The “Alien Technology” tried to stop me last night

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good morning hello there Susan B  honey good morning um Tanya She Wolf   um yeah good morning everyone so let's look at  this um it's really pretty outside it is so the   alien technology that's what I'm going to call  it the alien technology because you know there   was a deal that was brokered with the aliens  or the extraterrestrials uh technology for   you know humans more or less do their little um  experiments so we can say alien technology that   is used today the technology used today came from  a higher species a highly evolved species hello   so um if you did not see the  two videos last night actually   um I was doing the FAA webcams is what I was doing  let me come over here last night and this is what   I noticed if you hadn't seen that video right  there the medarpars uh the Russian Mission thing   right here look at this coming from the Sun and  someone had come in on their it's a sun flare so   and it does when the when the sun erupts it does  on that even on the NASA products it gets this   flare that comes out of it but this was captured  on the Russian webcam and I did this video last   night you know this video is only four five four  or five minutes long if you hadn't watched it but   um I was trying to talk then all of a sudden you  all I mean I'm gonna just I'm gonna just blame   it on the aliens okay I am uh all of a sudden I  was fine and I started talking and then right in   the left side of my throat boom I got hit with an  itch like something was in my throat it literally   stopped me from talking I could not even get the  words out I had it in my video abruptly at 405.   it took my voice away that alien technology that  was used against me you want me to say Gina honey   there's no such thing as alien Advanced Tech alien  technology well we got advanced technology we do   but yeah this is like this so this uh someone  did comment on here saying that you know this   will reach us um it's called a sun flare and it  will it's set to hit the earth in two days from   this right here and you can see that um this  is not a normal sun it's not it's got like a   Black Hole Sun you got something red behind it  you also got other things like this in the sky   right up there but as this went out  you all it did it started out massive   and then as it progressed it got I'm smaller is  what happened if you had not seen it you I would   encourage you to see it I know that um there  were some people that caught the video last   night I like to relax that's how I relax you are I  come on here and um that's what I do I just relax   on the laptop until I get tired but I couldn't  relax and relax last night and see this also   this happened right here but the time stamp  was um 1616 it was also captured on another   camera in Alaska and that's what this guy had  looked like during that episode right there you   uh it is but it was it was wild let me show you  see how it got it was massive when it came out   and it got smaller and I just had to end the  video just like that I had to end the video   because uh the alien technology was used against  my throat I've had it happen before on videos when   I'm talking about specific things on a live  stream boom can't quit coughing it's like a   a tickle it's a targeted area that will literally  stop you in your tracks that's right you will so   what you seen last night that literally does and  the gentleman was right it is a sun flare like a   solar flare came from the Sun it was captured  on the the FAA webcams is what it was because   let me show you this I've got some pulled  up on here I'm outside on my porch because   yeah look at this one you are so this was a beaver  I could have showed a lot more last night but   I'm thinking you've got to be kidding this  is kind of ridiculous what you're doing to   me and it was a little ridiculous um and  there may be some people thinking Gina   that's not the sun well what is it you uh it's  our sun in the sky this is what it looked like   in the sky like all these like this is the  center of it whatever is up there you are and   some people say you know that's a a sun simulator  but look at that this is the Russian mission one   and this is the um the eniac this happened at  23.47 right here and or 1547 when it came out   um 1547 and then as it's going on  its way it's like 1616. so this  

probably was a solar flare that  was captured on the FAA webcam   um it is somebody said Gina somebody wrote in the  comments section thank you um Francisco Xavier   someone wrote in a comment except you all must  have very boring lives that's all you got to do is   sit around saying something's wrong with the sun  I blocked that individual because he was rude and   disrespectful do I look like I have a boring life  I worked on three vehicles yesterday what did that   gentleman do said on his laptop or his computer no  my life is not boring neither are your all's lives   I don't I don't put up with comments like that you  all this somebody's going to come on my channel   and try to run me down or run you all down  because of the way you think they're off of   this channel you all that's what I'm going  to do they're off I don't have time for it   you all there's there's too much stuff going on  in the world you are we've got look at that sky   look at those dark clouds it looks really good  with these um trees it was the sun was red as   it was Rising there was a silhouette  of red underneath there right there   um you think the dentist put a device in your  tooth because you feel vibrations and you hear it   oh my gosh that could be true it really could be  a planet with the real deal a planet is the real   deal well there's something up there too there  definitely is something up there you all and   um see look at that it's so bright look you how  can you miss this like there's a big massive   outline right here and then back down here there's  something red also right there this thing whatever   this is this is in the sky too and I'm I took  this picture because I think that that is some   kind of a a ship outline of a ship in here but  I that was late at night you I did not have to   you can see something right there too you can  see the outline of something massive right here   in the sky and this was at the beaver one  right here see and then look at this like what   why is there like a circle here you are this is  oh I only took a few sun sun spots I only took   a few pictures last screenshots before I got  on the YouTube and thought that I was going to   um talk more on that sun and what was happening  but it stopped me dead in my tracks right there   boom cut me off and I just ended it then I went  over to the Facebook I got me a drink I actually   started coughing really bad I thought I was going  to throw up that's how bad they got me with their   alien technology and then I went to the Facebook  and I showed them the sun there at the Facebook   email and this is this is other the other video  that I did last night it was um it was wild it   was so wild getaway fly there's bees flying around  and stuff you up hello um yeah you are please um   like and share this video and this may um be a tad  bit different than what some people may um realize   look at that I I apologize I did like seven  videos yesterday because I was working on my car   uh my Jeep so um I was going to do the moon last  night in the southwestern sky or Southeastern sky   but then we decided to look at the other  side of the moon last night too you all   there was images of what the other side of  the Moon looked like and then I saw this   and then this was the sun UI looked like some  kind of a plasma thing going on right there you   are if you haven't went over to that one that one  is wild it's truly wild look at that um it starts   off like that get that off of there you will let  me see this let me show you how Wild this looks that sun is not in the Sky by itself you all  and it's so bright they made it so bright   um and you have all of these objects they're like  ships or something up there some people say no   Gina honey that is not that is just moisture  on your lens okay everything ain't moisture   on my lens and if there was like moisture you  know when you're looking at stuff and they want   to dismiss it as moisture dust and stuff why go  through such a hassle to try to debunk something   that you really can't debunk because you know  there's orbs all over the place there really   are orbs are all over the place spiritual uh in  the spiritual Community people see orbs appear   in front to them you all they do look at that sky  right here everybody needs to start looking up   yeah they are looking up you all yeah so if you're  just tuning in we've got advanced technology from   the aliens we do um there's a deal brokered years  and years ago before some of us was ever born   and I didn't know anything about it until I  stepped into this um wow stepped into this   Arena I don't know where that's coming from that  looks kind of strange stepped into this Arena but there's something happening you well there  is you can see this was on the FAA webcam   uh and where did where was it at it was um it was over here in this area of Alaska is  where it was located you all right right   there that that webcam right there caught it  it caught these one things that were on it   so if you're just tuning in there was like a  lot of activity happening with the sun yesterday   and there was activity that was caught on the  webcams up there if that's Alaska or Canada I   have no idea but there was activity at uh cut  um there was so um this is wild it's all wild   and um yeah let's look at these again  so you have something right here and um you can see it I'm not one who like  studies these things but that literally this   literally does depict like a solar flare image  because that's what the sun does on the NASA thing   like that it does when they happen they start  off really big and then they get really small   but what if it's something else you have so it's  such a perfect circle at the Russian mission and   um the the Annie act and they happened around  the same time span so both cameras caught it and   I don't know how high the elevation would be but  look how perfect that is that could even be the   outline of a who knows what it is it could be a  weapon itself being directed at a shua it could be there's something in the sky you can see also  like right here there's something right there   so let me put this back you up um that's right  planetary system well there's something coming   and there is if you listen to how The Other Side  of the Moon that video like we did last night   if you read about that or listen to it there was  talking about how there was a collision with some   large um planetary and some large object named  Thea I don't know where they got Thea at and   it showed some of the images of the Moon it  was all dark red with big old blotches in it   like it looks like on the webcam I thought  it was really interesting how it came by oh my gosh that was a massive Buzzard or  something in the sky squawken and it broke   the branches as it it flew up it really did in  the in the woods it broke the branches over there   as it flew away it must have been something big  all I saw was its black wings um yes you are so   um I've heard of Brock Project Blue beam since I  started on this journey and I'm I'm gonna sit and   say right here everything that happens in the  sky everything that's documented cannot be due   to Project Blue beam and I'm pretty sure they  didn't have the project bluebeam thousands of   years ago when UFOs were depicted on Cave walls on  manuscripts um drawings mosaics uh etched in stone   I'm pretty sure it didn't exist back then and if  if you're a spiritual person you know that there   are things that happen in the spiritual Realm they  do and um sometimes I wonder I'm not saying that   there ain't nothing like a project blue beam  because they can take people's bodies who have   been long since past and project them on a stage  with someone else but as for the sky I'm sure   something could happen it could but everything  cannot be dismissed as a project blue beam and   if you want to go further with that say something  does appear and you want to dismiss things people   who say project bluebeam that's Project Blue beam  in the sky well guess what it's going to have a   real world effect on people a real world effect  it's going to cause things to be put into action   regardless it is um so that's how I feel about it  uh if someone wants to say everything is project   bluebeam and there's a there is a theory that's  a large school of thought of a handful of people   um there are Project Blue beam Theory and it's  okay to know the theories it really is it's   it's quite all right but it's going to have a  real world effect we know that our world has   been upside down it's been turned upside down  everything was normal until a few years ago   and then boom everything started changing and  this was worldwide everything started changing   worldwide it's like a a new power came in a new  energy and it set into motion everything that's   happening today you can look back and you can see  the effects of this new energy this new power that   is rising how it's like the groundwork is  being laid for this new power to take its seat   uh is what it's like um so if you're just  tuning in last night I was doing a video   on the face on the YouTube I came on to do a  video sewing showing what was happening with   the sun it was so wild and I didn't get but four  minutes and five seconds I had to abruptly in my   video uh alien technology was used against me um  and it stopped me from even talking that's how   powerful it was it literally took my voice away  the alien technology that was used against me   uh you may say Gina you done lost it no I was  talking about this right here on a YouTube video   this literally started out big and it came  out and uh that looks like a seller flare   that you see on the sun of the NASA products  that camera captured it and if it's not a   solar flare it's something else um it could  even be some kind of alien technology also   um so yeah that's right you all we can do it we  can talk about this good morning that's right you   are oh my goodness you can't talk much anymore two  years someone said Gina all the all the truthers   all the majority of the truthers have got taken  down but you still remain well I've never really   identified myself as a truther I don't like labels  I never did even when I was little a truther   um I I just want to be me and I want to share  whatever I'm led to share within my spirit I do   but they went on to say that they're very blunt  in what they say well I'm not a blunt person   um there are some people who just blurt out  exactly what they want to say and they come back   they come across as very abrasive and domineering  that's not me I'm not an abrasive domineering   individual you've got to be heart centered if  you've got a message to get out you got to be   heart centered in order for it to be received  by the people you want it to reach you while   you do you can't be having no harsh harsh tone and  stuff like that you uh you cannot because it's an   immediate turn off to those who want to live their  life with peace on the inside and they resonate   with people who got that peace and their spirit  will identify them and recognize them that's right   oh my goodness so yeah you all this video right  here is only like four minutes long on my YouTube   channel but this is the one that I did but there's  something going on in the sky you all you can you   can tell by looking that the sky is not normal and  it's worldwide it's not just here it's um there's   something up there you see it the red on the the  outline of it and I don't claim to be an expert in   anything I like to try to gather some knowledge  about a lot of various topics I do that's right so um so you can see it back here too there's been  more people talking about two sons they're seeing   two sons rising in the sky look at that is that  not wild look at this right here this showed up   last night when I logged on to my thing this is  a fly this is the Fly Geyser in Nevada that does   look like alien like you are this is in the middle  of the I don't know where it's at look at that does that no it's beautiful it's absolutely   beautiful if you love artwork if you  love beautiful colors look at that um it is absolutely beautiful it's like um look  like an oasis you all but it's in the in Nevada look at that looks kind of like um out of this  world and really what if it is out of this   world you all what if it started forming and it  started um growing um Geyser in the Nevada desert   it is absolutely it is beautiful you are you  should look it up because those you can visit   a psychedelic Geyser in Nevada I used to live  in Nevada if I would have known that was there   when we lived there all those years I  most definitely would have visited that   we would have made the time to visit  that you all but it is it's gorgeous   um and if it's alien if it's not of this world  well it's very beautiful in color and stuff like   that is a beautiful piece of artwork uh naturally  occurring oopsie Gina get that off of there I will   yeah so that's what I'm talking about it looks  like red rock it does kind of look like the Red   Rock Canyon I used to hike there a lot when we  lived there um but if you look at the surrounding   areas when you go look it up go look at the Fly  Geyser in Nevada at the surrounding area this is   like in the it has water around it but it's slowly  built up but it's absolutely beautiful it is um and you don't hear anything about it but  now you have you've heard about it you   all that's that's the perfect way for me to  end my video with that geyser it is you will   that's right um yeah that's okay um so yeah you  uh alien technology it's existed for years and   you know that there was technology long long  long long long long thousands of years ago that   um yeah oh it's not fake at all no um it  was uh it existed thousands of years ago   and you know we are at the point now where  um we're starting to see a lot of things   we are and experiencing and our world is  changing but that's okay you all it is um yeah   it's surreal looking and you know it's all over  you can do a search and the Fly Geyser watch it I can even pull it up Boom the Fly Geyser a  fly Ranch geyser you can see where it's located   um Nevada's fly rents visit Reno  and Tahoe Lake Tahoe and Reno   and then you can look at um all the pretty images  you all of what it looks like it kind of does look   like it's look this right here reminds me of like  a great big tree trunk that's been cut down when   you see it like that because it's setting nestled  up on something because that's a perfect flat area   it is you know isn't that beautiful uh  in Nevada look at that and it is deserty   but that's okay it is quite all right you  all it is it's beautiful all right um foreign Creech Air Force Base I can barely  remember Creech Air Force Base   my husband was at Nellis Air  Force Base for like seven years um so yeah that's right you uh it is hiking yeah   you call on the World to help you good  morning everyone if you're just tuning in   so I'm gonna go I think I'm going to  go downstairs and I left my Jack out   the big floor ton jack and I'm going to  take my passenger side wheel off my Jeep   after I jack the vehicle up and supported on jack  stands I think perhaps maybe the um caliper pins   on where my brake pads are the caliper pins when  I originally did that brake job it's been back   I think 2017 so it's been a long time and I never  did Grease the caliper pins I didn't know about it   until I read more into it I greased the caliper  pins on my Subaru all of them to make sure they   slide back and forth so I'm going to do that I'm  going to work on my Jeep again today you all I'm   going to uh Jack that up loosen those lug nuts  take that bolt off the tire off and um take those   bolts out and put some grease on it mechanics  grease and I'm gonna put some other type of stuff   on the bolts themselves so they'll easily come  out you will that's right ah yes that's right um uh that's okay you all Gina is a I'm a part-time  mechanic I was a mechanic before I even did the   YouTube stuff you are my whole life loved working  on cars I have uh that's right so I'm gonna go and   you all this is really wild I'm just gonna Circle  back to alien technology use on me you were last   night uh because it wasn't nice energy at all it  wasn't it was uh energy that was not of this world   on the YouTube channel they stopped me dead  in my tracks They didn't want me talking   uh Michelle honey there you are right here  I'll be showing this right here in the   video on the YouTube's only four minutes and  something I think they stopped me talking and   everything I had to end a video but it does  it has the characteristics of a solar flare   and but it could be alien technology also being  used it looks like there's something also back   here behind it you can see the outline of  something right here so I am going to go   and um with that being said you all hello  wherever you are in any part of the world hello   from my heart to yours love you have a wonderful  rest of your day you I'm gonna drink the rest of   my tea and I'm gonna go outside since it's  so beautiful out it's a nice crispy morning   uh it is it's absolutely beautiful out  you all I hope to see you later love you


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