Daryl Wilson of Wilson Audio Loudspeakers - The StereoNET Interview

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Welcome to the StereoNET Channel. Today  we have a very distinguished guest,   Daryl Wilson, the CEO of Wilson Audio.  Firstly, welcome Daryl - It's  a pleasure to have you here in   Australia. You've come a long way from the U.S. Congratulations on getting to almost the 50th   year of Wilson Audio. That's a milestone  for an audio company and most companies in   the world. Is there a buzz inside Wilson Audio  at present as you near this moment and are you   planning to celebrate in a special way? Thank you for having me and I and I   apologize if I'm a little jet-lagged and  so I'll do my best during this interview.  

There is a buzz and we have several fun things  in the works right now - some projects that we   can't quite discuss right now but you'll be  hearing about before the end of the year.  A lot's changed in 50 years - you think about  where Wilson Audio came from. You had a husband   and a wife that made the decision; the  entrepreneurial leap of faith. Let's do   something that will completely scare us and  potentially change the course of our lives.  My mom put it well when they were talking about,  well should we build these loudspeakers continue   recording doing these types of things and and be  our own business, be our own bosses, or should   we continue to work you know pharmaceutical is  is what my dad was in before, and she made the   comment you know if we looked when we're 50 years  old if we look back do we want to think what if,   and so they made the the leap and and I'm very  grateful that they did and I think there are a lot   of music lovers out there that also feel the same. So Wilson Audio's first product was a turntable.   You've mentioned audiophile recordings,  and then you went into loudspeakers. Are  

there any other audio products that  Wilson Audio have been interested in?  Yeah, we've done we've done several things  and there have been a lot of products that   we've started developing that never made  it to market because they didn't reach our   standard of excellence. Right now we have  two way small compact shelf loudspeakers,   we have a variety of floor standing full range  speakers, we have powered and passive subwoofers,   we have center channels, we have surround products  and products that can be used for Atmos systems.  I think we have a really wide variety of products.  One of the things that companies do that tend to   diminish the brand with time is think that they  should be the solution for all applications   and you start losing what your culture is at  that point. So we tend to be very hyper focused   on what can we do in the loudspeaker realm and  do it to the level of excellence that we demand   from ourselves and our customers demand from our  company. Every year during our annual meeting we,  

of course, we throw out all kinds of ideas  - should we do this? And our dealers and   distributors they're asking us for this kind of  product, do we want to spend or resources our time   and energy which is very limited on developing or  expanding into this other area? So where we are   right now is the net result of you know, almost  50 years of talking about that kind of stuff. So   we're very happy with the product lineup that we  have right now and like I mentioned before 50th   Anniversary there's some fun stuff coming. How do you characterize the improvements of   Wilson Audio products in the last almost 50  years? So if you start with the Wham and you   move forward to say the Alexx or the XVX,  you've got 40 plus years of drive unit and   materials that have improved. How does that  translate into sound quality improvements?  Our North Star for how we develop  is live unamplified music,   so having had the privilege of listening to music  in Concertgebouwl and the Musikverein local halls in in Utah abravenel Hall Severance Hall  and Cleveland just hearing music in in spaces and   having access to those spaces during rehearsals  where we could walk around the room and listen   to music because when you're in a hall no two  seats sound the same and people will argue well   what's better going and hearing a live you know  performance or listening to my system at home   and frankly I I think that it's impossible  to hear in the hall during the performance   what the microphone's picking up because the  microphone is physically in a place that no one   can physically sit and so you'll never get that  sound right it's just a different type of sound   but using that as a reference my father and Wilson  Audio in general over the decades it's always been   that is the North Star and then what technologies  are available to us now to get as close to that   as possible and so you look at a loudspeaker the  anatomy of a loudspeaker you've got the drivers   and you can refine and fine-tune those and Driver  technology has gotten much better over the years   the enclosures how how dead and damped can you  make the enclosure sound so the only thing making   noise is the drive the drive units and that's  come a long way with computer programming and   CNC Machining and Precision there and material  research the types of materials that we use back   with the original wam we used aluminum baffle  we we used a variety of woods including Birch   and and plywood you know in the early versions  and then of course we developed x-material s   material now the material and those all have very  specific characteristics Sonic characteristics so   you have materials with the enclosures and then  you look at the anatomy of a crossover and the   components in the crossovers back when my father  started making loudspeakers uh on in a commercial   sense we didn't have a capacitor manufacturing  Department inside of the building and so now we're   able to experiment wind and create capacitors in  in a very unique way that is exclusive to Wilson   Audio so pulling back at and looking at each  of the elements of a loudspeaker you can point   at the Footers the enclosure the crossover the  drive units our ability to measure time alignment   and the accuracy within a system cable technology  all those things over the last 50 years each one   of those pieces has gotten better and better and  it's up to us to make sure that we're refining the   system that we're finding the best Solutions or  creating the best Solutions in that specific area   so Wilson Audio has become an aspirational brand  and even considered the Pinnacle by many users or   want to be users from its Inception its early  days was this by Design or has it been sort of   an organic growth of that's where you've come to  that point now of being not the Pinnacle for many   people yeah I have never heard my dad say I'm  going to create this thing because I want to be   the best in the world in this in egotistical  sense everything that we do as a company   we focus on attaining Excellence Perfection  is is truly impossible right but Excellence   is within our grasp is a quote that he used  to say and and I love uh Perfection is kind of   the vision but our everyday actions is the path  and that's that's the pursuit of excellence and   excellence in all things building the best and  doing the best you can and especially when you   have a team of craftspeople at Wilson Audio that  are competitive by nature and artists in their   hearts it's amazing the kinds of things that we're  able to do if I were to be able to you know put on   paper hey I want this product to look this way  I wanted to to fit in this these materials but   we couldn't manufacture it it's at that point  it's just it's a thought it's a dream right   so it's a combination of the quality of of the  team that matches the vision of the designer   to be able to create the product that can be  consistent and manufacture time and time again   um and and be repeatably excellent so going  back to your original question as far as you   know being the best I think when you put that  formula together that it the net result is   something that is aspirational that like a like a  sword handcrafted in Japan that takes a long time   to make and is state of the art for what it is a  person could argue well the material cost is this   but you're not taking into account the life  that that person put into honing their craft   and Wilson Audio is the average tenor tenure  at Wilson Audio is 12 years with 60 employees   um so the the knowledge the depth of knowledge  within our our Crafts People is very deep and   that brings a lot of value and it and it allows  us as a company to to Envision products that   are just beyond what we can do now and we figure  out how to do it and that that there's a lot of   fun and and it's challenging but a lot of fun man  I've read that Wilson Audios that speak has been   chosen by famous people such as Wesley's knives  Lenny Kravitz and even Steve Jobs who was a an   avid audio file are there any other interesting or  celebrity owners that you might want to mention uh   yes there's a funny story with this Steve Jobs my  dad was at his house and uh they were uh setting   up and listening to the X ones and uh Steve Jobs  son his snake got out of his cage and they spent   a lot of time on their hands and knees looking  for the snake around the house and so through the   years I've always appreciated hearing that side of  it that it's not always about you know designing   the best loudspeaker and there's such a human side  of this and I think all of us as people who love   music and are audiophiles or just people that you  know at the end of a stressful day want to sit   down and and not worry about that stuff and just  leave that right at the door as you go into your   Listening Room and play your favorite music right  at that point it's not about the the you know   what's the capacitor made out of it's about this  is my release this is this is my escapism staying   connected with the the human element of what we do  is very important there are other people that that   people know the Lenny Kravitz uh Paul McCartney  Puff Daddy has them they're the people that I   found that I engage with I chose or I'm introduced  to that really dive in deep they're the producers   they're the people behind the scenes that have to  listen and do the quality control on what the mix   sounds like and it's their job and and it's what  makes her break the album right doesn't sound   good does it is it is it representing what the  recording artist really wants the listener to hear   and so those people the I have very interesting  conversations with those kind of people yeah   listen audio has never been afraid to innovate  you've mentioned here today around a bunch of   Craftsmen that exist at Wilson Audio so if we  look at the first Wham and then the what product   totally different loudspeakers shape size and I  guess even their use but both done the audio world   what drives this process of innovation and is it  easier with your Craftsman within Wilson Audio I   have to go back to the North Star the North Star  is live on Amplified music and then thinking what   do I want in my system we wouldn't be developing  a center channel if we didn't want to put that   Center channel in our system at home and we  wouldn't develop it in the way that we wouldn't   be proud of going back to the original Wham the  ultimate reference tool from when my dad was a   a young boy inspired by an event that fooled him  to think that carolers were outside of his bedroom   and it was just a cliff form that was set up down  the street right so so he was fascinated with   that that speaker made me think that people were  there speakers can transport my mind to believing   something there that's not and so he studied  and learned and and you know over the next uh   decade and a half he and his friends would build  makeshift you know Heath kits and and loudspeakers   and and whatnot and then he became a recording  engineer and then needed a tool to be able to   hear what he was hearing in the hall and so the  original Wham you know was made and um and then   he had a situation where he went to a recording  session spent a lot of time and effort and and   money to be able to record and brought home the  master tapes played it on the whams and it didn't   sound like anything like he experienced and that's  because he was using the studio monitors that were   provided there and he was making EQ decisions  based off of what he was hearing out of those and   so he realized I need to build a compact system  that I can carry with me with all my gear that   speaks the same language as the Wham and so he put  the same time and effort into developing the watt   as he did the Wham the purpose wasn't to really  sell it the purpose was it to be a tool for him   and my mom was like people are going to want to  buy it we should show it and so he showed it and   after that CES they had like five new dealers that  wanted to come on board and they were you know   taking orders for him and my dad was really my  mom wasn't surprised because she sees the genius   and she sees you know what he's capable of doing  but he's just doing what he loves yeah so deciding   what the next product is is what do we want in  our house and for instance the Alexia Alexia V   is the current model of Alexia and Alexia Series  2 there was five years five years of development   you think about the xvx and you think about other  products the Alex v and other things that we were   developing and then you look at the Alexi Series  2 after five years and it's like look at all the   things that we did at a Grassroots level that we  could Implement in here and have over 30 changes   and they're significant you know one percent  Improvement in sound here three percent here half   a percent here but you add all that together and  it's a substantial you know Improvement in product   and so that's the way we develop when you know  when I I've got a Lexi of these in my home right   and so when I think about I I want this system in  my house I want to make it the best I can and so   I make it for me our R D team we make it for us  and our craftspeople we engage them we I every   time we have uh our second version of prototype  I bring down the crafts people and it's like how   would you make this better what do you think about  this and and we get you know great conversations   um and and products evolve in a very good organic  way with that process so you've mentioned there   that bring in new products what does Wilson  Audio face in trying to create once you've   introduced a new product into the market how  do you see where it's going to fit as you say   you design it for yourself how does the public  then foresee that that that's a need or a want   there are certain questions that um I got my  degree in an international business with an   emphasis in business and living and working side  by side with my dad and with the r d team my my   entire adult life and a lot of my childhood I was  I was building things side by side with my dad and   just helping him out because he never just gave me  money he gave me opportunity to earn money and so   I'd worked for him and then I'd go buy my gummy  bears and play video games buy pizzas like kids   do right building and developing products it's  a complicated I I don't know how to answer that   because it's not the the standard business model  at Wilson Audio it's not hey you know here are   the here are the analytics for the market this is  what the market's buying and the market's saying   um that they want a small compact floor standing  speaker that is uh wireless and powered and it   says this you know this is the percentage of the  Mark we could grab that percentage of the market   that's just not how we operate it's how do we  in in whatever package it is for this package   right here for Alexia V that's that's sitting  behind us for this package how can we get the   most performance and get us as close to that live  unamplified music or what's on that recording how   do we get as close to that as possible that's the  kind of mind frame that we're in when we develop   and we set course on saying hey here's a new  product or here's how we better a current product   so it moves slightly technical resonance control  this vital part for lat speakers and the audio   system and audio chain how important is resonance  control compared to other aspects in loudspeaker   design and what other facets of loudspeaker design  do you portray as being important yes um that's   we spend a lot of time making sure our cabinets  are inherently damped and we develop our products   especially with the V material the V series  products where we've developed a product that   is incredibly dead and damped and so it creates  isolation between cabinets it creates isolation   and vibration sinks that is very important  to us an enclosure where you start turning up   the volume and of course spls go up and and the  woofers especially I mean they're really moving   and there's a lot of pressure there if the  enclosure is is singing along with the music   that's technically Distortion so anything that's  not coming from the drivers is distortion so we   want to minimize that however if you have in the  hierarchy of what's important for us if you have   an enclosure that is mostly damped it it you know  it creates a little bit of noise but the timing   is absolutely accurate on it so the signal that is  being fed from the crossover to the mid-range and   the signal that's going to the woofer woofers in  this case will say Alexia V and the signal going   to the Tweeter if those are perfectly aligned  at the listening position there's going to be   a sense of scale and depth that you can't  get if it's misaligned all these things are   important time alignment is is the the highest  element on on our hierarchy of of importance   frequency response I think we've gotten to a  day and age where with computer modeling and   and current technologies that any loudspeaker  worth its weight and salt really can get a   relatively flat frequency response and I'm sure  with stereonet and as you test stuff that you're   you're seeing more and more it's like okay we  run the sweep and yeah it's pretty flat right   yeah but does does that directly translate  to engagement I think it's important you   never want something where a tweeter is 10  DB you know hotter than a mid-range you're   going to hear that yes so I think that almost  everyone can get relatively flat and so damping   of enclosures is important but if if you have a  a tweeter where you're hearing the information   um you know 50 microsecond 100 microseconds  before the mid-range your mind translates that   to synthetic that it's not real that there's  a that you're sensing something's disjoint   did an unnatural it still sounds like a violin  still sounds like a base right but it doesn't   sound like it's really there when you get the time  alignment right it's incredible how the recordings   just Blossom and open up and when you close your  eyes you can point to the the performer's mouth   you know exactly the instrument they're playing  and this and the hull and and you're listening to   a an acoustic performance and and it's just them  and then all of a sudden it's a live performance   and everyone starts clapping and and you hear it  all around you that's when all the time alignment   is is as precise as possible that it fools your  mind to to translating what's being represent   or replayed to you on that recording in a very  unique and satisfying way how important is it   for Wilson Audio to customize and create your  own Hardware drivers or capacitors and then how   does that impact your product development yeah  we do wind and create in-house our capacitors   our crossovers are all built in-house with  point-to-point connections not using any   circuit board printed circuit boards we found it  on the loudspeaker side when you use a printed   circuit board that it's dynamically compressing  to the sound for electronics is a different thing   that's before it's Amplified right after it's  Amplified we found that using you know thicker   gauge wire point-to-point connection is the is  the most authentic way we build our own enclosures   in-house right all the enclosures are machined and  then hand finished hand built hand assembled hand   uh gel coated hand painted hand polished so all  those things are made in-house are metal we work   with three machine shops locally and so we support  local business and we work very closely with them   one of them we've worked with for uh 25 27 years  so we have very deep relationships with them they   understand our quality they're able to produce  the best of the best so Wilson Audio is really   renowned for its modular timeline that speakers  that we've spoken about so there's a lot of faith   put into your selected dealers to Showcase and  install these very specialized products into   customers homes can you provide an insight to us  about how you train the selected dealers and how   they learn to optimize your speaker's performance  yeah it's a part of the purchase price of every   Wilson Audio product that when you buy something  is as high-end as a Wilson Audio loudspeaker that   the dealer delivers it make sure that everything  in your house is protected as it's being installed   and take the time time to install it in the in the  best position in your room for you to get maximum   performance out of the system some people will  say well that's that's overboard you don't need   to do that I can install it myself and frankly  if you take two speakers and one is three feet   in front of the other one can't effectively argue  that that's the same as someone who comes in and   who's trained at hearing a room listening to a  room and setting up a system in a way that all   the lines at the listening position there's value  in that and so all of our dealers are trained with   that to become a Wilson Audio authorized dealer  you have to come to Wilson Audio and we have a   training program where they go through a three-day  curriculum and and training them and and the Art   of setting up a system the WASP Wilson Audio  setup procedure is a part of that so everyone   that buys a Wilson Audio product can rest assure  that the technicians the dealer that comes in and   sets them up have been trained are familiar with  the process and and if there are any questions we   we get questions all the time hey this listening  position is slightly outside of the nomograph and   our Engineers will actually go in and pull up the  model and based off of the information from the   test results that I gave them they can say okay  they put in the parameters listing distance ear   height and give customized settings for that  particular room so there's support from Wilson   Audio with professional and well-trained dealer  Network because I shoot every every person's house   is slightly different so that professionalism  and training is is really uh valuable for the   End customer yeah and and that's an important  point every room is different every listening   position is different every every per there  are an infinite number of possibilities there   so buying a loudspeaker that can't adapt to  all those unique positions there's a slight   disadvantage to that now I'm not saying that  you're going to get horrible sound but I think   it's the difference when you have Precision found  in Wilson Audio products in a standard definition   TV and then you go to a 4K you're like you know I  I know that there was a mountain on on that video   right there but with this four I can see the  trees on the top right so it if a person cares   about music like that like some people can stare  at a piece of art and they can weep right they're   so emotionally connected to it there are some of  us in the world that are connected to music like   that and that matters to them yeah so Wilson Audio  has obviously you know very cutting-edge design   Technology's performance is at the Forefront do  you think that Wilson Audio's loudspeakers have   also helped or assisted the quality standards of  other audio manufacturers across the industry say   amplifier design is all deck products yeah I I  would say absolutely there there's a symbiote   uh symbiotic relationship in the industry that  when an amplifier manufacturer increases the   performance of their gear and we use that gear it  helps us with developing and hearing deeper into   the music so it allows us to make better products  and then cables and CDs and it kind of goes round   and round there are a lot of manufacturers in the  industry that use Wilson Audio products as their   test gear just like with Wilson Audio we use a  variety of of amplification and CD players and   turntables and cables to evaluate and to make  our decisions so I would say yes on that good   so there's a Wilson Audio certified authentic  program can you tell us a little bit more how   that came about and how it received by upcoming  and existing customers yes yeah I I love certified   authentic I've I've bought a few things in my life  I think all of us have bought a car or you know   something like that how would we feel if we bought  that car and then two years later we thought hey   there's this new model out and this is something  I really enjoy I want to spend my money on this   thing and uh we bring our car back to the dealer  and they say I has no value to me immediately   it's like I wasted my money right I'll enjoy this  thing but man it's almost like a punch to the gut   we believe every Wilson Audio product has  value and it continues to have value and I   would even take products that are 10 15 years  olds that are Legacy products of Wilson Audio   and put them up against equivalently priced  products of current models current day models   so yes they absolutely have value and our  dealers know that and people that want to want   to experience Wilson Audio products in their  home they are looking for Value a certified   authentic Wilson Audio product is the best way  to experience Wilson Audio and to get in at   um at the best price and so we created a program  where if you have a Wilson Audio product we have   values for all of our products and so a dealer can  quickly call us up if they have any questions we   as Wilson Audio if a dealer doesn't feel like they  can resell that we will buy it back because we   know with our dealer Network that there is someone  out there that would love to own a Sophia Series   2 or a what puppy 7 or you know a duet series  one these are still amazing great products and   we service all of our products that we've ever  made it only makes sense we create a program to   where a customer can say I want to upgrade and I  have a Wilson Audio product let's make that easy   for you and and we want to acknowledge that you  still have value in in your product Wilson Audio   products hold their value longer and stronger  than just about any other loudspeaker products   out there and I think that in large part it is  because of the certified authentic program yeah   you've mentioned earlier in the interview around  the old father David who created the company   passing in 2018 must have been challenging  for yourself and for Wilson Audio so can you   tell us a little bit more about that the more you  personally rested the take on the task of leading   Wilson Audio and how much help and support did  you get I received an incredible amount of support   when uh when my father passed the  outpouring of concern and of love and people   people stepping up that know me that know the  team at Wilson Audio that have seen how we work   together and they saw the mentor apprenticeship  that my father and I had there's a lot of trust   there and so I I feel incredibly blessed and  during the most impossible time of my life I felt   like there was an outpouring of love Yeah it it's  still a challenging topic for me to talk about   and I never want it to be easy I I love my dad  deeply I miss him dearly and um I know he'd   be proud of what we're doing I know that he'd  be proud of the team that we have now because   everyone's going through struggles everyone's  going through the you know the day-to-day life   and day in and day out this team comes  together and we problem solve together   we create Excellence together and  we bring the best to the table and   that's hard to find it really is hard to  find I I love hearing people's stories of   I first met your dad when and then they fill  in the blank I love hearing those stories still   and there are a lot of people that come up and  say I wish I knew your father that says a lot   about his integrity and the way he lived his  life I hope that I'll be remembered like him so um on a personal level what's your earliest  memory of Hi-Fi sound and is there a particular   moment or turning point where you came to  appreciate what your dad had originated   and built with Wilson Audio and then perhaps  realizing that significance yeah yeah um um   two things come to mind the first is um there's  a picture of of me in my diaper sitting in a   listening chair with some prototype whams right  and then there's another picture of me upside   down in the chair being a kid right my mom snapped  the pitcher and and she always says well this is   Daryl's creative way of reversing the polarity  right so sitting next to my dad not knowing   exactly what he's doing I've been surrounded by  music and you know hot Crow amplifiers and and and   strange turntables and you know that kind of stuff  and growing up I always knew that's Dad's system   he taught me to be very careful around things but  music was always a part of my life and uh and so I   I loved sitting down next to him and he'd have his  eyes closed and so I'd look you know I closed my   eyes because he was closing his eyes and I didn't  know he was really listening deeply I just you   know maybe he's feeling the music but it was just  me and my dad spending time together that was uh   that that's my first you know impression of of  music was just you know spending time with my dad   I think my kids will share the same story when uh  my wife will call me on my phone if she's in the   bedroom and it's two in the morning Daryl can  you turn it down the girls are trying to sleep   as a kid I experienced this I would be up  in my room I'd hear my dad playing you know   something downstairs and being very generous  with the game um yeah another memory of   when I was a kid my dad like I mentioned my dad  taught me you know be careful with the system   and and and we'd have people coming in and out  of the house dealers reviewers I didn't know   who they were at the time it was just you know  respect that time go out and play kind of thing   and so I knew how delicate the system was and  you know don't touch the turntable and the cats   got to sit on the amplifiers to warm up but my  dad they loved it warm uh and my dad would have   to always you know spray out and you know get  the cat hair out of the curls but there there   was one time they went out of town and we had a  babysitter over and um and she was vacuuming by   the Wham and the vacuum hit the corner of the  Wham and it chipped off a piece of the Lamb   and as a kid you know you don't know  any better right and I'm thinking   my dad's gonna kill her you know as a kid would  think right and he was a perfect gentleman about   it and and not a big deal they had it fixed and  whatnot but um yeah the the way that I experienced   a sound system uh living in the Wilson home um  is I recognize absolutely unique met a lot of   a lot of people coming in and out of the house uh  got to hear a lot of great music I got to see my   dad engage with his passion and his hobby on a  daily basis and get really excited about things   and there are other days there's a lot  of table talk a lot of talk around you   know the the dinner table of things they were  concerned with that I was privy to because we   were all eating dinner yeah I I was just the life  that I grew up in and I'm very grateful for it   there's a period it's in time where Wilson Audio  was known for spending whatever it takes to make   the best product um do you still take that  approach now to new designs and are you able   to look at either more structured or calculated  approach to introduce something into a product or   product into the market today oh yeah there you  look at any of our designs and you can say well   does it really need this does it need that and and  you know you can go back and forth and and um a   person could nitpick a system and yeah I guess  we could have a less expensive you know finish   some people would care about that some people  wouldn't you you could do other various things   but it I don't like the idea of cheapening the  product I personally think that their works of   Sonic art and Industrial art and being an artist  myself I like to create things that are beautiful   I like it when the lines on the enclosures  organically blend together and meet together   we could do things less expensive and not have  that but to me that's a part of the art that's a   that's part of the beauty of it and and in fact  these speakers do have to be in a person's room   and people do have to see them When the Music's  not playing you know as audio files we close our   eyes we listen to music but you do have to  see them and for us who are married you know   we have to have something that our wives will  like and so having a variety of colors and and   Grill options and Hardware colors that that you  can choose from I think really help with that   yes we could make decisions to make it less  expensive I won't make decisions that will cheapen   the product based off of someone else not thinking  it's beautiful if I think it's beautiful then I   want to create the art that I want to create and  then Sonic performance I I won't compromise on   Sonic performance if a like with the V material if  the material sounds better here the material goes   there V material is uh 25 times more expensive  than the standard material used in loudspeakers in   in our markets it's more expensive yet it sounds  better it performs better we will use it so our   our Paradigm for making decisions is really  based on Sonic art and Industrial art how do   you make it sound the absolute best meaning most  faithful and the truest Fidelity to the recording   and then do I want to see that in my room and  so you know the looks are inspired by that do   you think that the voicing of the Daryl  Wilson era Wilson or Airline speakers has   changed in any way relative to what your father's  products were and if so how did that come about   once again are our North Star  is live but unamplified music my father really focused on um dynamic contrast  and harmonic expression as as two elements that   he really needed and wanted the system to recreate  to get as close to that live on Amplified music I   think through the decades that as we were pursuing  that that we got to a point to where there was so   much refinement that we were able to what I  perfectionally added on to that list is the   number three thing is the micro detail so Dynamic  contrast harmonic expression and now designs with   materials with the Technologies we're using we're  able to really listen so deep in the music that   the micro Details Matter so I'd say that as far  as if there is a difference that it's it's the   way that I listen to music and I was trained by  my dad and we listened to countless hours of of   music and live performances together so I know  how he listens to things and for me it's it's   listening in uh deeper Beyond just the dynamic  contrasting and harmonic expression those those   micro details the subtleties of of how the the  hall sounds um you know the the nuances around   the instrument the the ictal sounds of the voice  of the breath and how the breath comes out of   the artist those little details we wouldn't be  able to to hear that and refine the system to   reproduce that if we didn't have the first two  in Spades and so that I'd say that the best way   of answering that is that we refine the system  so much using those two parameters to get to our   North Star that we did get to a point where it's  like okay we there there's more we can do now yeah   and that leads to an interesting next question  around what's the biggest change Revolution   you've seen in loudspeakers for the last decade  and what do you projecting that may be changes   coming up in the next 10 years the crystal ball  question yeah right um man if I had a really   well honed crystal ball uh I'd be making a lot of  money I would have bet on bitcoin a long time ago   loudspeakers so generally speaking in the market  what are loudspeakers doing now I think that the   industry in general and as a whole is better off  that loudspeaker manufacturers are spending more   time and resources making better cabinets better  material research I think is benefiting the the   entire industry all loudspeaker manufacturers  that participate in that and actively engage that   are are doing exceptionally well now they  may be asking different questions than we   ask and maybe have different answers than what  we have I still respect it what rockport's doing   is uh incredibly fascinating and I respect a  lot their process and what they do to create   their enclosures they're asking slightly  different questions and they're and and   they go down a different roads than what we  do and prioritize things a little different   than we do and that's okay right that's that's  their art our art is focused on different things   and I think that we can have and we should  have respect for you know for different   um designers and artists that that bring their  best to the table and they're willing to dedicate   their time and energy and their lives to answering  the questions they feel are most important to   them what I don't have a lot of respect for is uh  companies that come into our industry that say hey   these these other companies are selling X Y and Z  for these amounts we can create a product as cheap   as possible and put it into the same category  because hey the the consumer won't know the   difference and that creates confusion and then you  have bad experiences with those type of of systems   and then all of a sudden a broad you know stroke  is cast across the whole industry as in well all   companies are doing this and not all companies are  doing this you know walking through Wilson Audio   and seeing how things are are handcrafted and the  attention to detail that goes into all this stuff   versus someone that just all offshore or something  gets an enclosure stuffs a couple things in it and   slaps a label on it saying that it's made in the  country that it was assembled and not really made   in that's I I think a little dishonest that's not  Wilson Audio we will always do uh things the way   we do to once again the level of authenticity and  striving for excellence and the people that know   us they know that's the way that we operate and  the people that don't know us I hope that they   find us on on our website on Facebook on all the  social medias I hope they do the research I hope   they watch our YouTube channel and and really get  to know us we've got a great Wilson Way book it's   the the first 50 years or well it is it was right  after my dad passed it's the first uh you know 47   years of Wilson Audio there's great history in  there and and if people want to understand and   know Wilson Audio there we've provided lots of  resources moving forward the next decade what the   crystal ball yeah where's the crystal ball what's  it showing yeah so so to take that thought and   and say what I'm seeing in the industry and areas  that I really respect in areas that I think may be   harming the industry I think in the future there's  going to be more companies that see this industry   as um as a potential place to make money and take  advantage of people I hope that there's less of   that I think that we're surrounded by people  that care enough about this industry and and   authenticity that there are enough brands that are  have really brought exceptional products to the   market where it will it'll push out these other  you know companies that are I guess pretending so   to speak but trying to trying to profit off  of it I think that there's going to be more   advancements in material research and application  specific application of those materials I think   that driver technology is going to continue to be  explored to some of them will be fruitful I think   some won't be fruitful but that's the nature of it  and I think that's the way it's been for you know   as long as the industry's been around I think  the biggest area is going to be materials okay   and that's a final question is mention that  Wilson Audio is about the celebrator's 50th   Anniversary what do you think high-end audio  will look like in another 50 years and what   role do you hope that Wilson Audio plays in  that uh Does Elon Musk get his way that's the   part of the question that's important right  because if that's a part of the question then   we all have neural Links at that point we're all  streaming music directly to our brain and we're   experiencing this augmented reality and and who  knows it might be Apocalyptica 50 years from now   um uh we'll be listening to Great systems on Mars  how about that I yeah I I hope that I hope that   that companies that have a group of people that  love what they do continue to refine their craft   and continue to make great products no matter  if it's Electronics or loudspeakers or cables   or whatever that companies continue to do that and  we as people who are passionate about experiencing   music at the highest level continue to be  rewarded by seeing advancements in all areas yeah so on behalf of StereoNET thank you  very much Daryl for your time today   and sharing wonderful insights into Wilson Audio   uh and with everyone it's really been my  pleasure thank you for having me thank you


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