Cloud OnAir Connected Healthcare Enable Secure Entry Points into the Cloud with Chrome

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Welcome. To cloud on air live, webinars, from Google cloud we. Are hosting webinars every Tuesday, my. Name is Angela Goss and today we're here to talk about connected. Healthcare enabling. Secure, entry points into the cloud with Chrome you. Can ask questions anytime. On the platform, and we'll have Googlers on standby waiting. To answer them so let's get started. Googles. Mission is, to organize the, world's information and, make it universally accessible, and, useful. Within. Healthcare and what, we share this year at hims 18 is that Google Cloud School is very much a reflection of Google's overall, mission, applying. This mission to healthcare means using open, standards to, help enable data sharing and interactive, collaboration, while, also providing, a secure platform, to. Kick things off today. Here's. A brief video to illustrate, what that might, look like. In. Business, there are a lot of moving parts. Google. Cloud helps you connect the dots use. Chromebooks with G suite to make communication more open and productive. Access. Real-time data from Google cloud platform keep, inventory up-to-date, automatically. Add. Smart. Chips to your valuable products to monitor location, and conditions, in real-time. Get, instant updates through Decimus workers out in the field. Reduce, costs, improve, efficiency, and ensure, security with remote device manager. Streamline. Operations and. Stay in control. With, connected, tools and services from Google Play. You. Excellent. So where you sit in the ecosystem, be. It a care provider researcher. Supporting. Staff or healthcare decision maker technology. Is changing, the way health care is delivered, common. Priorities for digital innovation, among healthcare systems, hospitals. And care facilities, include. Improving. The Wellness of a community through improved access to patient care be, it retail, clinic telehealth. Home. Monitoring, or other virtual, Health Care option. Reducing. The cost and complexity, of IT and increasing. Agility particularly. In the face of budget and funding uncertainties. Supporting. New healthcare business models by providing anytime, anywhere access to, patient information via. Remote and multi-channel, access, to, mobile and web applications. Strengthening. Protection and defense of pahi and other sensitive health details by, leveraging information security. In the face of new and more sophisticated cyber. Threats. Improving. The quality of patient services and business, decisions through more and better use of big data analytics, and IOT. Four. Key trends transforming. The industry, and driving, the needs for those priorities, are as, follows the ongoing, need to reduce costs, in the delivery of care, health. Care systems around the world are struggling to deliver satisfactory. Care in the, face of budget cuts and increasing, demands from an aging and growing, global population. Workplace. Challenges contributing. To this need. Are the time, and staff, shortages, as. Physicians. Are pressured to deliver an increasing, number of preventative, Services follow. Guidelines. Engage. In evidence-based, practice, and deliver patient, centered care in, managerially. Driven organizations, they struggle, with how much control they have over their own time. According. To the biannual, physician, survey only 14%, believe. They have the time they need to provide the, highest standards, of care. Additionally. The current worldwide shortage of physicians nurses, and, other health workers is 7, million, and the gap is widening some. Doctors are looking to leave the profession a mud amid burrow burnout, and low morale due to regulatory, and paperwork burdens and a loss of clinical autonomy, according, to the World, Health Organization. Training. Can also be a factor the, bgl group reports, that approximately, 40% of employees who receive poor, job training are likely, to leave their positions, within, the first year.

The. Second trend transforming, the industry, is the, increasing, threat of cyberattacks and data loss, with. Growing concerns about cyber security and the loss of sensitive information this, is changing and the risk of not overhauling. And moving forward with new viable technology, solutions is becoming. The greater threat the. Ponemon Institute. Estimated. An average, breach cost of 3.5. Million dollars in 2017. With a 27%. Probability. That a US company would experience a breach in the next 24, months costing. Between 1.1. And 3.8. Million, dollars, if you. Multiply, that estimate, per record cost for a breach across the industry multiple. Breaches combined, would potentially, cost hundreds. Of millions of dollars. The. Third key trend transport, driving, transformation in health care is higher, service expectations from, digitally, savvy patients. Today's. Digitally, savvy patients, expect on-demand, personalized. Service. Digitalization. And the implementation, of mobile strategy strategies, can no longer be approached as an afterthought, in the delivery of care and patient experience. Mobile. Is becoming ubiquitous, in healthcare playing, a significant, role as the industry continues to adopt a patient-centered. Approach. Healthcare. Leaders are now seeking to improve the patient experience through. Tailoring patient engagement strategies to, meet the expectations of their digitally, savvy patients. One. Example of this is the proliferation. Of mobile devices in healthcare as it, helps to reduce paperwork time by 60% and increase. Patient base time by 29%, and. The. Fourth key trend driving transformation of healthcare is advancing. Disease prediction, and prevention through insights and machine, learning, from. High end diagnostic, imaging systems that let doctors, catch deadly diseases like, cancer in their early stages to. Voice recognition. In the operating room which helped doctors get a better view of parts of the body while operating, technology. Has made life easier for both doctors, and patients. However. Although, AI, is a hot healthcare, topic some. Haven't felt ready, meaning. It still needs to be translated into reality, especially. In an industry, as complex. As healthcare. Among. The challenges to widespread use, are the acceptance, of AI applications, and clinical practice, difficulty. Leveraging, divergent, personal. Network devices and AI. Solutions, and. Access to quality training data on AI applications, and health and gaps and data streams. As. Healthcare. Moves beyond the walls of the hospital so, healthcare, IT must, move beyond the data center the.

Need To adopt digital, tools and develop new strategies to change the way care is delivered to. Patients and residents may seem obvious but the, care industry, sometimes lags, behind others, and its use of technology. It's. Not that healthcare providers don't want to try new innovative tools to support better. Models but, the risk of failure has often been deemed too high, the. Implementation, of cloud strategies, and digitalization. Can no longer be approached as an afterthought, in the delivery of care and patient experience, it. Will not only help meet the needs of today's digitally, savvy patients, it. Also has a potential, to impact, every aspect, of care delivery and operations, enabling. More efficient, utilization of, resources, more. Time with patients at the point of care and a, more secure and governed, working model. Like. It has in other industries, and commercial enterprises cloud-based, technology, will play a pivotal role in overhauling. Health and social care environments, providing. Care professionals, with secure mobile access to information and, resources at. The point of delivery and opening. Up new ways to collaborate and improve the quality of patient care. In. A traditional. Computing model you, would bring data to the, individual. Data. Sharing in, that model, essentially implies data. Copying. Costs. Can be high and unpredictable. There. Are burdens associated with installs. Integrations. And, upgrades. Data. Silos, detract from insights, and correlation, and, software. Deployment, can be inflexible but in, a cloud computing model you. Bring individuals, to. The data in this. Model simplicity, is king and users truly share data, costs. For services are predictable. The. Focus is on business, value, not. Managing, infrastructure, there. Is a comprehensive, patient, centric, view and apps. And compute can be done anywhere. Let's. Go back I'm sorry about that. Google. Cloud offers, many tools within its enterprise portfolio, to address, health care's digital, priorities, and the, trends driving digital, transformation, that we just discussed with. More than a billion users leveraging. Seven of those products each month the, solutions, range from storage and compute, machine. Learning and artificial intelligence. Productivity. And collaboration, to. The platform, that serves as a secure, gateway to the cloud Chrome. Enterprise. Chrome. Enterprise is a license, you activate, to centrally, manage enrole, deploy. Monitor, and secure Chrome devices running Chrome OS. The. Central management console, offers a host of features to keep your organization safe, and enable, your end-users to work smart including. Access, to enterprise. App storefronts. Deep. Security, controls. 24. By 7 support as well, as integration, with cloud and on-premise. Tools, for. Your business the. Platform, is secured. By design the. Platform, leverages, comprehensive. AI driven, threat detection and granular. Policies, to, protect your, data and your users. Custom. Security, protocols. For individuals, or groups, of users and, you can easily provision, manage and secure, devices. Lost. Or stolen devices can be disabled, within minutes. With. Over 200 security policies, that may be applied to either the user or the device, granular. And flexible controls enable, centralized, fleet, management, and updates, this. Ensures compliance of IT policies, no matter which user is accessing a device or, which device is being accessed by, the end user. This. Drives. Value for your organization. Increase. Your employees productivity by ensuring they spend less time waiting for new updates. Automatic. Manage, updates take place in the background without getting, in the way and without. Those distractions, that sometimes, you find in a local platform users. Can get more out of their day because, it is simplifies. Simplified. And centralized, resulting. In a 63%, lower. Administration. Cost overall. Then. For the end user the, platform, means secure. Application, access whether. It's a SAS, app virtual. Desktop, environment, or a favorite Android, application, available, through Google Play for enterprise, users, have access to all of their data right from the chrome launcher in the bottom left corner of the screen.

The. Platform, is built for the cloud worker when. You deploy Chrome to your care team clinicians. Become untethered, from local storage and are able to enter and access, patient records quickly, and collaborate, with the extended team and. Finally, while health care has a unique set of challenges to. Simultaneously. Deliver and protect pH I workers. Still, care about having the state-of-the-art devices, and cool features to get the job done with. Enterprise grade Hardware the, good news is we. Have both an. Healthcare. Security, is a top concern, chrome. Enterprise extends. Comprehensive, security with, a multi-layered, approach, each. Chrome, device arrives encrypted, out of the box through, Hardware back security, and a TPM, chip. Verified. Boot of Chrome OS uses, the TPM, chip to ensure integrity, of the device and tell if the OS is genuine, or not. Tab. Sandboxing. Needs each webpage and application, runs on its in its own restricted, environment, which, prevents, against attacks such as cross-site, scripting. When. Run an. Ephemeral. Mode, browsing, information, is not left behind on a device because, the profile, is deleted, immediately after. The last browser, window associated, with a profile, is closed and, with. AI driven, threat detection, Safe. Browsing reports. Over 1,000. Instances of, suspected. Malware, every, minute, by. Showing users a warning message before they visit potentially, dangerous sites or, download, a harmful app, and. Again, with AI driven threat detection in Google. Play protect, all, apps, are automatically, scanned for a malware before, and after. You enter install, them. Then. Regular, updates and patches round out this multi-layered, approach, Chrome. OS gets an update every six, weeks with, security, patches rolling, out every two to three weeks and on. Top of all that Google, hosts a bug bounty program, again. All of this happens in the background will, an end-user is at work meaning disruptions, are minimized and uptime. Is maximized. Once. Again Chrome OS becomes, ready for healthcare through the Chrome Enterprise license, which, unlocks the central management console. The. Granular, controls from the 200-plus, security, policies, allow you to customize and, curate your end-users, experience, be it in cloud. Worker or one, device to one end user assignment, mode. Public. Session, or, many users to one device assignment. Or. Kiosk, mode which, extends. A single, app on a device or displays. Information through, digital signage, the. Policies, can be extended per user or per device based. Upon your existing, and user segmentation. While. The Chrome enterprise console, provides a feature-rich, solution. We also recognize, the needs of health care to support overall, clinical and business, work clothes, as well. As legacy apps. With. That in mind Google, has partnered with top uem, vendors such as VMware Citrix. IBM. And Cisco to. Extend flexible, EMM, management, options and integrate. Chrome Enterprise seamlessly. With your existing environment. We. Also offer IDP, solutions, including, Google Cloud identity and, Microsoft. Active, Directory to, easily define a wide range of criteria and, control, which types of websites apps, and extensions. Can be accessed, by users. From. An end-user perspective, again. Workers, care about having the state-of-the-art, device, with, cool features and access, to the apps they need to get their job done a, variety. Of form factors are available to match your needs from, traditional, clamshell, to. Convertible. - and one with stylists, as well. As chrome, boxes and chrome bases. Hardware. Options include, the latest Intel processor, models with, 8 plus gigs of RAM on. Device. Storage. 10. Hours of battery life and various. Builds from entry to rugged, to premium, to, suit your use case, Google. Works with top om vendors. Including, Samsung, Lenovo. A sir. Asus, HP. And Dell so you can continue working with your favorite brand. Or, om, of record. Combining. The software hardware and management, platform, that we just discussed is how Chrome, Enterprise enables, the connected, experience, in healthcare for staff back-out. Office administrators, and patients. Alike.

Carers. And patients have better access to information in real time. Reliance. On outdated, processes, as removed, as you integrate with legacy systems and. Tech-savvy. Patients, are served with premium devices. Let's. Take a moment to discuss each one in more detail. According. To the Journal of medical health and informatics mobile, devices can help reduce paperwork, time by 60 percent and increase, patient base time by 29%. Mobilize. And connect healthcare staff with chrome devices and empower, them to deliver more seamless, care experiences. Virtualization. Allows users to access customer, clinical, legacy. Applications, and address data security. Leading. VDI solutions, from Citrix and VMware as well, as other providers, secure, access to natively installed applications, and through. The chrome enterprise, central management console, enrollment. Of the experience, takes, less than a minute. From. A user perspective free. Up healthcare profession, from, fixed workstations, and provide them with easy mobile, access to the files and information they, need on the go meaning. They, can deliver the best care and achieve. More in their day, chrome, OS is built fundamentally. To reduce downtime for workers. Devices. Boot in under, 10 seconds and come out of standby in under three. Additionally. Chrome syncs, apps policies. And preferences, across devices so that workers have continuity. And can pick up from where they left off across. Multiple devices in a day be it an exam, room hallway. Medical. Cart front, desk or, if using a loaner device and that, same. Encrypted, cloud profile, which follows one user across multiple devices, means. That one device can be easily shared by multiple users while, ensuring that their day is that by the policies, that IT, extends. Either. Way if you're following the end user or following. The device all, OS, updates are happening in the background meaning users never experience, downtime due to update notifications. Then. With that same cloud-based profile. Staff can easily communicate and coordinate a single, consistent care plan across. A team with, the adoption of G suite. Moving. Along to our second use case being. The non-clinical or back office administration. According. To Gartner and the. US Department of Labor the amount of time an average employee spends, searching for documents per year is. 400. Hours. ESG. Predicts. 1.97. Million, dollars in savings and benefits over a three-year, period using, Chrome Enterprise on Chromebooks, including. 63. Percent lower administration, costs through improved operational, efficiency. With. A fast setup and intuitive. UI users, can be productive in minutes with chrome devices by. Including, cloud enabled devices information. And files are readily accessible allowing. Staff to move away from paper documents, reduce. Filing, costs and free. Up space in the office in the, same way that we discussed with, a clinical use case, Chrome. Devices can replace or integrate, with legacy, application, legacy, systems by providing and secure access to virtualize desktops, and apps, for, back-office administrators, as well. Lost. Or stolen device no, problem, IT admins, can shut down and wipe all devices on a network from a remote location, barring. Unauthorized, access. Approximately. 40% of employees who receive poor, job training, might. Leave their positions, within the, first year. You. Can improve onboarding, and education, opportunities with shared devices and cloud-based resources. Host. Training, and instructional, videos easily. Utilizing. The familiar YouTube platform or. How is custom, training apps with managed Google Play and maintain. Control over app development and. Shared. Device public. Session mode any employee, could securely, access the data and resources, they need on any, company, controlled Chrome device at any location, providing, a more time efficient, and convenient process to fit around staff. Here. Again, individual. Cloud profiles, allow, employees to sign in from any device and only, access, the data they're permitted to see. And. For, our last use case we'll examine today patients. Are increasingly, looking at healthcare options with a consumer driven mindset on. Demand. Kiosks, enable healthcare providers to build more opportunities, for tech driven self-service, and autonomy, as well, as reducing, staff administration, time and manual.

Processes. With. Chrome enterprise power, interactive. Self-service. Stations that have a 61, percent lower device cost and kiosk mode compared, to competitors. Through. The central management console, you may deploy single, or multiple apps through, kiosk mode to, ensure guests, can only access the content you want them to see and remotely. Manage Chrome devices from anywhere to, control a network of displays, when. Configured, in enrollment, type public session mode all local. User data is removed, from the device at the end of each session preventing, unauthorized access. From, anyone else. Chrome. This. Means that chrome is an affordable reliable, and flexible device platform, that makes digital signage practical, for one screen or a thousand. With chrome hospitals, and clinics can easily deliver information and, services, in real-time to streamline operations and, enhance the patient and staff experience. On. The. Patient side use, kiosks, to improve patient well-being, through digital signage, and informative, communications. Using. Distraction, in clinical environments, has been shown to reduce perceptions. Of pain lower. Anxiety and, stress and benefit. Clinicians, by creating a calmer, environment for them to work often. Resulting, in quicker treatment, times placing. Informative, digital screens and waiting areas can help lower anxiety. Alleviate. Frustration, and reduce. The perceived wait time by, 35%. In. Tandem. With Google's CMS, partners create. Dynamic digital messaging, to, greet and communicate, with patients via personalized, messages. Secure. Public kiosks. And provide shorter wait times and a better, guest overall experience, by streamlining the check-in process and. They. Can also enable patients to order and request assistance, securely. Browse the web or, stream content for entertainment. In. Summary, chrome, can help in many aspects, of your health care organization, from, clinical workflow to business, operations, for. Care providers Chrome's. Cloud connected endpoint simplifies, and secures access, to critical apps. Reduced. Complexity, and ease of use means more time caring for patients. Fastboot. Times means quicker access to clinical information. Long. Battery life means, more flexibility, and mobility. For. The patient Chrome, provides, personalized. Digital service and more, access to information and, for. Businesses, health, care organizations, can save money, simplify. Their IT and, manage. Risk. To. Share an example of a current customer leveraging, Google cloud technologies, in health care Middlesex. Hospital has embraced an innovative, computing infrastructure, more. Than 3000 employees through the throughout the healthcare network now count on G suite including. Calendaring. Scheduling, email, instant. Messaging and websites and the, browser that powers them Chrome, to, easily and powerfully, collaborate, with one another. The. Challenge they were facing was that their, legacy solution, was not fulfilling requirements, needed to match their high patient satisfaction ratings. The. Solution, after, moving to Chrome browser in 2010, the hospital began to use G suite seeing, quick uptake, from staff and Chromebooks, were then later adopted for training purposes. To. Start and then the foot put footprint, was expanded. The. Benefits. Massive. Cost savings on their software licensing, costs.

Legacy. Browsers and healthcare applications were, still supported, including. SSO, VDI and their primary each EHR, because Chromebooks, allowed, the hospital to virtualize, essential, clinical, applications, and support. So. That's a wrap on connected. Endpoints in healthcare thank, you for joining us today stay. Tuned for live QA and. We will be back in less, than a minute. Welcome, back now we're going to take a look at the live Q&A that's come in from the audience today. So. The first question is how. Is Chrome Enterprise licensed. Chrome. Enterprise is available, in. Either an annual, license, or a perpetual. License and typically, we. Would encourage a customer, to start, the conversation either, with a member of my team or, with their preferred, reseller. Partner. Okay. What else, does. Chrome Enterprise, require, G suite. While. Chrome, and G suite work, very well hand-in-hand, and we would say that one, makes. The other even, more useful and productive G. Suite is not required, to run Chrome and it. Looks like on our next, question, which, is can I access office, 365. On Chrome the, answer to that question, similar, yes, you can access, office, 365. Through, the. Google. Play app. Which is available again. Through. The console so you can just install your. Office productivity, apps, through, the Google, Play Store, and. Then. Looks. Like we have another question can. My clinical, team use a proximity, card to login, actually. Yes so this is very popular and we, get this question a lot in healthcare a. In. Healthcare, workflows, badge, tap and go I have a badge here at Google. Provider. Or a clinician. Would come in they would badge tap in and they. Would get in to their session, securely. We, do offer a. Badge. Tap and go with proximity, cards through our partner health cast and. As. We. Continue, to expand. Our relationships. With different. Manufacturers. And healthcare organizations. To. Make the solution, even. Better for our customers, we. Hope. To continue to, partner. And integrate more solutions, that, round out healthcare. Workflows so. It. Looks like that is the end of the QA. So. With that said thank, you watching our, next cloud, air will be on July, 10th.


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