is   one of the most effective in Star Wars,  and very promising in the real world. In Star Wars, the Droid Army of the Confederacy  of Independent Systems is a full-fledged army   of trillions of combat and auxiliary droids of  various types and purposes - weak and cheap but   numerous and easy to produce B-1 infantry droids,  snail-shaped tanks NR-N-99 Persuader-class droid   enforcer, wheeled MLRS IG-227 Hailfire-class droid  tank, O-G-9 homing spider droid, various aircraft   and spacecraft represented by Vulture-class  starfighter Variable Geometry Self-Propelled   Battle Droid, Hyena-class Droid Bombers, HMP  (Heavy Missile Platform) droid gunship, strategy   droids , managing regiments and divisions, and  many other combat robotic equipment. Today we will  

look at the effectiveness of such an army,   and also analyze the realism  of infantry battle droids. Each battle droid is an independent combat  unit. Depending on the model, their weapons   range from a light infantry blaster to a heavy  tank laser cannon. The most common weapon used  

by B-1 droids was the E-5 light blaster rifle. The E-5 was a blaster rifle characterized by   its short barrel. At the bottom of the weapon  was the handle that contained at the front end   of which the trigger and a trigger guard.  Minimal and single pressure on the trigger  

permitted continuous fire.[1][5] The blaster gas  cartridge was introduced at the rear end of the   weapon while the power pack was inserted on the  left side. A waste energy conduit was attached to   the top of the barrel to remove excess heat  from the barrel and gas-charging chamber,   limiting overheating. The weapon was made of  detachable modules that could be replaced.  

The barrel itself was interchangeable  and could be changed with broad-fire   pattern tip.The E-5 usually fired red blaster  bolts. It could fire in space and underwater. The E-5 blaster was developed to be used by  battle droids with minimum processing. The handle   was designed for the three-fingered hand of the  B-1-Series battle droid but the weapon could also   easily be used by organics such as Humans. B-1  battle droids were programmed to use the weapon   with their two hands but the light and small-sized  blaster could also be fired with one hand. In Star Wars, blasters are different types of  energy weapons that use similar principles,   but have their own characteristics. In design,   the blasters used by the droids are slightly  different from the DC series of plasma blasters   used by the clones of the Grand Army of  the Republic from the previous issue.

The E-5 blaster fired a compressed, focused,  high-energy particle-beam that was very   destructive, commonly referred to as a "bolt".  Generating the bolt relied on two components:   a gas cartridge filled with an energy-rich  blaster gas (typically Tibanna) and a power   pack. When the blaster was fired, a small amount  of gas moved from the cartridge through the Heter   valve into the gas conversion enabler chamber,  commonly called the XCiter. In this chamber,   the power pack energized the gas, before it  passed into the actuating blaster module,   where the now extremely high-energy gas was  transformed into a compressed beam of intense   energy particles, coupled with intense light.  The particle beam was then focused through a   prismatic crystal or a similar device, which  generated a deadly high-energy particle beam,   fired from the emitter nozzle as a bolt of glowing  energy. The color of the bolt depended on the  

gas used and the type of focusing device, and  could vary from red to blue to orange to white.  A side effect of firing blasters was the  gas conversion enabler heating up as gas   was energized by the power pack, which could  cause blasters to overheat, sometimes to the   point of destruction. Additionally, a small  amount of ozone was emitted as a trace product   of the bolt emerging from the emitter nozzle,  lending blaster bolts a distinctive smell.

Developing such a blaster in real life is an  extremely difficult task, exceeding current   technological capabilities. Creating a device  of this kind faces a number of technical,   energy and engineering problems. First of all,  plasma requires enormous energy resources,   exceeding the capabilities of existing portable  energy sources, even using advanced technologies.   Compact blasters require powerful power supplies  that do not currently exist in a compact,   portable form suitable for a weapon. In addition, plasma is typically high   in temperature, and creating a stable and  controllable plasma without causing device   damage due to thermal dissipation issues is  a major challenge. Controlling and confining   plasma is also challenging due to its rapid  propagation and reaction to the environment,   making precise flow direction difficult. Plasma  blasters can be dangerous due to high energy,  

heat and ionization, making it difficult to  ensure safety when using such weapons. The use   of complex magnetic fields to control and contain  the plasma also presents technological challenges.  Even if all of the above problems can be  solved, the question arises of creating a   plasma blaster with high efficiency, capable  of transferring plasma to the target without   significant energy loss, which is  also not an easy task. At the moment,   the implementation of the plasma  blaster concept in real life is   extremely unlikely due to the aforementioned  technical, energy and safety limitations. That is, the problems are similar to the  clone plasma blasters from the previous video.

Similar obstacles are observed with the creation  of weapons for battle droids of other models,   including tanks and fighters. A detailed  analysis of the realism of some equipment   of the droid army, for example the AAT tank or  Sypertank prototype, is in a separate video on   the channel. Unless it is easier to place the  necessary units of plasma and laser weapons   in large military equipment. However, such energy weapons Similar obstacles with  creating armor and droid hulls. In the real world, creating armor and hull  materials that can completely protect against   plasma blaster shots appears to be virtually  impossible due to a number of technological,   physical and engineering limitations. Plasma  shots, as suggested in science fiction, are high  

in temperature and energy, which poses significant  challenges to developing effective protection.  First, the armor must have outstanding thermal  properties to successfully absorb and dissipate   the intense heat generated by the plasma  shot. This requires the use of materials   that can withstand extreme temperatures,  which currently poses a challenge.  Secondly, there is the issue of  energy density of plasma shots,   which requires the armor to have a high  degree of efficiency in absorbing and   dissipating energy. Such requirements go  beyond existing technologies and materials.  Additionally, creating armor that could  effectively protect against plasma blasts   would require significant engineering and  scientific advances in materials science,   thermal science, energy, and other disciplines.  Currently, we do not have technological solutions   that can provide the necessary combination  of properties to create such armor. 

By the way, only B-2 droids will need such armor,  which can withstand many hits from plasma charges.   While the B-1 can be disabled after the first hit,  because in Star Wars, this droid basically has no   armor, and its body serves only a structural  function. So, only B-2 armor will be needed. However, it is quite possible to equip  droids with armor comparable to that   of light armored vehicles to protect  against modern types of small arms.

Like any robotic military equipment,  droids had various electronic components.  The standard B-1 infantry droid has no markings.  This modification was the most common model in   the Trade Federation army, and later in  the CIS. The droid had no AI and received  

all commands from the control station. He had a  powerful comlink and a battery on his back that   allowed him to operate autonomously from several  hours to several days without recharging. Most   vehicles of this modification were armed with  E-5 carbines. Sometimes they used sniper rifles,   grenade launchers and grenades. A few years before  the Clone War, they finally received primitive   artificial intelligence and a vocabulator, which  significantly affected the cost of the machine. The officer droids of the OOM series were  strikingly different from other B-1s in   their equipment. Outwardly, their difference  was manifested only in the yellow markings  

on the “shoulders”. They led the rest of the  B-1s on the battlefield, partially replacing   the control station. The first series of  OOMs were dependent on the control station,   switching off immediately as soon as communication  with it was lost, despite the fact that   theoretically they could act autonomously.  This modification had AI and a vocabulator. Pilot droids were distinguished from other B-1s  by blue markings on their "shoulders". They had   a number of built-in programs that allowed  them to control almost any equipment of the   Trade Federation, from speeders to spaceships.  They did not have batteries or powerful comlinks   behind them, since they communicated with the  control station through the communication device   of their vehicles and were powered by energy  from them. By the beginning of the Clone Wars,  

Pilot droids had almost disappeared from the Trade  Federation troops, and their role was taken over   by ordinary B-1s. Only a small number of droids of  this modification survived to the end of the war. Security droids were distinguished from other  modifications by brown or red markings on their   “shoulders.” They were intended to guard bases,  protect ships from boarding, and sometimes served   as bodyguards for high-ranking Trade Federation  officials. Security droids did not have batteries   on their backs, as they were always in close  proximity to a source of electricity. All security   droids had primitive artificial intelligence and  a vocabulator. Trade Federation were actively   used during the invasion of Naboo and over  the next decade. After the modernization of  

the B-1 carried out before the Clone Wars,  this modification was removed from service. It is quite possible to create humanoid robots  similar or even identical in appearance to   B-1 and B-2. And advances in the field  of robotics and AI will allow earthly   robots to be in no way inferior in mobility to  their colleagues from the films. For example,   look at what tricks the Atlas robots  from Boston Dynamics and others perform.  As for smart hardware, that is, various  electronics, modern technologies make it possible   to easily recreate the corresponding scanners,  guidance devices, communication systems, etc.

That is, structurally, the B-1 droid from  Star Wars can be created in reality right   now. For example, based on Tesla-Bot,  or another suitable basis. Only cosmetic   changes will be needed. And the earthly  robot will be in no way inferior to its   fantastic brother. Except perhaps the lack  of energy weapons. But in the case of B-2,  

it will not be possible to create the necessary  armor and blasters on Earth, which are part of   the drode’s design. But other characteristics of  B-2 will remain at the same level, and the design   itself is also quite feasible to create now,  for example, using the Atlas robot as a basis. But as for the rationality of such a  design of Star Wars clankers? Droids B-2,   and especially B-1, are androids, that is,  anthropomorphic humanoid robots whose body   outwardly resembles the silhouette of a human  body. By the way, in Star Wars, when creating B-1,   Baktoid engineers were inspired by the skeletons  of the Neimoidians, a humanoid race. In the  

Trade Federation, the concept of anthropomorphic  droids was primarily driven by the intention of   completely replacing living soldiers and officers.  Including infantry. B-1s were just an analogue of   light infantry, operating in the style of linear  infantry tactics of the 17th-19th centuries in the   real world. The B-1 design has many weak points.  Or rather, the entire droid is one big weak point,   due to the lack of armor. But if one B-1 had  extremely weak combat characteristics, then a   squad of several dozen and even more so hundreds  of droids posed a serious threat. Therefore,   the minimum droid unit was a platoon consisting of  50 B-1s, under the command of a droid officer - a   modernized B-1. Of course, during the battle,  the tactics of the linear infantry led to large   losses of CIS forces, but the extremely low  price of droids (the standard modification   of the infantry B-1 cost 900 credits) made it  possible to produce them in huge quantities,   and not pay attention to the losses. In addition,  new ones were assembled from the wreckage of  

destroyed droids. This is why such fragile combat  vehicles show many signs of battle damage, each   of which could disable the droid. But what was  very important was that the attacking formation   of hundreds of droids created a huge density of  fire, which, under certain circumstances, led to   large losses among the opponents of the Trade  Federation and the Confederacy of Independent   Systems. And these were losses in manpower, in  people and xenos. While the separatists were  

losing soulless pieces of iron. And even before  the Clone Wars, the sight of a marching armada of   droids had a strong psychological effect on the  defenders. For the same reason, for the purpose   of psychological impact, the droid was made quite  tall by human standards - 1 meter 91 cm. By the   way, the mass of B-1 was 55 kg, due to which the  droid’s legs were quite thin. So the tactic of an   open massive attack by droids makes sense, at  least in the lore of the Galaxy Far, Far Away.   Similar tactics for using B-2 droids. Except that  these droids were much more durable, better armed,  

and more expensive. The price of a standard B-2  was 3300 credits. That is, almost 4 times higher.   However, the combat effectiveness of the B-2  was several times higher than that of the B-1. From an economic point of view, the droid  army was much more effective than the opposing   army of clones, and even the army of simple  living sentients. On average, during the War,   there were 50 droids destroyed per clone killed.  That is, CIS suffered losses of approximately   50 thousand loans. Or approximately 100 thousand,  if you take into account the price of B-2. And the   cost of growing, educating, training and arming  one ordinary clone was several hundred thousand   credits. That is, the separatists caused damage  to the Republicans 4 times more than they received  

themselves. In addition, clones take ten years to  grow and prepare, while droids can be churned out   by the tens of thousands per day. In protracted  conflicts, the side whose army is cheaper and   whose losses are replenished faster always wins.  Thus, the droid army is many times superior to   the clone army in terms of price/quality ratio.  By the way, for economic reasons, many armies  

of different Star Wars states, including the army  of the Old Republic, were partially equipped with   droids. Often, droids were infantry, and regular  flesh-and-blood soldiers were either special   forces fighters, such as the clone commandos of  the Clone Army, or were second and third echelon   infantry, where casualties were much lower. For  example, in the game Star Wars The Old Republic,   different models of battle droids of the  Army of the Old Republic are shown. Such an   army made it possible to significantly reduce  the cost of its maintenance, as well as save   many lives of soldiers and officers, which is  extremely important for the image of the state. That is, the most simple and cheap  design of the B-1 in conjunction with   the tactics of their use is completely  justified in the realities of Star Wars. But in reality, such tactics can be extremely  ambiguous. Yes, in the case of mass production  

of inexpensive combat robots with similar  characteristics, one will not have to worry   much about the large losses of such consumables. But it is not at all a fact that earthly industry   will be able to make such cheap and at the same  time functional robots. If the price for one robot   is higher, it would be more advisable to make a  protected machine. For example, analogue B-2. In   fact, the B-2 can already be classified as a heavy  infantry class. By the way, in the Galaxy Far,   Far Away, B-2 was created to strengthen B-1.  Depending on the model, they are armed with two   double-barreled rapid-fire blasters, two barrels  per arm, or one double-barreled blaster in one   arm, and a rocket launcher in the other arm. In  reality, the weapon built into the robot is a  

pretty good solution that simplifies guidance  and maintenance. Blasters will be replaced by   high-velocity machine guns, or even autocannons.  With some modifications and changes to the   body and an increase in the dimensions of the  machine, this is quite possible to do. Moreover,   in one manipulator you can place conventional  small arms to combat unarmored targets, and in   the other manipulator - an autocannon to combat  light armored vehicles and heavy enemy infantry,   including clones in exoskeletons from the previous  video, or a grenade launcher to destroy heavy   armored vehicles. It is also possible to place  additional missile weapons on the back of the   robot. Accordingly, the armor will be strengthened  to increase the survivability and effectiveness of  

the combat unit. Reflections in this direction can  be continued up to multi-ton, multimeter combat   robots that perform the functions of breakthrough  tanks, but we will focus on relatively small   vehicles belonging to the class of heavy infantry.  It can also be very useful to upgrade the walking   chassis of robots with wheels or tracks that  will transform depending on the type of terrain   and the required speed of movement. For example,  like walking excavators. This will speed up the   movement of robots during marching, patrolling,  and reduce energy costs, while at the same time   walking legs will provide good cross-country  ability and the ability to move along stairs,   curbs, and other infrastructure elements. It is  also possible to create robots with 4 or more   supports, thanks to which robots will be able  to move even in places impassable for humans,   and the presence of magnetic grips like  the B-1 and B-2 droids, allowing them to   move along steep cliffs and ceilings, will  make such robots a very dangerous adversary,   such as the LM-432 crab droid. But within the  framework of our topic, we are considering the   most effective infantry robots, so let’s put  aside thoughts in the direction of creating   large multi-legged walkers. In general, it will  be extremely promising to create a modular design  

of robots, allowing the installation of different  combat modules in manipulators and on the body,   different chassis with different numbers of  legs. It is also worth saying that an excessive   amount of walking support can be harmful for  robots of this class. The most likely are   two-legged robots for movement in ordinary  terrain, and four-six or even eight-legged   ones for movement in mountainous areas. It is also possible to install jetpacks,   like the B-2 super rocket trooper. Such models  can be used in airborne units and rapid reaction   units, but the high cost of the design is unlikely  to make this modification widespread. However,   even a small unit of such vehicles can be very  effective, especially in conjunction with infantry   robots. The large weight of a heavy infantry robot  will limit the flight time to a maximum of several  

tens of minutes, but even this time will be  enough to cause serious damage to the enemy. All of the above applies to B-2 and other droids  with similar characteristics. But what about B-1?   Being light robots, in the real world they are  unlikely to be used in open combat due to the   fragility described above, and the high cost of  earthly production will make their use in a mass   attack with high casualties impractical. So there  are two options: either our civilization will not  

use light robotic infantry at all, preferring  heavy robotic infantry, which is most likely.   Or light robots with improved AI, mobility and  stealth will be used as saboteurs and scouts, such   as commando droids or IG series assassin droids.  It is quite possible that they will be used in   conjunction with ordinary people, which makes  such special forces units especially dangerous,   due to human creative thinking and the combat  capabilities of machines. But even so, this is   a task for the commando droids from Star Wars,  while the B-1s will be unclaimed. By the way,   the presence of mechanical fingers on manipulators  will greatly increase the independence of all   robots. In particular, they will be able to  independently press buttons on elevators,   dashboards, and hold various tools. In the Galaxy Far, Far Away, these  

design features and specialized programming  enabled droids to man the ships of the   CIS fleet. This is described in detail in the  corresponding videos about the Separatists ships. As with clone armor, the droid armor and body  will be covered in various camouflage elements.   Heavy infantry robots wear camouflage, special  forces robots can use camouflage nets, etc. Thus, in the real world, B-1 droids will  simply not be needed due to their high price,   but the more armored or heavily armed B-2,   flexible and mobile commando droids, and  other types of humanoid combat robots,   with the necessary earthly modifications  and modifications, will be in great demand.

In general, in the modern world we have not yet  switched to the mass use of combat robots due to   several main reasons: firstly, price. For example,  the price of a civilian, relatively low-functional   Atlas robot is hundreds of thousands of  dollars. To replace infantry from living   soldiers with robots, the price of a combat unit  should be an order of magnitude lower. Secondly,   the primitiveness of the technology. Robotics  has only been really actively developing in   recent decades, and AI, which is necessary  for the full functioning of combat robots,   reached a decent level only a couple of years  ago. That is, earthly technologies are simply   not yet ready to replace living soldiers with  robotic ones. Nevertheless, robots of varying  

degrees of autonomy are already being actively  used by the armed forces of developed countries.   Perhaps the most widespread use has been the  use of combat and reconnaissance unmanned   aerial vehicle. Work is also actively underway  to create robotic ground combat vehicles - from   small patrol wedges to multi-ton tanks. But  still, they are still at the experimental stage,   and without fundamental breakthroughs in the field  of robotics and cheaper robot designs, they will   not become truly widespread in the near future. In  addition, so far only a very small percentage of   robotic military systems are walking robots, while  most of them have a wheeled or tracked chassis The robot army concept is an innovative approach  to organizing and conducting military operations   based on the use of autonomous and artificial  intelligence (AI)-controlled robots. This  

concept involves a variety of technologies,  including robotics, machine learning, sensor   systems and advanced weapons, combined to improve  the efficiency and safety of military operations.  Robots in the army have a high degree of autonomy,  which allows them to make decisions in real time   based on the analysis of data from various  sources. This includes the ability to locate   targets, assess the battlefield situation,  and make decisions on tactics and strategy.   The autonomy aspect in the context of a robot  army is a comprehensive system that provides a   high degree of independence in action and decision  making on the part of the robots, while minimizing   human intervention. Key elements in this aspect  are sensory processing and machine learning.  Sensory processing plays a fundamental  role in enabling robots to perceive their   environment using a variety of sensors, including  cameras, radar, lidar, infrared and ultrasonic   sensors. These sensors provide robots with the  ability to locate objects, recognize targets,   and collect data for later analysis. In this  regard, a real robotic military force would  

be significantly superior to the droid army of a  Galaxy Far, Far Away, which, to please the cinema,   has many weaknesses in the field of enemy  detection. In particular, many droids rely   only on optical surveillance devices. And only  specialized models, such as reconnaissance droids,   have multi-band scanners capable of detecting  various radiation, and receiving information   about the environment through various observation  devices - from conventional optics, to infrared   and ultraviolet scanners, radars and other devices  inherent in all future earthly combat robots. However, true autonomy is achieved not so much  through cool scanners, but through processing   the collected data using machine learning and  artificial intelligence. Robots learn through  

experience, making real-time decisions based  on algorithms and previous scenarios. This   ability to learn allows them to adapt to  different conditions on the battlefield,   improving their effectiveness and ability to cope  with changing situations. And the droids from Star   Wars again lose in this aspect. Initially,  B-1 did not have their own AI at all. Their   memory blocks contained thousands of commands for  movement options to relieve the processor, and the   processor itself performed simple calculations,  including aiming, overcoming obstacles, and so on.  

General commands for the movement vector and the  target for shooting came from the Trade Federation   Core-ship, equipped with a very powerful  supercomputer with colossal computing power,   about which there is a detailed video on the  channel. Due to periodic delays in communication,   including those caused by the long process of  processing information and making decisions,   clankers quite often found themselves in a kind  of stupor, waiting for the order to arrive. Later,   the Neimoidians in particular, and the  Confederates in general, equipped all battle   droids - from infantrymen to self-propelled  tanks - with weak artificial intelligence.   This was primarily caused by the droids being  disabled when the mothership was destroyed.   But it was a rather weak and incomplete AI, much  inferior to the electronic firmware of tactical   droids. In addition, the droids' memory block was  regularly cleaned, which did not contribute to the   deep learning of the clankers based on their  experience, and as a result, primitiveness.  

The reason for such actions was an incident  that once occurred in the Trade Federation,   during which droids with advanced AI destroyed  part of the corporation's leadership. However,   many droids that were not subject to timely memory  clearing could act in an unconventional manner,   guided by the experience gained in battle.  Moreover, some droids could begin to develop   as individuals, which led to non-standard  and quite effective combat decisions. This   made even simple B-1s a truly dangerous  opponent. However, there were relatively   few such “evolved” droids. The vast majority  of droid infantry were simple metal blockheads.

But in a real army of robots of the future, the  autonomy of combat robotic units is not limited   to simply executing software commands,  but includes the ability to analyze,   learn and make independent decisions based  on the perception of the environment. This   allows for more flexible and effective use  of robots in various military scenarios. Also, robots in the army must be able to  effectively interact with each other and   with human forces, creating unified command and  control. The primary goal of this aspect is to   create a unified command structure that enhances  joint operations and ensures the successful   execution of missions on the battlefield. An important component of this aspect is   advanced network technologies that provide  reliable and high-speed communication channels   between robots and other components of  the military system. These technologies   include the use of high-frequency wireless links,  satellite links and other advanced communications,   providing continuous data transmission. In the context of effective collaboration,  

data integration is also very important. Various  robots exchange information in real time,   creating an overall picture of the situation  on the battlefield. Data integration involves   communicating information about enemy  force dispositions, detected threats,   and strategic intelligence to enable more  accurate decision making. The purpose of this   aspect is also to ensure interaction between  robots and human forces. This is achieved by   creating a flexible command and control system  that allows a person to effectively coordinate   the actions of robots in accordance with  strategic and tactical goals. That is,   one of the aspects of Network-centric warfare. Thus, effective collaboration is an integral  

part of the robot army concept, ensuring that  robots work effectively in concert with human   forces and with each other. In many ways, it  is this component, combined with high mobility,   that can ensure victory, even over an enemy that  is many times superior in numbers and weaponry. In Star Wars this aspect is explored  quite well. The animated series often   shows well-established interaction between  different branches of the CIS droid army,   including timely reinforcements, artillery  and air strikes, and so on. But still,   in some places it remains very mediocre,  also due to the poorly developed AI of the   droids. And in the real world, such interaction  will be much better with the proper approach. In general, the use of artificial intelligence  within the robot army concept is a key element   aimed at integrating advanced technologies  and artificial intelligence algorithms to   ensure high efficiency, adaptability and  autonomy of robotics on the battlefield. 

Artificial intelligence introduces an element  of self-learning and analytical ability into   the work of robots, which allows them to quickly  adapt to various scenarios and combat conditions.   AI-equipped robots are capable of processing  vast amounts of data from multiple sources,   including sensors, cameras, radar and others, to  quickly and accurately analyze their surroundings.  Artificial intelligence systems allow robots to  make decisions in real time based on information   received, taking into account variables such as  dynamic changes on the battlefield and tactical   features of enemy actions. Machine learning is  included in the functionality, allowing robots   to continuously improve their skills and adapt to  new situations based on the experience collected.  The use of artificial intelligence also promotes a  high degree of autonomy for robots, allowing them   to make decisions and act even in conditions of  limited communication with human operators. This   increases efficiency in complex operations and  reduces dependence on constant human intervention. 

Overall, the integration of artificial  intelligence into a robotic army increases   the efficiency and flexibility of military  operations, creating a high-tech and autonomous   military force capable of adapting to the  dynamics of the modern combat environment. So,   the issue of equipping with advanced  AI will be a priority when transferring   an army of droids into the real world, and  when creating your own robotic armed forces. But as in Star Wars, special  attention will be paid to the   problem of the unpredictability  of AI and its control by humans.

The human control aspect of artificial  intelligence in the context of a robot   army is integral to ensuring safety and ethical  standards in the use of autonomous systems. The   adoption of advanced AI technologies comes with  the need to establish clear controls that ensure   the safe and ethical use of these technologies. The primary aspect of AI control is the ability   of humans to interact with AI systems and make  decisions about their use. A person must be able   to set goals, parameters and limits for the  operation of autonomous systems, as well as   intervene in their actions if necessary. This  ensures that the AI's actions are controlled   and directed in accordance with the strategic  and ethical aspects of military operations. 

An important element of oversight is the  development and application of ethical standards   for the use of AI for military purposes. These  standards must include the principles of fairness,   minimizing the number of victims, respect for  international law and human rights. The human   factor in the control of AI is important  to prevent possible negative consequences   and errors that may arise as a result of  the autonomous actions of robotic systems,   and which the corporations from Star Wars  were so afraid of. Technical controls,   such as the ability to disable robots, create  black box systems to track decisions made and   audit actions, also play an important role in  ensuring the safety and transparency of the   use of AI for military purposes. Human  control of AI not only strengthens the   safety and effectiveness of military  operations, but also expresses the   responsible use of technology in accordance  with moral and ethical standards, providing   a balanced and effective approach to the use of  autonomous robotic systems in military scenarios.

It was the tragic experience of the lack of  timely control over the AI ​​of droids in Star   Wars that led to severe, and even unnecessary  restrictions in the programming of clankers. Also in the Galaxy Far, Far Away, the united  cybernetic army of mega-corporations boasts a   wide range of various combat and auxiliary droids,  as well as manned equipment. Such diversity is   extremely important, and allows the use of the  most suitable equipment in certain conditions,   providing an advantage on the battlefield  and the most effective execution of the task. Various types of robots within the framework  of the concept of such an army is a multi-level   strategy aimed at creating and introducing various  classes of machines specialized to perform various   tasks on the battlefield. This aspect strives to  provide versatility and flexibility in the use of  

robotics, adapted to the specific conditions and  requirements of combat operations. If in Star Wars   the approach to this issue was not so serious  due to the fact that this is still a beautiful   space science fiction and media product, and  not a guide to creating armed forces. Moreover,   the hallmark of which is still lightsabers  and Jedi with the story of Skywalker,   then in reality the best specialists in the  relevant fields will work on various classes   of unmanned and manned combat vehicles. As part of the variety of types of robots,   military forces can include in their arsenal  unmanned aerial vehicles, ground robots,   underwater drones, and a huge number of other  relatively few but extremely effective in certain   conditions highly specialized robots. Each  type of robot specializes in a specific area,   providing maximum effectiveness  in different combat scenarios. 

They are designed to meet  specific needs and missions,   allowing them to effectively address a  variety of combat scenarios. Moreover,   the variety of robots provides the Army with  the ability to quickly respond to a variety of   threats, improving tactical flexibility and  adaptability to changing combat conditions. This approach to the diversity of types of  robots once again emphasizes the importance   of integrating communication and control systems,   allowing different types of unmanned military  equipment to effectively interact with each   other and with human forces. This ensures the  creation of a unified and coordinated army of   robots capable of quickly solving a wide range  of problems in a modern combat environment. The economic benefits and productivity of  such an army are very important. After all,  

military doctrine has always depended on  economics. Cheaper and easier-to-manufacture   systems have always outperformed complex and  expensive counterparts in the long run. The   superiority of a robotic army over a purely  human one, from an economic point of view,   is a complex and promising aspect that provides  a number of economic benefits and efficiency in   military operations. Robots, having a high degree  of autonomy and accuracy in performing tasks,   are able to work around the clock without the  need for rest or shifts. This can significantly   increase the overall productivity and  efficiency of military operations. A   robotic army that operates without the constant  need to satisfy physical or emotional needs   provides sustainability and longevity to combat  operations. In addition, robots often require  

less technical and medical support compared  to human forces. They do not need food, rest,   medical care or social benefits. This could  significantly reduce military support costs,   freeing up resources for other areas. Thanks to the artificial intelligence  

and machine learning described above, robotic  systems can also effectively adapt to different   combat scenarios, minimizing losses and reducing  the need for constant training and retraining.   This in turn helps to optimize training  programs and reduce staff training costs.  Using the same artificial intelligence and  network technologies, a robotic army can also   provide more accurate and relevant data for rapid  decision-making, which minimizes risks and losses.   Effective use of technology reduces human errors,  which can ultimately save resources and costs.  Thus, the robotic army represents a cost-effective  and efficient option in the military field,   providing increased productivity, reduced  costs and increased sustainability in   military operations. However, it is important  to take into account social and ethical aspects,  

as well as maintain a balance between  technological benefits and human values. Thus, the robotic army represents an evolutionary  step in the field of military technology,   with the potential to outperform purely human  forces in various aspects of military operations.   One of the key advantages of a robotic army  is its effectiveness in combat. Possessing   a high degree of autonomy and the ability to  operate in conditions unfavorable for humans,   such as high-risk areas, radiation zones or  areas with limited access. Their ability to   make decisions independently and carry out tasks  allows them to effectively respond to dynamically   changing combat scenarios. Robots are not subject  to the physical and psychological limitations   of humans. They can withstand extreme loads,  operate in high or low temperature conditions,  

and also remain in constant combat readiness  for a long time. This gives the robotic   army an advantage in maintaining a  constant presence on the battlefield   and performing high-intensity missions. Overall, the robotic army represents a   promising path forward in defense and security,  providing superiority in efficiency, flexibility   and adaptability that could significantly  change the face of future military conflicts. But in the real world, such an army has  not yet been created due to technological   and economic difficulties. However,  in the future we will undoubtedly see   full-fledged robots in the ranks of  the armed forces, and there is a good   chance that in many ways they will be  similar to the droids from Star Wars!


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