Cooperation for technology upgrading in the BRICS and inthe Global South, Fulufhelo Netswera

Cooperation for technology upgrading in the BRICS and inthe Global South, Fulufhelo Netswera

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because I come from the global no Glo Global  South rather I think my perspective about life   and about multilateral issues would definitely be  different uh you wouldn't expect me to speak like   somebody who come from France or somebody  who come from Germany or New York sorry professor and and that we should expect because  our background does inform how we perceive the   world and uh how we the ideal world that we would  love to see and therefore a lot of things that I'm   discussing here may seem very factual to me but  perhaps it is what I would really love to see   rather than facts so you must also read between  the lines as I talked so our projection um and   and I mean Runa has given me a topic for which I'm  not so very competent I can talk a lot about um   technology upgrades I I haven't done considerable  work in this in this area but I can attempt and I   did attempt here to share some ideas about it but  what I've provided as a a lecture today is almost   an alakat menu so there is some of the and there  is a little bit of politics and economics and you   can you can make your deductions our projection is  that by 2050 there are going to be serious changes   globally in as far as multilateral relations are  concerned and in as far as economic domination   in particular is concerned uh of course there um  there is a lot of talk about possible Wars of the   future in as far as Ukraine the Middle East and  Taiwan are content and there are those who are   skeptical about the possibilities of War happening  specifically involving the superpowers and the   nuclear country armed countries so we will never  know until it happens and by the time it happens   maybe maybe we won't even know what hit us so as  you can see data does tell us that India is doing   tremendously well economically and it is on the  upward trajectory likelihood is that India in the   foreseeable future will indeed become economy  number three um there is nothing slowing down   India and of course uh the Americans will do their  best to protect their position but looking at what   is currently going on ER with the various economic  Wars between the USA and China between the USA   and and and Russia and the general sentiment  around the world regarding the role of the USA   in global Affairs I think things are generally  not looking so very good for the US things are   not looking good at so I I suspect perhaps I hope  and wish that it will slide down tremendously and quickly so that it doesn't continue to flex his  muscle uncontrollably both in the United Nations   security Council but equally in other multilateral  institions I think that is a hope for majority of   people from the global you will you will pardon  us for those for those thoughts sometimes we don't   want to articulate them in a forum like this I so  is already bricks has surpassed and we're talking   only about the former five countries the G7 it  has a huge implication now if you were to look   at bricks plus the the other plus countries we are  talking massive economic power house H it has huge   huge implications the Russians are working very  hard on a new monetary system and we hope that it   will material and that we will continue to Dish  the dollar and um become independent of the US   dollar but for those who watch the interview  between President Putin and um Tak yes yes   you would have I mean he made a very profound  statement President Putin that the US continue   to use sanction and then by harm its own economy  and economic prospects because for as long as   countries become independent of the US dollar then  the US has no power over those countries as you   can see what's happening in in Russia current so  the use of that instrument as an instrument of War   I think needs to be seriously re by the US CZ they  really seriously have to re a lot of countries now   are reducing their reserves because they don't  want the same fate um that faces the Russians you   know um so so there's a lot of gold buying there  is a lot of moving away from the US dollar and   it can only harm the US the US the agreement with  the SA the petrol dollar agreement laps this year   and there's been a lot of talks about um Saudi  Arabia not renewing that that agreement we don't   know what will eventually happen maybe they will  get some threats and they will continue or maybe   they will but they've given a no to using other  currencies such as the Yuan to trade in in oil uh   so so many other countries might continue trading  their oil that there are there are bilateral   agreements happening a lot of them um India and  and Russia using their own National currencies   between themselves so indeed the USA if I was a  citizen of the USA I would not feel very good the   future [Music] there is a a big consideration  we must make for natural resources because   competition really is about resources for as long  as we talk about Technologies Tech transfer big   data and all this very very important equally  important but you need the natural resources to   grow your economies hence the superpowers are  continuing to scramble the continent of Africa   some of you might know what is happening in West  Africa currently with France being booted out from   all the way from Mali [Music] to Niger baso and  so on and so forth so um definitely um France has   no role to play in the foreseeable future in in  West Africa and in central Africa the exploitation   of those resources of course are slowly but  surely slanting toward the use Russia but but   it's something that should be corrected I think  we should not trade superpowers we should trade   resources um that is very very important as far  as concern now you will see that the Colton 48%   of the deposit of culton in particular are within  the de Democratic Republic of the con this is the   country that has endless Wars since the CIA outed  a democratically elected president patri lumumba   that was in the 60s and ever since that country  has never seen peace to date um there are of   course a few countries within the continent that  are being sponsored to perpetuate that conflict   in the Eastern DRC mainly for mineral resources  mainly for mineral resources be it colon diamonds   gold the DRC heitor in actual fact we project  that if not for Wars and if not for Colonial   domination and exploitation historic and current  the DLC could be easily become a super power by   itself on the basis of its resources um so there's  a lot happening but of course the war of resources   will continue and I think it will escalate what I  foresee happening specifically in West Africa is   that as the the Russians are moving in and the  French are moving out you saw that the US Army   is also equally being moved out from bukina Faso  in recent past they're busy moving out they not   completely um so chances are that there will be  sponsorships of terrorism terrorism doesn't always   manifest from within it's not always internal  strife the there are always big Powers who are now let me switch over and talk slightly  about other interesting issues and this may   relate to how economists will become dominant  in the future and how they will make progress   H to become dominant and of course we should  talk about Science and Technology investments   in research R&D and Technologies and how does  bricks Fair as far as that is concerned I think   BRS as others have said here it's partially a  loose group and I I'm very sad to say so because   I would really love it was a formidable  it's a partially loose group doing its   best here and there but not not everything is  at the level that is admirable and I hope that   we will get our act together I'm not shy to  use the we in this instance so I hope that we   will get our act together and but if you look  at the investment in Technologies and r& you   will see a few years back when I went for the  national Research Foundation we were talking   about investment in South Africa of 1.5 GDP  into research and Innovation at that point we   were sitting at 0.7 but I see that we've not  made progress ever since however there is a   lot of progress as you can see in as far as the  investment from China's conent the question is will the benefits that are through out of  China's own internal investments in research   and innovation in India's research and Innovation  ER be enjoyed by all the bricks countries and and   really I I wouldn't say automatic emphatic yes  since we are not a cohesive group chances are that   at one level we try and we want we try and we want  to uh Co cooperate but at another level we try   very hard to compete even against each other and  and that might not be so very helpful especially   for the smaller countries we don't have formidable  policies on [Music] trade that optimizes   opportunities for the members and for those in the  global South although the rhetoric is a very very positive um I I continue the the looking  at the areas of dominance in as far as   projecting economies is content and as this  graph shows before 2012 and the finance sector   was indeed a dominant factor a dominant sector  and currently surpassed by the technology sector   so who knows what will happen in the near future  but these sectors as I said earlier on are highly   reliant on natural resource Investments  and exploitation of those because without   um the relevant the requisites natural resources  primary resources you will not be able to prop up   your technology sector you equally won't be able  to do so for your financial sector or any other sector so I startout around in as far as those  projections for 2050 are conent we say in 2050 the   likelihood is that China will be the biggest  economy followed by the US followed by India   and Germany and so on now I I looked around for  factors that are likely going to influence that   dominance and here are those factors I'm sure you  might find one or two additional alternative in   literature but here are some of those dominating  dominant factors and the Sub sub factors thereof   technological advancement as you saw in the  previous graph is currently the most important   factor but so is population population you  will see in most projection Indonesia for   argument sake India of course and and Nigeria to  a large degree these countries with huge popul   Pro provided you invest in that population in  Skilling in development of that population and   making sure that that population contribute  positively in the development and growth of   your own economies and in the contribution  to the global economy then the likelihood   is that your upward trajectory is guaranteed  so those countries with huge population are   likely indeed to make it into the next Century  as the biggest economy Brazil included but   of course the investment in that population  is but you need important institutions good institutions we have been reading reports on Africa um over the past over the past few years  nearly 80 billion I think I think 80 billion move   out ilicit out of Africa if you check the report  by the Tavon Bei Tavon Bei the former president   of South Africa he he headed that particular  group that was running that big project 80   billion unaccounted Running Out of Africa and of  course ER for the 14 frankophone African countries   annually investing half of their money half  of their their incomes in Paris 500 billion   annually and we turn around and we say these  countries are less developed they we've got   no leadership the poor leadership Etc  you can see the hypocrisy involved in   world affairs because if this 500 billion was  being reinvested in baso in Mali in Chad and   everywhere else those countries will definitely  be far as we speak so the true liberation of   the African countries is yet to be born  those countries continue to be Perpetual slave to the to the French economy and  of course we need to make sure that   education investment is in education  is highly optimized it's very very important now since we are talking  Technologies and technological   innovations and the booming of the  technology industry I thought it is   important we look at some of these issues  now you will see of course that the USA   does dominate as far as this space is  concerned but there is equally um a lot of interference in whatever economy but more  importantly in this economy in this sector   there is a lot of interference that comes  from governments directly or indirectly and   you will know if Trump was to come into  power tomorrow the likelihood of that   Tik Tok being closed down what are the  chances I mean they've been talking about   it for a long time what are the chances of  South Africa being sanctioned because South   Africa has taken Israel to the to the icj I mean  there's a bill currently in Congress in the US the but but the posture from the B is not only  to kick out but to apply additional sanctions   on so they might they might go the full you  know we we never know what what what what   might happen because they argue South Africa  has undermined the sovereignity and security   of the USA I don't know how because Israel is  US unless unless it's a colony of the you know   so as you can see the domination of some of these  industries some of these companies in particular   is not out of pure competition it is because  of government policy government interference   and the same can be said of huwei so when  we talk government interference we are not   only making reference to the USA we we are  saying by and large most of these dominant   companies do so because of the support they get  from their states directly and indirectly in   policy and in in kind so that their economies  could perform better against everybody else   now the question is what are the chances of the  small countries making it against some of these   companies against some of these industries  with weak States so competition between   corporates is mar by state intervention  even though we we do have we are liberal economies so I continue the talk on big  Tech and we are looking at smart mobiles   we were looking at artificial intelligence  so these are some of the companies that are   making it in artificial intelligence and  these are the companies that are making it   hugely in the smartphone industry and the  countries from where those companies are now I I think there is a lot  to say about competition er for   those of you who are into economics whether true competition is feasible is possible does  exist anywhere globally um without state   intervention at all and what is the role of the  state therefore is it just policy to guarantee   that the environment within which corporate  operates is indeed friendly and enabling   Beyond constraining competitors from from the  upside world now in the sector of the big Tech   still but streaming you can see the US still  dominate of course China to a large Degree come second and of course in the area of autonomous  vehicle I must say when iOS some of the China   ones leing behind the us a lot of people can argue  China is now overtaken the US in this industry so   if you look at recent data on what is happening  in China China versus Europe China versus the   USA you will see that European governments or  the European Union as as much as the US are   talking about restrictive the SUV is coming from  China there is there is potential that they may restrict pre flow of some of these Imports that  come very cheap extremely cheap because labor   remains cheap in China although it is likely  going to quickly escalate as the middle class   Rises and these are cycal issues in economy they  happen to each and every one of our economies so   as the middle class rises in China chances  are that labor will become expensive and the   production of this is likely going to be  expensive maybe they will set up shop in   South Africa or in the in the in the Ethiopia  you know because we are not not talking only   about Technologies but we are talking about human  resources we are talking about natural resources cloud comput computing uh you can see in  the US still dominat China still follows   of course it's a big industry and in  as far as e-commerce is concerned of   course China dominates in that there's  been latest news about uh temo you it there's been latest news I read I think  yesterday day before from the USA where   senators were arguing this is a malware software  the Chinese are collecting data through I mean   they make the same argument that they've been  making about Tik Tok and of course you can   assume where this top is leading to Chances Are  that those those companies like Teo and the other   sh Shame Shame are likely going to face some backlash and and not be able to export   or import or do whatever they do best  in relation to Europe and to to the US now of course we spoke I mean I listen to The  Talk day before yesterday about um Big Data data   infrastructure and things like that and I think  this is very important to note that the countries   that Empower our data I think it was was it  Kevin who gave um he spoke about something   related to this so investment in some of this  is extremely extremely important to make sure   that your country is highly competitive and  in the space of semiconductors as well some   of you might know what happened in as far as the  Netherlands is concerned regarding the lithography   machines that the Chinese had been using and  required that ER continuous support and of   course they were told you must hold back a bit  and Netherlands is currently in trouble because   Alternatives were immediately put together China  does not necessarily need all the support from   the Netherlands they do need some support here and  there and of course they're not fully independent   of the west or know the no Europe complely  but but they they have by and large I mean   the same logic the same argument that Putin has  made about um about the USA cutting of its own   hands can be app applied in as far as Netherlands  is concerned and his Monopoly over lithography   Mach but of course we have seen new companies  come up quickly Robert spoke about this in his   previous talk he was talking about envidia that  just rose out of nothing and immediately surpass   everybody so Innovation space is extremely  important the environment that gives rise to   that kind of innovation should be made possible  and the relevant support should be equally made I looked at the artificial intelligence index just to look at what informs this index  and in as far as this index is concerned where   do the countries of the globe sits currently  and you can see that um in accordance with   these vectors that constitute the artificial  intelligence index China followed by India us   and Indonesia seem to be the leading countries  whether or not you agree with these factors and   the methodology used to constitute or compute  the index is another argument talk about that   maybe there is something else they should  have looked at which is equally important   but at least it gives you a very very good idea  where countries are at currently against that   index and where they are likely going to be in as  far as competition is concerned in the space of artificiality I went back to Bricks now  sometime back as I said I used to work   for the South African bricks tank and annually  when we have uh the bricks Think Tank concept   we would sit and look at recommendations and  every country represented what what do we want   to recommend for our heads of state and what is  important at this particular juncture and and and   and and we would put a few recommendations now  if you run through those declarations you will   see that there is quite a lot of articulation  in in this particular space from bricks itself   but it's equally also lose to some degree it  is lose in that it is not tangible it doesn't   produce tangible projects and programs where  countries agree we are going to invest in one   2 3 4 but you can see the tone and the language  that crafts those declarations and the intent   there we say something very very positive and  useful about digitizing our own economies about   putting together domestic policies that are  favorable to digitization of the economies and   supporting the digital industry and and making  sure that we collectively guard against cyber   threats cyber crimes and so on and so forth but  in in in fact in programmatic fashion not much as   has happened except perhaps for something that  I spoke about later on here which is the bricks   technology Transfer Center Network and there are  lot of conversations and work that is ongoing   between numerous institutes coming together  from China India South Africa Russia so they   are working currently as we speak making sure that  they help in as far as some of these proposals are con so again ER the bricks ER Network University or  university Network and I think the University of   campas is one of those so it's University of cap  town and a few others have not been cohesively   managed Brun and I talk a lot about some of  these things and we think something equivalent   to Rasmus program would have been much more  ideal for bricks to give effect to Mobility   among Scholars within the brick countries  to give scholarship to PhD students who are   moving within these countries and between these  countries but that is not where we are [Music] May so I continue in analyzing the declaration and you can see these are some  of the areas related St to the question of   big Tech question of data question [Music] of  cooperation in this particular areas so there   are numerous indeed declarations that  have been made in this particular space this is where I was earlier on and you can  see the individual institutions I didn't list   them here that are currently working within this  Center or through this C musling efforts and and   getting something going what it is that they have  achieved to date it's everybody's big question   and I hope that we can get presentations this  technology Transfer Center Network just so that   we can judge so that we can judge positive  work is okay so I think this is the end of pleas you very much profor for the  very very interesting presentation [Music] a hi hi professor thanks for the really  interesting presentation I just had two   questions that are quite different um so when  we were talking about the CFA Frank zone of   course I follow the work of dongos andilla  and I was wondering what your views were   on the kind of prospects for the end of this  uh year Colonial horic system uh and then my   second question is about the AI index I know you  said maybe it's not your area of expertise but I   was surprised to see in in 2024 is the third  best of AI I'd like to hear a bit more about this okay no we can if there is  another one or two I can take them yeah thank you so much Professor uh I wanted  to ask about uh the involvement of countries   in uh trade blocks and the cooperation blocks  and the conern Hony in the morning we were   hearing uh from from from the earlier profess  that Europe likes to likes to enter in making   a lot of regulations and they like to lead the  world in terms of regularizing uh I was thinking   about bricks recently that we all we already have  like uh involvement of countries that like I would   not name them but you would understand that like  to be in a hemous state uh also we have a recent   expansion of bricks we now have bricks plus uh  Partners who have recently joined are quite good   in producing energy if you would know that uh  UAE is quite good in that um and we obviously   have China that is like uh doing wonders in terms  of uh manufacturing so what are your views on uh   uh how to deal with this edim and how to make the  the Dynamics of bricks more efficient um just have   a quick question small one you said that India is  going to grow in terms of GDP by 2050 so uh what   what special India is doing according to you as  compared to China that why it's overtaking [Music] China okay and I see Prof yeah maybe we  can take Prof okay oh let me let me let   me try and deal with and then we can  come to Prof maybe there will be other   other editions now the the question you  asked about the CFA Frank it's a it's a   I I I like following on what is happening in the  rest of the continent specifically in West Africa   these days because although there are military  CES happening there you would be so shocked and   I think a lot of westerners get very shocked why  is there military we thought these people love Democrats and everybody's yeah yeah we  want this Co to happen now you know and   and they they really don't understand  they don't get it they don't get it now a lot of West Africa perhaps with the  exception of the former British colonies um   find it hard I mean we spoke earlier on about  them depositing 500 billion with the the bank   the the Central Bank of Paris that is AAL amount  of money and they have to write a proposal to   request their money and and it might be declined  so this is this is neoc colonial at another level   that has never been seen before you know yes  yes yeah so so H these these countries have   been talking of late about abandoning that CFA  specifically the new leader in bukina Faso he's   making serious waves about it and of course  they likely going to kill him I I saw that   the Russians are in there to protect him so so  I mean like like um his predecessors you know   chances are that they may just eliminate you get a  puppet there to run the government and everything   El goes in accordance with the wish of Paris you  know so so the interest that these countries are   charged to deposit their Fund in France it's  ridiculous France ought to be you know uh   reimbursing these countries um I mean when you  invest in your account a lot of money with your   bank you get interest R now you can't be charged  ex exit for for investing and that is what he said   so so France has has remain that kind of power  but you will recall when France wanted to pull out   from Vietnam many years ago it was the USA that  encouraged them to stay and also supported them to   stay until they were defeated by by ABS ER so so  I suppose that might be where we might be heading   in the near future in West Africa you would have  seen that Echo was being pushed aggressively by   Western countries to counter those regimes until  they clubbed together and they said if you fight   any of us we you are fighting all of us you know  so whatever happens in small countries it's not   just happening there there are powers behind that  are influencing but I think the question of the   economies the question of the currency the the  question of economic autonomy and Independence   is extremely extremely important because those  countries will never grow and they will never be   able to look after their populace if they continue  under the current conditions in relation to to to   Paris you spoke about the artificial intelligence  index now when the index doesn't assume that you   are dominant or you are leading currently it only  takes into account the factors that prevails in   front of you and given these factors chances  are that you might become very dominant because   you've got the most favorable government policies  you've got the resources you've got everything   that is listed there for you to thrive but it  might happen that you have got everything but   you're still not able to move you know so but  but it's a it's a the premise is that def yes   yeah Indonesia is definitely not dominating but it  has the potential and ability given those grounds   to dominate currently and into the near  future now the hemony of the of the bricks in particular you know Europe currently is equally  not a very homogeneous entity [Music] EU there are   there are within the EU serious St with Hungary  with now maybe Italy and of course Tak and um it   is not a formidable group it's very difficult to  define the message the only thing that they've   been able to do which I think is very Progressive  has been a the question of the um single monetary   system but equally H they've been able to somewhat  progressively harmonize their policies through the   European Parliament although there are Rumblings  in there you can see if you follow the debates   that happen inside and and there are serious  fractures when it comes to some of the global   contentious issues be they Ukraine Palestine  relationship between China and so so these things   will always happen but what we have not managed to  do as yet as bricks is exactly what the European   Union has done it will be important H but of  course you you will know the relationship between   India and China is not so Rosy and and therefore  it makes it very very difficult Now by so saying   it doesn't imply that as we become a formidable  group we are therefore challenging the EU we are   challenging the us and we don't we don't want to  cooperate and trade and so that that that should   not be the the the arguments to the contrary we  want to trade with you but we want to do so as a   group as much as Europe is a group to some extent  but but we are weak in that regard and of course   there should be a lot of work I mean the example  I gave of the Erasmus program is a very practical   example where if bricks was to put just 10 million  us for status you can get a lot going you know and   of course you can increase the investment in that  particular direction and you will yield numerous   achievement of because we must remember [Music]  that cultural exchange is extremely important now   when we go to the US to study there and when we  go to Britain to study there we are not just going   there to get qualification a piece of paper you  come back with all the values all the Traditions   you carry from the UK and you want to implement  here in you know which in a way perpetuates   indirect domination now it is very important that  we we think along those those lines to a large   degree so exchange cultural exchange is extremely  important but you will see that China does that   through the confusious institute in some countries  and but not other countries I mean India of course   we are Indians in South Africa we have got more  but but as far as other countries are concerned   the role and dominance of India is not the role  and dominance of Brazil but we need really to to   digest these issues we need to have a programmatic  action to to deal with those particular challenges why is India doing so well and  perhaps on a path to I don't know if we   will overtake China in during our lifetime um but  but it's doing very well because it has created a   conducive environment especially for the economy  to thrive and a lot of people do credit Prime   Minister Modi for this I don't know if it can  be credited to his legacy really completely H   you will see I was looking data on India India  in the past 10 years had 350 startups startups currently 129,000 startups just in 10 years  now that's a Quantum Li it tells you that   something is happening that makes innovation  in India person I've got the collaborators at   pdu and and is really fascinating having  engagements sitting with them looking at   what they are doing within their own campus  their startups only in that University I mean   we talking about a university that has over  600 startups just one University it's very   fascinating what is happening in India  and I started going to India around 1999 when I go there now I mean I went to India  the first time I didn't want to go back when   I go now I want to be in India I want to  stay in India you know this is how India   is really moving but as to why and what are  the conditions what are the policies what is   the environment that dictates that particular  trajectory I I suppose you can inform us better   or we can we can do some more homework  I think that was the last question Prof [Music] hello see I do a lot [Music] of and each time I see lot ofation people people from everywhere doing thear I feeling that each time it's  being more difficult to hide knowledge is becoming free fory even Enterprise cannot  hide anymore the know you see   the sanctions trying to make China not  Advance teolog they Advance much quick   we down with without without and I  am having this feeling that for for example off plac in Shina for people  follow all over the world to study there   the American have doing this for decades  decades a lot of people study in America   even the Russian people study in America  in in England and uh I I would like to see   your view we are talking about technology  but techology is something for people go there nowadays people say don't want to go out of China they  when they go abroad they all come backen all over the world from the people not for the compan if you learn  come back you can apply it i' like see your connect we can develop whatever we want I see bys  uh people connect each other in dependent of the Poli that's my thank you very much Prof um Prof you spoke  about natural resources uh and countries using   those for public and then we touched  a bit on the DLC uh so I just wanted   to know your views with regards to African  countries and a lot of other post Colonial   States uh that have all the vast natural  resources that a country could have uh but   somehow there still not much development and  there's still no stability and even countries   like South Africa that one could say they are  stable you could also argue that the stability   is not sustainable because the gap between the hes  and the Have Nots continues to widen so what what   is the what would be the best way forward for  these countries to leverage their resources um   uh for economic growth uh but also economic growth  that that does not promote inequalities like how   it's happening in most countries what is the best  way forward and what are these countries not doing   right if there is anything that they are not  doing right why are they not able to these resources um hello professor thank you very much  for your lecture uh I have a I have a doubt in   my mind uh I wanted to discuss with you uh about  uh information security so as uh we see about uh   how technology is advancing how in the future do  you think that countries will manage uh their own   information like for example information regarding  their citizens for examp example uh because like   right now it is very apparent that um most of the  countries they heavily rely on Google services   which we know like it pertains to a certain nation  and it's uh it can actually be controlled to that   nation's favor depending on how it's used right  technology is uh an instrument by it depends on   the user actually so uh China in this aspect  is already has already shut itself off of it   and it's developing its own system to protect  this data and also uh to do its own uh how can   I say re research on technology development uh and  I believe maybe Russia is doing something similar   uh so in the future are we destinate to like uh  separate somehow from this uh Global Information   System or do you think there is a possibility for  uh countries to like come together in a global   uh internet and information sharing system  that also protects their own privacy thank you okay I think that was it uh uh profor Elon  your question is a bit broad but it's it's an   important one about knowledge production and the  duplication of efforts across the world people   searching in same same phenomena but sometimes  not collaborating sometimes collaborating and yeah   I mean I I I was just running I think last week  and the week before I was running some biometric   analysis of on energy from the bricks countries  only um and there is very fascinating Publications   that you see even almost identical titles  identical topics um and and there is quite a lot   a lot that is a perhaps the big question is not  the question of dicating efforts it's the question of ownership of know who owns the know who beneficiate this  knowledge who commercializes this who's sponsoring   this knowledge to start with I think I think those  are those are important questions we ought to be   dealing with and if you were to look  at who publishes the global S I mean   automatically you will see Thomson Reuters comes up are we are we happy that is happening I mean  we that's why we at one stage we started talking   about open source and all of this now are we  happy that we data using our funds investing   our funds in doing our research and at the end  of the day we SE that publication to tomson WR   us and we pay the page fee for that matter  shouldn't Thomson be paying us for giving   them this information maybe they should be paying  us because we are the ones who are generating the   information are doing the work you know and they  sell they sell the end product and the scholars   the academics the researchers who are doing a  lot of this work are usually poor like you you   know so so this is a this is a big challenge it's  a question I mean we went to we started talking   about open source and we started publishings and  open source journals I mean in South Africa it's   very expensive to publish in an open source Jour  you would have thought that open source means free   publication it's not it's extremely expensive  of course they will say this is just a once   off payment but still it's a lot of money the  amount of money that our University for spent   annually on page fees and all those open source  it goes into millions and millions of US Dollars   and if you multiply that by all universities and  all research organizations not only the global   s but worldwide this is a serious Injustice  that is been perpetuated by these publishing   houses and I don't see anybody talking about it  I don't see any governments doing anything about it uh yeah so I don't have  unfortunately unfortunately now you spoke about the the the  natural resources you know about the the resource Cas Theory those did economics  know about the and and you know about the Chima wrote about about this  the lady from Zambia she wrote about   eight dead eight so there are quite a lot  of Publications that have put together about   the the resource case now resources natural  resources usually attract very bad attention unfortunately and therefore majority of the third  world countries rich in natural resources are   usually worse of than those without resources  in terms of wars and poverty ging coefficiency whatever factors you would want to use in terms  of looking at the well of the well the wellbeing   of the the people the index um so so yes South  Africa has the highest G coefficiency in the world   we surpassed Brazil a few years ago and we remain  there majority of black South Africans don't have   a job don't have opportunities and to them the  world is the Outlook is very B so does DRC if you   look at the tycoons coming from Israel investing  in DRC check who extracting from DRC just just   go and do a quick check who is extracting from  the [Music] DRC H you will be very shocked ER   this brown TR from baso the new general took  over he stopped all Bing concessions with the   with the with the French he stopped the law I  suppose that's why they wanted to immediately   I think he has escaped three assassinations of  it so because he understands the importance of   natural resources and if you move to nationalize I  mean you will be a subject of discussion on the UN General I don't see South Africa doing any time and and I don't even believe that maybe  nationalization is the most appropriate thing   to do I don't know for sure there are there  are countries where nationalization has work   there are countries where it has fade  dis so which economic methodology you use it's a very important question to  ask yourself but uh of course being   endowed with these natural resources is  important provided you are able to use   to the benefit of City a lot of countries oh I  know Indonesia has decided to um should we say   nationalize the production of n now you cannot  they don't export legal out of Indonesia you   have to beneficiate within within Indonesia  and I think that's that's that's where we   should be moving generally so that the gold of  Africa and the Diamonds of South Africa should   be beneficiated within South Africa I traveled  a few months ago from the north to Deon to the   city of Deon and I counted more than a thousand  trucks carrying coal going to the port because   this coal is going to Europe H to Germany and  to France everybody needs the Cal because they   don't have the gas from Russia they need our  Cod and they say we should dismantle the power   stations the coal power stations and move to Green  energy I mean I don't know I don't know what to say um and then lastly you spoke about   information security yes this is this is  very important now information security   is important for individual citizens it's  equally important for countries and for corporates however without very good policies  that are enabling to secure I mean this is why   in the US there is this talk about whether  this is just a r or whether it is real that   Tik Tok is able to mine data in the back door and  give it to the Chinese authorities I don't know   but this is a very important question we need to  guarantee that data will be safeguarded and will   not be used against individuals unnecessarily  so you need to have favorable conditions to   get that going and I mean what Julian Assange  did for exposing the US and the atrocities in   Afghanistan and in Iraq whether that was a  public good or whether that was a security   bridge I don't know I I really can't say the  surveillance that the Chinese are purported to be carry out against their own citizens I don't know so there are a lot of  question marks but security is fundamental I   mean you cannot have a thriving democracy where  people are able to act and conduct themselves   ER without fear ER and and they've got cameras  looking on them every day every movement I don't   I don't think it is fair I don't think it's  okay but you also don't want your government   to be perpetuating atrocities abroad and you do  not know about it and you are financing those   atrocities I also equally don't think that is fair  so there are there are there are a lot of gaps   there are a lot of question marks that ought to be  interrogated ER in order to guarantee fairness and   to guarantee human rights equality and to make  sure that there is mutual respect all over the glob hi again Professor uh just to clarify  on the nickel uh in Indonesia they didn't   nationalize it incentive it being done by state  owned companies it's actually now dominated the   nickel process and is dominated by Chinese  companies and so I only want to bring that   up because it maybe touches on a point about  cooperation within the bricks so you can have   industrial upgrading maybe through these export  bands they go in rassi in Indonesian and they're   actually trying to extend them to other minerals  but you also have to be able to finance your own   local production uh otherwise you end up  with a FBI from another country take the   profits out they don't share the technology  and it's the same thing that's happened so I   was wondering in terms of inter inter uh to  cooperation among Brits Nations is there any   kind of because obviously Indonesia is not in the  Brits you know is there any kind of mechanism or   discussion of how these kind of uh this kind  of type of FDI can be avoided the the kind of   that doesn't benefit the domestic economy and  the human capabilities and keep the money in the country okay hello I would like to ask you if you  can also highlight U the factor of heterogenity   I mean a country that have a heterogeneous  population in terms of ethnicity language   or religion for example in the Indonesian case  the Javanese are the dominant group they 50% of   the population and somehow during when it was  a Dutch Colony the Japanese also got somehow   prominent and after it became Independence so  Japanese specified other ethnic or linguistic   or religious groups and this also had happened  maybe in several other countries but in those   countries where these issues were not resolved  for example in Pakistan for examp so this issue   is still persist or maybe in the case of  Africa which which you may know better so   how these this specific element also make it  more difficult for the development so I mean   the colonization of course it exist we cannot  deny that but in those countries where particular   ethnic group didn't became dominant over others  or particular linguistic group maybe in the case   of Iraq we have seen this uh sarian divide uh  which also prevented Iraq from being a highly   developed country despite having a huge reserve of  H I mean it was even ahead of Saudi Arabia in the   early 20th century so maybe you can also highlight  this aspect in the case of Africa conations to thanks that's it and oh so that that  will be the last I suppose I don't know thank [Music] you thank you your presentation  I have general question about braks maybe um   I want to know how individual countries  relationships with the US like for example   China trade war and maybe uh Russia sanctions and  other individual countries relationships with the   US are affecting how the bricks is working  and its integration maybe there have some   say about this uh second one well uh I also  would like to know how much uh the bricks   member countries are politically willing to work  to help each other uh in you know usually I mean   they're trying to come up with alternative uh  logs of trade finance and other things which   may be challenging the existing Pony of the West  and that would be very much problem to others and   they will retaliate and that's happening and  I think I don't see that that much political   will be within the bricks country so with  this situation will bricks be sustainable   and effective and maybe there are more countries  like my country Ethiopia who which are joining   the bricks and I mean if they join the bricks  what would be different for them like will   I mean it's it's going to be uh moving from  maybe one uh dominant country to another one   and something like that I don't know how B will  help development of these countries and maybe   if you have have something to say about this  so thank you very much thank you thank you so [Music] much yeah okay we we will we will have conversations let me close with this one um so the  first question you asked regards the export bed   rather it's a comment really um the export export  ban by Indonesia and the Chinese beneficiating   within within Indonesia itself yeah I think this  is the point that is very critical in that as we   substitute one the Germanic Power by another we  are not necessarily moving forward a but I think a   move in it side that says all beneficiation should  happen within the country is already a positive   one unlike exporting all the raw materials out  of the country because in terms of er taxation in   terms of uh employment and many other indicators  you you already benefit by exerting that bay H but   we we did not stop there we need to make sure  that the companies that operate are the local companies I think that is that is very fundamental  as far as concern and the same can be said not   only of Indonesia you will know that the  West African countries boycotted the coko   ass iation meeting some two years ago because  they export nearly is it 60% of the C from West   Africa going to Belgium Switzerland and and if  you look at what happens the the the slavery out   of the C plantations in West Africa is really  shocking but those countries have now said in   now we are not going to send the Coco to Belgium  we want to beneficiate here locally we want new   trade agreements H with the companies Lesley and  and others that are coming for these resources   in West Africa I think that is fundamental and  the same should be said for all countries of   the world otherwise we perpetuate the resource  Cas theory that all you do is give us material   and nothing accr to you except the few corrupt  leaders who are given a few pocket monies you   know ER we need to make sure that we create jobs  we generate taxes and we our wealth work for us to   the benefit of our Nations so the same should be  said for all our our countries honestly I recall   I think it was 2017 was it 2017  when we had Goa Brits conference Summit and we had discussion Fierce discussion H  you will see that when academics sit around the   table and trying to entertain politics we become  very radical and we say no no no no no we need to   make this is when we were crafting the Declaration  we said no no no no we want make sure that bricks   countries do not export raw materials we must  beneficiate within bricks the Minister of India   because the minister must read these declarations  before they finalized the minister said no no no   we are not doing it's too radical we need to  walk baby steps and get somewhere otherwise we   are going to attract unnecessary attention and it  will be detrimental to the very objective we want   to achieve so I think I think the intent is there  but we need we need to indeed work those baby SKS   the next question you asked was heterogenity well  is it's a big challenge it's a big Challenge from   religious from a a a a ethnic group dominant  ethnic group point it's it's and it's everywhere   or it's in most count many countries I mean  it is obviously a dominant factor in as you know although it is a fact that has always been  there as far as South Africa is concerned I lived   in Johannesburg for a very long time and I  come from a small ethnic group so now when   I was in Joan as a young kid a school  going kid I could not speak my native in I would speak Zulu when I was  in in J because it's a dominant group and and at this juncture because of because  there are many foreigners in Johannesburg and the   surrounding areas now now it has become  the Rivalry between the Nationals and the   foreigners and there is not a race question  unfortunately so it's not about white versus   black it's black against black it's Nigerians  it's somalis Pakistani and and South Africans   because White Privilege still dominates if you  were white in South Africa you could set shop   anywhere do whatever you want by and large so  so so this is an important question it ought   to be addressed directly with the necessary  policies policy instruments because it can   escalate as we have seen in Randa but  we should also remember that a lot of   it in some of our countries as is the case  with Rwanda was fored by the colonial ER   that they choose a particular  group and say you manage everybody else and and hatred between between these  different ethnic groups escalates so as I said   it has to be managed with the right instruments  and purposefully so that it doesn't escalate   out of but it is usually also in for by lack of  resources and opportunities I mean the diversity   of groups in the USA historically has worked very  well to the benefit of the US of course now it is   becoming an issue because opportunities are not  overwhelming there is unemployment now you go to   Chicago and Detroit you will see so many homeless  and you will see all of these challenges so those   who are Nationals they they look upon these  foreigners coming from Bolivia and everywhere   they think oh you are here for the job that  should have been so so these are these are   international dyam and of course they every as  I said they have to be managed purposefully with   the right instruments um the last question you  asked was oh the relationship with us whether   the relation the individual relationships with us  in formed and influence the Dynamics within the   bricks and it does I think um the relationship  between China and the US is the most corrosive   one the relationship between India and the US  has an effect in as far as the relationship   between India and China is concerned and  of course I generally think the US would love that relationship between  India and China to get we they   would they would love that if I was an American policy so so the relationship between the small  countries like South Africa and Brazil to some   extent between us and and and and the US is  highly managed well managed because we are   aware of this power dynamics and we don't want  to unnecessarily perturbed the superpowers I mean   the US is no longer the biggest trading partner  of South Africa but if you have been observing   the recent elections you would have seen how that  plays into the psyche of the electorate in South   Africa and the most important question that was  being flagged all the time the sentiment of the   investors you know and who is the investors when  people say investors they mean the USA in our   context it might no longer be the case but  in our context when you say investors you   me so you need to GA investors because  if the investor is not happy with the   outcome of the election then then you wonder  whether we we going into elections to please   the what is the purpose of the El so so  these are very interesting question uh so yes these power dynamics are important and  the relationship between the it is not only   between the individual countries from the US  but equally with Europe the European Union to   a lesser degree you and and I mean the whole  objective to start with is not to perur the   US and to be nasty to the Europeans is that we  have a friendly good laborin relations where   we can trade fairly and unfortunately  those conditions never Prevail we are never Toe to Toe in as far as trade is concerned  we there is always subjugation of the weaker   and therefore it becomes very complicated uh  you also spoke about perhaps I answered the posture how how is bricks helping each other  as countries I mean the the Practical example I   spoke about India if you go to the Declarations  of bricks you will see there are a few where we   talk about trade between the bricks Nations ER  favorable trade policies Tex free import export   between nations and now we are talking about the  common currency so there are there are a lot of   things positive that we talk about ER most of  which are not ER been practiced as yet but uh I   think I think there is also a go a global protest  I I would want to say that there are a lot of   countries who want to join brids not because  because they foresee immediate benefits but   because they don't want to be in the other club or  to be in the out cold and they hope that together   we can help each other protect each other and  so on and so forth some of those claims might be mythical yeah so it's yeah it's tough um if countries join bricks what would they benefit  I think I I spoke about that to a large degree   yeah so there are some benefits in as far as  trade and so on but we need to quantify we   are researchers we must look at whether some of  these policies whether some of these declarations   have been put into practice and what are the  table benefits that have accured out of this   policies between the bricks countries themselves  H you can safely say that trade between the   countries has grown tremendously there is  data there are figures between Russia and   China between Russia and India between Africa and  China India and Russia trade has gr tremendously   over the years between the countries it it  does suggest that there is something happening that that configuration thank you thank you very

2024-09-14 10:35

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