Partnering Patients Providers and Technology Tom Stanis Founder and CEO Story Health

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Day Zero is the moment before company formation  when a founder decides to take the plunge,   follow their dream, and commit to pursuing  their vision of change. On Day Zero, you'll   hear founders tell their story. From the initial  idea, the reactions by critics and skeptics,   setbacks and successes, we'll cover it  all. Behind every company is a founder   with ambition, goals, dreams, and wisdom  to be shared. Let's explore them together.

Well, Tom, thank you so much for joining me  at Day Zero here. As an advisor to Day Zero,   I'm the founding and managing  partner of Define Ventures. And,   Tom, it's been such a great time to partner with  you. You have a long standing history beyond,  

we're going to talk a lot about Story,  but even in the emergence of healthcare   and technology, you were a engineer and leader,  both at Verily and Google and was almost at Google   about 17 years, and then also was an engineer  at EA even before that. And so we're just so   excited for you to join us. Thanks so  much, Tom, for joining us on Day Zero. I'm happy to be here. I love to tell stories. Yes, you are a great storyteller. So, you  know, I'll never forget, Tom, one of, like,  

the pivotal times, andknow we will always talk  about this is, we went on a really long walk   one day, and you're laughing. We went  and we were COVID friendly, if you will.   And we talked about your journey in a lot  of ways, and kind of going all the way back.   So talk to me, I mean, Tom, you were one  of the highest level Google engineers,   strictly in technology at that time. And  you had kind of a really inspiring story   about what led you to healthcare. And I would  love it for you to share because I think it's   really your origin story of how you've dedicated  your life now to healthcare and redefining it.

This is how it all began for me. I was working  in Google, like you mentioned, on the core of   the company: ads and payments of things at a  time when the company was really exploding,   so it was really being part of a rocket ship, a  great place to be. And then as it would be I was,   like to say, you know, life throws things in  your way. So I was riding my bike in Palo Alto   and I got hit by a car. I actually have no memory  of any of this because I had a concussion. But I  

woke up in the emergency department at Stanford  Health Vare. And it's interesting, the things that   you specifically remember. I remember staring  at the ceiling tiles as you're being rolled on   the gurney down the hallway, all the different  dots. That's a specific thing that I remember.  

And they told me, they're going to put you into a  CT scan to see whether you have any broken bones,   you've been in a car accident. And I felt fine.  And for whatever reason, I was pretty lucid at the   moment. So I went into the CT scan, came out,  and they said, "good news, you don't have any   major broken bones, you're gonna be okay." And I  remember my wife and my kids were there as well.   I couldn't really move my head much because you're  in this big neck brace. So you kind of have these   voices off to the side telling you things.  They said, "but we did notice something else,   though, on the scan, which is, it looks  like there's some sort of mass in your   kidney." And I was very confused by that. It  turns out, the next day, I had an ultrasound,  

and the day after that, an MRI. It turns out that  I had stage one kidney cancer and had no idea.   And there is no way of knowing when you have stage  one kidney cancer because there's no symptoms,   there's no way that that you would have any idea  that this ticking time bomb was sitting there.   By the time you typically do have  symptoms, it's typically stage four.   And the difference in survival is dramatic. So, at  stage one, 95% chance of survival. At stage four,   5% chance of survival. So, pretty dramatic. So I  like to say that getting hit by a car literally   saved my life. To be clear, that makes you also  step back and think, are you spending your time  

on this earth on the most important thing to  you? That time period between when you've been   diagnosed and when you have retreatment makes  you spend a lot of time with that question.   I was thinking about the fact of, do I really want  to spend my my life helping people click on ads   and buy apps? Is that really the most important  thing for me, as great as it is? And I came to   the conclusion, no, what I wanted was to work on  things that would give people the experience that   I had, where we didn't have to hit people with  cars in order to be able to change the way that   their lives were going in terms of health. How can  we do more that way? So that's kind of what got me   to healthcare and it's interesting to go back  to that because it's been 10 years since that   and having that moment has been a defining  persistent energy source for me to remind   myself why I'm doing this and to always come  back to that and say this is what I'm all about. Yeah, I mean, Tom wow, just hearing, it's not  the first time I heard that story, but to hear   it again, it means so much about who you are, what  drives you. And you know, I always like to say,   what is your vision of the future and how you want  to enact that in impact. And I've got to believe,  

Tom, that there are so many entrepreneurs  out there, especially after COVID. We all   have a lot more time, hypothetically, to think,  right, and really think about the impact we have   in kind of what we're doing every day. And  so, you know, I can imagine this is going to   resonate with a lot of people, especially now,  all of what you said was pre-COVID, obviously.   Talk to us about, you had this epiphany of sorts.  Was it scary? What is the next thing you did?   Was it, I'm going into healthcare and I've been  a payments technologist, like, what did you do   to get comfortable with leaping two feet in into  an industry you hadn't necessarily touched before? It's not as simple as it sounds, right? It sounds  like, oh, you had an epiphany, and then you just   went in and did healthcare. It actually took me a  while to figure this out. I came back to Google,   told my story to a lot of people, and they  said, well, you should meet some people   at Google that are interested in this So one of  the guys I met was this guy, Andy Conrad, who   just came over from LabCorp. We immediately hit it  off, like we had very similar ideas about, like,  

hey, if you can measure these things, you can  know these things. And what can you do with that   knowledge and with all the technology we've built  to deal with the messy world that is the internet?   Can you apply some of the same technologies to the  messy world that is healthcare? And so there was   a lot of great ideas there at beginning. But,  for me, it took a while to actually jump off   the cliff. It probably took me about three  or four months before I was ready to say,   I'm ready to do this. And that part of it, that  that kind of wanting to be clear, is not always   the story that's told all the time, right, where  everyone was like, well, I just had this idea,   and I went, and I did it. No. It actually  requires a lot of going back and forth and  

talking with the people that are in your life to  make sure that you were actually onto the right   thing. So that's what it took for me to do it. And  then about three months later, I left payments,   went into Verily, and that kind of became my  focus. And the rest is kind of history from there. Yeah, it's so well said. I mean, I think, as  a founder and myself being a founder, too,   there's the point of, you know,  intense, if you will, mission,   some clarity of vision, but like a passion, and  then intense, like, you know doubt, too. Is this   right? You know, this is, you know, if no one else  is doing this, why should I do it? Or, am I the   right person to do it? I mean, there's so many  of these questions. What was the tipping scale?  

Even though, I could imagine you don't have all  the answers, having, you know, the intellectual   curiosity and the confidence to say, we'll just  get through that. Or was it, did you talk to   a ton of people and just get, like, convicted?  What allowed you to, after three or four months,   kind of get to that point of, now my feet  are running in that direction, if you will? Yeah. So there was two things I remember in  particular for me. One was, talking to a lot   of people about this notion of, you're successful  in one area of your life, and you've built up this   level of position and credibility, and you feel  like you know what you're doing, right? And so   you're like, why would I give that up? Why would  I give that up to go someplace where I don't know   anything, frankly, I'm going to be a complete  novice, and I'm going to be starting all over. Do   I really have the energy to start all over? And I  think the fallacy we often tell ourselves is that   we're starting over. It's actually not true. If  you look at most people that switch between teams,   even within a big company, which is in many ways,  you know, jumping off a cliffs by itself, it only   takes six months to a year in order for you to get  back to the level that you were at. It's actually  

not as much of a reset as you were. So, a lot of  people told me that and it began to ring true. And   so that helped. The second was, I got to know the  people I was gonna go work with. And it became,   you know, much more of a relationship there.  And that also, I think, made it a lot more   clear for me that, hey, these are people I want  to spend time with. And every time I would go   and spend time with them, a couple hours here  or there, I would come back saying, oh my gosh,   I just feel so at home and so energized by this.  I got to do this all the time. Those things  

together, I think, were the were the big things  I had to get through in order to make it happen. Yeah. I mean, you've been a multi-time founder.  One, which is Verily which I'd love to dig in   now. And then, Story, which is outside of  Google, from the very beginning, day zero,   if you will. But let's first focus on your first  founding story, which is Verily. How did that   story kind of evolve, if you will, so it sounds  like that first conversation with Andy Conrad.  

You know, talk to us just a little bit  about the founding story of Verily. Like I said, a lot of our vision in the beginning  was, how can we bring a lot of the tools that   we've built in order to understand the messy world  that is the internet, to healthcare, specifically   around understanding data. What does data tell  us and how can we use that to know things better,   to be able to understand things better, and be  able to eventually act on things better? That was   really the vision of Verily from the beginning,  but there was a lot of different questions about   which data to start with and where to begin  with. And one of the challenges always was,  

well, if you don't have good data in the  first place, how can you make good decisions   as well, right? So we had to build hardware in  order to actually measure things in the beginning,   right. So that was a big focus of early in the  early days was building the hardware, things   like Study Watch, which is a great device that  really created an entire category of the notion of   a watch that can do ECG, at the time was kind of  science fiction, right. And the other one being   Continuous Glucose, which, Lynn, and I have a  little bit of history here, but that actually has   been transformational to the world of diabetes,  and even beyond diabetes now. So that was really  

the beginning was trying to figure out, how do we  get better data? And then, how do we do that in   the world of of partnership, and this is one of  the things that was a bit of a new thing for me   coming into Verily was, at Google, we really build  things for users. And they would come and then,   eventually, advertisers would come say, hey,  how can we help as well and how can we derive   value from the fact that you guys seem to know the  right answer to all these queries? In healthcare,   you can't do that. You can't just build your  own system outside of what exists today.   You have to partner, right? It's not a world where  you can go it alone. And so, building that muscle   for partnership was something that was, for me,  new at Verily. From the very beginning, we knew   we had to do it. That was a big thing that really  led to us realizing that our culture and our DNA   had to be different from Google because of  that very different approach to the market.

Yeah. I mean, Tom, now that you can reflect  back, because we're gonna focus on Story here.   But what is the difference, because I  can imagine, again, some of our listeners   are thinking about almost intrapreneurship, right,   within a big company, versus, you know,  starting a startup from scratch. What are,   if you will, the pros and cons of building a  Verily within a large corporation, and then let's,   we'll flip to Story in a minute here, but love  for your reflection on that founding experience.

They're very, very different, frankly.  But at the core of them is this   beginnings of, like, you need to understand  the through line of why you're doing what   you're doing, how it's going to work,  and how it's going to come to fruition,   from all the way down, understanding the details  of the science to the business, to the technology   that's going to power it. That was the important  thing across both of these businesses. But   I would say at Google, you've got a great source  of capital, right? You didn't have to worry about   that as much. You also have an amazing brand that  opens basically any door you want. That's a great   benefit to have. So anytime you would ask someone  to take your call, they would take your call,   and that was an amazing superpower that I think  is a wonderful thing to have. The other thing   you have is, frankly, great access to technology  and resources, right? So those three things are   particularly valuable things about starting  something inside of Google. The downside is you're  

going to be a hobby project, frankly, right? So  this is one of the things that, a lot of times,   you're going to have a challenge at big companies  is there's a core business. At the end of the day,   when things are going well, there's an  interest in doing more things, doing things   great. When things are not going well,  guess what are the first things to go.   It's all the hobby projects are the first things  to go. So you have to think about that and say,   do I want to be the center of attention? Or do I  want to be on the outskirts? And that's, I think,   one of the harder things about doing things at a  large company. The other thing you have to think  

about is, do you want to match the state of what  you're building with the state of the company that   you're building, right? So if you are trying to  build something nimble, experiment very quickly,   trying new things, and you have a big company  that's a lot of process that's trying to protect   itself from various things, those things can be  mismatched a lot of times, whereas if you were   trying to do the opposite, it may be difficult  in a startup as well, right? If you're trying to   run a very reliable processes, it could  be very difficult to do that as well. So   that's the other thing, I think, that's a  challenge for people to realize is, like,   I think matching where the problem  is to the company is very important. Yeah, I mean, Tom, it's such an interesting  experience because there's been a lot of   startups that have started from strategics,  especially in the area of digital health. And so   understanding the pros and cons, and what that  relationship could be, could be very fruitful.   But you don't want to be, you know, to your  point, to always have it be a strategic edge.   Some entrepreneurs will see that. So let's now  flip to Story, which is, you are the current CEO  

and founder of Story. So you're here at Verily,  it's been almost 17 years between Google and   Verily, you were a senior leader, part of  the executive team, a founder of Verily.   What made you want to start something again,  and not only that, start it from outside,   completely. Bring us through that thought process. And this really gets into my internal way of how  I feel about things. And Lynn and I talked about   this a long time ago, when we were on our walk.  You know, when you're part of something that's   really successful from the beginning, there's  always this lingering doubt in your mind.  

Was I actually part of the solution or was  I just in the right place at the right time?   That's always something that I always wonder  about, with my time at Google and Verily,   and, I don't know why, but it's this kind of  itch that you can't figure out. And I think   the only way to really solve it is to go start  over, frankly, and do it yourself. That's part   of one of the reasons that I left to do Story, was  really to prove to myself that I could. I realize  

that that's, like, not very mission oriented  and such. But it's also very personal, right.   At the same time, though, I wanted it to be along  the mission lines that I was passionate about.   And I wanted that to be what the company was about  from the very beginning and reflecting the values   that I specifically had. So I really liked the  idea of creating something that I wanted to do   to prove that, you know, that I could do it. It  also was this sort of delayed entrepreneurship  

thing. Actually, when I was in college, I always  wanted to start my own company. I was always the   kid that was talking about his business plan, this  or that, and all the professors were looking at,   like, that's nice. And I kind of got this idea in  my head of, well, I'll just go and get a job and   then I'll figure out, I'll learn the next thing.  And then I'll be competent and then I'll do it.   20 years later, I'm 45 years old, that hasn't  happened. Like at some point, you have to say,   okay, you need to do it, right. And so I felt  like I had finally built all the right skills  

and was in the right place. And if you're going  to do it, you're going to do it now. So those are   two things that were really important to me that  led me to breaking out of Verily to start Story. Yeah, I don't know if I ever told you this  Tom, but when you told me that on the walk,   was the exact moment that I knew that everything  we had thought about partnering with you was   the right thing. And it was the moment that really  just sunk in hard for us at Define because, like,   what is motivating you that deep? Introspection,  quite frankly, that it takes and the humbleness to   even say that after you had built something that  was quite impressive, and could have just stayed   and ridden off into the sunset, if you will.  And just that first founding story of Verily,  

for you to kind of start over  and say those things was just,   I thought, just so mature, so thoughtful,  so introspective, and really just fueled our   passion to want to partner with you more. So  I really respect everything you just said. It   also resonates with me a lot, quite frankly,  and my journey with Define, in a lot of ways.   So we have the Tom a couple years ago, who was  like, I'm going to go out, I'm going to finally   fulfill this mission of like doing it completely  on my own, if you will. What were the first steps? I am a big believer in teams, right?  I actually think that almost every   great thing that has been invented in the world  came from a team of people, not from one person.  

So the first thing I did was trying to find who  was my team going to be? And I don't think I've   told you this, Lynne, but I went through at  least two or three different groups of people   that I thought about, actually, you know, forming  the company with. It's one of those things where,   it's odd to say this, but it's almost like  dating, like you're gonna meet these people,   you're gonna spend a lot of time with them. Are  you ready? Is this your group? Is this your team?   The first couple, it wasn't, like there wasn't a  good match there. And people ask me, Well, how do   you know? Honestly, you end up knowing. Spend a  good week, a hard week, with people and you will   know whether it's gonna be a good fit or not.  I intentionally was provocative in his meeting   where, like, I would push us into situations  where, like, let's disagree a little bit, because   it's very easy in the beginning with people.  When everyone starts, first meeting, everyone's  

cordial. When things get hard, that's when the  real kind of realities come out. So I think you   need to get there as fast as possible with the  team. So I did that and ended up meeting Nikhil,   who I had worked with before, and Ashul. It's  funny, I remember actually one meeting with   actually a primary care doctor we were doing over  Zoom, talking about some topic, and I looked up   at the screen and I saw the three of us and this  doctor talking. I'm like, this is it. This is the  

team. I just kind of knew at that moment that this  was going to be the team. And it's funny because   that was an emotional thing that, afterwards,  I'm like, nah, that's not right. But it was   the moment and so that was the most important  thing for me to getting started was finding the   right team. And then we actually went through a  bunch of different ideas. It was not very clear   at the beginning what we were going to do. We  knew we wanted to do something that focused on,   frankly, the opposite end of digital health that  hadn't been worked on as much. We know we wanted  

to work with the elderly. That was a big focus  from the beginning. We know we wanted to work in   high acuity spaces where people were really sick.  We only wanted to do things virtually. That was   obvious from the beginning, given that COVID was  going on and experience has shown valuable that   was. And I knew I wanted to be really medical,  right, I didn't want to just build something that   was diet and lifestyle, as many digital health  companies had focused on. So those things were  

core values from the beginning. But we spent a  lot of time going through a lot of different ideas   until we really found the right kind of hook that  was the first thing that we wanted to build as a   product. And that's when we kind of started to  put together the first product pitch as it were. Yeah, amazing. I love that moment of, you  just saw the team and you just knew it.   And then you kind of were like, is that really  the team? And then like, yes, you knew it. And  

it's funny, I kind of think, like, you get  to a certain point in your career, in life,   like trusting your gut, like just knowing when  that moment hits and actually running with that,   especially in this, like, building startups.  There's just something there. And that gut spoke   at that moment, but it was really probably  informed by the multiple teams you had seen   before, which I did not know. So that is great.  So you got to your idea. I'd love for you to   talk about the idea of Story, the vision. It  sounds like you went through some iterations,   but like maybe talk about that vision and when  you knew that that was the right vision. Where  

did the gut kind of say, yep, this is it  after you had gone through some iteration? We did go through some iteration and I remember  reading, actually, a bunch of papers. A lot of   stuff that we did actually started very much  in literature, trying to understand, you know,   where was the science at today and what were the  kind of major problems that medicine was dealing   with and didn't know the right solution to, but  maybe we have a different approach to. Really,   it was reading a couple of different papers in the  field of cardiology, where I was looking at some   of the problems. They did these massive registry  trials looking at these problems of like, look,   we're not able to get people the care that they  need, and just showing this massive gap between,   this is what the state of the science is, and  this is what actually happens in practice.   And I knew, oh, well this is exactly the right  place for us to focus because the science has been   done already. It's just a question of, how do we  actually use technology to make it happen? And oh,   by the way, they probably haven't thought about  these different approaches, for example, how can   we actually be able to deliver that care outside  of the clinic, rather than just making the clinic   better? That was the kind of the key thing that  I felt like, they hadn't thought of that, right.  

And then also thinking of all the other things  that get in the way. Just in my own experience,   seeing in other places, where do patients fail?  It wasn't they failed because the doctor did   something wrong in a visit. That was never the  problem. It was always a problem of, they would   either not be able to get on the right medication  at home because they would go to the pharmacy and   there were barriers to affording it. Or they  would have side effects from the medications,   they wouldn't know how to deal with that,  or they didn't understand what was going on,   or all these different things that would  conspire against people in order to   just get in the way of getting the  best care. And I'm like, okay, well,   that I can work on. That's a logistics problem  and a technology problem. We can build that.  

And that was kind of the aha moment with Story  was looking at that from the perspective of,   not just simple things, but places where complex  care is really needed, and how difficult it was   for a clinician to actually be able to project  that out of the clinic. Does that make sense? Makes total sense. Makes total sense. So let's go  to the next phase. So you have the team, you've   now settled on the vision of the company, is  fundraising. And how did you think about that? How   did you go through that? And what has been your  experience? And I know this is a little funny,   because, obviously, we've partnered together, but  I'm sure I'm gonna learn something new, just like   your team here and in this conversation, but like,  how did you really approach that as a founder? We decided we were going to raise money early  on, frankly, before we actually built anything,   because we were just like, well, we should  go talk to some investors and just see, like,   if we can get good investment early, why not? It  would make it a lot easier for us to go faster.  

And so we went out and, I remember, we  chose an interesting time to raise money,   I'll say that. Like the first month or two after  COVID started, the venture world didn't know what   it was doing right? There was this, like, are  we writing checks or are we not writing checks?   And we walked right into that, right? So luckily,  it actually worked out fine. In fact, the VC world   was really fast to adapt. But I do remember  putting our first pitch to get back together,   which was important. And we're like, well,  maybe we should get some feedback on this   from a couple of different people. So I actually  called my friend Anthony Philippakis at the Broad  

Institute, who I'd worked with at Verily and is  a venture partner at Google Ventures, and I said,   "can I share a pitch with you and can you give  me feedback?" And we pitched him, like, the first   pitch, and he's like, "sounds like vaporware. I  have no idea what you're building." I'm like, "oh,   we're nowhere." And he was absolutely right. It's  very easy, I think, as a founder to get trapped   in the high level vision without getting very  specific about what you're actually going to do.   So you have to be able to talk about both 5, 10  years from now, and also next year at the same   time. And that was the thing that I think was  the hardest challenge for us was to be able to   talk out of both sides of our mouth at the  same time. And so we had to work on that a lot.   And you end up navigating and eventually, you  know, it's funny. I actually talked to Greylock.  

And then Greylock's like, "well, we're not really  a healthcare investor, but you should meet this   should meet this person, Lynne". And that's how  I got introduced to Lynne and then I remember our   first pitch, and we were really excited about it,  because we're like, oh, look, someone who really   understands healthcare. That's the other thing I  think that I took away from that fundraising was,   it really is vertical specific. You really want an  investor that understands your vertical because,   especially in healthcare, the way that delivery  is, the way contracts work, the way timelines   work, the way evidence generation works,  like, all these things are very different   from the rest of the world. And I'm sure every  other industry has something similar where you   can talk to a diversified investor, and they  will have somebody, maybe that is an expert,   but you really do need someone that knows how your  field works in order to make sure that you're on   the right page. So I met Lynne and it was pretty  clear very early to me that this was going to be  

different than our other conversations. At the end  of the day, I think we chose an investor based on   the relationship and the fact that we felt like  this was gonna work more than anything else. That   to me was kind of the central part of it. It's  funny because I look back on it now and I say,   well, maybe I raised money too early, maybe  we should have gotten some angels and, like,   waited, and we would have made more progress,  and we could've gotten a better valuation,   and everything like that. I'm like, but Lynne  brought us this. And without this, we wouldn't  

be this, and therefore, no, that actually would  maybe not have actually helped at all. In fact,   that could have slowed us down. So in retrospect,  I think it was exactly the right approach. Yeah, well, A, thank you. I mean,  I think, Tom, it's always that push  

and pull with a founder, like what do  you build? When do you take in capital,   partnership, valuation, these are all things that  you have to balance as a founder, in so many ways.   So now we've funded the company. So now we're  through this. Once you had that funding, what went   the way you thought and maybe what didn't go the  way you thought, as you're building the company? Building the product actually went, for the most  part, the way that I thought it would go. I'm   very aggressive in my approach to these things. I  want it now and I want it better. We've taken that  

approach and gone as fast as we possibly could  and we were able to achieve that much faster than   I would have been able to do a Google with a lot  of the constraints removed from that. So that was   great. Things that did not go as well as I thought  or different than I thought was, I think there's   this notion of, well, if I just get to X, then  everything will be figured out. And that's just   not the case, right? You figured out X and, guess  what, there's the next thing and the next thing   is even scarier than the thing you just solved.  right? So that's the thing I think that was not   surprising to me. The other thing I expected  was a sense of agency, that I could kind of   make whatever decision I wanted and make it make  it happen. And that's mostly played off. But you  

also have to understand that everybody, everybody  has stakeholders, right? And so just because you   want to do X doesn't mean that your partners  want you to do X, doesn't mean your investors   want you to do X, doesn't mean your employees  want you to do X. So you just always have to   be thinking about not just your own agency,  but like, how is that actually going to fit   into the ecosystem that you're now a part of, even  though you don't necessarily have a boss, right? Yeah. Wow. So well said. So, just  kind of, as you're looking now, is   what words of advice, Tom,  would you give entrepreneurs? So first of all, I think you should be an  entrepreneur. That's the first thing I'll say,  

right? I absolutely love it. And I think more  people should do it, and not enough people do,   and it's not as scary as it sounds. So that's  first thing is, if you're thinking about,   should I do this or not, you absolutely should.  I will tell you that right now. More people in   the world need to take more risks, that is my  biggest belief. Other advice I would say is,   you should think about doing with people,  like with co-founders, and friends, and   I am a big believer in teams that, like, you're  not going to just do it yourself. You need a  

group of people around you. Other people I know  disagree, but I'm a big believer in teams. And   then the third thing is partnership, right. So how  are you going to approach the world? It's very,   I think, romantic nowadays to talk about, oh,  I'm going to build this product. And then I'm   going to go launch it and then the users will come  and then I'll do some growth marketing and I'll   get more users. I actually think that it's much  more important to start to think about who are   the partners in the world you can work with that  are going to amplify what you're going to do, and   are going to build relationships that, frankly,  will transcend your business, right? So some of   the early partners that we worked with at Story,  I think of them actually as having relationships   deeper than the business and I think that's really  valuable. I think you should look forward to that,  

right. So don't look at this as, like, oh, this  is my master plan to take over the universe.   Look at this as, like, this is just life in a  different facet. I enjoy the heck out of that. Wow. Well, Tom, thank you so much, just  what motivates you, how you've built   two, you know, truly, I think, two organizations  that will change healthcare and then just,   like, to your point of, just,  inspiration. Thank you so much,  

Tom, thank you for not only inspiring other  founders, but what you're doing for healthcare. Appreciate it and I hope that we can make a dent. Absolutely. I know you will.


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