DIY Cardboard Laptop (world's first!)

DIY Cardboard Laptop (world's first!)

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Hi. Are you worried about your laptop getting stolen? (upbeat music) Oh, not again. (drum rolling) Why not make it look like literal trash? So that's what we're gonna be doing today. We're gonna be making a fully functional cardboard out of laptop. (laughs) (laughs) Did you do that on purpose? No! Oh my god! And then we're gonna send our trash laptop to Linus Tech Tips, and have him judge it.

Huh? Oh, no. This video is brought to you by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform for all your website needs. So to make the laptop, we have a collection of secondhand and new laptop components.

And I have a general plan on how to put them together with the cardboard. So this is my 3D model. It's not much to look at initially, but watch this. Boom. (explosion booms) Screen.

Boom. (explosion booms) Electronics tray. A lot of cardboard is really bendy, wonky, and wibbly.

It's never really flat. So I was thinking we have some spare aluminum plate. (chimes tinkling) Could we just stick that in the laptop to make it flat? But then I feel like it's a metal laptop covered in cardboard, right? If it's like, I feel like, can we stick an existing laptop and tape cardboard to it, wouldn't that be like kind of the same thing? But there's components. Well, I know there's components.

All laptops have components. I feel like it needs to be, like, the structure needs to be cardboard if we're calling it a cardboard laptop, and like, we embrace the wonk. We embrace the wibble wobble.

Can I keep my metal hinges? We can do metal hinges. I mean some, obviously, some of it will be metal. Okay. But what if it's as much cardboard as physically possible? I'm down to start there and see how it goes.

I think it's gonna be fine. I think it'll be structurally sound. Foreshadowing? KATELYN: One thing we do agree on is we don't wanna cut a bunch of cardboard layers by hand. So we're gonna start by laser cutting all the pieces out. So all of these pieces should frame the electronics on the base. Now, aligning them might be tricky.

KATELYN: How precise do we need to be? I would like to be precise. Okay. So I'm adding these little brass spacers right here into the frame. I already dropped it. I dropped it once. (laughs) KATELYN: You dropped our cardboard. How dare you! EVAN: It's a little- KATELYN: It's almost as if cardboard isn't meant to be used for anything that's supposed to be structurally sound.

I dropped it on the tip, so it's an especially vulnerable area. (laughs) (Katelyn laughing) (sultry music) Now that we have these little spacers, check this out. Wow.

KATELYN: Oh my gosh. EVAN: Wow. KATELYN: This is incredibly satisfying. Wow! So this should go here. You have your ports here. You have your outlet for the fans right there.

We'll hot glue this in place probably. (Katelyn laughing) And then, the battery goes right here. And just attaches in right there. You know, there's a little bit of a bend going on.

I'm not worried about that. (Evan laughing) Now, one thing I'm thinking of and second guessing, for the USB-C ports. Hello!? You want me to- (gasps) Oh my god. You almost tipped the light. It's stuck on the light. It's stuck on the light!

Stop, stop, stop! For the USB ports, they're kind of stuck in here, recessed. (chimes tinkling) Do you think that's okay? I mean, I'm okay with it. Are you not? Now, I could do cutouts here in the base plate.

(tricky music) Ideally, that'd be nice. KATELYN: So we cut a new piece to give us better access to the ports, plus a few extra layers to build up some height. But then... EVAN: Hey, Katelyn? Yeah? No, what's wrong? EVAN: I have good news and bad news and good news. Okay.

(Katelyn laughs) EVAN: So, good news. KATELYN: Yes? EVAN: Look at this! It looks really cool! Wow! KATELYN: You can access the USB port port's better. Wow. Look at this height

we've built up. Wow! Bad news is, this is gonna overheat completely if we turn it on. There's no hole here for the fan to work. Oh. And cardboard's flammable. (Evan laughing) But the good news is, I caught it before we turned it on, and it should be easily fixed.

KATELYN: We'll just cut a hole in this base plate right here? EVAN: Just right there. KATELYN: Okay! EVAN: Watch this. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this. Look at this.

Whoa. KATELYN: Wow, oh, you have outlines? EVAN: Yeah, I have outlines for when we glue it later. (upbeat music) It didn't work perfectly, but it works okay.

KATELYN: I'll take it. Let's add a hole. (machine whirring) I'm a big fan of how this turned out. (laughs)

KATELYN: Nice. (Evan laughs) So legit. Wait, wait, wait. I just realized. I completely forgot something. A surprise. KATELYN: Oh, it's another cardboard piece. Okay.

EVAN: Another cardboard piece. Then I added little Easter eggs. That's awesome. (Evan laughs) (Katelyn laughs) Did you typo my name? Do you- Evan and Katrelyn? I'm sorry. I'm sorry! KATELYN: I mean, it's fine.

I can be Katrelvn. Other than that, it looks great. (bright jazz music) Now, we are gonna glue with contact cement, also a low moisture option. Are you leaving? Don't leave me. I still need, I still need your support.

You can do it! (cheery music) Thank you. EVAN: You need to mark out where you're gonna put the glue 'cause these don't really line up the best. Oh, they don't? So you etched these, but they're just a little bit off. Okay. It was because I didn't think of everything at the beginning. The next one we make is gonna go a lot smoother.

The next one? Yeah, the next cardboard laptop. 'Cause all the orders are gonna come in, right? Oh, we're putting this up for sale? What do you guys think? Do you want it? (bright jazz music) (object clattering) (bright jazz music) (object clattering) (bright music) Craft laptops. Artisan. Artisanal laptop. Artisanal. That's true. Yes. Spaghetti.

(bright jazz music) EVAN: Ooh, baby, we're doing it. We're making a cardboard laptop. We're doing it, baby. EVAN: All right! KATELYN: Awesome. Layer one! EVAN: Yay! KATELYN: How many layers do we have? EVAN: Three more, so 45 more minutes.

KATELYN: Three? Cool. (upbeat music) Let's see if it still fits. That would be important. EVAN: Oh yeah! I don't even think we need to use hot glue to hold it down. KATELYN: No, that looks great. EVAN: All right, now let's see if this attaches well.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. KATELYN: The light turned on. Yes! Yes. Yes! Things are happening.

Look at that. That is the base of a laptop. (upbeat music) A cardboard laptop. You might be a little sticky after that. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Sorry. I'm kind of nasty.

What if I like you like that? Sorry. And now guys, you're not gonna believe what's gonna happen next. (suspenseful music) More laser cutting. KATELYN: So next, it was time to start cutting pieces for the keyboard segment of our laptop. We also have the idea to etch in some custom sticker designs. I'm saying that with quotation marks 'cause they're just laser cut etched.

But we wanted to mimic the stickers that sometimes appear on a laptop when you open it next to the keyboard and track pad. Then it was time to assemble. And we started by gluing together some spacer pieces that will raise the keyboard up. EVAN: Oh shoot. I sprayed the wrong side. KATELYN: Should we cut another? Should we let the glue dry? (Evan whimpers) I'll cut another one. KATELYN: Aw.

(upbeat music) (spray can hissing) Did you do it again? (Evan laughing) No! (laughs) (upbeat music) KATELYN: How did you do it again? (upbeat music) EVAN: Okay. Now, after all that craziness, the true craziness begins. We're putting together the keyboard piece. And you'll notice these are technically cut out. Like if we pushed on these, they would pop out.

EVAN: Yeah, I pushed on the B. So the B is barely holding in there. B for barely.

Evan has an idea to make assembly a little bit easier. Oh, no. EVAN: So look at how perfectly this keyboard should fit in here.

KATELYN: Very precise, But I don't wanna stick every single key on here onto here. So my thought was, what if we spray adhesive the whole back of this and attach it all at once? (ominous music) (Evan laughs) KATELYN: You know, after your recent spray adhesive shenanigans. Oh, I know which side to spray it on now. Okay? (laughs) KATELYN: Okay. Okay, We're doing it. (yelps) (spray can hisses) If this works, this is a huge step forward.

KATELYN: Do you want a second hand to help align it? That seems like it would be smart. Are you okay? (Evan exhaling) Okay. So we need to kind of like press down every key? EVAN: Okay. Ready?

(suspenseful music) Oh, it's all on there. Are they ever gonna come up again? (curious music) KATELYN: I don't know. Keep going, we're committed. (curious music) Do you think that the- EVAN: Some are popping back up eventually. KATELYN: Okay. Do you think maybe there should have been like a little bit of space in between the key and the frame between the keys? Yeah, maybe the curve needed to be expanded just a little bit. KATELYN: Would you be able to type on it? (Evan chuckles) (Katelyn chuckles) No.

Oh, I'm sweaty again. I only bought one of these keyboards. Okay, what if I just slam it? (curious music) Oh, no. KATELYN: It looks amazing.

(Evan laughs) (Katelyn laughs) So maybe I shouldn't have stickied this frame. I think another thing that I'm realizing is the keys should stick up from the keyboard. Wow, oh, the entire thing is a little bit off. That power button is a little bit off.

KATELYN: They might not have been aligned. Probably should have checked that first. (chimes tinkling) KATELYN: Yes. Yes, yes.

Yes! Oh my god. That's cool. (laughs) Okay, so I can see how close I was. It was so close.

KATELYN: It was really close. EVAN: So what's happening is, since these are a little bit up and off, the top little bit of this is sticking down. You see that? KATELYN: Yeah. EVAN: Once they're freed, they're free. What if we- So.

So. What, what, what if we dust a bunch of baby powder and everything that is sticky will get covered in baby powder and then it'll no longer be sticky and we'll just have a powdery keyboard. That's not the worst idea.

(mysterious music) We could powder it and then we vacuum it. (Evan laughing) (mysterious music) Oh my gosh. You know, I mean, it would probably work.

(mysterious music) Will it be bad if baby powder gets under your keys? Is it bad? That's what the vacuum's for. Has anyone faced this? Some very specific questions. This is the AI answer. "It's not clear what effect baby powder might have on a keyboard, but baby powder containing talc can be toxic if inhaled or swallowed. We're not inhaling it.

That is not what I'm asking. Ooh, "Can baby powder break a MacBook," someone's asking. It's not likely to damage a computer, unless you clog fans or cooling system. I think it should be okay. (ominous music) I should have just done this the simple way.

I'm regretting my choices. I'm regretting my choices. (mellow music) Oh.

(mellow music) (phone ringing) PARENT: Hi there. Hey, I just wanted to call and let y'all know that we're still coming over. We hit a bit of a cardboard keyboard emergency. EVAN: We'll put the baby powder on.

(eerie music) KATELYN: This is fine. Just a little seasoning. This is so unhinged. (laughs) It's fine. This is working. This is totally working. This is totally normal.

Shove it in there. (eerie music) We just bought a new Shop-Vac. Time to give it its initiation.

I already sucked up a dead lizard. Don't ask why. KATELYN: There you go. There you go. EVAN: Oh, no! No! No! Can we retrieve it? EVAN: Good thing I cleaned out the- KATELYN: The lizard? EVAN: Oh, it's wet. KATELYN: Oh no.

Are you drying the wetness off the cardboard? Yeah. KATELYN: What was it wet with? (eerie music) (Katelyn laughing) Should I plug the monitor in and see if this boots up and works? How much work is that? Really easy. Okay, let's do it. Yeah. Did we break it? EVAN: Install this.

KATELYN: I thought you were gonna test it before you install it. I just need to make sure if it works all together. (dramatic music) Come on. Oh, what an unhinged day.

(Katelyn laughing) (dramatic music) Come on, screen. You know, it could be a great time for a dinner break. (dramatic music) Maybe a shower. You're really sweaty. You're really quite sweaty. (laughing)

And when we make version two of this, it's gonna be so much better. (gasps) It's turning on! EVAN: Oh, wait! It did it! Yes! (cheery music) (Evan clapping) So do you wanna like pull up a Word doc to see if all the keys work? Like is that... The mouse doesn't work. Oh.

I mean, the mouse's not working is a pretty big deal. EVAN: Oh, this is pretty messy is, baby. I think it's, it's mainly the misalignment issue. KATELYN: Okay.

I'm gonna order a new keyboard and see if I can fix this. Okay. We learned stuff. We did. And that's- What it's all about.

(bell dings) Hi, I'm Carmen Board, inventor of cardboard art, and I'm responsible for pieces such as "The Duck of the Eternal", "The Feline of Entropy", and of course, my most famous work, "Steve". Just listen to this review of my art by world renowned art critic, Evan. Within this unassuming cardboard, a clandestine narrative unfolds. Each tape creates a whispered secret. I'd like to order a custom piece.

What's your website? Uh, uh. Gimme a second! I know the fastest way of creating and managing my online shop. Today's sponsor, Squarespace. EVAN: The artist's audacious choice of humble cardboard, meticulously assembled with a vision of a cardboard laptop. With Squarespace, you can focus more on your product and image- KATELYN: And less on the boring details like logistics and managing inventory.

EVAN: The imperfections, creases, smudges define perfection. Dup, dudu, dup, du. You can buy your domain name and pick a professionally-made template from their large catalog. KATELYN: You can even pick and choose from their many extensions, created to help you save time.

Question the existence itself. Oh, bravo my dear. (panting) Yeah, whatever. So here's my website. Oh, yes, yes, yes! KATELYN: Make your business stand out. Go to

to get 10% off your first purchase. All right, we're back, and we've mostly mentally recovered from that trauma. (laughs) (Katelyn laughs) We have made a few changes on this next iteration of the keyboard cover.

We cut all the way around the keyboard tray. 'Cause if you notice here, you see how this is lower than this. So then the keys will stick up some. Yes. We also cut twice around the keys to add a bigger gap.

That way, hopefully, there's no friction. We also were able to salvage the keyboard. It has a little bit of powder residue on it, but hopefully, it'll be fine. (snazzy jazz music) And this time, we're gonna try to align it. Yes. Do you want a second hand to help align it? That seems like it'd be smart.

EVAN: I think we should start by removing the keys. KATELYN: We're gonna do all the keys individually. The thing we were trying to like save time on, but then that like caused a whole extra day of work, and- (ominous music) Yeah. Yeah. EVAN: That square is more properly aligned.

KATELYN: That looks pretty good to me. Now, tedious task of removing all of the keys. Time lapse? Yeah. (upbeat music) Oh my god- Oh my god! That is incredibly satisfying! Way better! Oh, look at how recessed it is down in there. All right, let's do a fit test.

Yes. I think this is it. There's enough wiggle room now to push down. There's enough wiggle room? This is it. You know, it's all about the learning process.

(upbeat music) And finding joy in that. KATELYN: Oh, did you find, were you joyous yesterday? (ominous music) It's all about the process of finding joy. (upbeat music) KATELYN: Oh, okay.

EVAN: Here we go again. (spray paint can hissing) (upbeat music) All right, the first piece is down. Do you feel like you are in control? Like of my life? Like in general? EVAN: Of the control key? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I thought you were getting deep for a second. (Evan laughs) EVAN: That is great.

Do you ever wonder, like, how this is gonna function in the end? KATELYN: You know what they say about keyboards? They're the window into the soul. EVAN: I've never heard that in my life. KATELYN: It's a very alt statement.

Oh my gosh. This is coming together. I can't believe it. I know. (Katelyn exclaiming) EVAN: What was that again? (Katelyn exclaiming) (Evan laughing) (Katelyn laughs) (upbeat music) So many time lapses.

The more time lapses in a video, the more work the video is. The more we're like, "This is so much work, like we have to speed through it in the edit." (upbeat music) EVAN: Yes. KATELYN: I'm still taking my time. (drum rolling) EVAN: Yes! Yay! KATELYN: Honestly- It is wonderful. It is so cool.

It's so satisfying. This has been my favorite part of this build so far, even though- Heck yes! KATELYN: It's been the biggest pain. Oh my gosh. We get asked all the time, "What's your favorite project you've ever made?" And it's always the last one we did.

And I'm in the middle of this, and I'm already like, yeah- Yeah, I'm like, so cool. This is it. So cool. EVAN: Now it's gonna start looking like a laptop 'cause we're gonna be building the top section for the screen. KATELYN: Yes. (upbeat music) EVAN: There you go. KATELYN: It's basically done.

EVAN: It looks complete. KATELYN: As long as you're holding it. So hinges. I see you have some bits and bobs over here. Yeah, I've been seeing if I could just like buy something and just use it. The problem with these hinges is this one, try to bend this.

(swanky jazz music) Oh my gosh. Now I found one that you can actually bend. Oh, this is not bad. But if you just slap this down here, what are we gonna connect them to? It's not like you can like screw into cardboard. Cardboard.

Seems like we would need it to be longer. Okay, see what you got there. You took something you attach. Is that laser cut acrylic? EVAN: It's laser cut acrylic.

Now this, you can really bend nicely, but like, it's so thick. KATELYN: It's really thick, yeah. EVAN: These have high friction, but still, like this hinge needs to be offset some. There's no place for cardboard to go on either side.

KATELYN: Yeah, I see the conundrum, like we want a hinge that can have like space between the two faces. Posts, yeah. So I could try 3D printing my own custom hinges. I can design it completely custom. That means I have to design it completely custom. All right guys, it's time for- KATELYN: Hello? A nerd montage.

(mellow music) I spent 10 minutes designing this first hinge and it failed. I was crushed. But then, I came up with the second design that should allow for the laptop to close correctly. (hinge snapping and squeaking) So I loaded up some tan filament that looked cardboard-colored and sent my design to the 3D printer. (mellow music) KATELYN: The only downside of this new design was that we needed to recut some of the cardboard pieces to make space for the hinges. (mellow music) Which meant we also had to disassemble some of our work.

But then- All right guys, it's time for, ow! (laughs) It was time to add the hinges. (mellow music) I'm pressing down. EVAN: Lock it in. I'm locking it in.

EVAN: Unless we make more. (laughs) No. No more remaking things. Ooh.

(mellow music) One of many moment of truths. (suspenseful music) (hinges clicking) KATELYN: Is it closing? Is something stuck? What's stuck? Oh my gosh. (curious music) It's the two metal pieces interfering.

The hinges aren't high enough up. KATELYN: Because of these, which weren't part of the 3D model. Can we cut it down? Just these two. We'll do something. (Evan laughing) (ominous music) (drill whirring) (bright music) Moment of truth. (suspenseful music) (heart beating) No, no, no! No! (Evan sighs) KATELYN: Is it still not seated all the way? I can fik this.

I can fix this. I can fik this. (Katelyn laughing) (bright music) Just close your eyes.

Okay. I'm recording you blindly. I'm getting worried. No. Don't get worried. It's chanting under your breath that does it. ♪ Everything is gonna be okay ♪ It's not reassuring.

♪ Everything is gonna be okay ♪ What if it's not? (Evan laughing) Just open your eyes when you hear the loud noise. Okay. (grinder whirring) Oh geez! We're grinding it. (laughs) (Evan cackling) (Katelyn cackling) (grinder whirring) This better work. Otherwise, I don't know what's gonna happen next.

Oh, also, I added the speaker and the wifi card. (laughs) I was gonna reveal that later, but you know, whoopsie. Now how confident am I in this? (suspenseful music) (heart beating) Third try is the charm? (Katelyn gasps) Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! (upbeat music) Oh, yes! Oh my god! (upbeat music) (Katelyn gasps) (Evan laughing) It's holding! Now, before we celebrate too much, hit 'em with a line that we planned earlier.

♪ West side ♪ ♪ Take my ♪ (beeps) We're gonna do some finishing touches, and then we're gonna take it for a test run. How'd I do? You did great. Thanks.

I had forgotten it through all the stress. Okay. Teamwork. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) KATELYN: We decided to test and rate several crucial criteria for our laptop. And to do so, we took it out into the wild. EVAN: Test one, durability.

How well does it hold up to everyday use? KATELYN: You gotta make sure to not touch the laptop with greasy fingers. (upbeat music) EVAN: We were quite paranoid about getting it wet or dirty. Ah! Sorry. EVAN: Three out of 10. KATELYN: Test two, functionality. How well did the keys, track pad, and hinges work? (upbeat music) Look at this functionality.

I cannot type, but my keyboard and mouse works. KATELYN: Honestly, decent. Seven out of 10. That's pretty good.

It's gonna fall. Test three, portability. How does the thickness and weight compare to a normal laptop? It's pretty lightweight, but pretty thick. Five out of 10.

KATELYN: Test four, conversation starter. Do we make new friends because people wanna talk to us about our unique laptop? PASSERBY: How'd you that shirt? This shirt? PASSERBY: Yeah. You can get at It's like someone's merch. PASSERBY: Cool.

Is that a cardboard computer? That is a cardboard computer. PASSERBY: That's pretty cool. We made it. PASSERBY: Nice! Thanks! Thanks! PASSERBY: Have a good day, guys. You too. You too.

Only one person came up to us, but he was lovely. Nine out of 10. EVAN: Test five, aesthetics.

Does it look nice enough for an aesthetic coffee shop photo? (bright music) It's beautiful. 10 out of 10. KATELYN: Test six, gaming capabilities. Can we be epic gamers using this laptop? Yay! Gamer, pro gamer! (laughs) KATELYN: Technically, we gamed.

Five outta 10. EVAN: Test seven, overheating. Is cardboard good for heat management? It certainly is good at insulating the user from heat, but does that increase internal temperature? I honestly don't know. Five out of 10? KATELYN: Test eight, camouflage. Does it blend in with a pile of boxes? (eerie music) I don't see any laptop. 10 out of 10. EVAN: Test nine. Pet appeal.

Does it appeal to our supervisor, Ju? She likes it. Oh no. Oh no. It gained head rubs, but she did not sit on it, so seven out of 10. KATELYN: With our test complete, it was time to send it to Linus to get his reaction. (upbeat music) (case clicks) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) I have no idea what to expect.

"Dear Linus, please check out our laptop and let us know what you think. It was made with love and several sheets of cardboard. Please enjoy this bribe, gift of handmade key caps." Wow. Is this made of stone, concrete? What do you guys not do? So cool.

I'm gonna put it right there alongside our LTT Precision Screwdriver. (angelic music) Huh. "Contains cat hair and cardboard dust." (laughs) On the underside, we've got an intake. I/O on the side.

You can mostly access it without getting a paper cut. Same goes for the other side. They cheated a little.

That's a 3D-printed hinge, not a cardboard hinge. But you know what, I'll allow it. (upbeat music) Uh, okay. Maybe should have cheated a little more on the hinge. Does it just, oh, okay, okay. No, no.

Yeah, that opens at a reasonable angle. (gasps) The keyboard is cardboard? Okay, I take back any criticism about the hinge. That is extra. Uh oh. Oh no. Does it have a battery in it? It does have a battery in it. LINUS: We can at least get a peek inside.

I didn't think he'd open it. Oh my gosh. Oh boy. No. You can see the battery here, but the wifi adapter is just held in by the top being closed on it. (laughs)

Oh no. Okay. I'm gonna plug it in. I'm gonna plug it in.

Maybe it got discharged during shipping. Uh oh. (Evan chuckling) What if the battery got disconnected in shipping? What if he can't turn it on? (curious music) I didn't do anything.

I was on camera for every time I touched it. It's got a light. Fan spinning. Good fan grill.

Quality. Quality craftsmanship. Hey, there we go.

(upbeat music) Ooh. Cardboard computing. Oh, I love the desktop background. A man and lady of culture, I see.

(notifications beeping) Oh god. Hmm. The keyboard may be more cosmetic. Oh, interesting. Is one of the keys being held down? Ah ha. I wonder if it's all the baby powder? (upbeat music) I think something's being held down.

Yes. Okay. So I'm on the internet. I'm cardboard computing.

Here we go. (notification beeps) Oh, I logged out. This may be the single worst computer I have ever used, but it is the best cardboard computer that I have ever used.

This is such a because we can project. You guys, like. I just typing is, well, it's the best cardboard keyboard that I've ever used.

(upbeat music) Okay. Is there a cardboard-themed web game? Anything. Boxing games. You know what, I'll settle for that. ANNOUNCER: Hey, the speakers still work.

(upbeat music) They don't sound great, but they work. You know what? They are the best cardboard speakers that I have ever heard. Oh yeah.

What just happened? (upbeat music) Boom! Got 'em! I'm a cardboard hero. Let's go. Oh! Boom! Head shot! Gamer, pro gamer. ANNOUNCER: You lose. No, I was so close. (audience cheering) (upbeat music) Oh, the lid close sensor doesn't work anymore. Oh no. (laughs)

Good effort though. I do worry a little bit about the durability though. I mean, I know Framework's whole thing is that you can buy replacement parts and you can repair it for yourself, but it just seems like they're kind of inviting issues like- (cardboard thumping) You know, like it would bend pretty easily like that.

You know? Is joke. Is joke. That's not the actual one they sent. They sent an extra shell. See, we did a little swap-a-roo movie magic.

Thanks for sending this, you guys. This is absolutely freaking amazing. Subscribe to Evan and Katelyn? Did that sell? CREW: Oh yeah, you looked like this.

I mean, I had to hit it pretty hard. It's like friggin' 10 layers of corrugated cardboard. It's non-trivial. (Evan laughing) I tried to blink with both my eyes and it like one after the other. (laughs)

2024-09-20 01:35

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