How to become a DevOps Engineer in 2023 Step by Step - Learn DevOps Engineer Skills in 6 Months

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If there's an ongoing match on hotstar Virat Kholi is arriving, then all of a sudden viewers will increase. They'll increase too much and there'll be a big spike. Then, how will it handle? To handle that thing in back-end whenever developers write the code, they test it in their system. Alright! Then when that code goes into operation, they say that code isn't working. But the developers had tester, so to solve this thing It is called - Blame game- to solve it, Docker came into existence.

I had done this mistake as well. I wanted a job quickly, then I thought of looking for tools required for the job so, I jumped to the tools. I forgot the steps before, so I left it. I spent 1 year, 2 years, as soon as it reaches the client, it crashes.

So, time was wasted, your money was also wasted. So, to solve these things, actually DevOps arrived. DevOps is something that fills the gap between the developers and operations. It helps them to talk with each other helps them to communicate. Tell us, does the company hire freshers for this role? If yes, then how can a fresher take the opportunity in DevOps profile? What is your experience in it? Welcome to a new podcast. I've brought a DevOps engineer.

The story of today's guest will inspire you a lot. How? She completed her B.Tech in Electronics and she got a job in it. She started with Rs. 9000. She worked with that job profile for 3 years. You can say, it was a kind of support job. And within 3 years she reached from 9k - 22k.

After that, she got fed up, she felt like that's enough & she doesn't want to do this job. And then her interest was build into DevOps. She researched a lot that you'll get to know in this podcast. And DevOps profile is very fascinating in itself. Its in demand. So, what does a DevOps engineer do? What is CICD? What is Kubernetes? What is Docker? We'll talk about all these things with her.

Do we need DSA or not? Her interview experience, resources, we've discussed a lot. You'll get to know about a lot of things about DevOps profile in this podcast. So, like this video, share and comment Like Aim is kept to be of 8k. Let's do it for more such interesting podcasts. Let's talk with Megha & know her entire journey.

Why did she feel after 3 years that I should go into DevOps? Let's talk with her. So, Megha welcome to our Youtube channel. And as you're a DevOps engineer & our audience I was getting a lot of comments that Brother, please talk on DevOps engineer. Share a roadmap of DevOps. And tell us how fascinating is this profile. So, today we'll get to know from your experience about DevOps.

I won't take much time. First start with your introduction. Where do you belong to? When did you finish your graduation? Tell us about yourself. Okay! So, Hi Ajay & first of all thank you.

For inviting me & I'm very happy to be part of it. And talking about my background or my journey. then my name is Megha & I belong to Bengaluru. So, I have done ECE- Electronics and Computer engineering. And in this domain, I've worked for almost 3 years. So, after completing engineering & working in this domain for 3 years I faced a situation when I wasn't getting much of technical or career growth.

So, then I thought of exploring the career options. Then I started to search in the IT world -IT domain that what should I do? What are the profiles there? I'll be frank I had never heard of the words -DevOps- in my life before. Means, for the first time I got to know it when I searched on Google if there's actually something named DevOps.

That even offers you a job. And it was blooming at that time & its' like numerous vacancies were created. So, I thought - why not- let's try. And I started to learn.

I learned DevOps concept then I found it very interesting. I thought of making my career in this domain and I went on learning. And finally I got the job. So, the first company I worked in was Infosys & right now, at present I'm working as a senior software engineer at CGI.

So, this is kind of my journey by which I actually landed in DevOps. And it was initially tough. Because I was coming from a NON-IT background, its not easy. But I started from zero. But, its like starting was tough but anyhow I managed to do it and still continue to working in it.

So, Megha as you told us you had Electronics domain, then was your first job in Infosys or were you working before anywhere else before that? So, Infosys was my first job in DevOps. But before that, actually I was working in Electronics domain. So, the company which manufactures elecronics, right! Small-scale industries I worked there. So, I worked there as a testing engineer then I used to even handle store. So, the LED products that you see at your homes, right! LED lights that you use - which watt should that be of what should be its current - we used to manufacture all of it. I used to test.

And if you want to manufacture any product then the electronic components required for example, resistor or capacitor, PCB, all of it. I had to order all of this in knots. So, I used to maintain the store. If any of the component is missing then the entire production line has to stop. So, it was kind of like - a pressure was created in some situations. But, anyhow I used to manage it.

So, I've actually worked with these things in the electronics domain. How much time did you work in this entire job specially that you're telling about? Electronics..... 3 years okay! I worked for 3 years almost.

Yeah! So, you worked 3 years, then was the salary fine there. How much did you get in the starting? So, talking about salary it was like 9k. I still remember means the cheque that we got for first salary, it was like 9 k. But there wasn't much growth So, that's why I thought of switching. So, lot of audience is watching you therefore as an example they're also able to relate, so as soon as you completed 3 years where did you reach from 9k? So, at the most I reached 22 k only. Not more than that.

Okay! Within a span of 3 years. So, it was difficult *okay!* But.... No, its fine. But I think you're good at your current place. Sometimes I feel that, to gain something in life, destiny leads you experience it and then as you think accordingly You put your hardwork into the work & accordingly you get the things. Okay! So, what was the work there means was it a support type work? Yes! that was kind of support. I had to more testing, I had to see the specification of product before dispatch.

And I had to maintain stores much. If all the components are according to the build-of materials or not? I had to maintain those things. Then at a point you were fed up that enough, I'm done. Yes!! I was really fed up. At a point I even thought that its enough, I can't do it anymore. Now I've to look for other options. So, tell me one thing, as you know there are multiple fields in IT.

There's software development, web development is another different domain. There's Software testing. What did you think about DevOps after 3 years? You even left the job & took such a high risk.

Its alright, if the salary was slow but didn't your family say anything that why are you leaving the job, Megha? I think you shouldn't leave it. Tell us how did you handle that, how did you prepare your mind that Alright! I'm ready to take the risk. I'll also prepare myself in DevOps. And why did you choose DevOps? Okay! One fine day, I was very frustrated I felt that if I look for 5 years or 10 years later If I'll be still working here or will I do anything else or will I be able to learn anything? So, then I did talk with my families that I want to explore or I want to do anything for myself. Then, I thought of searching for IT domain. So, family also supported me. They told that if you want to explore something

if you want to look for career, then let's try that. But, if there's a situation or not that If I'm leaving a job then I was afraid a little. A lot not a little. That I'm leaving a job, I won't have salary, I'll sit still then, its fine. Anyhow whatever work I was doing, I didn't had any satisfaction in it.

Let's take the risk, leave the job & explore. I'll be able to do these things for sure. I had confidence that I'll do something or the else. So, when I started searching, let me tell you one thing that I only knew about C and C++ language in IT domain. Because that was taught in the college.

A[art from that i didn't knew anything. I knew that people code I heard it from here to there, people used to code & I should do coding but then I thought that before doing let me search then I got to know about the world called DevOps. When I went on diving deep, I went on reading, I watched a lot of Youtube channels in which they told about DevOps, so I found it interesting. So I thought of learning it. And as I said its jobs were being created a lot. So, I thought of doing it for sure.

So, I found it a little interesting & I started my journey in DevOps. Perfect! Megha! Now, tell me as a lot of viewers are watching, they don't know what a DevOps engineer is what does it do So, tell us what you do now. What are the roles and responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer? What does this engineer do? So, if you talk about DevOps & think about a day-to-day activity of a DevOps person. DevOps is such a profile where

people will come at you, developers will come along with issues that my code isn't working, my code hasn't been pushed we're not able to see the webpage. We're not able to see our changes if they're present there or not. So, they'll come up to you.

So, you're like a savior, everyone will come to you, I've this issue and that, so DevOps is like, he should be an all rounder. So, you'll be the person that if you know about a simple software development life cycle then, developer will push the code, right! Any of the Github or wherever you store a code it'll push there. So, you'll be a DevOps person or in a DevOps role that'll be actually building up that code, testing it you'll be using CI/CD for that. Continuous Integration,

you'll do Deployment. And after deploying the code in production, your work doesn't finish there you've to even maintain because whoever our client is, will be viewing the dashboard. You'll have to keep on watching the data, so you've to maintain it. To maintain that, you need to know monitoring So, there we start using these concepts in different tools.

DevOps is like an all rounder kind of thing. So, you should know everything. I'm not saying that you should know all the tools No, but you should know the basic tools.

That is very important. So, you talked about tools right now. First of all, things that you're telling are very insightful, we can see clarity in those things.

So, now I would like to know the roadmap to become a DevOps engineer. Now you talked about tools. Let's understand the roadmap with tools itself if a fresher is watching you now, right if they've a years' experience or 2 years or 3 years or if they're in a different domain in NON-IT, like you Then, what will a clean roadmap & which are the necessary tools to be known as you told that there are many tools now its not possible to do everything, Megha, right! But, even then I'll do this one so that I'll be able to give the interview in future. Please! Okay! So, before moving onto tools, I would like to add one more thing that even I did this mistake. I wanted a job quickly then, I told of studying the tools required for the job. So, I jumped to the tools and forgot the steps before it I left it.

So, I want to say that its important to study tools. I agree but before that there are few steps. Like, you should know what DevOps is - What is DevOps? And why did DevOps arrive? IT industry was working before that as well, there wasn't any problem in it but what problem is DevOps solving due to which the entire IT world is trying to move into DevOps domain.

What is there? if you'll understand that, then you'll be able to understand the concept easily. So, according to you why does DevOps profile exist? What are the DevOps engineer solving in the software industry? So, according to me if we make an application to do something & give it to the client whatever our product is so, manual thing cannot be done in everything. We need to bring automation. So, how will automation come? To automate anything, we'll write either YAML files, configuration files scripting is included as well and its not that we've to leave after writing scripting. We need to deploy it finally as well. During the time of deploy, the CI/CD, heart of DevOps that we talk about is included as well.

So, if we talk about when DevOps wasn't there even then there used to be a waterfall model. Waterfall model means no feedback from the client, Developer left the code after coding it a year or two went by, it reached the client but the code crashed, so the time has been wasted your money had been wasted as well. So, to solve all these things DevOps actually came. DevOps is something that fills the gap between the team of developer and Operations. It helps to make them talk with each other & communicate. So, this is actually DevOps.

Perfect! Megha! I purposely put the spoiler that tell us now, according to you what do you feel, you told us very perfectly. But, its fine. As a viewer I've understood what a DevOps profile is what does a DevOps engineer do.

But again, coming back to the roadmap and tools. I've understood what a DevOps profile is. Now, what are the tools that I should know. I want to know its roadmap from you. Okay! So, firstly talking about tools, then there's Docker or Kubernetes but before that GIT GIT is such a thing that you'll use everyday in DevOps profile.

GIT commands like, adding a GIT Pushing a GIT you'll be using GIT command everyday because if you want to perform any testing you won't do it at production. You'll clone the code in your local and perform testing there and then push it. So, you should actually know GIT in it. I say that you should have a hold of good level of GIT.

So, GIT is such a thing that you need to learn. Then talking about tools then, comes DOCKER. Its like a container. Container tool because we containarise every application. We'll write Docker file, image it and containarise it. And then deploy it in any environment. I want to give an example that

Whenever developers write the code, they test it in their system where it runs smoothly Alright! When that code reaches operation, they say that this code isn't working. But the developers had tested, so to solve this thing, like we say - BLAMEGAME Docker came into existence. So, its important for you to know DOCKER. Docker will help you in DevOps domain to find a job.

And then talking about another tool, then CI/CD. You can start with any of Jenkins tool, like Jenkins and Azure pipelines is there. There's circle CI. So you can sign in and learn yourself. You need just username and email ID. So, this thing is necessary.

And second, very important tool I would say is Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool take an example, if an IPL match is ongoing on Hotstar and if Virat Kholi is arriving, then all of a sudden viewers will increase. They'll increase rapidly & there'll be a big spike, so how will you handle it? To handle that thing in back-end, Kubernetes will look if the server is down or not if users have increased, traffic has increased along with it then it'll balance, stain it, maintain it. So, Kubernetes will help you in these things. You've Docker but to orchestrate it, you need Kubernetes. So, learning this tool is very important for you. And as I said CI/CD tool is also important.

You can start like this actually. Perfect! As I've understood from you, if I put more clarity in it then if we go for a traditional approach where we used to deploy manually now, as she gave the example of docker. With its help, to create an image of our project and whatever environment we have, staging, UAD we have or production, we'll deploy the image there. Right! Megha! Yes! And as far as CI/CD is concerned, as she talked about tools like GITLAP, you create a pipeline internally & that pipeline itself contains tasks. And we call those tasks as jobs.

There'll be a job which will be deploying on Dev, another job will be deploying on staging. so that pipeline is written for example YAML file right! Any other example YAML file I think we can also write in Python as well. So, we derive the pipeline from there and then deploy things. And I think all this work belongs to the DevOps Engineer. Yes! Okay! Perfect! By the way do you have any resources from where you've learnt share whatever you've, I'll put it in the description.

Sure! Now tell me, Megha, is programming required to become a DevOps engineer? Should I know a programming language before learning these tools? So, according to my experience, I can say that Programming language, if you know it, then its an add-on advantage for you. And let me tell you why? So, when I was working on a project, then we used Azure as a cloud provider I was told that, Megha, you've to create a pipeline- Azure pipeline. And developer had written the code & then I've to take it, build it & test it. And I had to bring an output. According to me, I configured YAML file & configuring the entire pipeline I ran it.

After running it, my pipeline got failed. And I tried a lot. So, I was confused that is my pipeline failing due to my configuration or if code isn't linked. So, I couldn't understand it. So, I spent almost half a day trying. I went to the developer

they told me that I've done a few changes in the code & he completed those mistakes values were missing. So, when I corrected it my pipeline was working fine and I got the expected output. Then I understood the importance of programming language. So, if you understand what code a developer has written then it'll help you to solve the issues. It'll fastrack, I'm not saying that learn the entire programming language.

Very finely. No, keep the basic understanding & you should be able to understand what does a developer wants to write. That thing according to me is important. You should know the basic understanding for programming.

Okay! And do you think DSA is important, like Data structures and algorithms Should we have abundant knowledge of Algorithm for this profile? I know everyone has different preferences but the 3.5 years that you've spent in DevOps you've worked in Infosys, now you're working in CGI. So, did you feel that my data structure & Algorithm should be that strong? Or not? So, until now as I've worked in DevOps profile, then there I didn't feel its requirement much or being asked about it in interviews that this is a requirement in our profile. So, I don't think there's much of its requirement. Okay! You worked 2 years in Infosys & you've spent 1.5 years in CGI you might've learnt some tools in Infosys within 2 years you might've got some trainings. Now you're working in CGI so, which of the tools do you frequently use in your daily day-to-day life? So, if I talk about daily then Linux, which is such a tool that I use a lot because I need to take the code in local and I need to do some changes, so Linux commands like, grep or NS lookup, LS make directory are used a lot. So, knowing Linux is very important.

Then if I talk about GIT, I use it a lot & Docker because we need to create a docker file, then we need to create an image out of it. Then, after containarizing we have to deploy it. So, I use that lot. Our project is using Kubernetes

So, I work on Kubernetes a lot. We create lot of pots and deploy it. So, Kubernetes run hand-in-hand. Both of them work together. Therefore, they're used a lot & talking further about infra-structurous code or terraform or every cloud provider has their own infra-structurous code. Then, you write step wise instructions in declarative & you can use it. Then I use that as well.

And these are the main things that I mostly use and CI/CD too. So, Azure pipelines. That I use a lot. So, these are the things that I use a lot.

Perfect! So, I had a small question. Suppose there's a project in which development is done. Now, I've to deploy it in server. I wrote a docker file so that an image of that project is created the kubernetes that you're saying that you containorize, right! how do you do that thing ?Do you write a different file for it? No! So, as you write a docker file and made an image and we made a package & container of that image and deployed it.

So, when we deploy it after packaging, currently you're working in a single project You'll have one container which will be easy to manage but when you'll have 100s & 200s of containers, we create it in a pod. So, we writw a file for that - configuration file - it'll have pod. We deploy the pod. That we'll deploy in server. Cloud provide desk will be there. It depends on the one you're using.

Is it Azure or GCP or *AWS* whatever it is. So, you'll deploy accordingly. So there kubernetes will play its role. Perfect! We tried to understand a real life example from Megha. Megha, tell us if the companies hire freshers for this role? If yes, then how can a fresher take the opportunity in DevOps profile. What is your experience in it? So, if I talk about freshers then I had the same experience that since I was a fresher as well. I had such an experience that I'm not even a fresher. I worked 3 years in other domain

and I was going somewhere else. So, according to me they don't give much opportunities to freshers if we compare with experienced then its less. but it doesn't mean that nobody gives jobs to freshers if they'll not give jobs then no one will be able to work in DevOps *Truly* no one will become an experienced person.

They've to start from somewhere, so if you're a fresher then you won't get jobs directly in Devops role. You'll go as a junior engineer. But you'll work on DevOps tool. There'll be a GIT or Jenkins Space. Initially you'll work like that. But you won't enter into exact DevOps role. But after 2 years, maximum 2 years or 3 years you'll be called fully into DevOps role like you can even get an exact title.

So, don't think that you didn't get DevOps role but the DevOps tool that you're working on knowledge is actually very important. So, we'll consider but there are less opportunities. But whatever tool you're getting to work on then I prefer you to start because I started like that. I got the chance so I just grabbed it & started working. So, rest, you're also active on Linkedln. Your profile looks very promising which justifies that you're a DevOps engineer.

So, you can pitch the HR or hiring manager & take the opportunity from there as well. Yeah! True! Yes! So, according to you you're working in a good salary you're happy, I feel that its important to be happy along with the job. And the 3 years that you spent. I think you're happy from the work the one that's going on in life. So, what is the salary growth? If we talk about it, how do you look at the salary in DevOps? Megha! Okay! So, talking about salary growth, then as I told that I worked on electronics domain then my salary wasn't that good. But, if you come into DevOps domain, initially you may feel that its less but once you enter into DevOps domain, then your salary will always be in a growing model.

it'll never be in a decreasing model. I won't be able to say it in number or quanntity but for sure it'll be a growing type of model. Along with the salary growth, your knowledge will equally increase.

So, according to my experience, I feel that there's a good amount of salary growth in this domain actually, a lot. Rest, I would say it all depends on how much experience you've, when you're switching, how many counters are coming, how are you negotiating the salary on those counters and those things then depend individual to individual. Yes! I agree with that. So, Megha it was nice talking to you. We got lot of insights. According to your experience, the tools that you're working on, your journey that has been until now as you go, freshers are watching you, those who've 1 -2-3 years of experience, people who are in NON-IT are watching you what will be Megha's advice for them? If they want to come into DevOps? So, I want to say that any person, be it a fresher or who has already worked but want to come into DevOps then according to me, I want to say that try watching youtube channels, like Ajay you also have a youtube channel which has a lot of information on it. There's information but I think for specific DevOps, if you want to learn technically then I don't have an expertise in that, my role is on front-end we'll take those resources from Megha.

And put it in the description, even she has her own youtube channel. Where she'll make videos on DevOps, I believe after this video she'll make a lot of content in the coming time. So, you can refer that as well. Rest all the resources I'll get from her I'll put that in the description, be it documentation or a video. Yes, Megha. Please, sorry! And secondly, you can read articles because I did a lot of self-study and articles like,

there are a lot of DevOps engineers who write articles, they even write tutorials you can simply follow it. It'll be step wise & from your side try signing up on GITHUB. Simply run a 'Hello World' Application. Or if you need to print 'Hello' Application, do it through CI/CD pipeline. I can give you can example that sign in Azure, that's very easy.

Their documentation will contain get started. Just keep on reading it out & follow. There are lot of tools, try running them by yourself. So, that will give you a hands-on experience because only then an interviewer or any company'll be written in your resume which will be an add-on Okay, this person is having a knowledge and he's also a hands-on as well.

So, you'll stand out among other freshers. So, do try this thing. It'll help. Hands-on is very important, I completely agree. Without hands-on, writing a YAML file or docker file, how will you write it? It won't run on theory. So, there are many youtube tutorials that you can follow. Rest, the resources that Megha will recommend me I'll put that in the description. Thank you so much Megha. It was very nice talking with you. It was very

insightful session I would day. Thank you so much again. And guys if you liked this podcast, then do like it. Share it. Comment down. And the like aim that I've kept is 8000. Accomplish it for more such interesting podcasts. I'll meet you soon.

Next in any other interesting podcast, till then Take care.


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