Create Resource Groups Through PowerShell Azure Powershell Joyatres

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hi guys so today hope yesterday we had discussed about how to create the resources in aour through CLI correct so we have discussed yesterday couple of things like how to create the resource Group how to create the virtual machine how to create the Linux machine correct yes or no how to list them okay and also I've given you some assignments how to create the right how to create all this stuff right so let me share my screen today we are going to discuss about the how to create uh resources through Power Cell okay so guys how many guys have practiced yesterday can you put your answer yes no how many people are able to practice yesterday's know labs put your answer in chat yes no meanwhile I'm sharing the screen guys so guys are you able to view my screen s have you practice yesterday honestly Siri I think you're talking yes yes Rohit yesterday alone I did practice and all the previous Labs previous I started uh I started reading uh Rohit not notes and what about the labs notes are different Labs like you know like you know basic things things like you know creating you know virtual machine and allll I did but as per the like you know assignment I have not started please do the assignments because this week again I'm going to put you three more assignments right three more assignments but almost 30 laps more yes yes so then it will be burden for you from a starting to it will become 60 you know 50 to 60 Labs so that will become a burden so just you know this is my request to all of you please try to finish then and there who is able to do okay so today we are going to discuss about how to create the resources through Power Cell correct yes so yesterday we discuss about how to create the resources through CLI so same way here also we are going to launch our power cell so first of all let me duplicate this tab guys so have duplicated now first of all how to launch the power cell from theur Portal try to understand click on cloud cell after clicking on cloud cell first we as I told you right we have to click on create a storage we have to create the storage either it is a power cell either it is a CLI okay guys so what we are going to create first again if we are going to create any resource especially aour first of all we have to create Resource Group correct yes or no guys good yes so first we have to create the resource Group create the resource group correct yes or no second is what list the resource Group group on Power Cell platform right yes or no I don't want to check there my in UI I want to check here itself right so let us finish first these two so first of all let us check whether so it is what so our you know storage account is created so how to switch the power cell you can see that this is what power cell this is bass right bass is used for CLI and power cell is used for power cell okay so let us switch the power cell click on confirm wait it is connecting to the terminal wait wait for a few minutes it is authenticating so it will take few seconds okay so now we are going to create the resource Group so first of all let us check whether is there any Resource Group is there apart from okay this storage account is created and this okay so we can create our Resource Group so how to create see here we are going to start with new keyword okay so see after typing the new can see you can see that AG Resource Group name and all so these kind of hints you will get okay guys yes or no Ione then again a means what group space so what is the name we have to give tell [Music] me Resource Group 01 location h so what name because its argument isfied as a script block and there is no input okay so if we are going to remove this block hit into so you can see that Resource Group rjs 01 is created okay so let us create multiple multiple Resource Group okay so how to create directly go there just put here and here just you know change the name itself to and hit enter you can see that second is r02 is created so it is a faster than you UI or not tell me yes or no guys yes is fast so first of all clear the screen after clearing now as I told you right we have to list down all the resource Group which we have created so the command is for get AG Resource Group okay so all the resource Group is what listed you can see that this is also there yes or no this is also there this is also there this is also there correct clear guys yes or no anyone have any doubt anyone have any doubt guys see let me show you in GUI also Let me refresh because right now is two only if I will replace then those two will also appear so you can see that all these four all these four are available here and here also you can see that all these four are available here clear yeah Rohit one question see can see like you can uh I mean like we can see there are two no four resour groups are there right yes okay see let us say if I want to enter into one of the groups so can we enter into that from the command just now I have shown you let me you can see that fine get AG Resource Group name whatever Resource Group you want to display it will display okay okay this is okay but what I just want to know is consider see we if we list the resource Group we can see three to four right in that I have some one VM okay consider okay uh so if I want to get into that example like consider that you know so get so if you want VM then get AG VM that's all different resource see inside Resource Group is a very big bucket in that maybe 200 or more than 1,000 resource will be there getting my point which type of resource you just type right let me type get okay get hyphone a okay PM size location ISS check avilable it is whatever the size you want to you want to display so this is only you know number of course you know memory all these everything you can do through know command line okay this is not see this is not something extra this same as a power cell only okay whatever you are going to do able to do you can able to do only thing is what here you will get a number of instructions like you know let me give the simple example whenever you're going to write the Java program through Eclipse right you are getting some hints right for the syntax correct yes yeah yeah similarly here you will get this is very user friendly you know uh platform clear so now we are going to create the VM what we are going to create because we have the resource Group right yes or no create VM through shell yeah good so how to create as you know right how to create tell me first we have to put new iph AG correct VM fine um Ro do you have to put the AZ do you have to put the AZ or is just the name that you know you um when you put new new iPhone is it the a VM is it the name of the um name of the created no no it's a command new in Azure yeah VM we are created okay name is here name my VM name okay all right let me give the name VM test01 this is the name of the VM f is it uh between VM and um iPhone name there is a there's there's a space right yes yes there a space this is the VM name no no no no no um move back a little bit yeah between VM and iPhone name there's a a space yes yes yes okay all right why it is throwing error Tell Me Maybe the dollar sign in front of credential okay yeah password is not mentioned okay any other person you mention the um the resource Group see first of all how to write the see let me iPhone AG VM Okay so so Resource Group name I'm just rgt2 name bmt1 location us virtual network name so let me give the virtual network name is vet S01 vet1 security group name is t0 public IP address you can put default okay or or you can put any other if you have already you know assign so 8321 correct what is the open port for this let me check here if you are going to create the VM 2 need2 [Music] 8 [Music] 3389 remove this if it will ask then we will is missing credential we can put uh admin admin hyon password now first we have to put username username what we have to put what is our famous username tell me guys is the user what user here put D default whatever because I'm going to specify any specific subnet then it's going to charge me okay so for practice purpose you can just put it so image is what uh when 209 data center delete this one and this one also for okay fine so then white is not running Cals me clear this screen okay so here see guys first we have to new agrm okay so it means what we are going to okay let me delete this everything so first of all we are going to create create the VM in this way if you will type then it will be better okay so after that we have to give what Resource Group right source group one by one if we are going to provide then will better resource Group name so what are the resource Group available we have what are the resource Group we have RG t01 correct yes or no guys yes RG test 01 and okay name VM test 01 credential auu user password new one operation Val District bad request BM test 02 I enter cenal Azure user okay password for the user password for the Azure user okay let me give the password what one two three let me check whether VM have created or not what size is this specifying that has not been provided yes so if I'm if I'm going to provide any size and all then it is going to charge so that is the reason I'm just know providing the default if it will take the default because it's my you know subscription is p as you go okay if I will put any you know a specific then it is going to be static okay and then it is going to no charge that is the reason I'm not I don't want to provide that okay BM ion name credential admin user no this is not see [Music] pm e VM okay VM [Music] t09 [Music] user user AUD user password I'm going to put anything op to invalid status code is return okay okay let me then you know put the size itself no matter whatever may be the charge okay let me check the size but guys if you are going to do try try for default okay this is the know that is the reason I don't want to provide AG PM after that [Music] Source VM then iPhone resource so first of all what are the credential Resource Group we have to give okay why this is coming I don't want to go here I'm just want to give the name resource change to let me return to the power sometimes if you are also facing this issue just you know refresh or restart there is a restart also from here you can restart the cloud cell if you're going to face this issue so first of all what we have to type new correct after that Ag and what we have to type we are going to create VM correct a VM yeah yeah after that what we have to give space name space name and then the name the name of the VM okay name of the admin user name not this is not required it is taking the previous one what is not taking this kind of [Music] you Resource Group name so what name we have to provide RG T 01 okay after that name of the VM right location is password 2 three not is going to create clear guys so guys sometimes if you're are going to face also the issues and all you need to restart the power cell because it was taking whatever the previous you know I have you know typed some other person that it is taking okay so it's 18% so we have to wait few minutes to create the VM so BM is created yes or no correct guys so how to check whether VM is created or not what is the command uh list uh list here get get get easy VM only get command that's all list is for CLI list is for CLI so everything is Resource Group this one VM t01 this right if I'm going to tell you create the multiple VM okay first let me clear the screen so see guys how much error you are going to get you are going to learn that much okay this is the simple concept of you know Power Cell mcli Azure user fine I'm going to create the second VM okay what is the password whatever maybe you want to give see now it is taking the default size so it is not going to charge me if I'm going to specify any you know these kind of you know charges and all so you can see that how much okay so that is the reason I was not specifying clear if you are if you guys are using the free account you can specify clear guys anyone have any doubt how to create the VM yeah Rohit I have doubt see thing is like suppose if I have a multiple uh Network okay so if I want to create in one single Network yes yes yeah single net then you can specify here the network also as well see let me clear the screen see location right okay okay after location you can give the virtual Network and give the virtual network name see how we are given the resource Group Resource Group name rg01 similarly you can specify vet name vet name equals to vet S01 whatever maybe you have that's all whatever if you want in a single Network see obviously in the organization we are using all the resources in the organization Network itself correct yes or no yes yes so obviously we have to use the same network so we are going to put the same correct a specify that is not an big uh big deal okay yeah guys okay now we are going to create uh what we are going to create what are the items we have created anyone have any doubt guys tell [Music] me but by any chance can we know what IP address it Tak the current VM which is created now I mean simple get yeah get IP for whatever the VM name that's all okay okay okay okay see these stuff you can little bit explore okay get command how to use okay this here it will and it will show you the IP address here also directly otherwise here you can use the get command okay let me delete all the VM Resource Group first otherwise it is going to charge me lot okay so let me delete this see how many elements are there if I'm going to leave for one hour also it will be going to cost so much so this is the good practice whenever you are going to use any you know pay as you go account please create it and then and there delete it if you're using threee then also after the no labs and all you try to delete that clear yes or no yes or no guys clear anyone have any doubt just a second guys oh so rgt1 is it is in know I have already deleting it is in progress now we have one more Resource Group that is RG test02 right yes or no guys hello are you guys able to hear me yes no can anyone confirm yes yes right okay so more you will try more you will you know so now uh tell me how to create the know yesterday we have yeah UB 2 uh Linux uh VM tell me put here three after location after location Hy image image so what is the name we have given yesterday tell me tell me guys have you remember or not to 204 LS 20 04 let us check 2024 right 04 204 LT LPS okay let just uh no enter hit enter let me change the name space hphone maze what we have to put to right yeah 204 or 2024 what is that let me check what are the various options are there have 20.04 and then we have to eliminate the dot the point have 22 take okay 12.04 right so 2024 LT s right a user password at theate 1 2 3 so can't find the image UB to LTS so let us remove LTS oh you give a space between the four and the LTS I don't know so what image we have to give see this is only we should know what exactly we have to put okay par met that is the reason it is throwing an error okay exactly this power cell is2 LTS server2 okay. this 22 04 C let me Aur user passwort we have to [Music] provide now it is going to start creation now got it uh guys so 12 2204 okay hello okay so that's why refuse 204 it is not taking because might be in through Power Cell it is not taking 204 it is taking only the highest 22 lest 22 04 okay so it will take few seconds to create so what what is the command to list down all the VM get iPhone a VM fine you can see that it is created or not because those previous one are already deleted let me show you in the here also clear guys how to create the know uh Linux VM through Power Cell clear yes or no yeah clear guys this is window and this is create here M see guys how much you are going to do the mistakes while writing the or sometimes it is not accepting and some R&D if you will do then you will able to remember that like you will never forget that okay it is going to accept only u12 2204 right yes or no so what exactly the parameter the that also we have to list the VM Power Cell so guys similarly you can create what are the things you can create virtual Network yes or no you can create virtual network no guys yes or no you can create the disk also so whatever the resource you are going to create through the gii you are able to create through Power Cell also yes or no yes correct so anyone have till now any doubt silence means what I should take yes or no three hello all the guys are gone only two of us left yeah actually tomorrow is what uh Christmas right yeah tomorrow is Christmas yeah so that is the reason the people are you know have holiday plan and all right hey yeah hi s are you able to hear me yeah three is struggling to log in okay okay so do you have any other doubt till now guys yes no no right sence what I'm going to take as no well for me the the is that you know just need practicing you know so uh the more we practice the more it gets clear and uh see it's required more practice especially and one more thing just know we are we are facing that some of the issues it is what not you know uh command is not getting right not reflecting correct so at that time you just here is what restart correct you just either restart or switch back to B and then power you have to do like after you log to the power cell after sometimes might be you will feel that your you know you may face that your command is not getting you know uh uh not running so again you have to restart or close here and again you have to open here okay so like we did right for the first when we are creating the know VM correct see it is restarting so this is very important see now you can see that this is what upload and download files correct yeah this is what settings this is upload s is there or not the people are s are you there no sir is gone okay okay let me explain you um the people who is not available they can watch the video correct so yeah here you can see that upload the file so you can write your code on notepad and you can upload here and download also manage the files here and everything okay if you want to create a new file you can create like that complete here you can work in through Power Cell okay see click on confirm here you can okay suppose I want to download so what are the files I can download okay Enter the fully qualified file path only file persist in your file sh can be downloaded okay so you can download also whatever the file if you want to search or also you can configure and best practice whenever you are going to do you just click here and try to open in a new window because it is going to give you the full screen correct okay yes or no okay okay so guys uh can you practice uh all these how to create the disk how to create the virtual Network and all yeah okay so any yeah so power cell and CLI we have already discussed couple of services you can practice for other other services okay if you have any issues and problem you're not able to do please ask in the next class or in the we have a WhatsApp group right yeah yeah just send that question okay I'm not able to create the desk I'm not able to create the you know uh virtual Network I'm not able to create the Linux VM correct in that way clear so that I will you know uh reply all your answer in the WhatsApp itself so that you should not wait for one week correct MH that is the main try to utilize that WhatsApp group that is the reason I'm guys you guys are not you know uh updating anything I've gone through please send the new assignments you guys are not at all you know please send the new notes initially you are doing but after that you also stopped I don't know what happened huh correct yes or no tell me okay yeah yeah Siri are you there Siri just know Siri joined Siri are you able to hear me can you put your answer in the chat yes [Music] no I think he's uh joined but he's not able to unmute okay fine so guys if you are going to create any VM and okay any uh Resource Group or anything okay guys here this particular you know uh suppose you don't know anything you just delete it anything suppose you want to create VM right you don't know anything okay just hit enter clear or not suppose you want to create VM you don't know anything you just put new AG VM and then give the name VM tast 09 and then hit enter it is going to ask you user it is going to ask you everything possible okay okay see this this way um um Ro is not going to ask you the resource Group so whatever the existing it is going to create if you're not going to put the resource Group it is going to create the resource Group it's going to create it for for you all right yes like if you're are not going to supply the virtual Network right so it is going to create or not whenever we are going to create the here correct I have already explained you in in GUI through right through GUI correct yeah okay after this is created let's just get the uh virtual Network and see what it has created by defa if it is not available okay you cannot let me show you clear guys Resource Group BM ts9 correct yes or no this is what name I have given VM t09 so VM name and Resource Group name both will be same okay let's check the whatever the yeah yeah you can check vet oh vet okay yeah whether Yeah by default if you see VM t09 okay see if you're not going to give it is going to see without as in the initial days itself I told you right without Resource Group we are not able to create anything correct yes or no this is the thumb rule of a second thing whatever the resource you are going to create it requires Network or not virtual Network right yes or no without network we are not able to create correct so if you are not providing Azure will by default it is going to provide it is going to create to and after that it is going to supply okay so now if we are about to create a multiple VM so all of them will be under that uh V that by then it is going to if you are going to create a multiple VM it is going to might be it is going to create the multiple Network or might not be if you are going to specify the network no I need this particular VM in this particular Resource Group in this particular virtual Network everything you are going to specify in the code then it is going to create in the same network in the same Resource Group okay if you are not going to specify then randomly it is going to create might be and it is and they it is going they are going to charge you also okay so do not do that try to specify why this this particular method I told you why because initial days for practice purpose if you don't know anything okay now you know right after new AGM suppose let us finish then let me tell you new iPhone AG pet so a virtual Network we are not able to create right in this way yes or no check tell meing all the name name or if a was included very farther the is correct again correct so what is the error through error we can understand or not what exactly we are going to create a command light so what we have to type name hyon AG VM right not VM virtual Network right yes or no vet virtual Network suppose I don't know anything the most similar Azure Power Cell command is azure virtual networks so you got it right so this is what you have to not require resource I want to create a virtual Network only now clear whatever the service you are going to create you have to put new this VM Resource Group whatever maybe clear let me delete this otherwise it is going to charge me let me delete the resource Group itself so clear or not if you if you are not able to uh understand how to create practice in this way the way just now I told you right new AG just then Ty first practice in this way then in the second know time just try to type entire things entire know I need this spy virtual Network spy Resource Group SP you know name everything okay try to specify as much as you are able to do now clear yes or no guys yes okay see this is very interesting topic Cloud okay s are you able to understand yes so there are two ways I have explained you right now we are unable to hear you anything is it the same case for everyone yeah can him not able to hear you see okay okay message me if you are you able to understand in both the way how to create the virtual Network how to create the virtual machine how to create the resource Group either VM or yes no both the way just type in s either yes or no um me I need practice I'll need pratice anyway yeah practice and just send me in the message in the WhatsApp group you have practice and then if you have some issues I just explain but you know yeah yeah okay okay guys thank you so much so I'm going to end our session right now here and happy wish you a very happy Christmas okay again we will meet know in the next uh next you know week thank you guys all right thanks thank you Merry Christmas to you guys bye bye same to you man all right bye God Bless yeah


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