Delta PLC Timer Programming using WPLSoft 03

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hey guys this is Vilas here welcome to my tutorials so today we will learn about the timers okay after this in accelerator counter in detail I am going to tell you so first we'll open with uh the Delta PLC software Delta PLC programming software that is wpl soft 5.1 this is available latest version in website only in previous video I have shown how to download it and install just go through the video and return back to this video and so here I will create one new program for this I will mention it as a test okay PLC I have taken and SSV sv2 I have taken you can take any other peels also and if you have any plc actual PLC we can select the port serial Port which we have connected and click ok so this part uh in this video I will show in next video I am going to I'm not going to show this in creating new project because I don't want to drag the timing so timer in the sense uh we have one timer over here that is a t on t 0 is the timer so here if we take the instruction set if we check here t0 here 100 millisecond timer 100 millisecond timer that is the time base value so just I want to tell you that from t0 to t63 that is 64 points we can have and after that whatever timer we are mentioning those are 10 millisecond timers and those are from 64 to 126. that is 63 timers we have and one millisecond timer for them we have to have T 127 only one timer we have okay depending on the requirement first working requirement we can have okay simple thing what is time based value and other things I am going to tell you before going to this programming mode so time based value as I said just we'll go through this basic now okay that is 100 millisecond 100 millisecond this is the time we show you 100 millisecond in the sense 100 divided by 1000. okay

millisecond in the sense that is 100 into 10 to the power of minus 3. so it gives us two zeros canceled I mean 0.1 okay actual time if you want to mention that is if 5 Second you want to give so actual time equal to 50 E I have to give to get 0.1 that is 5 Second we'll get okay it means that 5 divided by 10 will give us 0.5 second means it is a half second so to get to 5 Second exactly we have to give timer value that is 50 then we are going to get 5 second time delay okay next is 10 millisecond okay simply 10 millisecond 10 divided by 1000 that is 0.1 okay 0.1 in the sense

okay here we'll get to 0.1 so wait a second we'll go through this first here we have okay and that is 10 millisecond 10 millisecond okay 10 millisecond in the sense directly 10 into 10 to the power of sorry hundred so I'm bad in maths okay into 10 to the power of minus 3 that is 10 divided by 1000 okay one canceled that is 0.01 we'll get so to get 5 second delay okay we have to give 500 count value that is timer value and into 0.01

that is equal to 5500 divided by 100 it used five second count okay similarly one millisecond is 5000 we have to give to get five second time delay okay so these are the things in detail I have I have told you just will go through the addresses okay we'll go through the addresses like a t 0 t 0 2 t64 to t63 t63 and t64 to that is 126. T 126 okay next that is one millisecond is t127 t 127 so this I will hide now so we'll go with the program so both timer will have and will test for the timer so one simple input will take that is F1 x 0 I will take and so saying to seeing I'm going to take three timers over there okay that is to give the instructions that we have to double click instruction type is that uh like uh t0 space k five zero for t 0 to T sixty sixty three okay if I take t 0 to 363 I will take t63 and click ok no not t 0 and all TMR TMR 63 okay actually this model let's check the range okay SSA we have taken sv2 okay for sv2 SV series okay SV series 100 millisecond okay this is not supporting actually here they are not mentioned clearly okay series it is timer 100 millisecond t 0 to 199 they have given actually 200 points but it is not taking so let's try with the other thing we'll take simply t 0 okay there is a little bit confusion between um with suviche and this one I am working on many software so I'll get confused sometime so actual instruction is like a TMR we have to mentioned okay let's check this one t021 199. okay t 0 and 100 200 points we are getting okay there is a condition actually there we can get the condition over here all conditions have been written over there okay condition nodes and all but the thing is that first we can check where see I am telling about the help manual help manual also okay you can read over there SV model we have taken so here they have mentioned that timer indicated by TMR instruction so simply we have to mention first TMR next t0 okay so uh for SSV 3 that 199 is there so I can take 199 also t199 space k50 it is a 100 Milli timer 100 millisecond timer next we'll check for the 10 millisecond that is 202 239 242 to 45 seconds you can see these are the regular timers and accumulative points in the sense we have to use it in a special purpose cases and all so I will take it as a 239 I will take okay next instruction will be 239 so instead of 550 I will take 100 at least we should have 10 second of count to check values okay next I will take simply the parallel runga will take and here I will add the instruction TMR face what is the next 110 millisecond that is okay 239 t239 t 239 here you can see t239 is given okay first yeah this I am going to take and this 199 and next one 249 I will take that is 199 239 okay and next 249 249 I will take and I will remove them and we'll check for the result again here okay here I will keep them okay like so 239 and 249.

239 249 so this is the 10 millisecond instance I have to mention 1000 here not to mention here K 1000 for 10 seconds okay simply I will take one more line over here and take one more instruction that is TMR space T 49 t249 base KK stands for constant okay constant value if we are mentioning any numerical values then we have to take so here I have to mention 10 000. for one millisecond okay PMR space t 249 249. okay this is this is the 100 millisecond 100 millisecond in the sense 100 divided by thousand you are getting 0.1 if you multiply it by

10 100 you will get 10. so here this instruction is for 10 millisecond 10 divided by 1000 you will get 0.01 to get 10 second you have too many multiply with 1000 so you are getting 10. so again this is one millisecond 1 divided by thousand in the sense 10 second in a sense you're getting 0.001 if you multiply this with 10 thousand so you are getting 10 second of delay so I'll close them all and we'll check the result over here okay we'll compile this and put it in online mode okay before that I have to start simulator and put it in online mode virtual download to plc then put it in run mode now it is in stop mode you put it in run mode okay now you just concentrate on all these K zeros okay case is in the sense it is now uh the count value is constant let it that is zero it will start from 0 when I trigger this input okay and for this one waveform I am going to show you that this is the input this is the this will be the input waveform so when input is high okay consider this is one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten so consider ten okay till 10 second its input should be high okay till 10 second and plus it should go on actually not for that particular time it should go on continuously until and unless this input is high this is the timer output timer waveform okay timer waveform so just check the timer away from here after 10 second after 10 second this t 0 is going to be high okay when this input goes to low condition when this input is going to low condition this timer will also go to low condition from 0 to 1 to 0. this is zero

value is one value this is one so one means High 0 means low okay to verify this these things one thing we can do that I will take one more I will put it in offline mode again t 0 whatever bits I have taken here okay I will take all those bits over here okay I will take all those bits over here like t 199 I have taken 199 I have taken second is what t 239 t 239 okay next is what T 249 okay next is what t 249 okay we cannot leave this rank as it is so I will take one memory bit as the output okay M 0 will take just for this to avoid the error so let's compile this and start the simulator and put it in online mode download the program and run the program okay you can see here first to trigger any of the bits okay we have to click on it and click set on you can see here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay what happened to this side not getting t49 is triggered as it triggered first but these two works properly I think I've taken wrong address of this t0 and as I shown you this uh timer waveform when I release the input of these timers output will goes to low condition so let's check this I am going to set off see here these are set of I think we have taken some wrong timer over here so it is not showing exact value will we have to take the correct address well okay this is all about the timer friends uh hope it will be very helpful for you just uh if it is helpful for you don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I can see that lots of people are watching this video but not subscribing okay so subscribe and push the Bell icon and share this video and comment if you want to uh if you want to request any purpose any particular videos and all I will try to create it and upload it for you thank you guys thank you for watching


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