Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies Wikipedia audio article

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Moscow. State University of. Fine chemical, technologies, named, after mV Lomonosov. Traditional. Abbreviation. MIT. HT. Is one. Of the oldest universities in the country that offer training in a wide range of specialties, in the field of chemical technology. Currently. There are more than, 4,500. Students, in nine areas of undergraduate. 28 master's programs, and 23, scientific. Specialties, for training of candidates, and doctors of science in, MIT. HT. There are eight dissertation. Councils, for doctoral and PhD, theses. Research. And teaching activities, are performed by more than 400, professors, and 158. Scientists. Including more, than 120. Doctors of science and professors. Located. In Moscow, at Vernadsky Avenue, building 86. New building complex, and Malaya Parag of skya building, one historic. Building. Topic. History. History. Of the University, and its continuing, operations, as a higher education, institution begins. The first of July 1900. And covers several stages. Topic. Physics, and mathematics. Faculty of, Moscow hire women courses. 1902. 1918. The first of July the 14th, of July new-style, 1900. Was organized the Moscow hire women courses, MH WC, their. Structure, originally, consisted, of two departments history, and philosophy and. Physics and mathematics, on the. Last one were soon open to offices, mathematical. And natural, and after a few years two more medical, and chemical, pharmaceutical, the. Initiators. And the first lecturers, were outstanding, scientists. Academics subsequently. SH a plugin via Vernadsky, ND szalinski, the inventor, of the gas mask, 1916. Professors. VF Davidov, became a la Jeske aan reformats, ki AAA I can weld SG, cap Ivan the. First director, of M hwc. Was professor, VI garrier. In. 1905. As a director, was elected, SH a plugin the leading scientist, in the field of hydro, and aerodynamics. The organiser of the construction, of school buildings on the Millea Perot gov skaia Street formerly, Davichi pole he. Remained in that post until 1918. By. The beginning of World War 1, M HWC, turned, into the one of the largest higher education. Institutions. In the country the. Number of trainees reached, 710. And during the existence of courses, released. 5760. Professionals, in. Turning, into a first class university. Mhw, c paramount, importance, had an exceptional, organizational. Skill of sh a plugin later shown to them with equal brilliance, in creating, soggy. Topic. Department, of Chemistry of the second Moscow State University. 1918. 2:30. The, 16th, of October, 1918. M HWC. Were converted, into second Moscow State University the. First rector, of the second Moscow State University was. Appointed, acted a mission SS named then who worked since 1913. As a head of the department of, organic, chemistry of m h WC as, rector. He remained until 1924. As part, of the second Moscow State University became. The chemical, pharmaceutical department. Which in 1919. Was transformed. Into the chemical and pharmaceutical department. At this, time on the faculty worked well known professors, am Brooke and I'm became, a lodge s ki SS, Nankin mi, pros an aan reformats, ki o and super biller in. 1929. The faculty, became a chemical faculty, of the university, type with specialties, such as, chemical. Pharmaceutical chemistry. Basic. Chemistry. Aniline. Chemistry. Chemistry. Of rare elements. Coke benzene chemistry. Organic. Synthesis, faculty, graduates, go to work in the factories, involve, in the implementation, of research projects. That receive a wide scope, during. 1922. To. 1928. Years, it has been published about 300, papers and 11 monographs, the. Greatest successes, are achieved in the fields, of organic, and pharmaceutical. Chemistry, under the direction of, heads of departments, academics, SS Nankin BM, Rodion Oh professor, am, Birkin gaim production. Of new drugs being introduced, in the pharmaceutical, factory, belonging, to faculty. Topic. Moscow, Institute of, fine chemical, technology. 1932, 92. The, 18th, of April 1930. By order of the people's commissariat, ii msu was reorganized, into three independent institutions. Medical, now our smu them, Parag. Of pedagogical, now MP su and chemical, technology, now MIT, HT. Last. Transferred, to the jurisdiction. Of the V sim from V s NK h USSR. In. Addressing, this issue directly, involved, sir NGO or jhana kids a' the 10th, of may 1931.

Chemical. And pharmaceutical faculty. Became, an independent, and received a new name the Moscow Institute of, fine chemical, technology, MIT, HT. Historically. The name of the Institute, as due to the nature of objects, that are studied by students, they were small capacity, chemical, and pharmaceutical technology. Technology. Of platinum, group metals and, rare earth elements, from. This moment begins, a new stage of development, of the institution. Which is quickly becoming one of the leading universities in. The chemical industry, front. Of it set the goal of training for high-tech industries, of chemical, technology in. MIT, HT, the first time in the country began to train engineers on the technology, of thin in organic, products, synthetic, rubber then organic, produce synthetic liquid. Fuels, organometallic. Compounds. And a number of other specialties. In. The process of restructuring of Education, at the Institute, have been preserved, and developed the best traditions, of M h WC and, second Moscow State University a, high level of theoretical, training and a combination of academic and scientific work, helped, by the fact that the teaching work at the Institute, and chairing of departments, were performed, by outstanding, scientists. And educators which. Created, a school and research areas. Special. Departments. Were prepared, engineers, for industries, which were still being created in the first five years at, the, time were of great importance, establishment. Of a domestic pharmaceutical. Industry, and the country's liberation on, imports, of medicines, were. Developed, and implemented methods, of production of such drugs as at a fan benzocaine. Propane, bro merle thiokol, octal validol, anti pyrene, caffeine. Alkaloids, and others in. 1938. In MIT HT, under the leadership of, academic, ans ma on if later president, of the Ross began, work in the field of organometallic. Compounds. Also. The Institute, prepared, professionals, for the companies producing, such important, national defense materials, such, as tungsten, molybdenum vanadium, and, rare earth elements, so. Professor Aiyaa. Vaselov, created, the production, technology, of uranium, and radium and under, the guidance of Professor, G a Meyerson were carried out important, work on car both Urmi and getting super hard alloys. The. 7th of May 1944. Academic, achievement, and great progress in, the preparation, of chemists, Institute, as named after the outstanding Russian, scientist, Mikhail, Vasilievich, Lomonosov. During. The war groups of departments, in collaboration. With industry, and research institutes, conduct, intensive, research on, defense related development, and implementation of.

The Executed, work thus. Under the supervision of Professor ni gel prin was created, the most powerful bomb, in world war ii fa, be 500, Ong. That terrified, Hitlerites. Efforts. Of the Institute, as a whole and individual, professors, and teachers were, appreciated. By the country. Professors. Ba da Atkin ni Kresna pet Civ V viel evidence, ki SS, Medvedev, s ice clearing, CO and, yah-hey. Sirkin were awarded, the Stalin Prize laureates, and associate, professor ka bullsháá qov won that title twice. The. Post-war, period was, characterized, by intensive, work of the Institute, staff in the aftermath, of the war the creation, of the necessary conditions. For teaching, and research, among. The most important, achievements of the post-war, period MIT. HT, need to include. The. Total synthesis. Of a number of natural alkaloids. Pilocarpine, polos, Ihnen alkaloids, of propane, series tropane, cocaine, Arica line a serine m18, siharan. Ma Deline cinchona. Mean to Boca Irene and other alkaloids, of pure are a magnolia. Magnolia. Mean dari seen for. This work professor, na Oh brzezinski, in 1952. Was awarded, the Stalin prize of the first degree. The. Synthesis, of physiologically. Active derivatives. Of piperidine, anesthetics. Analgesics. And other drugs technology. Development, and industrial, development, of high output painkiller, Pramod, all. Academician, a.n Bosch graph for the first time in the world in the Soviet Union in 1959, has. Been implemented, industrial, technology, for production, of higher aliphatic. Alcohols on, the basis of a synthesis, of hydrogen, and carbon monoxide the. So-called oXXO, synthesis, technology. Development. Of technology, for the production, of vitamins, A 1 B 1 B 2 e, C, and k1. Create. Rubbers, based on new types of cow chook operating. At high and low temperatures, in harsh operating, conditions, the high scientific, technical, research, conducted, at the institute, evidenced, by the fact that MIT HT, became, one of the first places among, the universities. And research institutes, on the number of implemented, inventions. Employees. Of the institute, published, 450.

To 500, scientific, papers, and received 50 to 60 invention, certificates, a year the. Institute conducts research on, economic, agreements, and contracts, on cooperation, with industry, and research institutes, whose number exceeded, 150. Mi. Tht. In fact has turned into a complex, of the university, and research institutes. On to. 500, 3,000. Students, in addition, to 400, professors, and lecturers employed. More than 900, scientists. 2. To 1 that is the ratio of students, academic. And teaching staff which, was reached in MIT HT. Good. Specialist, engineer, cannot, be prepared without bringing him to participate in, real serious, scientific, research in the learning process. The. 11th, of February 1971. For, his services, to the training of specialists. For the national, economy and the development of, scientific research institute. Was awarded, the order of the red banner of labour. Education. In MIT HT, always featured, a deep fundamental training. Which included, along with a full range of Natural, Sciences study, the big cycle, engineering, and technological disciplines. Special. Training was carried out by the so called thin. Chemical. Technologies, that are as a rule small, capacity, technology, implemented, on the basis of the latest achievements, of chemical, science and technology, that. Is in fact the students, received a university, degree in combination. With engineering, training. You. Topic. Moscow, state academy, of fine chemical, technology. Named after MV, Lomonosov. 1992. To 2011. In, 1992. The, Moscow, Institute of, fine chemical, technology, named after MV Lomonosov, has received a new higher educational. Status status, of the Academy, with. The name change has changed the status and range of activities, of the Institute along, with old technology new, specialty, humanitarian. Management, profile, economics. And management chemical. Industry. Environmental. Protection. Standardization. And certification. These. Specialties. Are subject, to major technologies. And solve their narrow profile, tasks. Before. The transition, to a tiered structure the education, of students was carried out in one direction chemical. Technology. And biotechnology. Which. Consists, of seven specialties, after. The transition Academy, led training in seven areas of undergraduate. Graduate, five areas, including, 26, master's programs, and 13, majors, including, 25 majors, in full time and part correspondence. Courses and conducted, postgraduate. Education in. 24, specialties. And additional, education, in primary educational. Programs MIT, HT. To. Implement, in MIT HT. A tiered, system of higher education were. Opened new training, units, along. With main faculties, teaching, of students, was performed, at the Faculty, of Natural Science. Faculty, of humanities faculty. Of management economics. And environment, faculty, of engineering, Faculty, of further education at, the Institute, of distance education. According. To the federal agency for supervision, in education, and science in 2008. In MIT HT. Worked one of the most highly qualified, scientific. And technical teaching, staff of universities. And academies, of Russia doctors, and candidates, of Sciences, accounted, for about 80 percent of the teachers at. The academy a total, enrollment of, 4,500. Undergraduate. And graduate, students, top 119. Professors, doctors, and 218. Associate, professors, candidates. Of Sciences. You. Topic. Moscow, state university of. Fine chemical, technologies. 2011-present. In, 2011. The Academy, received a university, status. The. Successes, of the University in education. Research, and innovation the recognition, of the scientific, and pedagogical schools, its international, status and worldwide fame, are undoubtedly married in the first professors, assistant. Professors, lecturers, and they have created in the walls of the university, unique creative scientific. And educational environment. Friendly. And supportive atmosphere. Of the business and human interaction. With the students, and teachers together form, the necessary conditions.

For The development of the individual, focused, motivated, professional, growth. Topic. Awards. In, accordance with the decree of the Presidium, of the Supreme Soviet of, USSR, on the 20th, of October, 1956. The, Moscow Institute of, fine chemical, technology, named after MV, Lomonosov, awarded, the medal for, the development, of virgin, land. In. Accordance, with the decree of the Presidium, of the Supreme Soviet of, USSR. On the 11th of February, 1971. For, services, on the training of specialists. For the national, economy, and the development of, research Moscow, Institute of, fine chemical, technology, named after MV, Lomonosov, awarded, the order of red banner of labour. Topic. Faculties. And institutes. Faculty. Of humanities. Faculty. Of management economics and, ecology. Faculty. Of Natural, Sciences. Faculty. Of engineering. Faculty. Of chemistry and technology of rare elements and, electronic, materials. Faculty. Of biotechnology. And organic, synthesis. Faculty. Of physics chemistry and technology, of polymer, processing. Faculty. Of additional, education. Institute. Of polymer, technologies. And materials, the. State institute, of professional, development and, Retraining chemical. Microbiological. And medical industry. Institute. Of distance education. Topic. Areas. Of baccalaureate. Chemistry. Chemical. Technology. Biotechnology. Material. Science and technology, of materials. Standardization. And certification. Technosphere. Safety. Applied informatics. Applied mathematics. Management. Topic. Masters. Programs. Chemistry. Inorganic, chemistry. Analytical. Chemistry, organic. Chemistry. Physical. Chemistry. Colloid. Chemistry. Chemical technology. Chemistry. And technology, of basic, organic, and petrochemical. Synthesis. Chemistry. And technology of organometallic. Compounds. Chemical. Technology, of natural, energy and carbon materials. Chemical. Technology. Of macro molecular compounds. Chemical. Technology. Of plastics, and composite, materials. Technology. For processing, of the last tumors. Nanotechnology. Of organic, photosensitive. Materials. Processes. And devices, of chemical, technologies. Information. Systems, in chemical, engineering and biotechnology. Chemical. Technology, of fuel and gas. Theoretical. Foundations. Of chemical engineering biotechnology. Molecular. And cellular biology. Chemistry. And, technology of, biologically. Active substances. Technology. Of drugs. Technology. Of biopharmaceuticals. Technology. Of bio conversion, of plant material, materials, science, and technology, of materials. Materials. Science, and technology, of nanomaterials. And coatings. Material. Science the receipt and processing, of inorganic powder, and composite, materials. Theoretical. And applied polymer. Materials. Physical. Chemical studies of new materials, and processes. Physical. Materials, and Technology of electronic, materials, techno sphere safety. Protecting. The environment, standardization. And certification. Total.

Quality Management. Topic. Famous, alumni. You. Topic. Science. Varenka, valerie Vasilievich, be the, 27th, of february, 1942. Corresponding. Member of rams now head of the department, in MSM, you them, session. Of. Wolfson. Nikolai Sigismund, ovitch the 18th of October, 1914. Moscow, Russian, Empire the 4th, of March 1994. A Russian. Chemist who developed, methods for the synthesis, of vitamin A P K and chemicals color cinematography. Heckman. Alexander. Efimovich, be the, 29th, of September, 1949. Moscow. Corresponding. Member of the russian academy of sciences. Blush. Goth robert, georgiyevich, be, the, 10th of September 1929. Academy. Of medical sciences the. Leading scientist, in the field of chemistry of drugs laureate, of the state prize of the USSR. 1981. Do. Myath cyril michailovich b. 1931. Corresponding. Member of the russian academy of sciences. Epstein. Yova Rima Porfiry, of the the 12th of February, 1925. Igor asked the 7th of July 2003. Moscow. A member. Of the USSR. Academy, of Sciences, an expert, in the chemistry of natural, compounds, the winner of the state prize of the USSR. 1985. Developed. The technology of synthesis, of vitamin C, and k1. Eremenko. Igor, leonidovitch, B. 1950. Academician. Of Russian Academy of Sciences. Kara, Bosch Alex georgiyevich, the 10th of February, 1912. To 2003. Augments, Kaluga, region Russia, Soviet. And Russian chemist, inventor. One. Of the founders of the first Soviet, atomic bomb our ds1, and the world's, first nuclear, power plant in ab minsk, call. Us if michael nikolayevitch, the 11th of May 1927. Kursk, 1985. Moscow. Academician. Of the academy of sciences of the USSR. Apprentice. Of mmm Shammi Caen. Chekov Nikolai, Konstantinovich. 1915. To 2005. Russian. Organic, chemist a corresponding. Member of the USSR. Academy, of Medical Sciences, academician. Of Russian Academy, of Sciences. Krajewski, Alexander. Antonovich, B. 1932. Academician. Of Russian Academy, of Sciences. Lapidus. Albert Lvovich B. 1933. Corresponding. Member of the russian academy, of sciences. Mirza. Bakov, andrew, daria vich the 19th, of october, 1937. To the 13th of July 2003. Director. Of the Institute, of molecular, biology Academy, of Sciences, of the USSR from.

1984. To 2003. Doctor, of chemical, sciences, USSR. Academy, of Sciences, Ross. Mirage. Anakov, anatoly. Ivanishin. I. Get. Acne Belgorod, region. Academician. Of Russian Academy, of Sciences member. Of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a prominent, specialist, in the field of biotechnology, and technology. Of natural, and synthetic compounds. And by organic, chemistry, from. 1987. To 1991. Director, of the all-union Scientific. Research Institute. Of medicinal plants, AI MP. From 1991. Vice, director of the Institute, of buy organic chemistry. Of Ross chairman, of the Presidium, of pushchino, Research Center of Ross. Moiseev. Ilya josephovich, the 19th, of october, 1937. To the 13th, of July 2003. Academician. Moyson. Qov alexander, Kravchuk, 1935. To 1992. Corresponding. Member of the russian academy, of sciences. Laureate. Of the state prize of the russian federation, 1998. Muzaffar, OV aziz, mansurov, itch be the, 21st, of august, 1954. Ghana, corresponding. Member of the russian academy of sciences. Method. Of the demon ovitch be the, 29th, of june 1937. Magnitogorsk. Academician, laureate. Of the state prize of the USSR. 1985. Prevent. Akov Andrew Nicodemo vich 1923. To 1985. Member. Of the academy of sciences, of the USSR. Sakharov. Boris, andreivich the 28th, of March 1914. St., Petersburg, the 12th of April 1973. Moscow. A member. Of the academy of sciences of the USSR. Lenin. Prize. 1964. And the state prize of the USSR. 1985. Master. Of sports of the USSR. 1968. An international, arbiter. 1956. On chess composition. Vice-president. Of the permanent, Commission of the fight a chess composition. 1965. To 1972. Sole. Chef Konstantin. Be the 29th, of March 1950. V panino. Verona, region, academician. Of Russian Academy of Sciences director. Of Institute, of physical, and chemical problems. Of ceramic, materials. Federico. Nikolai, prokofyeva. CH the 11th of May 1917. To the 1st of April 2006. Academician. Of academy, of sciences, of the USSR one, of the founders and first director of C EMI Academy. Of Sciences, of the USSR. 1963. To 1985. Co. Klav Alexander. Stepanovich be the. 6th of July, 1916. Moscow, the 9th of July 1997. Academician. Of Russian Academy, of Sciences. Set. Blin Viktor Ayane vich be the 2nd of October, 1941. Corresponding. Member of the russian academy of sciences. Vets. Vitali Ivanovich, be the, 19th, of March 1936. Nico Poole academician. Of Russian Academy of Sciences a, famous, scientist, in the development, of methods for the isolation, chemical. And biological, synthesis, of various types of lipids and their complexes, with a variety of, biologically. Active substances. The winner of the state prize of the USSR. 1985. Winner, of the award of the government, of the Russian federación in the field of education, honored worker of science head, of the department, of biotechnology. And bionanotechnology, of. MIT HT. Topic. Politics. Takumi. Roth Sergey, michailovich, 114. February. 1905. To the 25th, of November 1982. Soviet. Political and economic, figure, member. Of the CPSU, Central Committee. 1956. To 1961. Firts, Eva Catherine alexeevna, the 24th, of November, the 7th of December, 1910. Vishna, valo check the 25th, of October 1974. Moscow, Soviet. Statesman, and party leader the. Minister, of Culture of the USSR, from 1960. To 1974. Topic. Industry. You. Smirnov. Alex Sergeevich, be the, 9th of June 1963. Russian. Businessman, since. 2005. Vice president, of JSC, Lukoil.

Filatov. Anatoliy. Vasilievich be. The, 28th, of May 1935. The. Russian metallurgist, the first general manager, of the concern, nore liske nickel. 1989. To 1996. Federation. Council member, of ikon vacation. 1993. To 1996. Hero. Of socialist labor. Topic. Culture. Belly. Alexander, Andreyevich, B in 1940. The, Russian literary critic, known Pushkin, Pushkin, scholar and member of the Commission. -. Kovitch Vladimir, Sergeevich, the 20th of January, 1934. Moscow. Soviet. And, Russian composer. And music theorist. Laureate. Of the state prize of the USSR. 1991. Hereof. Weiser be, the fourth of September 1942. Silistra, bulgaria, kingdom, bulgarian. Pop singer, tenor who is called in the press most popular, Bulgarian, in the USSR. Corey, tava Labov, Georgie Ethne the 27th, of October, 1918. Deva, Raya Rahman. The 18th of January, 2000. Moscow, the. Only female participant. In a group of 20 people climbing, Elbrus for removal, and installation of, the banners of Nazi flags of the USSR, 13, - 17 February, 1943. Co-author. With a a Griest. Na van den a prissy. On INAF of the song backs, and skaia, dedicated. To the soldiers, of climbers after. The war associate, professor, department. Of general chemistry PF, you are them, patrice. Lumumba. Kesava. Natalya, of genève 'no the 15th, of february, 1972. S ivenna great moscow, region, USSR. Soviet. Film actress, of the 1980s. Became, widely known after her role as alice seleznyova in, the cult children's, television movie, the guest from the future. Directed. By paul arsanov. Catch. Of Alexander. Vasilievich the, 18th of January, 1955. Moscow. The ninth of November 2010. Moscow. Russian. Poet writer and performer of, songs. Topic. Sport. Zhirkova. Olga, Nikolaevna be, the, 11th, of January, 1979. Moscow. Russian. Curler member, of two Olympic Games, 2002. In 2006. European, champion, in 2006. Kaminski. Yuriy Mikhaylovich be. The, 6th of august 1961. In Efremov tula, region USSR. Russian. Coach cross-country, skiing honored, coach of Russia 2010. From. October, 2011 head, coach of the Russian national ski, racing. Topic. See also. Second. Moscow state university. Moscow. State pedagogical, university. Russian. National research medical, university. Named after ni, para. Gov. Topic. Literature. Are are, big love essays, on the history of MIT HT. Moscow, publishing, center MIT, HT. Them, MV. Lomonosov, 2010.

171. P ISBN. Nine seven, eight five nine oh four, seven, four two oh, two seven. Moscow. Academy, of fine chemical, technology, golden, pages of MIT HT, moscow, publishing. House provincial. 2010. One, four eight p, ISBN. Nine. Seven, eight five nine eight, two six six oh six seven, one.


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