College of Engineering Computer Science and Technology Graduate Ceremony

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With. A renewed mission and a strong sense of purpose we, say now, is, the time. In, this place where. Innovation, opportunity. And entrepreneurship. Converge, we, are poised to transform our, university. Our. City, and our. World. In order to lead our region, we, must first served. In order to be global, citizens we. Must first be civic-minded. We'll lead the way, who. Will stand up who. Will. Soak. California. State University Los. Angeles. Ranked number one in the United, States for the upward mobility of our students. Welcome. To the California, State University Los. Angeles. 2018. Commencement. Ceremony, for, the College of Engineering, computer. Science and technology. Will. The class of 2018, please, rise to be acknowledged, by your family, and friends. And. Now. Will. Everyone please rise, for the academic, procession. You. Ladies. And gentlemen please. Remain standing and welcome, Cal State LA student, on our own Hill who, will sing the national anthem. Accompanied. By the Cal State LA brass, quintet. Oh, say. Can you. See. By. The, dawn's. Early. Light. What. So proudly. We. At. The, twilight's. Last, gleaming. Whose. Broad stripes, and. Bright stars. Through. The perilous. Fight. O. Say. Does that. Star-spangled. Please. Be seated. Good, morning. Students. Honored, family members, and friends my. Name is Emily, Allen, I'm Dean, of the College of Engineering computer. Science and, technology. Welcome. To the 2018, commencement. Ceremony. Over. The course of your academic career. Our, faculty. Administration. And staff have, focused, their expertise. On your success, they. Have become your mentors, and for many of you your, colleagues at. This, time I would like to acknowledge and. Thank the. Chair, of the Academic, Senate vina, Prabhu, the. Members of the faculty. Emeriti. Faculty and. Staff, representing. The university's, six colleges the. John F Kennedy Memorial, Library, and, the administration. For their contributions. To our students, success, will. These members, of the university, community please. Stand and be recognized. The. Faculty. Thank. You you may be seated. Now. Please join me in welcoming the, president of, Cal State LA William. And Covino. Well. First. One to be able to say to you. Congratulations. Class, of 2018. You've. Made it you've worked hard for this accomplishment. And, you have persevered. You have excelled. And today, we celebrate, all that you've achieved and, all that. Is yet, to come in, the story, of your life this, time at, Cal State LA is, a pivotal. Chapter. During. Your time here. Together. We, witnessed. World-changing. Moments. California. Became, the. World's fifth largest economy. Expanding. Opportunities. That await you as you graduate. Political. Changes. On the national, scene. Created. New priorities. And new challenges. And the voices, of students. Determined. To serve the public good, became. An even more impactful. Force. For. Change. During. Your time here. Advances. In science, and technology gave. Us new power and new potential. From. Self-driving. Cars. To, personal, fitness, trackers. Virtual. Reality, gaming, and, apps. That. Encourage. Environmental. Sustainability, and even civic, engagement. Our. Day to day life has become more full of possibilities. And, personal. Growth and, you, class. Of 2018, you, are the creators, of tomorrow. During. Your time here you each experienced. Personal. Transformation, as. Profound. As the events, that we live through together, you're. Not the same person that. You were when you first set foot on campus. You. Came here with, a plan to learn more to. Focus your major on, a career, path or perhaps embark. On a new one. You'll. Leave Cal State LA with knowledge, and experiences.

That Will, help propel. Propel. You into. Rewarding. Careers, into rewarding. Research, and, rewarding. Personal, and professional, relationships. I hope. That. You'll always remember, the faculty, who taught and mentored you, and helped, you become the accomplished, graduate, that you are today. That. You'll remember the friends, who encouraged, you in the community, that. Embraced. You. You. Shared, in important. Events, in the, life of the university, community. Together. We celebrated. Cal state la's, 70th. Anniversary, we. Launched, new, initiatives and. We, stood in the spotlight, when. A study in the New York Times ranked. Cal State LA, number. One in the nation for the upward mobility of, our students. Graduates. That means a bright, even. Brighter future. Awaits. You today. You become, alumni, of Cal, State LA you'll, join the ranks of more. Than 245. Thousand. Alumni, of, Cal, State LA and 3. Million. Alumni of the, California State University system. Our. Outstanding, alumni. Include, tennis, legend Billie Jean, King congresswoman. Maxine. Waters, congresswoman. Lucille. Roybal-allard. Astronaut. Samuel. Durant's. International. Business, leader Isaac, Larian. Ralph. Torus us the fire chief of the LA Fire Department, Barry Rondinella. The, director, of the John Wayne Airport in, Orange County. Adriana. Ocampo, of, NASA, Los. Angeles, Clippers executive. Danielle, arias, dr.. Samantha. Powell the co-director. Of the kidney, cancer, program, and medical. Oncology. At City. Of Hope hospital. Members. Of the family, that owns Gavi, Nia coffee, and. Members. Of the family, that owns Porto's. Bakery. Now. All, of these great people are. Your, fellow, alums. The. Class of 2018, includes. 106. Veterans. Who. Have served our, nation with, valor and then return to earn a degree I would. Like to ask all, of the, veterans that, are here with us today graduates, parents, family, friends could, you please stand and, let. Us acknowledge you, all of the veterans who are here today all. Right. Thank. You thank, you for your service. The. College of Engineering Computer. Science and Technology, is home, to, the largest. University. Operated, hydrogen. Fueling, facility. Anywhere. In America, this, facility, provides hands-on. Learning. And, research, opportunities. And the. College is also home, to the award-winning, eco. Car, team. Our, speaker. Today will have an eco, car. Right. On it their rights right there isn't it yeah it says eco car doesn't it right on you yeah he, doesn't know what I'm talking about. The. Faculty. And students, in this College have. Conducted. Research, over, a number of exciting, areas. Including. Sea floor modeling, which. Is funded, by the Office, of Naval Research. Hydrology. Research funded, by NASA and earthquake. Research funded. By the National, Science Foundation. Our. Students. Are better equipped, to solve real-life, problems. When they leave this universe. Because, of the solid foundation that. They've received in, the college of engineering computer. Science and technology. Here. In. This College graduates. Like Salvador, Salvador. Rojas, discovered. Their passion, and begin, building the future as an.

Undergraduate, At Cal State LA. Salvador. Helped create an open-wheel, race car with the Formula Society, of Automotive. Engineers team. And he, founded, a campus, chapter, of the American, Society of, Mechanical Engineers. He. Was awarded. A. California. State University Louis. Stokes Alliance for. Minority participation. Bridge. To. The doctorate, fellowship. Which, supported, his pursuit, of a master's, degree at, Cal State LA. That's. Just the beginning there's, more as. A graduate, student Salvador. Led a team of six undergraduate. Students in building a humanoid. Robot called. Mellow. Salvador's. Ultimate, goal is to develop a robot that can go into space or. On, dangerous rescue, missions, in natural. Disasters in, his. Frequent, talks and demonstrations. To audiences, Salvador, explains, the, potential. That robotics. Has to. Help, us carry out such, critical. Tasks, he's. A member of the engineering, Honor Society tale' Beta pi he's. Also a recipient, of, the emerging. Researchers. National. Conference student, travel award, and was, a student speaker, at the college's. Honors, Convocation, where. He received special, recognition and. Graduate, studies in the. Fall. Salvador. Will begin, a five-year. A doctoral, program at, Purdue, University, which. Has awarded, him the, George Washington. Carver, doctoral. Fellowship. Congratulations. Salvador. Thank. You. So. Graduates, you're. Headed to communities. That you will energize and, empower, with. All that you've learned with. The Cal State, LA values. That, you carry with your, experiences. As a part of this rich, intellectual. Community. That's. Why today's. Commencement, is, such a monumental. Day, for, communities. Across Los, Angeles, and for. Wherever you call home when. You walk across the, stage this, morning you're, not just walking for, yourself, you're walking, for the places, you, love. Last. Month we launched the greatest fundraising. Effort in the university's. History. Focused. On the place we love we. Call it we, are. LA. The, campaign, for Cal State LA we, chose that name because. Graduates. Of Cal State LA represent. The best of Los Angeles, because. Of the dedication, and knowledge, you're carrying, with you wherever. You're. Headed wherever. You, will live and work that. Place and those, people, can, look forward to an even better future because. Of you. You're. Walking today for, the places you love you're, also walking. For, the people you, love you didn't, accomplish this, important, goal alone, those. Who you love inspired. And motivated you, so. In that spirit, let's. Have all the mothers and fathers of our graduates, stand up so that we can applaud them mothers, and fathers. How. About grandmothers. And grandfathers you. Two. Aunts. And uncles. Sisters. And brothers. Nieces. And nephews. Spouses. Children. Friends. All. Stand, and let us applaud you for all you have done to help us produce the class of 2018. Thank. You all very much thank, you all very much. Graduates. In, the. Story of your life today, is as I've said an unforgettable. Chapter, today. You stand, on the peak of a of a great mountain. Looking, at the world and your future, you see other mountains, around you, they represent. Other. Goals, and challenges. Along. With all that you. Will remember, from. Your years at Cal State LA I, ask, you to as you stand on that mountain, remember, this advice don't be daunted by, the, heights, of your, dreams and challenges. During. Your time here you've. Learned how to reach, the, top always. Remember. You are a golden, eagle and you. Will. Soar. Congratulations. Class of 2018. Thank. You president, Covino, our. Student, address today, will be delivered, by kevin months although. Kevin. Is an, alumnus, of Cal State LA holding. A Bachelor, of Science, in electrical engineering. And he, returned for the Masters of Science and electrical engineering during. His graduate, studies Kevin. Held several leadership, positions, he. Served as the advanced, driver, assistance systems. Lead for, the eco car 3 competition. Engineering. Lead for the dream project and, as. The marketing, and outreach director, for, cal state la's, institute. For electrical, and electronic, engineers, or I Triple, E, earlier. This year kevin, represented, Cal State LA at the sensor, net 2018. Conference, in Madeira Portugal. He. Presented on the work of the dream team after. Graduation. Kevin. Plans to work for the automotive industry with. The goal of advancing the. Development of autonomous, vehicles please. Join me in welcoming Kevin. Montalvo. Thank. You president, Covino, and. Thank, you dr.. Emily Alyn, hello. Class of 2018. My, name is Kevin Montalvo, and, I am honored to be able to serve, as your commencement speaker. So. I always get asked a couple of questions.

Why, Did I choose to become an electrical and computer engineer, and. That. Question, keeps coming up more and more. What. Are you gonna do after you graduate what, are you gonna do in the industry and I. Want to be completely honest the answer is I don't know, for. Now. Well. I'm here because the, professors have selected, me as the outstanding, student I'm. Not want to talk to my won't not. Want to talk about myself but, I want. To list some of the things that I was able to do in my short time here I started. School in 2013. As a transfer, for a Mount San Antonio College. And, decided. To take electrical, engineering from one reason had the word computers, in it. During. My undergraduate career like, many of you I had a part-time job I needed. To pay bills and. During. Those years I, decided. To become a football coach for my alma mater Rowland high school, and. Although, the job was not high-paying at all I, loved, what I did and. The. Ability to teach, from, experience, and to lead a group. Or a team in a different way, shows. How much hard, work pays off rather than raw talent. You. See in many separate, occasions, in my short life I have lived by one rule do. What isn't necessary, to be mentally happy I. Knew. That a coaching job was not going to give me the money I needed and I, knew that I wasn't going. To make up the hours that I could have. Spent studying or getting money however. I knew for a fact that those lessons about teamwork, cooperation and, success we're gonna help me and whatever, I needed to do, and. Whatever. I wanted to pursue. Now. Let's, flash forward to 2015. There. Was a moment that I decided that if, I was gonna do the best at. This university I needed. To devote my time to my, studies. Once. I left my jobs I was able to join a research team with dr. Deborah Wong the dream. Team I was. Able to be part of I Triple E and I, became a board member and I was able to start succeeding as. A student, but. I had to find an alternative source of income an income and a better way to manage my finances, which. Was also very great help to me, so. I graduated in 2016. With my bachelor's, and moved, on to my masters in the, spring of 2017. I commenced, my master's program I began to dive.

Deep Into the development, of a mobile application with. The dream team within. One year we were able to create an, elaborate. And functional, system as well as our findings, at an international. Conference I then. Decided to pursue thesis work with the help of dr. Liu and as well as eco-car, 3 and I. Was able to start exploring the world of vehicle, in the world of autonomy, and feedback. With. Both the dream team and my, eight US team. I was able to work with the state of the art technology, collaborate. In an interdisciplinary, team. Work. On my own project, with my own team which. Was somewhat special because we were tackling a discipline, that not many people have experience with, in. My time at Cal State LA I have learned that you cannot do things alone. Life. Is about balance and the only truth that I have noticed in my life are humans, we. Are all here, on the same boat and there, is always something that you can learn from someone. Else our, friends, our parents our families, our professors, and our peers in my. Time at Cal State LA I've learned that the only way you can succeed is by working on a great team it. Takes multiple minds, to make something happen that. Means you must be an excellent team player you must sacrifice and, put in the work if no, one else can do it then it is your responsibility to, show them personally, or take charge yourself or, else nothing's gonna get done in. My. Time at Cal State LA I have learned that you must take risks if, you believe in your heart and soul that this is what you must do then accept it and welcome. The consequences, in my. Time at Cal State LA I have learned that, voltage is equal to. Rip. Current. Times resistance that's. Sorry that's a electrical, engineering joke. Now. Class of 2018, I want. To say personally, congratulations. We're. All here because we have put in so much work every, single one of us. We. Are the reason this University, thrives we, are the reason that a lot of people, people come here to make money. We. Are, the. Reason why this world is going to change for the better. Like. Many other alumni before, we came unto this campus, to assume the responsibility, as students, we. Came we, learn we, failed we sacrificed, we collaborated. We created, and now we graduated, I hope. That everyone's next chapter is better than the last. Do not forget the connections, that you made and take, the lessons you've experienced, wherever, life takes you, Thank. You class. Thank. You Kevin, now. It is my pleasure to, introduce the chief academic, officer. Of the university, dr. Lynn. Mahoney provost. And vice president for, academic affairs, dr., Mahoney. President. Covino I, present to, you the candidates, for degrees in the College of, Engineering computer. Science and, technology, they. Have met all of the requirements for. Their respective degrees, and, are, recommended by the university faculty. Who, taught them. The. Recipients. For the Master of Arts and Master, of Science from the College of Engineering computer. Science and, technology will, now now be hooded onstage. Will. The candidates, for master's degrees, please rise for. The conferral, of degrees by, president, covino. Kevin. John Barrett. Mauricio. Meza. Marta. Contreras. Christian. Alexander. Gonzalez. Sergio. Contreras, jr.. Eduardo. Ochoa. Francisco. Gregorio, Puente. In, do record, Cheryl. Driller. Kangana's, Bakula, pally. Nishida. Kumar's a very. Reuben. Edward, Greece. Douglas. Brian wells. Master. Of science computer, science. Rick. A Bennett. Robbie. Can't do :. Yo. He swore he likes me Raj Mohan. Deeksha. Balaji. Rajaputra. Maharaja. Prashant. Cannon. Monica. / Angela. Hye-young. Wang. Hiroko. Etha cocky. Wendy. Tran. Kiran. Kumar, arabela. Servic. Manatsu, Canyon. Nazli. Rock high-powered. Keshawn. Shop. Naive, Mohammed. Sayeed. Some, partial. X 1. Row. Hongou. Rashad, nourish, Khimki. Manish. Kumar. Actor. Kumari. Parth. Panna. -. Dinescu, Barmera. Manasi. Patel. Poor. Eva Vasudev, hombre. Nevada. Balaji. A. Marsha. Peter, Brian, delay yes. Sighs Chandra, Nara Bona. Are, those managed, by Mattel. Artie. Televised srinivasan. Our, own Italian, Subramani, Ramaswamy. Nidito. Raja. Jonathan. Tonga Valley. Vivek. Agarwal. Harman. They're saying. Love. Preet Singh. Distribution. Begat. Amon. Boostin, serie parabola. Repeat, Prajapati. Part. Patel. Demean. Shy. Sagar. Vetere. Bridget. Cha. I keep. Javed. Manikandan. S what I'm. College. Of Engineering Computer, Science and Technology Master, of Science civil, engineering. Edwin. Alfonso, Cardosa. Aqua. Ether. Scott. Chang, Cameron. Mati. Mortazavi. Gabriela. Martinez. Reynold. Wong. Kevin. Willi Morales. Sydney. So Hema here. Dwan, Estrada, Santiago.

Everardo. Santos. Aashish. Patel. DVS. Kumar Vinoba rock-hard. Nanny. Tata. Sai, kumar WR. College. Of engineering, computer, science and, technology master. Of science, Electrical, Engineering. We. Some Abdullah, Machine al su Danny. Kevin. Montalvo. Krishna. DJ's, Anaya, man 3. Siddharth. Ali Haqqani, Muhammad. Ashwin. Kumar Kula, Chikara pangaean. Roberto. Reis Fragoso, jr.. Shankar. Casey. I met. Paul. Patrick. Arguello. Jason. Christian, Rodriguez. Adnan. Ibrahim. Johnny. Ye Louie. Alejandro. Cordova. Nickelodeon. Franco para ha. Philip. Makram. Sassoon. Andrea's. Separ. Saluki. At. A Setrakian. So. See deaf Sarkissian. Vas. Al masud. A. La. Colonia. Arjun. Giri growth, I. Serena. Chang. Parang, ball. Morgan. Douglas, cook. Alexander. Gunther Mikado. Jose. Arturo. Martinez. Manuel. Carrillo. Neil, patel. Mohammed. Is my L Hossein. Boggin, Kumar, Patel. Samarth. Patel. Ronnie, too shy. Mashaallah. La la. Casali. Patel. Shivaji. Patel's. Jose. Francisco. Umaña Garcia. Chanita. Yella piranhas. Critiques. Rom-chan Abbas, ABBA. By. Bob Davis. Kumar Parikh. Nirav. Emmanuel, buck one. Cartridge. On jeev kulkarni. Prague. Nash Patel. Sneha. Durr ha. Azam. Near a llama. Bryan a Aguilera. College. Of engineering Computer Science and Technology Master, of Science mechanical. Engineering. Valentine. Gasp on. Ji-suk. Abraha. Reche, to decide. Sanada-san. Kuzuri. Jericho. Neva. Andrew, Hatano. Joe. Albert, Ortega. Meet, Prakash and Rabat. Salvadore. Rojas, the third. Da. Greece Vaishnava. Jamming. Kumara, mesh by Hasani. Swapnil. Mehar Marais. Her. Shop at a party. Praveen. Daxner, more te. Jennifer. Hokum. Will. The candidates, for master's degrees please rise for. The conferral, of degrees by, president. Covino. Okay. We'll make this official, now all right, by. The authority, vested in. Me by the state of California. And by, the trustees of, the California. State University I. Hereby. Confer. Upon you, the. Master's degree. For which you qualify. With. All the rights, privileges. And. Honors, pertaining. Thereto. You. Are, now, proud. Alumni. Of Cal. State LA. Congratulations. Class of 2018. Here. They come. All. Right I, would. Like to thank all. Of the university staff faculty. Students. And volunteers involved. In organizing. The 2018, commencement. Ceremony and acknowledge, the, members of the Honors Convocation and. Commencement Advisory. Committee. At. This time the, university, hymn, will, be performed, by Cal State LA student. On Arango. Who will be accompanied, by the Cal State LA brass, quintet the. Lyrics, may be found inside your, program. Oh. Hail. To. Thee. Our. Alma. Mater. T. We. Sing. With. Faith. And, pride, and. Praises. Fairly. We. Didn't. Get our, lives, to, truth, and peace. And. Droids. To. Give. The. World, the, torch. Of, freedom. Lies.


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