Destruction Of The Third Holy Temple - You Are Ground Zero

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What, if I told you I could offer you something that would enable you to walk again. I call, it stem a computer, chip that has the potential to change everything. It's. A new better, brains. Intel. Technicians, have been making pcs smarter, now, they face their greatest challenge ever, hey. No one messes with my brain until I get sprinkles. Suckers. Now anyone, can have all the brainpower they want just look for a PC with an Intel processor inside. We. Create triple dense carbohydrates, and thus the so-called super. Donut many. Of you mark my interest in the pastry sciences, what do you have inside. Ladies. And gentlemen, what, you're about to witness is, no illusion. Hi. This is Nicholson, 1968. Welcome, to my new project, Illuminati's. Bedtime, stories you never heard when. We start off with. Subs. Followers, of emailed. Me. Hundreds. Of, Nicholson. We you break down childhoods. End the. Sci-fi TV, series I just want to let you know I'm not gonna do that because I'm not gonna reinvent. The wheel, there's some great breakdowns, out there by a face like the Sun enter, the Stars scariest. Movie ever it's. All basically the same I'm not just going to regurgitate it, to you guys that. They've done well it's it's on my websites, I support. Them and share. Those videos. At my website that you can see so. Am I gonna do that but this. Will. Complement. Per. Se their videos, and. It's basically. Childhoods. In is a story, telling. That. There. Is a delusion, coming, and it's based off a scripture 2nd, Thessalonians, 2. 9 through 12 and that area, and I'll read this to you and to get started to kind of set the precedents, for the rest of this video. And. These are the words even, him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all, power and signs and, lying wonders and. With all deceivableness and. Unrighteousness. In them that perish because. They received not, the love of the truth that, they, might be saved and for this cause God, the. Creator, shall, send them strong delusion that. They. Should believe a lie if. They all might be damned who believed not the truth but, had. Pleasure and, unrighteousness. And this. Is the basis, for that TV series, and a. Lot of the propaganda. That, is coming out, by. The movies, and the music videos is. People. Don't believe the truth, the things that we're sharing that. People, say we're the kooky ones where the tinfoil hat we're. The remnant, sharing, the truth and, we've been telling you over the years, some. Longer than others but. In. Childhoods. End is basically. In the, future technology. We. Will be part, of this deception, and, the. Savior. Of humanity. Some, form or fashion through, transhumanism. You. Can live longer live. Forever. The. Technology. Is from aliens, there is no creator there is no God it is we have been genetically, created. By. Aliens. From other planets. Thus the lie of NASA. That. That, whole that's, a whole nother subject but. Which. Plays into that part of this deception on humanity. But I'm. Gonna start, with. A. Project. That is between, Intel, and Lady, gaga, no, need, to say anything more than that really to, just tell you between. Those two you can just imagine but I'm gonna play the this. Commercial.

That's Gonna be coming up for the 58th. Grammy Awards. Between these two that have collaborated, and. Let me tell you something for, you guys who are following, me you will. Say to yourself. You'll. Know what, I've been telling you is the truth because I've been showing you this stuff for. A long time. For. You have if this is a new video for you you will think that I've copied them, but. Go back and look at my videos. Here's what's funny go look at my videos and, what. I show you and now, this is coming out in 2016. It's. The other way around I am, being shown something, I'm leading. I'm not following, I'm not watching, somebody. Else's videos, or, are. Getting it from some documentary, this is stuff being shown to me to be revealed, to the remnant, who it needs to see for. The future and, it is very important, it is may, be entertaining, for you because that's the way I've been shown, to present. It to the younger generation, so I, saw I know I'm taking a long time with narrating. In the beginning, of this but it's things that you need to what I'm thinking. What. Is in my mind when I put together these videos, or what I'm being shown so. This. Video, will be a complement, to the others, who have done the, breakdown of childhoods. End it. Will go. A little further showing. You the deception, that is coming with the technology, and what, the, enemy, of humanity is. After, not the enemy, of a Christian, not the enemy of a Muslim, or. A Catholic, this. Is an enemy an enemy, of, humanity and. You need to watch and I know you, want to turn it off because it's got scripture in it or whatever but you can't. Get around the fact it's, glaring, in your, face with, with the scripture, that is lining up and the board is coming on the face of this earth so, I will start with this video from, Lady Gaga and Intel I want you to notice some things here, right. Off the bat cube. Worship. Cube symbolism. And the, cube and what it represents. Followers. Know exactly. What, that is that follow me you. Who don't you. Biz a representation, of, copying, the. Holy of Holies behind. In. The Holy of Holies there, was a room a perfect, cubed. Area, where. God dwelt in a tabernacle of, God and. I'm. Not gonna explain it all here you have to watch the videos that I've been shown to explain a little further in there and the cube symbolism, and this cube worship, all over the world not just America. I'm just United. Kingdom it's all over the world Cuba, and. When it's about. And you'll. Notice in this the, wording that has picked, seed. Of, innovation. You'll hear say seed, of, innovation. You'll also say, she would say the, mind behind. The. Machine, I've been, showing you since 1998. What, that is, who is the mind that Prince of the air behind. The, machine, also. Referred. To as the wizard, behind the curve pay, no attention to, the man behind the purple, it's.

Right There it's right in your face listen, to it it, is a message. Being. Told the masses, will not figure it out you're. Fixing to figure it out with this video I'll, get started. To. Launch the first of these experiences. We've. Collaborated, with, six-time. Grammy. Award, winner putting. The world's most innovative technology in. The. Hands, of the. One of the world's most innovative artists. But. Rather than me have you, telling me tell you I thought. We'd leave it to her to tell you about the work we've done together. I have. The potential to. Imagine. The. Unimaginable. Bianca. The, uncie. With the arsenal of the world's leading technology. At my fingertips. Have the ability to invent. The. Uninventive. Oh. Rebranding. Into, its future, intel. Has enlisted, Hausa father to collaborate, on a project that will showcase technology. Through creativity, at. The highest level. Our partnership. Will culminate in, a performance, that, inspires, to remind the. Elevation. The wizard, behind the curtain. They. Mind behind. The Machine. Inta. So. There you go there's, a commercial that. To, the masses, it's, about nothing just about something, new coming out at the Grammys for. Those that are watching and, paying attention, you. Understand. What. The, hidden messages are behind that and there's so much more into, that. The. The commercial, the the. Opening the doors with a rainbow, behind it, days. Of noah returning. The rainbow, and the significance, of it i'm, also she is dressed, all. White as a dove, antichrist. Symbolism. Right there she is the symbol, you. Know sophia. Anti-christ, it's all similar than the female, Luciferian. All. There, in. Tail meaning, intelligence, that's, why the elite do what they do is, they. Believe the lie that Lucifer shared knowledge. In the garden with Adam and Eve that. One day with free man, from the evil creator and you become its own gods the, whole commercial, is shot in an aircraft. Airplane. Hangar, and that, is on purpose who. Is the prince of air let's go to the Ephesian to to says. We're, in in, time, past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh, in the children of, disobedience, so. It's, no accident this, whole commercial, is. Done. I mean to the tea telling. You a hidden message the masses see one thing the people that have the mind of Christ and they were looking for truth will eventually sleep, through these. And. See these hidden messages, that is, Luciferian. So, Prince, of the Year, Antichrist. Behind. The, doors opening, a, doorway. What I was supposed to go down. Transhumanism. But, also when. The veil ripped it's, all symbolism. Behind the, veil. In the, holy of Holy's there there was the room the cube area. The cube area the, foundation, stone whatever you want to say it's totally, Antichrist. But. What, I don't get is Satan. Clearly tells you what, he was and. Where. He wants to be and. I. Don't get why churches are not preaching this but let me just take two verses and I'm not nitpicking, I'm just telling you. Satan, is clear of what, you. Know what he was. 2nd. Thessalonians. 2:4. We're gonna go there and who. Opposeth, and exalteth, himself, above. All. That is called God, or that is, worshipped so, that he as God. Sitteth in. The temple of, God showing. Himself that, he is behind, okay. So he's. Telling you he wants to sit in the temple of God showing himself that He is God, okay. So okay. He. Tells you what he wants so then you just need to narrow down where is the temple of God so. Let's go to first Corinthians. 3:16. 17. Know. Ye not that ye, are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth, in you If any man defile the, temple of God him shall God destroy for, the temple of God is holy which. Temple ye, are, so. Clearly. That's. It if you want to sum it up that's.

What Satan is after that's what the enemy has entered and. So. I don't. Understand why people don't see that yet, but they're seeing it more with the transhumanism. The. Temple of God putting, stuff in it taking stuff out messing, with it DNA genetically. Alternate, all the stuff that. Is. Going on that, the, churches are not really preaching about they're worried about a third, temple over in Israel. Nuclear. Bomb going off all. The while the secret Wars while I'm speaking so, we're going to move on to the next video which. Is a video from Madonna, now, get this came out in February, of. 1995. That's right 21. Years ago and. What this video shows, you. Like think, about this 21, years, ago bedtime. Stories, by Madonna, came. Out February, 1995. Showing. You exactly. Where. We're at today. I'm. Gonna kind of break that down and. We're gonna get started with that this, video will be back, to the classic, nipples of 1968. It will be a remix, of music. And breakdown. All and on I will not be speaking but, after I'll. Break it down a little bit more for you but this. Is a thank. You to my subs and my followers from. The beginning, this is some old-school break down to week. Nasty. Then. I'm using words. They're. Gonna, muster. We. Don't. Function. Anymore. Especially. Sentences. They. Stand, for. How. Oh. I. Hope. You enjoyed that breakdown, I'll expand. On it a little bit deeper here that I can't do with. Text. And through. The music I'm, gonna speak to this notice, the child you. Don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and it's, done on purpose and, think about how old that video is this, has been a long time coming, even further than 20 years since, creation. Of knowing. What, is coming. The, transgender. Agenda. I'm. Gonna take you back to the garden and take. You back to. Genesis. 2:21. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to, fall upon Adam, and he, slept and, he took one of his ribs and, closed, up the flesh instead, thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man made he. A woman and, brought. Her unto the man so, the Creator created. Man and woman, to. Reproduce, and that's.

The Plan any. Other plan is. Not from the Creator and. That's what you're being shown of where they want to get to, is a, man, a woman. No. More creating, life the creator's, way that's, why the Creator, hates homosexuality. Transgender. Is just confusion. In the temple of God that's, what that is is basically what, it is you can not believe that if you don't want to but I'm just here meeting is. That. Transhumanism. In the, future where, they want to go is a male, and female has both genders. Control. The population. Control. Everything, no. Free will this. Is where it's going, like. I said years, ago people thought I was nuts but it's right here in front of your face. Scripture, movies. Media, a scientific. Community. Just, look around you you just have to put it all together and that's usually the problem, is you've got the scientific, community, that does not want to look at the spiritual, side of things and then you've got your church and spiritual, side of things don't really get scientific, so let's take a look, at the tracks are the songs that are actually, on the album. That. Separately. No, big deal you put them together they're, telling, you pretty, much a story. Track. Number two secret. Hmm. I. Track. Number five inside. Of me. Track. Number seven, forbidden. Love what, was going on in the. Garden of Eden what. Was going on something see here's the thing a lot of people argue, about the. Two seeds and if. It's not a you know it was just about fruit, or whatever it's. Deeper, than that and. You. Know I just I'm using my common sense here. Yes. Whatever. A bit let's just take everything like whatever Eve did, her. Punishment. Had. To, do, with. Childbearing, think. About that, think. About is if if you have a car, wreck, your. Your kid goes out drives a car I'm not supposed, to and has a car wreck the. First punishment is you're probably going to take the, the. Privileges, away that they can't drop a car because, the punishment. Fits. The crime whatever, was done in, the, garden, think. About this her punishment. Had. To do with child bearing seeds. Whatever. You want to say you, just take that and put that on the shelf okay. Track, number nine sanctuary. Okay now think about this here. We put it together secrets. Inside. Of me sanctuary. Track. Number eleven take a bow take a. Bow what. Do you do you, when, you who. Are you gonna bow to what. Do you think she's talking about here take a bow. You, bow to a king you. Better figure out which one I'm talking about which one she's talking about, bedtime, story, reason. Again. Bedtime. Story has to do with, what they're trying to do is the. Creator had to put Adam, to sleep to, create another temple, for, him. What. Satan, and the elite are doing is they. Want to put you to sleep and create, a new. Temple, and that temple is, a transhuman. Temple, bedtime. Story, Beyonce. Sweet. Dreams. She's. Telling the video I'm going to show you a little just a little clip of the video she's, asleep. She's, ascending. Add of the whole thing. There's. Even, the. Pale, horse of, death hidden. Running, in the background of, the. Video and, I, believe the lyrics are sweet. Dreams, or a beautiful nightmare. Because. That's what's gonna happen is, you, think it's gonna be a sweet dream and the transhumanism, coming in the future. Not. Maybe for our generation. But you know I don't know timelines. But it's, gonna be a beautiful nightmare yeah, it's gonna be scary but. Beyonce, is even you know sweet dreams, the the sleep thing, let's. Look at the other we've. Got inside of me sanctuary. Secret. Survival. Bedtime. Story take, about, human. Nature, what's, your human nature human. Nature's to sin. So. It's all there on. The. Tracks list. Of the bedtime, stories which was like.

I Said again over 20 years old, it's. Just now coming to life, of. Learning. Their hidden language sound. And. They, have a language all their own just like other countries have a language Allah all your own just because you don't understand. Arabic. And you don't understand. Chinese. Doesn't. Make that. Language, not a language, just. Like the Elise language there's, a language as their symbols numbers. Everything, and just, because you're not taught that language, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and. That's. Where, a lot of youtubers, out there and, myself. And, other people are. Trying to show you this stuff to wake people up because your churches are not your churches are tablets tote, the, churches, are waiting for satan, to come up with horns on his head in, a pitchfork with, a 666, t-shirt, on. Pretty. Much that's, yeah, that's what. They're waiting on I. Want, to show you another one here's a madonna. She. Had a DVD. And CD came, out the, name of it gets what the length of it is it's called I'm gonna tell you a secret. And you know what she, is it's. A documentary, you know. But, anyway let's, look at the tiles, will. Start the, Beast Within. There. You go image. Image. Of the Beast, die. Another day. That's. What we've been talking about transhumanism. Die another day talking. About trying to live forever another, way I, Love. New York. We. Could go deep into that I Love New York it's the Big Apple, Apple. Represents the sin, that's. Where the twin towers all. Of all of that right there is also where UN, is based the United Nations for, the one world religion coming. One. World, language. Which is digital, code language. That. Will be in my next upcoming. Project, with Rihanna's, anti diary, but. That's. Another thing that's deep what. Language do you think it's going to be in the future you think it's gonna be Spanish, you think it's gonna be English no, it's going to be digital, code that's, why they got you texting, lol. Coding. Getting. Free chrome free, programming, for the, human. Masses in the, future. Holiday. Holiday. Has. Today with Christmas. And whether. You celebrate Christmas or not am I gonna go down that road that for. You are, seeking truth, the. Truth, behind Christmas, trees. All. Of that where, it came out of its. Holiday. Like. A prayer, not a prayer, like. Prayer. Not, the same, anti. Mother. And father while, we're speaking of what. I tell you man and a woman. You. Put all this stuff together it's snow, I'm not just looking for stuff it's it's all there once you, put. It on again if she's telling you a secret what's, coming so. That there's another example of, Madonna I'm gonna tell you the secret and just look at the titles. It. Tells you pretty much I'm. Now we're gonna get to another, music, video, that's. Gonna show you remember. Childhoods, in that, I mentioned, childhood. In is basically. I wrap it up and and it's in this video that. There's. A falling away coming, a delusion. Being sent that, the, aliens. Have. All of the answers through, technology. We. Have been genetically, created. They've. They. Created, us all of that stuff is, they. Come here as the saviors, they look good at first. And. You're gonna see this video look, beautiful. At first they got all the answers, but.

Really, In what's. Really going on is they're not aliens they are the fog they are the Nephilim, it. Is, a delusion. It is a trap. And when. They come the, falling, away will happen, all of the six major religions. Of the world. Will. Be in, confusion. And chaos and, that's. What they want order out of chaos and, you'll, see with this video that, I. Want to show you here, that. Aliens. Come they, look beautiful. They're. Gonna confuse, all of the six major religions. The cube will destroy that and what that represents the, cube the Antichrist. The Foundation's, none of the things I've shown the. Name of this group is hope. I don't miss the name up Casta. Nova and some sign, ups the, name of song is called dimensions. Now, unless you know. What. We're speaking of in Zurn the guys out there they're, awake. Know about CERN and. Opening, and dimensions, and portals but. Here's, here's the thing they're telling you even in their name sign. Up our synopsis, a synopsis. Is a, preview it is a, summary. But that's. What the word means is telling you a summary, so here it is this this video is a summary, of. What's. To come. Well. The same company, that made alien perfume, has come out course. With another perfume, line, called angel, and part. Of the campaign, is, beware. Of angels. So. I mean. Right there even. In their promotion. That got the, perfume, in a cube box. Beware. Of angels just like I mean, they're telling you you know there's, two kinds of angels fallen, angels and good angels they. Didn't fall so I'm, sure it doesn't surprise most, are in the truth-seeking. Community, in this, time that 9/11. Was, a satanic. Ritual. Coming. To that conclusion from. Many different angles from, many different ways. All. Leading to the same truth that, it was in fact representing. The. Birthing of the new age of Antichrist. The. Ripping the veil the. The. Bringing in of the beast police, state system, and. All. Manner of things but also a blood sacrifice ritual. Into the winepress. Samson, pushing down the two pillars but, this all correlates, to what. We've been looking into in the last video and, what. We've been looking into in regards, to the cube behind, the veil it all links in together and, in, this video we're going to have a look again through. Solomon's, temple Herod's, temple, how this all correlates, to Jesus Christ when he died and rose again and the the veil was ripped in that temple, to, revealed the cornerstone, that, was behind the veil and this. All links. Together with 9/11. And many, different things so let's have a look at this. So. 9/11. 2001. I, XXI. Many. Believes or some belief that Jesus himself was, born on 9/11. Three, BC, which. Is pretty interesting because 9/11. 2001, is an inversion, of that 9/11. 2001. Three ad. But. This event, this this, horrific. Event, that happened in 9/11 2001. We've. Discussed with this before in terms of the two pillars like, Samson, pushing, down the, two pillars north and south plus. And minus just. Like the pillars, in Freemasonry. Yashin, and Boas plus, and minus. So. The male and female the, parents, and just. Like that Samson, figure, of pushing it down in the Bible and. Then. You've got the child here which. In terms of what we're looking at at the moment, as I say this there's many different ways, of. Understanding the. Nature of this satanic ritual. Because, there's, many different paths and roads. That lead to the same conclusion. But. The World Trade Center 7. Representing. That cornerstone, now, remember Jesus Christ, is our true cornerstone. And this, all involves. Inverting. Is to do with the Antichrist. They're. Trying to bring, in. They're. Trying to open the pit they're trying to bring, in the, Antichrist. And the. Age, of the, Antichrist. So. That involves. Smashing. This, cornerstone, as per usual. Smashing. This this. Stone. So. Just to put it very simply this. Is exactly, what we're looking at when we look at that we're, looking at the figure, pushing. Down the two pillars and the, veil breaking. Just. Like when Jesus died on the cross and the veil was rent and the. Cube collapsing. The cornerstone, collapsing, behind the veil now, G, is the seventh, letter, of the. Alphabet so. That. Is exactly what that's representing, there including the the.

Generative. Principle. But. You see how when. These pillars come down, collapsing. The cube, the cornerstone, G, equals, seven building. Seven and, then. Rebuilding. Into, a new tower which, would be the transfigured, third temple. But. Of the material, world because when Jesus Christ defeated the curse ripped the veil in and, defeated. Death and sin, which, is we'll go into in another video. How how. We see that got the truth of the gospel through, this he. Rose again in the. True, third. Temple. Jesus. Christ is the temple of the Living God he, rose again out of the curse of sin and death the, grave could not hold him and he. Rose again and became our true, third, temple and when, we're in the body of Christ we are safe in our, father's hands, so. That G as we looks before the tesseract, the Gamecube, is is to do with portal, member ripping, the fabric of time and space and. It's. All represented. As I've shown before here, here. And here again the two towers with, that G, in the center. Bringing. In Lucifer, opening the window, and. 9/11. Being a sacrifice, into the winepress. Level. Seven in the womb the winepress and. The. Blood of the innocent, as they. Always do in these satanic, rituals into the winepress so. Essentially. We're looking at this figure here Samael, Sam. Son son. Of Samael, son. Of Satan pushing, down these two pillars you see, this is the. Freemasonic. G, the. Square and the compass, there, he's standing in between and, pushing. Down the two pillars and of, course building, 7 was. Collapsed. So. He. Was but you remember the story of Sampson he when. He pushed down the pillars he. Was killed so there would be the same kind of allegory. There they're. Bringing down that and rising into a new tower, into, rising. Into a new. Transfigured. Tower. The. One World Trade. Center. And. This. Is what it's all about I XXI, I XXI. Is 911. In Roman, numerals and look, what is in the center of I xx I it's a, hexagon which. Is a three-dimensional. Cube and. That's. What it was all about it was a direct inversion of when Jesus Christ died. On the cross and, the, veil was rent. This. Is exactly. An inversion see. That. World Trade Center, 7, the. Collapse the the, smashing of the, cornerstone. A direct. Inversion of Christ this is what they're representing. You see is the. Same as the breaking. Of the egg the split cracking, open of the egg and the. Rising of the Sun of Lucifer, you see what's in the center there. It's. About portals, about opening, the womb it's about its dimensional. It's ripping the fabric, of time, and space.

Bringing. Down the two pillars of our society, in many. Different ways. Remember. That all of these do all of these have different layers, of meaning because the spiritual, is incredibly. Deep and it. Doesn't just kill one bird it kills multiple, birds with, one stone cracking. Open the egg that, cube, and this. Being XX, which is the seal of saturn. And the. Compass, draws the circle, and this. Is a square that's time and space. This. Is all about, bringing, down. The. Reality, in which we live essentially. And rebuilding. Into. Their new age, of Horace Luciferian. Age that. They're trying to desperately, to bring in remember, 9/11. Happened. Just after the, Millennium. It. Happened in 9/11, 2001. Just. After the big hype about, the Millennium you see the way that this works you see the way that Satan is constantly. Copying, counterfeiting. And the, way that Satan is constantly. Desperate. Well. This this is what it's all about because Jesus Christ when he died on the cross he cracked, through time and space because, he died on the conne the sword, in the stone he. Cracked, through time and space there was an earthquake and, people. Came out of their graves. And. You see when. He died and rose again, it. Was a huge victory over, Satan's, Kingdom and as. Such they, are desperately, trying to get out of what they're stuck in. They. Are stuck in the. Womb in the matrix, and all. Of this is, contributing. Over to over these years over these end times, as things, build up and build up you see the society, changing, changing changing EE, each year EE Triple E you, know just really changing, you this is all a. Process. Of of. The. Of, this. Is all a process of, the. Beast coming upon the earth this is all a process, of the. Matrix, coming upon the earth and. Heading. Towards, the time that the Bible says that the. World will start to wonder after. The Beast. So. That is exactly it right there. All. Contained, in there. Just. Like this Dali painting the rising of the Sun the cracking open of the egg the. Heart of the earth. The. Yolk the egg the. Heart of the earth the cracking, open we're. Going to go more into how, Jesus, defeated. Satan's. Kingdom in the future and, that. Will obviously all involves, the heart of the earth as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish. The. Antichrist, the false Christ comes, from. The. Heart of the earth. And. It's. All about this guy's is all about this 9/11, I XXI, the, generative principle. As above. So below. Alchemy. Fire, and water.

The. Perfect storm. Hot meets cold. All. The same representations. Seven. Level seven the womb, the. Tombstone, is the William stone the two pillars the, two towers. With. The third, building in the center. Bringing. It down, and. Speaking. Of cracking, through time and space you, see how between the two pillars here portal. Black sun portal. Between. The two towers. Cracking. Through time and space. And. That. Is exactly it right there and you see how this is a complete, inversion, of Christ, of. Jesus, Christ this is Antichrist, this was an antichrist, ritual, a, complete. Inversion. Because. Right there you've got the the. Isis, figure. The. False light and the, two the two pillars through, the twin towers and. And. With the building seven so you get them pillars, you get those pillars coming down you've got the figure in the, center of, it. Bringing. These down and collapsing. Building 7 which would be the cornerstone, of the cube. Just. Like we said about that the cube fell. Open behind, the veil in Herod's. Temple, the. Cube fell open when. Jesus was crucified and. The. The veil broke well it's the same thing it's, the. Exact same thing. Except. This time this is coming from within, the womb this, is coming the other way this is coming out everything, of Christ is inverted, with the Antichrist. So. This is what you get the two towers the twin towers the, veil and you'd, get this Isis, figure, on, the. Cube there see on the cornerstone. Coming. Through the veil from, the other way, and. It's. About breaking it out of the womb it's about breaking the fallen, out all. Of this coming. Through the veil. Song. Ji-sun. Sung. Son. Of Sam. Samael. Samael. Another. Name for Satan. Samael. Son, of Sam, so. Samsung. Break. This word up. Sam. Son. G. Between. Those pillars, like. Samson. Sam. Son Son of Sam Sam. Son G, the. G between, the two pillars in Freemasonry, within. The I xx, I. Pushing. Down the two pillars the Son of Sam pyramid. There in the logo for Samsung. And, it. Comes from the womb of Saturn, if, you don't believe me if. You think that's absolutely ludicrous. Well. Just, keep looking at the evidence which is all around us. Look. At this album, cover just for one example. Dizzy. Right look at this you. See there how round the edges it's got the vinyl, well. The vinyl, around the edges, stands for the rings of Saturn, so. You can see on this album cover called, the Golden Age which. Is many. When many will know what that is the Golden Age of Saturn the. Return to Eden. So. You've got the rings of Saturn round, the outside you've, got this lady, this woman in the center.

It's. About Kane's, house you know. Coming. Through that door she's. Pregnant. She's. Pregnant so this is coming out of the womb so there you've got right there this is coming out the womb which is in Saturn, you. Got the mother there with, pregnant. Belly. The. Golden Age the whole thing is transfigured, to gold so it's the transfigured. Ox the. Transfigured. The, belly of the beast this is what this, has shown time and time again. Time. And time again. And. She's got like an ultrasound. The. Prince of the power of the airwaves. This. Has shown time, and time, again. Than. Breaking out of the womb the age of Horus the Antichrist. The transfigured, Isis. The. False Jesus, the counterfeit, Messiah, many. Shall come in my name saying I am the Messiah and shall deceive many they, want to deceive even the very elect. So. You understand that this figure, like. The Samson, type figure in that role pushes. Down the two pillars. At. The expense of thousands. Of people as blood. Sacrifice. Of the innocent, and then. Rebuilds. Into, the, world like the rise of the Phoenix like the new age of Lucifer, and that. Is exactly what's playing out and. That's exactly what they plan what the elite plan what, the Fallen plan and, that. Is a direct inversion, of what, happened with. Jesus Christ because he is the truth and this. Is the only way for them to, do it because they have to do what. They need to do. They're. Not playing about here these are real, rituals, these, have, to symbolically. Pertain, to. What. It needs to for it to be effective and, for it to work. They're. Not just doing it because they're evil they're not just organizing, these, mass, human. Sacrifice, things because. They're evil, they're. Doing it because there's, a very specific. And targeted purpose. Even. Since the days of Aleister, Crowley. They've. Been trying to do this. God. Bless you guys and, if. I get called influenced. By. Demonic. Spirits for, revealing the truth then. Persecute. Away because I'm not going to stop spreading the truth. I'm. Not going to stop spreading the truth I understand. Your psychological, games I understand, those. Out there with psychological, tactics, that. Try and employ them to intimidate, to make. You doubt what, you're doing to make you doubt your calling. They're. Building a web they're, building the net, and. Like. A snare, it shall come upon. Per night in human beings to communicate. By. Way of their monitor, to brain activity. And, it's all going that way they're building a net they're, building a web a worldwide, web. Now. The world wide web started. Life at CERN. Surprise. Surprise and yeah. They had Saturn, as the icon, on the, first web site so. Surprise surprise and. Is. Literally like a web, of higher consciousness is, very, difficult. For me to explain some of these things because they're they're quite profound. Concepts. For me I really. Can't. Explain. Them as well as I'd like to but. Basically a net a world, wide web for higher consciousness the, pattern, is already. Out there for. Transhumanist. Technology. Like. This. And. It. Really is the matrix, coming, to earth and it's. Happening. Very fast, now. The. Sake of heaven is where. The, spiritual, wickedness in high places earth. Is. Just. Like that the second happiness where all, the, space, probe, programming. And all, the demonic computers. Are being set, up when I talk about slightly, computers, that, is where happens psychic. Psychic, computers. He has psychic computers, but in symbolism.

The Twos and therefore I have, seen, a computer working, in. Undersea, the city under siege when, you get there everything. That I will tell you it is computerized. You name it, and, that is where I learned, all the. Activities. Now. I don't, know if anyone of you have heard of basically, they call this supercomputer like, Al and Al. Right, and we're talking our artificial, intelligence. Here we're talking about how the supercomputer. Which. They're, ultimately they, want everyone to, be connected, to this and, Al. Is 13, L, is 12 and a is one al 13. The, supercomputer. And. That's. What they're psychologically. Preparing. You for. Machine. Open. Your eyes. It's. Incredible, it's. Conscious or how. He read are. You part of the new world and, you. Are part of the old are. You are the new world and. You, are part of the old. Here. We go. Once. We scandal, there's no going back. What's, been going on nothing has, been going, on. Obsessed. With, standard, there's no God. And. The, church, worker. Retrieve. The new aides and the new a once, we scanned there's no going back. Well. We don't know what this means but we can show you an extraordinary photograph. Of an extraordinary lightning. Strike at, the Christ the Redeemer statue, that, towers over the city of Rio more, than just an outburst, of. A, sign. From, God, just, hours, after Pope, announced his surprise, resignation, the, heavens over Rome opened. And the top of st. Peter's Basilica was. Struck by lightning. I saw. A sacred, wall like lightning, from heaven like lightning, from heaven. This. Is about the manifestation, the. Physical, body. This. Is about, birthing. That. Antichrist. And. To do with the time change and, to do with me. Transfiguration. Of, the planet into the gold in ash which, is the new world order Age. Of Aquarius and. The. Age of Saxon, and that is what we what, they want to, happen. This. Is the. In induction, of possession. The, Communist, scientists. And psycho politicians. Have, devised, a method of combining music. Hypnotism. And, Pavlovian. ISM to, nerve jam the children, of our nation, without our leaders teachers, or parents being aware of its shockingly implications. An. Ideology, so ruthlessly. Materialistic. As communism, says, Edward, Hunter would, be at variance, with its own philosophy. As it failed to make use of drugs and hypnotism, drugs. So. Without. Wanting to offend anyone, but I mean I can't. Help it if you are offended by this and in some ways maybe it's good if you are because I really, want you to think about this things, that are really really. Getting. Dangerously. Close now, guys dangerously. Close to. What. It will finally, be, which, is the mark of the beast. A. Transhumanist. Mark of the beast. All. To do with changing, of the DNA and, everything, like counterfeit. Plastic, high consciousness.

Man, Becoming, like gods like, communication. By, thoughts. Thoughts. Being monitored. Being. Logged all of this kind of thing sounds are absolutely, hell to me guys but that is where this is going, if, possible. I. Pray. That you, will find. Your way out of this, addiction, of these devices, because, not only are, they ruining. Human. Interaction. Ruining. Human, interaction, they, are preparing. You for, the. Mark of Satan of, the, out of the supercomputer. Becoming. Part of this matrix and I. Know there's, there's, good selling points, on a lot of them they're, good cameras, and all this kind of stuff but please be aware of, where. This is leading and that is not a joke that is not a lie if you, don't believe me just keep your eye on it but. They are taking, biometric. Data, already, it, surprises. Me how people, just lap it up they're. Taking fingerprints. They're, taking iris, scans. Google. Glasses, all of these things. So. In terms of the transhumanist mark. Of the beast' stuff the. Freight train is headed, for the edge of a cliff, get off the freight train I pray, that all, of you out there will. Wake. Up to, what is coming there. Is no hope or life to be found in what will. Ultimately. Destroy, itself. A kingdom, divided, will. Not stand. Don't. Flex. Man. Sometimes. It's weird to stop. And think back and, just reflect on all that is kind of unfolded. Just in the, last I, don't know eight years since, I first started looking, into all this crazy, stuff and paying, attention, back. In, 2010. I'm not exactly even sure. When I first, started looking into the conspiracy, annual. New, World Order stuff, but, back in the beginning when, I was first learning about all this stuff right out of the gate a lot of it had to do with Genesis. Six and the, whole Nephilim, topic. And this, issue that. Was tying into Biblical prophecy in eschatology, in, terms of everything, it says in revelation, about, the, beast who once was now it's not and yet will come and you, know the the king whose mortal, wound. Had. Been healed and, all this stuff and. Listening. To a lot of researchers. And and stuff like, you, know Rob Skiba and Tom Horne and, Gahan. Shamora and, Peter. Good game often, if you remember Peter good game I think he's still writing actually but, lots. Of different people talking about you, know this whole idea of the. The Antichrist, and this. Figure in relating those specific. Prophetic, verses to, the transhumanism. Topic. And this whole idea of a, resurrected. Leader. And that's. Like Skiba, and good game and you know and a lot of them really exploring this idea of a resurrected. Nimrod, himself. Which has there's a lot of compelling arguments. To you, know to support an idea like that or whoever. Else it might be if it really is indeed, claimed. At some point to be a resurrected, human. From the past you know never if that were the case for the Antichrist a, thing Nimrod would be definitely. Towards the top of the list in terms of, dates and the, reason I'm talking about that is because it is pretty, crazy to stop and think about how just in those past. Eight years or so how. Much more propaganda, and, stuff in the mainstream media and, the. Realm of science. And science fiction and, how, these things in or interweave, and overlap and and all that how. Much has just come, out and become more normative, just in the popular culture and everything in the, head time frame, and. It was really struck by this when somebody showed me a clip, from. The recent, CES. 2018. Which is like the big tech convention show, of the year it was in Vegas just about a week ago and there, was this particular booth, I know some people have covered this but I haven't seen it really like with a ton of a ton of views at this point so I wanted. To speak to this because this, is pretty good this, is pretty crazy. Obviously. There's more, examples. Of transhumanism in, all its various aspects. In science, fiction and movies and television than you know more than you can shake a stick at it at this point this, kind of takes it to a new level because. Here. This is the tech convention, where all these booths with, legitimate, companies, and legitimate, products, and here, Netflix. Actually, had, this booth that was there to to advertise, for an upcoming, sci-fi. Show, called, altered. Carbon, I'm. Not sure exactly when it's coming out but similar. To Blade. Runner and in a lot of aspects I'd say I mean that's just you know on a generic level anyways but. It's like this this whole booth was sort. Of like this performance. Art installation. Kind of thing where people, come up and they they. Have the examples, of the the sleeves or the artificially, you know cloned bodies, and. It's. It's supposed to be like a display and they have the salesman, here, talking. Like he's really selling, you.

Know The whole idea of uploading, your consciousness, into and into, an artificially, you know cloned body and, like even stuff like this this is what tripped me out right was, that even. On the the side of it they've got all these posters, of like, you, know people like, protestors, like protesting. Immortality. Is immoral, in like you know the Luddites, right. That. That, cracks me up but you know how there's the making. This whole narrative in this whole you know very immersive, very. Interactive. Kind, of you know you can go up and then at the end you they have like, what, looks like a real body inside, this bag with liquid in it and everything and you can touch it and you know just making the whole concepts. Just feel that much more real, and that much more kind of like what would it really be like sort, of a thing you know where basically what they're doing with all these kinds of all, these types of science fiction and story. Storytelling. To me it's like storytelling, you know the whole purpose of this of controlling. Movies, and controlling, the narrative through, the various types, of like dystopian. Or extreme. You, know obviously, it's it's it's, fiction, and it's never gonna look like this in reality because, it's you, know action, heroes, and stunts, and over-the-top. Things like that but it allows, us forum for the public to kind of to keep bumping up against an idea and grappling, with it and letting all of us science fiction nerds, you. Know ponder, it in. Eighteen different ways but. As, a net result over, time it just becomes it's, not as an idea it's not new so that when it finally comes out in the, quote-unquote real scientific. Realm. It's. Not that shocking right. And that's not a novel concept I, mean we've I mean lots of people been talking about that for a long time but. Just crazy. Didn't to see this and see yet, another example but sort of taking it to the new level like. Why do they pick this show to do such a extensive. Interactive. Immersive. Type. Of installation. You know hiring, fake, salesmen, and all the rest yeah, I don't know just watching this has kind of tripped me out but when. You really think about the, idea of eventually. Potentially. Though you know even connect even connecting back to the AI idea. Of you, know kind of like in in, the Johnny Depp movie with transcendence, where when. You get, into the whole idea of uploading, consciousness. Right. There's, inevitably that debate of is it, really the consciousness, of the real person or is it just a facsimile is, it just a bunch, of algorithms, that are mimicking, that, person's you know so closely that we can't tell but and that's the whole thing it's like you know maybe maybe, it wouldn't even be universally. Agreed upon what, it was what the beast was is, it really you, know this is it truly Nimrod, and. Some people might think it was really Nimrod or really some other human, leader and, Napoleon, or Jesus, so you know I mean that would be the ultimate right like the reincarnated.

Jesus Let's bring back Jesus, were all debating, over what, Jesus really would do what would Jesus say what would she don't let to bring back Jesus let's reincarnate, Jesus I mean that would can't be the ultimate the, ultimate blasphemy. Now. That I mean when you think about it a, resurrected. Jesus. Yeah. Maybe some people would think it was just an AI program pretending. To be whoever, and I, need, to have a different different little factions, and of course the Luddites like you and me. Against. The whole thing and call, it an abomination, but. Yeah. What. A trip. Just. Wanted to share that with everyone. It's. Good to be here. My. Name is Steve, Hoffman but, in Silicon, Valley they call me captain Hoss that, is my nickname I am, the captain of founder space and, founder. Space is an. Incubator and accelerator. And. Went, black. Here. We go yeah. An incubator and accelerator that, works, all over the world so, I spend. 70%, of my time, traveling. The globe looking. At new technology. We. Have over 50, partners in 22. Countries and. Founders. Face has. Been rated by Forbes magazine as the number one accelerator, for, overseas, startups, in Silicon. Valley. We. Have had many famous startups, in our co-working space, soma, central like, Instagram. AngelList. Foursquare. And today. I'm. Gonna talk about some of the technologies, that most, fascinate. Me. So. This. Is technologies. Are the future of the brain our human. Brain and where, it is headed with technology. So. If we examine. Our brain. We. Will we, will realize, that for, over a hundred, thousand. Years our brain, has remained the same, but. The world around us has changed radically. So. Think about it we have the same brain as a prehistoric. Cave, person, as in. Neanderthals. A same, brain but. The world has. Totally, changed that. Is the power of our brain it's, very elastic it, can reprogram, itself. But. Now we're. Going to begin to change our brains and we are, doing this with new technology. Now. Some of the basic, technology, out there EEG. Allows. You, to, actually measure. Your. Brain waves. And these, devices can. Tell if you, are concentration. Levels they. Can be used to, actually move. A, cursor, on, a screen. There. Are applications. For these devices, in entertainment. There. Working on them for controls, for games in, medical. These, devices, are being used for, conditions. Like, P. PTSD. Post-traumatic. Stress. Distress. Disorder, and, ADHD. And. Other, conditions, and they. Are used for they're being used for education, they are measuring, they have applications. Now for, children to study and they, measure their concentration. Levels and can actually change the applications. As the, children, learns. But. Where we're headed and. Let. Me tell you one minute is. These. Devices, are now capable of. Actually. Recording. Dreams. But. Not in a very granular. Way, in a, very primitive, way they, can actually capture, and, identify. What. A person, is dreaming, so. They have done studies, where. They've hooked these devices, up. To a person's head they. Have had them dream they, woke them up and then. They asked them to recall memories, in their dreams and they, read the patterns of the brain and, then. They put the person goes back to sleep and if, they dream of the same things they can recognize those patterns that. Is just, the beginning of where, we are headed.

Right. Now, scientists. In laboratories around, the, world are, developing brain. Chips. Now. These are chips that, can be surtout inserted, into, the brain and they are wireless, and. Let. Me show you they. Have actually, had, a monkey that, broke its back so. Its spinal, cord was severed, the. Monkey was paralyzed, from, the waist down but. They. Inserted, a chip in the monkeys brain. And then, they inserted another chip in its, lower spine, and they. Allowed the brain to communicate with, the lower spine as soon. As they did this the. Monkey could walk again. That. Is amazing. Totally. Amazing so they could actually transmit, the. Thoughts of the monkey. Wirelessly. To, parts of the body but. It gets even more amazing. Than that, so. They. Now have in a. Laboratory. Monkeys. With. Chips in their brain and then. They have an electric, wheelchair and. Just. By thinking. Just. With them thought of the monkey they, can drive the, wheelchair, around. Think. About that if, a monkey can do that what. Could you do if you, had that chip in your brain. They. Have also done, experiments, with, monkeys, with. A chip in their brain and a robotic, arm and the. Monkey just by thinking can. Reach out and grab something like, food and, feed. Itself. That. Is amazing. If you think about it so, the monkey, monkeys. Thoughts are actually, able to control, things outside their, body so. When we start to think about the future about where. Technology. Is headed, this. Is where we're going. We. Will have brain chips in humans and the. Brain people who will get those brain chips first are people. Who suffer from severe. Medical conditions. So. If you have a severe medical condition, like. You're paralyzed, from the neck down, or. You suffer a brain disorder like, Alzheimer's, disease or Parkinson's disease. And that, brain chip can. Restore, your. Quality, of life would. You hesitate, to, get the chip, no. Of course not, you would say put the chip in my brain so, that, is starting, right now these. Experiments. And. Even. More interesting. Scientists. Have done experiments with rats and, they. Have chips in, last spring and, what they did was. They taught a rat how. To do certain things and, when, the rat did all these complex, things, it could, get food. Now. It, took, the rat weeks, to. Learn that. Weeks. But. Then they hooked the rats brain. Chip. To, the Internet and they. Had another rat in another. City, and. Instantly. They connected, those two rats, brains and do. You know what happened the. Other rat knew how to get the food right away it. Didn't have to learn anything, the, knowledge was transferred for one brain of a, living animal to. Another brain. That. Is, amazing. That, opens, up a world of possibilities because, if they can, do that in rats, today. Imagine. 10 years from now what. They can do in humans and we. Will go there. So. Mind-to-mind. Communication. This. Is something of science-fiction that. We all read, about, but. This is actually. Possible today, as I just showed you, so. There will come a point where. If we have a chip in our brain and and. You out there have a chip in your brain we, can communicate we. Could communicate without talking we. Can communicate when, you're halfway around the world and. We. Can exchange, knowledge. So. If you. Look at a world where. We have these chips that. Are connected, to the internet all. Of a sudden every, piece of information on, the Internet becomes, accessible, to our minds, now. When. We look back at today and we have to go to Baidu or, Google, and type, it in that will seem so primitive. Nobody. Will do that you, will just think what knowledge do I need and it, will appear there for you to use but it. Gets even weirder. Stranger. Because. We, will not only be able to transfer, knowledge but. We will be able to transfer. Memories, now. So you could have an experience, like, skydiving. And all. Of a sudden you could transfer, that experience, to a friend and all, of a sudden they have, experienced, what you have, experienced. It. Gets even weirder because. We will be living our lives as, our. Lives we, know our lives in our memories but, you will all of a sudden have access, to anybody's. Life who, wants to make it available to you people. Will put open-source, their lives so. Others can download, pieces. Of their lives and experience. Those things, that. Will, be really, strange we. Won't know the difference between. Our own memory, and a memory we acquired, from, someone else, think.

About That, it. Gets even stranger. So. You. All, of us are here learning that seeds right getting, en bas and MBAs, well, this will be obsolete, because, sieves, will literally be in the cloud and you, will just download from. All the best minds, in the world whatever. You need to know when. You need to know it our. Brains will be we will no longer have universities. As we have them today these. Debt will change information. Will be on demand information. Will, be commoditized. Knowledge. Will be commoditized, all of us will, be smarter. Have. Infinite. Amounts of storage and, infinite. Access, to information. It. Will be unheard. Of we, will no longer be this. Isolated, human being we. Will be connected, to everything. So. You. Can imagine not, only will. We be able to get knowledge but. We can actually have full. Experiences. In our head, so. Right now we have these clunky, VR units that. We have to put on but, in the future you, can just download a, whole environment. And actually, live in it and all. Of you might think this is not real but. Do you know every night when you dream, those. Dreams are real. No matter how fantastic your, dreams are they, are real you, feel like you're really there our, brains, have that capability already. Built in all. It takes is the technology to stimulate. And. Transfer. The right images, in our brain so our brain creates them and then, we will live like, the, difference, between us dreaming, and reality. Will be blurred we. Will be spending a lot of time outside. Our, bodies. So. Think. About this, you. As a human, being right now are trapped, in this body but once. You are connected to the Internet you are no longer trapped, in your body you, can actually be anywhere, at any time that any other person or any other, device, is is. Getting, sensory, information. So. There could be a robot, on Mars and, you, could literally tap into the robot on Mars and it would be like you're, on Mars it could totally recreate. The. Experience, including, the sensations. The. Physical, sensations, like everything. Of you, being on Mars you can, live through other people, your. Favorite, pop star, your. Favorite. Scientists. You could be an Elon Musk's, head right now walking. Around doing what he's doing if Elon. Musk allowed you to do that. It. Gets so strange, because our sense, is now we have our five senses, of our body but suddenly. If, we, are connected, to a world of intelligent, machines and intelligent. Sensors, all over we, will no longer have five senses, we. Will have access, to, hundreds, of sensory, input, infrared. Right. All, these UV, all, these different types of senses that we never even experienced. Before it. Will radically change how, we perceive. Existence. So. If you start, to go down this path you, see we. Won't even be. Excited. A will, be totally. Alien. To us we, will be living in a whole nother reality. It's blending, information. Sensory. Information data, information. Memories. All of this from, all around the world in this vast Internet, in that. Will. And can happen. So. Let's go even further. Experiencing. Other lives so. All. Of us experience. Things in our, life. But. Now we, will be able to have many lives you. You can have many lives because, you can access other people, and other places and live through, them and. If. You want to think about this it can. Be almost. Like, heaven. Why. Do I say this because. If you study every. Major religion, in the world every. Religion, Buddhism. Christianity. You, know Hinduism. What. Those, religions, promise us is that, we will escape our bodies, in the future we will go to some heaven or Nirvana, or a state, of non-being, or, state of inclusiveness, with everybody, no, longer, will, we and, our consciousness, be confined, to, our bodies, as an individual, in fact, if you, look at us right now as a human, being if I. Feel pain if I'm. In pain nobody. Else can feel the pain I feel if you're. In pain I can't feel your pain I can, feel sorry for you I can, empathize with you but, I cannot, feel your pain but, in this world we, will actually be able to feel the, emotions, of other people, you, can actually not just transfer, data and sensory, information but.

Emotions. I can. Actually I would, know your pain you would know our pain in human, beings would never be, alone. So. We. Will come to a point where. We as gods, like, gods will, be creating, our own reality. We. Will be redefining. What. The human experience, is for the first time in history, this. Can happen and it, will happen. But what we want to think about is this. Technology. Is really powerful, the. Internet being connected is really powerful but we've already seen, in a very primitive way just with our cell phones these primitive, devices, how it can totally change our life like. All of our lives are changed by WeChat all, of our lives are changed by the internet well, we are embarking, on a path now where, we will become the internet the, internet will be become us they, will be inseparable. We'll, have our storage and everything else all over the place and when. We do that we. Have to understand, that this is a big responsibility. It's. Something, we as a society, we, as a human, race must. Think about very. Very carefully. Because, imagine. People. Could hack your cell phone now people. Can hack your computer and, it, can be bad they can steal your banking, information take. All your money they, can steal your identity but. They can't really hurt you in the. Future though if somebody. Hacks into your head because, it's connected to the Internet they, can steal you they. Could actually steal. You. They. Can implant memories. In your head that you don't have they, could erase memories, they, could control, you in what. In ways that you wouldn't even know you're, being controlled is, this. Scary so. I painted, on the hand a heaven. But, there is also a, hell, right. This. Is heaven, and hell. We. Are on the cusp of this technology that is so powerful, and has, the potential to so radically. Transform, our lives, in our, existence, and we, have to be very careful, about how, we do this we, don't want people controlling, us, so. Think about this think. Very carefully everybody, in this room are very smart, people you're, all highly educated, we, are going to be making these decisions that. Lay the groundwork for this technology, in our, lifetime, and those, decisions will affect the rest of humanity more, than any decisions, we have made in the past. So I wanted to thank you I am the author also of this book making. Elephants, fly published, by Jung shin and I. Love, China I travel, here all the time looking, at new technologies, and I, just want to say it's been a pleasure being here thank, you so much. Be. Strong from the Lord and in his mighty power. But. On the floor I love God so. That you can take your stand against. The devil's, schemes. Where. Our struggle, is not against. Flesh and blood. But. Against the rulers. Against. The authorities. Against. The powers of, this dark world and. Against. The spiritual, forces of, evil in the heavenly world. Therefore. Put. On the full armor of God. So. That when the day of evil comes you, may, be able to stand your ground. And. After you have done everything to. Stand. Stand. Firm one. With. The belt of truth buckled around, your waist. With. The breastplate of. Righteousness in. Place. And. Watching feet fitted with the readiness that, comes from the gospel, of peace.

In Addition, to all this. Take. Up the shield of faith with. Which you can extinguish all. The flaming arrows. Of the. Take. The helmet of salvation and. The, sword. Of the Spirit, which is, the word of God. And pray, in spirit on, all occasions. With. All kinds, of prayers and requests. With, this in mind, be. Alert and. Always, keep on praying for, all the Lord's people. You.


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