Democratizing AI - Progress and Possibility in the Smart Tech Era

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hello hello everyone hello this is Irene with  SaugaTalks hello thank you for joining I know   you're following us but guess what it's never  too late to remind people please please please   support us if you like what we're doing here  follow us on LinkedIn on X on YouTube because   Fascinating People in Tech here is chatting with  me and sharing their experience and expertise and   I'm so privileged today because Jack ludik  with meet today Jack how are you Irene it's   wonderful to be here um just coming back from  a a big international trip it was a wonderful   experience uh actually talking about democratizing  AI to benefit everyone and unlocking societal   and business value at scale and see a little bit  what's happening in seul South Korea haven't been   there talk about Robotics and intelligent agents  on trustworthy AI guard rails and then in Dubai   it was just unbel believable the forward Vision  um it was it is just incredible how business as   well as Government are aligned in terms of where  we need to go so was inspiring let's start right   there Jack let's start because you're in so  many Ventures I mean you are such a productive   productive leader I just found your book How  uh democratization of AI benefiting everyone   we're going to talk about all of it today your  recent trip you mentioned right it's important in   front of the clients in front of the partners  governments you even mentioned right what's   the vibe out there you kind of started talking  about it give us some details you mean robotics   railroads I mean what's in the future for the  humankind it feels I so interesting because   I do travel all around the globe and I'm doing a  little bit more now after Co I used to to do these   World trips and when I sold my first a company  to General Electric during that time and a g I   was doing a lot of world tours um and uh right now  it is unbelievable to see in South Korea of of not   only forward thinking they are but where they are  really on the edge of Robotics and drones and and   I was amazed to see this at scale um and then  when you come to Dubai you see governments the   United Arab Emirates all seven of them as well  as Saudi you see all these kind of people people   completely aligned they think about the future  really futuristic they think about how can we   shape that sustainable a better future um and  it's inspiring it's inspiring To See Vision um   longer term planning and when I go to um some  of the countries in Africa I recently met up   with the minister of science science technology in  Zambia for instance we had a big conference there   and it was really great to see the hunger  but there's a big difference between kind   of African countries some African countries that  is aspiring and other countries that's executing   they are really so there's kind of disparate um  what we see here so it's it's eye opening um so   what's needed here is to is really Visionary  leadership and execution um and and to help to   help these kind of countries that that need the  help um and well that's what I'm doing as well so but I must say it feels so great I'm I'm here  in Cape Town South Africa it's it's a really smart   city um probably not as smart smart city as  Singapore or some of or seul or some of those   countries where things are more smooth and digital  but it's terms of some of the infrastructure it is   world class um but when you go to the Bai when  you go to seul when you go to Tokyo um you go to   some of the US cities as well it's it is amazing  to see um where certain parts of the world is   actually leading uh in terms of digitization a  driven digitization digital transformation and   really thinking about Ai and web 3 uh metaverse  thinking about augmented reality virtual reality   already try to build Solutions with this you can  see there's also even the people play with chat   GPT and then you can see there's frust ation as  well because they want to do a little bit more   um and and uh but they see the potential I think  um with generative AI clearly there's a lot of   excitement there's a lot of business value that  will be in unlocked and we will see Industries   being disrupted um for sure um especially if it  goes more multimodal not only language but a video   audio and you bring language and everything  together I think we're going to see something   special and then then I I do think a decentralized  world is absolutely a great possibility because   there's so much Innovation with blockchain and and  and just to create that kind of Greater economy   um and if you couple that with personalized Ai and  that's I'm very passionate about that because I do   think that is a way to democratize AI to benefit  everyone and I talk about this in my book as well   so um we need to get to a situation where the tech  job is not just controlling everything monetizing   all data and services um I think it's going to  be important that we also balance that with and   Empower people with their own personalized AI  assistant that can monetize help them monetize   their data and services and even while they sleep  do things as well um so yeah I'm excited about   I can see I can visualize the the positive  outcomes here but we still need to navigate   there we got to be careful um I think if I think  about digital dictatorship um I'm worried about   that I'm worried about um kind of surveillance  capitalism surveillance capitalism is where   you've got effectively powerful multinational  companies controlling manipulating people in   subtle ways uh to make money um and those type  of things as well now there's not a problem to   provide services and all of these kind of things  I think Google Microsoft Amazon apple apple is   coming up with some really interesting products  next year Vision Pro and and other things as well   and I think it's going to enhance it's going to  it's going to help um but we still need to think   about how can we optimize quality of life for  as many people as possible we should we should   not just say optimize GDP it should be optimize  quality of life um and that's why also my book I   talk about a massive transformative purpose for  Humanity um and and there's specific goals that   complement United Nations SGS as well um the  United Nations vision is is great for 2030 and   Beyond um but I do think there's some goals  needed because we live in a smart technology   era that actually complement those goals and  potentially help us achieve that achieve it in   a better way um in terms of AI I think we the  trustworthy AI guard rails are super important   um so regulation is super important anything that  touches individuals um that's even even with the   likes of chat GPT and those kind of things we  um I think generative AI we we will definitely   need to ensure that we are positioning it in a  responsible way um that's that's empowering and   helping as many people as possible unfortunately  it's going to disrupt as well so we're going to   see some tasks um being automated um so  it's it's a it's an interesting journey ahead you know democratization of AI has kind of  two sides I'm sure it has many sides all right but   yes the two that I see immediately is first of all  yes looks like I is everywhere and anywhere all   right and number of apps coming you know available  to all of us it's impossible it's overwhelming   right to kind of understand what's happening out  there right at the same time so looks like on the   user side right we have great options again not  everything's secure not everything is really ready   to be right productional lied on the other side  democratization of AI to me in previous years it   was all about skills because looked like only  Ivory Tower scientist you know phds no less   could have access to the systems and develop them  you know in sophisticated way so where do you see   that democratization is going in a way that hey  more and more uh specialist needed you know more   software Engineers should become AI uh right  AI specialist so where that democratization   of skills going you think yes that that is a great  question Arin I the way I'm looking at this do you   know what's actually happening here the smarter  we it's almost like they say software is eating   hardw eating eating other things other Industries  all sorts of stuff and it's AI eating software I   think what where we going is as we create more  intelligent software and and almost if you think   about the human computer interface right now we  still have uh mouses and keyboards and all sorts   of stuff but as the technology enables us to just  communicate naturally with uh with the computer   with the entity with the intelligent agent um and  this agent can also empath empathize with me as   well so so it's kind kind of really understand my  shortcomings or where I need some assistance and   help I think that that is that is the future  that we hope U that we should aim for but the   point that I want to make here is that if you  think about it's becoming easier to communicate   your intent and what you want to do you can for  instance say something please write a program to   do this this and this and you don't necessarily  need to have all the technical skills or AI   knowledge because you've got an intelligent system  an intelligent agent that tries to figure out what   you need and want and then can execute in that and  can do the complicated things so and in that way   the more intelligent the system becomes the easier  it will be for more people to actually use it so   um so I do think you do have that kind of angle  MIT has got this interesting thing where they   talk about sustainers explainers and trainers you  you can train this is all to do with jobs that's   AI related so you trainers would be people that's  actually training the systems building the models   all of those kind of things um if you think about  um explainers is saying talking about what does it   do and all of those kind of things as well so you  need to have some sort of knowledge of what this   model is doing but it's more on the application  side and then sustainers would be looking at say   the ethical aspects of this what is the impact on  Society all of those kind of things as well does   it adhere to regulation and so forth so so we will  see these interesting jobs and I think it's going   to be human plus AI it's going to be people that's  embracing the technology and and using that to   solve problems um and in the future I've got this  one graph that talks about the evolution of of   intelligence where you can actually take say you  go all the way from the current narrow type of AI   to kind of AGI to a sympathetic Ai and a shared AI  where that's all explainable that cooperate with   humans that's also like humans we are on guard  rails as well we adhere to laws government laws   um there's morality there's all sorts of things  um we know what's ethics and stuff so as humans   when I when I go to se Hill or I go to the buy  by the way if you go to the UAE because of maybe   the penalties that's in Place most people or all  people adhere to to to to what needs to be done so   you don't see people that's going off rails so  it's very interesting so I do think if we look   at an ecosystem of intelligence where synthetic  AI intelligent agents and humans cooperate um it   whatever is relevant for us should be relevant for  intelligent agents as well we got to ensure that   they also stay on the ethical trustworthy AI path  or just trustworthy path um so so I think it's   going to be all important um yeah so so I hope  I answered your question there so I I I do think   actually as as we increase the intelligence we're  also going to increase accessibility as well along   that as well so we just need to make sure that  we Empower people um my my my concern would be   that we just go into this without thinking about  how we going to reward positive contributions to   society or how we going to um reward people  in ways that's maybe not typical of the job   market right now we we probably need to adjust the  economic system to make sure that what is the kind   of future if we want to optimize quality of life  when we live in a world of abundance kind of a   Star Trek economy if we hopefully can get there  then then the M then the question is how do you   make it as accessible as possible to everyone to  give everybody a kind of opportunity now even in   that kind of world you will always have people  that's working hard harder that's probably more   talented so you will never get an equal world even  there um so as long as you get it more Equitable   I think that's going to be quite important um so  yeah so I do think we we if if we put the right   environment structures governance structures  economic structures everything in place um we   would be able to get to a future that we want  and that um that don't discriminate against   people as well so it is possible so we'll  have to see we we need Visionary leaders to execute how do you see that adoption is going  now because one thing to me it's still a huge   gap okay the possibilities of what's possible okay  these fun videos these fabulous examples right and   yet when I speak with industry leaders all right  they're kind of you know reluctant in many ways so   how do you see it's happening right now meaning  that what's is it shifting is it even shifting   towards I think it's shifting and what you know  what surprised me when I was earlier this year   even like Kenya Nairobi it was so interesting to  see the talent there and the eagerness to learn   and playing it's like a it's like this wonderful  toolbox where they start playing around with the   technology now the question is can you actually  create scalable Solutions that's meaningful for   for a country for the world so so so that  is the challenge so I think it's very early   days the adoption is disproportionate it's not  obviously because of maturity of where people   are I can see for instance in a country like the  UAE for instance that given their focus on these   kind of things they're everything is so smooth  and Slick um that that in Singapore if you think   about those kind of countries as well so things  are moving quicker um and and there is guidance   needed um so so if we want to help the countries  that's slower uh we don't want countries to be   left behind I I do think more about Humanity  as a like like a body and cells in a body all   the and it's so important that we look after  and help um countries that's lagging as well   um and and obviously sometimes the countries  the people that's leading is is standing the   way so people are typically the greatest enemy  of of progress as well so so it needs to be um   and sometimes Democratic processes is also  keeping things down or bureaucracy so this   is why in some countries where you've got more  kind of say China for instance the reason why   they can grow or at least also progress quicker  is because they're looking at a longer term vision   and they're trying to to align people as well not  everything is perfect uh but but it's it's um in   smaller countries it's easier if you think of some  smaller countries in Europe um the Scandinavian   countries or some of the other countries where  it's less people um where where the where the   thinking is probably more in tune with one another  and that you can progress in that regard so so I   do think yeah so it's very it's on a spectrum  I think so so we just need to to try move it   up and and improve and I think it's important for  countries to also set an example um of what can be done because um if if you see really good examples  that's working then other countries can follow and   say we want to do the same even if you fly across  the globe you can you can see how people how   quickly technology and systems and infrastructure  look similar so as Humanity we already doing a   good job of just copying what other countries are  doing and what works it doesn't matter if it's   more socialistic or communistic versus Democratic  or whatever it is there is still that happening   so um and if you see this is creating more wealth  this is working we just need those good examples   across the globe City Smart City smart towns  that's that's doing a great job and I think   it will be interesting to see in a few hundred  years from now if there's still countries as we   see it today U maybe it's like the Internet it's  like smart cities smart towns connected like the   internets like nodes and there's frictionless or  borderless kind of interaction um and and business   and flow um I can see that kind of that kind of  World um because the the dangers that we face as   humanity is anyway Global uh we are hyperconnected  Society it's like this civilization intellect and   we we if we can influence this intellect to to  really move in the right direction it's going   to be good for us for all of us so I I know we've  got some Wars about territory about religion about   many things and it's so uh it's really sad to see  some of this as well and I think if there's real   wisdom if you're looking back we will see that  we can overcome these kind of things and there   are bigger problems that we need to look we need  to be United as Humanity even if we don't like   it's almost like globalization is going through  all sorts of Cycles because of this but but I do   think in the future there needs to be empathy and  respect for cultures and we need to collaborate   and even think with AI we're probably going to  see um that it's going to be easy to communicate   with other people in other languages because  of what's happening with translations realtime   translations and stuff even if we don't all speak  English or other languages it's going to be more   smooth smooth and easy so AI is going to help  with better communication I do think um but   we got to be smart I think we've we already seen  some um dangerous experiments with humanity and we   see mental health problems that's why we've got  AI driven Solutions around mental health um and   and I do think not only mental health but but I do  think we need to look at the well-being of people   um and uh that's going to be important so so for  instance with social media there's good and bad   and I think this information overload um identity  crisis when people keeping up with the Joneses and   all sorts of stuff um is and and also as Humanity  it's easy for us to see what's going wrong in a   different part of the world very quickly and  people can get demoralized and when they see   it in the past that was kind of hidden from them  this is just their small world that they operate   in now we're almost like plugged into this Global  conscious Consciousness um and and uh so we have   to take care of one another I see a lot of good uh  there's currently the Rugby World Cup and Cricket   World Cups um sou Africa is participating and  it is good to see how um that can unite people   as well at least in a country as well so um if we  can just unite around a a massive transformative   purpose that everybody feels inspired by  and that's what I talk about my book as   well so I do have this this whole thing about um  sapients and and stuff but we can talk about that later I want to encourage everyone first of  all so follow Jack on LinkedIn I'm big fan now   okay he's driving multiple Ventures wealth  of information he published a book Amazon   available to everyone multiple other everywhere  exactly democratizing artificial intelligence to   benefit everyone shaping a better future in the  smart technology era so find find Kindle edition   paperback I really encourage everyone because I'm  just opening it up right now learning a lot and   basically um yes Jack with leader of your caliber  okay who is not just you know speaking about it   who is really driving the ventures out there okay  can you tell us all right what's making up your   days in a way that you're leading startups you're  leading company to grow so what's your practical   angle right now yeah so it's very interesting  I'm actually in a stage where after Co and we've   created two um AI driven personal Wellness uh  platforms uh the one is called V teens it will   become part of vi vi which is absolutely  looking at well-being and there's some exciting   stuff uh that we're looking at in terms of that  that's a nice practical application and it's   so interesting that that kind of application is  resonating everywhere last year we won the world   economic forum award youth mental health award  for that for for for that particular app um so   so that's part of it um I'm actually at a point  here where I we we currently have a kind of a   us a AI oligopoly which is which is good because  the US is leading and and uh but but I do think   it's important for the world that there's other  parts of the world that's also strong in AI to   complement and and also to help move us forward  and so I'm looking at can we establish a global   AI leader that's really and I'm interested  in personalized Ai and intelligent agents on   trustworthy guard rails um can we can we create  that and and intelligent agents shouldn't just   be like the generative AI chat GPT type of stuff  because they are already building a world model   and so forth but what we need is uh intelligent  agents that really understands what's going going   on in terms of similar similar to us in terms  of creating a proper World model doing proper   reasoning and planning So currently it's limited  very limited and there are very specific things   that I uh know that we need to pursue um specific  AIS not just a generative AI stack but also Yan   Lun talks about energy based self-supervised  learning I think there's some exciting stuff   and components there that will lead us to better  types of intelligent agents that could that really   help us and then there's another strand of  AI new different type of AI based on active   inference uh based on the free energy principle  uh professor calll friston and there's a company   called versus in Los Angeles that's also pursuing  this I do think we can get to explainable AI in   that way they also have this path going all the  way up to Shared uh intelligence or sympathetic   intelligence um and that's for me very promising  for intelligent agents so so I'm looking at can we   establishing a global a leader that's innovating  at pushing a Innovation but it's really looking at   creating state-ofthe-art moving the intelligent  agents to become really more intelligent more   sympathetic and operating and trustworthy  AI guard rails so that kind of thing is very important and then I do have this kind of  vision around sapience which is like a AI   driven super platform that's user controlled  um where everybody's got their own AI agent and   they can communicate with others but this AI agent  looks after their Data Vault where all their data   is stored and can help and connect and connect  with the world but it could be like uh what what   I'm envisioning here is like a lifelong learner  assistant lifewide learner assistant helping you   to make better decisions also ensuring that you  are not um too dependent on it because the this   dependence locking is also a problem um and I also  think so it could be like lifelong learner it can   help with decisions it can help optimize quality  of life help you make better decisions um all of   those kind of things I think that is the kind  of potential that I'm really excited about and   if people make better decisions on sense making on  education but also in terms of Wellness Health um   it it will be tremendous so if you just can get  an AI agent that's helping on that kind of level   and it's truly really effective then then I think  we we are moving forward as a humanity and it's   almost driving that goal of optimizing quality  of life for as many people as possible and you   want to do it in sustainable ways and in harmony  with nature so so so those kind of things are are   important so I've got a and there's more that  I can talk about specifically what this massive   transformative purpose for Humanity is and how  it complements United Nations I can talk about   that but before I do I I just want to mention  the other thing that I'm looking at so it's not   just the AI Innovation and then this AI driven  Wellness Companions and this personalized AI but   also the other leg is around a driven sustainable  technology Venture Capital funder funds so we're   busy with putting a uh private equity and  Venture Capital fund the funds together so   we can actually support these kind of initiatives  um that I'm talking about and other initiatives   that's complimentary to this um so excited about  that like this is like nice vehicle that can help   support uh this as well so yeah so those those are  the things that keep me busy right now so it's a   interesting phase where uh there's new Ventures um  and looking at U making an impact and a difference   and causing hopefully positive ripples in in in in  in Civilization just just a little contribution as well quick advice for those who just planning to  start career in technology because we will need   all the talent we can get don't we absolutely we  we will need all the talent and you know what the   talent is across the spectum that that excites  me as well I remember um a few years ago I was   always going to these AI conferences and it's all  Technical and I remember there was one conference   in Rio Janeiro where there was a lot of um  different types of philosophy people ethics   people and it was I can just see the change  and it's even it's dramatically more so I see   so many people that's in AI you don't necessarily  need to be an expert on the technology you could   be maybe be an expert on ethical trustworthy  AI the applications regulation aspects um or   in the industry how do you apply it so it touches  everyone um I think and and uh so it's opening up   the door so I think I think what one needs to  do is you will need to look at how can we use   the technology 21st century skills is looking at  uh really quick adaption adoption um looking at   how I can use tools in the most effective way  possible so we need to get used to change and   accept change so even at school level we need to  say this are 21st century skills there critical   thinking first principles thinking I think those  kind of things are very important I also think   transdisciplinary thinking is important it's  almost like if you think about d viny and a   lot of the other scientists or people from a few  centuries ago it they they didn't think about just   putting themselves in boxes even though I'm a I  did my PhD in AI I I know business and being a   smart technology entrepreneur and got gained a  lot of experience with that there there is I'm   still open to learn to think about philosophy  because what is what is real what is reality   if you think about epistemology ontology all of  these kind of things I just realized it's super   important um because if you think about ethics  and regulation you need to go to philosophy to   also assist and help and provide guard rails  so so there's almost like a I I um I I value   kind of the whole spectrum of of things and if I  think about about sustainability um understanding   bology understanding our environment and what  we are doing to our environment those kind of   things are important what we're doing to space  uh all sorts of stuff so I think it's important   for people to not um to think more broadly openly  about things try to make sense I would love to see   an AI assistant um that can assist you everyone  with sense making So currently in the in the in   the US we see a lot of polarization as well not  only there other places as well and if you if   you really want to understand the other point of  view you want to almost steal manage so you've   got a agent that helps you better understand other  points of view so you can appreciate that better I   think we we can arrive to more wisdom and empathy  and better ways of dealing with things um so I   would love to see uh kind of intelligence  or AI supporting us in in that regard as well this is fantastic fantastic end of the  conversation time is flying Jac thank you so   very much for joining me today in conclusion can  we leave our audience with few maybe takeaways   because we went all the way you know from  future Trends from challenges adaption realities   right your Ventures I mean a few takeaways to  remember this conversation by yeah absolutely   um I've got this saying around Ai and web 3 where  intelligence meets trust trust is obviously with   decentralization and blockchain and those kind of  things intelligence is what AI can provide so I do   think those kind of things um so it's a fusion of  these AI Technologies can we can create a better   future if we are smart in how we apply this but  we need to think about the big picture we need to   think about cause and effect and there's people  like Daniel smen Berger part of the consilience   project that talks about the meta crisis and so  and it's those are more system thinkers and I do   think one needs to think about the implications of  what we do in a broader context and when I wrote   the book democratizing AI to benefit everyone  I try to make sense of what's Happening across   the glob not just in all the industries but what  governments are doing what's the future of AI but   then I ask the question is what does it mean to  be human in a 21st century and what is the kind   of future that we want the beneficial outcomes  that we want and in chapter 10 I go into a lot of   detail there chapter 11 I talk about trustworthy  AI ethical Ai and last chapter chapter 12 I talk   about um a kind of solutions brainstorming  Solutions and I do think there are solutions   and I'm busy with kind of solutions looking at  person personized Ai and intelligent agents um   that's that's really on trustworthy guard rails  um and I think that's what we should really focus   on so that's that's what I've got to say thank  you thank you Jack so very much thank you my pleasure


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