Cybersecurity in the Fast Lane – Jan 2024 TECH Talk

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Welcome to DataEndure's first TECH talk of 2024. My God, it is the first one.  It is the first one. Wow.  '24 marks a very special time for DataEndure,  it is our 40th anniversary. Before we get going,   happy anniversary. Happy anniversary.  Happy anniversary. And thank you all for the support.  Yes, absolutely. Think about the change, think  about how the pace has changed, how technology  

has changed. And 40 years, we've been going  through and just looking at things from 1984,   and wow, quite a difference. It's a very different place.   We were talking about parachute pants. I was going to bring it up, I didn't know  

if you were. Anyway, we just want to thank you for  joining us. This year's going to be a fun year for   us as we go through different ways to celebrate 40  years. But what we're going to spend some time on   today are just trends. New year, people go through  new goal setting, evaluating what they're doing,  

what they're not. And it's just a good time to  reflect. And so I spent some time just looking   at what the market and what the industry said  were some top trends in our market. And I'm   just going to rapid fire to Shahin, and we'll  get some input from you in terms of up, down,   issue, not issue. How do you weigh-in on these  things having been in this industry for 40 years?  It's getting there. Close to. For a while.  Although, in '84 I was a junior in high  school, so I hadn't started really working   in the restaurant industry, but not this space. Anyway, I think the first trend that we bring up,  

obviously you see it everywhere, you hear it  everywhere, is AI. It really took everybody   by storm last year, and I think there's an  expectation now that... I don't even know if   the dust is settling yet, but there's going to be  a maturity. What is the impact going to be? How   are businesses going to adapt? When you think  about AI and what people should know or think   about in 2024, what's your perspective? Yeah. Before bringing the '24 into play,   we've talked about this when we talked about the  evolution of endpoint security from antivirus to   EDR to MDR, to XDR, to blah, blah, blah DR.  Whatever the end state we get to. Same thing   happened back in the day with cloud. We came  up with this concept of cloud. Then we said,  

you know what, even the on-prem stuff is kind  of a cloud, so let's call that private cloud.   And then we got public cloud, and then we got  distributed clouds. And so, I'd like to now   bring our thinking back to AI has become another  marketing term. It is not a technology, it is  

not a thing. It is not something you could put  your fingers on. There's a handful of underlying   functionality and technology and capabilities  that make the concept of what was supposed to   be artificial or augmented intelligence a reality. I would say up until this past year, when ChatGPT   shook up the world, we didn't really have a notion  of augmented reality that us average humans got to   see. In labs, sure, but publicly available and  accessible. But every single security provider,   a ton of different data providers all had AI  built into their stacks. And they have rushed   in '23 to jump on the AI bandwagon to say,  "We've been AI since 1999." I'm exaggerating,   but you get the idea. The issue is that  there's really two different complete  

categories of what is AI. And I've forever  hated the concept of artificial intelligence,   and really focused on it's augmented intelligence,  it's helping. Because all of AI, prior to ChatGPT,   was really machine learning and deep learning.  It was culling through the data and finding   trends and patterns, and so on and so forth,  that then a machine could make decisions on.  Fast-forward to 2023, the exposure that ChatGPT  gave to the whole concept of generative AI. And   a lot of what was learned in trying to develop AI  to make decisions on a tech and data perspective   really became a pattern that allowed us to  take natural language processing, which is   understanding natural human language, take into  that and put machine models that allowed us to say   this model is based on learning and behavior of  a person, so that we can create this interactive   human-like chat functionality. As opposed to  the traditional chatbots, which were basically  

if-then-else logic. We've moved away from the  if-then-else logic of what we used to call AI,   to something that is interactive and more  natural language. And I think it's important   to understand, that while that has made a huge  impact to business and there are some huge   advancements that are potentially going to impact  white collar worker type roles, is not going to   change the way we do business fundamentally. Generative AI isn't going to be your security   analyst. The old traditional AI that finds  anomalies and detects patterns that are mistaken,   that still exists and that has been existing,  and that will continue to do it. This whole  

push that AI is going to change the world,  it's only going to change the world in terms   of a consumer interaction, in my opinion,  it's not going to change the world in terms   of underlying tech changes. It will help  us, because these machine models can now   be built that are more technology related humans,  if you will, as opposed to just the white collar.  I'll give you, for example, one of the things that  we're working on in the labs is, how do we create   a security analyst generative AI? But it's not  intended to replace a security analyst, because   we can never rely on that generative AI to be able  to ask the question to say, "This looks funny,   I'm going to dig a little deeper." The discernment.  Yeah, the discernment is missing. But  the understanding intent and being   able to answer questions based on a body of  knowledge, that's actually really valuable.  

That takes time that our analysts have to spend  answering questions for clients and partners,   gives that back to them to do the discernment  and allows the generative AI to do it. I think   there's some huge impact to business from  that perspective, but to think it's going   to change the way we do business, I'm not there. Yeah. Well, and I think your example is great.   There are a lot of things that we do in any one  of our jobs. It's like, oh gosh, if we could speed   this up, or if we could get someone else to do  this, or if we could have someone dig through this   for us, or whatever it is. Where are those areas  where that acceleration can help the more trained   individual do their job better? Exactly. 

We've seen it in sales, we've seen it in  marketing, we've seen it in tech. And so,   that does make sense that if you put that frame  of reference in it around security, that it can   help you do our job better, it can help us find  things faster, it can help us isolate things   more precisely if we harness it in the right way. And there is certainly a security implication of   generative AI that comes to the table, but it's no  different than any other type of machine learning   or data processing, or anything in the data  science space. There's always been the notion   of poisoning the well. And now, because these  models are going out and scouring and grabbing   information from the public internet, it's a lot  easier to build a site that can easily poison the   well and look like real data. That's what we're  starting to see, which is giving malicious links   and things like that into the platform. Which is  why almost every generative AI is saying we're  

not going to give you links in our responses,  because it's very easy to do that poisoning of   the well. But I would argue that nothing's  changed. We always had the poison in the   well problem. We always had, go check your  sources, go and inspect what you expect.  Those things are not new. From the moment  two people communicated to each other on a  

computer in different locations, and I'm going  to go back to the days of Cisco's foundation,   we had the problem of that something in the middle  can change that communication and act like a man   in the middle and do something. From that moment  on human communication was no longer this trusted   interaction. It was, I'm reading something  and thinking it's coming from someone. The   implications that AI brings to the table is now  we have the very deep fakes that are able to mimic   voice, mimic characterizations, mimic the look and  feel of a person. And so you can get a voice call  

from somebody and it looks like it's your boss, it  looks like it's the CEO, and they're asking you to   transfer $100,000 into their account. Trust, but verify.  Security awareness is important. But ultimately,  it's nothing new, it's just more complicated.  It makes it all that more important that these  different layers can do the job they're meant to   do, fill gaps, support the other layers. It's just  a more pressure test on the security layers that  

you ought to be having in place anyway. Yep.  All right. Well, speaking of layers and teams,  another trend that I believe will be controversial   for us, a lot of folks out there talking about the  convergence of IT and security. Given the level of  

threats we have, given how the threat landscape is  changing, it's not just isolated to a firewall or   just certain areas. You got to care about how your  storage is configured, you need to understand how   your clouds are configured, and that some of those  fall into the realm of IT. And so, how do you feel   about this 2024 trend saying, well gosh, maybe  we ought start converging IT and security teams?  Quick public service announcement, I am extremely  biased on this topic. I've been doing what we do   for 25, almost 30 years, and that is outsourcing  IT technology and security technology. And most   recently, over the last decade, focused  strictly on security. I'm biased in that   context. But here's, I would say, my perspective  on the whole thing. Is if you remember back to,  

again, I keep tapping into cloud, going  back to cloud. We all of a sudden decided   that we need a virtualization engineer, we no  longer need a server engineer and the network   engineer. Because we have now virtualized the  infrastructure, and so we need somebody who can   work on top of that virtual stack. And it's hard  to train the network guys to do server stuff,   and it's hard to train the server guys to do  the network stuff, so we need a new category of   engineer, the convergence of those two functions. And then we had the realization, well security  

is still hard, maybe we should take the firewall  out of that. Everything else can merge. So VLANs,   segmentation, VPCs, all the things that make up  the core. Think of it as the internal network and   the servers that run on it, whether it's in cloud  or on-prem, that stuff should be a virtualization   engineer, or a cloud engineer, or whatever term  you want to give it. We're now faced with the same  

thing that the market is telling us we have to do.  At the end of that whole convergence concept we   realize, you know what, a virtualization engineer  can create policies to segment servers from each   other, but they don't really understand why. They  don't understand the benefits of it. We really   do need somebody who understands the network. And  the network, the folks who transition from network   to virtualization, they don't understand  why specific amounts of compute or memory   or whatever are important to a specific type of  application, or how to fine tune an application,   how to make a database run faster. So maybe we  were hasty in our judgment to rush to this thing.  Of course, back then I was very biased to  say, "You don't need any engineers, you   can outsource it all to me." So that's what I'm  saying, public service announcement was heavily   biased there. Even in that context back then  we learned very quickly that you can't do that.  

Because as an outsource provider back in the day,  I started my career in EDS, my tech career in EDS,   which was heavily outsourced. Which is, your  employees are now our employees, you have no   IT team left. To a more managed services model  where we started the first managed services in   the country. And what we came to realize was,  in fact, we can't possibly know how to leverage  

technology to make a key differentiator for  that company based on technology against   their competitors. All we can do as an outsource  provider is level the playing field and make IT   commodity so that they don't have to worry about  the Joneses are doing better than them, or they're   not doing something they ought to be doing. But then on top of that, how do you take advantage   of data science or technology in the field,  or any of the other number of things that can   uniquely differentiate you from your competition?  You had to have engineers on staff, whether it was   architecture level or engineer. That was the point  where MSPs really started to become something   critical of the stack. Because now the commodity  IT, the help desk, the user support, the patching,  

the basic stuff which nobody wanted to do can be  handled, but the real focus on the business ended   up being internal resources. So fast-forward  today, it's the same thing. There are plenty   of IT people who have good security experience.  Because historically many companies, especially   smaller ones, didn't have the budget to separate  those, so they've been converged for decades.  But the same thing kind of applies, fast-forward  today, to the market is also at the same time   saying you can't possibly keep up with the  3,500 security vendors that are out there,   do the shootouts, do the evaluations, pick the  right tool. And by the time you implement it,   that tool's obsolete and you got to go do it all  over again. And it takes you a year to implement   the technology. And by the time you're effectively  no longer effective and the tool's outdated and  

you got to start over. I've always likened it  to painting the Golden Gate Bridge. You get to   one end, you're starting again. And so the market  has been saying, look for MSSPs, outsource your   security and focus on what differentiates you as  a company. Make security a commodity. And you've   also heard me say that the acronym MSSP has really  become muddied with the confluence of people who   just added a security tool to their stack and  call themselves MSSP, but they're not true MSSPs. 

So buyer beware in that category. But should the  convergence happen, I think as a result of if you   do follow that outsourcing mantra on the concept  and the benefits of continuous improving platforms   and technologies, then yes, you don't need a  dedicated security team. You don't need people   who are 100% security focused. And the concept  that smaller companies are taking advantage of,  

which is my IT people have understanding of  security and know how to talk about it and know   how to interact with it, but they've got a 24/7  security operations partner that is telling them,   "Here's the area to put energy and focus into.  Here's the risks, here's the vulnerabilities,   here's the things we got to address." In that  context, yes, a convergence makes sense. But   in the context of if you're doing it all  yourself, absolutely not. There has to be   a separation of responsibility, because you  can't have the wolf watching the hen house.  Well, yeah, and I think that tension or that  pressure where one... Liken it to sales and  

marketing, or think about an engineering team,  there's a healthy tension there that makes sure   each one is checking the other, if you will. And  from some of the customer conversations that I've   heard, when you try to do it all, IT often has  more of that level of urgency. Something's broken,   something needs to be fixed, we need to get  on this. Or something needs to be built and  

developed by this timeline. And security can  sometimes be relegated to, okay, when we get   around to it. Well, we implemented this, we check  the box, we'll go back and inspect it later,   we'll go back and we'll look at the alerts later. And there's almost an impression that I can set   it, forget it, and get back to it later. And I  think in the world we live in, we can't have that.  

We have to have someone having the same diligence  on security [inaudible 00:25:31] that we do on,   hey, we got to make sure the help desk is  available 24/7 for the executives. Or, hey,   we have to make sure... Well security, same  thing. We have to make sure that someone's   on it 24/7. We have to make sure someone's  watching. And I think it's very hard to do   that when you're trying to converge- When you're also supporting the CEO,   or whatever the case may be. Yeah. 

Part of the challenge with this whole convergence  concept is that the truest and oldest security   concept is separation of duties. And every  regulatory concern... If you're regulated,   that whole thing is a horrible idea. Because you  have to have separation of duties so that the   people who can make the changes have a set  of checks and controls that say that those   changes are monitored, controlled, approved. And  that is going to slow IT down to a degree that   they won't be able to operate. But sometimes  then in... I'm saying this from a security   practitioner perspective. In my history, when  I was much younger and had far less gray hair,  

I used to enforce security that hindered the  progress of the company. To be secure. Because,   no, some bad guy's going to be able to get in.  We can't do that. But in reality, we have to   take this balance of security needs to be much  more of a consultative role in the organization.  And part of the challenge we see is, back in  the 90s the CIO started to get visibility as   a board level position. And the CISOs started  as a new function underneath the CIO. Today,  

with security being such a top of mind board  thing, the CISO is not just at an executive level,   the CISO is a board level seat that sits in  the board and presents all security posture   and status to the board. That context means  that now if the CISO is reporting to the CIO,   you don't have the separation of duty, but  the board recognizes that it needs to be at   that top level. And so I question whether  this is the practitioners saying we need   to merge the function so that this separation  of the board is given direction to the CISO,   the board is giving direction to the CIO, and  there's a battle between them needs to go away.  Maybe that focus should be, how do we take and  get rid of this notion of chief information and   chief information security officers, and merge  the executive level? And put the responsibility,   let the executive level be a balanced  converged position. But the teams themselves,   you can't have an IT person be a SOC engineer.  You can't have a SOC engineer be an IT person.   The concept is, it's one of those unintended  consequences of the trailing implications here. 

Cool. All right, well moving along. Next item  that seems to be top of mind with everybody,   and interestingly enough we've been talking  about this for a very long time, is zero trust.   COVID split everybody to everywhere with devices  everywhere, personal devices, corporate devices,   networks, Starbucks, wherever. All of a sudden  zero trust as a concept has really jumped to the   top of the list, which is understandable,  relevant, correct. But without rehashing  

everything that we have said about zero trust,  and respecting people's time, what are a few   things you would say about zero trust in 2024? Yeah. Fundamentally, under the core without   rehashing, zero trust has existed for 30 years.  It's not a concept that's new, and it literally   means moving from an implicit to an explicit trust  model. So create explicit policies rules rather  

than implicitly assuming something is in place.  What does that mean as we go forward? We spent   a lot of time last year and in '22 talking about  how VPNs are fundamentally broken, and ZTNA, zero   trust network access became a big thing. But all  that had happened is most of the manufacturers and   technology providers took the VPN concentrator,  stuck it in AWS and said, we're ZTNA. Nothing has   changed from a functionality perspective, it's  still the same insecure VPN concentrator, it's   just not in your data center it's someplace else.  I think when we talk about zero trust, we really  

have to get back to that implicit versus explicit  context, and try to understand what it is.  If we truly want to implement zero trust and not  just jump on the marketing bandwagon, if really   we're trying to secure the environment. And assume  from the beginning that I don't trust this device,   this individual, until I've validated they are who  they say they are, then there's a lot of moving   parts that go into that. There's identity that  goes into it, there's actual device inspection.   We used to call it network access controls, but  it's no longer network access controls it's device   access controls. Because they could be anywhere,  they're not on your network. That DNS protection,   monitoring SaaS applications, zero trust takes a  much bigger... And SSE is probably a great place   to think about where zero trust and cloud security  come together. An SSE is secure service edge,  

and it's the subset of the SASE, secure access  service edge, that simplifies implementing SASE.  So take SD-WAN out, which is really difficult and  complicated. And people said, "I can't do SD-WAN,   it takes me three years to implement that."  We do it in 90 days. But take and implement  

the core components of zero trust network  access, endpoint security, user identity,   those types of things, and create a concept that  is really more about fundamental. How can a small,   mid, and larger half of the enterprise  space but not very large enterprise,   how can they take advantage of zero trust  functionalities and be effective? Look at   secure service edge as a way to assume as a model,  but don't just jump on the marketing bandwagon,   dig in. Did they simply move the  VPN concentrator to the cloud?  Yeah, make sure you're not picking  something where the problem's been   moved and you're getting a solution that’s - Or it's rebranded, because again, they wanted   to jump on whatever this new bandwagon was. Is  zero trust important? Absolutely. Is it a new  

thing? No, it's always been important. But we  just haven't implemented it and it wasn't as   big a deal when we didn't have distributed assets. Got it, got it. Two laps. And one, I believe we're   going to hear the same thing you said earlier is,  nothing new under the sun. But social engineering   still top of mind, 80% of breaches occur through  compromised identities in one form or fashion.   I think the tactics of social engineering just  continue to evolve. All living on social media  

in some form or fashion helps accelerate and  exacerbate this. Any quick thoughts on '24   social engineering? I think it's probably expect  more. Is there anything someone can do different,   or is there any way someone can think different? Yeah. I would say you're spot on, there's nothing   new under the sun. We've been doing social  engineering for as long as there was people   throwing away data into dumpsters. We were  dumpster diving, collecting information, calling  

into a company and pretending we were somebody to  get credentials and then get into the network. We   don't dumpster dive anymore because everything's  electronic now. Well, I'm going to say everything,   but there's a lot of you out there still not. But  mostly, everything is electronic. So how do you  

get intel if everything is electronic, without  breaking into the network first? The name social   is your biggest hint. Social media is where we put  everything about our daily lives and who we are,   what our dog's name is, what our aunt's name  is, what our kids' names are. And a bad actor   goes and figures out everything about you and  then calls in pretending to be you to the help   desk with all the intelligence. And they say,  "What's your mother's maiden name?" Guess what,   I just got that off social media. We're good. MGM gets breached. 

And MGM gets breached. It isn't anything new, but  the hackers have gotten smarter about how they do   social engineering. And I think it's important.  And then bring in the AI conversation, which is   now we're creating deep fake communications  which sound like they're coming from someone,   because they take their voice, the way they speak,  the way they write, and are able to communicate   making it sound like them. And they can actually  model and sound bite the voice of somebody based   on recordings they find, and so on and so forth.  It's security awareness, it's implementing a   second set of eyes, doing inspections, doing peer  review. If the CEO calls you and said, "I'm in  

Aruba and send me a check for $10,000 because I  just bought a yacht," go talk to somebody else.   Don't jump through the hoops. Go have a set  of checks and balances that are controlling.  If a vendor calls you and says we changed our  account number, don't just change the account   number, have a set of checks and balances.  Go and inspect. It's security awareness. 

Inspection. Yes, it's security awareness training.   Just like I said, we can't create a security  analyst that fills the role of a security analyst,   but it can answer the frontline support. Same  thing applies here. You can't replace the human   inspection, you have to have that discernment that  says, "This doesn't seem right. Our CEO never went  

off to Aruba and bought a yacht like this before."  If he does, then I can't help you. But generally   speaking, you got to have that discernment to  say there's something not right, something fishy,   this doesn't feel right. But don't rely  on one person, put policy in place and do   security awareness training that says, if you're  getting anything that is out of normal operations,   a second set of eyes has to inspect it.  You have to have two people approve it,   you can't have a single person approve it. Or something that we even do internally,   we have a security council. Security committee.  So something comes in, something looks weird,  

it gets shot over there. Anyone in the company's  invited to do it. What is this? And I'm sure the   team gets more than they want or need, but  at least I'd rather they get more than less.  I love receiving email.  What are you talking about?  Well, great advice. And one of the things  you started talking to me about last year,   probably midyear, Shahin and I are pontificating  about all sorts of things\ technology,   along with whiskey. And he starts talking about  quantum computing. And I'm like, well, I watched   Quantum Leap a long time ago. Quantum computing,  I don't know. I'm dating myself. What is that?  

And so interesting to see towards year-end you  hear the World Economic Forum last week, all   of a sudden quantum computing's top of mind. And  it's more as a caution. More as a, hey, this is   coming. But you're starting to hear people talking  about post-quantum cryptography. And it's like, oh   my gosh, what is this? People are barely getting  through understanding the acceleration that AI is   bringing to the world, and now we're starting to  hear about quantum computing. Quickly, what is it?  

What do people need to worry about now? And what  do people just need to sit back and watch evolve?  Yeah. The best way to think about this, and  this is not an accurate depiction of it, but it   helps to give you some context. We've worked in a  two-dimensional world in computing for the last 30   years, and quantum computing effectively takes us  into a third dimension. And what it's really doing   is it's giving us the ability to process data  faster, process things faster, faster memory, more   memory, larger size data. So it makes the computer  that much faster, is the short of it. What's the   implication of that? The implication is that when  it took us three weeks to crack a password on a   regular computer, we can do it in 30 seconds now  with quantum computing. The risk factor is now,   those things that were unbreakable things,  like we talk about 256 and 512 AES encryption,   and nobody's going to break it unless they  have five mainframes running for three weeks. 

That's not true anymore. Quantum computing still  is not mainstream. There's a lot of people who   are getting quantum ready. And what that really  means is that the post-quantum algorithms for   encryption, that's where the cryptography comes  from, are able to withstand the attacks from a   quantum computer. That's the concept. And here is  the real fundamental underlying encryption. Today,  

our answer to protect our data and  the regulatory concerns tell us,   encrypt your data. Because if the bad actor  gets it, it's just garbage. The worry now is,   let's say it takes... Let's just stretch  it out. I don't think it'll take 10 years,   but let's say it takes 10 years for quantum  computing to become a reality. All a bad  

actor has to do is take your encrypted data  when they're exfiltrating data. We all know   that ransomware happens all the time, which means  the hackers are getting in, they're exfiltrating   data. And the people who have their data  encrypted are like, it's okay, it's encrypted,   can't do anything with it. But all they have to  do is sit on it until that AES 256 encryption is  

a child's play activity on a quantum computer. And if we go back in time, I remember when   we went to the first time I had a multicore  processor and a multiprocessor multicore system,   we ran some security tools against the entire  active directory for the company I was working   at to see if a hacker could actually hack  the passwords. We were able to, in 48 hours,   completely hack the entire security account  database and get all the passwords for all of our   users. I think there was only two users who had  something like a 16 character password, but the  

rest of them were using eight character passwords.  They're Bob1 and Jenny2, and whatever it was. That   was a moment in time. And we're talking, to age  myself, this was 1994. We're talking a leap ahead   of that functionality to where those passwords  seemed really secure, and all of a sudden they   weren't. And it took us 48 hours to do 2,000  passwords in a security accounts database. 

And we raised it up to the executive committee and  said, "Look, we need to make our passwords harder,   we need to make them more complicated. We need  to make sure people aren't using their names."   And that's when the start of the, you need to make  complex passwords really started, was people like   us in the security space, we're figuring out how  to get past security. We now have the same issue,   but not for passwords, we have issues on databases  that are encrypted. We have issues on files that   are encrypted. That encryption will not be a  hindrance if the encryption algorithms are not   post-quantum ready. That is the fundamental shift  that I would say over the next year or two people  

need to start thinking the concern. The risk in  '24, you should be looking at technologies that   are post-quantum ready now. Because if your  data gets stolen and you've encrypted with   something that is not post-quantum ready,  post-quantum, that data is clear as day.  And I want to wrap up, because we've probably  gone a little longer today than we usually do,   but it's intriguing. When I hear post-quantum  ready, when I hear quantum computing isn't here   yet, but beware it's coming. How can something  be created that's post-quantum ready now when  

quantum isn't even here? How does that work? It exists, it's just not mainstream. It's not   something that the average user, the consumer  is going to get access to. It's not that it   doesn't exist. There's quantum chipsets that  are able to process in what are called cupids,   instead of bits. And they are available now, and  the researchers and developers and all those are   working with them. When we say post-quantum ready,  it's when quantum computing becomes mainstream. 

Mainstream. Got it. It's not that they're creating concepts   for... All of the companies that are in the  cryptography space today have access to quantum   computing to create quantum ready capability. If  you're interested in this space, give us a call,   we'd love to talk to you about it. There's some  really interesting tech out there that takes,   and the encryption algorithms themselves become  swappable. They're able to be ripped and replaced  

with quantum capable algorithms without  having to redo your entire architecture.  There's some very interesting technologies  that are coming out today that address this   problem head on, and are way ahead of the  rest of the competition. And I would say,   out of all the things coming out of the forecast  for '24, I would put my energy into post-quantum.   Because we know that one out of two companies  gets targeted and attacked. Out of those,   three out of four of them get encrypted, which  means that the data was exfiltrated and the   hackers encrypted the data. And that means they  have your data. Even if your data was encrypted,  

they have your data. So now apply that to  this post-quantum, and that means that they   have your data and at some point they're going  to be able to [inaudible 00:43:58] decrypt it.  Right. And eight out of 10 of those   companies that were encrypted get hit more than  once. So not only do they steal your data once,   but they're going to come back and get it again.  All the rest of our security services help to  

protect and prevent that from happening. But you  can't assume you're never going to get attacked.   You can't assume even with the best security,  bad actors keep evolving and it's really hard   to stay ahead of them. So there will be data  exfiltration in your future. Not maybe, there will   be data taken out of your network. Be sure that  you're protected when quantum becomes a reality.  Awesome. Well, see, I learned something new again.  Always. Thank you all. Thanks for sticking with  

us. If you have any trends that you're thinking  about that maybe we haven't talked about,   send them in chat or email us here, and we'd  love to talk to them about you. Because we   narrowed it down to those we thought were top.  But obviously for each of you individually,  

I'm sure you've got your list of things that  are going on this year as well. Thank you for   joining us, Shahin. Thanks to all of you, and  we'll see you next month. Bye. Thanks everyone.


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