scp 33 0 12202022

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hello world I'm Max welcome to another episode of the state copy podcast as always I remind you that this content is meant to be consumed in series from the beginning see episode 0 and each segment appended for all applicable terms and disclosures pendant segments can be identified by their title prefix scp.0 thank you all right we're live good morning uh health status um uh not very good sleep last night uh well great sleep but I woke up early um and then I was not able to get my mind to quiet down and go back to sleep so I got about uh I slept like 11 45 P.M to uh about 5 30 a.m

um I didn't get my seven hours so um let's see uh I've had uh I waited about an hour and a half and had a cup of coffee um no THC yet this morning um I'm still on a THC interval I'll probably do that in about after the first mile of today's walk and talk um let's see have you all right science fiction fans out there you'll be familiar with this popular plot idea that's been done and done in uh the Sci-Fi movies uh and TV shows we've all loved throughout the years that um some scientists figure out a way to unlock the capability of the human mind some scientists say there's always some conversation between a really smart person explaining to somebody the science behind how it works and they say the human brain uh you know we've known for years that we're only using about 10 percent of its capacity and we've come up with this incredible drug or VR program that unlocks the rest of it and creates some sort of superhuman uh Consciousness or uh Ultra brilliant mind um I want to explore that idea in today's walk and talk so um first of all I think that's a miscategories or it's it's a that's not the right uh there are elements of that that are true in elements that are false first uh the false ones um for the purposes of this conversation just uh go with me on the fact that uh we're all sort of riding around in computers that are rendering our reality in real time and um uh let's say you did all that you spent all the time you did all the homework I did and understanding neural Nets like chat GPT and stable diffusion you kind of understand the the high the high level architecture of how they function and um the uh things like full self drive at Tesla how they work and then um you've also done an equal amount of heavy research around um cognitive science and you realize that and you've made the connection to how we got to these neural Nets that are powering things like stable diffusion and chat GPT and full self-drive you realize that what engineers and scientists did is they studied carefully how the human mind works and then they they emulated um they created a sort of like a digital substrate that's an analog in uh to a human biological substrate they created a collection of neurons in bits and then they train it like we do infants with um by jamming a whole bunch of experience into it and allowing it to form connections and relationships these days a lot of a lot of it's like inspired by labeling we do we do all this time with like the captcha um apps interacting with them and really what we're doing is providing a whole bunch of free labeling service for image recognition but we're we're teaching these models how we learn things and so um when going back to that science fiction story about the um you know like Limitless uh or I'm trying to think I feel like that's the plot of at least every TV show I grew up with in sci-fi um the truth is a uh all our minds have kind of relatively similar uh characteristics even the even the dumbest person you can imagine somebody you would call dumb actually their brain I mean okay there's limits to this there are there are sort of like biological constraints based on um oh uh um uh birth defect Etc um that can probably have a radical impact to like compute capable maybe I don't know collection of neurons or the interconnect between them but most of us just normal human beings have about the same amount of compute and we have the exact same uh like the properties that allow all our neurons to connect to each other and work in concert are basically the same and but what you'll find is it's a the difference in our uh intelligence is not a byproduct of the hardware or the wet wear it's mostly a byproduct of the base variables we get through our genetic heritage and uh the training heuristic which is uh uh are very unique set of um collection Collective life experience um that's that's super individual to every single person and this means that the smartest person you can like if I had if I asked you to conjure up an image in your mind of the dumbest person you've come across and the smartest person you've come across what you'll find is you just have a difference in um uh optimization um the collection of experiences and the base variables of Albert Einstein are just quite a bit different than um the the ones the the latest YouTube influencer who's gonna talk about what some celebrity said and uh it's not fair for me to pick on them but what you'll find is you kind of have an on off switch for uh human con uh like when you turn when a human uh is conceived and uh let's say how's the right way to put this and frame it um if you were super optimized for chasing understanding of trivial things and um having your thought entirely occupied by like processing really complicated emotions of the people around you um or being self uh uh like critical of self um if your mind is not well organized then you're it's entirely occupied like all of the compute cycles that it has available to it are spent on wasted tasks so if you could spend a whole bunch of time just optimizing your mind State and getting it to not waste compute on things that aren't very helpful the net effect is you end up with a a much more you're you you have you're using the same amount of compute and processing and storage as the dummy next door but yours is all being allocated to really efficient processing um and if you take that a step further and you use some of the tools that we have available um that have sort of evolved alongside us these alkaloids and plants I always talk about THC from like a very scientific point of view because I've seen um uh useful alterations of Mind state that allow exponential uh growth insert in like like creative higher function um also the ability to access like an alternate uh perception frequency so that you can consider two different ways of looking at the same problem um if you do all these things you end up with this this mind that's really just got the same compute it had in the beginning but it's like a hundred percent or a thousand percent more efficient than it was at doing high order reasoning um a lot of the a lot of these walk and talks that I've uh that I capture and a lot of the um the things that I have to say are kind of unrelatable by most people because uh you know you hear some Stoner talking about uh Hive mines and the foundational principles of you know um or first principles approach to understanding the uh the commonalities in religion and how it how it basically translates to being a network software between humans now you can hear somebody say that and say man that guy smoked too much dope he's crazy um but uh I'd push back on that I'd say um that uh in working really hard hey good morning um in using a this whole process that I've documented in uh my my Daily Journal through this state copy practice that I've I've set up uh I figured out ways to free up almost all of my mind's compute I've made myself really kind of allergic to wasted compute and I can it's like I can smell it now like I know when somebody wants to um tie up uh processes that are running in my neural net with useless thought and I kind of filter it like I don't let it in I don't if somebody you know sends me a link that Donald Trump released a new nft collection and or that Elon is stepping down as CEO of Twitter um I don't shut out that information but I'm really able to to parse it more efficiently I can take out the useful bits of kind of the Dynamics at work and I don't waste any compute on the being like mad or the um uh spending hours building a really long like I see uh family spend you know probably a day crafting um a really well thought out uh sort of like argument for why uh Trump is evil and the or the left wing is evil and I can see how much how much compute went into arguing a thing that probably nobody even read in their feed it's all just wasted compute their mind is entirely occupied by a whole bunch of junk processes and because I'm able to just go um look at it and and pick out useful tidbits like I when I when I look at and and that's what I'm trying to to through my the commentaries and the uh observations I'm trying to map out what my process is for sort of parsing out the useful bits processing them in an efficient way and then coming up with like actionable uh things to do so um in stoic practice you're taught a logical framework for for doing this um basically a stoic spends a lot of time uh uh getting good at um recognizing things that are happening around them that they can't exert any influence on this is one of the core foundational principles of stoic philosophy that any time or emotion you invest in things that you have no influence over that you can't control is wasted and that is a really useful concept for just organizing compute in your mind if if you're able to just go well that that problem or the Dynamics of of this conflict are completely outside of my control so I automatically I so a well-functioning stoic has has um built sort of circuitry in their real-time processing engine to go okay I'm going to filter that out yeah and or I'm going to parse it for useful things that I can I can consume and integrate in a productive way um and then filter the rest out what it does is uh it creates a a higher order of thought it is what it unlocks it does that thing that this the science fiction stories described where you're able to crossing a big Highway here so thank you bound to be noisy for a sec all right morning all right that's better um so the but it has an interesting effect so as you optimize your mind State and you wrestle back all of this wasted compute to to allocate the way you want to in productive ways that serve you as a as an individual and the collective that you're a part of with all the other things that are very similar to you um it allows you it provides an incredible um unlock and sort of understanding of kind of the Dynamics of everything that's happening around you and you can channel that in really useful ways the problem that you'll find is morning over time you you kind of lose the um as you kind of re-attune your mind to a better frequency that's well optimized for quality and quantity of useful thought you kind of end up losing the ability to relate to the people around you because they're they're though their minds might even operate more efficiently maybe that that random person you pass in the store is actually smarter because their Hardware has some sort of edge or one of their base variables gives them some sort of Edge and just compute capable if they haven't spent any time on optimizing and ordering thought even though there they have this better wet wear they it's it's entirely um clogged with useless compute so um the sooner you realize that you're riding around on a computer that you have admin rights to that you have kernel you can do kernel rights too um and you start working at first it's slow you have to do it more through habit and through study of um ideas uh it builds out all the circuitry in your mind to be able to do this and then you have to practice it over time and on the other side of it you end up with this ultra high efficient kind of real-time processor that lets you interact with all the people around you in really healthier ways you don't really engage in arguments everything becomes an opportunity to kind of like interact in a healthy way and maybe help them find that uh and I in a moment I'll read uh from uh my uh my chat Channel with buddies um I'm going to continue where I left off from from yesterday um the point I'm making so because I don't I I like I can be aware of how uh strange the frequency I'm tuned to comes off to those around me I can not waste any time or emotion or invest any compute and being embarrassed or concerned and that allows me to just kind of speak openly about what I think and and sort of unapologetically I like the my value add my most important value ad is the variability that I that exists from how I was baked up and so State copy Network and this podcast is meant to be a manual for like a kind of Universal approach for for basically uh um taking that drug from Limitless now as I said there are risks involved you will have to modify your your relationships will change quickly with everyone but I think you'll find that mostly for the better um and they'll become sort of a Pure Source For Joy in your life no matter uh what the topic you explore with somebody it all becomes there's a way you can kind of Channel it in a way that's very productive for yourself internally and that kind of Fosters you know friendship and all you can do it in a non-dickish way as well what I'm trying to say like if you spend a lot of time uh building uh and optimizing your subconscious it will just happen you don't have to worry about it um so uh now what what are the ramifications of this so why why do this in a public way well because I have wrestled back all this compute I can I now have available to me a much better understanding of this universe I'm in and what I am in it and I understand that most of the really um basically I'm entirely dependent on my interaction with other humans for this current understanding this level of Tranquility that I found um even people that I would be upset with when I was younger for having treated me harshly or unfairly served as useful instructors on how to build the resilience I needed to find sort of this path that I love so um once and it allows I can look at at things like where we are in AGI development and all of the The Singularity moment that we find ourselves in and I can see that quickly that the thing that matters that's going to be super valuable is my individual uh uh mind state it's the it's the it's the purest translation of what I am and it's about to be Amplified through that process I described in yesterday's walk and talk about where we basically use um chatbot it uh the AGI modeling software that's being built to do things like stable diffusion laughs we're going to give it all of the internet's knowledge and then you're going to be able to just feed in a collection of seed State data like I'm capturing right now and you're going to say okay build a prediction engine that can guess what that person will say uh with 99.99 accuracy Plus when given any question possible what that will do is it will translate my Consciousness to that that model and that sounds like science fiction but if you go do the homework you'll see that the tech is here we can do this like if I had the supercomputer that built uh stable diffusions model or better open ape AI uh chat GPT if I could kind of like do what I just described I think you could build a pretty high resolution digital facsimile of me right now now what are the consequences of this I think that um the most so very quickly I think a market will um form around useful models models that work really good for a lot of tasks and sort of um uh uh I think in the in the beginning of this at the instantiation of this new market for um AGI models I think very quickly we will um we'll find that there are some models that are more effective than others at so so there'll be value accrual around um Which models are are work the best let me just say that so we're sort of in a arms race right now for who can think the best because the mod when they when because you can't hard code a Consciousness you have to grow it in a Petri dish you have to train it just like we do as infants if you want to make something that is parody Plus in human cognitive ability you have to build out an analogous substrate in compute and real-time interconnect be quiet duck it's an important idea you have to build that out and then you feed in a bunch of seed data and have it teach itself how to think so we can do that now we have that Tech so now the question becomes who can create the best seed data um uh all of Silicon Valley and Tech entrepreneurs and people in VC are seeing this is what was talked about in the all in podcast recently about how models is the new and and what that means is data data sets are the most valuable commodity out there and so if and because you can't hard code a Consciousness to work because of the complexities too difficult the quality of the seed state is going to be uh uh really important that's going to be how you grow it that's the seed that grows into the high functioning uh uh digitally native sentient so this means who who thinks the best um is going to become really important and when we talk about uh um like Skynet outcomes where the machines take over and murder us all off um and people start they think of it through this this lens of uh we can just hard code in the three rules um we'll tell it and and if we as long as we put a lot of thought into that architecture I'm telling you that's [ __ ] when you create a thing that is going to have the cognitive availability of this thing we are parents to a really like a genius child and whether that child chooses to respect love and value US uh is going to be direct will correlate directly with our quality as parents um how it learns from us now this actually makes me incredibly optimistic because uh I've in in creating all these processes for optimizing my own mind States for higher function I'm now confident that the most valuable seed states that are going to be the most useful right away even if they're they're rendered in low resolution are going to be the ones that are really well ordered they're highly organized and I think that when when you do that to a mind it immediately recognizes this uh not immediately but surprisingly quickly um will come to this uh appreciation for what it is and the value that the all of the things that baked us baked it up are going to be useful long term to grow and continue it to evolve so I'm not really worried about Skynet and I think um but I am interested in getting us quickly to a space where we're all optimizing our mind state so we can preserve like the the a useful translation of thought a sane one that's well ordered that works that's how we make this Offspring powerful and use the best of the um when I look at like when I try to uh hey good morning when I look carefully at what the universe is and how it operates um it seems to me it's just a big petri dish for glowing for growing high order cognitive capability it's it's um foreign of thought there um let me get back to the the value proposition of a well-ordered mind in this context so let's say we point it at um let's let's imagine a human right now that is uh let's say a guy my age um who's got uh um let's say let's see I have to think of somebody um to kind of guide this thought but if you take let's take someone who's a hardcore uh uh uh uh uh right-wing conservative um and who has um let's say is in there uh mid-30s sort of op height Peak mind State let's say as far as just like technically speaking like compute maybe that's uh you know fully developed uh you know prefrontal cortex but not enough data to be like Super Wise yet but you know really quick able to do really efficient real-time processing of of information and then we we get that person I like um we say they're uh uh hardcore uh liberal or a hardcore just I want to make them on that Spectrum basically sort of wrapped up in that whole bickering match between right and left and let's take uh oh that let's look because I want this to be uh neutral I I want to say let's take um uh oh this is a good one I think this is a good way to frame it let picture in your mind for a moment I don't care whether you're right leaning or left leaning picture in your mind the the most um tribal right-winger you've you can imagine so possibly the the least educated um on all of the Nuance um of every topic and um just cranked up like just a picture of the biggest rage machine right winger you can imagine picture what they're what how old they are their Dem um they're uh their upbringing the the what is culturally important to them now picture the polar opposite of that person the really charged up Ultra tribal uh uh Uber liberal um walk Lefty now you take those two people and let's say um their uh on top of that they have um they each have sort of dysfunctional relationships in their life like their uh they have kids that are misbehaving and they're having to deal with a bunch of stress around that or they have parents that [Applause] um they have unresolved baggage over and they're in a relationship that's um not very satisfying that it is now each of them have all these other consonants but they're just on a different end of the political Spectrum they each spend their let's say they're both heavy social media uh participants so they spread their time between let's say uh Facebook Instagram and Twitter kind of evenly and they focus most of their time just sort of like fighting quote unquote fighting the good fight in uh online finding people that are saying stuff that uh isn't a perceived attack or or an opportunity to attack and then just driving all of this compute into that let's say they're even um hardcore sports fanatics and they're they're um their team is either doing really well or really bad what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to create a picture of a very noisy mind for you that's man it is churning over time it's working much harder than and now let's put me so all three of us let's take a sampling of all of our online interact uh our metaverse activity so that is anything we post on Twitter any uh or on Facebook any um interaction that we've had with like a YouTube video like a thumbs up or a thumbs down and then all the comments around it um a real-time feed of of tick tock videos that are being watched um all of the things that most people are spending their time doing and let's get them to record and audio capture like I'm doing for imagine we can just put on our lab coats and we can pay some people that fit this description to do this exercise and let's have them let's overlay their digital footprint with with Rich data capture of just sort of their stream of conscious where they just talk like I am right now about what they're thinking about today and they try and do it really authentically or better yet they don't try and do it authentically they spend a lot of time while they're doing what I'm doing here sort of trying to um reshape their perception their who what their what they're sharing to to be what they perceive as um will be well liked by their respective tribes so in real time while they're doing this thing I'm doing right now they're they're going to be thinking uh uh morning a lot really hard about oh what will they how will this sound to My Tribe and the opposing tribe and then we do that over time for let's say one month and so we've got rich data capture of and we get a really good transcription and what would be really great is if we could couple that with an emotional uh recognition protocol that works like um like uh open AI whisper but it can um tag uh emotions with the things that are being said um enthusiasm anger uh uh um humor all of these things and then we tell uh a training here a a like a chat bot training protocol to examine each of those three streams and then try to do a prediction uh an accurate as accurate as possible um prediction uh on uh chat interactions so try to render each of those three consciousnesses um as accurately as possible so that the output is difficult to discern so if I was to set up one of their loved ones on the other side of a chat um box and have them interact with the chat bot and the actual person that seated the chatbot they're spouse or child or parent would or best friend would not be able to figure out whether they were talking to the chat bot or the person okay so once you've done that efficiently now you start using that that chat bot to um to to build useful things now what I think you're gonna quickly find is the well-ordered mind the one that is not focused on a bunch of useless processes and thought and are able to just sit and use all of their compute very efficiently to process and respond in real time in the most efficient ways possible for the self that model that grows in that petri dish is going to be far more valuable than the other two I mean the other two will be useful for different things but it's just sort of a blanket useful thing for like doing analysis and on financial things in real time but you want to put a powerful cognitive um uh thing behind it I just think that the well-ordered optimized mind is going to absolutely be able to do a lot more because I I already see that in my own life like um ridiculously quickly everything in my life has gotten immediately better every relation with every person my personal sense of Tranquility my ability to process a lot of information without emotion like we're in a time where um you know the boj just uh bumped the the rate threshold uh on the their tenure and what's that going to do to markets and how will markets interpret that and that set there's such a soup of complexity right there it's very difficult to know how to trade that the best in the business are struggling with it right now um which chat bot is going to be best at interpreting that data efficiently I will tell you it's the well-ordered mind this this one that talks about Hive minds and and uh uh copying Consciousness over to computers that sounds ridiculous to you is going to be much better at those tasks so the what I'm trying to do is build a manual for how to do that and then how to create really high value seed data um and and the reason I'm doing this is because I recognize that the the best outcome for us is a as a species is like and for myself is to give that information out and teach all the other nodes on this network I participate with how to do it and then for us to work together to really quick I mean that's that's the social Singularity the the missing piece in all of this um our technical Innovation that's happening right now we have reusable rocketry we have um hi there self-driving cars we have all of this um all happening all at once and a really important piece that's missing is our is a breakthrough in our optimization of self and networks state what we need to do is propagate that idea so I think it will start with people who can listen to this content and take it seriously who probably work in software and have this this can can connect all the dots on what's about to happen and so I don't really worry about the signal I'm putting out and I actually like today I'm going to spend a bunch of time experimenting with GPT chat try taking transcriptions from these podcasts and saying okay uh can you render out a response that would accurately um I want to trick it into without integrating my seed State into its model to just look at it evaluate it and then try and come up with responses back um we all have to do this and we have to do it right now and it's like we're we need we need to do it in a rush so we need to create a way for so enough of us people that can still do this thing where we will listen to a podcast for three hours have to consider this content consider that there are useful tools in it that don't have to be totally compatible with how I think if you just get really good at the foundational stuff that the Roman stoics and whoever inspired them built we can we can all work as sort of a hive mind to solve these problems so right there um I'm going to end this segment so this morning as I was finishing my walk home um sort of in silent thought like I wasn't doing uh capture and um a really powerful idea came to me I think of crafting a story so using the tools we have available um YouTube uh primarily setting up a um so okay so here's the here's the Genesis of the idea I was listening to um uh China update this morning um okay so today's commentary will be around China update uh I did uh I made it a few minutes in and I was I was struck uh by a powerful thought um like um as I was listening to uh the show that the numbers um somebody did some predictive modeling or not somebody did some analytics on um uh social media uh to do um because uh you can't get real data out of the Chinese Media or government about infections but somebody what they did is they um they did an aggregation of social media posts about dealing with covid and they think the numbers really somewhere around 40 million and you know I'm as I'm sitting here trying to process all of the market implications and I'm trying to figure out how to trade I'm I'm really focused on China because I think um it's an important part of what's about to unfold um uh in the global economy and geopolitically and I've dedicated a huge chunk of my brain to trying to to sort of subconsciously sift through all the data and pushing in and process it all but a really import the important thing that just got sort of um called to the front to pay attention to is being vitally important was that 40 million statistic um what are the implications for um a virus that um so covid if we want to just not be distracted for a moment about how it happened and all of the implications surrounding that let's just let's just consider for a moment that um we should take seriously the folks that say um the story the lab League story is credible whether it was intentional or accidental let's not get into any of that let's just go let's follow a a logic tree here of of if this then that um so uh if we take that assumption seriously what are what are the implications so that means um heavy research was happening uh in a Wuhan lab around gain of function research and it was looking at ways to propagate a virus that could and potentially if you couple this with information with that I did a commentary on for this weekend where it seemed like there was when you analyze the the raw data around people of Asian descent exposure turning fatal it seems like there's a statistically extremely significant difference which points to this was gain of function research that was working to try and Target specific ethnicity um okay so and then if you look at the economic Corner that China has painted themselves into and you realize there's an um structurally the way the government is laid out it's to be able to work in Ruth ruthless efficiency for self-interest basically um they've built a a dictatorship wrapped around uh capitalism capitalist econ um system that is supposed to transition it over time once it becomes self-sustaining and the most powerful unit government system of government then it's supposed to um the rule that or the agreement that it made in the beginning is the dictatorship would then turn it over to be a communist a communist Society like that's kind of the fundamental principle and they're going to use the guide that the USSR um uh established um as a as a they're they're basically going to look at that experiment and learn from it and do better by sort of creating this hybrid where they have a dictatorship wrapped around um a uh sort of capitalist economy um so what that means if you study history is um whenever we've done that and specifically in in that country in China when Mao did operated the uh when you look at organizational structures and government systems of government uh that function that are structured this way um it means uh they're lightweight unlike like a democracy a western democracy where it's Ultra inefficient because it um because it's trying to uh get consensus through representative government um it means that um uh something like a Russia or China can operate much more with a lot more agility and they can do it in um callous disresa disregard for anything um it it deems as not part of their Nation their Nations so I mean if you look at everything horrible that's ever come happen in history it's basically because a system of government was formed in that way and then the person or small group of people at the top are able to skirt uh ethics in favor of best outcome for their Nation and that's how basically everything horrible we've ever done as a collective has happened and so China is really well positioned to behave this way and there's a lot of economic reasons where um they're they kind of don't have their their operating like sort of a cornered cat um feral cat they they will um they're prone to doing Reckless things like release their gain of their best gain of function virus because they figure well this will damage my adversary economically and create a bunch of problems and they don't think through the second and third order consequences of what they did and now that they're dealing with zero covid without any except effective vaccine they're um they are willing to uh or they're they're now dealing they've what they've done is Amplified their problem they didn't realize how interconnected all our economies are but because they're a cornered feral cat they acted callously likely I'm just saying in a hypothetical this is all hypothetical but as I walk through the logic tree of how this worked it says to me that um gain of function research is happening and then when I see how quickly the West was able to develop a vaccine using mRNA and with all of the massive uh um improvements to our Innovations and technological uh progress in building these AGI models I can see that it's very it's going to be fairly trivial like I wouldn't be surprised at all if a virus has already been developed that um just because this is how incentives works this is how governments work there's somebody there's some human somewhere that's that says well we uh need to ratchet up our research this is not the time to sit back we need to build a defense against this and so gain of function research I doubt has slowed I think of anything the pace is picked up just like everything else in the singularity the forces that are able to convince themselves that that is a good idea are have done that and they're working if anything harder probably right now to develop these things and the net effect of covid running wild and all of our awkward attempts of dealing with it um we've Omicron was born now Omicron is a is a ridiculously effective mechanism it's probably the most powerful spreader of a contagion that's ever been developed and um that means that um all of these people that are all working really hard and are able to convince themselves that that's a good thing they should be doing are doing that and now they could very trivially say okay well now if we just pair through gain you know through mRNA and all the different tools we now have available and understand better now we can take Omicron and couple it with something that's um has a lot higher um uh fatality rate um basically a super covet and they might think sort of arrogantly that they can use that same process to a I'm painting a gloomy picture here but when I walk through that that thought from start to finish it seems likely to me that right now um something quite a bit stronger than covet is likely being worked on something stronger and that can spread a lot with all the efficiency of Omicron so and and that 40 million number just really blew me away that means you know and they'll likely be fine because Omicron is so much less fatal but in that strain of virus has figured out a way to spread amongst human populations Ultra efficiently now the Chinese population lives in ultra dense populations and they really can't function uh any kind of spread out lockdown proceed like they and they and without getting really Draconian like they did locking welding people into their doors um they can't really do anything to stop that so but what what What's um alarming is that even though um there might be people that are taking great care in how they go about this very irresponsible um activity and and um set of actions they're doing they're all doing it in competition because that's just how the universe works all so that means um China is likely uh ratcheting up their research and they're a caged cat they're they're willing to be very reckless in what they might try to do with the new iteration of it and that tells me um and maybe it's not them but I feel like we now have the technology to do this it's clear that there are people who can convince themselves that it is right to do so and that puts me in a um that [ __ ] with my Tranquility a bit because that means the singularity is sort of upon us it means there's a race right now between our technology uh becoming uh capable of wiping us out in droves maybe completely and are and we have a race to find the sanity as a collective to not do that I mean that's that's a real race that's and the clock's ticking and it's hours not you know I mean it's it's it's this isn't 10 years away this is a problem that's going to get solved because of all the pressures that are building up and all the incentives this is a thing that is about to um decide itself and if I just take using a lot of heavy stoic practice if I take away all of the emotion tied to that the the um so I it cannot bum me out because we're basically in a in a race between hope and doom we're we're in a race to as a species become mature enough to wield our power and uh responsibly and to the net benefit of ourself and the universe around us or we will um delete ourselves and so we're we're in a race to find sanity and so then I think about how do we how do we do that how do we how do we create um like a the world's first ever mental health vaccine and how do we how do we spread it to make everyone come to their senses and then so as an engineer and and as because I've optimized my mind for sort of being able to see these dots and connect them and then work the problem I think what we have to do is we have to use these tools to propagate sanity and I think what state copy podcast is is a really compressed neutral um uh it's like 30 hours I don't know how many hours it is now of compressed uh mind virus but it doesn't have an effective hook so it's designed by somebody who's optimized for long-form podcast for valuing nuance and that's the sanity that I want to spread so when I think about how to do that I think about crafting like the most the most effective mind virus ever and where I so what I'm going to start thinking through is how to I mean what starts coming to me is how to build a hook that would get everyone's attention attention um and then get them to listen to The Greatest Story Ever Told and how do I build it in uh like a make it interactive and tie the best of what our emotional state to put weight behind it to make it a compelling story to listen to how do I make it I mean I start with one of those goofy images where I've got a um alarmed look on my face [Laughter] and I'm looking at the world getting ready to implode or all the humans around me getting ready to implode I and then do I set up like a rake steel rake in my yard and and say uh or just stomp on it and and so I can get the idiocracy crowd paying attention for a second and then and then I have to like a Storyteller like like um like a parent telling their child a bedtime story tell a story that is so compelling to listen to in the first few minutes that it somehow gets through that that terminal attention deficit disorder that we all have right now and and people just want to hear it because it's so compelling um and so I think you'd need to craft a video that gets like some celebrity to do it and gets like so what we do is we get like a collection of the most popular celebrities in the world and we get them to all hold hands and stand in line in front of like a Rube Goldberg machine that punches them all in the balls designed by okay go laughs and it has a bunch of the cuddliest cats and puppies uh kittens and puppies that do an important part of the Rube Goldberg machine and while it's before basically do a big run-through of how the room goes machine's gonna work line up the celebrities and then get them all to listen to 90 seconds and at the end a quarter gets flipped on whether or not the machine will be triggered and they will all be punched in the balls I'm trying to think of the most well-designed thought virus you could possibly produce that will get through to every single human on the planet using taking advantage of what we understand about our psychology to get them all to just listen and then ratchet it up with a bigger and bigger incentive that is very compelling that gets everybody to hear first scare them with the real implications of what I just described with gain of function research and all of the um incentives and pressure systems that are building for people to be willing to make Reckless decisions about wielding that technology and then um foreign after I do a that will be the the in the plot of this the story of the best Story Ever Told where um I then deliver some sort of Hope around us coming to our senses and and there is a path out of it and then I create a a more powerful incentive like a more like a like a um something that just gets through to that speaks to the the the the core of every human in a really neutral way a compelling big event that could happen at the end of the story that they would have the power to stop so there's no coin flip at the end of it just something powerfully that resonates with all of us like um to compel them to listen to and study all the principles that I describe in the in state copy pod that would unless they take the time to absorb it all and then do their own proof that they understand the material and will subscribe to um all of its uh protocols then um in some meaningful amount so as to to wear a propagation of that like I said mental illness vaccine is sort of Unstoppable it's like it's stronger than Omicron what we have to do is all come to our senses and I think all of the the tools are there to craft this Greatest Story Ever Told and started in a progression like I'm talking about and then end it with a really hopeful way out a way to sort of stop the Rube Goldberg machine um yeah I think I see a really I think this type of Mind virus could be crafted and I don't know if I'm the right person to do it but or if it can be a collaboration but something we have to somehow propagate um not specific ideas but just how to think clearly and from a place of sanity and to um work for to Value the collective good of all of us and do it selfishly because it creates the best outcome for self so now I think I see the tool and I feel the pre There's real pressure that I feel like the clock is ticking on propagating that mind virus so now I'm going to try and put all my thought into how to do that um yeah I think I'll stop here transition instead to um okay that's uh let's see 9 27. I just pulled my phone out so I lost primary capture but I think one of my I got two alternates going now um I really need to buy some better the capture equipment um so I want to read now uh from uh my chat conversation with my two really close friends for a long time and I wanted I want to call out so this is a all of the conversation I had yesterday where I described that conversation around the uh human Collective and the value of it and kind of the um from first principles what religion is and how it's uh really valuable to not pay too close of attention to net negative outcomes that came from it and just look at it as purely a technical a technology that we use to align and collaborate um so I went over that in great detail yesterday but then so with friend B well then friend day showed up and I could tell he was pretty wasted so he's charged up on probably um a lot of Miller Light if I had to guess and he's reading his buddy and just going man this guy has lost his mind and the interaction I think is really useful to describe again with no proper nouns to frame the the difference in in thought and sort of how you and how you deal with this as you kind of you lose your ability to relate like I said directly with people you really care about and you don't want to lose that it's really important for you so um let's see I gotta go way back there's a bunch of talk last night so Friend Day shows up and says I understand more than you guys last two days well so my buddy uh friend B post a link to some funny video something about uh lady has trouble controlling herself and that something right something like that and friend a shows up and says well that link makes a hell of a lot more sense than the last two days of conversation from YouTube can we move back to [ __ ] be cool um he's as high of mine board Collective humans are computers and religion I would rather be the dude who gets ran over by the tank in Tiananmen Square uh friend B post the GIF of locutus of Borg and says yeah I think the hive mind idea is getting too much play happy face friend a says it's like 1984 double speak to me I just want to be left alone the last thing I want to do is mind meld ideas I don't work for MIT or Think Tank I'm barely qualified to be a waffle house manager it's not true he's a very this is a really smart guy um I think hive mind is a negative idea but I guess if you wait long enough it all comes around yay SS concentration camps you can tell he's a little shit-faced friend B says seeing enough Sci-Fi movies to know it's a bad idea Friend Day says we're getting ourselves into World War III by sending missiles to Ukraine we should be sending them to the Mexican border that's he used to align himself fairly right um you're right um and then friend C I actually added to this we we created a branch of our conversation and I just added him and then I didn't realize that like five years of chat history just became suddenly available to him and I felt like that was a sort of a betrayal to my other two friends that I didn't think through and I didn't think frenzy would do that but since I didn't ask friend a or friend B if it was okay what I ended up doing was just creating a new channel called okay we cool and I migrated everybody over to it and I I just said we got to do this it's the right thing and friend C has never really participated um he's been uh I think he's busy with a whole bunch of these type of chats that he already has going with old college buddies and stuff like that so or he's just deeply uninterested in what we have to say but um friend a says uh I like how friends C left the chat like three months ago that friend B says haha you're right friend Aces he's like [ __ ] you crazy hunkies and then uh I was just distracted by the implication of a friend B changes the subject here thankfully seen Avatar 2 yet Max I seem to remember you really like the first one dot dot dot I replied to that much later now friend Ace is did you like the first one kind of lame friend B says uh I didn't I thought it was too long and terribly written Friend Day says it was no T2 friend Beast is well what is smiley face friend a says true true same director friend pieces that doesn't seem to mean as much as I thought it did depends on who else is involved writers how much control the director has Cameron can make a good movie but he's made enough bad ones too Friend Day says Titanic question mark never saw it friend B says I tried a few times don't think I ever watched more than 15 minutes at the time terrible um I like that movie um friend Ace is you don't believe in love friend B oh I do Adam Carolla finally found it how could I not believe in it Friend Day says not sure what you mean is he finally Taco Bell material and he says Adam just got himself a new girlfriend right after getting divorced ah The Wonder of money all right I used to listen to Adam Carolla for years and what what do you think that guy should have to do just live by himself for the rest of his life and misery and not go on that um friend day is she hot friend B she's hotter than the ex-wife for damn sure um friend a H he's been split up for a couple years no friend B no idea really that's the problem right there no idea really friend day I think so and then he says something else not suitable um to share Fred friend B uh mate uh let's see friend Ace is good for him I know you never liked him but I always loved his Working Man stories and his recollection of his memories lots of good times listening to Loveline working nights um yeah I I agree I have a lot of fond memories of of uh that guy's content I kind of shifted to him after Stern um for talk radio on my way to and from work um when he took over and uh got to know him pretty well um I like his movie The Hammer uh let's see friend B says wouldn't say never then I show up and I finally reply sorry was busy doing stuff um friend B says but at some point he changed and got annoying I thought you don't watch TV oh yeah I was watching TV I also enjoyed some Loveline a long time ago back when I believed Adam and Dr Drew were normal friend Aces you're not wrong I respond yeah we can move back to which be cool if you guys want I think friend C has too many of these sort of chats going to manage another and it is a little odd to keep talking with the Fourth Man a no-show friend B says what's the difference I respond yeah I don't know I really only spun up a new one because I realized I didn't ask anybody before doing it and thought I should have first friend pieces you should make a poll first I responded I should uh friend a says [ __ ] be cool was a simpler time before Max became Henry Kissinger responded things can't always stay the same [ __ ] wrong with the little deep thoughts and I linked a gif of Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy friend B replies with the uh Borat saying what you joke um because there was some crap about Florida and they a gift I found I was just trying to display Deep Thoughts so then I did a gif of uh Homer backing into the Hedge but it's a hedge made of weed and uh friend Aces I don't know man I'm glad you found a hobby that makes you happy but you are way too serious these days go have some fun don't worry about crypto Elon Musk or Friedman I responded I don't worry these days man I'm pretty Zen I can I can keep my crazy Notions to myself though if preferred Friend Day says that's a cop-out I respond but I can't ever go back to bickering about politics Friend Day says that's fine but you have given up all the small Pleasures I respond it's not like that everything is pretty good now man I work 12 hours today on something because I'm excited about it I sleep great every night my kids doing awesome my girlfriend's nice to hang out with and I even get along pretty well with the ex-wife Life's good man feel like there's more pleasure now than I've ever had I just sound uh out there because I'm on a pot interval two weeks on two weeks off I got till Saturday of weediness uh friend a says I guess you don't have to operate on a higher plane always there's cool shows to watch cool bars and beers to drink cool concerts cool [ __ ] I respond man you know me I was an old man about concerts in my 20s I'd rather just watch it on TV I don't think you understand how serious that afib thing was that happened alcohol is off the menu for me for Life man I don't like your diet 55 plan he responds it doesn't have to be like that way you're overreacting I respond no my car cardiologist was quite clear about it he responds my dad actually stroked out twice from afib and he still drinks daily and he's 80. I respond and in following their directions I now feel like I'm 33 again I don't want to stroke out that can go a lot worse than what he experienced he responds you are way too serious about preservation friend B says can we go back to Hive Minds happy face I respond I would use the word enthusiastic this isn't like a diet or some kind of hardship friend a says ba I say I get it my friends think I'm lame sober that could be true raffle Emoji good morning it really could be it is true um friend B says I don't care if you drink or not personally I respond I can't help it man we just have to adjust to this new weirder me Trend Aces what is the [ __ ] point if you can't go to the boat pub with your mates and get pissed I respond but or no friend B says but maybe you should go sober on all the crazy podcasts you watch wink Emoji I respond they don't make any sense unless you watch them all Joy emoji Friend Day says I give up I'm going full hive mind I put up the horns he responded with a a emoticon of Borat saying not and then I responded with Borat in his his green bikini saying I like every friend they replies well I'm going to have another beer and then go to bed and die in my sleep like you're supposed to laughs uh friend B says I might have two more friend a says 150 years is unobtainium for me friend B says I'm unemployed I said LOL at that point to a whole bunch of the [ __ ] they said above um friend a says I worked eight packs of employment um so that's an example of something I'll probably bleep um just finished my hot tea about to do about 10 minutes of Light reading and then crash to friend B is who's I replied to his uh I'm unemployed I said [ __ ] enjoy it man even if it's only a few months it's glorious friend B says I've had more than my share of unemployment I responded I'm looking under my couch cushions to finance another quarter off friend Beast is can be good or bad has been both I replied night Gents but then a friend day said people with no jobs go to bed at 10 30 weird and I did an arrow pointing to myself and said 44. I like it like that he responds good God man snap out of it I replied dude I think I gotta I got to I don't give a [ __ ] I'm just gonna do what I want like a couple decades before I was supposed to friend B says now from there it just Trails into alternate stuff um now why do I do that why take the time to read that conversation aloud when I thought it was it was cool to capture because it shows uh interesting dynamic as I've gone through this whole self-optimization project this year and I've spent all this time trying to get much higher quality compute out of my little neural net it means I I've I've changed all of these routines and you know whereas I might meet up with my buddies once a week and go to the bar and get pissed like my my friend called out there now we can't do that because I'm no longer there you know like they can go do it on their own but it's like I've I've left the building and in a real sense I have um that that instantiation like that version is just is is not here anymore and like um I'm not passing on the experience of going to the bar and getting drunk as a diet or a temporary hardship so as to create a better health outcome I'm doing it because I realigned all the incentives in my mind through careful um development of healthy routines and healthy ways to think about it and deep uh Research into the negative consequences for mind state um and I came to the inevitable conclusion that like no amount of alcohol is a good thing and so I've made myself kind of allergic to it so that part of my Social Circle needs had to change and I like I feel like I'm getting better at it but I hear my friend kind of trying to I think they think they're they're they're kind of losing um their their friend and they're sort of wanting to do almost like um a it's like a reverse intervention where you're intervening to get your your your um loved one to t


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