Draining The Pond - soak the LEAF to disinfect treat fungus and other fish diseases

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Hello friends, welcome to my new video Wishing you a happy and energetic new day What's your work today? As for me, today I will spend my time taking care of and cleaning up my farm I'm splitting bamboo into small bars I will use these bamboo sticks to repair my garden fence The fence has many wide gaps underneath Makes my chickens have a way into the garden to dig up vegetables. Now I will cut banana leaves to feed the fish These banana trees have a lot of leaves These are the gaps in the fence I spoke of Now I will correct them Cover gaps in the fence These eggplant trees are old and withered So I will chop them away Now I will cut this tree down Do you know what kind of tree this is? Here it is called wattle What is it called in your place? Now I will chop it into segments I have sharpened my knife quite sharp Therefore, chopping trees also becomes easier Now, I will cut one end of the tree to a sharp point I will use these short tree sections as stakes to secure the fence. Now I will put the stake in the ground Insert the stakes deep so that the fence is secure Now I will use string to securely tie the stake to the fence Next I will clean up the grass around the pond edge Grass grows quite a lot How is your day today? Is your job going smoothly? I hope all is okay with you Now I will remove these wooden planks To lower the water in the pond This tree is quite large and many of its leaves fall into the pond Dirty the pond So I'm going to chop it down I don't know what the scientific name of this plant is Do you know? Please leave your feedback below in the comments to let me know Thank you so much! The leaves of this tree, I will feed the fish My fish pond is large and has lots of water Therefore, if you want to lower the water level, you need to spend the night It's already dark I will end today's work here New day begins I continue my work of cleaning the fish pond The water in the pond after one night has dropped to a moderate level So I can easily clean up the pond These are leaves that fall into the pond without decomposing I will scoop it into a bucket, to take it to dump somewhere else. Pour it into the base of the papaya tree as fertilizer for the tree Clean up the soil on the pond bank Now I will go down to the pond to clean up the tree branches in the pond One year, I will disinfect and clean the fish pond once I hope this way will help fish avoid harmful diseases This is a cage I had submerged in a pond for a while In this way, the cage can avoid termites and be more durable I'll take it up to use Now I will cut this chinaberry tree down This tree is quite big I need to use its leaves to sterilize my fish pond And the purpose of lowering the water level in the pond Is to keep these leaves from drifting out Now I will chop the leaves of the chinaberry tree Maybe you already know or don't know This type of chinaberry plant has many uses From the tree's roots, its trunk and its leaves But for the purpose of using with fish ponds I just use its leaves Because the leaves of the chinaberry tree have many uses for aquaculture The leaves of the chinaberry contain ALKALOID When soaked, it dissolves and has a very strong antiseptic effect on anchors. The characteristic of the chinaberry is its bitter taste, When the fish is rubbed, anchor worms and wheel worms do not stick to the fins and skin.

Furthermore, it can treat fungal diseases on fish scales And some other ectoparasites parasitize fish. I climbed the chinaberry and cut down two of its branches. I will cut these two branches down The tree is quite tall, I have to chop it down carefully I've finished chopping, now I'll go down Chop to get leaves This branch was stuck on top, I had to use a hook to pull it down Continue chopping to get their leaves Now, I will take these leaves and soak them in the pond. I only take a moderate amount of leaves If soaked too much, it can cause the fish to die Now I will sink the tip of the chinaberry branch to the bottom of the pond To keep it fixed in one place I will soak the chinaberry leaves for a week Within a week, the chinaberry leaves fall off and I remove the leaf stalks My video also ends here, thank you for watching. See you again in the next video


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