Welcome to my walkthrough for Dink Smallwood part four. Windemere quests: Save the Town and Joppa Island. And we're going to start off exactly where we left off at the end of part three. We're in KernSIn. We've completed the quests in KernSin and now the bridge to Windemere has been repaired and we can go deal with the Windemere Quest... you know, and all that. But
we need to make a lot more money; And we want to get our levels up; But the money is very important because we want to buy... now at this stage, so we don't have to come back all the way here later if we decide we're going to use a bow to fight the final boss... we want to get the Bow Lore. That's going to cost 1500 coins. And we're going to need to buy a few weapons that are going to cost $3,000 and $2,000. And so, we need to churn monsters in our blender: between our feet and between our hands. So, we'll want to go all the way to Windemere first because I'm going to show you where all the potions, power-ups, and secrets are - as well as money! So, bear with me while I run over to Windemere. And we're at the bridge to Windemere! To get all these secrets and the potions, let's go up into Windemere, and immediately go East one screen and then go down until we get to a beach. I am going to make a stop off
with the pigs. There's a tree here I wanted to show you. It's not important if you already know what we're doing, but if you don't know what we're doing, or why we're doing it: It's an apple tree. Punch it. "Please sir! Don't hurt me! I'm the talking tree of the East." Hit it again. And again. Keep hitting it. You might want to change your position and hit it again.
And you'll get some random thing or it will immediately tell you what you want to know. "There is a rock near the duck Idol with a crack in it..." and this is the only hint you have that one of the rocks in the enclosure around the idol at the center of town... the duck Idol because it's a religion... one rock is important, because it has a crack in it. And then later, you see that you can buy a bomb. And then you have to figure it out: to put the bomb near that one specific rock to blow it up
so that you can get into that enclosure. Because the guard won't let you in. All right. And that's what you had to figure out in the beginning, back before there were walkthroughs, where anybody had to figure out everything. Go down the beach. Go over and you'll see these two shells and these little pebbles that make it look like a path. You had to notice this. You had to see it, and then understand it, in order to know you can go to this island.
And this is Duck Island, also known by other names, like Coqui or Koka. Just go east. And if you see these two ducks, when you see these two ducks, you can talk to them. And one of them will ask you if you want to play a game; And you can bet money and win and lose money.
And so, just basically a little game. I never do this. Not worth my time. But it is interesting when you're playing this game without any backstory or anything else. I keep going up and then across the bridge. Down one screen and to the East. If you need any hearts, get some. Go into this house. And the guy, he's working on the most powerful bow in the world. "Great! Give it to me now!" - "I'm not finished yet. Come back later." He will not sell you that bow
until you've completed the quests in Windemere and talked to King Daniel. And then you can buy his very-very expensive bow. So now we're going to go to the East again and fight some Pill Bugs.
Over one more and fight this guy. And down here will be the Save Machine. Save your game. Go up North, continue to go North. Fight the slimes. Hopefully you'll get some hearts out of it. I've got a few hearts. Then go up North, and then veer a little bit North-West. Get some pill bugs. Kill them. Hopefully you'll get a heart out of that too; Would have been better to have five! Go up the next screen for... and then the one above... and you'll get to a bridge. Go across. There will be another bridge with slimes.
Across that. And then when you cross this bridge, you'll see two Boncas. You can let them fight each other and get down to one. And every time they hit each other; they weaken. It'll be easy to kill the remaining one.
And this is the fun one: This bridge has two Slayers on it. And you're not strong enough, or at least I'm not! And I don't have a strong enough weapon, my magic's not strong enough, to kill them to get across this bridge. I could... but I'd have to fight tooth-and-nail to beat them. And I probably wouldn't beat the Slayers. Just run right through. You lose some life, but that's just the way it is. Now you're here; All this is yours. We saw this before when we were over on this side buying the Herb boots, or the Hyper boots.
Now we can get to it. We have a heart that increases our life capacity, and potions for attack, defense, magic. And a ton of money! And then a Mega Potion. Increase all our State. But we're still not strong enough, in my opinion, to safely beat the Slayers bare-handed, or with a sword. Run across the bridge. And that didn't hurt too much. Let's go back out and go down South,
and go back to where you came in. South. South. And now we can go West. Cross the bridge again. Now we're going West again. All the way back to that sign. And now we can cross back over to Mainland. At this screen you want to go immediately West one screen, and then go up two screens.
And until you are at the top of this screen. And then go East; Right. There's a Slayer. And there's a potion, which is sometimes hard to pick up. And some money on the ground. Every penny counts. Go up and over, and you can see all the monsters; You let them kill each other. Then go ahead and go... ignore them... go to the East side. And next page, or screen, will have a Bonca, a fast Bonca, and slimes. Pass them right by.
And keep going East. There will be a potion. Right there. Defense potion. Now go one screen over to the West and you'll see these rocks
in the form of an Arrow. And we'll have another gold heart in that. There we go. Now we're good. Save the game. One thing I will tell you, if you want to heal yourself, or get healed at the clinic or infirmary, don't do it on this island. It's more expensive, much more. Go back over to Terris,
and they're cheaper. Now, basically what we need to do is come up with enough money to buy not only the weapons we need: The Claw Sword and the Throwing Axe, we also want to buy "The Lore" and if we don't buy that our BOW isn't very... it's just very basic. It doesn't do power shots. It doesn't give you the ability to do power shots. And power shots can be 12, 20, 30, damage to an opponent. And if you're going to plan on using the bow, which most people do in fact, at the final boss... you'll want to get that Bow Lore and buy a better bow than the one you've got now. It may cost you five thousand coins to get the Massive Bow, and $25,000 to get what's called a Flame Bow. And some people pick it, choose to do it that way. And others, you can still
beat the final boss without it. But I like to be ready, and it's better safe than sorry to have the Bow Lore. And that's what I'm going to do: I'm going to go out right now into the same areas and kill the monsters I can kill here, go back to Terris, kill the monsters here; Go to KernSin, kill all the monsters here; Repeat it, maybe again, if it lets me. Go do this again, this again, and go up. Just go up to Goodheart Castle, do this, go into MURKWOOD and do the couple of Boncas here; And even the Big Pill-Bug, which regenerates.
And then go back and do it all again to get my level up, and to get my money up, so I can buy everything. And then also buy the Bow Lore. Let's do that right now. Whew! That took a long time! I did the grinding: I went back and forth, and back and forth, and around and around, and got my level up, and got a lot of money. You notice down here I got $5784. And I am getting close to level nine. But I'm here now in KernSin by the Goblin Sanctuary; KernSin Area. And we're going to buy the Bow Lore.
Burn that tree. Go down and talk to the guy and learn Bow Lore. And that'll give us more power to our bow... to be able to do power shots with. It makes any bow we own much more effective. And now we're going to make our way all the way back up here to Windemere. And I may kill a few monsters along the
way, and go down in the mines, because it's a waste not to, and make a little bit more money. And then I'll get back to the save machine and then we really begin the Windemere Quests. And we made it back to Windemere! I did stop along the way to kill a few monsters in this area and in Terris along the way, and I got some good money. And I'm ready to go, to begin the true Windemere quests. You want to go up and over to the Armory... armorer... or whatever that is called. Go talk to this guy. See what's for
sale and buy the Claw Sword for $2,000. Also see what's for sale, buy the bomb for $20. That's good. The other thing I want to do is go up along this to the second... the first door. Carefully...
Sell an item: Sell a Long Sword for $200. You don't want to just press your button too much because you'll your Claw Sword for half of what you just paid for it. And we're good. Got some more money; May come in handy! Save your Game. And then go into this building. And these people will not let you down these stairs;
Not right now. What you need to do first is to go over to the Duck Enclosure, and the shrine, right there to that stupid rock with the crack in it... that you can barely determine. Proceed: Drop your bomb in front of it and immediately load, wear, your Hyper Boots. BOOM! Go in immediately and start kicking them. Kicking, kicking the heck out of them. Pick up those potions if you can do that too.
Beat them, beat them, beat them, you gotta kick them until they turn into dinner! You don't want to let too many of them outside of the gate; Some of them might sneak through the fences, and then it's a really hard to get them. But you have to just keep burning, burning... or cooking! We got that one duck outside the enclosure. And I have to be careful about this:
Don't step off the screen; I have to kill him without leaving the screen, because if I do I have to redo all that killing... and cooking. There we go! We did it! "Hey, Kelly... this is gonna be so great... What the?!" "Uh oh." "No!!!!" "Daddy what happened?" "Guards! Help!" "This guy killed the Blessed Fowl!" "I must avenge the Winged Goddess!" "Kelly, what are you doing?" "I'm eating..." "Sir, your daughter is eating our God. I guess we have to kill her too."
"This meat... tastes good!" "Wait, isn't it all raw and such?" "I guess one piece wouldn't hurt. It tastes great!" "Less filling too." "Dink! You magically changed our Supreme Beings into food!" "Now, there is a perfect explanation... you see the friction seem to cook and..." "Who cares about that." "Dink is a hero! We must go tell the others!" And we did it. This ends the Windemere Quest:
We saved the town from famine because they have all this chicken to eat... ducks to eat and they don't have (All right, I'm just gonna kick that one and because I want to) ... they were giving all their money, and all to their religion, and all their food too! So they had nothing, and they were all starving. And so we've saved it. They've honored us with a stone. "A little lovely stone." (Dink Smallwood) And we can go back and save our game. And
now these people in this little house will let us down the stairs. And we just go right across until we get out to an island. Go up. And we're at Joppa Isle: The island of Dragons.
Let's go in and up (and if you need healing, break the barrels). "Weird. This town looks deserted." Go in the door and down the stairs. "Look! Someone came down!" "Hello, I'm Dink Smallwood." "Oh yes, I've read about you. Please, did you see anyone out there?" "Out where? Town?" "Yes, our daughter is still out there! She'll be killed!" "Why? I saw nothing dangerous."
"They must have left. We must go find her... what if she is..." "Don't say such things! Stay here, I will be back shortly." "I cannot idly wait while my daughter is in danger!" And once she's off the screen you can move again. If you need a heart, there'll be one in this barrel. Go up the stairs. But before you exit, equip your Claw Sword because there's gonna be a scene played out in front of you, and you're going to need to fight after that scene. And you're not going to want to use your magic; You cannot
accidentally kill the townspeople with either your sword or magic. And you have to defeat the enemy, two dragons, before they magically, or physically, kill the townspeople: If they die, you die. So... "Gwen! Come to safety!" "Oh mother, I've been so afraid!" "That sound..." And that sound is wings. Here come the dragons. "Run from us no more humans."
"let's finish this." "We will fight!" "Protect the women, Smallwood!" And run out kill this Dragon quick. You're getting attacked with magic don't... Look: Don't kill those people. They try to get in the way.
"You did it! You did it Smallwood!" "Dink, you saved me! You're a hero!" And say whatever you want to say. "In any case, we are very grateful." "Those two dragons have been on the rampage for a month. "It all started when we built this town on their nest."
"So, basically I just killed two innocent dragons for protecting their own." "Uh... gotta get back to the store. See you later." And that's all there is to this Quest. Step off the screen. Go back, and inside, and talk to this fellow, because we have over 3,000 coins.
So, we can now buy the Throwing Axe. That's what we get for planning ahead!" So now we have the Throwing Axe. It's a wonderful device (weapon). Great for killing things and for earning money, but not perfect. I prefer the Hyper Boots and magic for some things, and for other things this comes in very handy. But it will not help us in the next part of the quest, the Edge of the World; After we go to Goodheart Castle and talk to the King and accept the quest (offer) to go save Milder in the Darklands. So,
the enemies up in the Edge of the World are very HARD... to beat. And the Bow won't work on them. The beautiful Throwing Axe won't work on them. The Claw Sword will! And your magic, your Fireball, doesn't do anything to them. You need a much more powerful Magic. And so let's just go back out and save our game, because we have finished all the quests in the Windemere area. And we can go to Goodheart Castle now.
I will give you a bit of advice: If you need to be healed or want to buy healing potions, don't buy them here. Go back to Terris, go to the clinic or infirmary there, and buy it. It's much cheaper. And that's all we have for this walkthrough. And that's all I have for my sinuses tonight.
Dragons! Now they smell. In any case I will see you in the next walkthrough hopefully, soon. Take care and have a great day, night, or whatever. Good cup of... good cup of coffee!
2023-04-30 19:05