Discover the Latest Technology in Construction and Renovations

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On. This. Episode of inside, the blueprint, airflow. Hoods, HVAC. And net, zero energy if. You're familiar with the terminology then, this segment on Dwyer Instruments, is for you looking. To make the floors in your home more durable and even, aesthetically, pleasing, if so, pin tech industrial, coatings can help make that happen everyone. Knows that Owens, Corning is famous for all things glass but, you really have to check out what they're doing with geomembranes. Today's. Workers and modern buildings take comfort and climate, for granted, but this energy efficiency. Is due to constant, innovation. In technology the. Airflow, in buildings, needs to be regularly, balanced. But there's a need, for change in, the HVAC, industry as we move towards, a green goal of the net zero energy building. What. Does it mean to be green. It's, all about measuring the air quality the comfort, and the energy usage within the building. It's. Important, when you have a building let's just say there's 10, 20, 30 floors you. Have office cubicles, you're. Gonna want to make sure that you get the same amount of air in each, cubicle, and every floor why cuz somebody, might be hot somebody might be cold you want to try to establish a certain, level of comfort with new technology, coming out they're gonna want make buildings more efficient, you know the reason is we'll be able to cut costs, make buildings, greener and, make it more comfortable Dwyre, instruments. Of Michigan, City Indiana is, leading, that change in building technology, they have a long history of innovation in, designing and manufacturing controls. Airflow, sensors, as well as instrumentation. Solutions, to the HVAC, and process, automation markets. With over 650. Patents, to their name Dwyer has become the world leader in HVAC. Instrumentation. So what we're looking at is you know how what, are our customers, pain points what does the industry need and simply.

Not Look, at competitors, and copy their devices understand, the use model, what our customers, are going through you, know parleying that with the technology, that's available and, then, using, that to move forward you'll come up with a solution that'll change the industry. Here. At its R&D, lab and production, facility, in Michigan City Indiana Dwyer. Has been centering, its expertise, on one big problem in the industry, the. Outdated, standard. Method of measuring, a building's air flow the, flow, hood which has been the instrument of choice for evaluating, HVAC. Systems. Has failed to provide accurate, flow measurements, for a variety of reasons. Traditional. Airports capture, hoods they're called actually. Are heavy they. Require two technicians, to balance a single branch to balance a room and we. Intended, to develop a product that could be operated by a single technician, to speed the process and, improve, the accuracy of the balance itself, we. Did that we looked into it we came up with an innovative solution and, we. Solved the problem and Dwyers. Newest, innovation, and measuring air flow designed. To make the job of balancing a building much easier the. Smart air hood, balancing, instrument, with a small, easy to setup Wireless, quad flow design that, will balance an HVAC, system. In half the time of a traditional, air flow hood this is the Dwyer smart air hood you can see it's a very unique design here, we, call this quad flow technology, which. Channels. The air through four separate, bog flows and sums them together it's. Mounted on a swivel pole which, allows a technician to insert this into a diffuser, multiple. On the floor and walk away so, remove this app they can take the app up on a ladder and adjust, dampers, so a single technician, can do a balancing, process with the smart air the way I think it'll revolutionize the, industry in the next five years to be honest it it's actually very very well accepted, for newer technicians, because there's an app on this phone that. Allows you to predictively. Balance, which is different from the traditional method and allows. New, technicians to be able to balance the system very easily. With. The introduction, of the smart air hood balancing, instrument, the process, of air balancing, a building is being transformed. A far, cry from the traditional, method which, required, a technician climb, a ladder multiple, times to the ceiling, to check air flow readings. So, this is how it was done or they'd, have two technicians one on the ladder and one. Holding, up the airflow hood and they'd try to work together and. You can see that can go on for a very long time well the new smart air hood is much easier to adjust put. It in place you can reach up to 16 feet pull, is a triple, extension and. We've. Got a wireless. Flow. Meter here so I can climb up and. I can adjust the damper one time watching the flow live it's. Adjusted in place and it's done that's all there is to it I. Like. Best about this the the safety, aspect, of it I'm not going up and down a ladder multiple, times I'm, not taking. A reading cutting, the damper oh, I, cut it too much oh I didn't cut it enough and then making multiple trips up and down and up and down with, this I can just go up in the ceiling take a reading watch, what I'm doing in real time and it's, done this, hood is probably, going to change the industry and getting the newer generation, of people coming in that's, going to make their job a lot easier and to, change the industry you have to challenge the status quo that's what we do here at wire. Hands. Down it's of people in our organization they're. What make it happen they embrace technology they. Embrace new things they, embrace change and we. Just have a high energy culture, and we're just able to lead as, long as we have that and continue to drive forward we're going to continue to be successful we're, going to innovate Dwyer's, culture, of innovation is going a long way towards, making a green energy future, possible. To.

Learn More about dwyer instruments, and its smart air hood balancing, system go, to their website, Dwyre. -, i-n, Or. Go to inside, the blueprint comm to see this portion of the show again. We. Often forget that our home starts, from the ground up and as the largest most, used feature of any home your floors require, an abundance, of care today. Pentek, industrial, coatings will be installing, all new patio and garage flooring and will be finalized, and ready to go by the time homeowners. Abe and Vanessa come home from work the clock starts, right, now. We're. Here at Ava and Vanessa's, house working on their back patio and pool deck today and so as you can see behind us we have the Pentek industrial, crew grinding. Off the surface with. Concrete, over time it's, gonna start deteriorating, and previous. Coatings fail, and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna come in with their diamond grinders grind off the existing surface profile. The concrete, to make it so it's a nice smooth system, so, one of our top priorities at, pentek is to really help, our customers, take ugly, gray cracked, oily, dirty concrete, and, make it beautiful we. Want it to be slip resistant, we want it to be beautiful. With the colors that they want all different colors and styles we, want it to be easy, to clean it's antimicrobial, antibacterial. So. You can use your spray and wipe it Swiffer it pressure, wash it out if you want and, the. Thing that our customers love is it can all be done in one day so our. Crew shows up in the morning and usually by the time the customer gets home from work their, garage or their space the contrary, they have is beautiful and typically. They can walk on it that evening and drive on it in as little as 24 hours all backed, by our pen tech manufacturers, warranty so today at Ava's vanessa's we're gonna be giving them the Pentek coatings evolution. Full chip system in just one day so when they come home they're, not gonna see they're failing coating, they're, gonna see a new bright. Shiny. Finished. Project, that is gonna be easy to clean and is gonna last a lifetime. The. Crew has officially, started to install the coating on the back patio and lay down a fresh coat. Once. We've already profiled, the concrete, we need to fill in all the low spots we, use pentek industrial, coatings CR, mender so, what I'm gonna do is just pour it down and, since. It's such a user-friendly, product I'm, simply just gonna squeeze you in around so. It actually when it cures it's actually stronger than the concrete and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna regrind, the surface to make it smooth before we start the next step. Once. We've figured out that the CR mender is reach Fulk here is we're going to take our concrete diamond, grinders and grind, off the very top of the mender to make sure that the patio is 100%, perfectly, smooth one, of the most important, things when we look at a patio or a garage floor as we want it as smooth as possible before. We start our evolution, chip system. Once. We've ground the CR mender you can see that the floor is gonna be back to smooth all, of our low spots are cracks, and anywhere. That the mender was is back, to smooth so, our very next step is, going to be to, put down the pure poly up the PB 200, base coat and to do a full broadcast of, the evolution, chips Ava, and Vanessa have chosen the color pecan, which is gonna have a little bit of rust in it so it's gonna blend in very well, with their brick surrounding. Now. That we've done the base coat and the full broadcast on, the pool deck we're gonna be moving to the garage floor the, very next step on the garage floor is gonna be utilizing, their diamond grinders to prepare the surface. Once. The diamond grinding process has been completed our. Very next step is to do any type of verticals, stairs. Or, detailed, areas with the evolution, system. Once. The floor is ready for the base coat we will utilize an 18-inch roller and roll, out in a nice even consistent. Opaque, color once. We are done the finished product will have an orange peel finish with, an anti-skid, additive, based, on the homeowners, needs.

We're. Back at the completed, pool deck for Abe and Vanessa, before. They had old stamp. Slippery. Concrete, that wasn't beautiful to the eye and actually, was a slip hazard when they get out of the pool, now. That this completed project, is done and ready for Abe and Vanessa's barbecue tonight let's, go to the garage and see how that turned out. Now. We're here at the completed garage floor project with, Abe being very hands-on, with woodworking, and automobile. Maintenance he, won't have a problem bringing, in his cars or working, on e wood and damaging. The floor, another. Huge advantage of, the Pentek evolution, system, is the multicolor. Dimensions. That we were able to create within, one floor. Even. Vanessa decided that they wanted a two-tone, diamond, that matched the exterior house and also. I had a complementary, color in the middle we, utilize sandstone, as the color in the middle and driftwood. To match their exterior their house on the exterior part of the garage floor also completing, their verticals, now, it's time for Abe and Vanessa to roll their wheels in and enjoy, their new garage floor. Okay. So we just got a Vanessa home for the big reveal, they absolutely fell in love with the garage floor right away they could not believe what we were able to accomplish in such a small. Period of time they, really, loved the color that they chose the, design that we put in it they couldn't be more thrilled so that was amazing. They. Absolutely love the pool deck as well that was really, beautiful it's, got the non-slip that they wanted the colors that they wanted the way the Sun plays off of it they're really excited, to start to use their product and have their party and and really start to show off their new garage floor their new pool decks. So, once again another successful project our goal at Pentek industrial, coatings is to take ugly, gray cracked, oily concrete, and make, it beautiful we, feel like in some ways we're concrete artists we really, transform, the space the, customer is blown away by the project that's, our main goal and not, inconvenience. The name and being able to get it done in such a quick period of time they just absolutely loved it and we loved it they're really thrilled and at the end of the day that's what makes us happy as well. Humans. Have been in the building business since the early Stone Ages, thanks, to our cognitive, capabilities, we're able to learn how to build everything, from primitive stone shelters, to today's great architectural, marvels along. The way structures, became more and more sophisticated and, so did the planning tools and now, that we've entered the digital era the game is changing once again. We. Are in Houston Texas to, learn more about a software company that is making big waves in the construction, industry our friends, at Oncenter software, have developed the take-off software that helps construction, companies bid more and win more let's find out how it works. Most, people when they hear the word take off they think either Rockets. Gonna launch or that. Somebody. Is doing something inappropriate, but.

Take Off as it relates to contractors. It's the practice of going to a set of blueprints and removing. The quantities, the areas in the, Linear's necessary, in order to get the size of a project so, that they can put together an accurate estimate. Software. Like this has, users, seeing a big difference in speed and accuracy in the, crowded and competitive building. Bidding field this can make all the difference they, want to be able to finish their work faster. And be able to analyze their work so. That they're more profitable, what. Exactly makes this software a must-have, in the construction, business. As. Technology, mercilessly, steamrolls on to the future adapting. Becomes essential, for the workforce manual. Is becoming more and more a thing of the past when, the construction, industry is no exception, construction. Is transforming. It is changing, what, we know of construction, 10, years ago will not be what we see in construction, 15, 20 25, years from now the part that's most exciting is, is that for folks who have been on the outside right building, with X's. And O's and ones and zeros inside of software will be just as impactful, as the person hanging. The rock and driving the nail in, making sure that that business is profitable for the next 25, to 30 years to learn more go, to on Want. Something that sports cars speedboats. And space suits have in common their complex, forms, high strength, and lightweight, construction are all made possible because, of innovative, products developed, by Owens, Corning in. This. Episode, of inside the blueprint, we're going to learn about this company's, revolutionary. Achievement, Rhino Matt an innovative. And next-generation, material. That is six times faster to install and has twice the strength, of conventional. High-density, polyethylene. Rhino, matt is a reinforced. Composite, geomembrane. That is widely being selected. By civil, engineers, for water containment, applications, but, what exactly is, a geomembrane. And what, makes it so special. But. Geomembrane. Is actually a geosynthetic. Now. This is a man-made, material. That, works in earth applications. Civil. Infrastructure. And, transportation. Water. Resources, waste. Containment, we're, actually using, these man-made materials, to enhance, conventional. Construction practices. Rhino. Mat is a reinforced. Geomembrane. That's, puncture and tear resistant, and plays an important, part in lining, protective, facilities, for environmental. Containment, applications, so. A geomembrane. Is actually, an impervious. Membrane. It's, actually, used to prevent, the flow of liquids, and usually. We're taking, the liquids in a containment, facility, and keeping. Those from seeping, into the groundwater and that's to store the water for beneficial purposes or, to keep polluted, water from, entering into the groundwater now, that we know why Owens, Corning za reinforced, composite, geo membranes, are so good let's, go see where and how it's made. The. Rhino lab is the. World's most advanced. Testing, and prototyping, center for geomembranes. And roofing membranes and the likes included. In the Rhino lab is a one-fifteenth. Scale version, of all of our production facilities, we. Have a team of 17, scientist engineers that work every day to develop new inventions, product, enhancements, new offerings, to the market to fill unmet needs. Rhino. Mat is what we call a reinforced. Composite. Geomembrane. It's the next generation, of geomembranes. It's lightweight it's flexible, it's easy to install and so we'll use it for a lot of water retention and containment applications. So lining ponds, lining, environmental, containment, facilities, to, keep dirty water from polluting, the groundwater to keep valuable. Water resources, stored. For future use so. This is where Rhino Matt starts, this is our compounder.

And What, we'll begin with is a plastic. Resin pellet, where, we're mixing. These. Resin, pellets with different additives, and we'll melt it down into. What we call a master batch which. Will become our polyethylene, raw material, to go to the tape line and start, our manufacturing, process for Rhino Mack. So. Once this master, badge is good and mixed we're bringing it over to the tape line, we're. Actually feed, it into this hopper and. It will be melted down and extruded. Into a flat, polyethylene. Film sheet, so. Here we have the master batch coming out of the hopper into. The extruder, so when the master batch comes, into this it's, actually a hot screw, press feeding. The master. Batch into two hundred and ninety degrees. Celsius, and, it, will actually cast it through, this extrusion, die. Into. A flat, film, once. It comes through this die, it'll. Be quenched, in a cooling bass and then rolled up to, this area, where we're actually slitting. Tapes and those tapes will make up the reinforcing, backbone, of the, Rhino matte material once. The tapes are split they're brought into a stretching, oven that applies more heat which, in turn stretches. The tape to the specified, width once. It comes through the stretching, oven and the tapes are at the requisite, width then. We're bringing it into what we call an annealing, station, so, the annealing, process is, running, it through these hot and cold rollers, and we're, introducing. Some of the stretch, and the strength properties of these tapes through, this annealing, process so. The tapes come through the annealing, line they're. Being pulled into, this winding Bank, and, you can see all these tapes. These, fooled, into. Packages. Or bobbins. Where. We're gonna use them later in a weaving process so. Once the tapes are fooled onto these bobbins. In. The. Reinforcement. Fabric on this enormous machine once. The weaving process is, finished the material, is then transferred, to this coating machine where, the reinforced, fabric will be coated and turned into an impervious, waterproof. Material, we're gonna coat, this. Reinforcement, fabric, in this, machine wind, it through these winders, and come. Out the other side and, that's. Our Rhino, mat this, makes it impervious waterproof. Material, eventually, the right amount will have one more laminated. Film layer on the surface run. It through the printer put the logo on it and this is an impervious, geomembrane. Great, product, for water retention, and containment, applications. In. Fabrication, facilities, Rhino, mat can be welded together in panels as large as a half an acre, here's some Rhino mat that we're going to weld together it's, a very simple process there's, about a three inch overlap, a piece on top a piece, below we're, gonna seam, this together, and a continuous. Waterproof. Weld. Using. This thermal, fusion welder here's, how it's done. That, was hot it was welded at 700. Degrees Fahrenheit. These. Two pieces are fused together this. Is a watertight, seal, a very. Strong weld. It's. Almost impossible to, pull, apart. That. Stuff stuff, it's. Still surprising. That we are using high density polyethylene geo membranes. For. Potable. Water applications. There are a lot of applications, and, opportunities. For fabricated. Materials, to displace, high density polyethylene. Whether. It's installing, an industrial, containment, pond a drinking, water reservoir. Or a farming, irrigation, pond owens-corning, 'he's undeniable. And unbeatable. Innovations, continue. To make our world a safer, and better place. That's. The Rhino mat story. Thanks. For watching this episode of inside, the blueprint for, more information, on anything you saw today or to find out how you can become part of the show go. To inside. The blueprint, comm.


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