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Hello everyone, thanks for joining us. This is a collaboration between University of Adelaide Griffith University and La Trobe University Golden Key chapters, where we are coming together to host the second web in our in our Researcher Mini Series. This will be available later on demand to download and watch from our Facebook pages. Here is Mollie from the University of Adelaide to introduce our speaker for today.

Thanks Kat. So our speakers today are Mr. Peng Choo and his colleagues from STEMSEL Foundation. STEMSEL stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Social Enterprise Learning, often dubbed as the curriculum of the future and the next wave in education. STEM is proving to be an approach to education that is being adopted by leading institutions to adapt to the rapidly changing future and to produce the next skilled generation of workers. STEMSEL focuses on developing apps to simplify

coding to make smart products which rely heavily on STEM knowledge. Mr Choo holds the positions of Deputy Vice Chancellor (International collaboration) of Central University Institute in Bamenda in Cameroon, Director of Chia Funkuin Foundation, UN Economic Social Council, Accredited NGO in Cameroon and is an organisational life member of Asia Regional Training Development Organisation. Additionally, one of their STEMSEL interns was awarded the New Columbo Plan Scholarship to study in Hong Kong for his work using running case studies to encourage 100 international students to come to Adelaide to study, contributing $10 million to South Australia s economy. Now I'll pass over to Mr. Choo to begin his presentation. Thank you so much, Mollie for the introduction and thank you Kat for organising this.

All of you, and Fred as well from Singapore. I'm with Miro here, he's the Technical Director of STEMSEL Foundation. So by way of introduction. I suppose I'm just wondering whether I am actually a Golden Key.

You know, yeah? Because when. I look back. Of my own journey. I actually. Was able to cut short my education by about two years. The years of schooling and university. So I. I'm not sure how you measure Golden Key, but my Golden Key I believe is not.

Is a journey that. Continue until today. and based on that. Cutting short of two years of my education in high school one year. and then going to a pre university or another

year and university is hard to cut short anymore. It's in Leeds University that I gained my electronic engineering degree three years. But that is the foundation of what I do in terms of looking at opportunity and you really have to grab it and you especially in in my days I can still. But maybe? I had the luxury of delaying, but today with the Internet of Things with Wi-Fi and so forth. If you just delay a little bit. You will be behind already, so I think I opened up my discussion with that. And some

Based on Today's a team of STEM education and obviously I relate that to the money aspect. So let's go into first. What is STEM education? Why is it so important? So we have a slogan we call it: no STEM, no money, no security. Right, and that applies to an individual family, I think I'm not saying that you don't you because our STEM social enterprise learning include humanities.

Right STEMSEL. Even though I talk about STEM, it's actually holistically. All the courses put together. Yeah, because this technology that we invented is called runlinc.

Easy coding actually cuts across all cores. We should, so in other words, humanity students are students, law students or welcome, especially them because in STEM they are I think at the moment totally excluded. So let's see why. No STEM, no money, no security for an individual family because everybody is talking about digitalization, and that's I suppose our experience in 10-15. other countries, that is their fault. Australian focus, I think it's the same even

though we are more holistic that we want to balance things a bit more. Some countries are just totally STEM. You know, do to survive. And who says them is important? That may be the best example is PriceWaterhouseCooper. That came out with a STEM economy report. about 2015, but they keep updating it. And obviously now you're KPMG. You have a Deloitte, Ernst&Young, all similarly perceiving.

Know spend more money you know secure. PwC says if you shift 1% of your workforce, not population your workforce of any country, I suppose into STEM jobs. In the case of Australia, our GDP were increased by about $57 billion per year. That's a lot of money. I think that maybe just a little bit more than what we are getting from international students. Before the pandemic.

So we rely heavily on that STEM that's significant. And then I come quickly now. But why am I talking today is because that report it's difficult to implement simply because STEM needs coding. And coding programming of microchips. You broadly can break it down into difficult coding and easy coding. With the report based purely on STEM coding. The $57 billion is hard to achieve because it is. The blockage is basically difficult

coding, 99.9% chance. Or anywhere in the world. Students engineers will be confronted with difficult coding the C++ for those who understand what I'm talking about. The Python, you know, the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi words like that.

I'm sure you would have heard about. So and the case studies are ample. By STEM professors from Bhutan, the first one and IEEE blind review. And published in Springer, in Singapore? And that comparative research, basically concluded that difficult coding is hard to use, hard to teach. It's a waste of time, and money, and that possibly the best best way to go So what have we got as a solution then from South Australia for Australia? And that is available to unblock.

That challenge is generically, we call it some easy coding, and so in other words. Giving you an example to make a smart alarm to protect your house, your assets anywhere in the world. From wherever you are to anywhere in the world to make an alarm, like for instance Miro will show you in in South Wales, we'll be able to program. A Wi-Fi chip? In Australia, in Adelaide, and make the alarm. Which can activate the drone, even in Thailand. I want to get your mind correctly in a picture,

in your mind that from New South Wales from Sydney you'll be able to program a Wi-Fi chip in Adelaide that has our technology in it that will be able to activate a drone in USA in Thailand or anywhere in the world through the Internet. So, what is this alarm consists of things that you can do to give you the competitive advantage. 6 lines of coding compared to hundreds of lines of coding. You'll be able to make the alarm and you can start from because it's only a few lines of coding. It's so easy to use. You can start from about 10-11 years old.

And these 10-11 years old. In that performance is basically doing Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. Obviously a lot of case studies from students in universities. And they found it. Quite amazing that they have to use a few 100 lines of coding and most of them cannot finish the project. And so that is the background of the competitive advantage of then Australian technology.

I suppose it's just, Australia invented Wi-Fi. And literally changed the world. In terms of, you know, connecting people together. Or better or for worse? Right, because you know, uh, today. Uhm, maybe the way to submit out of this technology

is actually a Internet of Things and artificial intelligence technology. As we all know AI. Can be useful. Very good. It's a. Application and it can also. In the reverse. Uh, useful, very wrong. Things like you can, you can control people

with AI, right? I think tell you we shouldn't have seen enough. Google it, you'll see it right. Facial recognition. They give you social credit. The machine will do that for you. Yeah, you cannot fly from Sydney to Melbourne if your social credit is less than a certain percentage like 50%. Let's say for whatever reason they

the machine. Of course, program by humans decided that. Yeah, your credit is not enough to buy the ticket. So that's just one extreme example, and obviously it leads to. Then when we look at war and things like that, is that the sort of war that is real? What we're seeing now into, for instance, in Ukraine and Russia. It is actually the real war is actually between human and machine.

And it started already, and nobody even talked about that, hardly other. Then we read about it and thinking that is coming. Is this here already? It's not coming and it's going to get worse, especially with technology like what you have just heard and Miro show you that some more and more technology like these will come. Well, of course you see. The word STEMSEL. The social. Enterprise part of it is to counterbalance.

You know? You giving access to kids to children as young as 10-11 years old. Access to technology that we have just told you. They can make a lump. From Malaysia and program the Wi-Fi chip with six.

Lines of code which is not possible. With the current difficult coding. Then professors from Malaysia from Thailand have verified that right because they found it impossible to teach in unit. So then I quantify it by how do we have Golden Key student? To gain jobs that is just the background, right? So how do you use a competitive advantage of 6 lines compared to? Few 100 lines of coding. To save time. Yeah, obviously a 66 lines will take a very short time. Compared to a few 100 lines of coding time equal to money, so let's quantify that, right.

There is a 1000 teacher in Sydney. Using difficult coding or in Adelaide, or in Melbourne or in Singapore? Times that by 1000. U.S. dollars per year to teach that subject. So that is all Golden Key have. To do is to make that case study of 1,000,000 U.S. dollars that they can save or stop wasting. I I prefer the word stop wasting them to save money, stop wasting money. I think that will get people moving.

You know so Golden Key students. The opportunity now is if you want to work with Google. Show them how you make money for them and stop them wasting money you want to work for the government the same thing. You want to work for anybody. Is the same thing stop wasting money using difficult coding? The inevitability is there. An Australian government in Malaysia now Cole. This technology runlinc, easy coding and disruptive technology. I I just wanted to know why you call it disruptive.

Well, we kids as young as primary school students. In the school can do the things that you need student find it challenging. It's not disruption to the curriculum. Is that a change that you have to have? So they say yes. So we have now university in Malaysia that the Australian Government is helping to export these to them and onward from the United States. The same anyway. We have a Australian High Commission.

We do that in their power in South Africa. We do the same so Australia is very well set up. To put itself on the map. And lead. Is in a way the counter balance. Of machine versus human. So the clarity I hope is. How do you save that? Well, stop some ways of the money it all you have to do that PriceWaterhouseCooper. STEM economy. Implementation will be next to impossible. To get the numbers.

Right, because of your difficult coding because no STEM, no money, no security. Sam necessarily needs coding. You can't escape that there's no such thing as STEM without coding or instance. You're teaching biology, chemistry, physics. And you need sensing data logging control. For your experiment, so if the physics teacher

teach you how to make the light sensor or the temperature sensor the biology teacher will have to use that for the growing of the hydroponics. My phone and then the chemistry teaching will tell you how much pH to. To put in there, so these are necessarily. To achieve that sensing the data logging and

the control unit coding is programming the microchip. For example I gave was. 69 to make a. Smart alarm and 12 year old kids presented to the minister. Just 27th of May. And one of the largest young inventors competition.

These are 12 year old kids. And they told administer. Look at the drone. Let me show you. It takes only 6 lines of code to make the alarm when you cover the light sensor. Somebody come to your house. Block the light sensor. The drone will take off. Take the video of you send it to the police with your GPS position. And I don't think you ever come back again

because your facial recognition is there already. They know exactly where you live. How many crimes you have? Committed which school you go to? Who's your father, your mother, and your watch your blood type? Yeah, these are all. Already available. So kids can do that and then they say to the minister. I want all the kids you know in in Malaysia to use rounding is encoding because.

They're wasting their parents money. Yeah, I. Go to a coding club. He's talking hotel. The Minister and my mother had to pay maybe 1000 Australian dollars per year. I want it island. Of course, 99.9% times difficult coding. I wouldn't be here. Talking to you Minister, if I didn't change the easy coding, I will be still debugging. Looking for a problem.

And so the minister then told the same advisors. There's about 6-7 of them around him. Go and change it. From difficult coding to easy voting stop embarrassing me. I think that the driving force here is embarrassed. So then we have a, uh, same professor now got funding from the Science minister. This is another minister. Coming here, I wish that Golden Key can host

closer. In Adelaide, she's coming to Abilene in September. Yeah, I hope that we have a chance. Maybe you know physically in in in Italy, but virtually around the world. Be me through.

And she's going to come here. The shared experience of using Australian technology. Get job done quickly in terms of scaling of STEM. Which Price Waterhouse Coopers say if you

increase it by 1% in Australia's case, 25 million population $57 billion which is not possible to achieve? Why is she here though? What is? How is that? Going to impact on our branding. Have you heard? Of us, I bet you haven't heard of us. If Charlie hasn't told you about me. Yeah, we spend most of our time, 90% of time

overseas because of the difficulty of getting people to listen to us. I'm not being negative that's true. Yeah, we were told this technology is so powerful. You would devalue. The rate. You know at the moment if you know how to

program it. Defends $300 per hour. It may become $30 per hour because everybody will be able to program. This is the sort of thing that we meet here in Australia. So this lady and her students are coming here. Is to share. Experience that. You have to really align together. If not, you all want technology. You don't need us to come to Australia to

tell. You how good it is. So that would affect. Our branding globally. Because people ask question. How come I never heard? Of it in Australia being used in school. Because of situation like that, that is so good. That it will destroy jobs. We hear the great jobs we are creating jobs in in in America, in in Malaysia, in Thailand, in India. Curriculum is being written by a college now

University College. So anyway, that should not be a major problem. I think people have enough common sense. There's a few people that trying to think that this is going to destroy job, I think. We are going to create a lot of jobs. So moving forward. How do we? Work together with the Australian government so straight away you see Golden Key of America.

I'm not sure. Victor from Temple University she got the right link she from Cameroon from Africa where I have a lot of work there. I, I think you rent out that I'm actually a board of director of NGO int. In Cameroon. That is accredited by United Nations. So what do you call Economic Social Council? And so. As a board member today I can make all the Golden Keys a member of that NGO two.

So you have a new title. Now you have accredited by United Nations Go and show off to the High Commission everywhere in the World, because this is necessarily something that when I talk about saving. Money or stop wasting money. It affects everybody. Yeah, I always. Try to show it as a 7th circle. You know. First you start with the parents like the. Little kids say. I saved my mother 1000 Australian dollars

by changing going to club by changing from difficult coding to easy coding because I can win competition and then I I could pay her back. The money that she spent. Then you escalate it upwards to schools. And then universities. And then to government. How much money they're wasting like and then on to United Nations? You know they spend hundreds of 1,000,000 billions of dollars on STEM education. Anybody who spend money on STEM education at the moment 99.9% chance they're wasting their time and money.

It's like putting your money. And then you escalate it upwards to Google. To Microsoft, they also support even charity is hard earned money. They back around for money. That part of the money is spent on. Obviously education. What education STEM education, which necessarily need coding? So suffice of that is what opportunity do we bring to Golden Key? We need this elite group of students like you. You also make the introduction.

That was the huge. One day, new Columbus client scholarship. I thought he was a Golden Key, but maybe. You don't need to. Be a Golden Key to win a new. Colombo Plan Scholarship and I. Six months before he graduated, he worked for. Commonwealth Bank on artificial intelligence. You know, I was wondering, you are engineer, how come you work for the bank? Things have changed.

Bank needs discipline engineers who can work out how to identify you know different areas of interest using artificial intelligence. So it cut across everything. Maybe just to simplify what is AI? So that you take away a message from me. Uh, in in the layman terms, mum and dad. Yeah, Miro is the one who does all the technical. I do all the simplification of the conversation because it's really hard to understand the technical part of it. Difficult coding, right?

So artificial intelligence if you make it into a simple equation equal to microchip programming or not. It's a question because we I talk about Micro C programming coding right in order to chips come you can buy chips from the shop is empty. You have to put some intelligence. The coding the program to make it start doing something for you, like a driver-less car. You need lots of that.

Right, uh, your alarm you need according your microwave your fridge? If not, you can sell nothing today if you don't have a code in it. That's as serious that. And so how do we then? that artificial intelligence is equal to microchip programming. If you think about it, microchip is actually artificial brain. Yeah, and then the rest is easy already. Programming is including intelligence, so

every microchip you see in the world controlling your traffic lights, your camera is actually a plane. Yes to. Demonstrate what Professor Hawking has said you Google it. When AI is fully developed, which I call it

microchip programming. It could spell the end of human race. Yeah, or men who use a. AI for him to speak, you know? He's a mobility is controlled by AI. Actually vote for many years because of the disease that he has. The motor neuron disease or something.

And then you got your mask using AI to get onto the moon, and so forth. Right without that. No go. Let's see. Life depend on AI. Your water that you drink. Depends on AI, microchip programming.

The Prime Minister of Singapore. If Fred can remember when on television with his deputy minister. And he drink a glass of water, he said. This is called new water. And what is that mean water it's. Actually, from the sewer. Because Singapore has no water in the water come from either the ocean and desalinated. Very very

expensive at the moment. Or it can come from Malaysia through the pipe. And so we need water. Please go for Singapore, but what is the thing that you see? There is actually difficult coding that has.

Made it possible. Without the coding. You won't be. Able to do that. You know I. I remember many years ago the 100 year drought. And you get fine if you wash. Your car, yeah? And so water is so precious you need to make sure that it's drinkable with coding. Some say look get it from the sky. You know the rain today is full of cadmium,

iron, heavy metal. You know, so. So it's not even safe from the sky. You need to filter units, sends it to make sure. That the right chemicals to drink. Then what is this technology? In a nutshell, there is actually a web page inside a Wi-Fi chip. For those who are technical, but I I make

it so simple that. It is what it is. The invention is actually a web page inside Wi-Fi chip. The size of your thumbnail neuron can show you the. The the chip there. And the the the Wi-Fi chip that have you. Got it middle. And so inside this Wi-Fi chip.

You have the. Web page. So imagine this web page that I talked about running easy coding is inside the Wi-Fi chip that you open with your browser. So anywhere in the world. (So can we just get Miro to actually speak? Through the demo. And it'll just, it'll just bring it up on the big screen For us) Ah, OK, just so that you can see. On screen share right?

Think this as well so I can focus on this, yeah? Yeah, so so. That's the Wi-Fi chip. Yeah, well he does that. I suppose I can. See quite clearly. To save time, I'll just keep going right. So inside this Wi-Fi chip, kids 12 years old from Malaysia, from Bhutan from Thailand, can program it using the browser Google Chrome. OK, the opening on the laptop then they can program these with six lines of code.

To make a smart along with a light sensor. On there, so if you cover the light sensor it will. Trigger off a. Drone either here in my office group for the intruder. Or it can. You go up a drone in America in in Thailand. That's the capability. So it is.

A web page that can't. If you see there breaking it down, is sensing of the light sensor attached. Then you can have temperature sensor. You have all sort of sensor. Just plug and play. And then so you have data logging. Kids can plot graphs, real time graphs onto

their own website. They will use running to make their own website with two two lines of code. You can make a webpage mirror will show you later and and then it's a control. So these are the three basic elements of sensing data logging control. Then obviously this page can now be accessing Internet of Things because it's inside the Internet.

You see with program inside the Internet no longer inside the computer to download it to a chip. 99.9%. At the moment you have to do that. So we are the. First company to be able to program inside the web page. The browser to do sensing data, logging control, IoT and AI. Right and, and so I think I've covered that pretty well and the reminder is if the Australian government in Malaysia is. Calling a disruptive. How can you capitalize on that? I mean, look at today after the carpet, right? And everything is going up. Yeah, so this is a good chance to.

Make a lot of money for Australia. So that we can cushion ourselves over the next few years. Which is really hard power prices. Everything is going up. And huge amount of people under stress. Is

that what golden creaky students are? 12,000 of them? I think you need. Only a handful in order to make this change for us. You know the strategy is. How to increase for those who are non-technical into especially those are marketing students common student? How do you use this technology to increase customers to any business in the world? University is a business.

How do you attract students to long university in Malaysia? Very easy. You use this tool. Short and then you have the capability of completing the most important of the assignment is Internet of Things, which is part of the assessment. Now with a few lines of code compared to hundreds of lines, it gets exponentially more difficult. Yeah, so stop wasting time and money is the best conversation that you can have in order to save that money. Saving, making money is saving money is making money anyway you I stop you from wasting 1 billion U.S. dollars in India per year. 1,000,000 teachers sign 1000 U.S. dollars. We become the best friend of India right away. See how I develop friendship right?

So so is actually a diplomacy. Yeah, you got anyone going to Solomon Islands everywhere. Use that. Is your best means of scaling people? Help them to stop. You see, we Always lose the focus of scaling people. Why not stop them from wasting money? Easier to stop people from wasting money to scale them for years, right? Of course, we want to scale them.

But the conversation should be now not three years, five years later. Because we are stressed. Out already in Australia at the moment. Yeah, I'm sure. The rest of the world stress too. So why don't we distressed together distressing together? Yeah, and you start with a nominal figure of 1000 teachers times 1000 U.S. dollars.

So every Golden Key students. Whether is. Victor from Temple University in America should have that case study and go straight into work straight into the Australian High Commission in Washington and tell them. This is it. You don't have time to waste. You know, and so. That's six lines of coding, by the way, mirror

show you one line is to create vision between your laptop. In my camera, anywhere in the world, right as long as the Wi-Fi chip is in place and then two lines of code, you can make your own web page with two buttons and you can turn things on and off like in Malaysia the the 12 year old one. The best young inventors. They have voice, command, AI, voice, command that. And on the.

You know on the light. Anywhere in the. World with AI. Voice command to overall kids. And so 3 lines. Then you change the text to.

The what do you? Call to the AI voice you see, so 1 + 2 + 3 is a simple example that all you need. Is to gain your attention or anybody in order to tell them stop wasting money. I'm not here to talk about scaling you use. Kill it yourself. I got the technology you stop wasting money, you know. And so. So mine. Before takeover. My strong interest now is whether you can consider anything about it.

Golden Key hosting. These STEM professor from Malaysia. I think many of them will come. For now, it's just a student award winning student and their trip is funded by ministry. So if you.

Have the chance to organize, get involved, organize your Minister in New South Wales or your Minister in Melbourne. Hopefully they'll get over there. I think she graduated from Canberra, so if we're loading key in Canberra, organize a meeting with Ministers. Defense Department managers are helping to organize them to go to space. you know to give their share the experience of this technology at the space. Center in the in Adelaide as well as some of the defense places and university. Obviously Molly.

If you have the chance to organize that, I'm sure they'll be happy to go there. I'm just making appointment. We got time in September. You know, and so. So lastly, as a summary, before you go through what mirror and show you the six lines of code to make the alarm compared to a few 100 lines. That's good. What is the strategy to globalize this? Do one drone demonstration. Every day 365 schools 365 days. The rest is substituted. Escalated you can.

Multiply by 10 times, but minimally. To put any individual. Any school, any university on the map? One drone demo today. To do that from demo means what mirrors going to show you the six lines to show them how to stop wasting money. And time. And other last strategy important.

As a matter of practice, is. Increase customers to any businesses anywhere in the world. By helping the customers children to win STEM competition without 6 lines of coding and plus more but minimally, the alarm can be used. UN intrusively To protect anything that you want anywhere in the world, right? I don't have. You don't have to use my technology other than to make an alarm with 600 close quote to protect it like you have a chicken farming you want. 6 lines of.

Code to protect your chickens and the eggs that they lay, right, otherwise in Africa they could be stolen. That's all I have to connect with anybody. In the world. Right and if you are able to do this? Demo one drone demo every day. Our experience is we always become keynote speaker. When we invited to webinars like the National STEM Association of Malaysia, that president writer, Thailand, Indonesia to do that discussion like now and then mirror do the drone demo, we become the keynote speaker for the Southeast Asia STEM Conference and from there we just take on this. Is only about six months ago. So I stopped here and let me hear all go through

the exciting of how you see the world differently today. With just a few lines of code. Thank you. Thank you, Peng. So at at the moment. We're going to talk about and had very different technology than what you've seen before. Industry Revolution One was actually steam power and discreet revolution. Two was automation industry. Revolution 3 means that we also put computers

onto that and that obviously has gone into. All industries. IR 4.0 is now Internet of Things (IoT). So Internet has also been used all over the world for all of the technologies that businesses etc. Uh, and then uh, industry Revolution 5.0 is actually artificial intelligence, so obviously

combination of the computer, the IoT and the intelligence together would mean that we can cover the latest technologies now at. At the moment I'm trying to do Internet of Things. For most people, means using actually, uh, my R 3.0 computers to try to connect to the Internet to go to the clouds to create a web page, etc. It becomes very difficult. This technology I'm about to show you actually has direct connection inside the IoT so that it can access.

Not only the computers, the microchips, but also to access. The, uh artificial intelligence, which is already in a lot of the cloud systems as well at the same time we call this runlinc because it can run and link all of these technologies together without having to repeat the coding inside of the technologies. Now we already use such things because we install apps on our phone etc which is provided. But this can actually be used on any brow.

And we prefer the Chrome browser because it also includes many functions for connection as well. So what I want to do is just run through very quickly. What we are about to show you this technology. OK share share this one. OK. Having difficulty accessing the full screen. That's OK alright, so just going through what is runlinc. We also have an example here of runlinc versus trying to do something like an Arduino which is 3.0

technology. Trying to get that. Computer to actually create a web page and create, for example, buttons to control anything across the Internet. So the runlinc and we're going to show is actually for example, just one line of code to create vision on the web page. That runlinc actually can create a web page as well. Direct interface. One line of code. 2 lines of code. We can create two buttons to control anything anywhere, and also three lines of code.

We can also create. Artificial intelligence voice synthesis from text, so it only takes 3 lines of code to actually access that. Also, in the easy coding what I'm going to do now is ask one of our interns. We have an intern from University of South Australia and we do take internships. Uh, remote as well. We have internships across.

Melbourne, Sydney Brisbane, for example. So Tiani is actually going to share the web page which is inside my microchip here in Adelaide, OK. OK. So Tiani, can you actually share that with

us? Because what I want to show you is this technology across the Internet, So what? Teoni here is sharing is the page which is the running page inside my Wi-Fi chip. Now this page we want to only share with Tiani because what we have done is done a direct connection across the Internet to the Wi-Fi chip page. Because the Wi-Fi chip here actually has direct access to the ports, we can then for example take this port with the blue wire. And the relay box and connect it to a lamp. But we're turning on and off. There are port numbers here, so T only go to Port D 13 and activated as a digital out. So I'm going from the beginning, obviously

here, and we have directly then the status. The status is that there is a signal here, but the signal is off, so we can actually test that directly by pressing the off button. So Tiani, which is not here in the office, is going across the Internet. To do this, but my lamp still turns on immediately.

OK doesn't go to any cloud server, just does it directly and we can turn that off as well. Just yesterday it would be the same thing with. Africa as well. We actually had quite a few. People there and students so this this can be water pump. It could be a fan etc but it's a lamp. So in the name we can connect it to the code by simply creating a variable called lamp. And Tiani just type in the word lamp in the

name next to the on button. The sorry the red off button. Yeah, so we just type in the word lamp. OK, that's good. I also have here on inputs which is measuring lights. It's a light sensor and it creates a voltage and the microchip can then turn that voltage analog to digital so it becomes a digital number digital technology. It's connected

to D33. So Tiani go down to D33 and to make it at analog in so we can see the convergent number and then on the web page what will happen is we have the number 8 in the status, that is the digital number. If I cover that it actually goes up the BI uncover, it goes down. I can't remember. Tiana is actually in a remote location. OK, so just type in the word sensor because this could be a temperature sensor. It could be a pH sensor.

It could be a moisture sensor. It could be many sensors and we will treat it exactly the same way and then we can actually use those in the coding. So what I'm going to do just to save a little bit. Your time is I'm going to send Tiani. The code. To put in for our automated control of the lamp using the sensor. So for example today we are building a smart alarm. So what we want to do is when the intruder

comes like on the light sensor, turn on the. Turn on the lamp automatically. So these are just a few lines of code to do that very easy. Basically, if we measure the sensor and it's greater than 80, then we want to turn on the lamp. So Tiani, if you can copy that into the JavaScript loop, JavaScript is the native language of the Internet and the browsers. And obviously the browsers are what we have as an interface to us. If you put it into the loop then it will repeat. So if you can just cut that and put it into the loop box, which is the last one.

Then it will repeat the code. OK, and then all you need to do is go up next to the stock code, the red button and press the run code. And we have here obviously the lamp we have the sensor if I cover the sensor now then the number goes up over 80 and the lamp turns on if I uncover it then the number actually goes down and that lamp pool will turn off. Like I said, it could be a moisture. Sensor on the pump temperature sensor on the fan. Many applications, obviously for for that,

but today we're going to say it's an intruder alarm. Well, we want to add to this alarm now is a web page with buttons on off buttons from the alarm so that Tiani can activate an alarm. Here to tell the intruder that he has been detected and that to to to go away basically. So I'll put in. The codes for the HTML, which is also part of this page. And in fact, running can create a complete

web page. And by the way, this actually works also without the Internet. Now that may surprise some of you. But because it's actually a local IP connection to the chip, you can simply open it to the chip on your local. Local network. OK, so we're putting these simple lines of code easy coding. Simply. We have, uh, heading H1 is a

large heading alarm control webpage. Putting that into the HTML box and you can see that each of the buttons is very simple button. When we click the button turn on the buzzer. And on the top we have a heading alarm on. That's the button, so it's only one line of code to create a button. 2 lines of code to create on off button. We haven't defined button yet, so Tiani on D23 we have a button so that also needs to be digital out so we can turn it on and. Off and just type in the word button.

In the name. I'm sorry buzzer is not turned on buzzer turn off buzzer. OK, the button is to turn on the buzzer. So you type in the word buzzer. OK, in the code we have turn on buzzer, turn off buzzer. So if you simply click the run code and then

go down to the underneath the ports. And maybe you can zoom your page a little bit bigger because there's a little bit small on the screen so we can see a little bit better. But you can see the webpage their alarm control web page it has on off buttons on the web page itself which is connected through that simple code. So if you press the alarm on Tiani on that on the web page itself. We can hear the buzzer actually have a buzzer here connected OK directly and to press the alarm off button. It is actually quite loud. OK, so we have direct access then to the web

page we can create buttons. We can also take information from the sensor put onto the webpage graphs and even with one line of code we can do video streaming from an IP device such as a phone. Which obviously can connect to the network. And so that running can connect into other things on the network at the same time to have the project doesn't have to be just two places between me and Yanni, but also a phone could be connected into the network, or there could be an IP camera. So what I'm going to do now is actually connect an IP camera. With the one liner. Code, but the camera will be on this drone. It's a Wi-Fi drone, so it'll stay connected

to the network. We do have sensors so that we have the height of the drone, which we can put on a graph. And obviously we can have one line of code for each button to control the drone, but the idea of the drone is that it's part of the security alarm. So that the easy coding can actually send it automatically when the intruder is detected. So that's what we want to do to make it also part of part of the system. So I'll turn on the drone and Tiani if you

can. Go to the top of the page and press the stop code. And then the gets button. UM, the running can actually send your completed page and and you can obviously save and edit that as well inside the Wi-Fi chip itself so that it can host the page that you make. But also you can retrieve that as well. So here we have the code for the the drone that we are going to show you the easy coding. So let me connect the drone.

Into my Wi-Fi network, it has a small battery so. OK, that seems to be connecting. Quite well, just make sure that it is connected. Then just checking. OK, so, uh. Tony, you press the run code and then go down to the web page that this actually generates that connects into the drone as well. OK, so we can see Web page. We have video streaming. We have a graph there as well so press the start commands.

We actually need to send this to the drone to say that we want to connect into it and get data, so press the red button and start commands. OK, so I'm teoni. I don't know if you heard Manao voice, but obviously you haven't shared your sound with us as well, so we can't hear the AI voice when we press the buttons.

So if you can quickly stop the sharing and then press the share sound. Tick box which is on the bottom left hand corner. When you do the share. So just do the share screen again. There's a bottom tick box and then share share the screen and then press the start commands again. Drone command. OK, so we can hear that. Press the battery percentage. We can see if we can get data from the drone. The top right hand button is get data from

drone. A man can you press that one battery percentage? Drone get battery. OK, so 80% and temperature degrees C just check back. There is actually a temperature sensor on the 14 microchips that actually creates the. Rome get him. The UM? That that actually run the AI and all of the things on the drone. Alright, the temperature will go up unless because it's processing. Also the video, unless we fly the drone, get

some air on it, so press the take off button. So we just send over takeoff commands under the START commands. Drone takeoff OK, so we have have the drone has taken off and it will also show up on the graph because we're measuring the data from the distance. But also, Gianni Press the UP button so we can see the graph going up.

Grown up 20. OK, that's good. Uh, maybe press the turn CW button. We can turn the drone. So these are the commands we can do. Own CW 90.

OK, and then do it. You can even do commands like flips, so we'll do a flip rights. Let's do a flip rights. Drone flipper. OK, alright, and do a flip left. We'll bring it back over here and then we can make it part of the security sySTEM too.

Move out. So press the land button. Drone land OK, that's good. I'm just going to turn that around before I do the security. Johnny maybe just go to the top and press the.

The stop code and run code. We'll just see. OK, the camera is streaming OK, it is just. Little bit too late and then alright, that's OK so you can leave that. At the moment there is actually code that still checks the same. It's a turns on the lamp. It then has the three lines of code for the AI voice saying sending security drone. And it will then go up and do a 360 to take a video to send or so to the police. So this

will scare. Obviously the intruder and we'll get data as well. Uhm, so let's do that. If I go over here and go to the light sensor, it then becomes over 80. Alert Intruder detected sending security drones. Drone takeoff drone up 50. Drone CW 360 Drone QQ 360. OK. So the drone goes through the the commands

inside the coding as an intruder. I would actually be scared, so I would leave by now. Intruder had gone all safe drone land. OK, so it's sending a command to lands. So the drone actually then lands as well. Alright, so but you might think that that's going to take a lot of. Brian supposed to connect into that drain, but Tiani if you can go down to the JavaScript loop box again.

So you just make it a little bit bigger so we can see that last box. Uhm, just zoom into it and at the top you can see that we still have if the sensor is greater than 80. If the commands are active, then we just turn on the lamp and then we have a line of code that says alert Intruder detected and anyone can change the text on that and it will create an AI voice also. Can be text from the sensors so it can say

a temperature at the moment is a certain amount of temperature or it's too high or too low? Whatever we want to then put into the coding to do that? Uh recently asked to point the next Bert, who was doing AI and doing some demonstrations on how they would do that in Python. He said he's never done that before. Even though he was an expert and maybe suggested that we do recording and then try to play the recording, obviously that is not very flexible if we're trying to get sensor data in the voice as well. OK, you can see then if it goes under 50 the intruder is gone.

Then it says the intruder is gone as well. But also you can see the drone takeoff drone, 360 drone CW 360 and that is easy coding as well and we have a little bit of code at the bottom to update. The graph so that they can take the sensor data. OK, thank you Tiani for sharing and what I would like to do is just open.

Usually when we have a lot of people will actually open it for questions. But we could also send some questions also to us if we want to, if anyone there wants to ask more about this, runlinc technology then we'll also give our contact details of course, where they can access this and use it for their own projects. Students have actually won. Obviously competitions with this STEM competitions they've won, then scholarship competitions they've won also then job competitions in the end. As well, so there are three types of competitions that they end up winning because of the competitive advantage of this type of technology. Thank you Tiani for sharing. You can stop the sharing. Alright, so.

What I want to. Do is just come, just emphasize the fact that other technologies for those students that maybe have not done coding before to get for example in Arduino which is a common controller to create a web page with two buttons. There is a 20-page document. On the procedure for that with hundreds of lines of code, over 100 lines of code, but the procedure is so difficult that our university students couldn't finish it in 10 hours time. So that is how difficult the coding is, and that's what's stopping a lot of STEM students. So our professor in Malaysia, who's a also a professor who has been teaching coding for many years, said that often he has a class of 20, which drops down to maybe three or four students because they find it too difficult to actually carry on with this type of coding so.

This is going to make them quite a difference because the learning curve to learn the coding the JavaScript HTML. What is become very small? You only need a few lines of code to get. Started JavaScript is a professional languages by 70% of the programmers in the world, so it is actually a skill which is very much needed.

Obviously Web page is also needed so you can create any web page with this. And create. Graphs, sensor data, and obviously buttons to control things so it connects the Internet of Things and AI. One of our students even did one line of camera code and then decided that he would like to do object recognition so the camera can recognize if he puts out. Up an orange or banana or mouse or something like that, and he was only school students but managed to get it working. Yeah, on the runlinc easy coding so we have quite a few examples of that, so I'm going to share.

that example the one line of code from your phone and also a couple of buttons and things that you do not need the the chip, but we have seven of these projects using our online runlinc that you can actually try. Before having the controller for the Internet of Things, so I'll share that also in the chat box. And so that's the demonstration from me. So maybe paying if you want to give some comments on that too. Sure, thank you Miro. And I, I suppose a as a matter of interest, is any of you in engineering here, or all humanities or arts? Any Mollie yourself? I didn't even get time to.

To get to know all of you better before these are webinar. Are you in the engineering field? No, I mean, uh comments. Commerce OK, so you are the PriceWaterhouseCooper type of people. Hopefully you will become one of the senior staff. One they solved their problem because that's a mighty statement. I mean, your research costs maybe about. Don't know $100,000.

You look at the report mirror. Have the link. And that that that blockage is difficult coding. Obviously they have no choice. The whole world, 99.9% use difficult coding. Their report is based on that. It's not their fault. And what about yourself for Kat?

I'm actually doing nutrition through Latrobe, so yeah, nutrition. We should introduce you. In the area. To Omar, the 13 year old boy, he first started making, uh. Smart greenhouse. He called it solar powered zero net carbon emission smart greenhouse. So from that skill that he has, you know he has to do sensing data logging control for his smart greenhouse to grow exotic plants you see like vanilla beans or whatever so that he can sell lots of money.

And he then just last week. Really surprised us. He showed us a video, which Miro will show the link to, of a protein analyzer. So he moved from school based greenhouse, so industry based protein analyzer through his network in Sudan, 13 year Old Boy. School to industry application. So that is just showing us. We are learning a lot from them. That the creativity explodes from these kids

and it was totally blocked by. The older technologies called. Difficult coding. So again. Uh, emerging 100 million kits around the wall. What sort of number of police you get compared to the robbers? Like yeah hey robbers, you know they steal your money in the bank so if you don't have enough of these police young kids growing up for the next 10 or five years to 10 years, you would be overwhelmed with a lot of robbers. There's not enough policemen because of difficult coding.

They're not interested. They're just going to bring the Instagram, which is considered. Now, as worse than drugs. Google it, you'll find it. It's on television and so that you know or your tick tock or your social media. Yeah, they they. They analyze that. I think the the chemicals in the brain's this was the reaction is worse than the trap and it's it. It goes on longer than the drugs. The effect? So this has a lot of implication in terms of mental health and so forth.

You know technology like this, and if we just need we provide internship so please. nicely after. all your 12,000 members plans those around. 21 run demo. Today we teach them how to do it, how to get jobs because. It's like a dark horse at the moment. Yeah, you fly through it without people knowing and and get yourself up there and start changing and creating the balance. Listen to professor Hawking before he passed away.

It is a mighty dangerous wall now and and this thing is gone unnoticed basically and hopefully we'll get a a bit more balance of kids. You know you have a lot of professors like we have Professor Ike from Nigeria, Ibadan University. He specialized in distraction management. So he said this is the best technology to get the kids away from too much of those online activities into doing something useful.

You know, so you see, all sort of professors were fitting and so 1st of November will get all of you onto webinars that we go. On for those who are interested. 1st of November will be one of the key notes in in the online section of it on distraction management for inclusive education. See, I can't speak to academic words, but I I just tell you what I know.

You know that's the truth. They they they want us to share our experiences, why not? You know, I think basically a Golden Key would be. The key to the future here. You know you got a nice name there, but they need to perform and it doesn't matter whether they are programmers. You know, as I said, the comments. A specialized thing in Commons like yourself, Molly. Isn't that important to be part of this same

movement? To to because we. May not be able to convince. A PriceWaterhouseCooper. Because our knowledge is on technical, but your comments are person like you would be able to show why won't waste all this money. You know PriceWaterhouseCooper is global. Google is global.

We just had a Google teacher yesterday from Malaysia and and they are going to get onto this because it's untenable. How could you continue to teach her? If you go coding. Now that we have, we have showed you. Uh, because she he has about 40 laptops from Google. And they can't use coding other than you know your PowerPoint and word processing and things like that. So that is a waste of resources from Google. Google me so happy I told her and she's a top performing.

She's the first. She's the number one Google trainer. She's a teacher in a Tamil school and so is he for her promotion time. Google love. Why not? You're increasing customers to Google. In in Malaysia there are three big companies that compete because of the kovit they have to go online. So you got Google. You got Microsoft. You got apple.

None of them have this technology. So anybody at all kids parents? Yeah, professors, students, Golden Key. Around the world you can have. A goal at these. And change yourself. Change the world. We we have had, for example, Carnegie Mellon University students create artificial intelligence examples on their runlincs.

So they did a project. First of all, for pollution detection on an image to get their pollution value exactly from that, and then there was a second project as well they did. For the grape growers, they actually did a predictive climate as to when is the best time to pick the grapes. Obviously looking at where the grapes are up to and what's likely to happen with the primary. So that they can do that to prediction as well with the AI so and there have been many group projects as well, which students have done, including checking if birds are going to crops or even a drone to check for fire smoke. Smoke and fire as well, so these are the sort of projects also that we would be offering students as well.

Obviously we have biotech protein analyzer and things like that have come. Up so even even those type of. Uh, courses would actually then fit very well. So internship? Online because we're in Adelaide and then final year project Fyp they call it and then we would have some professors around the world to support them. So they suddenly opened up international. Uh education collaboration.

This this platform. You know, and and so time to fix things. That's what I do. Problem solving. You know technology you don't use it to increase value or stop people from wasting money, it's it's. It's a it needs a lot of creative. It actually unleash creativity that all of us have gives that with it. You see, I always go back. To the learning is non stop.

I went to a Chinese school. I love monkey see monkey do I go memorization until I go to uni at the too many books to memorize. I go from A is to B to C. So in the end, I learned a lesson that you,

the system today 80% is memorization, maybe more. And if you don't have a technology platform like that to to to hands on making things America our STEMSEL America Temple University Center survey from America 74%. Of STEM graduates science, technology engineering maths, biology, chemistry teachers 74% quit. After graduation and and the and the survey link is a mirror can send it to the group home a chat group please. I don't know how whether it's possible. And share this information. And and and they have about 2,000,000. Necessarily 2,000,000 STEM workers that is needed to fill in the vacuum now.

And and the the nose them no. Money, no, security is not a joke. It's serious and and if you Google. Uh, President Reagan? Uh Commission report call a nation at risk. And that's based on non STEM, no money, no security. That was many years ago and why so many years today. Still 74% quitter STEM jobs. If you call Cody. No other reason. And until the invention comes the same as

Wi-Fi, we will be using cable. Today is Wi-Fi. And then the the Wi-Fi now enable us to program the Wi-Fi chip. Broader than just by a black box and and connect to the Internet, it's more than. That now so Australia is a very clever country. Thank you so much. Ping and thank you so much mirror. I think we'll actually switch to Q&A is now.

If that's OK. Have you got time for a few questions? And we should be able to. To be an OK. Absolutely fantastic. Of course. Yes, I will get up the questions that have been sent in so. Firstly, someone has asked. I see this technology as challenging the whole educational paradigm. Are you saying all technology is running behind

and focusing on the wrong thing but education in all areas needs to shift to thinking on a different level to how to adapt a new STEM technology such as yours in our respective fields rather than focusing on. Roundup basics. Absolutely, you got the opportunity to change things now. And until this platform come about. You just have. To front up with 100 lines of coding and limited opportunity, all runlinc has done is open up opportunity. Yeah and so so many case studies

like a hotel. In Cameroon. Yeah, I I said give me give me a room will turn it into a drone demonstration center, why, he said I want to increase customers to your hotel? That drunk demonstration room now is meant by our STEMSEL, Cameroon. This is in Cameroon and he do drone demonstration. To 4/4 to attract tourists to the hotel by helping the children of the tourist. To win a competition, 6 lines of code.

He said the same thing to gonna last night. Guardians, a gentleman who who who runs the innovation hub in Ghana? Government funded. He said. Let's do it. There's no other choice. We're wasting money and time. So there's a. Lot of people reacting to this now.

And join them. That's the. So so so I'm not sure whether I answered the questions completely. If if I can also help to answer the question connected to what Peng just said, obviously the ground up in our learning is actually necessary, but it also can be learned using hands on techniques as well, so that suddenly this runlinc gives opportunities to be able to do experiments to be able to actually see and do some hands on in many, many fields. Obviously all of the science, the technology. The engineering of the maths, the IT, but all of these technologies are used in other other fields as well. Even economics as we talked about the banks using AI for crew. But detection and things like that as well.

So this means that this can be done hands on so that it can be understood and that ends up meaning that you can actually have skills which end up with their jobs, the STEM jobs. Thanks for the answer, will go onto a second question, which is do you see a social credit system coming to Australia and if so when do you think it will come? Oh dear, I I hope that you will never come. Because I don't think we need that. Because that is horrible. That that basically using artificial intelligence to control human beings because you gather all the data. And and I think h


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