US attempt to decouple China-South Korea has failed South Korea refusing to join anti-china QUAD

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good morning ladies and gentlemen today i'm going  to be talking about south korea and china as well   as america i'd like to apologize about my last  video sound issues um it took me about 24 hours   to upload it because youtube had to do a lot  of checks and i think it's a sensitive subject   especially with cars and palestine so  they tend to do more checks than normal   so a few times my plot had failed but  the third time it did work but i realized   afterwards the sound was mismatched um so i  just can't be re-bothered to upload it again   because um you know it just factory just took too  long and it's a lot of hard work so i'm just gonna   instead just focus on other videos so um today's  topic i'm gonna be talking about south korea   and usa as well as china so you may  have may may not know that south korea   is in washington at the moment meeting  with the president's meeting with um   with biden so the president of south korea is  um his name is moon um so he's in um washington   at the moment so i gotta give him a lot of  credit because um a joint statement came out   um in washington and they did not mention  china um and a lot of people were expecting   um a lot of hawks in america and especially  biden was expecting south korea to come   and give an anti-china press conference  the same as what japan did a few months ago   so so i'm sure the americans were  pretty disappointed that south korea has   you know decided to remain neutral um  they had come you know they were kind of   very hope very much hoping that south korea  would be able to join the quad or join the   group of countries which are encircling china  and to kind of disrupt china and also to decouple   with china as well i think he baiden wanted  a lot of south korean companies like samsung   to decouple with china and stop providing them  with talent and machinery and chips and and other   you know technology so what what um what moon has  promised instead he said he will prob he will get   some of these companies to invest in usa instead  rather than decouple with china because um   i'm gonna explain later why they can't decouple  with china but i'm sure from this meeting in   americans and you can see from byron's face he  does not look happy he looks pretty disappointed   moon looks like he's you know chest-faced  he's not giving too much away there so   so yeah in summary america did not get what  they wanted from south korea they were hoping   south korea would be more anti-china  um talk a bit more about taiwan um   hong kong things like that like like  the japanese prime minister did a few   few months ago but that did not happen so i want  to discuss why south korea did not bend the knee   um to americans will really so first of all south  korea needs china a lot a lot more than it needs   america and i'll tell you why number one it's  his biggest trading partner so um number two   china is right on south korea's doorstep so it's  within and south korea knows china is on the rise   and within 10 years china would become the number  one uh powerhouse in the region in the world and   it's in south korea's um it's in south africa's  interest to keep a good relationship with china   they are the biggest trade partner and and and  for having such a big superpower on your doorstep   literally trade between china and south  korea is only like one hour away by by ship   they are talking about building railways linking  china and south korea and also tunnels as well   um so there's there's a lot more cooperation  to come and one and one the biggest reason um   south korea needs china is is north korea  and south korea knows pretty well that   north korea's only achilles hill is china  china provides north korea with a lot of aid   they provide north korea with all these trade  needs because north korea is under heavy   sanctions from the us which meaning north  korea can't trade with any other country   um and except except china so china's only country  that north korea can trade in and obviously they   got border with china so a lot of trade happens  between china and north korea so north korea is   pretty much dependent on on china and now that  china's slowly becoming super rich and becoming   number one powerhouse in the world north korea's  economy is gonna increase um i think in the past   when when china was providing north korea aid  it wasn't really that much wasn't china was pre   was not as rich as it is now but um china becoming  more rich they will invest more in north korea and   provide north korea with more help and and in turn  there will be more trade between the two countries   and the other reason is china is not going to  allow north korea to collapse or north korea to   be attacked either by america or any other country  because um the the one of the reasons that china   joined the korean war is because they did  not want these imperial powers like the us   to be right on china's doorstep if north korea had  lost so it's within china's interest not to let   north korea collapse and also  his child interest not to let   north korea be invaded so china would do  anything and everything to stop north korea from   being invaded from with the us or south korea  so it's within south koreans interest to kind of   be friendly with china um because any  war between north korea and south korea   china would get involved and and you know  there's thousands of thousands of missiles that   china could throw at south korea as well as  north korean missiles conventional missiles   but don't forget the nuclear missiles as well um  south korea would be totally destroyed in seconds   if any war broke out and and south korea know that  and and forget about militarily i mean he can't   in terms of economy south korea has not been doing  very well a lot of south korean companies are   not doing very well like hyundai lg last few years those companies have  been giving very very poor results um   a lot of soft current companies are not  doing well the economy is very sluggish   and they're having the same problem as japan  they're struggling to push up the economy um yeah   and yeah so south korea needs china a lot  you know it needs china a lot more than what   china needs south korea and and being his trade  partner and as well as having you know a very   close neighbor um you know he's within south  korea's interest really and especially with china   being friends with russia as well um south korea  is completely completely um surrounded with with   china and russia and and it's within the interest  to be good friendly relationships with with   with china and america doesn't really  understand that america wants to push   south korea to be in the quad and push south korea  to be a more anti-china but they're not going to   fall in the same trap as australia and japan  and you can see what's happening to australia   the way china is punishing them where it hurts  in the economy and japan um i'm sorry to say but   i think a couple of nuclear bombs that hit  japan has completely shaken the japanese   people the public the politicians now they're  completely you know completely puppets of us and   if there's a country in the world that should  really shut up and not talk about china's red   lines like the japanese prime minister did a  few months ago talk about taiwan and talk about   you know hong kong and senkaku islands and and  things like that if there's one country that   should have just shut the [ __ ] up it should  be japan because japan was part of the hundred   year humiliation that china had had and at the  time china was poor was an easy target and japan   you know they basically raped and pillaged  china they took away their treasures they killed   and murdered so many people civilians they they  raped a lot of women um you know japan has caused   a lot of atrocious atrocities against china  and china would love to destroy japan trust   me they would love to destroy japan japan if  they had a chance you know china you know it's   not that long ago when china has not forgotten the  atrocities of japan has caused so japan coming you   know coming to america and talking about china's  red lines and taiwan issues and things you know   they're basically trying to shoot themselves in  the foot because right now china is 100 times even   thousand times more powerful than they were you  know 50 years ago when they were easy targets and   you know they can take out japan in an  instant japan's got no nuclear weapons and   you know even conventional wise china would easily  take down japan so i think japan needs to really   watch out what they say against  china especially in the red lines   and if there's one country in the world that  just needs to shut up about taiwan it is japan   and um so anyway i'm kind of talking about japan  when i should really be talking about south korea   so the other reason um south korea did not fall  into demands of of the americans is there's not   much trust in the americans really the reason  is south korea has been asking americans help   to denuclearize north korea and america has been  doing nothing i mean this has been talked about   for years and years years one administration  after another administration it's just the   same old thing they put they you know they  talk about denuclearization in the penins   korean peninsula but what happens they just put a  bunch of sanctions in north korea and just see if   that will do the trick has already done the trick  they've been putting sanctions on north korea for   i think for 20 years now or even more um has it  really done the trick no it has um north korean   um has a north korea collapsed no you know  um you know north korea will always get help   from china and china will always  uh will not allow north korea to destabilize or be destroyed you know the  sanctions are not going to help but now with um   china's um becoming more and more powerful and  especially if in the next 10 years it's going to   be the number one superpower no you can i can see  north korea's economy start shooting up because   china will help north korea a lot and and their  trade will increase and and and i think china will   build a lot of factories in north korea because of  cheap labor because at the time in 10 years time   you'll be very expensive to kind of open factories  and and labor in china so what a lot of companies   in china will do they will open up factories in  north korea open up and they'll also open up a   port which will go in the arctic sea route  so if there's a port in them going north   throughout the arctic and there will be a massive  port created in in north korea they'll also be   china is also building a bohai tunnel um from  from the city dalian which will link um dalian   and north korea to the rest of china so there are  a lot there's a lot of work happening over the   next 10 years and i can see in 10 years um north  korean economy starts shooting up and um and in 10   years american sanctions is not going to matter  because we're with them with with the chinese   money and also the digital one they can overcome  the sanctions they don't have to go through   um american sanctions anymore the digital one  will kind of eradicate all of that so promising   is also just south korean there's not much um um  trust between america and other issues as well   um american soldiers being in um south korea you  know is not good for south korea mainly because   the public south korean public is completely  against having american soldiers there so right   now south korea is paying half and america  is paying half american soldiers to be there   and and it doesn't really cause any benefit really  i mean having the soldiers there it just helps it   helps destabilize the whole area even more i mean  look at american soldiers what they've done to   the middle east can you see look how  destabilized the middle east is and   it's all down to america american you know  fighting wars over there american soldiers   being there you know it just causes more  anti-american feeling it just causes more destruct   stabilization and american soldiers being in  south korea it just causes more issues to be us   between north korea south korea and china  and while american soldiers are there there   will never be peace between north and south and  china i mean american soldiers had gone you know   i'm pretty sure that north korea will start  dialogue with south korea and china would get   involved and china would say look you know  it's time for south korea to foot you know   push aside america and start working with  with north korea and start working with china   and because we are after we are neighbors after  all so i mean that's what's happening another   reason why there's no trust between south koreans  and americans is you know the south korean public   is completely against us having soldiers in south  korea for a couple of reasons actually um number   one the south korean soldiers basically they get  away with murder there was a case when a couple of   american soldiers killed a korean girl raped and  killed her and they basically got away with murder   you know one of the things um these soldiers  have in south korea they have immunity   um so if they create if they cause murder  in south korea um they are not allowed to   be tried in south korean courts basically so um  so those soldiers pretty much go away with murder   um they they didn't get tried americans as  well they just got kicked out of the army um so   nothing really happens is you know pretty  much they can do whatever they want   and there was a and there was a few cases of  american soldiers raping korean girls actually   so and they just get away with it really at least  you know raping korea and just getting away with   it and the public in south korea just had enough  and a lot of public are saying american soldiers   being there is the co is the cause of all  the destabilization and there would have been   peace between north korea and south korea you know  years ago if american soldiers were not there so   i think what your south korean prison is doing  now um he's sitting on the fence but he's doing   the right thing he's not giving in to american  pressure he's not come out and said anti-china   he's not even mentioned china in the press  conference which is very good on him even   though i'm sure he had a lot of pressure from  americans to do to do so um so he's come out this   with a lot of respect and and china is you know  kind of respecting south korea's stance on this   um and i can see the relationship will  improve but there is still distrust there   between south korea um because because they're  housing american soldiers in their soil so   there is still a lot of distrust and i think  once if if south korea once just gets rid of um   the american soldiers you know i'm sure peace  will will kind of reign in that area i mean if   you think about it guys i mean if there was a  war between south korea and north korea i mean   have a look i mean this is south korea and they  have amazing architecture amazing buildings um   so if there was a war between south korea and  north korea who who do you think stands to   lose more is it the south or is it the north the  north is pretty much there's nothing there in the   north guys i mean it's a very impoverished  country it's third world country they have   and they barely have enough food to feed their  own people let alone build any buildings or   architecture over there but the south has got  amazing buildings like amazing architecture   they have more to lose in a war with with north  korea um and and they know that you know if   their war ever breaks out north korea with their  thousands of missiles pointed at south korea and   i'm sure china will join in with  north korea as well you know   south korea will be blown into smithereens and  all the amazing architecture they've built and   you know they'll be gone in seconds so south korea  has definitely got more to lose than north korea   so if any if south korea fights back to against  north korea they really don't have much to   blow up really um most of the north  korean missiles and installations are   hidden underground and you know north korea is  pretty much um a military military country and   a lot and all of the money they do have is this  sprinting didn't spend your military really um   so if we didn't interest within the interests  of south korea to kind of make peace with north   korea and and only one way they can do this is  to get rid of the american army and you know   american army being there they've been there for i  mean how long now for over 50 60 70 years you know   it's just and have there has there been peace  between north korea and suffering now i mean um   you know all the americans do is they do what  they always do just supply sanctions to north   korea and and that's all they can do um they never  play an active part um for denuclearization they   don't even hold any talks um they're just relying  on china really and now china is not going to help   them especially with anti-china stuff going on you  know china did try and help a few years ago when   relationships were pretty good between south korea  and united states and china did force um north   korea to kind of sign the deal and denuclearize  and things like that um and and i'm sure if china   and south korea were in better relationship  they had a better relationship no you know   china would you know try and force north korea  to get rid of their nuclear weapons i mean   if china gives guarantees to north korea look  guys you guys don't need nuclear weapons we   will protect you with all the nuclear weapons  if america or north korea the south korea try   and you know invade then we will come to your  aid and we've got all the nuclear weapons we'll   we'll provide you the umbrella and we'll provide  you with economic help so just get rid of your   nuclear weapons and open up your economy and  watch your country grow and i'm sure that could   i'm sure that could be done you know um so so  yeah i just want to kind of um give my respects to   south korean leader really um  it's a shame america could not um   get south korea to be another puppet for them um  they also wanted a lot of south korean company   like samson to decouple from china but they can't  decouple with china because china is their biggest   trade partner and they make a lot of and  suffering companies make a lot of money   in china they're not going to suddenly just  decouple because of american wishes you know um   so some i'm i'm glad this has happened really and  i'm sure china is looking into this and china is   you know thinking yeah you know these guys  these suffering guys are pretty good but   but yeah there's still a lot of distrust there  guys because you know um if if for instance   you know south korea asked china to denuclearize  um north korea and staff and and china does   everything did they denuclearize north korea  then suddenly um america comes in and and   next president comes in and is very pro-american  and he has completely different you know views and   he could be very pro-american and he could  be much more of a puppet than this guy is   like the japanese prime minister you know it  just depends who becomes prime minister if one   person comes and becomes a puppy of the american  american government he could easily say yeah you   know i want to do everything americans say  i want to decouple from china blah blah blah   and start giving out anti-american rhetoric  i mean anti-chinese rhetoric and anti-chinese   press conferences and that's what's happened  to australia that's what's happened to   japan so it just depends on who  comes and leads south korea really   but trust me it's not in best interest of safari  to do so um i'm pretty sure south korea is a lot   more intelligent than japanese and australians i'm  sure pretty sure they'll be very careful what they   do and say especially against china so let me  know what you guys think guys um and let's have   a chat in the comment section and don't forget  to like and subscribe thank you very much bye


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