DevOps Part 3 - Implementing a DevOps Strategy

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So we talk about the DevOps transformation  and there's all this positive, it's going to   do this and it is going to do this right? Make  no mistake like this, the digital transformation  of the DevOps is not easy. It's not trivial,  right? You don't just like click a button and  you're doing DevOps now. It involves new practices and involves new skills, involves new tooling. Sometimes the infrastructure is quite involved,  right? So in order for a company to decide   we're going to do this, there's got to be  some some tangible benefit to it, right? The benefits of DevOps for most organizations  are about efficiency, optimization. Design efficiencies ultimately translate  to cost savings, cost reduction. You’re maximizing the potential of your  engineers and all the folks who are working   on product. You're maximizing the efficiency of  all the people who are working on operations,   really supercharging their ability to  collaborate well with one another.

The whole reason behind DevOps adoption is to  increase software release velocity. It's it's all  about putting out product, software applications,  in an extremely expedient manner. And of course,  you know, as we know, the software applications  are the lifeblood of an organization. I mean, that that's what's really driving the  ability for organizations to differentiate  themselves and gain a competitive advantage  in the market so that the faster you can get  software out there, start adding  new features and functionality,  the more successful the business can be. And  everybody's happy and making money and such. 

You know, some of the things that I have  seen as far as companies moving forward to,   to, to increase the velocity, how quickly things  turn out has been incredible. You know, you know,   you would think how often did software come out  back in the early days of Microsoft Windows,   or some of these really core applications? We look at like Office now they're getting   daily updates, weekly updates. You're  getting things that come out very quickly,   especially when you look at like response to  security incidents and things like that. Some of these things come out overnight and that  never would have been imaginable before the advent   and the in the adoption of DevOps. To me the biggest benefit to a company   implementing a DevOps strategy  is you are no longer on your back   foot with your own competition. If you are competing with another  

company that is using DevOps tooling and  practices, they are going to do everything   that you're doing but better and faster and  more reliably, and refusing to modernize and   do things in a more reliable collaborative way  is just hamstringing yourself for no reason. A part of DevOps that most people don't realize  is this continuous testing and performance  evaluation that becomes part and parcel of your  entire process, because not only are you doing  the development, but you have an automated way  of testing it of making sure it's performant,  it's doing what it should be doing. There is compliance as part of the  testing as well. So all of these things would  be like individual operators or operations that  you had to do separately. But now because you  do it as part of the same pipeline, it becomes 

incredibly efficient and it just makes the end  user experience that much more, you know, superior  because, you know, less bugs means less headaches  for the IT people and ultimately the developers. One of the key ideas of of DevOps which took  from Agile is this idea of small feedback loops,   quick feedback loops so that you're not,  you're not waiting a year to collect all  those that input and then make a giant release  out of it. And half those are no longer relevant  anymore. It's that, it's the immediate  feedback and tweaking as you go along. You get more communication across the different  stakeholders who are involved in that DevOps  process. So for me, that transparency and  the the notion that the lowest level engineer   can talk to the highest level C-exec, is  one of the most valuable pieces I think,   of DevOps being able to kind of communicate,  collaborate and really allow those feedback loops   to tie in to what you're really working on. When you've got your dev in your ops working  

at cross-purposes, that's not a good thing.  Never is. Whether it's sales and marketing,   finance and sales, you want to get your, your  various functions, your team's empathetic of one   another and working together. And so I think the  biggest thing is this alignment. And by doing so,   it allows you to meet your customer needs  faster, to adapt to them more quickly.

I think there's a there's a cool  human element to what DevOps requires,   and we ask people to do things very differently.  And if you provide them the right tools to do it,   that can really change the way that you can  provide value to customers. So seeing companies,   even large legacy companies really  be able to take advantage of some of   the efficiencies that come with DevOps  has been incredible to see, of course.  Like, who wouldn't want that? Who wouldn't  want to turn their current org’s operational   inefficiencies into efficiencies without  having to increase headcount a lot,   or without having to spend a lot of money on on  scaling up because you don't really have a good   grasp of what you have and what you’re using.  The benefits are really kind of limitless.

A lot of people, you know, they still think  of Dell as, you know, a product company that   sells computers, right? They don't always realize  that Dell is also a business as well that needs to   have IT run that business. Right. So they don't  really think of Delll from that perspective. We adopted a culture of rapid innovation, rapid  prototyping and delivery as well. So I would   say in the last few years we have gone through a  rapid change and this rapid change of DevOps. We are a great case study because we are very  much like the customers we serve. We are now   almost 40 years old. We are a big company like a  lot of the big companies we support. As a result,  

our I.T. department, we have a huge site,  we've got a huge engineering group. Dell Digital is roughly 10,500 people or  so. And of that, we probably have at least   between six and seven thousand developers. I’ve been in Dell IT supporting our, what   run our business units. So all the e-commerce,  online, offline sales order, management, finance,   manufacturing services. So we support all those  different business segments. So we get to we get  

to run all Dell products and we work very closely  with the product organization and we are probably,   probably one of the largest customers. So we use everything. We like everyone else has sort of grown over time,  maybe more by default at times than by design.   And so that was something we took note of and then  implemented it. So we've now implemented the whole  

DevOps process, took it took a period of time, but  that has now become something that we can point   to, to people to say, here is how we did it. Our leadership knew that there was opportunity   to improve what we were doing and they  didn't know at the time exactly what the   solution would look like. We'd been stagnant  for a while, you know, and were a little   too comfortable in our existing processes. Our DevOps journey probably earnestly started   in pockets of our development organization. I  think the biggest problem that we saw sometime   around 2016 or 2017 just post EMC integration,  that our developers were super inefficient.

And at that time, after we did a pretty  detailed time in motion study on 500 developers,   we saw that we were about spending 20% of  our time writing code. And even there's an   IDC study in 2021 that even did 2500 developers  across the whole globe. And the average time that   developers spend writing code is 16% of the time. There is a huge amount of a developer's job that   can be standardized. And our objective when we  went down the developer experience path and this   is it's broader than DevOps for us, but let's  just kind of stick with DevOps for a second. That  

was all about driving efficiency and driving  the waste out of the out of that pipeline. It just was inefficient by design. User centered  design, like all of that upfront work has to be   done or you misspoke. I think once you're past  that, I think is really where we have focused our   energy. Designers are at the center of it, doing  the work with the business teams and with their   customer stakeholder. And then your engineering  teams kind of wrapped around that, right?

Once you are past that and you kind of have  good user stories and know what you need to   start doing, that is where I think DevOps has  such a huge impact. It's like even as far as   pulling operations apart and putting them into  the product teams, like we made that move in   through the product model transition. What that  has resulted in is that on our product teams   also sits the ops part of DevOps, and we've  made our developers own what they produce. You know, there are two components redefining how  a dev team engaged with the business, making that   a simpler process, more streamlined process,  more direct process. But also it was shifting   all of the accountability for an application  to the product team themselves. But I mean,  

all aspects of it where you go back 15 years  ago, we had, you know, my job is to write code. It's somebody else's job to test it, it's job to  deploy it, somebody else's job to support it. Now,   with this new transformation that we've  gone through, all of that accountability   has shifted to the product owner themselves. And I think one of the reasons we've seen such   great change in like quality, stability is  because, like you, it's fixed real time.

You deploy code on a Friday and there's an issue  on Sunday, right? It's not fixed at a later point   in time. It's fixed right there and then, which  I think has resulted in better quality and better   jobs for people. So and I think you can't forget  those two things because as you're trying to take   a organization at that scale on a journey with  you, there's got to be a win win for the people. Yeah, before this we were all aligned  to what we call block releases where for   the most part happened three or four times a  year, you know, sometimes up to five or six.  But but that was about it. And we would have  300 applications deploying over the same weekend   because of the interconnectivity between these  apps. Yeah, we broke down existing applications  

into microservices made us microservices cloud  native or at a minimal running in a container   environment. And now the new standard for  creating new applications is that it must run,   you know independently in their own  space managing your dependencies in   either a cloud or a hybrid environment. So it's a pretty significant practice   running about 3000 applications, you know,  like I'd say about 20,000 microservices   in that mix of what I just told you. When you look at like our productivity  

measurements, like we go back and we  kind of snap the line around 2019. When   we really first looked at this in 2019,  we were doing about 22,000 user stories. Last year we hit 237,000 user stories. So like  when you really think about what I'm saying,   like there's clearly something in that  that has made such a huge difference at   how we support the company. Same time user  incidents, reduced like a rocket, right? I do think there is something really  beautiful about not to be corny,   but really beautiful about driving that type of  efficiency for your developers because they don't   want to do the stuff that doesn't matter. What we've brought together as a practice  

within Dell Digital is a very streamlined and  operationally efficient DevOps practice that we   use across all of our development organizations.  I don't think we're the organization we were three   years ago. I think that has changed radically. But I do think as each year goes by and as like   our productivity is like through the roof, I think  it's hard to argue the points that we haven't   fundamentally changed the way that this this  company operates from a technology perspective. Our dev ops journey was long in the making and  I think that's really, really important for   people to understand because there's no light  switch or easy button or because it genuinely   is like people process technology. That very  old adage still applies. It's still true. We are our own case studies. We actually have  lived it. We've got the scars on our backs to show  

it and here's how we can help you hopefully avoid  the same mistakes that we made along the way.   It's interesting because I think now that we're  12 years and 13 years after the idea of DevOps   was created, I do still see the implementation  being very difficult for companies in the sense   of like you had the progressive organizations  that grew kind of grew up in tech and grew up   in cloud Native and, and DevOps was possible. But then maybe the larger organizations that   didn't start off with that culture,  it's not as easy to implement. In my mind, you have ambitious leaders trying  to solve big problems, right? And what often   goes wrong there is that they try to boil the  ocean. They tried to change everything and  

the immune system materializes and rightly  maybe tries to shut the whole program down   because maybe the risk was actually too high. And I've seen this and I've lived through it where   a company CTO will say, Hey, we want to adopt  DevOps, so let's get at it, and you have a year   to do it right. The reality is DevOps strategy is  not an easy undertaking. There's a lot of tools,   there's a lot of changes culturally and  organizationally that you need to make. I think there's a big challenge in  trying to adopt it too quickly and too   large in terms of the whole company. Just start really small and figure out   what you can do. You've got to eat  like the the big the big brisket,  

one little piece at a time or eat a brisket all  at once. It's not cool. You’re going to feel bad. And sometime you have two different organizations  within the the company that are split down the   middle because one wants to do it the new  way, one wants to do it the old way. I hear folks all the time who are in this  space trying to make DevOps happen in a  way that benefits them and their organization. And  definitely the most common question that I hear is   how do I convince “X” that this is a good idea? Because that's how it all starts, you have to   convince people that you need to do this and get  everyone on the same page about what that is. I would say that the shift in the culture,  it really starts with convincing your people   that it's a good thing for them. Or, you know, there have been people  

that have been in this environment  for a long time and they had tried   throughout the years to to drive change. So you have these people that have been doing   the same thing for years and thought,  this is just another initiative. Yeah,   I'll just I'll just hold out a year or two and  I'll be back to the person who was champion will   be left the company is gone, there'll be a new  guy come in, new person, come in and lead this. And I'll just wait that out too. But I'm just  going to stay business normal. I'm going to   ignore all of it. There were some of that. But then whenever you actually started showing   them that, hey, this isn't, you know, this  is possible, you know, and showing them that,   let me take your application, and we did this  in a few cases, said give me your application.

We took the repository, we built out  the application, and we we sent that   application through our new pipelines and  said, look, look, look how the builds are   automated. The validation is automated, the  integration is automated. You don't need to   go talk to anyone now about getting a change  into production. Just create these automated   jobs that will create the change for you and  started showing them with their asset, that   that probably had the biggest effect on some of  those guys that were a little, little skeptical.

So I hear it both ways. I hear from leadership  in organizations. How do I convince my engineers   that have been doing this for many, many years  that are kind of stuck in their ways? How do I   convince them that they should make this  change? But I think I hear it more often   the other direction. I'm an engineer  and I want to have more fun at work. I want to be able to focus on the things  that I think are great about my job. I   think DevOps can help me do that. How do  I convince my CTO, my leadership team,   that we should make major changes to the  culture of our organization to achieve this?   If they could articulate it that well, I think  they'd already be in a really good position.

So I think a lot of it is expressing  the value proposition and how it   would change things within the org. One of the biggest challenges is culture,   is DNA. If this is a bottoms up initiative  where you had a few I.T. folks say,   we're going to go do this, but nobody above  them is bought in or thought about this,   then the end of the day they're going to fail. So challenge number one is you have to have the  

right top down culture and leadership  in place to make this work. And I feel like in order for DevOps to work,  DevOps has to be your engineering culture,   right? It can't it can't be like we do engineering  and we do DevOps. Like this is how we operate,   right? And you see a lot of companies who, you  know, they kind of dip their toe into it, right? So you check a box? Yeah, we do DevOps,  we have a Jenkins server, you know,   but instead of like really embracing it, like  you said, as a culture and getting that right. I've been at one conference talking to  some from a bank and arrest them. Are you   implementing DevOps? And they said, Well, we're  kind of DevOps ish and I think if you if you go   in and you do half of it and then wonder  why it doesn't work like the whole thing,   I think it the fact that you end up with not  great results is probably not, not surprising. It takes work and that's the problem. Like it  putting the work in and saying you do the thing  

versus actually doing the thing, it's very  different. And so it takes consistent work. There's a lot of power in it. It's not easy. I've seen that in also customers. I've   seen them successful, where they were  allocating people to the DevOps project. So you start with a project, now you allocate  people to that project and then you are starting   the process. So the people that don't do that and  the companies that don't do this, this aspect,   maybe they may fail, as you say, not just  using the tools, but you don't know how,   where you there's no clear direction. You  shouldn't use DevOps as a side project of  

your existing project, right? You should allocate DevOps   projects and that would be mostly successful. But then on the other side you have companies that   only know DevOps, they were born in the cloud or  they were born later on that. That's how they've   always operated, right? But I guess the question  is like, you know, you say like people understand   this culture and methodology and they define it  so differently where ever they go like, how do   you overcome the inertia that they have in that,  maybe if that culture isn't fixed or that culture   has problems or it was never established. Right. You know, but they kind of mostly do it like,  

how do you say, hey, there's a better way to  do this? How do you overcome that resistance? That's a very good question.  It's not an easy one. A lot of people start saying that they are  doing DevOps and they're practicing DevOps   when they may not actually be doing that  and they may not be taking advantage of   the community to learn how to do it better. And so you think that leads into the problem   of companies, when you have a mis-definition of  DevOps, you start doing a thing and then you get   stuck, right? Like you either someone decides  that DevOps doesn't work and you scrap it and   you don't look for a way to do it better and  you go back to whatever you were doing before,   or you sort of get on this thing of, well,  DevOps is the way and therefore this awful   thing that we're doing because we don't really  understand it, that must be the best practice. Maybe when you don't know if you are doing  the right place, you're maybe following   the best practices or in the checking in the  community, sharing with the community. Right,  

and listening from the others what they're  doing, how they're doing that and joining   some initiative about DevOps, some,  you know, there are lots of foundation,   initiatives, community that define also that. I like how you, how you phrase about checking   in with the community because I feel like the  real strength of DevOps is in the community. It's not, it's not the vendor, it's the  community kind of…not defines the culture,   but the community will kind of will tell  you when you're off of it, right? Like this   is not really what you're looking for, this  kind of ideal, You're looking with this kind   of philosophy and methodology based on kind of a  consistent practice within the community, right? That's why I think there are foundation, institute  standards. If we define a standard, everyone is   adhering to the standard, this manifesto, this  standard, right. And anyone implement on its own,  

but stay close to the standard and the community  brings, help defining the standard. Many vendors,   many contributors, also outside the  vendor, define the standard for everyone. And it's a joint effort from the community. But I think the thing that DevOps does promote   more than any other any other kind  of technical movement beforehand,   is that community, like that is how that culture  spreads. You can't just implement DevOps in a   vacuum because you're going to get it wrong. So in the end you, see time and time again that  

companies, regardless of size, whether they're  large legacy companies or small startups,   whatever, that either as a adopts DevOps  fundamentals or as they just apply them,   they really supercharge their velocity,  they really are able to get products out   and they're really able to iterate on these  products and make them more efficient,   able to make theseproducts more stable,  more reliable, more resilient with more   features and better security in a much  faster time this ever possible before.   So yeah, there are roadblocks, there  are challenges to implementing DevOps,   but time and time again it's been proven that its  been worth it to companies, to the products and to   their customers. You really can't do modern  software development without doing DevOps.


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