Copilot for Microsoft 365 AMA: Tech Accelerator edition (Day 2)

Copilot for Microsoft 365 AMA: Tech Accelerator edition (Day 2)

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[Music] hello and welcome to the co-pilot for Microsoft 365 ask me anything I'm Mary David Pash and I'm joined here with my fellow colleagues product experts to help answer your questions about co-pilot um here on the call is Samar Jack Allison and Brian and they truly are experts in this product who can answer your questions so we'll just go ahead and jump right into our first question um one of the questions we have here is how do we manage authentication and authorization of AI calls to the llm to ensure data is safe and Brian do you want to go ahead and jump in on this one sure can give you a little overview of how we're working with us inside of copilot for Microsoft 365 so from a standpoint of what data do you have access to we're using Microsoft graph as our grounding for being able to pull back data that you may have inside of Microsoft 365 and with Microsoft graph we are using your personal credentials basically to say hey what emails chats files other kind of information do you have available to you if you don't have access to it copilot would not be able to reason over that data so from the standpoint of authentication for authorization copal will only know about the information that you as a user have access to to be able to return that back to you in terms of the data that you get back great yeah and just a great reminder to everybody um who's listening in here uh we've built co-pilot for Microsoft 365 on top of Microsoft 365 so all of the um all the commitments that we make for How We Do authentication and authorization all remain the same so you can feel confident knowing that what you um that how Works um today it continues to be upheld by Microsoft great thanks so much Brian um another question here from LinkedIn um do I need to buy a co-pilot Studio license to extend co-pilot good question I'm happy to take this one yeah so for copilot Studio we announced an inclusion of that license inside of co-pilot for Microsoft 365 back in November so if you buy co-pilot for Microsoft 365 today that $30 license you get co-pilot Studio to extend with plugins so as soon as you want to do more than extend plugins and go hey I'd love to actually build my own co-pilot that's a separate license it's 200 ten per month and you can take a look at that but the easy answer is if you have co-pilot for M365 you get copil Studio capabilities to build plugins and extend that experience great all right question from Katarina um from our Tech Community does co-pilot get the external data every time it's requested can we have some type of cash I can go ahead and take that one so from a external data perspective there's really kind of two ways that we can integrate with this for ex sensibility so the first is going to be mof graph connectors the second is going to be with plugins idea with graph connectors is we actually have a pre-indexed version of that data that's being brought in think about like a shallow copy um that information we will reason over that every single time a user goes into request for information from co-pilot so we'll take a look at data again from exchange from SharePoint from teams as well as graph connected data or if you've also built plugins that can also be another source of that data the idea with us is that we're going to be able to return that to you if you've already requested it in a single conversation we do have that from a conversation history but every time that you do that new chat you're basically looking for a new um request up to there so the orchestrator will go and actually pull the latest information from that that it may have access to either from a Plugin or from graph conectors inside of the pre-index data great yeah and I think that's a good point just to remind uh remind everyone is that the orchestration engine will understand you know what information it needs to go and retrieve and then do that in uh in real time and you as an admin do have control over what types of data with some of the things like graph connectors and whether or not you connect it to to web data great another question from our Tech Community if an external user has access to a SharePoint site or document and they are using co-pilot functionality with their own tenant would co-pilot pull extract and use that external data or is data retrieved uh exclusively from accesses internal to that organization this is a great question today the way that co-pilot um works is it retrieves information from uh from your graph and so it's not going to make cross tenant calls to go retrieve content from another tenant um that being said if you C you know if you email uh email content um now that becomes part of the tenant if you were to actually share a copy of the document um that then it becomes part of the the tenant but it's not making any cross um Cross organization calls for that okay um next question from Walter is there a way for end users to see their co-pilot prompt history from what I've seen they can only delete the history but not view it so you'll see the prompt history I'll take that one thanks Mary uh you'll see the prompt history in an active um and then once you have that active chat closed out you will no longer be able to see it great okay question uh from Tom what constitutes usage clicking on co uh co-pilot button or actioning prompting co-pilot um what is an intentional action I think Samar can you take this one you bet yeah thanks for the question Tom so uh in terms of what is what constitutes usage uh it would be as the as you suggested any intentional action with co-pilot um so just to make that distinction if you for example launch the co-pilot pain in your Microsoft 365 app be it word or or Outlook or what have you U that does not constitute an action however if you click on a button that uh says something to the effect of summarize my prompt or um recap this meeting that would constitute an action similarly if you engage with uh the the um with co-pilot by way of chat also would constitute an action so any any end user action against the interface would be considered an intentional action great okay um the question um the next question we have from uh from Brian is around um co-pilot for Microsoft 365 being connected to uh on premise um so how does how is it connected to on premise file shares um and respecting user permissions and then a follow-up question is can co-pilot be connected to on uh on-prem Exchange Server public folders and Brian fellow Brian please to answer your question on there uh so from a Microsoft graph data or Microsoft graph connector's perspective we can connect to on- premise locations there actually are pre-built Microsoft graph connectors that do connect to on premise locations and there's actually going to be an agent involved to help with kind of that handshake and ensuring that we have appropriate access into the data so from a fileshare perspective yes that is going to be supported for there when it comes time for permissions with Microsoft craft connectors you can apply an allow or deny list and this can be at a user a group or there's also kind of custom list that you can do for that in the case of um file shares we're basically looking at the um the email address the UPN for the user and matching that back up to what we have for entra ID formally called azr so if you as a user if you've been granted access to a location or if you've been denied to it copilot will also respect that from a can we even show that to you inside of the results for this so permissions are definitely flowing through from that fileshare perspective in the case of the um on- premise exchange uh locations do note that Microsoft graph um today does not support accessing on premise Exchange locations there was preview support for that at one time it is not something that has going being released into GA or gen availability for that so if you're looking for being able to access that kind of information you would have to ingest it some fashion either through Microsoft craft connector or a plugin that you may have built um for copal to be able to reason over that kind of data so just natively it would not be able to um touch that data out of the box great thanks Brian yeah you know I worked on SharePoint permissioning for many years so it's something that uh that I get really excited about but I always tell people even for for other graph for the content that does already live in graph um co-pilot can't elevate your permissions um or do anything uh different than um to somehow get insight um over data that you don't have access to so just there was a session um uh as part of this Tech accelerator about data governance um that Jeremy and Samson uh did I think it's really worth a look for every one just to see how to properly set up your your tenant just to make sure that content is only shared with the right people um even for the that data in graph great um next question this one I think is for Allison um from LinkedIn how should it best think about using co-pilot lab to help users on board to co-pilot it's a great question yeah so we're really intending co-pilot lab to be an essential Learning Resource that meets users at the very beginning of their co-pilot journey and we'll continue with them as they go from a novice co-pilot user all the way up through more of an advanced skill level uh you'll notice we just uh rolled out our new web experience today there's a number of different training of videos learning resources and starter prompts um and we're also going to be rolling out a share feature that will enable more Community Centric learning about prompts when you're able to see prompts from co-workers on your team a learn from them and how they're prompting and unlocking the the magic of co-pilot so it's it's a mix of both learning content on the site as well as that in experience where you have suggested prompts and then hopefully as we continue on this journey learning from others in your organization yeah great tips um and you know we're seeing a lot of questions um on the Tech Community now so um thank you so much for for tuning in and participating we'll try to get to as many of as we can here and then also um uh follow up on some of them so thank you so much um question for uh from Paul in general how is it envisioned that co-pilot and frabic work together if you're pulling uh if you're pulling uh data into your environment through fabric for example you need to use graph connectors to bring in external data Brian I think this one might be uh one for for you sure sure um by fabric I'm not sure exactly which specific product we're referring to in here because I do know at Microsoft we've got a lot of different areas called fabric um if this is related to the semantic fabric previously called the semantic index the idea is that you can be able to have data that is going to be available to you in kind of a natural language type of processing so if I'm referring to a specific maybe a project name or a code name um how does that relate to other kind of areas um from a standpoint of how can we actually access the information inside of there yes copile is bringing back from not only a lexical index but also a semantic index so that you can do keyword queries and hey I'm looking for a specific um keyword match with inside of the data but I can also ask for questions that are semantically linked to that to give me kind of the nearest neighbor kind of results for that um that data will be available for mof 365 data sources so again inside of your chats emails files and so forth if you are talking about external data though yes that would need to come in through a graph connector to be able to be reasoned over by co-pilot great okay um is uh is co-pilot the next question is co-pilot dashboard and Viva insights included in Microsoft 365 E3 license uh both the current one and the upcoming dashboard um and are my analytics required to be enabled yep love that question thanks for for that uh geoma so the copile dashboard from viva insights is comes in two flavors as you mentioned the current one and the upcoming one the current one that's available in public preview today is available to all Microsoft 365 and Office 365 business Enterprise customers so that's read readily available to you at copilot dashboard now for the forthcoming one uh that one will require Viva insights license subscriptions naturally because much of the functionality is is requiring um capabilities from the Viva Suite from the Viva Insight Suite uh in terms of my analytics required to be enabled um tell you the truth I'm not totally sure on that one so I'd have to follow up with you uh later on great thanks um question from Ed is there a limit uh on the size of the content included in co-pilot via connector does this work like a rag application for co-pilot or is the content Incorporated in some way is there any long-term storage on the content or is this stateless you know um Let me let me answer this quickly and then Brian love to have you jump in on uh the connectors I just want to remind for for our audience uh who's listening out there um co-pilot never trains on your data whether that data is in uh in graph or ingested in in graph um so the way that it has access to your data to answer questions and to create um to create a a response back is through uh the rag technique Brian is there anything you want to add specifically for for graph connectors there sure from a graph connector standpoint um when you are injesting items in there is a payload limit to that um it is 4 megabytes but do note that when we talk about that that is in plain text so if you do the conversions out to there and let's just say you had a a word dock or a PDF doc you'd actually be talking about roughly like six to 800 Pages worth of content on there so while you may be thinking of hey I've got a file and it's four megabytes in size we're actually looking at the content inside of that not all the markup all the EX additional things that take up space inside of that file so you do get quite a bit that you can ingest per item from a graphic neure standpoint great yeah great question Ed all right our next question um can you speak to the difference between draft the draft with co-pilot button and the co-pilot button on the ribbon uh they seem to have different abilities when it comes to editing generated data I'm not sure I fully understand um the question does one of you want to jump in on this one or I can talk about word specifically um I think yeah I I'm going to um I'm going to interpret this question um so when you're in in an app like word you have the ability to um to have that kind of side chat experience and then you can also have that um on canvas experience where you can paste in and create content um there does there is a little bit of difference between um how we've tuned the two experiences to um to accomplish your task um so if you're going to be you know say in word like actually creating the document um that on canvas experiences um is good you can also highlight when you actually highlight paragraphs and you want to like rewrite um that all have happens like within in the canvas so there are some differences there we're definitely hearing from users that some of that can be a little bit confusing um and so it's something that we're definitely investing in and making it making sure that wherever you're using co-pilot if um you have the same capabilities great okay the next question is um for Allison and this is our question from our LinkedIn audience um do I need a co-pilot license to access co-pilot lab it's a great question thank you so the web experience that can be found at copilot laab that is something that you do not need a license to view the content on however if you are signed in as a licensed user it does open the door up to a number of other capabilities that are more personalized and tailored to you so if you are on the website as an example you'll be able to bookmark prompts share prompts Etc um and they'll be a footprint of all of the prompts that you've saved also the inapp experience is something that can only be done through the co-pilot prompt box um and so that will require a license if you want to Leverage The co-pilot lab in app experience great thank you and there's you know uh if you look at some of the content we have on Microsoft mechanics we also went into a little bit of the differences between um what you get when you're signed in um versus not signed in in general across their different co-pilot offerings uh great um let's see question um our next question from Travis generally uh for sensitive topics in co-pilot oh I love this one um can we get a list of phrases that co-pilot understands our sensitive and will not give data on this is a great question you know when when people talk about um when they ask about you know what co- pilot can do and how do you keep it safe um our a responsible AI is something that we build and multiple layers of the of the product um I think we get this question a lot about can you give me the list of phrases that you're checking for um the answer is no um that actually introduces an attack vector by um kind of exposing that you know that particular list um we do give some there's a a blog post um that we talk where we talk about um RI and the types of um the not the specific um phrase but like the types of things that we're looking at and actually RI comes in many different forms we have um teaming where we're proactively identifying uh potential uh threats um we have uh specific REI classifiers that run on the input and the output of co-pilot to make sure that we detect certain cases um so it's something that's um if you want to learn more about REI there are a couple great um articles um available on our co-pilot documentation that talk about all the different ways that we've layered our uh that responsible RI and some of these checks directly into the product and of course if you have um you know if questions um if there are ways that the product is not meeting those needs I'm definitely submitting feedback thumbs up thumbs down really helps us understand and make sure um because this is going to be an area that we're constantly um constantly tackling and and working on um great uh so this is a question for Jack from The Tech Community um when should I think about using a plug-in what type of data should be suited for um for plugins versus graph connectors so I think Brian gave some good context about the graph cont uh connectors being you know indexed they're ready they're kind of you can ask it questions about knowledge based scenarios so what what we typically see for the the plug-in side specifically with copy studio is it's either helping me get data that's kind of real time like how can I ask a question to sap what is my open invoices type scenarios but also action-based scenarios as well so help me um submit some time for vacation so these are I picture them more like skills that you want to bring into the co-pilot chat so we've seen them for various different scenarios like like I said how many holidays do I have left um who's the approver for x or y so really it's kind of being much more real time um and being able to then um kind of take action on on that line of business application as well that maybe isn't traditionally available within copilot for M365 graph connectors so I would say graph connectors is your foundational grounding and then if you want to do anything beyond that that isn't covered in that SC we typically look for a plugin example for that I don't know if there's anything to add Brian yeah that was exactly how I frame it myself so appreciate you uh reading my mind great okay the next uh um the next question more about extensibility um from uh NES can we extend co-pilot via co-pilot Studio by direct uh B2B API integration for populating localized just in time search data repository uh populated in data verse or any Azure database or any storage location cool uh I can take this uh so for cite studio today when you build out plugins what we talk about is that there's a 1,2 Power Platform data connectors that's kind of included that you can use to help design that plugin essentially so there's various different ones like line of business applications like sap workday there are ones out the box with Azure as as an example like Cosmos DB um but then you can also do your own custom API one so if we say Hey you know they're not included in that that box of 1,200 you can bring out your own custom API so I think that's probably what they're saying is can I build a plugin that queries an API and then maybe gives me the answer back to um co- pilot chat via the plug-in the answer is yes we're continue to build out the road map to make it um a more powerful plugin that can do multi-turn and various other capabilities right now it's kind of question and answer based experiences via Cod pilot Studio but in summary yes there's there's many uh there's much support for API coverage of here and pluging great okay our next question from LinkedIn oh this is a top top question where is my data processed um I'll take this one first I want to clarify that there's you know two different sets of um uh requirements one is for data at rest the data that's being storage so you can imagine that that um is your email on your files and the other is around where that how we process your data um and so that could be um you know how we actually like the uh protect your data in transit but then where do we actually um process the llms um so all of our so we have a bunch of data um residency um uh data residency guidelines that we actually have published in terms of where your data lives for processing um it's a different set of requirements that that we do and so um largely so first of all I want to clarify that every the large language model is all within the Microsoft 365 compliance boundary I do think that there's a little bit of confusion than happens where you hear large large language model and it feels like maybe that's some external um service but that's all it is internal Microsoft 365 uh compliance boundary and that data processed is typically if there are um if there are is um if there are servers that are located in your geography that is typically where your data gets processed processed um but there are some cases where that's not available for certain uh certain geographies and so your data may be processed elsewhere this does not change the data residency um commitments that that Microsoft has and I really encourage um this is really hot topic um we have a a lot of documentation specifically on how data gets processed um and where it gets data where it gets processed so I think we'll follow up with with that link so that um that you can read the data um data residency and the process commitments great okay a question from Paula um from The Tech Community um where is the data brought in with connectors actually stored when it's pulled in sure I'm G take this one again uh so for Microsoft graph connectors when we bring data in it'll actually be ingested into the same Microsoft 365 tenant where the customer's data is already at so sitting basically side by side with your exchange SharePoint teams planner all the kind of data that you have for there it'll be in the same sets of security compliance privacy types of policies that are applied to that um so that's where you can think about where that dat is being stored from a gra standpoint and then when co-pilot goes to reason over it basically going over all those sets of data again for M Microsoft 365 as well as for graphes in that kind of side by-side fashion yeah graph connectors is a hot I think a Hot Topic today um the other thing I I just add is that's that is one of the huge you know value ads for for graph connectors that you really when you uh bring your data to Microsoft 365 you get to take advantage of the Microsoft 365 platform and all that it offers for how what you can do with that data and how it's stored it's great okay um let's see the next question that we have from our Tech Community um is when uh co-pilot dashboard um is it available um how do I how am I able to access co-pilot dashboard yeah uh I can take that so the the copile dashboard that I mentioned earlier the the version that's available via the the link that I mentioned earlier should be accessible to you copilot dashboard uh in terms of accessing the dashboard you can go to um the learn documentation on it in case there's any permissions that will be required in order for you to see it at that link um so I just advise going to learn. navigating to the

Viva the co-pilot dashboard for Viva insights from viva insights great um thanks sammer and our next next question what would be the best answer for this CA this use case um an employee uses his private computer to work from home and he logs into Office 365 with his company account and Office 365 co-pilot is enabled how can we make sure that co-pilot will not search the files in his private computer um while answering a prompt does anyone want yeah no I can I can jump in on that one um yeah so there are if we use word as an example um as long as that sensitivity label is filtered to personal it should not be tracked within that um yeah great and there's there are a lot of um you know I think the question with hybrid work has really um escalated this and made it a more complex scenario um there's some best practices for how you set up um certainly like the conditional access uh policies for making sure that your work content isn't um uh isn't accessed you can also set those policies for um for whether or not uh you have to be on a managed device so those those types of things are things that are already built into the Microsoft 365 platform that you can uh that you can still leverage okay we have about five minutes left um we'll answer another question from from our Tech Community um what is the benefit of connectors over plugins I bet Jack and I can probably tag team some responses on this one um I will say to add on to the you know where we're connector is going to show you some additional value on this be because we're basically bringing that data into pre-index it um it is possible for co-pilot to do some kind of advanced capabilities with that so if you want to say ask questions about content that's been brought in coming from a knowledge based article could be coming from a page could be coming from some kind of source like that you can literally ask questions about the content inside of there and c will know where actually to go back and get that information from um whereas you look at something like with a plugin we're looking at the manifest to know hey the user's asking about I want to go and do a move order I should use this application or this plugin to go and service that um so it'll be better if my kind of uh intent matching in from that standpoint for plugins but let Jack talk a little bit more about some of the other CES we get with plugins as well yeah I think you touched on it very well I think that the last Point as well we've seen is that organizations are asking how can I build a plugin for a specific scenario where I want a little bit more control over the response so it calls that plugin when I know it's a certain HR process for example rather than query the SharePoint site maybe there's something that it needs to be specific to that end user and how can you build a plugin that then gives them specific advice and helps you kind of query that that line of business application like workday as opposed to having the HR article in SharePoint for example so common articles common scenarios is I would like more control and then Brian kind of touched on it being able to do the the realtime query to data or even do that action piece where it's interacting with the line of business application as well yeah great and I think we have um uh let's see I think we're we're at time um so I thank you so much all for um for the questions um and any parting thoughts for from anyone any of our panelists here go out there keep exploring find those great prompts and those productivity wins that you'll see with co-pilot So yeah thank you so much for joining in today yeah keep keep testing keep giving us feedback it it'll only get better as we hear more from you so thank you very much for for the passionate interest I like Brian's point oh sorry Sam I like Brian's point about experimentation I think we're all experimenting with this new technology and it's very exciting so just keep experimenting keep iterating and uh we'll be learning from you as well as you learning from us and we'll keep going together great thank you so much all thanks for the participation and we'll get to try to get to as many of your questions off offline as possible thank you

2024-03-09 16:42

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