Do Not Take The Mark - I Repeat Do Not Take The Mark

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A. Government. Where. Everybody, has an. Hour an, RFID, chip implanted in, them all. Money is, to. Be. In. Those chips. All. Right let me learn my cash so, that's like I'm in cash, anytime. You have money in your, check. They, can take that whatever you want to take out whatever they want they. Say you always this much money in taxes, they just deduct it out of your check digit. Elephant. Show and, if, you like me of you and you're. Protesting with it they won it just turn off each other and you. Have nothing you can't, buy food you. Can't do anything it's total control over people and that connected, with. What. Every. Fill everything, is in there you know and so, that they want a one-world government. Controlled. By them. Everybody. Needs shift more. Money in those chips and they. Control, the chips and they can talk to you and you become a slave, you, become serving these, people, let's there go let's do intention, new, world order. In Canada, is this, global governance, at last, is it one-world, the central bank was in charge but aren't we all just living. And dying for what the central banks do of course we, are absolutely, enslaved. To central bank I strongly. Believe India, will. Be the central, actor. In. The news. Order first, you won't be able to buy or sell and ultimately. You'll, be killed. He. Caused us all to, receive a mark on their right hand or, on their foreheads and. That no, one may buy or sell except. The one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of, his name in. Fact verse 15, says those, who don't worship the image of the Beast should be, killed the. Bible is clear death. Would be preferable to, the curses that fall on the one that receives the mark of the beast and. These. Words that I command, you today shall, be, in your heart you. Shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they, shall be as frontlets between, your, eyes it. Shall be as a sign, to you on your hand and as, a memorial between. Your eyes that, the Lord's law may, be in your mouth and, a controversial, move by the Catholic, Church Pope. Francis has come out in vocal. Support, of RFID, chip. Technologies. And the, extraordinary, potential, they hold for mankind. The. Outrage, stems, from a belief held by many. Evangelicals. Fundamentalist. And Catholics. That. RFID. Implants. Are the. Mark of the beast spoken. About in, their, holy books. Chapter, regarding, the, end of the world. So. Here we have Pope Francis, once. Again in. The. Headlines. And. What. Is he doing you might ask he's. Supporting. The. RFID. Implant. He's. Wanting to have. Everyone, at the Vatican, chipped. To. Try to provoke. All, other religions, to follow suit. So. Let's. Read. Further. See. What he. Says here about this, during. The POTUS, weekly, general address, he. Spoke to the crowd about his view on the RFID, technology. And assured. His, many, followers. Then no spiritual. Harm. Can. Come from receiving. An RFID, implant. We. Have, examined, the, Scriptures, thoroughly, and I. Can. Conclusively, say, that there is nothing, to. Indicate that. RFID. Chips, are. Satanic. In any way. Well. Like. Obama, says mr., Pope, some. Folks just ain't been reading their Bibles. If. Anything, else. These. Devices, are a blessing. From. God, Himself. Bestowed. Upon humanity. To. Solve many, of the world's, ills. Yes. Mr. Francis. This. Is definitely going to be something that is, gonna take. Away, the worry and the heel of. Knowing. Where all the people are and being. Able to take away their money and control them like little slaves, I, guess. That's gonna solve. A lot of the world's ills there I'm sure. He. Went on. To, urge his, devotees. To. Be open minded in, this era where, brilliant. New technological. Advancements. Are being made every day, the. Bishop, of Rome explained. To, those in attendance his. Excitement. Over. Making RFID. Implantation. A mandatory. Procedure. For, all, employees. And. Residents. Of the, Vatican. So. There you have it right from the horse's mouth. Last. Month. NBC. Predicted. That. By. 2017. Every, American, will own a RFID. Implant, not. Surprising. Considering. Humanity's. Ever-increasing. Reliance, on technology. With. The advent, of products, like Google glass the. Merging of man and machine. Inches. Closer each day. Widespread. Implantation. Of the RFID. Chip would, be an enormous, and historic. Leap into, that glorious, utopian. Future. Last. Year, the citizens, of Hannah Wyoming. Helped. To beta, test RFID. Implantation. Everyone. Residing. In the small town carries, an RFID. Device between the skin of their, thumb and forefinger. Using. It, both, as an ID and, a method, for paying for goods, and services. Town. Members state that, the opinion, of the RFID, is, overwhelmingly. Positive, and, are.

Proud To be the first Americans, to receive the implant. And. I'm sure if you went to that town and you took a poll of the people that were polled, you. Would probably find out that nobody, in that town has had anyone, ask them, about. Anything, I mean I hear about these polls all the time well. The. American, populace. Sixty. Percent agree. To this and 40, percent are opposed, or. Whatever. I've never had to this day. Anyone. Come up to me and say we're doing a poll would you. Sign. This paper, and tell us where you stand and I. Don't know of anyone else that has taken. A poll. Okay. As we go on several. Aspects, of modern society. Can be improved, with the implementation, of. RF, ID. Technology. Crimes. Such, as kidnapping. And identity, theft would cease to exist. Unless you're the Vatican, and you decide you know you're gonna. Still. A baby and, sacrifice. It I guess you know you could just you. Know erase that. Chip. And who knows what happened to it right, in. Medical, emergencies, where the patient, is incapacitated. Doctors, can find life-saving. Information by scanning the individual's RFID, chip. And. For those people who love shopping, you. Will never have to carry money. That can be stolen or debt. Cards, that can be lost now, your entire banking. Information is literally. In the palm of your, hand. Or. Could. We say. Pope. Francis, it's, literally, in the palm of, your, hand. With. The Pope's endorsement. And blessing. Interest. In RFID. Implantation. Is sure to see a wider acceptance. From. Members, of the church this. Could. Hopefully. Be. The push that this agenda needs to gain household. Recognition. Well. I'm sure it will mr. Pope, since. Whatever you say goes right. You. Know when, when Pope Francis comes on, the scene and he says. That, he's. Gonna, you. Know declare. A peace in the Middle East or he's gonna do this or he's gonna do that then. All. The money and all. The people standing behind this. Illuminati. One, World Order. Conspiracy. That's going on. They're. Gonna stand behind him, you, know I can guarantee, you that you. Know, you're. Looking at. The. One of the most satanic. People. One of the most satanic. Organizations. If. You don't know about it you need to study everybody, this is Mike with OnPoint preparedness, my. Word you guys are gonna think this story is crazy. Or maybe I'm late to the game and you've already heard, about it but honestly I haven't, I did, a little bit of searching and haven't seen a whole bunch of people covering this but check this out this is a tip from my friend ADA she, sent me this sponsored. By the Grand, Lodge Freemasons. Of Missouri, it's, called the mo chip. Child. Identification. Program so you're already going to see where this one is going they. Have a website which you can check out by yourself, it is in the youtube description box, if you want to check the link it, is mo chip dot org but. Basically if you go to the what we do section, it, says that although this is called mo chip, microchips. Are not used in this program, I think it should have the caveat, saying yet. But. What it does is they. Collect digital. Photographs, digital. Fingerprints. Child, information. And emergency, contacts, more. Biometric, data which is dental, bite impressions. And two, laminated. Cards this all goes on to a CD it's presented, to the parents if your child is either lost or stolen you provide, this CD to law enforcement gives. Them all the data they need and also, integrates, with the AMBER, alert system so. It sounds, really good the, program is provided, free of charge to every Missouri family, who participates. Really. Interesting things about this program is it's been around since, 2006. Check. Out the numbers of children that have gone through this identification, program, it, is anywhere from ten to twenty-five thousand. Children on their, main page if you scroll down to the bottom here you can see their statistics, in Missouri alone there's, been over. 1,500. Of these events, held and. 240,000. Plus kids, identified. That, is a lot. Absolutely. Stunning, and again this has gone on since. 2006. But. What I find interesting is although this program dates back over, 12 years ago if, you just do a mode chip, search you'll, see that a majority of the articles, from local, and regional, news, agencies, are talking, about it today, check, out this one June 13, 28 een that one's a little bit older in 2017. This, one three days ago six, days ago if we go on through the pages you'll see that the majority of these Google search results are local. News agencies within. The last one, to three months talking, about the benefit of this MOU chip, program.

Chip. If I don't know if I said it before but it stands for child identification. Program but just so interesting, that they chose the word chip, even had to clarify on, their, main website that, chips. Are not actually, inserted. Into the children in, this program, again. Quote-unquote, yet but. I wanted to do a little bit more digging so. Check out this. Why. Did trying, to find a little bit of this on YouTube, there was this, youtuber. Who did it on march, 12 2017. But only 209, views again I haven't seen a whole lot of YouTube videos on this so this, might come as a shocker to you it is to me it's, actually in Wikipedia, than Masonic, child identification. Program so this isn't just limited, to Missouri. This. Is sponsored. By the freemason. Grand lodges of. The. Entire North American states so. You can see here the chip program conveniently. Named again contains. Fingerprint, card physical, description, video computer, disk DVD of the child dental, imprint imprint, and the. Missouri one didn't have this but also a DNA. Sample. This. Is across all, 50, states. Sponsored. By your friendly next-door, neighbor freemason. Check. Out some of these states I didn't go through all the states but it's definitely there the Michigan child, identification. Program, sponsored. By the Freemasons. Here's. This one the. Most worship, worshipful. Grand, Lodge of free, and accepted masons of Florida, child. Identification. Program. Next. State Maryland. The. Grand Lodge of Maryland. The Maryland Masonic. Child identification, program. Found. This interesting as well from The Huffington Post in, 2012. September 26th. Conspiracy. Theorists, need to theorize and know more in pages, from a fiction, novel brought to life the strangest, twist and popular, folklore have been winding, through our government corridors. In this. Case I wouldn't blame you for being tempted, to run it by Snopes it is a real, thing. They. Go, into, how you, may know this as Massoni. Chip and as we've seen it's called no chip and who knows it's bright called some other names again, with the word chip in all the other states, but. What is it you ask it, begins on the surface as a child ID project. In case your loved ones are ever hoarse horrendously. Abducted. Parents. Are familiar, with the at home kits, to record their kids vital information for, protection, against the grace of all fears on a family, normally. Height, weight, hair and. Eye color are, recorded, along with a set of fingerprints, and hopefully a current, photograph, it's. Just the good folks at your local Masonic, Lodge saw, fit, to take things further. With, the advances, in technology they, begin to offer digital fingerprints. Digital, imaging, digital, video dental, impressions, and. DNA. Mouth, swabs. Chip. Program now. I think. I might just add a couple personal, words about the mark of the beast since, you all know that's where this is headed I, personally. Do not believe that, the chip in the hand by itself is the. Mark of the beast, my. Belief. 100%. Is that, the mark of the beast which, is an irreparable sin, that will condemn. You to hell, that. Is going, to be uniquely, tied, to. Your complete loss of faith and worship. Of the Antichrist, and the beast system the. Mark of the beast is inherently, tied to, worship. So. My. Thoughts on the word the mark of the beast is these. People, will primarily be, worshipping, the Antichrist, and the Beast system. Secondarily. A lot of these other things may come to, fruition if you. Are worshiping, the Beast system, you. May end up getting a mark. On your hand in the form of a chip you. May also worship, on Sunday, there's, a whole bunch of things that people are saying are the mark of the beast but, personally, I think that they are secondary. To the. Primary. Loss. Of faith which is worship, of the Antichrist, in the B system that, is, definitely. Biblical, and again, I think it's primary, I think a lot of these things come after, that but. Yeah. You. Can. Huffington. Post says it best, conspiracy. Theorists, need to theorize no, more. We. Were right we. Were right the whole agenda is, to create a one-world government, where. Everybody, has an. Hour an, RFID, chip implanted in, them all. Money is, to. Be. In. Those chips and, that chips connected to a database enhances your purchasing, records what you do every fill everything, is in there you, know and so, that they want a one-world government. Control. By them, everybody. Being chipped, all. Your money in those chips and they. Control the chips and they control pit and you become a slave, you become a server these. People that's, their goal let's do intention, this is developed. This is a developmental. System. Made. By MC. 10 and, it, has an, antenna and some sensors embedded, in it and what we plan to do is, work. With them to advance a tattoo, that could be used for authentication but, it's it's, really true so what this means is that that becomes my first superpower I really, want the superpower, it.

Means That my arms are like wires my hands are like alligator, clips when I touch my phone my computer, my door my car I'm authenticated. In first, superpower, like I wonder. Taking. The mark of the beast' causes. Want to spend their eternity in, hell, for. Those of you who don't know about the mark of the beast it is mentioned, twice in the revelation, and. Referenced. In over, six verses, and it, is the mark that the Antichrist. Will make everyone, take and wear on their wrists or on their foreheads. During. His reign, now. According to the revelation, no. Man will, be able to buy or sell without, the, mark now. Years ago evangelical. Christians, knew that. This would be a high-tech, method, of buying. And selling and it became big news when. The talk of a cashless society and, credit, and debit cards, became the norm this was really big news when all that came out and the numbers on the credit cards and people were talking, about the number of the beast, now. That's. Nothing, compared to what I'm going to report to you today, now. In around the year 2000. Emerged. From, the tech world, identification. Implants, called subdermal. Implants. Of all. Names the company, is called digital angel. Which I renamed digital, dark angel it was, literally, right, out of the book of Revelation. And the evangelical, Christian. Community, spread, the news like, a wild, fire, here. You now have, implantable. Little, implants. That. Can have your identifying. Data and. They. Can go of. Course in the. Wrist or, forehead. But. It goes even further than that in. Revelation. We are told in several, passages that, anyone, who takes the mark of the beast will. Go to hell, simple. Cut. And dry, take. The mark you. Die you, go to hell okay. It. Dawned, on me that this, mark has to be more than a payment, system to. Cause one, to lose their chance at heaven and damn. Them to hell and I want to think about that for a minute think. About what, this mark is really going to be about. For. Someone. To, lose. All chances. Of salvation. God. Marks, those who, are his and the, Antichrist, will also, mark those, who are his how. Do we get God's mark. By. Trusting in Jesus, as our Savior by. Making, him first in our life by. Worshiping, him as Savior. The. Holy Spirit, connects, us with God in. The. Verses about the mark we also read, in the, same verse that those who took the mark also. Worship, the image of the Beast the, worship. And the taking, of the mark go together you cannot. By yourself, if you do not have the mark but. A Payment, device, should. Not cause, one, to go to hell, should it, okay. This is because, it is more than just, a Payment. Device the. Antichrist, will be connected, to his followers, just. As Jesus, is connected, to him, through, the Holy Spirit. The. Technology. Is also making, great strides. It. Is called brain, interface. And, it allows one, to think, of thought and cause. An action in a computer. It has. Been used so, far for medical, reasons such. As with the use of a robotic limb that a person can think a thought, and cause to move at first, it, required being hooked up to a helmet, full of electrodes, but, now it, only requires. An implantable. Device, and I, even read, of a device that, does not have to be implanted, and can. Rest on the outer brain. Now. The technology. This. Brain interface, technology, which connected, a person, to a device, that, they were able to now control, through their thoughts, even. Connected. To brains, a human, in Iraq and a man was. Able to wave the, tail of the rack can't. Imagine that a man, has hooked up with a rat and. Brains. Connect, and he's, able to way wag, the, tail of, the, rat now. According to future tense it's. Like they're reading my mind how next generation, acts will, market, your brainwaves, in the. Last few years the cost of EEG, devices, has dropped considerably and, consumer. Grade headsets, are becoming more affordable and can now be purchased for as little as $100. Companies. Are looking to these devices, to produce games self, monitoring, tools touch, free keyboards, a hands-free. Game controller, neuro Sky an EEG. Headset. Developer, produced a guide on innovative, ways for game developers, to, incorporate, BCI's. For, a better gaming, experience. We. Also have children's, toys now. There's, a company that actually came out with children's, toys where. The child just thinks the thought and plays, with the toys a company. Has also come out with a phone that you don't have to speak into you wear a collar around your neck and think and it, picks up the vibrations and, converts, them to sound. Now. According to the EU Commission and note that I quote the Commission, because this is where the mark will originate, from. The, revived Roman Empire which, is the European, Union, now. Quote you, Commission, States neural. Interfaces. Will be designed, that, will not only increase the dynamic range, of senses, but, will also enhance memory, and enable, cyber, think invisible.

Communication. With others, now we're going to go back to the Bible here okay this is the technology and this technology is. Frightening. The. Fact that your thoughts and that. You can be hooked up to another computer, so I want you to see where I'm going with this. Revelation. 14:9, 211. Reads then. A third, angel followed them, saying with, a loud voice if. Anyone. Worships the, Beast and his, image and receives, his mark on their forehead, or in his hand he. Himself shall, also drink, of the wine of the wrath of God which. Is poured out, full strength into, the cup of his indignation, he. Shall be tormented, with fire and, brimstone in the presence of, the Holy Angels and in the presence of, the Lamb and the, smoke of their torment, ascends. Forever and, ever, and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His image and whoever, receives the. Mark of his name. Based. On the technology, available, today. The. Image, of the Beast will, be some, sort of a computerized. Clone, of the Antichrist. And he. Will have access to each and every person via, his, mark and the. Computer, will provide him the ultimate control. Over his police state and over. The population. To. Take the mark you will directly, hook to the Antichrist, and give. Your soul and mind, to, him the. Antichrist, computer. Clone the. False prophet. Will give the breath of life - and make speak. People. Will be amazed and will literally worship. The scientific. Stride. Daniel. 11, 17, to 18, tells us that, the Antichrist does. Not honor any God for he exalts, himself above, all, but. In their, place, he. Shall honor a god of fortresses. Some. Versions, state forces, and a, God which, his fathers, did not know he shall honor. As. I stated the King James says it this way thus, how she thus, shall, he do in the most strong hold. With, a strange, God whom he, shall acknowledge and, increase, with glory and he, shall cause them, to rule over many and shall divide the land for gain, this. Is a power-packed, verse and it. Says quite a bit in light, of the technology. Because. The. Strange, foreign. God that, his father's did not know is the, god of this tecnique ecology for his police state which, connects, him to his people and his, number, and numbers. Six-six-six. It is, this thing, this, this, computer. Mind people, controlling, thing, that, looks like him that he places in the Holy of Holies as its home as if, to say he, is God. To. Take the mark will, mean that, you will be directed. And controlled by. Him, or his, government and they, will know your every move, thought, and they, will be able to put their, thoughts into. Your, mind. To. Accept, this mark you give a part, of yourself if, not, all of yourself to, him and his government you. Worship, Him and give yourself. Over to him and his government that is the Beast he. Will seek out those, who do not take the mark to. Kill them and this, is where Jesus forecasted. That father's, will turn in their children, and children will turn in their parents to be put to death for not taking the mark it will. Be all or, nothing. You give, Antichrist. You're all by this act or you, will be killed and then being killed will, gain eternal. Life now. As we get closer to the tribulation. Parts. Of prophecy, that we could not understand. Are now becoming, clear it is, getting so close now that, if you do not know Jesus you had better make sure you know him and if. You are a believer you haven't much time left, to, serve our Lord. And, Savior. I just. Want to read some more Bible, verses out of Revelation, and he. Deceives those who dwell on the earth by, those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the Beast telling. Those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast who, was wounded by the sword and lived he. Was granted power to give breath to the image of the Beast that the image of, the Beast should both speak and, cause as. Many as would not worship the, image of the Beast to be killed, he, causes all both small and great, rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on the right hand or on their foreheads and, that no, one may buy or sell except. One who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of, his name. Revelation. 13:18. Concludes. By stating here. Is wisdom let. Him who has understanding calculate. The. Number of the beast for it is the number of a man his. Number, is 666. And. Further down. We. Read then I saw another sign in heaven great marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues for, in them the wrath of God is complete, and. I saw something, like a sea of glass mingled with fire and, those who have the victory, over the Beast over his image and over his mark and, over, the number of his name standing. On the sea of glass having harps of God they. Sing the song of Moses, the servant of God and of the song of the lamb saying. These. Are talking about the people who will be killed during the tribulation. Over. The victory over the Beast His image and his mark this.

Horrific. God. This. Foreign, God, that. He causes, to rule over many, this, computer. This. Ultimate. Where, man has officially. Merged, the. Mind their brains with, computers, in, an. Effort to be like God, just like. The Tower of Babel when, man. Wanted, to build a tower up to God well. This is using intellect, and the, Antichrist, uses, this and then. Revelation, 16:2. 2:4 tells us, so. The first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth and the foul and loathsome sore, came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and who worshipped the image. Basically. In. Layman's. Terms this, tells us that there's going to be a side effect from this, this. Mark. Which. Only stands, to make sense because, a lot of what the. Medical, you. Know a lot of. Medical. Procedures, and a lot of pharmaceutical. Drugs you know all come with some sort of side effects, so this, is not surprising, but this side effect is specifically. From, God and they'll. Write it off as a side effect but it's actually, a play, from, God himself. Then. We have revelation 19, to 20, and I saw the Beast the kings of the earth and their armies gathered. Together to make war against, him who sat on the horse and against, his army then, the Beast was captured, and with, him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence by which he deceived those who received, the mark of the beast and worshiped His image these. Two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning, with brimstone I, want, to say here that never, have you ever read in scripture with someone is thrown, directly, into, the lake of fire we. Have we, have on the spiritual, side we, have Enoch, and Elijah. Who. Went up to heaven and never. Experienced. Death and. Here. Is almost a parallel of two very evil, who, do, not experience death and are, thrown directly into, eternal. Damnation. Revelation. 24, and I, saw Thrones and they said that sat on them and the judgment, was committed, to them then, I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and, for the word of God who, had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their, foreheads, or on their hands and they lived and reigned with, Christ for a thousand, years. Folks. This mark is going to be serious, and what's. Even more frightening is the. Technology. Exists. Now it's. Being perfected, and, if. You, do not know Jesus as your, personal Savior. Now, is the time to know him if you, are not close if you are a Christian, and you are battling, there, is not much, time, left it's. The fact that it's here. That the technology. Is here and we, know how the Antichrist. Is going to use it because, we already know he's going to have a police, state and I. Would not want to be controlled by somebody, like that and so, it makes sense now, why it's an all or thing why it's a do or die and, why. It's so important, to him and why, it will be so important, to the believer during. That time not, to take the mark because when you take the mark you join, to, him he, will be able to put his thoughts, into. Your mind he, will be able to control, you and he, will have knowledge of everything, about you. All, right constant, company of a cunt this company, says it's about to become the first in the u.s. to offer. Microchip. Implants, to its employees you, heard that right. Microchip. Implants, under the skin Josh, Rosenthal joins us live from just, up the hall to. Explain, this he's in the building with us right now Josh what's this all about. And. That's, right so Lindsey just outside of the studio, here, we've got a few of these vending machines now we all know how these work right you walk up you put your dollar in you get your bag of chips well as I, learned today, these machines are quickly becoming very.

Old Fashioned and in fact just how old fashioned, may, surprise you. At. 3:00 Square market and River Falls the, team of programmers design, software for, break room markets, like this one believe, it or not this, is the reason they're. About to do this to, more than 50, of their, employees it's, the next thing that's inevitably. Gonna happen, and we want to be a part of it the concept, is pretty simple, just. Like how you can buy something nowadays using your phone what if you could use a microchip. Inside your, hand, instead, Todd, you're gonna show us how this could potentially work yes. Basically, what this is considered, is a break. Room market, in an office complex will, come up scan the item. We'll, hit pay with credit card. And. It's, asking to swipe. My proximity. Payment, now I'll hold my hand up just. Like the cell phone and, it. Will pay for my product, instead. Of a credit card, crying. Because, my, microchip. Is now my credit card more. Than fifty three square market employees, are having them implanted, starting, next week not only can they buy stuff with them they'll also be able to use the chips to get in the front door and log on to their computers, each chip, costs $300, the company's picking up the tab the chip goes between your thumb and forefinger, and CEO, Todd Westby, says the data is both encrypted. And secure, so if I'm one of your employees, and I've got this chip in my hand you. Won't know a josh, is slacking off I can tell because I'm reading this chip. There's no GPS tracking at all employees. Here aren't required to get the chip, one of the ones choosing, to do so however just. So happens to be former North Star player and current a Dyna hockey coach her, child if somebody, told you back in the day when you're flying around the ice playing, for the North Stars that you're gonna have a chip, implanted. In your hand you're gonna use it to pay for stuff you're gonna use to get in now two buildings, what would you have told that person I probably look like a chip tooth or a chip of ice but not a chip that has a technology, that we're talking about today. Okay. Now in, case you're wondering Lindsey, each one, of these chips it's about the size of a. Single grain, of rice it's, tiny, just one little grain of rice and, now get, this if you get one of these implanted. Into your hand and you want to get rid of it you know how you do that for, real they, tell me you just pop it out it's.

Almost Hard to believe did they offer you one they. Did they very much wanted me to come back next week when they're putting them in employees and get one still. Not sold but I'm a little closer to being sold than I was when I walked in faster, from the mini machine Sherwood all, right now we need to upgrade the vending machines yeah really Thank You Josh, all right this may be the first time a US company is using the technology but. It's already being used in Europe a company in Sweden offer, more than 100, employees the opportunity, to get those microchips. Earlier this year the. Company at the center Stockholm, says phone, and internet browsing history, poses more of a threat. That. This. Is a mark of the beast' simple, triple, six which is 6 6 6 that's me that means mark of the beast as Bible, says in Revelation, we. Will go a little deeper in that picture, guess, what I'm going to tell you the same thing yes it is the mark of the beast but, in this time I want to give you a little further, information, at the depth information why, it is a mark of the beast something. Different we, understand, the microchip, has been released, and as, soon. As its recent us and become. Already, famous and everyone talking about it yes of course. The. Thing is as soon as I heard this message I, started. To do some research, research. In a sense where this, microchip, coming, from and who produced who manufacture, it and, I. Come to understanding, that was, manufactured, by the company call. Bio. Hacks bio. Hands and come. You'll come to that, deeper. Later too. But. When you go to the company website. And. It's. Called, by our hats international. It's a company it's. Based in Sweden, okay, and. Including. The Lobos means, something they, out. Of nowhere. They. Have named this microchipped. The. NFC tag in tag, 2. 1 6 to 16. What. That to do with this what I'm trying to say. Simply. Let's. Tell, it quicker. 2:16. Think. About it 6. Times 6 36. 36. Times 6, 216. Oh, when suddenly you do you think that's coincident, known as, a mark of the beast they. Trying to tell us hey this is the mark of the beast. Revelation. 13:18. Here. Is wisdom. Let. Him who has understanding calculate. The.

Numbers, Number. Of the beast for the. Number is that, of a man and his. Number is. 666. The, few things I'd like to point out here. That, first. The. First company in the US based company, the name itself. Many. People can say it's coincidence, but think, about. The. First company. Cat. It's called, Wisconsin. Wits. If I break into three things with wisdom, Khan. Also. That's. Not a meaning I like to tell you and sing of, course with, consent. And. Also. Before I go to the detail in detail and information. Whoever. Produced, this they're also the, manufacturer, of this product, is, called. Foxconn. Why. These people, are trying to bring that canción. An information. Let. Me tell you also another thing why, this, bio out of nowhere the bio world came out also, also. You can. I can stand the text we just can be converted into a computer language we also called hex mode I want. To go DP to that but. When you convert, this word. See Oh N, ok, you. Can do it by yourself later and convert. This you. Can see the hex what, is, 63. 6f, 6, e which is 6, 6 6 it's, not a question in the game and let's. Say I'm gonna put a word bio. Tio2. Right. Convert. That hex mode, 60. To 69, 6, F which is 6 6 6 is a consequence, identity. Soft so. Bio con, everything. In an hex conversion. Says true 6 and, here. They, publicly. They're. Challenging. They telling you people that, this. Bio chips call end cap 216. Which is triple six what, else do you wanna know what else you, want me to prove to you it's. In your face it's in in front of you. Simply. They, mocking, new people they're simply the mocking they know what's about to come, Christians. Are crying out loud is saying hey this, is the mark of the beast still, people don't want to do it and many people just take it as a joke. Think. About it people, this. Is not job the disaffected, chose. The name tag, 216. Intact, 216. They, could have come up with some other random names, right there what, in this world, they kept with this number 216, and. Bio. Hacks the company name itself obviously, super, six bio as Korn, triple, six all. This leads into one path which is a path to hell which is super sex, God. Has wound, us like 2,000 years ago I used, to think hey this. Could be in our incident even though I live in to the system there might be a different, change in future more updates, but. This is a time it's become official, and this is a time they officially chose those, name. Tag name, in the number, and, also. You. Have a capability, to do embed. Bitcoins. Or. Cryptocurrencies. Information. Into. This tags. I was. Made. And. Number, three Glee and. Sing with you. And. I know that, you, can, feel. Feeling, too. Showmanship. And theatrics. When, a magician waves his hand and says this, is where the magic is happening the, real trick is happening somewhere else. Misdirection. A basic concept, of magic, I need, to get to, here, what's, there. The, earliest, estimate of, the singularity, when. Man will be able to transfer, his consciousness into, machines and. Achieve, immortality. So. You're. Upset about missing, out on becoming some sort of freakish self-aware. Robot. By. This much. Medical. Doctor I was an. Engineer and, so high part of it was designing the microchip, not interfacing, it to the nervous system and this type of thing. But. My products, to keep that were other microchips. That that. Began, being used in places like Chino, prison instead of a and a lesion in the brain they, were using a microchip, for sex offenders and child molesters, now, folks these things this was a progression. Of things that happen, and. Moved. Along the chips became more sophisticated and. At one point they determined, that we can't use flat, chip that has to be surgically, implanted this. Won't work we. Got into designing, central, architecture, got into designing stack, back. Strata and building a wonderful. Chip in, this microchip in fact my wife has got one in there first it's gonna be difficult to pass it around to everybody in here in some meetings we can do that here, it'd be a little difficult but this microchip, very.

Small Fits. The eye of a hypodermic needle now, right here and spoke, air in. Sacramento. You haven't, been exposed, to this and pets and this type of thing we've been using it for grants we've been using it for all kinds of things there's. A group called empathetic. Not a Los Angeles the claims they can keep track of 1 billion tests so, within 10 feet of where they're at and. So these things are here the reason we're here and sharing with you tonight is is that, these. Things are real folks and. Though and we're moving to the, positive, identification. Of the microchip. I'm going to kind of punch some place together here, but, one of the things that happened, was we. Went out we spent a million and a half dollars. Doing. Some research on, places, to put the microchip, we had determined this. Chip has, 250,000. Come caught it a little, lithium, battery built into it and a charging circuit if, this were a hypodermic needle and one of the problems was you, got a recharge this thing you, can't run in and change your battery like you do on your watch once a year and, so they've got to recharge this thing as though we had a charging, circuit built, into it and. And. It was it was a charging, circuit built on temperature, change we spent a million and a half dollars, that one, between 1.2, ma and a half dollars trying to determine where the or, the placements on the body were that, the the, temperature changed the most rapidly they. Could have asked any mother all, they had to do with that's curve because. The places they came up with and I've got the reports. Back on the, places they came up with or just follow the hairline on the forehead and on the back of the right hand, two. Places in the body I, think. It was kind of interesting, because there, was a somatic Christ in that booth there was a hundred man involved in it actually hundred one man and a couple women involved in the project there, was an antichrist there was anybody that came in wearing red underwear and, a tail and pair horns. Everybody. Was they. Were just guys. Trying to do a job we had a lot of freedom and while we were doing it Lee and we were all trying to do the very best we can. One. Of the things during the project, a project engineer does, not always get to control everything and, I thought, the use of lithium as a battery source I didn't. Like the idea of let there because I felt that that lithium was a little risky in some areas and I felt that that it might cause us some problems I, wanted, to go to a couple other ones gallium arsenide I want to go to a couple other battery sources, and they wouldn't go to that with me.

What. I began to understand, after god puts a call on my life and. I began to look at scripture fine. And. I would like to have you turn with me to Revelation 13. And. I'm going to show you some things. The. Bible that I had at the time I, read. It and it said in verse 16, and said and, he causeth, all both small, and great rich and poor free and. Bond to receive a mark in, their, right hand or in their forehead, now the Bible I had said on the right hand on the forehead I looked at that I said praise God I didn't do it I was, a part of it oh I'm. Not good, and. The Lord said look at the word mark. And. I said but Lord he said look it up in the Greek and. I've got the pages from the shops good corners here so that you can look. It up yourself. The. Word markets, Yurok minor degree. And. It's, 54. 80 and again a Strong's Concordance and. They in the Greek and. It says the scratch and etching a stamp, as. A badge of servitude. Or. Cut into. It. Takes you to the word sir, ax. Which. Is to sharpen to a point the. Idea of scratching, a stake. A pointed object pointed. Into I, believe. What John saw, as. Jesus, was giving, him the book of Revelation, I believe. What he saw was a hypodermic needle and I'm going to tell you why because. Of the meetings that I have been in meetings. In Luxembourg meetings in London meetings if the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco, with a lot, of these people I've been a seventeen of these one world type meetings. So. The whole, idea, behind it, is. Identification. And. Folks. It's not a bar code you. Can't contain it up in a bar code. First. Thing is nobody would accept a bar code you want that thing out there. But, I believe it's the microchip, under the down to the scanner by the way I'll go into at. The last meeting way of meeting my head this morning at church that we were at I'm, at walked up with a government I've got an employee right here in Sacramento I said I attended, a meeting last week where they, said key personnel, will receive the microchip, government. Personnel, key. Personnel and he was at that meeting and. So we're, finding these things well. Showed. Me something else he, said take a look at the not, the numbers 666. But. The word for, 666. I said, lord I didn't know there was one of those and. There is, it. Is 55. 16, and the stomps, conclusion, and. It's chip cystic now the. 22nd, 14th, an OPS adopts a letter of the Greek alphabet intermediate. Between the 5th and 6th used as numbers denoting, respectively. 660. And 6. That. Takes you to the word stigma, so. A part, of that word is stigma now I want you to listen to this carefully because. It's. Really it. Was difficult to take this out it's difficult, to share it with you the word. Stigma. Is. To stick or, to prick a mark. Incised, or punched for, recognition, of ownership. And. So I, looked, at all of those and. I wept for, days. And. God said you let me take care of it you go and share the message I set, you host on a map. As, a watchman on the wall to sound the trumpets. If. You don't sound the trumpet, their. Blood is on your hands. But. If you sound the trumpet and they don't listen the. Blood is on their hats folks. I'm here to share these things with you for a reason there's too many things that have tied together in these days we. Have children and florida right now and daycare centers receiving. The microchip, identification. It. Is being used in many many areas there's, Alzheimer's, patients, receiving it the, whole thing about the the, pictures on a belt cards in a paper bags was government funded, and that thing was to condition, you about, lost children and. It has served its purpose and you're seeing it disappear, now you, check back and find out who paid for it there was no committee paying for it it was paid for through an organization, called evergreen which, is a CIA. Operation. And. They paid for it now, what I want to point something else out to you I fought. The lithium and. They overruled, me and they used lithium. -, one, of the doctors are fine Boston Medical Center about the concentration, of lithium used, in the microchip. I said. What happens, if that breakdown if. The chip right down there but there's a bullet struck and it breaks down he. Said that guy was an atheist he. Said it'll cause a sore knee, on grievious, sore. And. I went and I looked at revelation, 16 verse 2. And. The first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth and. There fell a noisome and. Grievous sore, upon the, men which had the mark of the beast and, upon them which worshipped the, image I want, to point out something to you folks that. Sword is singular, it's sore they. Just break out with sores they broke out with a sword if. That fire plate got gonna pop their microchips, all at once for all the people a toccata but they're all going to end up with a foil under hair they've.

Got, You. Know it's an interesting thing, about the. God is omnipresent, omnipotent. He, is everywhere, but, what the Antichrist got to do he's got to use every bit of technology. He can to. Keep track of you and I and. So he's going to use everything he can and that's the reason why I believe we've come to this. It's. Not an easy message it's a hard message to go out and give but, I want to tell you something folks, God. Is on the throne and. We win and, if you'll check the tomb it, is empty and. We need to be excited about that we're, living in the most exciting time, we could ever live that the, reason, why you're pulled together as a body of Christ is to be with one another to support one another tell. One another I had people ask me this morning whoa, what should we do, with. This gonna happen my. Job you know the wind doesn't make any difference if you don't know the who you're in trouble already. I'll. Tell you something I'm not selling off tellers but I'm. Not selling up plate in your backyard to store food I'm, not selling a special run to where I'm not selling anything I'm sharing with you a message the technology. Is here a little. Bit more in this technology, we now have 23 satellites, overhead that can read a postage, stamp laying on a tennis court if, you think you're keeping a secret to practice you're coming to church there the satellite, can read your license plates every 19, minutes, without. Any problem at all that, technology, is there people, talk about here while back there was flashes, across the sky and, they were wondering what it was these. Were satellites, being taken out of the system a satellite, that their, parity any Apogee will interfere, with a new series of satellites, is gonna it, was just an ops about three weeks ago we know it's coming for a long time they are Leo satellites. Below, Earth orbiting, satellites, these, satellites, are 98, 200, miles there. Is 66. Up being put up by motoroi in conjunction with the Russians these, satellites, will, do away with all side of their dollars and there will not be a place where you could go. We, can pick up your body temperature, change right now the, difference between 98.6. And 104, and, so we can pick that up so, what I'm telling you is that there's no place that you're going to run and hide now, don't get into spare on me because I want to tell you something again, we went Jesus. Jesus. Was standing there they picked up stones don't. Anthony, walk back to their pets and, they saw hip-hop where are you gonna hide you want to fear what big brothers died do you want to fear what the government's gonna do I'm, gonna tell you folks were coming on straight to a cashless society we're.

Moving To the point where your debit card is gonna be here it is now your credit card and debit card together and, we're moving rapidly towards that if, doors, do but, putting. People first he. Says and Hillary said today they, want every man woman and child in the United States to be carrying a smart card the, smart card is a French art I've. Already been going into Maryland in the welfare system oops it has the microchip, and it is the same readout as the microchip, for the back of the hand and, the system, has been prepared, for that microchip. Now. These, cards are coming in that's the smart card. The. ATM, machines, are being changed so that they will scan this type of thing these, things are moving rapidly. So. The the, system is being set up. The, message, that I have to give you is don't take it don't, take. It somebody. Comes and tries to talk to you into this new identification, you've, got an answer for him don't take it it's a filler beads around the throne they're very severe it's around the thumb these, are those that lost their life because they would not take. The. Mark. So, there's going to be people, that are gonna lose their lives because they won't take the mark. We. Are moving rapidly. In that direction the Secretary, of Health Education and Welfare stated. That welfare fraud is running five hundred million dollars a quarter he was on a talk show he, said that is gonna cease by the end of ninety three we. Are going to have positive, identification. I talk show host asking what it was he, said electronic, media to this get. The. Immigration, Control Act of 1986, section, 100 states the president has the authority to, order whatever, type of identification, evening, is necessary, brethren, veil I tried media under the skin rather a tree an invisible, cat to the, invisible tattoo, is thrown out because it can't be upgraded, the. Microchip, is a reach every square props that you have it it can be no part of it can be erased and you can write more into it so. You can change the data that ship, sips exactly, what the Bible says is. Happening people. Say to me, well. What happens if I cross my fingers when, they come and break a the chip and, I can't get it I cross my fingers and, I really I really I cross, my toes or, I cross my legs or I do something I don't. Really mean it when I give it to me. I don't. Have an answer for you except this, Revelation. 14 verse. 9 and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image and, receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which, is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone and the presence of the Holy Angels and. In the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and His. Image and, whosoever receiveth, the mark of his name here's. The patience of the saints here are they to keep the commandments, of God and the faith of Jesus.

Folks. That the only answer I have for you, I'll. Say it don't take it is. Not something you can play with and back out of I accept. Their what gates from the CIA. With. Bush when he was with the CIA with. Henry Kissinger and these people and me say lots of birds where, they discussed, the, very thing you cannot control a people, if you cannot identify them, and, that's why we have 500. Million dollars in welfare fraud every quarter is because you can't identify people. You, can fake cars you, can count on fit cars you. Can lose cards, you, can roll on your card to somebody else but, the microchip, in a hat you cannot lose your you. Might lose your keys but you can't lose your hand, you. Can't command a staple or mutilate, the thing you. Can't counterfeit, it and, if somebody steals your hand and goes to the market to use it to buy food the guy's got all right away something is off okay. Can. You imagine your. Friends head into the supermarket. And saying I want my is grocery. Oops. It, is the ultimate identification. And, it is here it. Is being used. 17,000. A BS were done three years ago, there is no ill effects. We've. Got we've. Got these projects, coming I just talked to a man Sweden today and. He said they did 6000, Glenn in Sweden with the microchip, and I've had no problems, at all it, is coming worldwide. You. See this. Scripture, talks about the world it is talk about just, the United States, there. Is a, one-world government coming, by, the way there, is a one-world, government under, Jesus Christ this coming, this. Chip the chip in the cards, which, everybody, has, to have is a, little, more than what people think first of all it. Has a timing. Inertial. Measurement. Unit, built into it and. What that is it's. It's. An upgrade, it's, a GPS chip but. It contains. Gyros. And. An, accelerometer. And what that does is it tracks the movement of the card anywhere, that you go and, so, it also has four, active, ROM, sets, in there. And. In. A ram chip which, means. This. Is can, be used with, a serial, interface that's.

Why The dots are on the chip but, it's also powered, by both, movements and every, time you scan that card it, actually, it's. Picking, up. Let's. Just say is for charging itself and so. It tracks your movement, all the time it's. Incredibly, accurate it, has an, incredibly. Accurate, clock. Internal. Clock. The. Chip is smaller, and the chip on the card is built inside of it so. It's, actually a combination, of more than one ship in, this and in these cards. So. If it's. Not it's, everything I said and more in, other words it's, tracking. Your, movement. I mean everywhere you go this thing is not only tracking you but recording, it isn't it it's giving it its, is like like. There's nobody you could go without it not knowing where you're at and not be sending that message back, to the motherboard somewhere, we're ready. That's. Right that's right and DARPA, had funded, the, University, of Michigan. For this, work and, the. The. Initials, RT IMU. Some people should look it up. The technology, is there's been implemented. It's. Not new technology, but it's been perfected and it. Is in fact a higher. Level of GPS. GPS. System, plus it. Goes in in with the standard, system now your phone is aware. Of this, card and if you don't have this, chip. On your card you will have it regardless, of your expiration, date you'll just simply get a letter from your bank or, financial institution, saying. That you'll, be given a new card for security, purposes and so. Everybody's, going to have this card. So. When I was reading this article says, it's that you know don't, be surprised, if soon when, you go to the store that, they don't offer, you, the ability to. Dip. The chip, instead. Of swipe the card okay. So, in other words it's gonna start happening it says and certainly by. October. Or in October. It's. Going to become really, relevant, prevalent, so you're saying by maybe the end of September, people. Are going to be getting new cards in the mail for, their bank account and their credit cards and what happens yes. They should have already started it's. Pretty, quick, that's spreading fast and. So that's what sparked my Maya. I was like I can't believe he's talking about these cards a few. Weeks ago when I was online with you I was talking about these cars the only difference between our. Conversation. Was the blood the. Blood drop detector. The blood detector, on the chip itself right. Which means from one blood drop it. Would actually. Capture. That data one, time which, would be a DNA marker, for, you and then that would be an authentication method. Also, that's, what this this federal. Employee in, Florida told me was that this, chip, will interface, with. Your. DNA, so. That yeah it only works if it's been out this. Person was talking not, just from the card only course, that's the first thing that's the drop of blood in this it makes the card work because, it tracks your movement so knows who you are got the you with the card but. But she said also then they will take that chip and they was literally implanted, in their faces and it won't work unless, it's in your body it just won't work so that would be the next thing so first we got the different, chip then. We're going to get the blood activation. Or, the DNA activation which. Is what you're saying and then. We'll get the implant, implementation. Into the body. So. You're saying what makes. That chip. Will then though who, you are and, it. Tracks, your every movement so if you leave your wallet at home that.

Chip Knows. Someone. Else picks it up it says oldest thing to say right is that what you're saying, yeah. That's exactly right Dan and when they began to work on this chip it was ten, cubic, millimeters. That's real, tiny that that's super, tiny this, chip is much. Smaller, now so you're, really looking at this small square on any, of your debit cards and architecture. And, this is years of technology. Smashed, into one little flat pieces, of. Metal, and it's, out there pastor and what they're going to get people to do is, everybody. Works through, their debit cards. Right. There, are debit cards in their license so what they're going to do is the technology begins, with the debit cards everybody depends, on their debit card, everybody. In a very short time is going to be used to having all their information stored, with. The banks this, is going to happen it's going to be stored with the banks, all. Medical profiles anything, of that nature it's, going to be stored with the banks and the implementation. That's already be done so, once people have it in order to keep it you're gonna have to have DNA authentication, or, else, you will not be able to by yourself because, you. Won't be able to do anything else unless you're authenticated, by. The way this card is also going to be adaptive, to all the computer systems out there so, all operating. Systems are changing to, meet the new framework, or the architecture. For. The. New internet, system, that's out there already, everything's, being converted, that. There are flash updates, galore. For all the hardware and sound of people's computers and devices everything, is changing, right before our very eyes and. People. Are someone oblivious, to it well. Inspector. Mike they're there they don't see the spiritual, realm. Of the case coming. As well I mean, they're totally oblivious to the fact that this, technology. Advancements. Rapidly, advancing, is to, help usher in, the. New World Order or the beast himself, why. Does the Bible want to have this mark in your right hand or your forehead what, is it about your head this needs to be there is it so we can not only identify. You but. To receive, information. Now. You're talking about the VCI devices, bring, the computer interface and. Computer. To brain interface, which. Works backwards. The. Technology. Is also, making, great strides. It. Is called brain, interface. And it allows one, to think, of thought and cause. An action, in a computer. It has. Been used so, far for medical, reasons such. As with the use of a robotic, limb that a person can think a thought, and cause to move at first. It required, being hooked up to a helmet, full of electrodes, but, now it, only requires. An implantable. Device, and I, even, read of a device that, does not have to be implanted. And can, rest on the outer brain. Now. The technology, is brain.

Interface, Technology. Which connected, a person, to a device, that, they were able to now control, through their thoughts. Even. Connected, to brains, a human, in Iraq and a man. Was, able, to wave the, tail of the rack in, other words they, can communicate with, your brainwaves. With. Something, placed on your forehead, ordinary. Temples. But the forehead is preferable, because, it can actually on the forehead, that's, your that's your frontal, lobes so, it can. Inhibit activities. For altar activities, or alter, perception and. It can also communicate with. The. Real you, not, not subject. To the other portions, of the brain and. If everybody, can look up BCI the, technology's, been there it's in use they're, communicating, telepathically through. These devices with each other if the mark is in the forehead if. You had something in your forehead that, could, communicate with a computer they could effectively you. Could effectively, talk, to another computer, that way and they've, been doing this in fact, some of the some. Of the test aircraft the helmet Center pilots use they, do not engage the controls. It's a, BCI, devisor and interactive. Device that works from the neural system because. They have already deciphered, the. Brain's language. They've. Already done this and so it, is a feedback. System which, means you can think something the, aircraft, does it when, the aircraft, is under stress you can feel that stress, via thoughts. So, not, only can use this messages. Subliminally. Through. This. Technologies. But. You. Could be manipulated. Your, mind your, consciousness, could. Receive, messages, because of the frontal lobe and, they. Could then begin to control. You and maybe even cause, you to do things that. You normally would, not do because you're. Losing your ability to to. Rational. Your, decision. Yeah. I mean, I'm, going to ask this question can. I just read this one verse it's in Revelation, 13, folks, there's, a and I was reading this one is that there's some reason it's aborted why did the horrea I get think there's, a reason, there's something, that's going to do so bitter when is it sucking. Up I make sense now it says here in revelation, 13:16. And he, caused all both. Small and. Great rich and poor free, and. Bond, to, receive a. Mark in, their right hand or, in, their, foreheads. Now. There's, a reason, why you're going to be there but. It's, cuz they're kids they're going to be able to manipulate no wonder people are receiving damnation. Because. Once you take this thing there's no coming back, I mean you're giving up your soul the soul is in the brain that is a soul of a part of man is the consciousness, of man and if Satan if you surrender, your, soul, to the devil how, are you going to get it back. That's. Right that's. Right but here's, the choice it's. Beginning with the financial, system right and, with. The with the cards, then, what's ultimately going to happiness they're gonna say well if you want to continue to maintain your standard of life you, need to go all the way you need to get the rest of the authentication do, you know how many people Christian. Or not are, going to say well I gotta do it and surely God understands. That, I have to feed my children and, do this that the other, day. Now they're gonna they're gonna start giving in to the system because they've stuck not in the box they, don't believe in his soup gonna supernatural. By the way and and, a lot of people are going to give in but we we, do have this one thing anybody found in anybody. In the book of life is simply not gonna take the mark no. They're not gonna do it you, cannot, take the mark and invite find, your name in the. Books in the book of life and if you put your name in the book of life if you get born again truly. Get set free you will not take this mark you know you see. We're, gonna have this Great Divide Mike it's already happening okay. We're. Having to divide from the from the remnant, church the real Christian, and the bills that are participating or, flashers, that, they've already got leaders taking them down, the wrong road this, the, sign, of it with this that. First time but one big sign was the gay marriage thing I mean immediately, people.

Are Choosing side, which, sides of the body of Christ they're going to be on how. Do you decide, which side of the body Christ Ron you're either in the by Christ or you're not you, know here we go yeah. That. Same, Pharisee. Syndrome. It's all over the place but pastor I tell, you these these electrodes, you know probably, Heidi is for me with a some bounty some, of the medical individuals. That can operate the, computer, by. An electrode, in, their scalp, right, right. Don't belong they've gone beyond that with, us about every, every single all the signals, which, travel, through neurons, are, protected. They have a coating over the connections, called myelin and and. Some of those electrical, signals escape, the myelin, that that. In


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