CU Online Spring Symposium Zoomology 101

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Great, thanks for I hope you're not gonna be in like a food coma hair or whatever I might actually ask you for some, participation, at some point but if. So that's cool happens, to everybody. My. Name is Alex Kirkland's I'm an academic technologist. With see you online I'm mostly, in charge of canvas. TechSmith relay other associated, academic, technologies, I'm, going to talk about zoom, which is which had its origin in that with the Cu online team that kind of piloted, it and then it got adopted. University-wide, so we're. Technically not in charge of zoom anymore but we find it's an incredibly, valuable tool to use, in, your courses so. It's. Been around for a while so I'm sure many, of you are already familiar and, some it's, to, some extent with zoom but for, those who aren't I'll go over a couple, of quick facts, zoom. Is the university's web conferencing, software it's, the official. Software. It's good for one-on-one or group web, meetings. So, if you want to meet with an individual, or a group large group of individuals you can do that. It features screen screen. Sharing webcam sharing, and. Students, faculty/staff, all have pro, licenses. For, zoom so any student faculty or staff can log in to UC. Denver zoom. Us, and access, the pro features, it's, important, to make that distinction because sometimes we get helpdesk tickets in there where somebody's. Saying how, do I get the pro version of zoom because if Teague Cisco and Google zoom, you. Can join. For free but you don't have the pro account if you're if you're gonna log in with your student. Student. Faculty or staff ID at. This URL you get access to all the good features you don't get time limits, on your, zoom. Meetings, and. You, get a whole, host of other cool, things that you can do to customize, so. For each meeting you can have up to 100 participants. Which. Should, satisfy most, of most, of your needs as far as teaching and learning. Unless. You're teaching a really, huge class and we can talk about that - they're like webinar licenses, and things like that that you can do. I'm. Gonna just share a screenshot with you because I've found over. Many years of doing technology trainings, is that when you demo a web conferencing, software in, front, of a room of people it's confusing, for everybody. Because, you, don't know, where. All the signals and stuff are coming from but this is just a basic. Screenshot. Of the zoom, interface, it's very very simple and easy to get started up with so as soon as you fire up a zoom meeting you get, this interface you get. You. Get bubbles or like you get these boxes from where all the various, participants are and the active speaker is usually highlighted, in here so I was, doing this test and Jason was talking at me and. And. Then. You see at the bottom just a set, of regular schools here as far as things were you can adjust your your. Audio your, video inputs. With. The participants, there's also online, polling, that you have available for you as well as, well as the chat and the record option it's really, pretty. Much pretty pretty simple to get to, go through so that's kind of why I'm not just firing up a meeting and doing this it's, pretty simple right from the very from the get-go so. The. Meat of this presentation is gonna be how you can use zoom for. Teaching. And learning, and I think there are several great, use cases for, using zoom in your course whether it's a face-to-face course, or, an online course, or, anything like that I mean the first. Really. Valuable, use. Case is bringing, a guest lecture into your course whether it's in your classroom, or via, online you, can share. The. URL of, your zoom meeting with anybody and anybody can participate so, you can send out a link. To your zoom meeting whether it's a scheduled zoom meeting or your personal zoom meeting and have. Have. The guest lecturer join in and you can elevate them up to a presenter, so they can share their screen and they can participate in, that meeting, and. Then you can obviously, since online. Courses can't. Usually. By rule be a synchronous. Activity, you can record those for, later. You. Can have virtual office hours and there's a really cool some, somewhat, hidden feature. With. Zoom, is that you can enable a waiting-room, feature. Which. Basically. My, screen which. Basically. Let's, be pin 1 student, or a number, of students in at one time so. You can discuss things like maybe grading, and all that kind of stuff without worrying about somebody just kind of jumping, into your, your. Meeting while you're discussing something that might be sensitive. Basically. What the what the user will see is when they try to join the meeting and say ok it's the, the meeting is currently occupied and you'll be let in whenever it's ready, it's.

A Very I think, it's a cool feature I'd know that many people are actually using it it was a feature that was rolled out you know maybe, a few few months ago or, something but it's pretty it's pretty cool. Yes. This. Has gone through a security review and it is HIPAA compliant, because it uses end-to-end encryption. On there. And I think it was a it took a while to get that that enabled, but basically it has, passed, through superior security. Protocols. And it is HIPAA compliant, yeah. Yes. Yeah. I can. Show you a couple of a couple of the settings and stuff like that just to get you oriented as to where you are because the settings can be located, in a couple of different places and, zoom. Another. Great use case I've found is if, you, want to have have. Groups. In your course do kind of a brainstorming, session they, can all do that virtually. Record. It and then share that with, you, by. Basically. Having. Their own zoom meeting so student one, student like, a group leader would organize, a zoom meeting have all their participants, come together, they. Can discuss brainstorm. All these sessions record. It and then you'd be able to go in and and watch, them and assess that so that could be done at a distance, as well so it's it makes group work a little bit more online friendly. To. Do that as well and I think most. Of you we're probably not in my earlier session, TechSmith relay is a great place to host those recordings, because it's easy to to, then share that with within. Canvas or, directly as a link with instructors, using, that video hosting solution. If. You, have a student that's having tech. Tech problems. There's. A built-in feature that lets you take control of the other users, mouse, and keyboard so our. Helpdesk uses this a lot but I can see could be a use for this for. Specially. Online courses where. Let's say you need to walk a student, through a certain process and, just you know describing. Where the button is, doesn't. But you can have a zoom meeting whether. It's during your virtual, office hours or whatever you can request control of their screen and go in and do things on their computer, to, help, them do it obviously they it's, not something that you just, take. Control you request, control, on, the other hand they say yes, you can go ahead and and login, and and and use my computer, so. That's. I think that's that's pretty valuable especially, if you have some, some students, that you know or have you have challenges, with the technology, and it would just be helpful for you to do that. And. I think I found a great another, great use, is at, a distance I'm sorry. Sure. Well. You basically just take control the other users mouse and keyboard so you can do things on their computer open applications. Or, click on certain things and and do troubleshooting, it's it's a technology it's been around for a while it's kind of like this. But. But, yeah you basically can consider, in it's mostly for a troubleshooting, type of things like yeah let me take control on here and I need to like open let's say your. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah you can you can go through manipulate, whatever programs they have have open at the time. Yeah. It's pretty cool kind of creepy if you think about it but. If. You have if you have the consent your student I think it's all good. One. One, great use case I saw was a instructor. Of Spanish, who's teaching an online course, she. Wanted, to, have her students practice, conversation, skills. And. A fully online course. Pretty. Difficult but if you use, conferencing. Technology, like zoom those students could go through have their conversation. In Spanish. Record. It and. Jarett, either. Turnitin as an assignment, or share it via a discussion, board, before, I think the earliest time we didn't really have the TechSmith, relay to host the videos and they've just you know they would upload the, video as a as, a media comment. But. You can also use it use, a hosting solution like TechSmith relay or or, any other hosting, solution, to do that but basically record, that. The. College, of Nursing I know uses a lot use use this to simulate. Consultations. Nurse, patient. Consultations. So they go through they create a zoom, meeting, and.

Each Student would basically practice, or one would take turns with the other pretending. To be this patient, or pretending to be the nurse practitioner, and and. Set. That up for to be evaluated, so it's, translating, a lot of these things, which most. Folks, think are exclusively. In-person, activity. To, the online realm I think. It's a pretty pretty powerful tool. There's. Also live polling feature in there I'll show you how to enable that in a bit. But. But. You can ahead, of time usually it requires you ahead of time to go and set up your polling questions and once you're in the middle of your, session you can activate that polling session and, students. Can, students. Can respond to that to. Each poll then you can gather that data, as well I, mean. One thing one other use case I thought of I don't know many who are actually using this but if you want your students to go out and interview somebody, in, the field, the. Zoom is perfect for that they set up their zoom meeting send. The invite to that person the person jumps in on the zoom meeting you can conduct that interview, record. It with their permission I guess. And then have that as a resource for let's say any other projects, that you're that you're that you're having in your class I think that's a really. Powerful way, to use. Zoom. Web conferencing, software. They. Don't even need all, they need is the link it. Will ask them maybe to download. The software but you can also set an option where it's just a browser only, version. Of zoom as well they don't need an account they can just stay to sign in and add their name because. The student would be the host student, has those hosting abilities, but, the person on the other end is just a participant, so, that, goes for anybody you can share your zoom link with anybody, and the. World I guess can conceivably. But. But. Yeah so that's it's. Not restricted to University use. There. Are mobile, apps for zoom on iOS. And Android. They. In. The case of mobile though I'd probably have to have the app, and. For the most yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I, haven't, tested. The. Mobile, browser. Interface. For, zoom so I don't know for sure if that works or not but I know, the mobile app does for sure yes. You. Know. The only, host can record so you'd have to you'd. Have to be in at, least somebody somebody, with a host would have to go in and record that. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah they have the ability to share screens, share, the slides sure, sure. Their desktop if they want to yeah, yeah.

That's Fine David, did you. But. Then you're limited for. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah. David did a lot of work with zoom supports. I. Think. Yeah they do the bandwidth is the biggest is the biggest thing it, is pretty, I mean the great now the technology is so it is not too onerous, for for, a bandwidth concerns, but you know obviously a bandwidth or or, or, you know a firewall, issues or, you know depending on what you, know who you're targeting, so you like to say yeah worldwide, but, with, some some restrictions, perhaps. But. Basically you can you know you can you can have you. Have also options, as well for telephone calling, in as well so somebody. Can not necessarily see the online thing they can at least maybe hear what's going on with international. Yes. And. I'm wondering, you referred timeout and so. I'm wondering. Is. If. You use in there. Possibly. Not I mean if you're logging in with your University credentials, then yes you are but if you or not if you just go to zoom and you sign in with some other thing then it's likely that you're just on the free version, then. That has a timeline. You. Just tell us where do we go to make sure that we're doing it. You see Denver zoom, us, login to that page. To. Explore, the environment before, we actually have. That. Might also be. Reserved. For, yourself, okay. Thank, you cool yeah, if you have any other tech tech issues we can we can talk about it as well but. Yeah we. We, have offered classes here, upstairs and, we've, had to even try to zoom in and, they've, had tickle technical. Problems, here. Unfortunately. So okay we want to work through those so we can continue and. You, know yeah and I think I think a lot of a lot of times if it's a room system, then the classroom, support Oh ATT, SS is pretty good about troubleshooting that kind of stuff because they they. You zoom they used to use that too. They're. Helpful because the you know they know exactly what's in each classroom the capabilities, of that of those and what you would need to do to have a successful zoom meeting, in there so I mean each classroom, has. A different set of technology, in it so, so. Calling, them the experts as opposed to trying to kind of kind of figure it out on your own as is a better is, a better solution I think that. Was in one of my one. Of my points right here, so. A couple of just like general. Tips. Or, conducting, your zoom, meetings making them successful is when, you have more than five people on there. You could probably by. Default mute all those participants, right away because that can be extremely, disorienting. When you have. I'd. Say even three or more people trying. To speak at the same time that's, I think a major point of frustration for. Users, who are who, are new to web conferencing, because, you get just that slightest. Bit of delay that causes that you. Know those, false starts, like you know or you get the person that just goes okay I'm gonna talk no matter what and they just charge through and, wait for for, the other person to acknowledge them so, so. Muting muting those participants by default and then me that either allowing them to unmute themselves to, to.

Speak Or you know or even like raising their hand you can have a virtual hand, raising. Option. In there and you can call on them, large. Meetings are always it's always good to have somebody whether, it's a TA. Or a student. Volunteer or, whoever to be a moderator, to monitor. Chat especially. For a large meeting, just. Opening and opening the floor to anybody with their audio and camera I could, be pretty disruptive I think it's the best practice, and we should do this for webinar. Type presentations. Is a. Your questions in the chat we'll get to them you know easily the presenter will just take a time and say okay, we can look through the chat or the moderator will say okay we got a question. Coming in from online. About. Such-and-such, and, then they. Get their time for that and it's not like it's, not like an interruption doesn't interrupt the flow of your. Presentation. Yeah. Usually on the chat if somebody, is sending it out to everybody everybody can do that there could even be side chats as. Upvoting. I. I'm. Not sure I don't think so David you. Upvoting. Saying. Oh you know I like this question and, I. Don't think that's built-in. Yeah. And. I think one, other thing too to make sure that if you're using having, a guest lecturer, come, in don't. Just expect them to. Click. That link right before, the class starts, and know what they're doing. Share. That link with a method, do. A dry run run through making sure that they can they, have the app downloaded, make sure that they've they've. Logged in make sure they can share their screen or their content, that, they're doing it from the location possibly. Where they'll be doing it, during. The course, that's. Just you know you can waste a lot of time getting. Somebody, getting. Somebody up, to speed, while. The class. Is going on or what well it's synchronous, session is going on and. Then if you're if you're using a classroom a classroom system, like I mentioned before contact. Oh I t's Technical. Support Services classroom, support for, assistants usually every classroom has a number, you can call or you can arrange ahead of time I think, via EMS scheduling. Too to, get some assistance with your, your, classroom. Setup because, as I mentioned everything's, different. Some some classrooms may just have the projector some of them might have webcams and, conferencing, ability. Get. There get their help in order to really, get. Most out of this and. Then, finally checking dates, to your zoom software, if it's been a while sometimes. Features. Can get disabled. Or their, or new features don't. Get pushed out to an old version of the desktop. Client so, it's always a good rule of thumb to every once in a while check for updates and make sure that the wet the zoom, zoom. App is up and running. Yeah. You. Can check I think there's there's there are a few features that are, not available on. The mobile mobile, app but the core, the. Core web meeting functions, are yeah you can you can chat I think. There's I think there's a sharing ability but it's like with a smaller screen it's a little a little. More complicated but you also have the webcam access, as well. We. Do that a lot of meetings in OIT meetings, a lot of times we we. Have somebody who's joining in their car on the way to the meeting and they have the zoom have hope and you see them driving like pay. Attention to the road you know no, don't look over here look at, the road it, happens a lot it's kind of funny but or or they they forget that the cameras on in there they're. On the phone and you see their ear. That's. Happened before too it's pretty funny. There's. Some customization, you can do I'll, show you I'll show you where to access these these various features in here. You. Can create, a custom, URL or. A meeting, ID for, your personal, meeting room everybody has a personal, meeting room where the. Number and the, web address stays, the, same no, matter what I have, customized, my.

URL. To be I think it's you see Denver zoom, us. Slash, my. My, slash. A car cleanse, easy. To remember so. You can just you know you can write it down to somebody or whatever your. Business card if you want, but. You can also personalize, the, meeting, ID, which, is the number of your meeting room I customized that to my phone number my cell phone number so I can remember and, I can tell somebody okay go, into this is the meeting room ID and, it'll be my phone number and it, immediately just. Just. Sends everybody in there. And. Then there's also. You. Know we good oh. Okay. I'm. Sure. You. Can set up different join options, for participants, so let's say you want. Everybody's. Webcam. On by default that's. Usually the default thing but you can have it off you can have their, mics on or, muted when. The meeting starts, you. Can also create that, special, link that's just a browser only, version so if it, which which has less capability, than the desktop client but if let's say somebody's unable to, -. Down it doesn't have like the rights to add software. To a computer, let's say they're using a public computer, they, can just go to that web link and, it will open in the browser. And. You can also set up polling sessions, like I mentioned before so, think ahead and this works and this really, only, works I shouldn't say works best this only works if you really do it ahead of time so think about what kind of polling questions you're gonna want build, them ahead of time and then you can deploy them during a meeting and, then, there's also kind of an interesting, feature. And they're called attention, tracking, which, will tell you if this, if the participants. Zoom. Window is active, or, not so did they bring up a browser in front of the zoom meeting and they're not paying attention. That's. Pretty funny I think. Maybe. A little bit creepy too but. And. Then, this thing that you which I discovered, which, is really, funny touch. Up my appearance, that's an option that you can do. But. You can do in your in. Your setting, right there and it softens, the, focus, a little bit it gives you smooth, out the wrinkles, I. Think. It's ideal for if you're let's say working at home and you don't really. Yeah. Aren't that your own at your best, it's, very, funny I mean, it's not it's not too bizarre but I basically called it like Elizabeth Taylor mode, because I don't know if you remember she did those commercials, years back where they used the really soft focus, on her yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna show god I'm, gonna show I'll show that when, I go through the, software. - but. You. Discover all sorts of fun. Interesting. Options. In. Zoom, so let me just jump out of here real quick. So. When we're, when.

We're In the actual zoom app app that you download there's, one settings area here and this is mostly for how the. Application. Actually works not so much like the behind the scenes meeting. Settings, it's mostly like the client settings so you can see here there's an there's, an audio tab, right here make sure that your microphone, is, working you, can also choose to automatically, join audio by computer, when joining a meeting which I should probably do because I always. Join. Via computer. Sometimes usually when you get a resume meeting it gives you say okay do you want to join, with a computer. Or do you want to call in it gives you that option you can eliminate that step doing that. When. You actually will try to launch a meeting it will ask you to download that client, and. It will do that so here's the video settings, and you'll see. Well. It's I'm kind of dark here but I do have my touch up appearance, in there. But. You can also do as David mentioned if you're. If. You want a virtual background, this really only works with a solid. Color v, solid. Color or a green, color so it's, gonna look terrible here but, you. Basically say okay I'm in outer space I'm, in a grassy, field I'm. In San Francisco or whatever, image you want to add to the back there so let's say you want to make me make it look like you're in your office but you're instead at home do. That -. That's. A good way. Exactly. I take a picture of your office and they just just, get a build a green screen in your house, put it behind you and I'll be like oh yeah. The office exactly. Or. You could be on vacation or, whatever just carry that green screen with you and check your bag or, something. So. There's other stuff in here too some more advanced features. That you're not really we won't really go over that so much. Some. General meeting options as well but if we go into the web application, there's some other and. This is where you go for, starting. The video and so I'm going into my meeting settings here and this is this carries over to any of the meetings I have whether it's my personal, meeting room or my. Or. My scheduled, meeting this just applies to everything so. You can start the meetings with your video on participants. Video on or you can turn that off if you want to and just toggle it that way user. It's. Probably because I am. The. Video that not necess. As opposed to audio and stuff like that so they be able to like see. You and everything like that and so normally like when you have a webinar, type. Of type of thing the other participants. Don't have their webcam. Or their mic coming. Into it. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So you to turn determine which which one you want, types. Of audio the ability to join before hosts sometimes you don't want somebody jumping, into your meeting room before you're ready you. Can turn that off if you want to I have it on because sometimes people will, get there early and I don't want to kick them out or anything but if, it's important to you to to, not not. Allow that you can do that here too. There's. Some other privacy stuff like requiring new. Participants, automatically, so you mute everybody once they once they join that's, a good rule. Of thumb for larger, meetings. And. Then within the the meeting we have our end and encryption, in there so don't turn that off there's no reason to turn, that off. Allowing. The chat what's. That. First. Security. To. Turn it well I think before it's cuz it restricted, a couple of features but now I think you can actually do things like share files in the chat while. It's in crib did as well I think that was one of the features that was blocked. When. We went to end-to-end encryption, but. Or. Allowing private chats to you can with usually by default you can have you know users, can message one another within there but if you don't want to allow that you can turn it off turn it on. You. Know the chiming in sound so this, is this, is a good one to have right, here if. You want to do that, everybody. Will be bugged whenever somebody joins. Joins. The meeting you'll hear that doorbell. Sound, so, leave. It here and. Then also this this is enabled here the file, transfer so, you can send files through the meeting in in, the chat if you want to. Sort. Lino yeah I think yeah within within within there yeah it is it. Wasn't before that's, why you had to have it off but. Allowing. Co-hosts. And so polling, it's I don't, know if this is on by default or, not I don't think it is so if you want to have holes in there you're gonna switch that toggle in there. Always. Showing the meeting, control bar that actually is probably a pretty valuable tool to have because sometimes. When you're in a meeting folks don't realize they have those controls until they move the mouse around and then they see the the tools at the bottom, so. I'll add that, I'm.

Just Gonna customize mine right, here. Annotations. Whiteboard, remote controls the remote control is the. Person who's sharing can allow others to control, the shared content, as well that. Kind of allows others, to request, control. Of. Your screen. The. Whiteboard is just a tool where you can draw you can bring it up it's like there's part of the sharing module so you can share, your screen you can share certain apps. But. This one would just share like a blank whiteboard and you can draw on, there. If you do with like a mouse. Or a trackpad it's you know that typical, really. Terrible handwriting kind, of stuff but but. It's available it's, a bill available, for use for annotation. You. Should. Be able to yeah yeah. Yeah. Or if you have a. PC. That has a touch panel as well I should allow you to do that as well. The. Meaning information, is tracked. Afterwards. You can you can get a report, out of zoom, you. Could if you looked at the open the participation, participant. Panel you can see all the participants, in there as its as it's happening yes, yeah. You. Actually have a name. If. There's if their site if there's something if they're signing in with their University credentials. It's automatically. Populated. Otherwise, it's kind of up to them to enter their name if they're just you I think if you're just using the free version then, somebody, just enters their their name or their email or whatever but I think if you're using your university credentials. That comes through automatically. Well. If you add I think if you have to add the picture in the, settings here as well. Yeah. Otherwise it just shows their name and their initials I know yeah. And. Then. As far as in the meeting here let's see there, are breakout rooms too so you can allow that or disallow, that if you want to do breakout rooms you can break the, participants, into a number of different, sub. Zoom, meetings as the host you can jump from meeting to meeting and check in with everybody too so if you wanted to do a breakout discussion, that, is possible. That's. Worked before. You. Would jump. From the main session, into, into, each breakout. Room as you. Go you know just being one at a time or, into the her in the main the. Main meeting, session. So. All sorts of cool stuff in here. Virtual. Background it's on okay of course and. Let's. See well they just I'm not gonna go through all of these, but. Basically here's how you turn on the attention tracking, that's the end of one I've mentioned about the somebody's. If. Somebody. Somebody. Moves a zoom meeting to out-of-focus you can tell and. Then the waiting room as well you can turn that on and you can customize, it to so, once you have that on there you can customize a title, logo and description, for that meeting room so you can add a message, in there and customize, that a little bit more saying. You know okay we're you know I'm an office hours with another student please. You know hang on and I'll, be with you as soon as we're done, talking. To each other. And. Then you can also enable that join, from your browser link as well. This. Is in when, you up up here there's a profile, meeting, settings, and. You can go to each individual, meeting and so for example for my personal, meeting room, over. Here, I. Can, go ahead and I can edit this meeting.

This. Is where it allows me to change that, meeting, ID to my cell phone number don't. Call me please no. No. You can call me if you want and. Then you can also have that enable join before the host all, this kind of stuff and then, you can also. Where's. That custom URL. That. Was somewhere in there I. Think. The personal URL is somewhere else in there so maybe under account profile, but, yeah. There's all sorts of levels of settings that you can use. Within. Zoom to customize it make it your own yes. To my views version, that you down, yeah. Yeah. This. Is this. Is like actually when you log into the web at UC Denver dot zoomed us, this. Is. Yeah. Yeah. And so I think typically, that workflow that most people have is they they, log into zoom, and then, they go to like their meetings and then whatever listed, meetings are in there they just go ahead and and start the meeting or schedule, it or you know if you go in here and you start it and then they'll then, the the browser client pops. Up starts. The meeting and all that kind of stuff but if you take a little time when, you first log in and just look at these settings in here that'll that'll, that'll give you the access to that and then when you start the meeting those, settings will carry over and. And. Launch the meeting. Cool. I. Think. Let's. See. There. Rick that's, a good that's a good question, they we, don't have, we. Don't have web recordings. Any, of the recordings, are saved locally on, your computer. All. Right. So I only, mess. Up here when, we go into our settings, here. It. Usually goes to a default, folder it's, usually within your Documents folder in a folder named zoom, so. Any of the recordings that you have there and the Nick the file name is usually associated with the time and date, where. Were you where you made that and so it's it's it's stored as an mp4 file. So. For many years I think instructors, were when. They were using a zoom recording, or whatever they'd have it on their computer, they'd upload it maybe directly, into canvas with, the upload recording, media tool but, now you can actually do use, something, like TechSmith relay to. Host the video and add things like analytics and, quizzing. To. Those videos so let's say you have like a guest lecturer in there and you want to intersperse some quizzing or you want to see who. Watched, the video and how much of it they did then then. I'd, encourage you to get on TechSmith relay and take a look at that because and. Then it would host the host, host the file that you can reuse those recordings. And different classes and things like that so. It, really kind of gives you a little bit more bang for your buck. Yes. Yep. TechSmith relay and it's and. Yes. Students. Faculty and staff can log-in to TechSmith relay, yes. Right. Always. Record it if that's. The case I mean. Yeah. I think. In that case. Yeah. Because it's not fair, to. Have. Synchronous. Activities. In the, fully online class, you. Should minimize, that or at least if. You're doing an act if you want to have like a group discussion break, the class into smaller groups that can organize and meet, during. A certain time which is convenient for all of them all. Right and doing some organization, like the Spanish. Language instructor. Who who, wanted to do those discussions, is like okay pair up with somebody who. Can meet with you at. This convenient, time and pair up and do that activity, together. Whenever, you can during the next week. But. If you're having let's say a guest lecturer, come in yeah you can record it because you can you cannot count on, you. Should not expect your students to all join. Him at the same time that's just not fair that's not what online education. Is all about online is flexible, online means you do it when it's.

When It's convenient for your time so. I. Think. And. I think it's practical too it's. A video it's a bit of, digital. Literacy that you can weave into your course as well it's okay organizing. A organizing. Or a remote meeting that's. Something it's going to be valuable. Later, on it's a good skill to have it's a good you, know letting, people be you know be in charge of it like rotating through being in charge of hosting. Organizing. The making. Sure that the recording, is done it's. A it's. A good, skill to have. So. Every session I've been in today they talked about the. Value of having your students record something in video so that everybody, else can see everybody else I mean it sounds Mike I think I understand your question yeah you, know it, sounds like we ought to require that they upload, video or you, know post video in some way in the class. So. There's. No way for us to visually, track all of them and. Plus, I mean they're doing it right there kitchen counter. They. Will. Actually ask me for three hours of their time. For. Parking and do all of those things we're. Only asking for three hours of their time so it is very different an, actual. Classroom setting, right and my my, question would be a follow-up to Mike's that how have, people used, this effectively, in for, a class hmm. I mean that's that's the big question right how has it I'm sure it can be done but I'm, having trouble getting beyond. That synchronous, robot. Right. Is, awesome. Good. I. Have a department, would, you be willing to come and give this same presentation. To, a department. Absolutely. Yes. Would. You be willing to create, a short course, for, students. For. Courses. Where. The, faculty, want to utilize. Zoom. Sure. We, could break up we could probably could probably build a module and put it in yeah. Using. The screen sharing feature and build. It and then show them on my own which. I'm. Not. That helpful and then put it in the module to teach them how to make their own. Yeah. We could create something and put it in in the commons area cameras Commons where you could just put take a module bring, it into your course that's, a great idea we, do that we do have a good online self-paced. Course for faculty to, use get, to know you and, use that as well but I think I think a resource like that would be super valuable so, yes. Hit me up and we'll we'll, make it happen we'll. Put it in Commons and basically it just be it'll be it'll be searchable from canvas bring. It into your into your course and. Maybe. We'll, see I think you know things kind of kind, of calm down after symposium. So that's. That's a fun project to work on so I think we could probably find some time to get it in there and maybe, if we send out a follow-up. Email to all the session participants or it could just just. Hit me up on my email or, or. Call me if you remember my phone number. Yeah. Y'all might have my numbers. I. Can't. Stand that because I really sense. Okay. We'll. Try this workshop, synchronously, breakout. Rooms, I don't, always know, who's. Paid attention so I want to follow, up on that oh yeah, I'll. Set up the breakout rooms I'll pop into them to say no one's doing anything I might get load, up by the Google Forms. Or a Google Doc and I want this big break up them to fill it out and, then share. Pushing, all these legs and, it's. It's worth the case. Yeah. I think so and everybody's use, cases are gonna be different sometimes this isn't the tool to, use it. Just it I mean it's if but. But. I think there's enough flexibility, within this tool to use it however you see fit, I think. You can use it at least in some way in. Any of your classes that you're teaching yes. Yeah. You could do that you, you, could technically let's say it's a snow day, right. You. Could you could send out an announcement via. Canvas. And say like let's say you're doing an in-person class all right and you're saying okay, guess what it's not a snow day after all, here. You go login, login. We're gonna do we're gonna do class. Yeah. Absolutely. So I, think I, think we're at the end of our time but I'll be around the rest of the day I'll also be at the happy hour so, thanks, so much.


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