DJI Mic 2 vs DJI Mic - which one should you buy?

DJI Mic 2 vs DJI Mic - which one should you buy?

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This is the DJI mic that I am using right now The microphone is here and the video you are watching is basically recorded from this microphone And this is DJI's new mic 2 Let's check it out Keep watching... So this is the box packing of mic 2 And let's open it By the way, the key features and what you are going to get in the box information about that is given behind the box And I have opened the box It comes with this kind of pouch It is a compact pouch And see this Inside, this is the charging case Inside which is the microphone, mic 2 And here are the 2 windscreen This is the USB to type C cable This is the audio cable If you want to connect it with the camera, then you have to use this By the way, the quality of the pouch is very good This booklet is also given in the box There are some stickers and information about the warranty is also given in this pouch This is the old microphone DJI mic This type of pouch was included with it So comparatively you can see that its pouch is very good It is very good for traveling If we talk about this charging case You can see that the DJI mic's charging case was very small Its case is quite big But it comes with more battery capacity This means you will get more battery life with this DJI Mic 2 And here I take it out There is a bag in this You have to press it and open it See, press, and open And the system inside is comparatively quite different By the way, I am using this microphone for now Now I have connected the receiver here with the camera And the sound you are hearing is through this microphone And this is the transmitter Two microphones basically Its quality is different If we talk about the build quality compared to this See its quality is quite different Actually, this is like Nothing phone which has transparency effects, it comes with that type of finishing The circuitry inside you can see Looks quite amazing And its size compared to the old microphone is a little small But its length has increased You can say it is a little bulky compared to the old microphone And the finishing is quite different See, it is definitely a little bulky Now see, the button system of these microphones side by side has changed a little If you see here So, on this side Type-C ports are given on both transmitters And this is the recording button And this is the on-off button Actually, the on-off button is given here on this DJI Mic 2 And this is the pairing button There is a pairing button here too So the position of the button has changed a little And the position of the LED light has also changed which is a good thing The LED light in this old microphone is at the front So when you wear it You might see the light in the camera while recording the video It will blink or it will be stable Here the light is on the side So it hides It is a good thing Good placement of the LED light this time And here of course this is a transparent area Which gives it a different look And here see this is the record button By the way, the best thing about these microphones is that when you press the record button It does internal recording This means that you don't need to connect it with the receiver You can directly record it These two microphones work as a stand-alone recorder Now see here The button I press here Here you can see the red light This means that now it is recording, internal recording And if I press it Then the recording will stop And if I connect this microphone through Type-C cable with my laptop So I will be able to access it as a drive And the recording that happened now, I can transfer it to the computer So the same thing is given in this But it can record 32-bit float which is really good actually And see here this clip is given As if it has the same clip Its magnet is actually very strong compared to this And you can see the size, it is a little big In fact, as I said, it is a little bulky compared to this old microphone So in its box, you get two transmitters and this is the receiver The size of the receiver is also quite different And you can see that it comes with this kind of rotating knob I select the language for now By the way, this is a touchscreen display And I have to set the time here So I do all this After that Let's check it So here is the setup of DJI Mic 2 And see this kind of display is given And here you can see that the levels are working Basically, this microphone is active Hello hello hello When I talk, you can see the levels here And if you want to set it up You can use this knob like this It is not working by rotating Press it It works like a button So basically you can adjust the gain levels from here And you can also make adjustments here Also if you swipe like this Then you can set the receiver here Do you want mono or the microphones individually Each microphone has to record on its own track, so those options are also available The recommended settings of the camera are given Gain of the receiver and volume And this is quite a good option If you turn on the camera, this will also be turned on If you turn it off, this will also be turned off And this is the off button, auto-off And this is the link option Here you can see that this is the out option Here is the cable You have to connect it here And the other cable into your camera's microphone jack And this is for monitoring And here is the connecting points for charging Type-C port is given here If you want to charge manually You can also do it from here And here is the on-off button And That's it, nothing much And here is the part you are seeing This is a very compact part Which comes out like this Here is actually a cover There was no cover in the old receiver And the best thing about this receiver is that You can connect this part directly to the camera hot shoe In the old system Actually, there was a separate connector See here too There are different connectors This connector here You can connect it to smartphones with a type-c port Take out this part And this connector you can connect it like this Now this part, the smartphone For example, I have an iPhone I can connect it here See here Now I will be able to record directly on the iPhone Through this By the way This system has built-in Bluetooth And you can also connect through Bluetooth I will tell you that in a little while So this is a very good system In case if you are using the old Apple iPhones So the lighting option is also given But mostly Nowadays Type c port in smartphones So this can be useful And It becomes a very compact setup High-quality audio recording, You will be able to do this with these devices And see this It comes out like this It is very easy to use And in fact, You will be able to use it with a lot of devices The audio quality level You can improve to a great extent It also has a built-in battery And see here You will get information about battery levels So whenever you place this receiver here Or this transmitter Microphones Place it here So they basically start charging And see this It also works as a storage And whenever you want You can use it Whenever you take it out It will already be charged You just have to pay attention to the battery level So that the charging case Its battery does not run out You have to pay attention to that Here see this, the windscreen given This is also quite different compared to the previous DJI mic It comes with such options You just have to See here This pin You have to put it here And press it Now it is locked It is not going to come out so easily It is quite a secure fitting And the microphone, it also looks quite good See this You can pull it out like this Windscreen especially If you are recording in a windy situation Then this is a very important part The quality is very good Now This receiver In this The receiver setting option is given, which I have told you But the transmitter setting option is also given So let's check it See this The low cut option is given On or off Low cut filter And this is the gain option And here is 32 bit of float recording So if you want to keep it on or off I keep it on right now It is going to record in high quality And 32 bit basically Like there is raw in the photos, it is the same So you get more control, but that is during editing And talking about 32 bit It is basically in the file So it is very important to understand this Recording option Recording stop lock If you want, you can turn it on or off And this is the auto-record option If you want it will automatically record here too And it will also record in your camera So this option is also available This is EMMC storage So from here, you will know How much space is left of the internal storage How much you can record And this is vibration notifications And this is an LED indicator If you want to turn it off Then that option is also given in this Let me tell you something else This is the receiver This is the transmitter In the transmitter here is the jack If you want to connect the microphone Lavalier microphone Then you can do it But the quality of this microphone is very good There is no need And here is the on or off button If you press it Then you will feel a haptic vibration And this activates a feature Which is called Noise cancellation See now it is on You will get an indication on the receiver I press this button again And see now it is off Noise cancellation On, by pressing once And if you press it once Then noise cancellation off We will test it Let's see how good it is And Second thing The recording button is given here So for example This microphone is on If you press it Here you will see the red light You will also feel a haptic vibration Recording is on Here on the receiver, You can see a red outline This means Recording is on And this is going to record in 32-bit Float And after pressing it Now it is off This is DJI Osmo Pocket 3 This is not a Creator combo edition In fact with the creator combo you get this type of microphone Now this mic 2, this also connects with it For that here go to settings Go to wireless microphone And here Tap this So here the button Record button Press and hold So that when it becomes blue See now it has become blue After that Press and hold the link button And See now it is in this mode Now I think it will be detected Yes detected And this wireless microphone It has been wirelessly connected with this device See here I have the indicator, Green line That is also visible And See this Wirelessly I have connected this microphone with it It is a very good feature which you can use with it It is basically connected with it through Bluetooth Now because it works like a Bluetooth microphone Let's connect it to the iPhone via BT See this iPhone I have activated it's bluetooth mode And here Follow the same process This button press and hold it And here the indicator will change a little in blue Pairing button, Press and hold After that here the blue will blink Means it is in pairing mode The iPhone See now I can see this microphone I'll tap it Now this is a very good thing Because this microphone is now wirelessly connected with the iPhone And the biggest advantage is that I have here The adapter given Basically this receiver This This connector by connecting it down here There is no need to do all that I am able to connect it with it wirelessly And here If I record any video Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Ok unfortunately in the iPhone's video recording mode In that the audio is not being recorded through this microphone The audio is recording through iPhones internal mic But if you have installed this Blackmagic cam So here if you go to settings See here The audio setting here You can see that for now This audio source is set to the iPhone's microphone And because through bluetooth this is already connected So here you can see DJI mic 2 I have selected it And now it is connected See here Blue indicator lights up as soon as This microphone connects with any bluetooth device Then you will see blue indicator This is also one way to know that This microphone is connected with your device or not Or this is in BT mode or not See here audio is being recorded through this It's working So you can wirelessly record excellent quality audio with it But for that you have to use this separate application Because the default application of the camera It don't works directly If you want to record here Then you have to connect it like this This microphone Actually I connected it via BT So here, it's not responding Now it is connected You can press this button and hold See now it is working And this microphone is also working So both microphones are quite good Especially if you are attending a lot of interviews Or if you want to do a dual recording It may be that you have to do vocals Or background So for that this is a quite good option You will be able to use both microphones And the best thing is that it is completely portable And Easy to use And quality is awesome Let's check its quality For now the audio you are listening This old microphone I am recording with this Here I am wearing this microphone And This old microphone sounds like this Now I am going to replace it with this new microphone This receiver I am going to connect it to the camera I am currently using The microphone I am going to use its microphone Tell me about the difference in quality through the comments And I am going to do an outdoor test with this Especially the noise cancellation So now I have replaced the microphone This is the old receiver Here you can see the indication Because I plugged it out with the camera You can see this indicator here So you can see the same indicator on this If you have removed the plug And The audio you are hearing, is through this new microphone Tell me How did you like Do you feel the difference or not I am wearing the microphone here You can hear the tap sound And With this microphone There is a clip with which You can easily put it on Shirts, Jackets And This magnet Let's say I keep the microphone here And I have kept the magnet here So this way you can conceal it And this magnet is very strong compared to this magnet Which was on the old DJI mic Look you will get a lot of microphones in the market Cheapest And Expensive too So basically which one should you buy Look The more expensive the microphone, naturally the quality will be quite good But it will depend on How your vocals are How is the base in your vocals And The better the microphone, the more... will capture the frequency This means your voice will sound natural If the quality is good then Now I have seen some people's video where they are saying DJI mic For example There is not much difference between this DJI mic and the mics available for Rs.5K They are it will be better to buy the cheap microphone instead of this expensive microphone Now, this new DJI mic 2 is priced at Rs. 38,000 The price of this old DJI mic is quite low compared to the days it was launched I think it is priced around Rs. 26,000, I'll share the exact price in the video description

Now the question arises, should you buy an cheap or a expensive mic As I told you, many people said there is not much difference But I wish to tell you something If you don't know much about specs, no worries But you must know about the technology that has been used Means how the technology works Or how you going to use the technology For ex, this MIC is a recording medium Both cheap and expensive mics can record audio Now, how you'll differentiate between the quality of two You'll have to use a device to check the quality As I said you'll be able to differentiate between the quality of two only when you'll test it on a good quality speaker Many are using smartphone for testing Smartphones speaker quality is not that good compared to the speakers being used at theatres and on TVs So the smartphones quality is not that good compared to these Unleas you are using a earphone, it improves quality to an extent It also depends, on the metrics of your computer's processing quality while editing So just because one mic is of Rs.5K and the other is of 25K and yet you are not feeling the difference in the audio quality This means you are not aware of the technology much If you'll use a good quality speaker then you'll be able to differentiate If you'll use a cheap quality speaker then you won't be able to differentiate I am saying if you wish to test a next level mic, then you'll have to use a next level speaker Let's check it's quality outdoors Also I'll take out this MIC I have connected this MIC here Now the sound you are hearing is just a normal level sound This means I have not activated the Noise Cancellation But now, I'll activate it Now it is activated If you feel a difference in this environment then you can tell me Now let's check its quality outdoors I have connected this DJI mic wirelessely with this DJI Osmo Pocket 3 For now I am inside the car I have opened the car's door and you may be hearing the noise outside Now, let me enable the Noise Cancellation feature Now it is on and it sounds like this after the feature is enabled Now, you won't be hearing most of the bg-noise I will now on the car's engine to get a good idea But before that let's disable the noise cancellation feature So I am shooting this outdoors without noise cancellation Now, let me switch on the car's engine You'll hear the AC sound too I have switched the AC to full, and this is how it sounds You are hearing both the car's engine sound and the AC sound too I will now enable the noise cancellation feature It is on now Noise cancellation is on, and this is how it sounds in this noisy environment I am able to hear engine's and AC's blower sound Now, we'll have to see if this MIC is recording these sounds or not Or it is giving more preference to my sound Do let me know about its quality in the comments This MIC will last for 18hrs with charging case Its wireless range is of around 800 meters So this is DJI Mic 2 If you wish to buy I have given the link in the video description This is an expensive option But as I said you'll be able to use it in most of the situations Especially, as it is BT enabled You'll be able to use it as a BT mic It comes with noise cancellation feature that was not present on this old DJI Mic If you are using Osmo pocket 3 like me Then this is great option for that You may be able to connect this to your smartphone via BT It depends you'll be able to use the mic with camera module in some smartphones In case you are unable to use it with your smartphone camera module Then there are many 3rd parties software available... which you can select the external mic So friends share your thoughts on this DJI Mic 2 in the comments below keep watching...

2024-01-29 13:52

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