Day 2 Session 2 Cutting-edge technologies for inclusion

Day 2 Session 2 Cutting-edge technologies for inclusion

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Good morning. Welcome to the second day of the  2022 Zero Project Conference for Latinamerica   and the Spanish speaking community.  I am Andrés Beroggi and I’m the  Head of Management and Diversity of  Fundación Descúbreme. I’m a white man,  

tall and I’m wearing glasses and I’m 53  years old. Good morning or good afternoon.   I am María Ignacia Rodríguez, I am a white woman of medium height, dark hair and I’m also wearing   glasses. In Fundación Descúbreme my role is the international coordination   chief and also the coordinator of Zero  Project for Latinamerica. This project  we have the great task of expanding its  mission for a world without barriers for the  Spanish-speaking world and our region. We  want to thank the moderation of Carolina   García the vision of experts such as Axel Leblois, president and executive   director of G3iCT and Laura Allen the head of strategy of accessibility in   Google for their presentations in the  session technology at the service of  accessibility, given the incredible importance  of technology as a tool for promoting  independence of people with disabilities   as it is seen in the great session that we just heard. We're going to continue  

talking about this topic in our next session which is Cutting-edge technologies for inclusion.   This panel shows how the use of these new cutting-edge technologies   may simplify the life of people with  disabilities through their creation of  tools devices assistive technologies  apps and many other uses.  The moderator of this session that is going  to be with us friend for the third year  because of its great knowledge in this topic it's  Ricardo García Bahamonde who is the leader of  accessibility and digital inclusion in  ATOS Iberia. Also with us we have great  speakers Pablo Escobar from CEDETI  UC, a richer centre of the Catholic  University of Chile, that have created a  digital system for the for promoting the  reading through games for children  with disabilities especially for   Down Syndrome children. Also with us we have Claudiu Leverenz from Munevo Drive,   a German organization that have created a technology based on smart glasses that   allow them to move the wheelchair with the movement of their head.  

And also with us is Carlo Castellano  from the Association of People with  Reduced Mobility in Spain who created  Park4Dis app that allowed them to  find these park spaces for  people with disabilities. We   invite you to see the next session. Good day my name is Ricardo García   I’m the director of accessibility and digital inclusion at Atos for the Iberian Region,   and I’d like to welcome you to this session   it is part of the Zero Project  Latinamerica Conference for 2022,  where we will be talking about issues  with innovation accessibility and how   these innovative technologies can really improve the inclusion   of people with disabilities. I’d like to introduce myself.  For since last year I’ve been working with  Atos in terms of digital inclusion and  accessibility but since 2004 I’ve been working  in this area of the inclusion of people  with disabilities and accessibility and  technologies developing different projects   in the United States, Latinamerica and in Europe.   I’ve been helping different governments, Universities, organizations,   to really advance their strategies and policies in terms of digital inclusion. I also worked for  several years in different space organizations  in Spain and in the United States at the Georgia   Institute of Technology. I’ve worked as  a consultant for different organizations 

both at the international level  and with the United Nations.  I’ve got a background in business from the  University of Madrid and I’m also certified as  accessibility professional from the  Institute of Accessibility Professionals.  In this session we're going to be talking about  issues that are so interesting that are related  to how new leading-edge technologies can really  facilitate the lives of people with disabilities,   but we also think we have to think about  the challenges that need to be overcome,   how can we make sure that these technologies can really be replicable, scalable,   how can they be converted into mass technologies  that can be used by different populations  and that can help solve all these  issues we have to think about all the   problems that they're going to face in doing so who can market them who can scale them who can   take them to market who is going to pay for these technologies. These are all questions that are   very important to think about and  it's one of those things that I  wanted to bring to the fore in  this session we're going to have  three very interesting experts with us today, who are bringing their knowledge in developing  different innovations that are really  so interesting and so important.  

We're going to have Pablo Escobar who has a PhD in psychology   and he is with the Catholic University of Chile and he's an assistant researcher at the  Centre for the Development of Inclusive  Technologies or CEDETI at the same University,  and he has been researching the  cognitive processes that are related to  reading writing skills and how  technology can help develop these skills.  We also have Claudiu Leverenz who  is the co-founder and CEO of Munevo   and he's going to be presenting his initiative.  He holds a degree in IT from the Technological University of Munich  and he also has a degree from Ansbach.  Then finally we have Carlo Castellano, 

who also has a computer sciences degree  from the University of Salerno and   he with the Association of People with Reduced  Mobility, has launched several different  Initiatives. He is the founder of  Park4Dis, and he will be talking about the   initiative it is a platform that helps  people with reduced mobility find  parking spots and he has also worked  with other initiatives such as Solmes  and he is the manager of a consulting  company that also works on initiatives for  people with reduced mobility and he  works on developing different software  that are targets these markets. So, first I would like to thank all of our panellists   for participating today and we  could begin with Pablo Escobar.  Pablo is going to present La Mesita or tiny table,  which is a really interesting  project. It's a free application 

that supports the development of reading  skills among children with a special  focus on children with Down Syndrome. So, Pablo please go ahead with your   presentation and welcome to the session.  Thank you, Ricardo, for that great  presentation, we are so thankful for being here  joining you sharing the work that  we are doing with my colleagues  and also, with the other speakers. As  Ricardo mentioned I’m going to talk about  

La Mesita, the tiny table it's a development that we created in   CEDETI UC, we are a multi-disciplinary team from the Catholic University in Chile   and we develop these technological solutions to improve the quality of life of people with  access barriers. We also have  these tests that are fairer, we  also have digital and analogue games  also related to research and also  the development of software focused  on the empowering of development of  learning of those children with educational needs.  Under this context we find  a very important problem  not only in Latinamerica but also in other  places in the world which is the reading   and writing learning in children  with Down Syndrome. When we see this  reading skills profile this profile is  shows children with difficulties for  understanding what they are reading and also  the reading of pseudo words they see the  words in cognitive psychology are words  that sound as if they existed but they  do not exist but when we have to read  this type of words, we have to use our  phonological awareness in order to pronounce  them. So it's this phonological awareness the main   chord that explains the development of  reading of the reading skills and also  it explains these difficulties what  happens is that although children   have a good reading of different words the reading of pseudo words and understanding   is not very clear creating a profile that is similar to other types of   genetic syndromes especially in those children with typical development   that present a specific difficulty in  reading comprehension that have a very  similar profile. So research  has shown or showed in the 1990s  

that eventually the problem of reading for  children with down syndrome was where it,  was the important problem in the phonological  or the awareness and so what they  created was like a bypass and not to  force the phonological root in the   reading learning but creating a different  type of reading methods and these are  global methods and they did these  changes and although we had these   changes, we continue to face this problem that children with difficulties in their   development continue to see these low rates of reading learning process. The point is  science progresses and especially in  the study of reading skills and for more  than 30 years those initial works realized  that, and we started to see that it's not that  children with down syndrome have this  alteration in the phonological awareness  the problem was in the instruments that were not  sensitive enough to identify this development.  So, research has shown us that for  children with intellectual disabilities  and children with other types of  development conditions they continue a  different pattern in different to the ones of  the typical development so those skills technical  cognitive skills that are crucial for  learning to read in typical children  they are also applicable for those  children with some type of the   disability. So we created an alternative solution that is that passes through the   technology, and you understand that the technological model allows us to have a   more adaptability to the specific needs of these users where we can   change the size of the fonts of them also, the time they involved   in the stimuli of a screen and the way the texts are also presented   and how we can navigate in these devices. We also think that the technological solution is   flexible as it adapts not only to the physical needs and cognitive needs and learning   needs of these type of students and it's an alternative based on evidence   this. The literature tells us that these works in order to support the reading   learning process not only for children with typical development but also children   with some type of specific difficulties in the learning process that's when we developed   this software that we called La Mesita or the tiny table and this software is based on this cognitive   model of reading in which we empower these four great groups   of skills that we understand are very important for children to learn to read   and this simulation of these paths is done through this virtual   desktop or desk that is this an innovative component that is different to the traditional  models of in the stimulation of reading  skills that are based on models of trial  and error trial error trial error, and they are  also modified but they continue the same pattern.  

We thought about this virtual desk in which users can deploy different   worlds in which they are going to find words or vocabulary that is related to that world   let's say the park, the theatre, the circles, the house, the market and   in these they deploy these images that children can manipulate in according to their   sites and also, they can manipulate the writing of those words   and the system showed us some pre-loaded words but there is always the possibility to   add new words and children, or users can manipulate these words. So through this   virtual desk we stimulate these paths from phonological skills that are   basic for their learning of the reading process the alphabetical principle which is the   knowledge of the letters and also vocabulary skills, oral comprehension that we can   also work through this software that  offers the possibility of being very  flexible and we can adapt these to their specific  needs according to the context in which these  children are learning. Also this  application has a user manual which also is  calibrated or considered according to the levels  in the development of the skills so parents,  teachers, can also stimulate  these skills through these  transference model of the teaching of  the learning skills. We tested these the  effectiveness of this tool  and we saw that down syndrome  children after the intervention and  this sustained intervention as base of  La Mesita they improved their reading  learning but also, we found another  group of children who did not benefit  from this software especially those  who had more cognitive problems  or disabilities. But the good  results of the tool allow us to have a  transfer in which what is good for the  differential education is good  for the rest of the world. And 

we could open this use of this tool in  the context of pandemic it was widely  used there was this word  of mouth and people used it  we got more downloads from the app  because teachers ask parents to use this  tool in order to stimulate the reading  skills in their children. The perspectives  that we have with La Mesita is to have  other languages versions and also from  the beginning we want to be able to  have less or I mean the less changes as  possible. So we can have our tool in  other languages we have the version  in English that we call tiny table  and also, we had the transfer of this  virtual desk for learning maths through  a software that we also created that is  called Rakin. And also, we want to  create another app that is more basic   for those children with greater disabilities and that for the   abilities of early communication can be stimulated through this software this type of software. Also,   we want to remind you that these apps are free they are for Android and iOS  systems and you may download them  as well. Thank you so much for this 

invitation.  Thank you very much Pablo  congratulations on the project, it's  really an excellent presentation, it is  such an interesting project and I think   it has so many possibilities to be able to  scale it up and extend different languages.   I think you're working on a really  interesting and the correct way and I think  there are so many possibilities to be explored  and using this technology is that more people  more children can really take advantage. 

Now we're going to go to our next guest, Claudiu Leverenz,   he's going to be speaking to us about Munevo,  it's a technology that is  based on using smart glasses  that allow the user in a wheelchair to  be able to move about using their heads  and so, it's really for those  users who don't have the ability   to be able to physically manipulate their chair it  gives them a really interesting alternative  to manage the functioning of their chair.   Claudiu welcome and please go ahead.  Hi everyone and thank you Ricardo for  the introduction. I’m super happy to be  

here and I’m going to talk about Munevo and assistive technology based on smart glasses.   Just as a short introduction who are we. Here I have a picture of Alika, Alika is our   youngest user, she's eight years old, she's sitting here in the middle   on her wheelchair and left and right to her  are my colleagues and also my co-founder  Constantine, and it's basically showing their  smiles and it's basically showing like what why  we're doing what we're doing it's in order to help  people and create those smiles on their faces.  Munevo was founded in 2018 and Munevo  Drive is the first power wheelchair  alternative drive system  that is using smart glasses.   I’ll tell you more how it works in a second. But as of now we're a start-up so nevertheless we  

equipped more than 150 wheelchair users with the  solution and all were 100 reimbursed. Why? Because  it's a medical device and it went to  all the regulatory hurdles we also got  our FDA approval now in December 2021, so  we're currently also expanding to the US  hopefully also to Latinamerica. We're  very proud also for our team so we're  about 20 people already now  with people from academia,   clinic rehabilitation but actually also  wheelchair users have joined our team   which makes us also really proud and right now, we're still looking also   for contacts in the rehabilitation  space insurance players clearancing  distributors so happy to connect  after the presentation as well.  You heard it already maybe in the  beginning, so these are the current   solutions that people have to use when they are in a wheelchair and when they   cannot use their joystick control with  their own hands so what happens is that  the joystick of the wheelchair is  positioned somewhere in front of the chin   and then people have to push with their chin against the joystick to   drive a wheelchair and then there are different  other alternatives such as buttons where you push   against the buttons and here in the picture you  see that there are a lot of devices in front of   the face which makes it very stigmatizing which  makes it also very hard to adapt because it's very   static and mechanical meaning that as soon as you change position in a wheelchair and that   happens on a daily basis throughout the day then those solutions are somewhere in the eye or   on the nose and it doesn't really work anymore. So, we really have to rely on a lot of support   of rehabilitation experts or  distributors that come and have to fix  it or some people are trying  to push it and often it breaks.  And Munevo Drive is the first digital  solution the smart glass itself has  movement sensors integrated and through  those movement sensors we use actually the   same movement as you would use with your chin control over the buttons   where you push against the button and  your head is moving so we use the same  movement the benefit of the solution, I’ll go  with that in a second, is that it actually can  be calibrated the signals that we take from the  sensor data we send to an adapter that we can  connect to any standard power wheelchair  and after that the smart task comes with  a lot of features integrated, so we  have a camera we have a microphone we  have a display and there's also an audio system  so by that we show the user information and he  also, or she also hears the information read  out loud. And that is very important also for 

people that have cognitive impairments to  really understand how to use the solution.  So, the advantages are pretty  clear I mentioned the calibration   this is something that is done by the user him or herself it takes 15 seconds, so whatever like   whatever time of the day whatever position he or she can always   adapt it to his or her needs. It's  also more comfortable because you  don't have anything around your face  anymore and through those integrated   functions we can connect it also to other devices so it's very intuitive   but there's not just benefits for  the user. Actually, we thought,   and we developed this together with therapists  we have specialists and the users in mind.  It's a plug-and-play system because it takes us  only five minutes to plug it into the wheelchair   and we offer a lot of support from far   because as soon as we install the solution  at home, we can connect it to the local  wi-fi and by that get access to remote  maintenance meaning that we can update  the solution so far, we can fix things from  far and it's completely digital, so there are  no mechanical repairs in the end  compared to the other solutions   that often fail or break down and have to be replaced. And we even though one step further.  

As soon as we developed Munevo Drive, we found out that it's not just about the   wheelchair it's also about the whole environment  of the user, so we connected the solution to  their phones so people can also make phone  calls right now or control their phone  we connect it to the computer so that  they can use it as a computer mouse   and the latest technology or latest feature was to connect it to their home environment   so the smart home systems meaning  that you can connect it to your  tv and turn you know the tv on and off  switch the channels you can connect it  to the lights and turn on the lights  open door open the blinds so a range   of possibilities for the user to enhance their everyday life. And we don't want   to stop there so we're still  continuing to develop multiple  things the latest or newest feature  that will be released soon is also an   offline speech recognition that we'll also want to train to also help people that have speech   impairments but that would  make it overall easier to  connect to the different solutions and  have a faster access to these features.  If you want to get in touch here's our contact  details, I would like to say that we are  very much looking forward to also  connect to everyone in Latinamerica,   I think it's an amazing opportunity for us, we know that we can help a lot of people   and we would like your support. So, please,  as mentioned before, get in touch with us,  and we'll be happy to connect and discuss  different possibilities what we can do in   order to help more people become more independent   and that's my last slide  thank you very much everyone.  Thank you, Claudiu, what a fantastic presentation and it's a technology a solution that really   solves people like problems  that people really have  and that's what we're trying to do here is  to try and solve those day-to-day problems  it's just a fantastic solution I really hope  that everything goes really well for you,   and I wish you all the success. And we'll go on to our third guest 

today, Carlo Castellano. He's going to be  telling us about his application Park4Dis  which as I said it solves those  real-life day-to-day problems  here it's for people with reduced mobility  and so Carlo if you can just tell me let  me say this I was really interested  to see that one of the rally pilots  Albert Llovera, he uses a  wheelchair, and he has competed  in rallies his entire life but he  says then when he gets in his own car,   and he tries to find a parking spot he cannot find one and so it doesn't matter he often finds  someone who doesn't have a disability  card in his spot. So I think Park4Dis   is something that could solve his problem. Carlo goes ahead, welcome.  Good afternoon everyone thank you very  much Ricardo for the introduction.  Albert Llovera is a friend of mine in fact and he has participated in this project.  

I want to give you a little bit of context. My name is Carlo Castellano,   I'm in my mid-50s, white, I use a beard and eyeglasses   and today I’m going to be talking about the Park4Dis project.  It is based on one of the initiatives of AsoPMR,  which is the Association of People  with Reduced Mobility in Spain.  

I’ll show you a little bit about our team and how we founded our initiative   we want to gather and distribute all that information about accessibility for people   with reduced mobility because this is really a personal issue as well I saw that there was a   lack of information about the certain issues. The primary one being that where are parking   spots for people with reduced mobility  located. We know where there are, but  even if we find out the information,  we find that the spot is actually full   do can we figure out where the other spots are available. So   in the European Union we have municipal ordinances  that manage all of these  spots for people with reduced  mobility. And so we wanted to figure out  how we could manage all this information  it was something that I thought of because my own  personal situation but it's a situation that I  share with more than 15 million  people throughout Europe.  And so, there was a series of  local initiatives that tried to  manage all of this information on  different reduced mobility parking spots,  but we saw as a group that think about  it in Spain there are more than 8,000  localities and if you wanted to travel  and you needed to have to download each  one of these applications and all that  information you would need one for every   single city that you're traveling to and so, we saw that there was a need to   create a central platform and we're looking to expand it throughout Europe,   and it's become this intercity solution that shows the user  in an interactive manner where  they can both receive and  contribute information about where  those parking spots are available.  

We've divided into two areas: we've got Park4Dis People which is an app and a web   platform that is free for users and first it provides all of   that information where the places are  what are the local rules for parking,  then it allows me to know in this city  where can I park is it a loading zone etc.  and I’ve often found when I go to park in a place that I’m not very familiar   with that I’ve come back, and I’ve got a fine  because I wasn't aware of those local ordinances.  So, you know it can be such a nightmare, so  we decide to incorporate that information.  So, we decide to guide people to those places   then we can also allow our users to report information for example to the municipality  if they have found that for instance  it's being occupied by someone else.  And technology also allows them to  be able to reserve certain places  we found that there was a need  for the different municipalities  to be able to manage all these problems  in order to improve the user experiences  and to be able to update all of the  spots that were being made available  and to be able to provide the information on the  fraudulent use of the disability cards that are   available, for example those people who might borrow their grandparent’s card to be able to   go and park near the beach etc.  We want to be able to have that 

information and gather it together and so we've  been able to invest in order to continue to   add more and more features to our platform. We've been able to bring together a lot of   different statistics and now we are seeing that we are reaching more than 5,000 users now.   We've incorporated more countries in Europe, we have more than 250 mayoral officials  that are working with us and many  volunteers who are helping us to map  where all of these information  parking spots are available.  We've been featured in several different media  and we've also had the  backing of the Fundación ONCE  and we're working with several  different organizations here in Spain   and we've also been awarded or recognized by different organizations such as the Zero Project   and we've also received some international attention. We finance the   initiative through providing consultancy services and raising awareness   on the different issues so we work from an end to end with all the different actors   and we help to provide consultancy on the regulation as well of these parking   spaces. We also sell annual subscriptions for our IT solutions and so. 

What we want to do in the future? Is to include voice command   and we also want to provide more  information so that we can see in real  time the availability not just of  on-street parking but also the private off  street parking that might be available  to people with reduced mobility.   We also want to increase of course the number of beneficiaries   and continue to expand our presence throughout all of the European countries.   And I want to leave you with sort of a final thought   one of the things that we're looking to  do is to make that paradigm shift from  being a smart city which we find a bit obsolete  becoming a smart human city where the person  is the focus rather than the city,  because why should the user also have to  have all be the one that provides the  information? They should be the focus   of receiving all that information. I leave you here with my contact details if you'd   like to learn anything more about  the project. Thank you very much. 

Thank you so much to all the speakers  and now we are going to start with the  panel and the Q&A session. We are  going to start with Pablo. I had some  very specific questions for you. The first  question: do you think it's possible to   replicate that learning methodology of  La Mesita to the teaching of a specific   knowledge such as financial education but for down syndrome adults? and the   second question is how we can bring this technology to different educational   systems around the world considering the different cultural particularities,   social and cultural context family context the  availability of support systems for children?  how do you think or how do you see this in  terms of a possibility to expand these to other  countries with different characteristics?  Thank you so much Ricardo. About the  first one, we have to consider replicating this to work with people who are older we   have been focused in children mainly and this part of, we have to think  that now they are children, and, in the  future, they will be adults and they will  have to continue with a type of special  support and mainly these supports that  will allow them to be more independent  and a better quality of life.  So, the idea of creating a replica  or a copy for people who are older  we've been thinking about that  because we want to accompany them in  their transition to and out of life  and also, we have been developing other  support strategies not only through La  Mesita and also the virtual desk but  also, we consider the difficulties adults  have to access people the information  barrier from the limitations in the development  of the reading process and also the work  with easy text or easy readings this  adaptation is something that we also are  doing in Latinamerica with the methodology of easy  reading. And something that we have also worked is  the multimodality for the writing part the multimodality is something that we can   empower, we can use to empower the access to information. When we think about  

replicating these in other contexts and in other countries first we have to   have a very flexible tool that will allow you to change contents so they are more adequate in  social and cultural terms and also, we  can think of offline elements and not  only that we use the app, but we can  accompany them with the methodology.  Thank you, Pablo that was great, thank  you for the time, for the limited amount  of time that we have I think you have  summarized everything well. We are going  to continue with next questions  for Claudiu in this case. 

Claudiu, I wanted to ask you this  first: do you have a special program for  people with low-income or  scarce resources they may have   access to Munevo drive? And the second question is  do you think it's possible in a sustainable way to  provide this augmented reality in  your system in order to improve this  user experience and if so,  do you think this would be  a first situation of accessibility as an example  of accessibility for the Metaverse? Thank you very   much Ricardo for these questions, especially  the last one. I’ll try to keep it short but  let's start with the first one.  So, we already managed to get   the solution integrated into different healthcare systems that should be around about seven   countries right now in Europe that already are available to get 100 reimbursed   and that is also always our goal, so we always  try to work together with the healthcare  insurances for the different like  systems that allow this to be reimbursed  and then also trying to like bring together  like yeah looking at you know developing  countries as well to see how we can like integrate  it as there which is a bit more challenging I have  to say so this is something that we hope  that also with the time the healthcare   systems will also evolve more and also our solutions will become cheaper at   some point so that it will be much  more affordable for people with low  income. Now maybe to the second question  so this is something very interesting. Our  solution right now is not using the AR  principles we did test with you know  AR glasses, the challenge there was  always that we need to also look at the  comfortability of the user so  our users are wearing the glasses  yeah, AR glasses right now are not very light  they're a bit heavy but I’m sure that also this  technology will evolve and will become  easier to use and so on and then I   think yes, we would love to be there at the forefront because I think if we develop   something such as you know Metaverse technologies and things like that we should always develop   it also with people in mind that  oftentimes get overlooked when it comes  to these technologies so  we would love to be there.  They are very certain from my  point of view. We are going to 

talk to or start with Carlo  with the last questions.   Carlo have you considered in spreading the  model of park for this to other  regions such as Latinamerica,   Africa, Asia and etc.? and considering these do  you think the cultural differences the social  differences may facilitate or stop this implantation or these trying to  43:12 install Park4Dis in these regions.   It's an excellent question. About the first question, I can tell you that Park4Dis   is created due to our European recommendation from 1998 in which  they took different decisions and  the first one was to standardize the  European card and in second place the  fact of allowing all disabled people  of the 28 member states in the past now  27 because the UK is no longer part of  the European Union of allocating a  number of spots that are reserved and  they may park in any place where  they wouldn't interrupt the   circulation but that's a basic concept that first, was a unified card and it makes that the   nature of this Park4Dis project is a European  project. Having said that, of course,  we are in contact with countries  such as Chile in order to study  the implementation of these guidelines  in other countries this would be a study  from the association that has   this knowledge we have to do this gap  analysis in order to understand how to  implement this, because the basic  concepts are the same: the card,  whether it it's it says our European  standard we have to comply this with  this format and the fraud with the  card when another person uses that   we have a patented solution for these and we may export this to other countries.  

Second, this is a very interesting question. Of course, there are differences and there are   differences in other continents, but  also in the same European continent  there are a lot of cultural differences for  example between a Nordic and a Latin country and   it you would be surprised that to hear that in Spain where we   started there is a great difference between towns and also, we have divided them into a small medium  and big cities continuing the  following the standard of the  Statistics Institute of Spain it's  different to have an urban city and  a tourist destination they  have different connotations,   but we have detected those differences between the modals and an African   country an Asian country a European country also, they have different connotations or   differences and I’m not concerned about technology as you mentioned it's more   about the awareness the consciousness of how to involve people how to talk to people  they involve the actors that are private and  public that would be a very interesting work.  Excellent thank you, Carlo. And while you  were talking about this I was thinking 

on the possible synergies that we  could have and when we talk about the  augmented reality between your app and what  Claudiu has been doing in this case because the  target is quite similar it can be the same in many cases when identifying where the places or   the spots are the in-context information to improve the user experience. Thank you so much  for the answers to my questions, I  think they give us a lot of information,  valuable information, very interesting  for the audience. And now that we're   going to close the session this panel. Before we finish, before we go home,   I wanted to ask you if you could offer the audience   a reflection, a very short reflection, an idea in just a few words that you want   the audience to keep in their mind, something that is relevant that you   want as a summary very brief. We're going to start first with Pablo.  I would say that when we develop all  this work that we've been doing it has  to be focused on the rights and mainly  on justice with people I think that's a  great contribution that we can do  from our fields: justice and rights. 

Thank you so much Pablo, I think that is a very  good reflection very important reflection. Claudiu  Thank you very much for all the  questions and the answers. So it's   really interesting and I think mine would be more call to action and I think I would say that   let's try to develop and  design more inclusively and  take into account every person  because in the end we've seen now   how it can not only benefit these persons but the greater like communities and all of humanity   in the end. So that would be my call to action to everyone.  Thank you so much, Claudiu, that was  excellent. And now, Carlo. I have two  reflections yes, I’ll give I’ll share with  you my reflection to at the end of course. 

First reflection it's something that I’ve talked  uh already which is the concept of our smart city  because a smart city and a smart  tourist destination is used but that's  not inclusive if they are  not totally accessible. For  me it's very important we have to  consider the user not the city and   that has to be transversal and also something that I use in the in the signature of my emails  “I do not have a disability;  I have different ability”.  I think that's my phrase that's my sentence and that can be applied to   any type of disability but also for the elderly and other groups of people.   Thank you so much. I think, I wanted to contribute with the last reflection using  what we usually say “nothing for us without us” with which means that for the   development for the design of all these apps of all these technologies   that are going to try to improve the quality of life of people with disability   and then they also improve the  quality of life of much more people  but the quality of life the experience of  people with disabilities, elderly people,   we always have to include these people  in the design from the design phase   we have to incorporate that  knowledge of the people  we have to incorporate or include their  opinions their needs their complaints,  the problems, they experience, at the  moment of designing these solutions so  we do not have to design  something and then change it,   or we have to fix it later  because we haven't included the  needs and the preferences of  the audience this is addressed.  So, to summarize this very briefly we  have seen this app that Pablo has shown us  mainly addressed for children with reading  comprehension and problems especially for down   syndrome children that have demonstrated they can improve their capacity for reading. 

And also, we have seen a very innovative  technology from Claudiu steam for people with  reduced mobility based on the  movement of the head that help people  that have very reduced movement in their hands,   so they don't have to use a joystick when handling their   electrical wheelchair. And also, we have  seen an app that Carlo has presented  in order to facilitate the experience of  finding a parking spot and booking that  for people with reduced mobility in  urban areas that we know it's something  that we have seen it's something that we see  on a daily basis that need a solution. And   now we see the how useful these apps are or these solutions are   in order to solve daily life problems and now we have to consider how to scale this   in different parts of the world in different contexts   so a lot of people can use and receive a benefit of these type of applications.   Now we are going to finish our panel. We want to thank Fundación Descúbreme and Zero   Project, it's been a pleasure for me to moderate this panel   it's been a great learning experience and we want you all to  continue in the next with the next panel or  the next edition of Zero Project and all my  regards to you you

2023-07-09 18:42

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