myWorld Keynote

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Ladies and gentlemen, hello and welcome to the first ever myWorld Keynote. Today you're going to receive information about upcoming projects, product innovations and corporate milestones. And now let us also give a warm welcome to the first speaker of today's event: the CEO of myWorld International, Sharif Omar.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you. Thank you so much. What a pleasure to be here today.

It's amazing how many people are here. It's amazing how many people are all over the world watching this event now live. I also have to say: thank you all.

Thank you all here in this room. Thank you all watching this event. Thanks to our cooperation partner, mediaWorld, to make sure to have a successful event and streaming all around the world.

And I see the numbers are increasing. Currently, we have around 4:00 p.m. U.K. time, and today we're going to show you our first ever myWorld Keynote. Ladies and gentlemen, the day has arrived where we want to be honest, we want to be transparent.

We want to show exactly what we're doing. We want to show exactly what we have for you. And for this, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start to introduce myself at first.

My name is Sharif Omar and I'm the new CEO of myWorld International. Something about my background: I have started in the F&B industries years before, because it was always a pleasure for me to work with people. But soon I have realized that one thing kept changing our world. And this one thing is still keeping on changing all our lives on a yearly basis, on a monthly basis and even on a daily basis.

And believe me, I'm not talking about politics. I'm talking about one thing that we all know - it's technology. Technology is keeping on changing our life every day, all around the world. And I've realized soon that even without technology, it's almost impossible that you do any sales in your outlets. It's almost impossible that people can find you without navigation systems.

It's almost impossible that someone is doing a booking without having the right booking platform. And even, it came to a point where you can even not pay anymore if you don't have the right credit or debit card provider or terminal in your outlet. So for this reason, ladies and gentlemen, I've made the decision to travel, learn and work all around the world.

I was stationed in Singapore, in China, in South Africa, in the US, in Russia and it was very important for me that my passion will become my future. And same as many people I had a lot of ups and downs in my life. But in the end I know you just need to have more ups and downs and then it was the time has arrived where I said: technology is the middle of my life, but I just want to work with companies, I just want to work with people. Where I can do something good for the world. Where I can do something good for the people.

And then myWorld approached me, and this was really the first time really getting in contact with myWorld. And honestly, the concept, the concept was amazing for me. Like, you have a company where the main goal is only to help people all around the world saving money on their daily purchases. It doesn't matter how wealthy they are, or it doesn't matter if their income is not that high.

But through myWorld, everyone can start saving money. And it doesn't matter if they buy a new luxury car or they really just want to purchase their daily needs: food, drinks and so on for a better price and save money. And imagine for me, the point was when I've realized when a person can save maybe 10, 20, 30 euros a month and then you have a family of four or five people.

And maybe a family can save in a year 500, 1000 or 2,000 euros. This was for me something unique. And for this reason, ladies and gentlemen, I've made the decision to become the CEO of myWorld International. Thank you very much.

And for me, there's also a very important thing: honesty and transparency. And of course, I did my research about myWorld. And I had a really deep look into it.

And I've seen that one thing, one thing was really missing and was not that perfect. And this is customer experience, this is the shopping experience. And then I had a talk with the founder, Hubert Freidl. And I asked Hubert, I said: Hubert you're now so many years on the market. And the idea of saving money on every purchase is awesome but why is the shopping experience not there, where it should be? And honestly, ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you, the truth is that this company, same as many other big IT companies, they just started out of a vision, of a vision and a big goal to help millions of people all around the world saving money.

And you can imagine if you don't have super rich parents or you don't have big investors to start a company, of course, you have your learning experiences. Of course you try something. Of course, then you know, this is the right course. And for me, it's important about one thing: It doesn't matter what happened so far, it only matters what happens from today on for our future. And for this reason, ladies and gentlemen, I have started and my first promise is that from now on, we have only one goal.

And this is focus on shopping. Ladies and gentlemen, it's important. We will be the strongest shopping community worldwide.

We will help millions of people all around the world saving money. And for this, we only have from now on one focus. That we will focus on our shopping experience and we will focus to make shopping better for you all.

And for this, ladies and gentlemen, we have to improve two big topics for us. To have a good shopping experience we need to have two other things, and this will be innovations and customer experience. This will be two totally new departments in myWorld International. Where will really focus on bringing innovations to all our customers. To focus on what the customer experience is, to focus on how we can bring out a better customer experience to all of you. Because at the end of the day,

it's only about shopping and it's only about having happy customers. So for this reason we will define a new key account strategy. For this reason we have to have a working marketplace. And for this reason, we also need to help all our SMEs to work on to make everything easier and better for them. So for me, only one sentence is the right sentence: The vision about shopping, the vision about customer experience, the vision about happy customers. The vision has to become real! This is an important point.

Thank you everyone. Thank you. Thank you. But I have to say thank you. Thank you for all the trust that you have given us so far. Thank you for every time you shopped with us so far.

Because I can let you know exactly these things helped us to start improving everything. And when I started, around five months ago, I had a 100 days challenge because you all know that myWorld International is quite a big company to work in around 55 countries to have 15 million customers with more than 1000 employees. It's not a small company, where you can really do changes quick and easy.

It's if you want to do something, you have to do major changes that really have an impact all around the world. So that's the reason when I started, my first slogan is, I'm not your regular CEO. Because I don't believe that one person can change everything. But I do believe that with the right people, with the right team, we can change a lot. So for this reason, I came up with the 100 days challenge. And what was the importance of the 100 days challenge? That in the first part, we have divided into three phases.

The first phase was to start listening to all our customers. To start listening to our merchants to start understanding the needs of our customers. The second phase was to have the right people in place. Because we have to go on this journey together and we need to have international expertise joining us to really go into the right direction. And the third phase was that the new team, and the new technology will be already starting, will already be in place.

And ladies and gentlemen, today, I can tell you that the 100 days have been already a success for us internally in our company. We're happy that already new team members from international companies have joined the myWorld group and already started to work with us. I'm happy to announce that even the new IT that we put in place had already a huge impact on our on boarding strategy of our key account partners.

So ladies and gentlemen, just because of the new engine behind we have been able, just in the last couple of weeks, to have a total new part of on boarding when it comes to key accounts. And ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to announce to all of you today that just in the last couple of weeks, we have been able to achieve more than 2000 new brands in the myWorld group. Exactly 143 new eVoucher partners and 1926 new online partners. This, ladies and gentlemen, even we haven't had the time or we haven't had the possibility to develop this in every country, all around the world.

But in the countries where we have started, in the countries where we have tested, we've already seen huge success in the onboarding planning, the onboarding strategy. And ladies and gentlemen, I can just let you know we will continue. And of course, you will also see soon an impact on your mobile phone. On the other side, what we know today the world has changed. Years before everything was offline.

But today we know that online is a very important part. And it was also important to us to really improve our online business, to really improve our marketplace. So, ladies and gentlemen, I can just let you know through existing hard working team members, through new team members joining, through a total new engine behind the marketplace. Just in the last couple of weeks we have been able to start our new marketplace in already 32 countries all around the world. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And what was also very crucial to us, we have a lot of kinds of different internal payment solutions. And of course, it was more than important to us to have your vouchers also working perfectly in our new marketplace. And ladies and gentlemen, we are aware of one big topic: third party is already starting.

That means, soon we will give a lot of other companies the possibility to sell their products on our marketplace to you. Be ready for this and be ready for the future. But ladies and gentlemen, tonight I don't want to talk only what happened in the past. Because I said to you before, it is important what we do today, what we will do tomorrow, what are we going to do in the future, So ladies and gentlemen, it's important that we use this first myWorld Keynote, also to present you the future of myWorld. Also to present you new team members, also to present you innovations which will have an impact on the future. And I can let you know, for me, I have a golden rule: If you want to become the best, you have to work with the best, you have to start corporations, you have to start corporations with the biggest companies all around the world to have the best customer experience.

And the customer journey is ready for you. So, ladies and gentlemen, what we know, that the world has changed payment methods have changed. So, I'm really happy, and this is something really unique for me. I'm really happy to announce today a total new cooperation with myWorld International. I'm really happy to tell you about our brand new cooperation that soon you will find also your myWorld benefit card in Apple Wallet.

Ladies and gentlemen... Thank you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, it's important for us to help our customers to improve their shopping experience with us. And what do we know? Nowadays, a lot of people pay cashless.

So what are they going to do? They just open their payment wallet, make a click, pay with the card. And if they want to register the purchase now, it was not so easy so far. You have to go back, you have to go on the main screen, you have to open your app, you have to maybe click there, then you have to shake and then you have to show the card.

And what we know: our customers, they don't have time for this. We want to save their time. And we want to improve our technology for them. So in the very near future they pay with their preferred Apple Wallet, and then they just have to make one click and they already have their myWorld card on their screen. So this will be the first step for a big future for all of us. So, ladies and gentlemen, just a question: who is actually an Apple user? Oh...

Yes, that is, that is a really interesting thing. Then, of course, now this was not a big improvement for all our Android friends. But ladies and gentlemen, don't worry, because it's important for us to really improve the customer journey for everyone. So I'm also happy to announce today our cooperation with the Google Pay Wallet. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

But ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning. This is only the beginning of a very big futuristic future in the myWorld group I want to talk with you about another topic. We have had a lot of learnings about our customers. And one thing we have realized: there are two parts of shopping. One is called the active shopping, where you really purchase something.

And then we have the other part, passive shopping. Passive shopping is when you think about wanting to shop, but you don't shop now. And so far, myWorld was only in one part. We focused on active shopping. But actually, where will the journey start? The journey will start when you already think about shopping.

So I'm happy to let you know that this passive shopping experience is already important to us. And now one question to all of you, if you would like to purchase something if you're at home. How do you remember what you would like to purchase? You can write it on the fridge. Yeah, but then you take your fridge outside. Hmm, not that convenient.

You can write it on a paper, of course. But what we see nowadays, people write it on their phones. They just make notes on the phone and I can let you know: soon, we have done a lot of research, you will see next year a lot of app providers, they will come out with a shopping list function which is only dedicated to a shopping list. But ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to announce that the time has changed, we're focusing on technology. And I can let you know we will offer to all our customers all around the world a shopping list function free of charge in all our myWorld apps.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. But as I said to you before, I'm not your regular CEO, it's important for me to work in a team. To work with the best people all around the world. So the man behind this great idea, the man who worked before for the biggest search engine worldwide, who worked for the biggest hardware provider when it comes to telecommunication. The man who just joined myWorld International recently, the man who came to help all of us to make our customer experience better.

Welcome on stage, Mr Davy van Loon. Thank you, Sharif. Thank you, Davy. Pleasure to have you here. Thank you so much. What an amazing crowd this is, right? Just crazy, crazy. So, Davy, all our shoppers, all our viewers today, all our guests here, they have been waiting for this day so long.

First time that myWorld is doing a keynote. First time that myWorld is presenting their innovations and Davy I know the shopping list sounds easy, but there's something really unique behind this. So can you give us some more details about this? Yeah. If you look at it,

it looks a little boring, right? It's and I must be honest, it looks very simple. It's more or less a sort of a notepad for your iPhone or your Android phone, which you already probably have, right? For us, it's actually a really big and important step to know more about the passive side of your shopping experience. We want to get into your mind actually like this to know what you need on your daily basis. How do you now like writing on the fridge or on a piece of paper? But how do you keep track of this? How do you know that you already purchased this? Who's going to remind you: the fridge or the piece of paper? It's not that interactive, right? So we thought with the shopping list, it's really important to know what you need. Everybody has this customer journey. It starts when you get out of bed.

You go brush your teeth and then you realize: no toothpaste, almost finished. I have to get this today or else tomorrow I can't brush my teeth, right? So what do you do? Fridge or piece of paper? From now on, you take the myWorld app, put in your shopping list: toothpaste. Not rocket science, you might think, but in the back of this, there's quite some artificial intelligence going on. And we will provide you with actual examples of products that you could buy. Again the best prices possible, providing you Cashback and Shopping Points. So you would, first of all, know that you still need to buy this and second of all, you know that you're getting it for the best price possible.

That's what the shopping list is actually about. So, Davy, so you just said, actually that the shopping list has a really big technology function behind it. So how can it help our customers to improve their daily experience with us? Yeah, it doesn't look very highly technological as a solution, but the artificial intelligence behind it is actually mixing and matching the products and offers on a global and local scale. So from both the SMEs that we have as our partners, the merchants actually and the third party suppliers of products, all these products are matched to your intent, your interest and your affinity.

And in this case, your needs, your daily needs that you put in your shopping list. With this information, we try to match as best as possible the product that you're actually wanting to buy, but you just mention the product group. But we already know it's probably this product. What an amazing thing, so are you currently telling that our shopping list will start understanding our customers? Will start understanding the needs of our customers? Absolutely. We will know what you want to buy before you do it.

Really, this is something really amazing for me. Thank you, Davy, that you've joined the company. Thank you that we do this together because I can let you know, ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to work with all our people, with all our people, all around the world. And I'm so happy to have also our new team members joining us to make this a successful story. Thank you very much, Davy. Thank you very much for being here.

Big applause for Davy van Loon, thank you, have a wonderful day ahead. Thank you. So, ladies and gentlemen...

Ladies and gentlemen, we just had here, Davy on stage with us. We just spoke about the future. We spoke about a shopping list.

And I know what some of you might be thinking now: Hey, are the guys really selling us a shopping list for free? So is that the cool innovation that instead of writing on a paper, I just write it on my phone? But I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, even if it looks that easy and that simple, there's a really big artificial intelligence behind all this. And Davy mentioned already, the shopping list will be the first time ever that we will really start understanding the needs of our customers. That for example, imagine you need to buy your milk.

And your shopping list, of course, with all the customer rights and the customer protection will start understanding you, that actually every second week you buy your milk. Or even imagine that the shopping list will start to understand that every four weeks you write dog food or cat food on it. And then one thing will happen: we have to start become different. We have to be there where our customers are.

We have to be there when our customers are even not thinking about something. and we will come there with an innovation. And imagine in the future your app will say, hey! Your app will remind you, hey, you put something important on your shopping list, but you haven't purchased it so far. Or imagine your app will realize that hey, and you were just on your way home from work and your app will tell you maybe you should purchase some toothpaste.

And then you think actually, that's true. I would need a toothpaste soon. Or imagine the app will say: Hey, again and it will tell you don't forget, next week you're out of dog food, you're out of cat food.

And your app will let you know that if you don't want to have a hungry cat or dog at home, better purchase it now. Ladies and gentlemen, this will be a total innovation for our customers. That we think at first what they might need in the very near future. We make their customer experience better and easier. We actually make their life easier. And that is the reason what technology is for.

To make the life easier for all our customers. So imagine this, ladies and gentlemen. And imagine, the app will realize that you order things every month and all of a sudden there will be a hey, coming again and all of a sudden the app will tell you: Hey, anyway you need it every month. So why you don't want to have a twelve month membership or an autoship coming. And you can get even more Cashback and more Shopping Points for this product. Then you don't have to think anymore that you don't have a toothpaste or your dog might get hungry.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is just the beginning. This is just a teaser of a very big future with the shopping list and behind the shopping list. And I can let you know, I'm totally amazed about this product. I am totally amazed about this product, and I'm totally amazed about one thing: that we help our customers there. And imagine without even starting the phone in the future our customers will already have an easy life in customer experience. Our customers will have all purchases done and get Cashback and Shopping Points without even actively purchasing or using their phone.

So this, ladies and gentlemen, is a very big topic for us. It is a very big topic for us, because we want to improve everything for our customers on a daily basis. But we also have to be honest. We know not everyone is shopping on the phone. We know there are also a lot of people that just open a computer and then how they shop. So far, if you want to purchase something with myWorld, I have to be honest, it was not always that easy.

Sometimes it was great, but it was not always that easy. It was a kind of you have to think about what kind of product you would like to purchase. Then you have to go on the myWorld website.

Then you have to search which partner brand of us is selling this product. Then you have to click there and click there and click there. And then we could not guarantee if you really find this product there or not. But ladies and gentlemen, we have to be honest.

We don't want to make the life difficult of our customers. We want to make the life easy of our customers. So we have to be there where our customers are. So what do we know: when you are looking for something special for a shoe tie or for anything you want to buy? You open your computer. You open your search engine, actually.

You type in the product and then you want to purchase it here on that spot immediately. So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm really happy also to announce tonight a really unique innovation for all our customers all around the world. In the future, if you shop on a computer you don't have to do a lot of research. You just have to type in your product on your favorite search engine and you will already find who of our partners is selling this through our brand new myWorld Plug-in.

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. But ladies and gentlemen, what does the myWorld Plug-in really mean to you? Imagine in the future you type in a product, exactly that what you want. The search engine is searching at millions of shops all around the world and even at your location. Who is selling this product? And we will also be there.

We will also be saying, hey, if you want to purchase this product now, here at one of our partners, you even get Cashback and Shopping Points. So that means if you search for something you will already see the results and you will already see who is the partner where you can get this product for a better price. And how does this work? We have here a short video for you. Let's have a look.

So, ladies and gentlemen, have you seen here the experience? It's exactly what we want to give to our customers, we want to give you a wow effect. We want to give you the experience that it doesn't matter if you use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or even Safari. That we are there where you are. And if you want to shop something online, we will show you where you can shop with Cashback and with Shopping Points.

But ladies and gentlemen, this is just the beginning. We're even not finished yet with all our innovations, what we want to bring to our customers. Ladies and gentlemen, one thing we have seen a lot.

That especially when it comes to the offline part where we should be strong, the customer experience is not that easy. It's not that easy that if you go to a merchant to register your transaction. Sometimes you have to do some clicks here.

Our merchants have to do some clicks there. And we have to be honest, we have to be honest. In that moment you want to purchase something, mostly you don't have time for anything else. In that moment, the place is busy at one of our partners. They don't have time to do so many clicks. So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm really happy to announce this tonight.

It's actually for us, a game changer, from what we have ever done so far. It's actually a game changer when it comes to customer experience. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm excited to announce one of the biggest innovations myWorld has ever seen so far.

One of the biggest innovations our customers have experienced so far. A project which is really until today, until now, totally confidential and it was made behind all the scenes. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to announce today our brand new myWorld OneTouch. Thank you for being that nice. Thank you for giving that applause. But actually what is important, the explanation behind myWorld OneTouch.

We know and we have to understand how our customers are paying. We have to understand that nowadays, a lot of things are being cashless. We have to understand that a lot of things are going really fast. So if you go somewhere what are most people doing today? Most people they just swipe their card, tap their card, their mobile phone or even their watch.

So ladies and gentlemen, we have analyzed exactly how people are paying nowadays. As I said before, you take your card out of your wallet, you tap it, you swipe it. You take your phone just out of your jacket, you hold it there or you even take your watch. And ladies and gentlemen, it is so important for us to make the life of our customers easier. To make the possibility for them to get Cashback and Shopping Points easier than ever before.

So, ladies and gentlemen, now I would like to announce what actually myWorld OneTouch means. What actually myWorld OneTouch means to all our customers all around the world. It means that in the very near future if you go to one of our merchants and you want to register your purchase you don't have to pay it first, then you have to open your phone, you have to click there, the merchant has to click there and clicks there and there and there. In the future you only have to do one touch. With exactly only one touch, if you just tap your card, you swipe your card or you hold your phone there.

Ladies and gentlemen, automatically with every transaction on your preferred payment card, your purchase is already registered and the Cashback and Shopping Points will come automatically to you. So ladies and gentlemen, thanks to myWorld OneTouch, thanks to our brand new card linking system. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.

But ladies and gentlemen, the time has arrived where we will make the life of our customers easier. Because from now on, we only focus on shopping for you. From now on we only focus on our customer experience. And one thing that is very important is actually the integration of all the things. Because you can have good ideas, but at the end of the day, it has to be perfect for all our customers.

It has to work smooth, it has to work fast. So, ladies and gentlemen, when we talk about this innovation, it's for me something amazing. But of course, behind every big innovation, there are also big men or women behind. But ladies and gentlemen, we're that happy to have the man who joined us just recently, a person who worked before for major IT companies and a person where his job was exactly to make the innovations become easy and simple for the customers. So ladies and gentlemen, welcome here today our new Customer Integration Manager of myWorld International: Mr Yuri Kok. Hello, Sharif.

Hi, Yuri! Nice to see you. Good to be here. Yuri... Yes, Sharif. What an awesome outfit, smart guy.

Thank you. Happy to have you in our company. I know the card linking myWorld OneTouch was one of the first projects you did when you joined myWorld. But is it okay to ask you also a few questions about this? Of course, please proceed.

Happy to answer your questions. So Yuri, here our audience and also thousands of people now have one question. Mm-Hmm.

What is card linking? Well, card linking Sharif is actually quite simple. Alright, so actually what you do is you register your payment card with our system, so it enables you as a shopper to actually make a transaction without any hassle. So it's a hassle free transaction. So at one moment, you link your cards, you go to your preferred shop - can be online, can be offline - you tap your credit card, your watch, your phone. Purchase completed. Super cool! And why why exactly card linking? In this almost cashless society, Sharif, we want to make it hassle free, yeah? We want to make it easy for our customers, right? So the customer journey must be as smooth as possible.

So that is why we introduced this myWorld OneTouch. So with one touch, you make your payment. Cool, cool.

But how will it be possible for our customers to do this? They have to, of course, make a couple of steps to do this, right? But it's not so cumbersome as many of you might think. You punch in your details in the app or in the browser. Then your card, your payment card is registered. And that's actually the only thing our shoppers should do, yeah? On the other hand, our merchants, our partners, they also should sign up for this program because there has to be an interaction. But in the past it was a cumbersome, I would say, experience a) for the shoppers, b) for the merchants, because you had to get your physical card out of your wallet, yeah? Or shake your phone and then the merchant on the other hand, okay, okay, can we please do something? And then there were a couple of steps involved. So you can imagine, sometimes maybe for smaller amounts, the shopper would say: Well, I'm not going to do it, right? And then on the other hand, we have our merchants: Okay, well, I need to punch in some details to get the transaction done.

But with the myWorld OneTouch this is all history. Wow! That sounds really cool to me and I think to all of you. So actually the merchants, they don't have to do many clicks anymore. No, they just sign up for the program and everything is registered in the backend. No more manual labor work.

No more manual labor work. Data is power. Wow! This is really amazing to me. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so excited for this. I'm really so excited to have this finally ready. Thank you, Yuri, so much. - Thank you, Sharif.

A good looking smart guy - Thank you just joined myWorld recently to make our experience better to make our customer experience better. Big applause please for Yuri and thank you so much for being here. Thank you, Sharif. - Thank you. Have a good day. Bye. So, ladies and gentlemen, have you just realized what we have announced? That in the very near future you just have to tap or swipe your card and everything will be already registered automatically. And even this innovation will be a huge success for our merchants.

That instead, as Yuri said, manual labor work, they just have to let the technology work for them. So we will have a customer experience on every part. And it doesn't matter how you want to pay, we will be there. But especially when we talk about our merchants, we have to talk about a very important topic. Because, ideally every merchant all around the world, they want to help their customers and also new customers to save money at every place they go. To save money at every place myWorld is accepted.

So ladies and gentlemen, we know for them a very important topic and also for many of you is how to register customers. And for this, we have to talk about the myWorld registration. And we have to be really honest that when we see on the market other solutions that our current solution is not the fastest.

Our current solution it might be also not the smartest. So when you scan a code or you get a link, you open your registration file, you have to put in details here and there. And even sometimes you have to scroll down and then you have to click here and there and then you're registered. But sometimes they can even take a little bit longer.

In many cases, you get your verification e-mail pretty fast and simple. But of course, we also have done analyzes and we have seen also in some cases to get this verification e-mail it takes time and even sometimes you will just find it in your junk or spam file. So we have analyzed and we have realized that this is not a good customer experience, that it takes time for you to become a myWorld customer. Because we want to make it easy for all our customers all around the world to join us for free, to join us fast, to join us simple. And then of course, we want to have a good experience and you should not search in your junk or spam file for our e-mails. No, we want to have it fast and simple for all our future customers.

And for this, ladies and gentlemen, we have been working hard on one thing. And I'm really happy to announce this also today to all of you. It is a topic that, for me, is also clearly a game changer for our future. That in the future we will not talk about 15, 16, 17 million customers. In the future, we will make it that easy to register.

We will talk about hundreds of millions of customers. And ladies and gentlemen, why am I so sure about this? Because when it starts easy we already have a happy experience, a positive experience at the beginning. So, ladies and gentlemen, as I already mentioned before, if you want to become the best, you have to work with the best. And I'm really happy to already announce this tonight to all of you. I'm really happy to introduce you to our brand new myWorld registration. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, thank you.

Thank you. As you already can see we will work together with the biggest social media platforms worldwide. So we want to make it easy for you on your phone when you already have an Apple account or a Google account or a social media account. In the future, it will be for our customers just a few clicks, easy, simple. And in seconds the data, of course, with all the customer rights and data protection, will be transferred from their preferred platform to us in milliseconds. That means in the future our customers can become a myWorld customer faster than ever before.

Imagine that innovation for all of us, for all of us, ladies and gentlemen. And I know, I feel how excited you are. Same as I, same as the new team members, same as 1000 employees currently only focussing on making your customer experience better. To make our customers happy customers.

And ladies and gentlemen, of course, we have shown today a lot of innovations and we know we need this so hard in the myWorld Group. We need this so hard because we want to help the customers now, not later. And we know the vision has to become real.

So ladies and gentlemen, we have spoken today about a shopping list. We have spoken today about a plug-in. We have spoken today about a card linking, a game changer, a card linking system. And we have also spoken about a registration. And I can let you know when we talk about the shopping list. We said we have no time to waste.

We need to start understanding our customers immediately. So for the shopping list, we said that we don't have time until next year or ever. So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to announce that the first trial, the first phase of our shopping list and of our plug-in is already available for testings all around the world for all our customers. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. It's also a pleasure for me to bring these innovations to you, and I can let you know that soon you will already find new updates coming with the new myWorld Plug-in and with the myWorld Shopping List.

And ladies and gentlemen, when we talk about a game changer when we talk about our card linking system, our myWorld OneTouch, we know that this will be a needed game changer on the market. And I can let you know we have done a lot of research and we worked with specialists in this department and we know our customers need this. But honestly, these things are not easy. It takes time. Sometimes it takes years to introduce this. But ladies and gentlemen, we want to get public listed 2023.

So we have no more time to waste. We have to put all power in because our customers deserve now, the innovations coming in. So it can let you know, Yuri and his department, they said: Sharif, we will not wait for 2023. We will not even wait for 2022. I can let you know we have already decided that the UK, the place where we are headquartered, the place where we are, will be one of our first testing countries with myWorld OneTouch.

And now be ready, ladies and gentlemen, already starting this week. Ladies and gentlemen, I know, I know. Already starting this week, we will make our myWorld OneTouch available for few customers and for few merchants to test it. And until the end of next year we want to out roll it to really all our merchants and all our customers worldwide. So then shopping experience will be easier and faster than ever before. But when we know we talk about all these innovations, we took all the good customer experience.

We know the registration, the registration is really needed so hard, because we would like to help the customers. We would like to help customers saving money, get Cashback, get Shopping Points. And I can let you know the registration is one of the biggest challenges we have because we have to update registration in not only one country, it has to be updated in 55 countries.

We have to fulfill, of course, all the data protection, the customer protection and so on. And we had the first companies which consulted us and they gave us the announcement that it can take three to five years to have this ready. But ladies and gentlemen, we want to be public listed 2023, so we don't have any more three or four or five years. And ladies and gentlemen, in that moment when they came to us with an estimated time, we just had a question: Okay, if we have more people, can we do it faster? And they said: of course, if we have more people we can do it faster. So ladies and gentlemen, I can tell you, we all feel with you, we all feel with you how much you like myWorld. We feel with you.

And we're so thankful how much you trusted us. And for this reason, we want to give something really unique back to you. Our brand new myWorld registration will not start in three years, will not start in two years and will not start in one year. Our brand new myWorld registration, ladies and gentlemen, will also be already starting this week. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much. But ladies and gentlemen, it's important to tell you very openly that, of course, you learn from testing, so we will start this week with the first trials, then we're happy to get the feedback so then we can improve our systems to make it really perfectly running by next year. So in the next couple of weeks, in the next couple of months, it's a lot of innovations coming now to all of you, to all of our customers.

And it's important for us to say openly that these are all brand new innovations, that we do a testing phase. And until next year everything will work perfectly. But ladies and gentlemen, even all these innovations we are showing you tonight, that will start so soon, we already would like to give you a teaser about next year.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have seen one topic. We have seen that we have to work with technology to give all our customers a good and fast customer experience when it comes to shopping. And ladies and gentlemen, we have seen that we have a very big topic when it comes to eVouchers. So you have to do a lot of clicks and click there and click there and click there.

But at the end of the day, mostly you are actually buying the eVouchers, of what you always buy, because mostly you go to the same gas station to fill up your car. Mostly, you drink the same coffee at your preferred place. And ladies and gentlemen, for this, we said that we need to have an innovation too. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, I already would like to give you an insight about next year.

Tonight, I already would like to let you know that we have started a totally new department in myWorld International to give our customer experience, to make our customer experience on a higher level for all our customers. And ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to announce tonight our brand new department: myWorld TAGnology Department. Thank you.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. But what does this mean? We have seen that we have to bring innovations to our customers. Because we have to be honest, the idea of Cashback, years before, was awesome, it was really genius.

Because we have to understand: without shopping we would have nothing. Life here is shopping. The clothes that we wear is shopping. Even here, the chairs where you sit or the computers, where you watch - everything you have to purchase. So to save money on everything you purchase is, for me, genius. It's awesome.

But today we are having 2021, today we have to have technology working for our customers. We have to make technology easy. We have to make technology easy to touch. So ladies and gentlemen, with the TAGnology Department, we would like to make technology easier for everyone.

It doesn't matter how young you are or, of course, how much experience you had in your life. It doesn't matter where you are. TAGnology Department will make it possible that you can easily use technology wherever you are, whenever you want.

And for this ladies and gentlemen, we would like to introduce you to one of our first innovations from the TAGnology Department: our myWorld ShopTag. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. But ladies and gentlemen, what does this mean to you? For example, you always drink at one of our eVoucher partners, your preferred coffee at San Francisco coffee. And you go there almost every day or on a weekly scale. But then you always have to open your phone, you have to click here, click there, you choose everything what you want.

Confirmation and so on... And we know that takes some time. But in the near future we will make it easy and here, ladies and gentlemen, I can let you know that we already have our first prototype with us. Ladies and gentlemen, it will be possible in the very near future that it doesn't matter where you want to hang it, on your keys or on your bag. We will automatically program this Tag, this ShopTag only for you. So you can put your preferred placed eVoucher for example, 5 dollars at San Francisco coffee on it and through NFC technology, we will make it able that you just have to tap your phone, make a confirmation and the eVoucher what you actually want to purchase every week, every day, you will already have on your phone and then it's just a scan away before you can enjoy your coffee.

Ladies and gentlemen... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. But ladies and gentlemen, of course, as with every big innovation, we need to have big people behind this. So I can let you know when it comes to technology we see Asia as a big partner and a big player when it comes to future technology, future innovations for our customers. So for this, we have prepared a live stream to our person who is behind all these innovations in the TAGnology Department.

Mr Roy Lim. Hi, Roy! Hi, Sharif. How are you? Great. How are you?

I'm doing great, thank you. Thank you so much. Roy, I have to let you know: you are here now live with this audience, you're here now live in the stream worldwide. And I know with your Chinese background, Chinese roots, it's always important to have a good customer experience or actually that the customers are taken care of.

Can you confirm that? Yes, absolutely. In Chinese, we have a saying [Chinese saying] In English it means: the success of a brand will depend on how we manage and satisfy customers' expectations. And this strategy applies to all countries, nations and races. Okay, but Roy, now we have just talked about the ShopTag. What will be the innovations for our customers when it comes to the ShopTag? It is simple, Sharif, the application and implication of ShopTag has a great impact on customers' expectations. Lately, we have been conducting research with our customer experience and innovation team.

We found that compared to Asia, the technology that we are using is quite complex, especially when it comes to eVoucher purchase, as it involves too many clicks, which is time consuming. Therefore, to be on a competitive edge everything has to be fast and simple. Hence, we have collaborated with our relevant teams in search for innovations where we now created a new department called TAGnology - as in T-A-G. One of our first innovations is called ShopTag.

What is ShopTag? It is like a chip which can be placed on your key ring, in your bag, in your wallet and etc. This chip is programed to facilitate purchases. For example, when you purchase via your phone, all backend processing will be digitally done in seconds. With OneTouch and swipe your phone and along with your ShopTag, you can conveniently make all purchase payments and purchase history will be established immediately. Your purchased eVoucher will be reflected on your phone.

Not only that, but in the future we can program ShopTag to correspond and to process any kind of eVouchers from myWorld right up to gas stations and its partners' eVouchers and etc. Just imagine in a gas station, you see many eVoucher partners. We no longer click here and there.

But now with your phone, along with your ShopTag, the NFC feature will read your purchases and in seconds your gas station eVoucher will be reflected on your phone. This is certainly a cool and super innovation effort we create together. This is also important for us when it comes to customer shopping experience. Amazing. Really amazing, Roy.

Thank you so much. I wish you all the best. And see you soon again! Thank you, big applause. Thank you Sharif and thank you everybody! And ladies and gentlemen, all these innovations are making me so excited, same as you.

And yes, I heard it already several times coming from the studio. Of course, we will also provide this keynote immediately after with a record on our YouTube channel in several languages for you all. So please, ladies and gentlemen, make sure that you follow our YouTube channel and also there in the future, you will find a lot more updates coming on our YouTube channel. Ladies and gentlemen, we're thankful for the trust you have in us and the time, as I mentioned already several times today, the time has arrived, where we want to give you something back.

And I can let you know we just have one clear focus and this will be focus on shopping. And now more than 1000 employees have a clear goal: we don't want to be down there or maybe here. When we talk about shopping, when we talk about technology, when we talk about customer experience, we want to be on another level. We want to become the market leader when it comes to shopping. Because ladies and gentlemen, I can let you know that customer experience is important to us. And ladies and gentlemen, I can let you know, for this we will do everything to become the best on the market.

It is just the beginning. Of course, for everything we have announced, for everything we want to do, the out roll will always take a few months until it really works perfectly. But the important thing is that we will make it happen. We will make it happen for all of you, because I know innovations have changed or innovations and technology have changed a lot of lives. And just last but not least, if you remember the time where we all have been writing SMS. Can you remember that? Where you have been writing an SMS? Where you needed to buy a SMS package from your phone provider that it doesn't become too expensive.

And you have to count exactly the letters, so it will be just one, not two. And what happened after? Technology providers came on the market with innovations. Technology providers came on the market with just making you one thing better: that you don't have to write any more SMS, that you don't have to pay anymore for SMS. You just need to have internet and you can write as many messages as you want.

And for me, the important topic behind this, why it came on the market. Because they fulfilled a need of their members, of their clients. And how you, how we, all downloaded it? By recommendations. Of course, I've never seen from any social media or messenger provider platform, any billboards or radio spots or TV spots or anything. No. Remember the first time,

remember the moment you have downloaded it. You have downloaded it, because a friend, a family member, showed you that, showed you that as an innovation. And it started years before with just being able to send messages. And nowadays, you can send videos, pictures, photos. You can make video calls, phone calls and many, many more things. So ladies and gentlemen, I can let you know, we have started years before with an idea of Cashback.

But from now on we will bring innovations to our customers when it comes to shopping. When it comes to shopping, we don't want to compete with anyone. We want to be unique. We want to offer our clients, our customers, our partners, something they can't find on the market. That professional and that good. And the time has arrived where we will continuously be doing keynotes.

So we will continuously be showing all our work that we do, all our updates we do. And I can let you know, in the very near future so many people have such a wow effect and good experience with us when it comes to shopping, that they will start recommending it automatically. So ladies and gentlemen, I'm really happy to show all these innovations to you today because this is already a beginning. And in the very near future - we have seen messenger providers that came on and market - just to improve an SMS. And I can let you know that we are on the market to improve your shopping experience.

We're on the market to make shopping easier for you and we are on the market to help you to save money by getting Cashback and Shopping Points every time you purchase with us. So, ladies and gentlemen, I can let you know, we are bringing the best innovations for all of you. We're bringing the best payment providers and soon also futuristic payment providers and payment solutions for all our customers and merchants available. And of course, in the very near future, it doesn't matter where you want to shop, we will be there.

It does matter where you want to shop. If you shop on your phone, if you shop on your computer or even in the very near future, if you shop on your TV. We will be there and we will make your life easier. So, ladies and gentlemen, thank you everyone for being here today.

Thank you for watching this. Thank you for the trust you have in us. And I can let you know, we have a clear goal to make shopping easier. We have a clear goal to make our customers happy customers. And of course, to get public listed 2023.

For this, next year will be our final year before we get public listed. And get yourself ready for a lot of updates already coming, starting from January. We will not stop with these innovations we introduced tonight, we introduced today. We will continue working hard.

Thanks for your trust that you had in us so far. Thank you for every time you shop with us and of course, for everyone who watched this today. We also want to give you something back. A never been there before present for everyone who watched this today, we will give you a myWorld partnership voucher. We will give you all a 50 euros travelWorld voucher for all of you. Thank you very much.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. And of course, all the conditions and more details you will find on our homepage or get via e-mail. But ladies and gentlemen, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for the trust in us. Thank you for shopping with us. And from now on, we have to have one goal: the vision has to become real to help not only a million, but to help hundreds of millions of people all around the world saving money on their daily purchase with us.

Thank you very much, everyone, for being here today. Thank you for everything. Hope to see you soon again. Good evening and bye bye. Thank you very much. Thank you.


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