Destiny 2 Lore - Two Truths Two Lies The Altar of Reflection is Oryx returning in Witch Queen

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greetings guardians my name is by fear so i  wanted to go ahead and touch on a few bits   and pieces of law that everyone has been  talking about recently and yes it is law   surrounding the altar of reflection and one  particular note that is told to us through it   this is one of the best storytelling devices  in all of which queen and frankly it alone   is something bungie should be applauded  for because of the mechanics surrounding it   and the way it weaves into the story so elegantly  with the simple idea of allowing us to better   understand savithoon you'll notice that there's no  spoiler warning here that's because this video is   releasing a week after the launch of witchqueen  this channel will now start openly discussing   spoilers unless it's around the raid which we'll  be holding off on until the next reset aka next   tuesday so be ready for that we have a lot  to discuss and now the gloves are coming off   so if we're going to jump into the law surrounding  the altar of reflection we should probably just   start with this note yes we're going to address  the two truths and two lies situation but first   we need to actually understand how the altar of  reflection works and in order to do that we need   to understand deep sight so let's start with all  that when we get onto savithoon's ship called the   lure in the first campaign mission we were able to  pick up this strange piece of pyramid tech when we   took it back to the relic on mars we were able to  reforge it into a weapon known as the enigma this   happened because of an ability that the relic  awoke within us an ability tied to the darkness   known as the deep sight you obviously use it a lot  in the campaign of witch queen but you might have   all missed something of the key points of how it  works so let's go ahead and just really quickly   explain this thanks to some of the investigations  on the investigation board back in the enclave   we were able to figure out how deepside works  somewhat and we figured out that deep sight   is an ability that is based in memory and time  distortion you can see this clearly in two ways   firstly remember at the very start of the campaign  when we go out onto the deserts and see portions   of mars from the past that's due to the darkness  distortions in the area which give off the same   energy as the relic and the enigma this darkness  energy is filled with temporal distortions that   basically show us visions of the past now think to  when you activate a deep sight path in the throne   world when you do that and platforms appear or  disappear it is showing what things were like in   the past and is allowing you to interact with that  past version of things this is how you're able to   access certain parts of the throne world and it  makes sense consider that savathun tore down her   throne world which was previously made of darkness  and made a new one on top of it that was more   fitting to the fixtures of the light and with all  of that said certain parts of the darkness we're   always going to have traces underneath and that  means that we're going to see moments at which   deep sight reveals these strange parts and pieces  we can explore within the throne world those are   our two examples this is how deep side works when  certain objects or even individuals are concerned   the visions of the past that you see manifest more  strongly on moments of memory that leave behind   a potent psychic trace using this we can use deep  site in appropriate locations and with appropriate   items to peer into memories of a subject that  holds sufficient psychic resonance that psychic   resonance has to be attached to an appropriate  object we know this through the law book which i'm   not going to go ahead and read today i'm going to  read that in the next one probably but yeah just   do know that it does expand on all of this a lot  for the time being essentially as long as you have   an item that is relevant to a certain character as  long as there is a memory attached and associated   with that item you will be able to take it to a  place like the relic or the altar of reflection   and you will be able to discover what was leaving  that psychic resonance that psychic implant of   memory and when you do that you will then be able  to view that memory this means that certain beings   will inadvertently leave behind clues as to  what's been going on allowing us to investigate   and in some instances it actually means that  clues can be manually left behind for us   that is what has been happening a lot with  savithoon it is in fact the entire reason   why we were led to the altar of reflection through  proxy and various strange moments in the campaign   in the first place this was all part of her plan  anyway the altar of reflection is specifically a   place within the throne world where all of the  deep site's connections and power can be used   to view these psychic imprints and again  it all works out with savathun's plan   you see she knew that if she took the light and  was chosen to be resurrected as a light bearer   she would be without any of her memories and  so she devised a plan to get her memories back   using the power of the deep sight and her clever  manipulations of us in this process we would have   the enigma delivered to us thanks to savathun  who would graciously allow us to take the weapon   straight from her ship the lure knowing that we  would then be able to craft this into the enigma   and knowing that our powers of deep sight would  be awakened with this we would then investigate   savathun's past within her own throne world  something very convenient for her seeing that she   would be able to view all of the memories  that we also saw all of her memories and thus   she would be able to remember her past life  something that no guardian has been able to   do with such clarity before except perhaps for  crow it does make me wonder if perhaps the deep   sight was the ability that savathun used in order  to show crow his past life as aldrin solve if so   this might explain a few things here and there and  it would make sense that she's had access to the   deep side before given that she has close ties to  darkness in the process of understanding both the   enigma and the altar of reflection a little bit  more we're given the opportunity to investigate   further this is all after the campaign has  concluded so as a result we venture to the rupture   where an opening to the altar of reflection can  be found from here we greeted with the all too   familiar voice of the witch queen she's telling  us something intriguing take a listen to this it was always a possibility that  your cunning would defeat mine   that you would win and i would lose and so  i knew i would need a way to reach you even   after death to set the record straight i  couldn't leave so many mysteries still unsolved   in these hallways my memory is on here  i left you all the answers you crave bring your curiosities to  me me tell you some stories servathoon does not live not until her ghosty  maru has a chance and a good enough reason   to revive her but the witch queen was  always one to leave contingencies behind   after all she is the hive god of cunning and  there is no way in which she wouldn't leave   herself a hand to play that was at least somewhat  advantageous to her cause i think it's fair to   ask a question as to whether this information is  trustworthy and for the moment even with the notes   made in the law book that all of the memories  themselves are credible i personally don't know   if we can trust all the information we obtain  from the altar and savathun's memories they at   worst might be valuable but at best they might be  credible and as a result we're going to go ahead   and talk about everything that savathun tells us  from the altar of reflection after her death first   we examine the glaive and the technology from  which it was crafted savathun has this to say the children of the witness wage a  war it spans centuries and galaxies   they see the fall of thousands of civilizations  the silencing of millions of thoughts   in the mind of one of these warriors lives the  memory of an ancient weapon a blade that cuts   with the shining edge of beautiful terrible  logic through a game of riddles i steal this   memory for myself i make the weapon mine  but i do not keep it i use it as a lure i already explained savathun's plan but it's  revealed to us in a little more detail there she   knew that this weapon a powerful weapon was a lure  for a guardian in particular and she knew that a   guardian capable of infiltrating her ship and her  throne world would ultimately be able to reach   all of the different clues of memory that savathun  needed them to reach in order to regain all of her   memories imaru in the front-facing part of things  was putting up a valiant effort to put on a face   that would show aggressively something that would  help to hide the witch queen's illusion savathun   wanted us there in the throne world she wanted us  to gather the various items that she had hidden   whether it was segura's ghost shell or the tablets  of ruin or even the crystal shard that was lodged   within her leg something that she had on her when  she was eventually turned to the light after her   death this is something that savathun very much  planned out for the most part this is a moment   at which we need to consider very carefully the  cunning of the witch queen once again seriously   planning all of this out understanding the deep  mechanics and not only anticipating that we would   need to be drawn into a trap like this with a  false sense of security but also committing imaru   to essentially run counter to that operation is  quite something a significant logistical feat   and perhaps more importantly something that  is completely appropriate for savvathoon   but now we come to some more revelations and it's  here that i think we need to point something out   i believe that the items we can scan or  analyze at the altar of reflection will   be changed every week and the reason i say this  is because we start this week with the tablets   of ruin something that we can investigate four  times before the altar of reflection is done with   us and spits us back out and this is something  that's really quite important to acknowledge   because ultimately this means that we have  more to hear from the altars of reflection   and also there is more knowledge to be gleaned  from savathun she's left these tidbits behind   specifically for us and whether that's to our  detriment or as she says to set the record   straight i think it's important to hear these  so let's go ahead and jump into the one that   everyone has been talking about when you first  investigate the tablets of ruin you hear this shall we play a game two lies two truths mercury io and titan are in my care the witness returned mars to your solar system the power to move worlds will soon be yours the taken king will rise again you guardians are so clever tell  me what is true and what is false now before we go ahead and talk a little bit more  about which of these lies and which of these is   truth i want to go ahead and take into account  all the things that are said here at the altar   of reflection regarding the tablets of ruin  and everything that's attached to that memory   it is important and it does provide some of the  answers so here are the second third and fourth   recordings from the alter of reflection it was  thrilling to find a riddle that orcs had missed   but of course his cunning could never defeat mine do you know the last time i spoke with my brother it was just before you killed him i told him he would die and he  said i am always glad to die i know what you're wondering why did mars  reappear the witness stole your planets and wounds   with a power from the deep the power to  move worlds from one place to another so why has mars returned while  the others are still absent and where are your lost friends i asked you before why did  mars return this is the truth the witness never took mars i did the witness wished to take it yes   but i acted first i wanted to protect it  just as i wanted to protect your traveler and when it was safe i returned it to you as for the others well i suppose you  should have thought twice before killing me so first of all i think we should all know that  even in death there are reasons for savathun to   lie so take everything again that she says with a  pinch of salt a sizeable one at that including the   series of things about two lies and two truths  to unpack that it could all be misdirection   and ultimately there might not be any point  as to speculating what is and isn't true but   for the sake of such speculation and what it  might do to expand our potential knowledge base   let's go ahead and unpack things it's  unwise to take the witch queen at her word   but maybe this is a moment at which we don't  need to worry so much now that she's dead   maybe let's see if those words come back to bite  me anyway let's go to that first thing statement   by statement we'll roll on firstly we had the  statement mercury io and titan are in my care   if we're to believe what savathune states later  on then this first statement is potentially true   savathun implies that she could have returned  these other worlds to us given that she was the   one who had stolen them away using the power of  the deep now that she is dead it's something that   she implies she can't do the sentence essentially  bemoans the fact that she can't do this   because of the fact that we killed her secondly  the witness returned mars to your solar system   if were to believe seven again then this is  false according to her own direct testimony   and would make some sense given the appearance of  the relic which she could have placed as a means   of helping us awaken our deep sight the links that  the relic site might have to the creation via the   witness are something poorly explored and it's not  fair to say that the witness absolutely did create   this relic site it's really not clear although  it is something that we have to consider given   that it's an artifact of darkness so don't count  this falsehood as definitive simply remember that   tentatively we can call this falsehood if savathun  is being honest with us thirdly and fourthly   the power to move worlds will soon be  yours and the taken king shall rise again   these two are up for debate now the final of  these statements about oryx coming back is going   to seriously have people up in arms with a degree  of joy given the great degree of love for oryx's   character in destiny's community however i'm gonna  go ahead and say that i don't know definitively   what to make of this one you see oryx is probably  returning to the game given that bungie has said   that there'll be another destiny one classic raid  coming to d2 out of the destiny content vault   this is supposed to be a themed raid that  fits the manner of the expansion at the time   which is witch queen of course and they've also  stated that the other hive raid crota's end   is probably a little bit too small and closer  to a dungeon for players to consider it a raid   at this point so unless all of a sudden the  season that this arrives with turns out to   be a massive siever-esque season where it turns  out that the darkness was sifu all along i think   it's fair to say that oryx will be returning as  a raid boss in the newly revamped king's fall   however however something key to note about  this is bungie's approach to the vault of glass   and many of the returning strikes which is  this they see strikes and raids as moments   frozen in time and if i'm remembering that  quote correctly this also means that the   context of these strikes being brought back  is to fit with the theme of the current times   and is not to imply that those activities are  being conducted at the time of that season   this is one of those reasons why we still have  strikes in the game which have k-6 in them which   i mean he's been dead for years now so you know  that sucks but the whole point is you still also   have this same logic being applied to moments like  the devil's lair and sabre 2 strikes that have   been brought back with unedited dialogue in fact  there is an exception to this rule but it's an   exception that proves the rule and that exception  is navota the new stand-in for omnigul which was a   destiny 1 strike which has been converted into  a new and somewhat revamped destiny 2 strike   and the reason for this is purely because of  the fact that it ties into the new light quest   for destiny 2. so as a result you're looking  at something completely different i think it's   worth saying that this one therefore is up in the  air and we shouldn't be sure if this is a lie or   if this is bungie hinting with savathun's words  here to a return of the king's full raid it could   alternatively be some kind of reference to somehow  someone trying to bring oryx back though how you'd   manage that i have no idea the old rituals that  were used in the books of sorrow probably don't   work on a seven-year-old crystallized corpse  that's now floating somewhere in the depths   of saturn at this point and furthermore i don't  think that you can resurrect oryx without his worm   and there's the question of what happens when  you have the touch of malice in the picture   it's really not clear if that's something that  affects this now as for the other statement the   power to move worlds will soon be yours this is  a far more fascinating statement in my opinion   this is knowledge stolen from the deep by savifoon  this ability to move worlds and if we're going   to learn this at some point it represents a  significant improvement in our degrees of power   we have gone from being paracausal and capable  of changing the scape and scope of a battlefield   to paracorsal to a degree that allows us to  move worlds literally this would be a lethal leg   up on the witness and it might even be a way that  we could start to approach their level of power   the way that this all works and the links between  the witness and the past as revealed through   deep sight makes me wonder if this is a hint to  something makes me wonder if the power of the deep   sight and this ability to move worlds is in fact  the building blocks of a new darkness subclass in   the future one that is based around the distortion  of time and gravity one that we might eventually   acquire in either fall or in the final shape that  is all to be seen and it's very much not clear if   that's the case overall however this means that  we still can't pin the tail on whether this one   is true or false so for the time being that is  left ambiguous overall the altar of reflection is   fascinating and there's a whole lot of law entries  out there within an entire law book that we're   going to be covering with them as time goes on  just so you know i'm almost certain that the altar   is not something that we'll be visiting just one  more time i think we're going to be visiting the   altar at least two more times and from there we  have amazing story details that we can extrapolate   i for one really would like to see what happens  more with segura's ghost i would love to see   if there's anything more to learn from the  worm familiar and i would love to see if the   crystal shard has something more than it can yield  although the original indication from the law book   thus far sort of says that that's probably not the  case either way thank you so much for watching and   i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did go  ahead and leave a like and if you really want more   destiny content go ahead and hit subscribe and the  email notifications next to the subscribe button   it's the bell remember of course however that  your viewership as always is quite enough for me   and that in the meantime my name has been my  name is bife dasia arastra i'll see you star side you


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