Digital Inclusion Week 2022 - Digital Avatar and Vtubing Technology

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Got it. Alright. So, here we are. We're at the Oak Hill Collaborative and it is the last National Digital Inclusion Alliance National Digital Inclusion Week talk for two thousand twenty-two. Uh we've had a lot this week. We actually did an extra day to accommodate for all the talks. We had what was it? Micro controllers and sensors using the Raspberry Pico. Uh we had a

resume workshop on Monday in preparation for the hiring event. That was the that was this past Tuesday. We had Steve Kristen present on what is a smart city. We've had robotics

and sensors from C test labs and trying to remember West Stanton yesterday presented a speed running and cyber security exploits. You know, just trying to compare them and show they're not that different from each other. And today, we're going to end it with end it with a bang with what was it? Kaneko Himari, is it? Hm. Yeah. Alright. Kanaka Umari

from Brimtone is going to be talking about what it means to be a V tuber and how to stream and that's how we're going to National Digital Inclusion Week. Um if you're watching this in the far far future as an archived video, don't worry, we are still celebrating digital inclusion in all the different ways from signing you up for the Affordable Connectivity Program to even selling refurbished hardware such as laptops and desktops. So, if you want to get in on that, give us a call and if you have any questions for Hamari here, either during the stream or after. Put em in chat or Email me at Anthony at Oak Hill Collaborative. org. So, I've talked enough. This isn't my show. I'm going to hand it over

to Himari. Take it away. Yo. Hi, Anthony already gave a pretty decent introduction there. Uh he's better introducing himself than me. Uh

hi, I am I am the bassist and artist for Brimtone. Uh we are a virtual band. Uh my other part is Shoji. Uh he is not here today. I am the Dingus. He's like, oh I'll do a talk. I

talk before. I have done a talk before about this kind of stuff. Thank you again, Oak Hill for letting me come and say words. So, my version of the technical that the, I'm sorry, I cannot say worst day. My version for inclusive inclusive I I cannot say the sport to save my life right now. I'm sorry. My version for this week's theme is more relation to virtual avatars and live streaming with them. So,

as you can see right now, I am not a three-dimensional person. I am a two-dimensional person. I definitely don't look this in real life but we can all get in the same page and agree with that there. But making this and getting to this point is there's a lot that goes into it but it's very worth it and there's a few different reasons you would want to do this over just, you know, your traditional, just pop on your webcam and show your face kind of streaming and we will get into that but for now, just to start off with, this is made with live twoD. This is a V

tuber avatar. A V tuber is somebody who uses like typically anime. Sometimes, you'll see other kinds of art forms, avatar like this as You know, what they do for live streaming, YouTube videos, things like that. So, instead

of showing their face, they are some kind of virtual character and I want to scroll. I have to turn my mask back on. My mouse is dead. Pain. But alright. So, when we get to start with this, here, let me show you the rest of me really fast. This is a

full body. Some people only do like their head, like their shoulders, some people do the full thing. It just depends. But to get to this point, you know, we start with just actually having the character.

And I'm going to gloss over this pretty quickly because, you know, this is technical includes the, I don't know why inclusion is, there we go. Now, I said it, inclusion, inclusivity. Ha ha. Did it. But, you know, this is more on the tech side of things, but you know, you have to have your character design started. Uh, so for reference, this is mine. Uh, this is ancient, and then this is Shoji, my counterpart.

You know, we have to have this to start out with. You have to know that, oh, hey, this is, this is I know this one. And that brings me into the actual technical side of things is there is a lot that goes into these. As you can see, you know, I'm blinking. I am saying words and my mouth is opening. My cat is blinking with me. And

to get to that point, there is a lot of layers. Like, every part of this drawing is on its own layer. And it is all just completely interchangeable.

Like, I can just not have a head. Or I can just not have a body. I can make myself bald. Who needs hair, right? That's the first step is you, these are very high-intensive models. You have to have everything on their own layer and cut in a very specific way because if you try to just animate a still drawing, you're going to have some interesting warping and it's just not going to look as nice. I just froze my program so we're going to oh bite my ram is not happy with me. I have two models open right now. This is

the program live 2D and this is where like, a big center of what I want to talk about is focused in. and I will show you some toggles and we're going to go over some reasons why you would want to do this because this here has over 3000 layers like with everything included in it. It gets simplified down. So, like, I kept all the shading separate things like that. That's why this is so many layers. Like, 3000 individual things but like, when you condense condense it down and bring it into this, it's still a lot of layers and when you actually go to made this. There is a lot. But why you would want to do this is, well, first of all, the anonymity of it, I can say that word, but I cannot say inclusivity for some reason, but, well, a lot of people, you know, like, they don't want to show their face, you know, or you just, you're playing a character. I don't think I'm

playing too much of a character, I'm just a dummy who likes to do cool things like this. Because this is facial tracking. I don't think I mentioned that, but this is all facial tracking. This is

rigged, but it is not animated. Everything you're seeing here is a reflection of my actual face onto this model. And this is where that magic happens. But anonymity is a big one. Um if you looked at YouTube for or Twitch which is another lit live streaming platform. Um a

good example of this would be Iron Mouse. Um, she is a live streamer who has never shown her face anywhere. Uh, she prefers not to. She has health

issues that she would prefer to not show the world. So she just sticks to her avatar. Or in the case of other ones, like, you know, they might have a job in a business-related field. They just don't want, if you Google their name to, you know, show up as, oh, hi, look, I do watch replay games and be drunk or something like there's a lot of reasons you don't want to have your identity out there which is all very valid, you know, like sometimes you just don't want to have your name attached to everything you do in this aspect. Another reason is you can just totally decide how you look and people will like judge you and perceive you based on that. It's not about what your

face is. It's about, oh, hey, look. I have a cat. I've always wanted a cat. I can't have a

cat but you know what? I can have a cat here and that's what matters. there's a like a variety of reasons. There's some that I probably am skimming over but no, for a lot of people, they just don't want their face to be what you see and with things like this, that is possible. Now, this model, like drawing it took about a month and a half, about two, about two, three months to get both of the models for Brimatone drawn. I was going to show show G's version two and then I realized I am not nearly done enough for that to be good for presentation but Actually for the purposes of just like example, as you could see, like, these down here are all of the parameters. As you can see, there's like, there's no red dots. This is all blank

because he is not nearly done yet but on the humidity model, all of these have toggles. All of these are individually done and rigged. So, this is the front left side of the hair here. Can I get my mouse to zoom in? Yes, yes, the scroll's working. It's my mask just died again. Hey, guys. Just charge your bounce batteries, please.

Let's just do that for me. But this is the default for it And I can move it around based on the parameters I have set. And you actually click on one of them. Let me pop this open here. These are the folders for

all of the layers we have drawn. And these are the work meshes for these things. So up here, We move around these arts with these warps. Here we go. Nope. I'm trying to move it. There we go. So like this is the default

one. If I want to make it look like it's moving upwards, we use those meshes which is why you do not want to have all of your separate layers that you don't want all your layers on one layer because if you try to do this and everything is at the same layer, you're going to look funky. You're going to look real funky. but so for some of the things like this though because you can apply real life physics to these. Like you can apply physics to your models as well. That's why this has so many individual layers It's for the physics tool. There you go. And

that's for the one up here that's doing its thing. Now, this is not the only kind of model you can make. There are also three dimensional ones like threeD, like actual, like, you know, like Frozen Elsa like 3D models. Those are also

something that people do. I am not very well versed in those aspects but they use like programs like FaceRig, V Bridger is used with iPhones, things like that. Like there's different programs for different dimensions. And the 2D realm Like this, me right here. This is a program called YouTube Studio. Um this one is

a paid program. Um you can also use I think it was VC Face. There's PRPR Live. There's, if

you look around, there's a few different programs. I know FaceRig was a really big one as well. It just depends on what you specifically want to do and what your resources are. Because this here is a custom model, but if you do some like if you want a free model, a V Roid Studio does three-dimensional models that you can make for free. There's also, I think it was like, I can remember the name of the app right now. There's apps for it as well. If you want to

start streaming and you want to do this, you do not need to have money and you don't need to you don't need to try to make it yourself with like the full hardcore art aspect like right here. This is, this is purely for just technical fun. This is, this is also it's gets very expensive if you try to commission one like some of the higher-end models can go above $10, 000 and that's not the average but like depending on the model you get, it can be very expensive, it can be very time consuming. I really recommend you try like play with Viroid first, something like that or if you just want to start with just having a character design and just using that everywhere before you get an actual model to see how you like streaming or content creation in general. Like, go for that. You don't

have to have this right away. This is just, this is a but here I'll show you some of the toggles real fast as I actually talk. So, like everything you see here was done with the meshes to just give the illusion of movement.

Everything here, like I said, had to be on a separate layer for this reason. You can't do a lot of these toggles if everything is on the same layer. That cat was very complicated. I'll tell you

that. Like, here's the necklace moving. I will open physics window. I have to remember where the physics window is. No. Show. Remember the last time I messed with physics. but

you can use here we go. Physics. You can use physics in these. This is something that also makes things more expensive and I don't know what the talk about window is. Oh,

right up there. remove my mouse. There you go. So this is the physics window This is where all of that complicated stuff you saw with the hair kind of comes into effect. Hm. So, I mean I broke it. That's why it's looking strange. I

broke it. You see this little pendulum here? This is showing you how strong the physics is because Yeah, I've completely frozen this program. I'm sorry. but what happens when your program isn't frozen because you're eating all of your ram is that you pick a group. Right now, it's on the necklace. You input your X and your Y Or your Z, any parameter you want. It

goes off of how strong my body is moving. So, if I like jerk around, you're going to see my necklace jerk around because that's how it works in real life. If you have a really dangly necklace and your car swerves really hard to the left, your necklace is going to react to it. But you can input those, tell it how strong you want it to be, like right here at the effectiveness, and it will, like, in turn, do what you ask. It's like here be more specific like, look at that. That's what happened in real life, you know, if I like throw myself this way, your necklace is going to move. Although, you

can also play with how strong it is. Like, this is, obviously, you know, you like cartoons like this is a cartoony. I want to make it look as ridiculous as possible. That's the fun of it. We go back to this. I'm going to

close this because I broke it. I I've completely frozen studio there. Okay, but that's why there's many different little things in this is because I want to make it as detailed and accurate as possible. So, I want to make sure every single frame is perfect for it so it actually shows up nicely when it actually gets done. The more complex you get, obviously, the harder it's going to be but I think the results are much more worthwhile and you can see it and I'm just going to keep giving myself motion sickness. We'll go back to here for a second. Well, my program sorts

itself out because I I'm freezing like everything right now. My computer is not happy with me. Oh no. But like I said, like, now that you've seen kind of how it gets rigged, you could, like, I'll show you a bit more of the layers. Because this very complicated, like, every single thing, like, there's layers behind the layers, like if I just hide the head, like you can still see the hair behind, because another reason you want all these layers, and you want to kind of stack them is because if you move one erection. You don't want to

have it move too much and it looks kind of like a PS 3 game but you also, you will have spots if you are not careful and you try to move something and there's just not the correct thing behind it. You don't want a transparent hole. You want to make sure everything does look as real and three dimensional as possible even if you are two dimensional. Okay, Zoom needs to move. Moves. There we go.

In we go. I'm sorry. I did not mean for V two live 2D to freeze on me. Uh to give a quick overview of Live 2D is this is a paid program. Uh it is $30 a month I believe and this is what you can use to rig. I have not seen any other program used to rig 2D models besides live twoD. This seems to be pretty much the standard.

It does its job very well as you've seen. For a 3D models a program you can use is blender. Blender is like of the most popular choices, that is where you can build your model from scratch. Vroid Studio, you can use if you want to just do a free model. Well, they're both free but Vroid Studio is much more beginner friendly and much more just user friendly in general. That's more like a dress up game and then you're done. You can also export that

two blender if you want to make it, you know, prettier, more detailed. I don't have an example for you on hand because I don't do three-dimensional things. I apologize. I'm waiting for this to unfreeze. Please unfreeze

program. I beg. I I should not have tried to open two of these at once. Cuz I know you're, I know you're not closing, buddy. I'm trying to close you. Okay,

I'm just going to quick off of that. Do I try to open? I'll try. So, to actually include this up and open in the wrong tab, I'm sad. But to actually tie this back into things like streaming, To do this on things like YouTube, they also have nothing is opening the way I wanted to, and I'm quite sad. Like they

also have programs that interface directly with it. Like Beachhave Studios specifically has a lot of plugins you can use. Um let's do plugins. That's easy. That's that's easy enough to show.

This is terrifying. Hm. which you can use to interface with different programs which is also fun in the technical side of things. So, when you actually start the API with the plugins, you could see what plugins are actually going on. For me, I just have one with my stream deck so I can change my expressions and like do things like this with the hit of a button without having to go in manually like doing it myself with different parameters. I can just press the button and there it goes. You can also be mad at. I I'm just disappointed

in you. There is a lot that goes in to all of this. There's so many layers. There's all

sorts of just wacky parameters but this is definitely like this is coming out in a big boom. If you go on YouTube, just, it depends on your demographic, obviously, but that's a strong chance. You've seen at least one V tube or pop up at some point somewhere. Where there be somebody like Iron Mouse or like the really big Hollow Live people or even just like other little indies. Like, there's, this is become a big boom, especially during COVID. Once COVID hit lot of people like this blew up. Like

this as a medium kind of really hit the mainstream. So you're like there's a lot of innovation going on every day. V2 Studio has a new feature set to release in the next couple weeks. That's using RTX. And

just things like that are just really expanding. So, honestly, come back in a year and this talk might be outdated. You might see more crazy stuff. There might be a way to just, I don't know, metaverse it. I know nothing about the metaverse. All I know is

apparently, it's like VR chat. But there's just so much that goes on with this that my my little corner of it, my little portion is just, I can make a live 2D model. I can draw the several hundreds or thousands of layers and connect them. So, you can see that my face is getting tracked and you can see my face anime face. There's

some people who do the same thing with three-dimensional models. They'll make those from scratch. Bless them. There's some people who they will just like advertise themselves with just a PNG of their character for now because again, this gets kind of expensive. It just, there's a wide variety you can use in this medium. There's so much you can do with it. I'm very excited to see

where it goes. I wish I could show you more of this but I managed to freeze my program. Don't do that. It won't close.

I tried. but just if you want to get into this, there's a lot of amazing resources, live 2D website has a lot. Um there's a lot of people who will draw this for you. There's

a lot of people who, like, they do, like, they make their living off of this. They will draw and rig your models for you. Some people only do rigging, Some people only do the art. Like, there's just a wide variety of people with this. And I really had so much

more to say with my freaking live twoD. I, this is a ram eater. That's your warning now. It's a bit of a ram eater. Uh

there's a lot that like a lot of there's not that much computer power going into actually tracking your model. Like obviously in the nicer webcam you have and like the more ran you have, the smoother it's going to go. Some people use the iPhone. The iPhone is

the best tracking for face tracking. So people will like hook up their iPhones to their computer to do their face tracking. I just have a webcam. That is a way you can do your recording is with your iPhone.

You can use your Android phone if you only have that for a webcam. You can use an actual webcam. There's there's a strong way like variety of ways you can do this. There's not just one way. Like for me, It's over here. That was over here. It's just

that. You can also see where my face is getting tracked. That's that is the thing I can show you since I've a big bulk of what I want to show you. But as you can see it's tracking my face. I can smile, I can move around, and it does what I do. There's other programs that do this. The iPhone, it looks

incredible. There's also a plugin called Vridger with the iPhone that makes it look even more incredible. Like, it's just a matter of what resources do you have but almost anyone can do this. As long as you have a computer, some kind way to get a drawing and a lot of hope. If anybody wants resources and how to get started getting a model like this or like how you even want to get started like doing YouTube with this or Twitch with this, just ask Anthony. He

can ask me if he doesn't know. Like here are some settings you can mess with with this. Like I can just I just never have my eyes open or I can have my eyes super open. It is all a matter

of me forgetting what I said that setting to. There's all sorts of things here. Like I can do the strongest stuff because I have a pretty strong computer. But if you have like there's only something that you can do. You can also change like 30 FPS. You can the syncs are with your phone. There is

an there is a V tube studio app that you can connect to your phone. Like I said people with iPhones can do that. They have the best tracking. Android has not nearly as good tracking but if you don't have a webcam you can use your Android phone with this. Like this that is a way

you can use. Like you hook it up to Wi-Fi basically and you connect with the Wi-Fi to get your model on your screen. Mm. you see where I can find that. It is on a different tab. Yep,

it's on this tab. So, like right here, you know, you have your little port and you can start a server and you can connect the phone. That is what Shoji does actually. He uses his phone. it does not have as good tracking. There's

something it does not support but it is a method. There is always a way. You can always find a way. This is a really fun blending of art and technology. And there's just, that's the fun part about art and technology. It's never just one way. Well, at least in most

cases, technology can sometimes be a bit more rigid but there's never just one way, you, there's a wide variety of ways you can do this. Now, I'm just kind of going around and looking for some of the fun features to show you here. You can rig your model to go by like what sound you're making as well. As you can see, like the AI, UEO, Japan made that in a strange order.

You can go by, like, mine is set. So, when I talk, it goes off of my voice volume and it goes off of like the motion my mouth is making. So, like, I can just go, and even in my mouth isn't making that exact shape, it goes off of that and like, does an actual big smile. I'm trying to see if this is ever going to unfreeze itself. It is not unfreezing itself. Oh, I don't want to close it though. Oh, no. Oh no. Like, I

was going to show how the physics window worked and I I, I, I got to, I got too excited and now, it's just frozen and I'm going to have to mess with that later. I apologize. I really did intend to show like a lot more with the physics in the live twoD and that was like a big bulk and that just kind of happened. But there is so many ways you can mess with this What this means is like, you can automatically, like, have it track you and calibrate you or you manually calibrate it every time you open it.

Calibration is pretty much, it gets a feel for your face and how it wants to track you. So, like, right now, I, mine just aren't automatic because it does a pretty good job of that, but like, manual, you hit this, and you basically make your face do as many funny shapes as possible, and it kind of goes, oh, now I know, it's what you smile like. The AI in this is actually pretty good, and I just, it's really neat. Well, before I hand this back off to Anthony since a big bulk of what I was going to do was in the program that is not responding.

I would just give one more little fun demonstration of what this can actually do. Let me scroll down. Scroll, scroll, scroll. Scroll, scroll. Okay, that's as much scrolling as I'm going to get. So, like, like I

said, there's full body models. There is half models. It all depends on budget, time, and resources as as everything in life. The only plugin I really

use is the one that lets me do things like this where I can move myself around. Hm. I can play my as well. Like there's just all sorts of just toggles you can do, buttons you can press. That's my screenshot button. Does it still work? It

doesn't. Overall though, this is just a, I really recommend this if you want to get started in streaming, and for whatever reason, you don't want to just have your face out there. If it might be a lack of confidence, it might just be, you know, wanted to have your private life stay private. It might

just be the fact that you want to be some, you know, cool-looking cartoon character. It's entirely up to you. We all have our own reasons. This is a

really fun art slash tech form. lot of people use this for their streaming. A lot of people use this for their content making and some people just have it to goof around with. You can set this up to be

your webcam as you've seen like. I think it froze zoomed. I froze everything. Oh no. But as you could see when I'm talking to Anthony here he doesn't see like a 3D webcam. He sees this because I have this set to my webcam. You like there is a bunch of ways to play with this. In some ways I don't even know yet because there's just it hasn't been done yet Hm. Overall, I, like I

said, I really do recommend this. If you want to get into this, please just like shoot Anthony an email. If there is any questions, Anthony, before I think I am finished? I've been keeping an eye on stream. I don't see any in live chat, but this has been very interesting, a very similar to the talk you gave last year, with a new fun twist. I like the background. I think also

last time when you presented this, you only shared your screen, you didn't, you didn't set the, the character model to be the webcam, and now I feel like I'm the weird one, you know, just showing my face on stream. I do think it's very interesting how you guys utilize this technology to perform music live. So, before we go, can you just kind of talk about that experience and how, you know, you started out just figuring things out in our multimedia lab downstairs and fast forward today and you and your your musical partner are now creating music and performing live using the internet and all of this wonderful technology. So, you have described your journey as a musician? Oh, man. This is another reason I'm sad that my main program here is Frozen is that we had no idea we were doing like at all. Just none. Like, I was the one who reported church like, let's let's just make a V tuber band and he was just like, okay. He

he he doesn't argue. He just watches the weird things I do. But To do this stuff simultaneously like the character designs, obviously were made with the fact that we like to play rock and metal music in mind. That I can actually, let's do that. We ignore that. I can show you

that. There we go. But this is made with the fact that we, like, we do rock and metal music in mind. We have models that we can like, we can play our instruments on. The new one I'm working on for Shoji has, they have been introduced since we've started hand rigging.

Where it tracks your hands as well as your face. But, to actually do this journey, you know, involve drawing the instruments, getting all of that ready, and then to actually perform this live, first of all, get a stronger computer than what we had because we brought our own computer and we probably should have gone with one of Oak Hills and we froze during our debut concert. That was fun. But If you have a good audio interface, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, Oak Hills Audio Lab has one down downstairs that has been very useful for us. We can

actually, we can record ourselves on the microphones and play an instrument simultaneously. So, like, it is possible to do live music down there if you want to go just pure digital. At least the last time we were there, we were able to manage to do that. I believe they also have a guitar. Do you guys still have the guitar down there? I think you do. Yes, we actually, we

have a couple instruments down there. We have a midi keyboard that's connected to the multimedia lab computer. Uh we have an electric guitar We do have just a a regular electronic keyboard. Um we have

an amp and we have a audio mixer that you can connect all of this to and you know, calibrate the separate channels. It is, if you are a musician, the ultimate space to create, you know, just about anything you want and we also have the one studio audio editing software. Uh we have Audacity. We have OBS. We have

the Adobe Suite. So, The Multimedia Lab was built in mind with this concept of, if you have an idea, we want to give you the tools to make it happen, and I say all the time, that Brimtone is, you know, our proof of concept. Yeah, I'd never expected that turning a storage closet into a multimedia lab, would result in two people making, what I would consider to be the equivalent of the gorillas, except for the difference between the gorillas and you guys, is that the gori is preanimated. They draw all that out before they perform. Uh you guys use this software to just kind of do it on the fly. Honest Edge. I really do

like it as well. Especially for the fact too that I can just wear my pajamas. I can wear pajamas right now and you wouldn't know it because I'm showing this. And that's also the that's a very strong reason for wanting to use this instead is you don't have to dress up super nice. You can just hop on

your computer. Pull up your live concert stuff and you can do a whole set and just be in your pajamas. It's fantastic. But if you want to get into the side of like actually playing music live and stuff. Like I said there's hand tracking now. That's in a model that is still under production for us. I'm

still working on it. All of Graphics and Brimtone go through me. I think everything but the proper Brimtone logo was made by me. It's like the art side of things takes a minute because of just the fact that I am a one person bottleneck. But it is definitely doable. Like even if

you don't have like the hand tracking right now like you you still get the idea that I am playing an instrument. That is a thing that happens. I can actually, I could set hand tracking that to now, can I? I don't think I can. Like, that is something that is very possible now. You don't have to

have the fanciest things in the world. You can just get it done. I, Susan can't thank Oak Hill enough though because me and Shoji live kind of far away from each other and when Brimtown started, I did not have a home office. I lived in a a one-bedroom apartment. You cannot play like rock and metal music very loudly in a one-bedroom apartment Digital or Our debut like live stream concert was done in the Oak Hill Audio Lab because they're amazing. They have that space.

It has the internet very much capable for live streaming. It has computers and the audio interface much required and capable of doing this. Like you can play a bass and you can sing and do it all live from Oak Hill. Like it is such an invaluable resource to how we got started and I just I'm very thankful for it for letting us be able to get this start and do this before we were we were able to really get ourselves in a position to do it from home. As always, we we appreciate the praise but really we'd like to see this cool projects like this come to fruition and thanks for the thanks for the shout out. Multimedia Lab is

available by reservation and if you just want to check it out and see if it fits what you need to do with your project, Makerspace Night is every Wednesday from 4 PM to 9 PM. Stop by. We'll give you a tour and you'll get to see what all we have in there and you know, start to start to get ideas for what kind of project, musical, or technological you want to put together. So, I feel like

we're getting to the end of the presentation here. Is that right, Himari? Yeah. Alright. Well, if you're fine, we can wrap up here. Yep. Yeah, all by

Bain program froze and it's not reopening. It happens. Uh there have been so many times I've gone to Code Youngstown talks and someone's like, look at this cool gadget and then it doesn't turn on. You know, just. I I like to think that our the things that we make get stage fright easier than we do. Um So, that being said, we are going to wrap up here. This is the end of Digital Inclusion Week. Thank you, Humari for

being here and thank you to all of our presenters who've been able to give a talk this week. We are Oak Hill Collaborative is forever in your debt for being able to provide all this wonderful information and celebrate Digital Inclusion Week with us. Alright. Um that being said, I'm going to go ahead and shut down the stream. So, any last

remarks? Thank you for coming to Digital Inclusion Week. Uh super fun to be here and thank you in general for just liking. Oh, help. Oh, oh kill. I can't

say words this morning. Okay, collaborative. Okay. This is a really really cool resource to have in Youngstown and I'm just really appreciative that it exists. Alright. Well you heard it here. So, if you're curious, stop by next Wednesday on Makerspace Night but outside of that, we are out of here. So,

you guys have a wonderful weekend. Goodbye. Peace.


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