Don t Just Click Next Increase Instructional Interactivity Instead

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started so welcome to don't just click next increase instructional interact interactivity instead sasha would you like to introduce yourself sure thank you irene um so thank you again for joining me for my session which is click don't just click next increase instructional interactivity instead so just a little bit about me my name is sasha johnson and i'm a senior instructional designer at idaho state university and i'm part of the instructional technology resource center or itrc that includes a team of instructional designers who are available to support faculty across campus with hybrid and online teaching using educational technologies mainly our learning management system which is moodle i came to the itrc in 2018 and that's when i really started working with the quality matters rubric and immediately recognized the value of having quality online standards for courses having quality standards for online courses and i consider myself incredibly fortunate to get to work with faculty who participate in isu's implementation of the quality matters rubric because i get to work one-on-one with many instructors as they design and develop their courses to meet the standards and i enjoy brainstorming and empowering faculty to create authentic and meaningful online instruction that fosters student learning so that leads me to a critical piece of quality online courses and my topic today which is about creating meaningful learner content interaction so whether you are faculty or instructional designers what i'd like for you to be able to take away from today's session is the ability to define instructional interactivity as well as be able to identify some ways that you can add instructional interactivity to online courses and subsequently improve their quality so these outcomes directly correlate with the quality matters specific review standards 5.2 and 6.2 that learning activities provide opportunities for interaction that support active learning namely learner to content interactions for today's session and that the course tools promote engagement and active learning again i'm talking today about the interaction and engagement with the course instructional materials so i am going to ask you to participate in this session using the zoom annotation tools and i'm sure we're all familiar with zoom and probably have a bit of zoom fatigue at this point but just in case we'll take a minute just to find them so while viewing a shared screen you should have an option for view options and you can choose annotate from that menu and then you can use the draw tool to insert lines arrows and shapes or you can insert predefined shapes using the stamp tool so now i would like to get to know a little bit more about you and what your role is at your institution we've got somebody who says they're an instructional designer is that the case so yeah i'd like to see what role you have it looks like people are finding the annotation tools so that is great let me find my tools so i can clear it when we're done so yeah it looks like we have a lot of faculty and administration and instructional designers so it looks like we have a pretty good mix it looks like some are still coming in so i'll let it keep going senior instructional technologist that's a good one here at idaho state we kind of use designer to mean bulls because it was instructional technologist for a long for a long time here and then we recently changed to instructional designer although i do know there are differences there are some nuanced differences but it looks like everyone is kind of slowing down so i really appreciate you sharing this gives me an idea of who you are and what your role is at your institutions and hopefully i can kind of make sure to provide some key takeaways accordingly so i've been talking about oh i'm annotating sorry i've been talking about instructional interactivity and active learning but what's the difference or is there really a difference so looking at the annotations for specific review standard 5.2 active learners active learning excuse me involves learners engaging by doing something such as discovering processing or applying concepts and information and in the book effective online teaching foundations and strategies for student success stavrodase and i hope i'm pronouncing that even close to correctly defines active learning as requiring learners to reflect on what they know as they actively engage in readings writing and dialogue to make meaning from the content and construct knowledge instructional interactivity is a definition i got from michael allen's guide to e-learning building interactive fun and effective learning programs for any company and he defines it as interaction that actively stimulates the learner's mind to do those things that improve ability and readiness to perform effectively so it's clear that active learning and instructional interactivity are similar and that they both entail engaging learners with the content to create knowledge or skills so whether we look at this as active learning or instructional interactivity the key here is going to be designing meaningful interactions that support the achievement of the student learning outcomes so some common misconceptions that come along with instructional interactivity according to alan are first presentation so merely presenting material is not considered instructional interactivity for example in online courses it's easy for learners to passively read or watch lectures in fact it's possible for students to passively attend synchronous online lectures too or in person lectures so we can't just present the material and expect learning to happen navigation is also something that can be passive whether students are navigating around web pages or web courses this kind of harkens back to the days when e-learning was pretty limited and consisted of those page-turner activities sort of where it was just easy for learners to mindlessly click next to continue without actually attending to the material and a third misconception is that of epss and these typically apply in business settings what epss stands for is electronic performance support systems so these are programs that provide employees with on-demand instructions and pathways through troubleshooting based on their input rather than on their training or having specific knowledge or skills for example if you call it support and are answering their questions and epss could guide the tech support agent through the troubleshooting questions based on your answers questioning can also be considered passive if it does not require cognitive engagement so just asking questions is not enough we have to be able to ask questions that stimulate the learners to think about what they're going over and provide them some feedback and guidance as well so these are not instructional interactivity according to michael allen and clicking next to continue is not instructional interactivity unless you're trying to teach people how to navigate to the next screen so how do we add instructional interactivity and promote active learning well let's take a step back and talk about a couple types of assessment formative and summative and you may be familiar with these terms or you may not so just to go over the basics summative assessment can be thought of as assessment of learning excuse me which is looking at completed work so summative assessments are often used as evidence for other levels of the assessment process such as program assessment or institutional levels and these are activities where the students are demonstrating their mastery of the learning outcomes formative assessment on the other hand can be thought of as assessment for learning it involves looking at students work during the process of learning and providing feedback so these are the activities where students can practice with the content but fail gracefully before they have to demonstrate mastery so formative assessment can be thought of as a chef tasting the soup as he or she is cooking it and making adjustments on the fly based on the feedback that he or she is getting basically how it tastes whereas the summative assessment would be when the guests taste the soup so this is the finished product so h5p if you're not familiar with it is one tool that's available to add formative assessment into our instruction and help ensure we're supporting learner content interactions and active learning for specific review standards 5.2 and 6.2

learner content interaction again involves engaging students with the materials which as i mentioned is more than just clicking buttons on the computer rather it requires that cognitive engagement and reflection so a little bit about h5p it stands for html5 package and there are three basic ways that you can incorporate it into your instruction one way is that organizations can sign up for hosting services from h5p and that way they can create store and share those interactive activities with a link canvas brightspace moodle and blackboard all have integrations with h5p that you can do with the learning tools interoperability or lti applications excuse me and lastly users can also self and self-host h5p using something like drupal which is a open source web content management system or through wordpress and i heard this morning i think it was mark lane and their presentation mentioned that there is an h5p oer hub coming so that's an exciting news too anyway once you have your integration set up then you can start creating and incorporating these meaningful learner content interactions in your online courses so there are a lot of different types of h5p learning activities so let's take some time and explore i have a chat or chat i have a link i'm going to post in the chat copy that or you can use the qr code here and i want to just give you a few minutes to explore these specific types of h5p so flash cards mark the words fill in the blanks and image sequencing so you can scan the qr code if you have a mobile device handy and want to do it that way or you can use the link that i posted in the chat and i'm going to start a timer and give you a few minutes to look that over i need some jeopardy music or something oh and these were the types that i asked you to look at flashcards mark the words fill in the blanks and image sequencing and i will open it up to questions if anyone has any questions too at this point sasha how well does this stuff work with oh sheila north repair sorry no problem um how well does this stuff work with like screen readers and um accessibility technologies that is a fantastic question and i do have a resource that i can share with you on their accessibility because they do have a web page devoted to accessibility and which tools are accessible which ones are not and what those issues are and whether someone is working on them i think that's the right link yes so this page has some examples well it has all of the content types as well as whether or not they're accessible and if they're maintained by the core team so certain ones probably are not maintained by the core team but have someone else working on them but you can look at this and see what accessibility concerns there might be for sure because that's a huge concern great question sheila can this be integrated into an lms for free um that's a good question as well so the integration with moodle i know because that is our learning management system that we have we have h5p in our moodle core so it's included with the costs associated with just our maintaining moodle which we self-host on amazon web servers with blackboard and brightspace and canvas it might have it should be an lti so i think the main cost is going to be the hosting so if you have the hosting space i would imagine that it would be included in that cost does that help is it danica yeah that helps i was just wondering if something your institution purchases or you could just like you know like how you can um other tools that you can just kind of pull in for free well it is go ahead oh sorry this is jen i was going to say i've hosted h5p on other like free sites and as long as you have an embed code you can embed it and that's i know in canvas you can embed it just using the embed tool and it works the only issue you run there is if where you're hosting it ever has a problem then that will break the link or you know it'll break that code in your course um so i pulled it in without using the lti integration but i'd talk to your university to see you know if that's the best option or not right yeah and like i said i'm not as familiar with canvas brightspace and blackboard just because that's not what we use and we also are lucky at this university that we have administrators who are our learning management system administrators who handle all of that back-end stuff but as far as i know you could use free solutions and then embed it the only thing well one thing that i can say with moodle is that because it's integrated it can also pass grades back to the grade book but i wouldn't use it for high stakes stuff but you can have activities marked complete once they receive a grade or once they've completed it so that can be nice for faculty to keep track of student progress and whether or not they're taking advantage of all of the resources that are available in the course thank you yeah thank you we have about 30 seconds left so oh yes lumi is another one i have faculty who love to use lumi and that was one of my ideas for an activity today but i thought everyone would have to download it and not everyone would be interested in that but i do have faculty who will build their interactive content using lumi and then they'll upload it to the moodle site to their moodle course okay so i think we're close enough here and stop it reset it um so coming back now you can use the annotation tools to indicate which of these h5p content types that you looked at that you could see yourself using or why you wouldn't use them if um if you have any concerns about using them you're welcome to put it in the chat or use the annotation tools to say which ones you liked and which ones you would use and you're welcome to unmute yourself if you'd like or raise your hand and immute yourself everything yeah does anyone have a specific example of why they would use um something like mark the words that they'd want to share nothing that's okay i had an example of mark the words for things like medical terminology course reviewing a transcript okay so they could mark specific words on there we've also had faculty who do phonemes and other linguistic stuff that they have students mark um you could do adjectives adverbs if it was something in you know k-12 or intro courses and you can also use a text excerpt and have students mark specific words like main points in there music symbols is a good one um image sequencing i have seen that used with putting the phases of meiosis and mitosis in order parts of a sentence main points etc exactly and then flash cards of course we're all pretty familiar with that i think because we used to have the physical ones at least i did so that can be used for identification and vocabulary exercises the nice thing i think with the h5p is that it requires them to put something in and then check the answer so they can get that immediate feedback unfortunately you can still game the system and they could just put in an asterisk or one letter on the keyboard and still get the answer but the idea is to hopefully get them engaging with that content so i will clear the drawings and i want to take a few more minutes and look at some more these ones are drag and drop single choice set cornell notes and essay and [Music] i'm not gonna write window whoops so we'll start the timer hopefully five minutes is enough because these are these are some more of the advanced ones especially the cornell notes and the essays virtual tours of hospital spaces especially with covid we actually had some search committees and one of our staff members here had created a virtual tour of our facilities and so since we had some of our finalists attend through zoom we didn't have the opportunity to come down and give them the facility tour and so what i did is i shared that virtual tour on zoom with them to give them an idea of how our how our offices are laid out and where everything is and what we have down here i say down here i am in the basement of the library and i'm open for more questions or if anyone wants to unmute and discuss some of these options i know we have a lot of administrators and faculty as well as instructional designers so um thinking about bloom's taxonomy which is one of more than just bloom's taxonomy but thinking of some of the action verbs and the levels of cognitive learning outcomes these activities can be designed to go from lots to hots so lower order to higher order depending on how things are designed within the h5p so i have a question yes please kelly um i use moodle as well um when you embed them into course and we have the lti set up i'm i'm rather new at my job here in at my college and i came from k-12 previously so there are like a lot of similarities and differences there have you experienced any issues when you uh copy a course into the new uh terms as far as any of the lti tools or any of the h5p tools having issues so if i remember correctly we did have issues with the h5p plug-in versus the lti and when the hvp went to moodle core because now we actually have a content bank so the content bank is for the course and then that's where the hvps are created and then linked to activities or resources or to the main course page in moodle and since we've started doing it that way i haven't seen that happen yeah i mean so i when the teachers created or the professors created i just worry about the thought process once and on and and just wanted to anticipate that you know if i promote this i just want to tell them ahead of time make sure you i i try to tell them but you know go in and check your stuff absolutely yeah every every semester right we even mid-semester someone at the university decides to change the link to a student support service website it's maddening sometimes when things get changed like that but something like this there are a couple of ways that you can add it to the main course page or to those activities you can do a link to the file or copy the file and i think either way that you do that it should automatically be restored with the new course so again there's also a couple of ways that they can create the new course so if the course if you've created a backup of the moodle course and then you're restoring from that backup you have to make sure that you're including the content bank with it because that's where the content is going to be located the h5p content will be located and similarly if you're importing course content from one course to the new one you'll have to make sure that you check the box to import the content bank with it and i think if you don't check that box you won't even have the option of selecting the h5p activities however if they're embedded in a page or a book in moodle or a quiz or something like that you will still be able to select those and that's where something could break i think so nine seconds i think that's pretty good i'm gonna stop it and again i'm just going to ask if you could see yourself using any of these h5ps the drag and drop the single choice set cornell notes an essay cornell notes i think is fairly new and they always have new activities coming out which is really nice the drag and drop could be used to differentiate or classify examples which is really nice again you can get at the higher levels of blooms depending on what you're having them do oh paula asks can we store these in the centralized content bank so do you mean the site level content bank yes um you can my only question is and i believe we kind of tried to do some testing with this to see if faculty have access to that and i think they do so you could have um say folders for specific programs or courses and things like that on the site level and then anyone from that program could use the activity but i would be a little bit hesitant just because i don't know of the permissions issues so if they would have permission to say delete someone else's content that that would be my only concern a few more than i expected chose cornell notes that's awesome and maybe the essay definitely single choice set um i know again depending on how these questions are written you can get at the higher level of blooms the cornell notes i think that is a fasting fast a fantastic way for students to get used to taking good notes right so that is a way to guide students through the note-taking process and could be used for any number of classes to get them thinking about the content that they're that they're reading that they're watching and making sure that they're getting the most out of it and then the essay question is a fun one because you can have students enter in a textual narrative and then get instant feedback on it with some ai tools of course so you have to provide the keywords and what you expect to find in their response and that can be kind of difficult because you would have to anticipate every possible scenario that you would accept in that answer but it could be a nice way for them to get some formative assessment on things like writing an introduction or writing a thesis statement things like that and let me clear those next i've got a few more that i want to try i think i'm pretty sure we'll have plenty of time um course presentation interactive video branching scenario and then you're also welcome to explore any other one that's available on that website and we'll just take take five more minutes and you're welcome to ask questions about these types about any other types i may or may not know the answer i know i have used the agamoto option in um medical laboratory science courses so it's kind of a mic you can use it as a microscope simulation tool so it looks like you can kind of zoom into the slides and what was really neat with the medical lab science program is even with their clinical rotations there are certain specimens that the students wouldn't necessarily be exposed to so things like anthrax or as fun as it is fertility testing so semen samples it's not like you can go into the in-person lab or in clinical rotations and say okay we need samples from everyone we can get here in class so it's nice to be able to use these tools to get students to see some of the rare occurrences in in labs or to be able to control the results that they see so that you can get them thinking about the results and how to interpret them and then what the next steps to take should be and i believe it was the agamoto one double check yes the agamoto you can create a sequence of images so you could use that for layering map images so i think their example on is adding the rivers or adding the the state lines to a map as you move the slider across another one that's kind of similar to that is juxtaposition so you could have say an aerial photograph of an area before a certain event happened whether it was a fire or a flood and then you can have the students move the slider to see the difference but it has to be contextualized i will say that it can't just be that presentation or that navigation they have to have it contextualized and get them thinking about it and give them some feedback on their performance as well so this is the the question vanessa how is the student work submitted or saved so within moodle there because it's part of core and it's an lti so the learning tools interoperability the grades it does include a report of how the students answer if if there is something for them to answer so with something like the just juxtaposition or the agamotto where it's just looking through a series of slides there isn't really any grade per se or any right or wrong answer it's just that they are interacting with it but if there is something where they're required to submit something and check their answer it will pass back points okay so the course presentation can actually incorporate all i think all of the different types of h5ps within it so you can have slides but then you can also incorporate single choice sets or multiple choice sets or summary statements where students answer those questions and then that report is stored within our moodle database and then within the gradebook faculty can go in and look at that report and see if they answered two out of three correct or or that kind of information but again i will stress that it should probably it should only be used for formative assessments so low stakes practice activities because there is the possibility that things don't get submitted correctly and and it's not it's not that they aren't submitted correctly but it might go back to the expectations for students on how to submit it so they need that training with the technology and i think our keynote speaker spoke to that this morning and the one example i can think of is with interactive videos so with the interactive video you can pause it and require the learners to answer questions as they go through it and then once they get to the end there's a summary and if they don't answer that and submit it then none of their answers for the previous questions none of it is saved at all in the report unfortunately hopefully that helps yes okay thank you thank you vanessa that's a great question and i think we're probably good on that so i'm gonna come back and see if anybody could see themselves using these course presentation interactive video branching scenario or other and i know that branching scenario i know sheila mentioned the virtual tours the branching scenario example that they have on the h5p website is a home healthcare visit so it is walking the learner through going to someone's home and the steps that you should take and what you observe and and things that you should do based on that and i will say it does take a little bit of time to design but it's reusable so that's the other nice thing about the h5ps is they are reusable so it may take some of that upfront investment time but once you have it you get to use it again a lot of people liked the course presentation the interactive video is fun we've had really good student feedback on that uh the one thing that i will note again is the clear expectation because students will say i can't get past a certain point well there is the option to force the learners to answer questions before they can navigate forward and so if they don't realize that they have to answer the questions they can't move forward and it disables the navigation completely so there's no scrubbing back and forth there's no rewind which is unfortunate as well because it we all know that there is a benefit to being able to rewind and re-watch and slow down and speed up on videos and i'll also mention that the interactive video as well as the branching scenario have that option for a choose your own adventure so you can design the interactive video to be a branching activity so if it was something like the home health care visit and you had video for some kind of repercussions that happened with a choice that you made while you were at that home health care visit you could send students to that point in the video that would give them that scene so that's kind of fun too but again it takes time and but these are activities that you can do with h5p to increase that active learning and i can i can tell that not everyone has hvp right so what if h5p is not an option so that's a great question i want to um say the hvip isn't the only option so whether you're teaching online or in person or some combination of the two you also have other tools hopefully at your university or organization that you can use such as your learning management system so i was going to give you about three minutes three or four minutes to reflect on some of the tools that you have available that you could use for these formative assessments to actively engage students with your instructional materials and you can put them in the chat or you can feel free to unmute yourself and i'll just give you a few minutes to think about that oh articulate rays i'm articulate rise and storyline who put that how do you like that we have camtasia but not everyone has it here is that something that all of your faculty have access to i'm pretty sure it's fee based right starting to use camtasia i also see that helle um what are some ways you could create strong rubrics for higher level courses using these tools is it possible to pair rubrics with these so when you say pair rubrics with these do you mean rubrics for your faculty to use to make sure that they're using them correctly or do you mean rubrics for grading student work probably grading student work right evaluating student work okay um with with the h5ps i have not seen a way that incorporates rubrics in it it could be something that you use offline but for the most part the hyp activities are automatically graded so it doesn't leave a lot of room for subjectivity except for things like the essays and the cornell notes and things like that um but the single choice set the multiple choice answers the branching scenarios those are all going to be based on specific answers those students that are objective right um mostly things like the essays and notes yeah so um i know within moodle we do have we do have rubric grading which is nice so faculty can create a rubric or a grading guide and then when students submit essays and things like that so that is where i would say the mastery comes in right so the rubrics would be something that you would give the students to practice with so that as they're doing it within the hvp they're trying to meet those standards and then when you set up the essay in h5p to give them some feedback you would want to include those rubric aspects in it but then when you're ready to do their evaluation on their mastery of it that is when you would definitely grade by the rubric and that would probably be submitted as an assignment so anita you said do you use articulate storyline and rise for your e-learning trainings for the institution okay yeah i know our hr department wanted camtasia for theirs and then they just said we just need you to create a video on copyright and fair use and i know if anybody attended the previous presentation um gosh why can't i remember their name unfair using copyright it was great and i would like our um hr team to watch that you don't just necessarily create a video there's a lot of ifs right um mostly things okay i think i got everybody's questions and i'm loving these answers yuja okay usually does interactive videos too i know i i had a usual rep call me as well and i passed them on to my senior supervisor that's what i do with vendors much as i love them kahoot is fun i've always had good um good feedback from kahoot and there's also one called wu clap w-o-o-c-l-a-p and um those i've used mainly for synchronous sessions like this rather than the asynchronous ones invite students to create something using a tool if they're choosing gay somebody pointed that out that was going to be one of my points is that we don't want to forget the tools that require students to engage and create content right because that gets them um learning nearpod i have i've heard of nearpod but i haven't used it rice courses can be embedded in lms as a scorm and you have quizzes that that is pretty nice and do you i back in the days of the early scorms i had issues with response is getting stuck out in the void i would say because the students would say that they did it but it never came back to the gradebook angela i see you have your hand up do you want to unmute and ask a question yes thanks i uh i'm sitting here trying to take mad notes of all these fantastic suggestions that people are posting and you know as much as of a fan as i am of all education and different ways to make it engaging and fabulous and all my head spins with trying to know where to go to find all these things and so like i i'm like i said i'm taking notes but is there this is the dumb question that's coming out is there like a location that has all these options listed that you're like oh if i wanted to do something with the video voiceover something something i can go and here are 10 choices i can choose from that's recommended or evidence-based or something so um besides just googling endlessly trying to find a just right one is there like a place that things like these are listed or captured or provided that is a great question and that might be um i can look in all my notes because i i too have kept frantic notes through all of their professional development and stuff that i've gone through and have a huge repository of things that are all disjointed um so it would be nice to sort of centralize them and i did save this as a screenshot and hopefully we'll have access to the chat as well oh and i guess we're down to 10 minutes in the presentation but that's okay because we're almost done um so i'll see what i can come up with and hopefully put together oh look someone did share something oh that does look like a great place okay i and i'll i'll be sure and share these follow-up resources with the qm team too so that um everybody can have access to it oh and yes that still happens the scorm stuff gets stuck out in the void darn it that's the only bummer with that that i found um because i did use captivate for a while too in my previous position and i enjoyed captivate because you can do those interactive quizzes and stuff like that in it as well um yes thank you kelly i appreciate that resource so i'm going to clear those drawings i did take a screenshot and i can share it with everybody if you want to so um just to kind of cover the learning management system tools um one of the most common ways is a quiz and that can be used to provide practice and let learners fail gracefully again so that they can get some feedback and make that make the changes that they need to to be able to perform adequately many quiz tools will allow you to add specific feedback for certain questions or even certain responses within the questions so based on how the student answers they can get specific feedback they can point them to remediation and that will help point them in the right direction and give them the chance to practice moodle has a lesson tool which is really nice because it's a lot like that branching scenario in h5p i have loved the lesson tool where i mentioned that the agamoto h5p does not have any thing for the students to actually answer i've embedded it in a lesson question page and asked questions based on what the students were seeing in that agamoto activity so that got them engaging with the content more and actually thinking about what they were looking at whether it was results from some kind of chemistry lab equipment or microscope slides um the glossary tool this is one of those that allows the learners to do the work right to create content and interact with the material so the learners can collaborate on things like key terms or key acronyms or you could even elevate it on bloom's taxonomy with more in-depth entries on something like stock market trends or influences of the economy and then all of the learners can benefit from that and print it you can also have the learners submit their own multiple choice true false and even essay questions and model responses and then you can use those later in your summative assessments and coming back to my goals for this presentation i hope you feel like that you are now able to define instructional interactivity and identify some ways to add instructional interactivity into your online courses and promote active learning and support the specific review standards 5.2 and 6.2 because it's not passive it's cognitively engaging but it always comes back to our student learning outcomes right so hopefully i've i've helped you see some different ways that you can add some instructional interactivity and active learning in your courses and i see we have a few minutes left so i just wanted to stop there and i can open it up to any questions that you may still have and anita shared something oh thank you anita oh this is great yeah very nice it looks like have you used a lot of these anita the lesson tool paula i will say that's another one where it takes some planning especially if you want to take advantage of the branching scenario option um because you have to know where you want the students to go so the student can go anywhere based on whatever the answer you can jump to any page or you can just go in a linear fashion which is there's nothing wrong with that either because you can present material and ask questions along the way and hopefully it's not just questioning for questioning's sake it's actually questions that are formulated at a higher level so that students are cognitively engaging and you just said time and again you've used these tools oh thank you jen i hope so well if we don't have any other questions i know it's been a busy day and people may need the break goose chase okay


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