CORE online session 5 Traditional and professional cooking skills with modern technologies 4

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About the plating process, an  aspect that I always, an aspect an aspect that I always mention is...   What's in your opinion the most  important part of the plating process of of display? For example the Iberian pork, what's  the as a cook, as students and as a cook in your   opinion what's the most important part when it  comes to plate this preparation the very   important meat? Hygienic, hygienic. Hygienic  it's a point. Should be look beautiful.  Look beautiful it's important . It's very important.  Because it's the first sense that we get activated   when the plate comes to the table is the sight okay. Should look beautiful and then what's the   most important part or important points when  it comes to plate? The taste. Yes yes it's really   i always say the same, your plate could be  wonderful, could be spectacular could be appealing.

You could take your mobile phone, take  a photo and upload it to Instagram and it's a   marketing source but if you eat a bit of the  meat and it's not tasty and it's cold you say "Okay.   It's beautiful, it's great but it's cold and it's  not tasty." Okay so think about all of the senses   that take part in a lunch experience, not only  the sight but also the the taste, the flavor, the   temperature okay with this meat if you  don't eat it hot is like you are eating raw meat.

Okay so it's important to take into account all  of the of the aspects related to your   experience okay. It's a looking and the taste is  is connecting each other that food looking and the   taste, they are connecting each other. Yes, yes they  are. Yes they are and all of them are very   important because sometimes it happens to me in our school when I am plating with my students we   are we have a restaurant, fine dinner restaurants and a plating process depending on what you are plating has to be a quite quick process if the food goes hot you have a time to plate it because otherwise it will go cold and sometimes it's  like a very careful plating, very slowly with that   and when plate is going to go to the  dining room I tell them please just   with this part touch the steak and the steak  is cold. I mean, it's not valuable. You have   to reheat it or you have to repeat okay so to  take into account all of the of the aspects okay. Well we have been speaking about knife skills okay, you have different materials okay.  Different cooking techniques and food presentations okay, that I would like  to connect to what we have been speaking.  

Food presentations is some- you have here Powerpoint about food presentation and plating, sorry. And it's just what aims, what we are looking for when we  are plating something. We are looking for   a good looking good appearance we  have been speaking about that okay   it's the first sense activated before eating  the food so it's important, it has to look good.

Your plating skills could be a marketing  tool okay, when a customer takes the the mobile   phone and takes a photo of your plate you are  selling your product all over the world okay. Then the temperature and taste okay we have been  speaking about that now, appearance is not enough if the food is not tasty and it is not at correct  temperature and then you will have to take into   account the whole experience. So the customer's experience varies depending on the presentation. Three questions, who plates? The cook plates, the  waiter can plate or the customer can plate, okay.

So this is the experience, the whole experience  is different depending on who's plating okay. When the cook plates... the tendency the current tendency is this one  the cook is the one who plates okay, is the   most widespread tendency okay the most of the  plates, the dishes or the meals are plated in the   kitchen so the presentations are more artistic  because you have a specific place to do it   and the waiters carry the plate to the customer  okay bring the plate to the customer and explain   the concept and the ingredients of the plate  okay. That's the first option, the second option   is the waiter or waitress plates so  to do this the waiter or waiters have to be   very skillful okay because you are plating in  front of the customer okay, before of the   customer so this is important, the skills  of the waiter or waitress. But the experience   is improved okay for as a customer if you get  your plate your meal plated in front of you the   experience is a lot better and this tendency was  typical is typical at classic restaurants and also   in banquets okay. It's quite a typical  the meals to be plated in front of you. And the other option is the customers  serve themselves okay so there are some   preparations that are quite suitable for that okay  it's a more social way nowadays this trend or this   tendency is not so widespread because of the covid, but it's a more social way okay it's to enjoy the meal with your friends, with your family okay  to eat together and for example a fondue or some   grills or a sukiyaki okay so it's another  experience, it's a different experience and you can   include here free buffets as well where you plate but free buffets tend to be more impersonal okay.

So in our country in... in our country is very typical when the  waiter plates in front of you it's very   typical it's very typical to plate big  pieces of fish okay. The waiters   portion and plate the big pieces of fish for  the whole table in front of you and it's quite   you know quite appealing, quite interesting. Okay  this is different trends and the remaining   part that I would like to show you is the  preservations part. Okay how to preserve your food. Okay food presentation- no no no no...

Sorry. Okay knife skills... here it is okay I would like to  mention preservation stuff because it's   it's important okay.

In this material you can find this what  appears in the task okay, different types of   food preservation methods. And that's the Powerpoint okay the material  provided to search that. Preserving food. Preservation methods have been applied since  ancient times this is the truth okay and there are   some key elements to make possible or avoid bacteria growth. Could be acidity using pH or using

acidity. could be the most popular nowadays temperature,  could be drying food or could be fermenting food. Modifying pH is just to introduce the  food in a acid environment to avoid the   growth of bacteria and the most typical  examples are pickles or marinades okay. You also you can modify the temperature and to  combine this with the oxygen or the absence of oxygen okay so you have canned food where there are two both preservation methods are combined, the temperature and the absence of oxygen okay so this is tomato sauce canned and tuna albacore first boiled and then  preserved in oil and canned okay and also you can   modify the temperature by frozen or freezing  the in this case the fish. What's that?

What kind of fish appears in the  in the picture? Looks like tuna, tuna to me. Yes yes they are, they are  tuna! They are frozen the picture it   comes from the I think is the Tokyo market okay  and they are testing the different tunas   and they are frozen. Do you know what  temperature are they frozen at what temperature? I don't know. We regularly we freeze the fish or different meals  at minus 18 degrees under zero but a Japanese   freeze the tuna at minus 60 okay, is the  best temperature for tuna because of the fat   amount of the tuna is the temperature where  tuna is preserved better okay, minus 60. Specific freezer for that purpose okay. So  the control of the temperature is the most...  

the best tool we have to control or  to preserve different ingredients okay.  And then we have drying food which  is really really really a very ancient   way to preserve food okay. So we can dry food just hanging outside the food and leaving to  dry but the most typical way to dry food   we have done since ancient times is dry it with  using salt or using sugar okay. Both ingredients, both elements make the same effect  effect okay. Make the food to get drier.  In Spain is very very very typical the ham  okay they first cover the ham with salt   and then we remove the salt and they hang it  on the pork legs to make them dry okay   using salt also we do it with fish okay, very  typical with fish and we use sugar to make   different jams, whatever okay. So drying food is to  avoid the growth of bacteria by removing  

the water because bacteria need water to to grow  okay, to spread out okay. Also in the previous   picture by modifying temperature we can kill the  bacteria especially we can kill the bacteria with with the heat okay. Is there any any hazard when it comes to  freeze fish that we have to take into account? Do you know any? What...? Any hazard related to fish that when you are going to eat a raw fish or just marinated fish   is any danger or hazard that you have  to take into account, for fish specifically? Salmonella. Salmonella could be one but they're  not so- In the chicken yeah salmonella is in chicken. Yes in fish, do you know the anisakis? In sushi I don't know because in there is  some kind of bacteria I mean in raw fish   they'll have some bacteria which  one maybe make your tummy upset? Yes anisakis is a worm. It's a worm that  appears in anchovies, in tuna also in hake and  

anisakis is a worm that could be killed by  freezing it but you have to freeze it at least   at minus 18 for 48 hours okay and then you kill  the worm okay and also you can kill it by   heating it. But to kill the anisakis you need  to heat it at least at 60-65 degrees which could be   could damage the fish if you overcook the fish  yes you killed any sakes but the fish is not   proper to to eat it okay, so it's very common  to freeze it to avoid this worm okay. It appears in the goods of the fish okay.  So when you are going to prepare fish or you sorry  

sushi or sashimi or you are going to marinate  a fish you need to freeze it beforehand okay to avoid those dangers okay. This is an option,  the other option is to buy a frozen fish okay   which is not the at the best quality  comparing with fresh fish but you can avoid   this danger using using this  okay. So those are different preservation methods and salt drying and then we have  fermenting. Okay we can ferment   different kind of ingredients okay for example choucrute, for example miso or kimchi. It's a way to preserve those ingredients  and also they are very beneficial   healthy speaking, speaking about health they are  very beneficial okay because they have a lot of   probiotics okay they are quite trendy this kind  of food fermented food okay. It's really really   interesting products and those are among others  the different parts or different ways to preserve   ingredients but for in this material in  my opinion, the key part of   preserving food is this part, key elements okay  all of the all of the preserving processes   okay go for one of those aspects. Temperature  or acidity, drying food or fermenting okay.

Okay how are you doing, any question  any something to mention? Oh yeah can I ask something? Yes! Regarding on  the cooking techniques because we all   know sous vide you need some special equipment  to do it right? Okay. But what if you're cooking   at home and you wanted to cook, you want to practice the sous vide so any alternatives for it and how could you do it at home? Yes of course  I will tell you to cook sous vide you need,   first you need a vacuum packaging device okay  and- wait for a minute and I will show you a   very very cheap one, very cheap one and you  can get good results with that. Wait a minute! Okay can you see it? Yep, yep. It's a flat device it's not too big okay, you open the device   that way you can introduce the bag here and you can seal everything under vacuum. The bag comes with the device and this device costs I think it was including the bags it was like  40 euros or something like that okay it's not   excessively expensive okay and I bought  it in a supermarket and it works, I have   done sous vide cooked processes with that,  that's the first part okay the first part   is to seal it under vacuum and it's available  okay it's it's affordable economically speaking.

Sorry, George you can have it from Clas Ohlson, it doesn't cost-  Okay. It's the same like 30 euros maybe from  Clas Ohlson, easy. Okay I can look at it. And it works properly and the other part  is the cooking process, the cooking process   for big productions we use steam ovens  okay and I think that... I know that they   are not affordable to do it at home  because they are very very expensive okay   but for small productions we use sous vide devices  that are not very expensive I don't know how   how much could they cost but it's like  a tube that you introduce in a pot with hot water and they control the  temperature and they move the water okay and   the cost I think it was like 100 euros could be  something like that okay so you can buy them from online, from amazon or whatever and they are  not excessively expensive so with both devices   the vacuum sealer and the tube to  to heat the water and to move it you can   experience a sous vide cooking process  okay. Just to try at home okay so I   think it's affordable. I have the machine here I can show it to you. Thank you, thank you very much!

It's really easy  to use, keeps the temperature as you wanna. Thank you very much! Okay. I'll take a photo of you two and the tube that you are talking about now.

Okay. Thank you. Okay so.. in the ThinkLink that we prepared we have  extra materials okay about different.. more   material apart from what we have a presented or I  have presented in this session okay and I think just to mention or if you have something  else to to ask or something any other question to   to mention I will, it will be  a pleasure to to answer you. And Sigrid is going to to  say something to you, Sigrid. Yes found my microphone, thank you Josu I am  putting in the chat the links to the feedback   questionnaires, we have a very big big  request please fill these in it will   take even though there are two links it  will take actually very little time.

I will post them in the Facebook as well but we  thought to get really you to to tell us how   this is going we are we are doing this at the  end of the like learning session today so   really really appreciate all of your feedback and  thank you to Josu, it has been very interesting. And to the to the students who are I feel  are getting more comfortable asking questions so   it's it's very good. Thank you, thank you.  I have shouted too much? No no no. Can I ask one more thing is  it okay? Okay okay uh as Sigrid has said please  

fill the feedback and feel free to your  opinions are very helpful for us. Whether you have enjoyed the session or not or  about materials, about everything okay so I will   thank a lot your opinions okay because they will  help us a lot to improve our job okay   i have been reading your your experiences your  blogs okay and they are really really nice to read   George yours has been very really  funny. I have watched Omnia video   the battered fish, the menu the videos is  great and the menu looks really really great. 

The blueberry chocolate cake, those gyozas it's really the   mixture of Asian techniques and Finnish  cooking culture is really really appealing okay.  the Tartu menu draft is really really  appealing, the different ingredients   and I'm looking forward to to see  how the menu goes okay and George, Marianne,   Aileen, your menu I'm sure will be really great  as well if you need any advice or any help   I have in the chat I have put my mail  address if you want to write something   and also in your blogs you have your  different modules, the five modules please write in  your blogs whether you have a   what you have learned about the modules okay. I  will show the learning outcomes that appear in in the page, in the project page web page  okay. Here it is okay so about knife skills, mise-en-place skills, nature, present cooking and  past, different methods to prepare components. You have extra material that I haven't shown you   in the web page and if you need something  else you can write me or you can email me okay. Just the last part, there is a part in the  contents of the module that we haven't told about   that and I would like you to to share  your experience because I know you   have different origins you, you come from  different countries and I would like you to   explain how is going the group working  skills, okay. How do you manage with 

your differences, your different origins, your group working, how is going? It's good actually now the time because we are  trying to because we are mixed up our idea so what what we gonna do next week or  next time in our practice, we are both   practice our own recipe like I should  know my partner recipe and my partner should know   my recipe so it is more easier to when we when  we are doing work it doesn't bother like if I am   not managing she can do and when she  not managing I can do so this is actually   the group work to make easy. Okay yes and  if you have a near your menu to prepare   could be a good idea also to to divide the  tasks, not to share the tasks okay so you can... If you divide the tasks you will cope with the  whole project okay, sometimes in a group where all of the members do everything, sometimes there  are some parts of the project that are alone, are   not covered by anyone. No no, not like that we  are doing our menu by ourselves but that important   is we should know each other menu like what she  making and what I'm making, if we have knowledge then it's not bother like if it is rush hour, if it  is like what you before say like what is bothering   like if it is rush hour then we don't have like,  we don't get panic if we know each other menu. Okay okay. We are on processing so  far we don't have any problem but   you know we get started last week and you see a  video so we haven't get into... we get some idea  

but that's the reason why we don't have our  menu ready yet because we are on process because me and my partner we have a different idea and then we try to get and merge together. So I'm excited coming next then we already  decided last week what menu we will make but we don't have actually picture and the menu and the  postcard not yet so we are on processing!  Okay I'm eager to watch it and it's normal  you have different ideas, different origins as we   say here, when we go to a group we go with  our own backpack okay our own cultural background, personal background. It's about to put in common everything okay to go ahead but it's it's amazing and it's a pity  because my students can't they   prepared the videos we were preparing videos  and materials but currently they are doing job   internship they are not anymore at the school,  they are in different restaurants and hotels   okay and they cannot take part in the pop-up  event but I think the activity is really   exciting and it's enriching and I'm sure you  are going to do it great sure okay. Thank you! But   if you want any help you can ask me and it  would be a pleasure to to help you. Thank you.

Thank you very much Okay, have you enjoyed? Have been heavy the session, long, tiring, boring? Yeah it is not boring actually but now the  time because corona everything is closed   maybe we sometimes feel we need coffee or  something or something but you didn't get it   so that's why is little bit, no I don't want  to say boring but yes it's... something. A bit long. Exactly! Okay. I'm not mind hear your  shouting actually I have like it   No you are not shouting your voice is loud.  No he said, he said that he's shouting.

He said it himself. Okay my wife told me that "You are shouting. You are shouting! They are going to hear you from Finland without any kind of device!" Yeah no but in my opinion shouting is a little bit   some other meaning but you are talking  loudly. It's better to hear, no problem. Okay okay. All chefs talk loud it's like the  common thing to do. Yes. I enjoy it, I enjoy it.

Okay it's been for my part, my feedback  has been a pleasure to share this time with you   it's really exciting activity for me as well to  prepare this and to is the curiosity there is a   challenge for me because we don't get accustomed to teach by speaking to a screen it's different it's habitat but it's a  challenge for me. It's been really a pleasure okay   and thank you very much for attending this lesson, for your feedback, for your attention and   good luck and I hope you will do really really  great pop-up event okay. Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you Josu I would have one more  question for all of you guys because this is   now the last session so any of you who could put  your mic- not mic, the camera on please do so.

We don't have camera in Omnia. Okay for  as many as as you can. Janne perhaps? Any others? Wait I'll make it a little bit bigger  screen and then I'll take the photo. Yeah but we don't have camera here  you should be putting in here. Ok.

Sompit? No? Mirana and I we forgot to put the camera  right now we don't have, last week every time we   we have but today we forgot sorry. Okay um... Wait... Done! Okay, awesome. Thank you!

Thank you! Okay bye-bye! Thank you very much! Thank  you! Thank you bye-bye! Thank you Mika.   Thanks. Thank you Oona and Sigrid and everyone, Markus.


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