Solar District Cup Pitch Championship

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Pitch Championship • Joseph Simon 01:03Great. Welcome, everyone. Thank you for joining the US Department of Energy solar district cup collegiate design competitions. • 01:12Pitch championship.

My name is Joe Simon and I'm one of the competition organizers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory • 01:20We're very excited to have all of you here with us to celebrate as these teams conclude their work over two semesters and you get to help select the • 01:30Project pitch winner, as many of you know the solar district cup is a competition that challenges student teams to design and model solar plus storage systems for a campus or urban district. • 01:44This program in ages engages and enable students across multiple disciplines, including engineering finance urban planning sustainability and more • 01:55Together, these students develop forward thinking designs for an optimized campus for urban district distributed energy systems. • 02:03This takes creative thinking to reimagine how electric energy is generated managed and used in these urban environments.

• 02:11In our second year of the program we were pleased to see such great engagement from all of our competing students • 02:17With over 500 student participants. This past fall, the class of 2021 started with 59 participating teams from 57 different collegiate institutions and it up with 29 competing teams from 28 different institutions. • 02:32Yesterday, all of our competitors presented some truly impressive project summaries giving the judges and their peers, a glimpse at what they've achieved over the past academic year. • 02:44On behalf of the solar district couple organizers, I congratulate all the teams that participated.

And so the district cup 2021 well • 02:54This morning we announced the first, second, and third place teams in each of our divisions. Now our three first place teams, University of Puerto Rico. • 03:05University of Colorado and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University will present eight minute pitches to all of you as they compete in our pitch championship.

• 03:15Before we begin, however, I'd like to take a moment to recognize and thank our judges said our 10 Bernie, but they're achieving the • 03:23Kristin Florence Alex pilotto didn't read Dr. Olga over over bench Snyder, Dr. Linda bucket bacary coulibaly Akshay Jain Rachel McLaughlin, and Chris hair. • 03:37Thank you all, you spent a lot of hours. A lot of time and share your expertise to carefully and thoughtfully. Select the division winners. • 03:47We really thank you that helps the students understand how they can be prepared for industry and how the real world problems they solve their assigned district use cases are relevant and interesting and exciting for industry professionals such as yourselves.

• 04:04I'd also like to thank our partners are a solar heat spring and solar power events as well as our district use case partners, the city of Denver. • 04:14Their area. Higher Education Center, the University of Central Florida and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln providing numerous resources and learning opportunities to these participants. • 04:25These district use case partners provided data they provided key information to each of these student teams. • 04:31But speaking of partners, I'd like to introduce Sonny Wang, Director of Communications and government affairs and Ursula. • 04:38provided all of our dissipating teams with access to their solar system design software offering customized training enjoyed office hour sessions throughout the competition sunny.

Thanks for joining us today. Sunny Wang 04:50Thank you Joe. I'd like to start off by sending a massive kudos to you and your entire team who designed organized and executed. • 05:00Another successful solo cup collegiate design competition. I think a lot of time and thought went into this hands on learning experience for the students across different campuses and it really shows it's been a pleasure being a part of this experience and a sponsor. • 05:19And to each divisions first, second, third place winners.

Congratulations. • 05:26Not only do you have bragging rights, you're going to be receiving one of the best design trophies. I have ever seen. I'm not even lie. • 05:36And I sincerely feel that every student who participated in this hello gesture cup are winners. I know it sounds cheesy, but it really is true.

• 05:45You've gained a depth of knowledge that you couldn't have received inside a classroom reading a textbook. You've made connections with different industry professionals. • 05:55And you've made a commitment to this competition and follow through. In the year 2020 no less. It's one of the weirdest some toughest years for so many reasons.

• 06:06And for those of you graduating this year, I can only imagine the added stress of job searching with Kobe 19 pandemics still dominating the news. • 06:16But if you have doubts, I do want you to know from my side of the camp that companies are hiring again and searching for talent and for every student who participated in this competition. This is a project that I highly recommend all of you add to your resume.

• 06:32Andrew gang, who is a huge supporter on Aurora side and he's one of our research engineers, he • 06:41Couldn't be here with us today, but he would agree. I mean, Andrew participated in the Solar Decathlon, which is another do you collegiate competition. • 06:50And he said that the learning experiences that he's team gained has helped a lot of them get an interview, so please add it to your resume. • 07:00It is a very unique experience that demonstrates your ability to work across multiple disciplines coordinate our project with hard deadlines think holistically, as well as your ability and willingness to stretch your bandwidth on top of your school courses.

• 07:18And as you're getting ready to launch your career. Please don't be shy or afraid to reach out to people for help and insights. If they're not responsive. Try again.

And then again, • 07:30From my time working at Stanford University were so many big names have come through and still do. • 07:37More often than not, they're all very willing to help students and answer questions. It's just that sometimes the email gets lost in their inbox. • 07:47And when you're considering your options.

• 07:50Please keep an open mind. I don't think either Andrew, or I thought that we would be working for a solar software company yet here we are both about four years in • 08:01And and also you can move across job sectors, so I moved from city government to academia before or solar so don't feel like you just have to stay in one • 08:14So my emails on the slide, please feel free to reach out anytime we will keep your account active through the end of May. Congratulations again to all of you and to each divisions winners and good luck to the first place teams pitching today. Thank you Joe.

Joseph Simon 08:30Thank you so much, sonny. • 08:35That was really great. And I remember working with Andrew through other programs and he's been so engaged with the students. And I hope that you to become students that work to industry and continue to keep that community and relationship alive.

• 08:49Next I'd like to introduce Kelly speaks Bachman Acting Assistant Secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy Kelly. Kelly Speakes-Backman 08:59Thanks, Joe. I am so excited to be with you all here today and my gosh, so many you had such great pragmatic advice to give it was just awesome opening remarks, I'm • 09:11Look, I'm just excited to see all the creativity on display from the teens day.

Their, their work is part of this next great wave of innovation, it's going to change the world. • 09:21The acceleration of a new clean energy economy and these technologies that are going to build a more sustainable future. • 09:28I have the honor the just distinct honor. It's unbelievable to me sometimes of leading the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at Department of Energy. • 09:38We have the most urgent mission that I can imagine accelerating our country's transition to a net zero economy by 2050 • 09:45I'm confident now that we're going to get there because of the kind of talent that we see today among the solar district cup teams.

• 09:52This competition represents one just one creative way our team supports the development of an expanded clean energy workforce. If we can harness all the energy all the talents and innovative spirit of these students • 10:04will soon be a part of our American workforce, we can turn this threat of climate emergency into an unprecedented opportunity. • 10:12As President Biden likes to say is climate plan is a jobs plan and national effort aimed at creating jobs for Americans to build a modern sustainable infrastructure that we so sorely need • 10:24And to deliver an equitable clean energy future that's going to benefit all Americans. So thank you for having me here today. I'm so excited for the day and back over to you, Joe.

Joseph Simon 10:37Thank you so much. • 10:39Now it's time to get started with our project pitch championship. • 10:45As I mentioned earlier, east of our each of our first place teams will present an eight minute project pitch telling you how they address the solar district cups fundamental challenge. • 10:56Designing and modeling solar plus storage systems for their assigned real world district use case after all three presentations conclude you as our audience members get to assume the role of judges and vote on which team you think should win the project pitch or word • 11:13Let's kick things off with our first presenting team from the University of Puerto Rico. • 11:19They were chosen as the winner of the Denver area division for their excellence in engineering design and they're compelling demonstration of value to the district. • 11:28As I see their cameras.

Come on, we're going to switch to their presentation and welcome them to the stage. • 11:35It's really exciting to see all of the different innovation, the passion and the work that these students put in over multiple semesters. • 11:43They asked questions as we had office hours they worked with the tools and the resources that were provided and they found mentors in their own community. • 11:52And many of our schools that competed they didn't have resources built into their university and they had to be creative about learning about the opportunities that are solar and energy storage. • 12:03It looks like the slides are up and I see several students ready to present.

And so with that, I turned it over. • 12:11Good luck. DEN Michael Vazquez 12:23Are we ready okay um greetings to everyone. My name is Michael buskers Davis and I will be the first presenter of the University of Puerto Rico Maya was come • 12:32First, we have our faculty advisor, PhD, Eduardo this in the next row.

We have our graduate students. And in the last two or two roads, we have our own their credits. • 12:42As a team, our goal was to design and implement our photovoltaic system to this energy storage system to energize critical loads and to propose an economically viable solution. • 12:52Now I will be presenting the previous system designs. • 12:57In the first table, we can observe their row spacing. The maximum panels in serious the minimum.

So our access and then MTS RF for the moderator of the previous system designs. • 13:05In the second table, we have the average deal the outer a smooth average are tough and average and it has our effort, our campus and serial number, respectively. • 13:15Here we can see all of the electrical components and how are they connected • 13:21Now be present in the previous system designed for the city of Denver. • 13:26In the image, we can see the rooftop of the convention center the pink arrow represent the current renovation, while the green ones represent the seven areas where the prototype system workplace.

• 13:38In the image of all the greens agar agar is a historical built. And so we propose a previous system design but additional permits are required. • 13:47This is the city of them are laid out with their respective previous system design at the bottom right, we can identify their building with the greatest solar potential, which is the Colorado convention center.

• 13:57Here we can serve the system side down or production, the number of panels and imperative for the convention center. • 14:04Here we have the system side on our production number of panels, I am better for all of the three buildings are composed. There are complex. • 14:12And finally, this is it. This table shows the total system side on our production and number of panels and in better for both convention center and Denver are complex. DEN Alanis Colon 14:22Occasion center part pretty are for their accomplish with the identity studies is like the best building for us to be signed up resistance when I taught for dealing with Best Buy or anywhere cherry Grimaldi creepy and center in science within • 14:36For the capitalism a restriction wasn't minimum daytime law, which was calculated by the open the SST for which we were allowed maximum collection of 25% • 14:44Of that value and 30 cents can play with this friction.

I've seen in the table here in this slide is a summary of all this is done in the campus. • 14:52Now we have the, you know, lay over the campus with all this is done and where we have different activities and especially on the holy breaking low and the campus. • 15:02Now the science world in design for which this morning we were given a chance of adding on and just services and that goes super critical of service hours consumption in case of an emergency.

• 15:12Now we are the largest social with different science building at the bottom of a mess. We have this for us to location for the energy sources and for the science moving where the structure secret down below is a battery and the structure is the power station. • 15:26In this line, we have the same field in pieces. And I'm going to just sort of solution diagram for this part. We did an analysis that include the penises and sign in a basis, they're able to survive a 24 hour outage was the worst case scenario for knowledge. • 15:40Now, LLC stuff yesterday.

So, so I'm planning to the campus for them to me their system enables • 15:46First, we have a diesel, actually, which is which we were going to install and connected to the array and Holly parking lot and last • 15:52Week on the source on charging stations which we have so training methods for electronic devices. Most suggestions help the campus mega streaming okay students at the same time. Now leave you with another system recognizes DEN Angel Ortiz 16:06For the system impact analysis using open the SS. These are the Transformers within the other campus. The blue ones are where the design PV systems are connected to • 16:15Each building that has a PV system will have it connected to transform each PV system was connected using the voltage on the lower side of the distribution transform that Kim building holds the park is PV system connection.

• 16:29This graph represents the energy production throughout the year for the TV system connected to the side. And notice how the highest amount of energy production happens on the month of the summer. This gives the team and points of interest for this time. Unknown Speaker 16:44Next, like DEN Angel Ortiz 16:45Notice how even after 58 hours outage the battery still has more than 75% chance to cover all the critical loads in the science world. • 16:54We are also provided the battery's low check curve that was used in the open the SS code, the proposed PV system and battery storage did not produce any overload normal does exceptions on the grid. The system works perfectly.

• 17:08Now I will leave you with Maria for this dimensional analysis. DEN Maria A. Lopez Silva 17:11Thank you, buddy. And I'll continue with the financial analysis. • 17:14To determine the PPA prize for the audio.

Higher Education Center, the team focused on making sure there were no customer savings but also an attractive IRR • 17:22So the PPA project could shoot this was point 04 cents per kilowatt hour and ammo customer savings begin here for and the our reach 6.03% • 17:32For the city of Denver. It was considered that it is a community solar project there for the calculated BPA price resulted in point zero 62 cents per kilowatt hour a project IRR reached 14 point 55% and our customer savings, start your line. • 17:47Only do not with melody, who will discuss the development plan. DEN Melody Cosme 17:52Necessary premise for the construction of the system work in and define including the wearables from lemon preservation.

That will be required for the Ellie caulkins Opera House. • 18:03The calculations. The four days to make them work. Emily says we calculate the time needed to complete the system. It was a some a month hours per kilowatt and assuming each person works. • 18:1340 hours per week for this purpose and up.

Total of 5040 on for 400 kilowatts ISIS them and a multiple important we've sport as the main installation time • 18:25Comes to shove Thailand is divided into three states. • 18:29And initiations day systems on the person finished on May construction on May 1 and and on mid September 29 dimension from September 11 to September 25 this time maybe suggest to modifications. • 18:44Here with this is the most important recommendations as a study during engaged community members like website social networks for a live demonstration course solar sounds entered and stations. • 18:55Conference as sustainable verdict.

Some problems at the university interactive maps ancillary innovations and educational purpose recognition programs, a local competition as solid do speaker and collaborations with nonprofits companies. • 19:12Are these things contribute to achieve the goals of the number use case in the finance waste some of this, the sellers and capacity and further channel Carnival and ID and only • 19:21In the case of campus almost 3,600,000 pounds of CO2 emissions will be a boy for a year and at the CDS 6,800,000 pounds approximately • 19:31carpentry with baby system of our proposed a monitoring system connected to accessible Sprint's for education and customer savings as targeting by year for two year long campus and city perspective. • 19:45Within that opt in June win this competition for divisions mentioned in the previous slide some because we are shipped to the center system that complies with all the requirements of this competition.

• 19:54We will able to suggest, and then register a system that wasn't for • 19:58Me since the upsides built one maintaining an attractive PPA prices for the campus and we propose a very good time to engage the community and increase awareness for the benefits of renewable energy, thank you for your things Joseph Simon 20:13Thank you so much. That was a lot of information. I really appreciate you taking the time to share it with us today. • 20:20So now we're going to let that to you turn off their camera as the next team turns. There's on and we bring up their next presentation. • 20:30Our next presenting team is the University of Colorado Boulder.

They were choosing as the winner of the University of Central Florida division for their excellent financial analysis. Great work on development aspects. • 20:42Great work on their construction schedule very appealing proposal and a solid presentation. • 20:48I see the students on and I'm going to wait one moment until we see their slides.

But again, I'm just so impressed by all the students will learn the new technologies thought about the impact on the distribution system impact. • 21:01They thought about financial modeling went outside their comfort zone of what might already be taught in their schools to think about how this can be implemented at scale in their communities been for these district use cases. • 21:12With the presentation shared and the students on screen I turn it over to University of Colorado Boulder begin whenever you're comfortable.

Good luck. UCF Devin Lindsey 21:27Hello. We are the University of Colorado Boulder team and as just mentioned, we've been working on the use case for the University of Central Florida.

And this is our pitch proposal. UCF Ben Kite 21:42We were tasked by the Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Lab to design comprehensive distributed energy generation. • 21:49Was solar photovoltaic and battery storage systems, University of Central Florida wants as much economic solar production on their campus as possible with as little access net exports. • 21:58financial sustainability is important, but the focus of this project is going to be on energy independence. • 22:03University of Central Florida wanted energy incorporated in a way that flows with their campus and optimize the space without interfering with future land use plans. • 22:11It is also very important to highlight that UCF is located in environmentally sensitive area we are provided with three design areas for this competition.

• 22:19This includes the central campus rooftops a parking garage, a plot of land and a retention pond. We designed an optimized every possible system. And each of those zones.

UCF Eli Hinerfeld 22:30So if for proposed systems, the first being a ground out system producing 18.2 gigawatt hours annually. • 22:37This is a great way for UCF to attain their goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 due to the system, making up about 85% of our combined system annual production. • 22:47The spacing between the race is that for optimal sunlight for each panel as well as sunlight Dragonball text, which would be a great option for this ground system. • 22:55Takes are extremely beneficial because it not only provide shading for pan or the shape panels not only provide shading for the actual text, but the crops also provide a cooler climate that increases the efficiency of the panel.

UCF Jeff Jones 23:10Or a few major development considerations constrained our design and development plans for the ground system. • 23:16Just to the east of this property is a residential zone and due to local zoning ordinances. We had to stay at least 200 feedback from this area. • 23:23And in addition to this, we had to be sure that the design complied with local environmental regulations and permitting requirements. • 23:29And this entailed planning to conduct several Environmental Studies in the area to ensure that the system won't cause any harm to the nearby wetland conservation areas any native species or habitats, or the ECON law catchy river Protection Zone.

UCF Devin Lindsey 23:43So we decided to install a battery system with our ground mount, we used an Israel software called react like to do this. • 23:50React allowed us to optimize the size of our battery which as you can see the figure at the bottom of the page was less than 1% the annual production of the ground now. • 23:59This size was decided on because about it allowed us to balance the financial advantages of peak shaving and load shifting with the battery against the capital costs of implementing a battery storage system.

• 24:11The sighting of this battery was based on soil data in the region as well as distribution system modeling. UCF Eli Hinerfeld 24:19System is the photovoltaic system, which is our second largest with an annual energy production of 1.3 gigawatt hours. • 24:26This system provides UCF with a way to be on the leading edge of solar with novel technologies, the system has a higher environmental efficiency due to the colder water, keeping the system from overheating.

• 24:38And it's great because it both maximizes the space being used while minimizing the complexity. UCF Ben Kite 24:45Or parts of the next proposed photovoltaic installation, we'll be discussing today. This is our third largest and most efficient system, the canopy structure will fit snugly on top of the parking garage, so that we can utilize the land for energy generation without sacrificing • 24:58Any of UCS valuable real estate. • 25:01UCF wants a visual demonstration of solar capability.

So we designed side mounted photovoltaic systems oriented towards the center campus. • 25:09As you can see on the southeast and Southwest facing was just above the tree line. There are two awning style systems, as these are mounted directly on the wall. This will be much easier for Campus population to see the innovation and how UCF is dedicated to their mission of sustainability. UCF Eli Hinerfeld 25:25So for our last system which has to create a rooftop system and a student union building with an annual energy production of 437.6

megawatt hours. • 25:35The system is our smallest, but it does have a very unique visibility with the building being at the center of campus and having multiple layers of roofs. UCF Devin Lindsey 25:44So for all of our proposed and develop report systems we use open DSS to analyze the interconnection impacts of our proposed distributed generation. • 25:54As you can see in the first table here, we found that in both cases, we did not increase the number of voltage violations and we were actually able to offer UCS distribution system, a net decrease and thermal overload due to some of our recommended upgrades. UCF Jeff Jones 26:10So we have decided to go ahead and give each of our proposed PV systems, their own dedicated transformer to tie it into the grid.

• 26:18But in the process of analyzing the thermal overload. We also identified three different transformers on the UCF grid as well as one of the existing transformers that was previously dedicated to the flooded will take system. • 26:30And all four of these transformers where it's routinely experiencing thermal overload well above their emergency limits. So the second table here shows these for Transformers existing ratings and the ratings of our recommended replacements. • 26:42The final row is just a recommendation to use a stronger type of wire for the • 26:47Ground not lines that will need to be installed for the ground mount system since I just have to handle more power than really anywhere else on the grid. • 26:54But it's nothing, said with these upgrades in place, we should be able to decrease thermal overloading from where it is now.

So we don't anticipate any major problems with interconnecting the proposed PV systems. UCF Devin Lindsey 27:04So for the optimization of our proposal, we looked at three key metrics for UCF, we looked at the energy independence, our systems could provide them. • 27:13Which we measured with the annual production of our systems, we looked at the customer savings we could provide to UCF, and we looked at the visibility of the PV systems on their campus. • 27:22As you can see in the figure on the left, adding systems to the ground now tended to decrease the customer savings UCF could expect but it increased the annual production, we can provide to them. • 27:34The option in the middle there shows us that larger systems such as the carport and photovoltaics allowed us to maximize the customer savings, while still supplying a reasonable amount of annual production to UCF. • 27:47And the figure on the right, we looked at the implementation of our battery system from a financial standpoint.

• 27:53You see that there is a decrease in annual production, but with an increase of almost half a million in customer savings we decided to propose in the implementation of this battery storage system to UCF. UCF Avery Ostrand 28:05So for our proposed system that we found after many design and financial iterations resize it to be as large as possible to accommodate UCS desire for carbon neutrality and sustainable energy independence. • 28:17Overall it's about a 50 megawatts system with a 361 kilowatt battery and Elise price of around $140,000 PPS are disallowed in Florida. So we had to use these prices. • 28:28For UCF, and the savings that they can expect to see by pursuing our recommended 20 year lease contract.

It can be anywhere from $300,000 to up to $1.5 million and this is depending on the highly variable demand savings. • 28:43So for our investor economics, including our IRR and least price we found these under the constraint of setting our net present value to zero. • 28:51Achieving an IRR for our solar only systems at the current market standard of seven and a half percent • 28:56Basically, ensuring that our proposal is economically competitive our battery only system actually achieved a positive return to investors and an IRR above current market rates of 10.25% • 29:09Overall are recommended system provides UCF with savings their sustainable energy implementation. • 29:14Hopefully can inspire many others who see it to do the same.

And it will make UCF, a leader and innovative solutions for a sustainable future. And with that, thank you so much for this amazing opportunity. Joseph Simon 29:27Awesome, thank you for University of Colorado Boulder. • 29:31Now, as they turn off their cameras and our next team turns, there is on. Can we bring up the next presentation, I'm pleased to introduce our final presenting school has Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. • 29:42They scored top marks and all five judging areas.

From there, judging panel and were chosen as the winner of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln division for their focus on the three seats. • 29:53Clean cost at core unity, which I'm sure we're going to find out what that means in just a few minutes, so I'm waiting to see all of the students join and I see the presentation is up with that I'll turn it over to University of our Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Go ahead. UNL Jennifer Perskin 30:13Hello, everyone, and thank you for taking the time to watch our presentation. We are the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University solar studs and we are presenting our pitch presentation for the solar district up 2021 • 30:30There we go.

Um, so here is our team on today, presenting. We have Jennifer Elijah and Eric • 30:37So we were given the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, or you analysis, our district. It's a large public university located in Nebraska. • 30:43If you take a look at the global horizontal solar radiance map where the gh I map. It's a measure of how much solar you • 30:50Can use and it's moderately low compared to the rest of the US and other thing to consider is that you are now a wants sustainability on their campus and the way that they're doing that is through the Chancellor's environmental sustainability and resiliency Commission.

• 31:04So what was our solar study system design approach we focused on the three C's. • 31:10Clean cost and corn unity corn unity is it is a term our team created to encompass UL ul's Husker spirit and strive for sustainability. • 31:22So for clean. We're going to incorporate solar power on to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln campus. • 31:27For costs.

We're going to design a cost efficient system that is cheaper than not in the current non renewable energy utility • 31:34And for corn unity. We're going to engage the UFO community and campus wide sustainability efforts. I'm going to pass it off to a larger to talk more about our system. UNL Elijah Jenkins 31:41THANK YOU, JOHN I think a good place to start is that Nebraska is actually the only state in which all electricity providers are publicly owned utilities.

• 31:49This definitely shows itself in you and knows utility rate schedule as they are being charged only two and a half cents per kilowatt hour for their energy • 31:56Which is extremely cheap as far as Nebraska and the rest of the United States goes. So if energy is this cheap. How do we design a photovoltaic system that will be cost efficient. • 32:06I'll tell you how we're going to attack the commercial demand charge from the utility rate schedule. • 32:11This demand charges being charged for, you know, as more than $21 per kilowatt of billing demand her building per month. • 32:19If we can cut that billing demand we can create a profitable project for photovoltaic panels and battery storage systems so • 32:28In summary, our design hits the three C's for clean we offset 5% of us knows energy needs with our 880 kilowatt solar panel system.

• 32:38And for cost efficiency, we have a total project NPV have about $180,000 and and I are about 7.5 to present • 32:46For corn unity we comply with that Chancellor's commission for environment, sustainability and resiliency we incorporate the Warren Buffett solar center and agricultural research stations and all in all we just put the corn back in Cornhuskers • 32:59So let's take a tour of our proposed systems. First, we're going to take a look at East Campus with five independent systems. • 33:06First we have the Northwest carport lot providing power and energy to 11 separate buildings on the East Campus along with their separate battery systems. • 33:15This car port is also associated with EV charging. Next we have the animal science complex a 205 kilowatt system split between an EV enabled.

• 33:24carport lot as well as a rooftop enable or rooftop mounted solar panels. Finally, we have three separate rooftop systems. • 33:32One being la college with 14 kilowatts, and its own battery. Another day Barclay Memorial center with 22 kilowatts. And finally, the College of Dentistry with about 41 kilowatts of solar panels on its roof.

• 33:44Next we're going to look at City campus and we'll touch on that corn later, but first we're going to look at Andrews Hall. • 33:5029 kilowatt system with itself associated battery system. Next we have solar pole mounted signage AROUND IN AND AROUND US city campus.

These are eye level and layered with solar skin in order to showcase you and else diversity and • 34:05Ability to showcase their dedication to sustainability with university signage and maps all around campus. • 34:12Finally we have the rooftop system known as the corn. This will also be layered with solar skins provide an image of us knows proposed sustainability initiatives and dedication to sustainability around campus. • 34:24Next we're going to be looking at the agricultural field.

• 34:27First, we have three separate aggregate aggregate tag research stations with about 500 panels. These are placed in various locations as to not interfere with existing crops, but provide research opportunities for students and faculty • 34:39Finally we have the dubbed Warren Buffett solar center name for one of the UN L's most prestigious graduates Warren Buffett. • 34:47This provides a community center location, ideal for farmers markets movie nights under the stars and all types of community engagement events.

JOHN Why don't you go ahead and keep going about admirable takes UNL Jennifer Perskin 34:58So aggravated takes is a symbiotic relationship between agriculture and PV systems, our team was inspired by this up and coming technology and we designed three research stations. • 35:08With varying spacing to provide a varying amount of sunlight. The first station is two feet of spacing and that's where vineyards beans and outs.

• 35:15The second station has 4.17 feet of spacing and that's for wheat and vegetables and our third Research Station is for corn with six feet of spacing I Elijah. You talk about resiliency. UNL Elijah Jenkins 35:26Yeah, of course.

So ideally Resilience is the idea that you're able to withstand an outage and sustained a building's critical load. • 35:34For our challenge that critical load was the animal science complex with 30% of its low profile needing to be met at any given time. • 35:42Ideally, this will be an insurance policy, ensuring the systems saving of $2 million worth of crucial inventory for you and now.

Additionally, our system is complete rely reliable with 95% confidence that it will sustain our assumed three hour outage. UNL Erik Regan 35:59Equipment selection we decided to choose a high efficiency solar panel and inverter, as well as two different residential size batteries to help with peak shaving. • 36:08For resiliency battery we combined for Tesla mega packs for a combined 200 kilowatt 800 kilowatt hour resiliency system with a depth of discharge of 100% during an outage.

• 36:20For expected operation of each battery system will be using peak shaving algorithm in which each battery will be serving helping with PV to peak shape those loads. • 36:31For our distribution system impact analysis, we have two main metrics of interest over slash under voltage as well as equipment overloading when these when these metrics are violated. It causes things like damage to insulation and decreased equipment lifespan. • 36:47And for our methodology. First we evaluated the base case implemented, I proposed system using MSR DB radiance and temperature data.

• 36:55conducted a sensitivity analysis of four different situations where high stress will be placed on the system and identify the equipment upgrade necessary for the anger voltaic transformer UNL Elijah Jenkins 37:06Our financial inputs included the P capital cost of about 1600 dollars per kilowatt differing commercial and residential battery cost due to the size of the batteries and the costs associated with them and the Federal 26% tax incentive • 37:20Use to justify the cost of our project our financial outputs include a 12 cents per kilowatt hour PPA price and IRR 7.5% and a payback period of 11 years associated with the project NPV of 180 $7,000 • 37:34Or resiliency challenge NPV while about negative $300,000 actually sustains about $2 million worth of avoided outage costs, bringing the resilience benefit up to about $1.7 million UNL Jennifer Perskin 37:48And development plan highlights the important steps to construct the system with an eight month timeline. • 37:53First, you need to understand the zoning ordinances then acquire the necessary permits and documentation we ensure that our proposal was in compliance with with ul's master plan titled plan big and we identify potential risks that could delay our construction. • 38:08Finally, the main focus of the solar study as to design a system that promote sustainability and engages the UFO community, our systems such as the Warren Buffett solar center or the corn will bring the campus together in a new and greener way.

• 38:21Thank you so much, you Joseph Simon 38:23That is the end of your presentation. We really appreciate all the teams who took the time to tell us about their story today. • 38:30So I'm going to turn things over now to Kelly speaks Bachman again for some remarks and instructions and voting for the project pitch champion Kelly. Kelly Speakes-Backman 38:40Oh my gosh, how much fun. These were great pitches everybody it feel like I'm on an episode of Shark Tank great ideas love the corn love • 38:51There's just all kinds of really cool stuff going around and I'm excited to see who actually wins.

But my book. You're all winners. This has been just a really fun time this afternoon. • 39:02We're going to begin the voting process.

Now we're activating the zoom whole feature and you'll have a few minutes to select the team that you believe will be our project pitch winner, the pole should now be visible in on your screens. • 39:20Okay. • 39:22So, Joseph Simon 39:23For him it is visible and we see votes coming through. I don't think you can see a telly.

But yeah. Kelly Speakes-Backman 39:29I was just wondering that. Thank you.

Um, so as we're counting votes. I did want to actually talk a little bit about era. And our goal of working to accelerate the clean energy revolution really • 39:44We're moving technologies really from lab to market. And this is just a really exciting time to be a part of. • 39:50Such activity, we're focusing on how we can bring an impact to a 100% clean grid by 2035 and how we're going to use these technologies to decarbonize transportation buildings industry and agriculture.

• 40:06I'm proud that we've already hit the ground running. Since the Biden administration took office in • 40:11In January, we've invested chest since January 20 more than 260 million dollars in renewable energy, both in research and development and in deployments. • 40:23Are backing up this target with nearly 120 $8 million in investments to lower cost, improve performance and speed, the deployment of solar energy technologies. • 40:34And we know we can't do it alone. We're writing the next chapter in clean energy revolution.

And that's going to meet that's going to require entrepreneurs scientists citizens innovators and students like you coming into the workforce. • 40:50So let's see everybody did just such a great job. • 40:55As this. I just wanted to let you know. Also, they asked me to talk a little bit about the next round. So as this round of the solar district cup is coming to an end.

• 41:05You should know that. Another one will begin and the next batch of students will have a chance to advance the vision of decarbonizing our economy. • 41:13Registration opens already tomorrow for the third class which will launch in the fall and complete in 2022 • 41:21Your support will make sure that the brightest and the most talented students across the United States can participate. So please share this program with your colleagues and your peers at other universities. • 41:36And so we'll just be waiting to hear who the winner is. I think the votes are still coming in.

I can't see, though, Joe, can you Joseph Simon 41:44Yeah, so I can see that just about 95% of those on the call and voted. • 41:49And • 41:49You the results. I know what they are. They should be coming through to you now.

It should be in the zoom chat for you to be able to announce who that result is let's see if we can find Kelly Speakes-Backman 42:00Okay. Oh, we have a winner. Y'all get you guys ready Joseph Simon 42:05And I have our trophy. Kelly Speakes-Backman 42:08Okay.

So all three of today's pitches were just outstanding. And I am so proud of you all. • 42:14We should remember that all the teams have made an invaluable contribution. There's no doubt that our clean energy future is in great hands, but for right now, I am pleased to announce that our champion team is drumroll please • 42:29University of Colorado Boulder with the team members from you. UCF Devin Lindsey 42:40Now I can speak for our team, real quick, I first of all just want to thank everyone on our team. We had about a 10 person team only five of us got it present today.

• 42:49But it would not have been possible without the work of everybody. We want to thank our faculty advisor, Dr. Walker. • 42:55For introducing us to this competition and helping us along the whole way. We want to thank the NRL advisors. I know that I attended every webinar and had a great time with them. • 43:05And I feel like everyone on our team has learned so much from this experience, and then the family and friends of everyone on our team who helped us as we • 43:13slog through 20 Hour work weeks in our online semester to get all of this done, but we just want to thank everybody.

It's a great honor. Kelly Speakes-Backman 43:23Awesome. Congratulations, Devon just congratulations again. UCF Eli Hinerfeld 43:29Thank you. Kelly Speakes-Backman 43:31So exciting.

So also, I want to, again, I want to say thanks to everyone who competed in the Solar district cup class of 2021 • 43:39I am so looking forward to the next round of competition class of 22 that's going to span the 2021 and 2022 academic year. So whether you're a student, a faculty member or an industry professional. We invite you to get involved in the • 43:54Program. Go to hear rocks com slash solar district up for updates. You can see that right there.

• 44:03Okay, so that's it. We are through and we are so grateful for your time and your support and all your ingenuity. This has been just an amazing experience. Thanks everyone. • 44:13That's all.

Joseph Simon 44:15Thank you so much.


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