Climate Technologies Boost To Extreme Sustainability – Terraform Worlds – Surpass Alien Technologies
Climate Change Technologies Can Boost the Earth To Its Most Sustainable Phase, Terraform New Worlds and Surpass All Alien Technologies In a rapidly changing world, innovation is key to overcoming every catastrophe and obstacle. During disastrous times, innovation is boosted and people act upon the important matters at hand. Many new technologies will be developed to ease off the unstable climate and declining environment. Without natural resources like water, society collapses in a short time. This can be prevented with technological developments that are capable of stabilizing climate and protecting the environment, oceans, living creatures altogether. The Earth had been regenerating itself for millions of years, now humans have to take responsibility of their only home world. Other worlds will never like the Earth, it has all the resources and mechanisms to breathe life to other realms. Literally, the planet nor human society doesn’t need more
advanced technology acquired from the aliens to travel in space. Likewise, industrial growth has its limits, it’s been damaging and harming the planet’s life giving resources, habitats, and ecosystems for centuries. Even agriculture had caused so much damage to the planet and killed billions of animals. Animals do better in their ecosystems when they roam freely.
The biodiversity unique to each region has the power to restore and enrich ecosystems. The good thing is climate-based technologies planned to reverse catastrophic shifts can be beneficial for the environment and society if they can be engineered and manufactured with fewer materials and improve environmental conditions. There is so much carbon in Earth’s and Mars’ atmosphere to capture, synthesize with other gases, elements and chemicals to make so many things without extracting from the environment. This is how human society can become more sustainable and protect its world from great harm. Some people believe
coming changes are locked in, there is no way to reverse their pattern that will intensify each year. There is still hope, every nation has to concentrate and cooperate for the critical matter of this age. It’s not just climate change, there are many other subjects and incidents like the extraterrestrials. Extraterrestrials are literally more advanced technologically than humans of Earth. This doesn’t mean humans don’t have the potential to build a better civilization that’s more sustainable, green and advanced in other means than the aliens. Via new technologies, water can be generated anywhere in the world, even in the driest areas, with solar hydropanels. This is the movement in the right direction, society might
have finally found the path it’s supposed to follow for thousands of years. With these new technologies very large tracts of degraded, barren lands, deserts can become green, productive polycultures that support communities and biodiversity. These new technologies will improve and augment every year. More companies, communities, cities will make use of them to build up water security and natural abundance. Carbon capture and synthesis can emerge as the newest industry to make and manufacture countless products without impairing natural resources. Drought conditions are more prolonged, intense and extensive. Many regions are underground very severe droughts, this is a result of global warming and climate change. They aren’t
the same thing, but they’re interrelated. Many water reservoirs that once were flowing or filled with so much freshwater are almost completely dry now. For this reason, water must be generated technologically at an industrial and global scale. After that, drying and desert regions can be regenerated with the water that’s generated with new technologies because water, plants and eventually biodiversity have the power of natural recovery and rehabilitation. With enough water and suitable seeds, saplings, trees, many animals, richer soil filled with nutrients and organisms, the driest lands had become productive forests by nature enthusiasts.
This progression can be scaled up globally to reverse droughts, desertification and gradually climate change. Newly developed hydrogel can absorb the moisture in the air and produce a lot of water without any inputs. Technologies like this must be shared globally to produce enough water for communities to regenerate their environment as a carbon sink farm. By sinking tons of carbon naturally, communities can become self-sufficient and produce enough for themselves and for others. Farming can be a great carbon sink globally. Of course, most of the world is suffering with droughts. Novel air to water technologies must be scaled up globally and shared with communities in need. Then, these communities can have enough
water to plant many crops, commit to regenerative farming, reforestation and desert re-greening practices. Water is always the most life giving and critical resource for all living beings. It’s in great danger, nobody knows how much water there will be around the world soon. Drought conditions are amplified as a result of rising temperatures and atmospheric imbalance. There is so much water in the atmosphere at any moment, new technologies are able to extract water from the air with solar hydropanels, hydrogels, and other systems. These climate
technologies will revolutionize human society. Many more of them will be developed and discovered to tackle climate change and environmental issues. By extracting water from the air, crops, plants, trees can be grown anywhere. This can uplift impoverished communities living in desert areas. By scaling air to water technologies, groundwater pumping which depletes groundwater
reserves can be obsolete. Many dry regions rely on groundwater to carry out their operations and agriculture. Air to water technologies can eliminate old water pipes, plastic bottles, packaging, waste and carbon intensive transportation of water. Researchers have created a gel film made of abundant materials that can extract water from available moisture in the air, even in the driest climates. Open pore structure and hydrophilic nature accelerates the moisture capture process. It’s made of plant-based materials that are abundant and renewable. Hydrogels are easy to make and use. Anyone can make it if they have the materials to
produce water anywhere. It’s difficult for rain clouds to form and precipitate over large areas in most places. With new technologies like this, there is no need to wait for it to rain. Many devices can produce enough water to be used for anything, including re-greening the environment. They work similar to fog catching nets that were used for a long time. There may be moisture and water molecules in the atmosphere of moons and other planets like Mars. Air to water technologies can be used, just like carbon dioxide to oxygen technologies. Carbon dioxide can turn into oxygen to be combined with hydrogen to produce water. Carbon
is captured to be combined with other elements for manufacturing. There are many elements floating in the atmosphere of Earth and other planets. They can be captured to make many things with chemical synthesis. By extracting elements and combining them for manufacturing of parts, fuels, components, carbon fiber, water, and many other things, advanced models of spacecraft and other types of craft can be self-healing. There are many elements in the air and in the ambiance all the time for chemical synthesis.
Eventually, advanced models of crafts will make their own fuels, while they’re on the go. This would provide them almost infinite range. Even in planets like Mars, there are so many elements in the air to manufacture so many things. Plants and other organisms had been doing this for millions of years. They’ve been gathering and assembling a
lot of elements as nutrients to produce sugars, to grow, to feed the soil organisms, fungi, and many other useful materials. New technologies will mimic these processes found in nature for green manufacturing systems. Greenest areas produce a lot of water by forming their own rain clouds to precipitate frequently. For this reason, with new water technologies,
most of the world must become a self-sufficient for people to live without harming the environment. People can create new forests with new water technologies to live and grow more than they need and use. This would minimize the environmental impact of society and growing population. Back in the day, people were growing all they could to survive, saving most of it for harsh seasons. Robots will be able to produce their own carbon-negative fuels or recharge themselves with wireless electricity, also produce water from the air and transport it to where it’s most needed. There are land robots and drones that sow seeds to restore degraded lands.
Robots are getting more intelligent, they will be able to complete many repetitive, arduous, dangerous tasks. Restoring the environment with new seeds, reforestation, space colonization and many other projects can be done by robots because they’re either repetitive or very difficult missions. Robotic intelligence can be transported to other planets like Mars, they can gather and utilize the materials from the vicinity, process and combine them to make many things. They can also collect the elements in the atmosphere to synthesize chemicals, fuels, water, useful materials to manufacture and build structures. People need more fertile land for agriculture, that’s why large areas of forests had been burnt down in recent years. Robots and drones in coordination can carry out reforestation projects
in areas spoiled by deforestation, fires, pollution, and degradation. They can make cities greener, can assist in innovative missions and projects, also help in factories, vertical farms, and many sustainable industries that are in development. People require so many resources, perhaps robots can perform most of the tasks, so the environment can be preserved and restored to its most pristine state. Most of the society can be powered by solar. Batteries to store energy will be made of abundant materials soon. Grid scale storage can make energy usage totally renewable and
clean worldwide. Solar is becoming like a skin encompassing the entire world. It’s getting thinner, being incorporated into windows, facades, buildings, cars in so many ways. High-tech vertical farms can cover entire buildings in cities to capture carbon, and they can be powered by solar facades, windows, and rooftop panels. Just like forests, large
vertical farms can remove tons of carbon from the air and turn it into useful materials and feedstock for industrial use and green manufacturing. Cities can become self-sufficient, produce everything they need without relying on polluting industries much longer. Green buildings and vertical farms will be some of the most futuristic parts of cities, they will improve every year to capture more carbon and produce many useful things for the population nearby. A new sector had emerged during times of crisis, which might be climate change technologies.
Every sector will adapt to the new conditions of climate and catastrophic events. Waste is going to be one of the greatest resources, it won’t be dumped to landfills that are very bad for the environment. New manufacturing processes will convert all kinds of waste into new products easily. Waste will never end up in landfills, in waterways or in oceans.
There is so much waste being generated worldwide to build so many things. Plant-based materials might be easier to recycle or get composted. A lot of things and industries will be fully plant-based, they will grow more than they use as a carbon capture and ecological boost with polycultures that mimic natural landscapes. Cities will blend into the surrounding landscape without altering its growth, they will be more like forests than concrete and asphalt jungles. New technologies to build roads, structures, buildings, houses, complexes,
offices with materials from capture carbon, plant-based materials are in development. Cities can remove carbon by injecting the carbon captured from the air or inside plant materials. Most sectors can adapt to the new climate by building new forests as productions, living habitats, for many other uses. Not everything has to be high-tech, advanced technologies require more resources and rare earth minerals. It’s better to make and manufacture with organic compounds and materials that can be grown sustainably.
Plant-based solutions to climate change can bring out many new technologies and manufacturing methods to the global market. This will boost sustainability of every sector supplying the globe. Plants had been providing most of the resources before the industrial revolutions. They can be used to make anything by removing so much carbon from the atmosphere. Vast areas
in the oceans can be farmed with water plants that can be used for feedstock for manufacturing of many products. The people who grow a diversity of plants know how versatile they are. They grow by absorbing carbon and other elements from the air and ambiance. Various species also fix nitrogen in the soil. Most of the world, even the driest areas can become fertile, productive fields. Agrophotovoltaics uses solar panels over farmland, they provide shade to crops and increase yields, resilience and water retention. Solar hydropanels can be placed over croplands and polycultures which are better for the environment. They can produce
enough water for crops to grow, organic nutrients can fertilize polycultures designed to regenerate the environment. Solar can be one of the best supplements to sustainable and regenerative farming practices worldwide. Solar is going to be a big part of cities soon, many components of cities and buildings will generate energy, produce water, and contain new production systems that remove carbon from the air. Plant waste and other types of organic waste can be used to make carbon-based technologies from nanotubes, graphene, and other carbon allotropes. Many new technologies made of waste will be developed in the near future. Perhaps, there won’t be a need to mine many minerals by harming the environment at a global scale. Carbon allotropes had been proven to conduct electricity effectively, they can
be produced in different ways, also be utilized to make new tech components. If waste is converted into tech components, electronics waste can be prevented. E-waste is going to be as big as plastics waste soon. People buy more electronics than anytime in history. Most of the electronics, at least chips and many parts, can be made from carbon-rich waste. Carbon capture and utilization is crucial to a healthy climate that won’t induce more catastrophic events and instability. From captured carbon from the air, carbon-based technologies and manufacturing
will emerge. Most of the products can be made from materials produced by regenerative farming and polycultures that improve the environment. Traditional farming degrades the soil, deprives it of essential nutrients, fungi and microbial life. Regenerative farming and polyculture methods sink carbon into the soil, enriches the environment, boost diversity of nutrients and microbial organisms in the soil. All of these enhance the farming that can be used for green manufacturing without polluting the environment with plastics, greenhouse gases, and so much waste. After the age of fossil fuels and computers, a carbon technology future may be ahead. Carbon is
abundant, and it can be sourced from organic waste to manufacture high-tech products and components. Air carbon and waste carbon will be employed to create many new technologies. The new era in technology has already begun, people are discovering new ways to make things with surrounding carbon without undermining the environment and depleting natural resources. By converting the carbon in the air and waste, the world’s climatic state can be remedied. Green manufacturing processes can achieve this goal if they can remove and use carbon to make all kinds of products and tech components. Since carbon nanostructures are very efficient conductors of electricity and heat, they can be used to build microchips, processors, and even thermophotovoltaic cells. This new thermal electric technology converts the heat from any source to electricity, just like solar panels convert sunlight to electricity. Thermophotovoltaic
cells are similar to solar cells in solar panels. There is so much waste heat in every industry, engines run the world, and they emit high amounts of heat. This heat source can be harnessed to generate so much electricity with thermal cells that can be made of carbon nanostructures. Silicon had been used to make microprocessors, solar cells, transistors for so many years, yet carbon nanotubes can replace them one day. Photovoltaics and thermal cells can be combined to generate energy from sunlight and heat at the same time. Temperatures
are rising every year, heatwaves torment cities during hot months. Thermal cells can convert the excess heat in the environment and coming from factories, engines, and other heat sources into abundant electricity to power the grid. Eventually, the world’s power grid will be supplied with renewable electricity from many sources, energy from thermal can be one of them. Various chemicals can capture the air carbon to create new industrial grade
chemicals. They can be stored as energy and chemical based solutions for many uses. In this way, air carbon can be a great resource for industrial and chemical processes. Plastics and other materials and fuels that pollute the environment, oceans, and the air can be made with chemical carbon capture and utilization. Cities will change for the climate goals and sustainability. They will be powered by renewables
and efficient battery systems. Some cities are already going car-free. Most of the goods are delivered to small and dense urban centers that anyone can access amenities in 15-20 minutes walking, biking or urban transit. Battery systems will play a critical role in climate goals. New battery systems made of hot bricks can support the grid and recharge
with renewable energy. Hot brick batteries store the energy for a long time in hot chambers. No rare earth metals or lithium is used to make them. This new invention can be used anywhere and can be scaled up globally to support power grids. It’s made of abundant materials like sand, iron, aluminum, graphite, etc. Entire buildings can be like miniature cities that are completely self-sufficient. New energy devices will turn buildings into energy generators and storage facilities. Vertical farming can supply all kinds of plant-based
materials for green manufacturing on site. Some cities are incorporating lush vegetation to every surface of buildings, cities, walls, roofs. This reduces temperatures, heat island effect and boosts the environmental friendliness and happiness levels of cities. Energy storage
will be made of abundant materials and integrate into every building and neighborhood, while renewable energy is going to be almost in every surface like solar windows, roads. In the future, asphalt roads will be obsolete, energy generating roads will replace them. Concrete and asphalt contributes to heat island effect in urban areas, they can be replaced with environmentally friendly alternatives. Solar roads had been tested to work well,
they can generate a lot of energy. Energy will be transferred wirelessly to electric cars, trucks from wireless charging roads that get charged up with solar during the day. Roads cover up a very large area in the world, they can be energy generators just like buildings with solar windows, roofs and new integrated wind turbine walls. There is always space for climate innovation in every sector, city, and aspect of society. New energy
and storage technologies can be developed with abundant materials without destructive mining practices. Eventually, a lot of components and parts will be made of processed carbon from the air. Some companies had developed carbon fiber alternatives with air carbon that are as sturdy and expedient. Hydrogen will be one of the best energy sources to power anything soon. Hydrogen production will be scaled up to supply the demand and replace polluting industries. Seawater can be filtered out to remove the salt, then the clean water can be split into hydrogen and oxygen with electrolysis. In this way, seawater can be
used to produce so much hydrogen, oxygen, and salt at the same time. Sodium-ion batteries are going to be as good as lithium one day. Salt from desalination plants and filtration facilities can be collected to make sodium-ion batteries for the grid, for electric cars and even for electronics. At the end of the day, sodium batteries can be better and a lot of more eco-friendly than current batteries. Very futuristic and sustainable models for new cities are being drafted. Some of them will have layers of renewable energy, electric transport, vegetation, forests, parks, recreation areas and futuristic designs. Solar walls as high as skyscrapers will power the entire
city easily, rapid transport will take people across. The top layer is going to be designated for lush vegetation, parks, viewing, and recreation. Some people think that most futuristic and sustainable city designs powered by clean energy can transform deserts into livable and abundant landscapes. Many regions are getting drier and deserts are expanding every year. Nations have to cooperate to reverse this calamity as a result of climate change and rising temperatures. Futuristic, green cities can reshape dry areas into self-sufficient
cities that are capable of introducing biodiversity, lush vegetation and natural resources like water to drying sections. New thermophotovoltaic cells can harness the light and heat emitted from hot energy storage units. Thus, they can generate more energy than solar panels consistently. Renewable energy can be stored in large hot batteries that emit light and
heat to thermophotovoltaic cells that can absorb a wider band in the electromagnetic spectrum. Gallium arsenide is used for thermophotovoltaic cells with the capability to absorb infrared light as well. This material is used in solar panels on satellites, it gathers more energy from a wide spectrum of light. There is so much light reflected into the atmosphere as heat and as infrared, which is invisible to human eye. All of these can be harvested with new solar thermal cells that can be a big part of cities and power grids. Mirrors are
embedded into thermophotovoltaic cells for them to absorb the light that’s not harvested yet. Mirrors can concentrate light onto solar farms and other solar thermal devices for them to generate more energy day and night. For instance, moon light at night can be concentrated onto solar farms for them to generate energy at night. Large can continuously reflect light on solar panels and large solar farms, so they can generate more energy without intermittency.
Perhaps, light can be simulated in a loop between solar panels and mirrors, since solar panels generate energy only when sun is shining. Energy generated from large solar farms will be stored in hot batteries that can shine bright light onto indoor solar thermal cells. Thereby, energy is generated without intermittency, this new system can be a big part of the energy grid that’s going to interconnect each region globally. Batteries are very significant for
energy transition to renewables and green infrastructure. Each structure can generate energy, instead of consuming energy from the grid powered by fossil fuels. Buildings and cities can be redesigned as energy generators. One day, the waste heat and ambient heat can be utilized as new energy sources with devices like thermophotovoltaics. Solar powers nature,
it can be power every aspect of society. Forests are extremely significant for all life on Earth. When manufacturing of products switches to mostly plant-based, new forests can be grown as polyculture productions. They
can restore degraded landscapes and provide most of the resources for manufacturing. Solar energy can be converted into chemicals and oils to mass produce a wide variety of products, without using fossil fuels. New technologies will rely on bacterial processes. Bacteria, microbes, yeast can be used in bioreactors to make more eco-friendly substitutes. Biomolecule will be more common in productions. Cities and products will be more like living organisms in the near future. They will heal themselves from the elements accumulated from the environment
and the atmosphere. Bacteria can be engineered to produce useful chemicals and materials, they can substitute polluting substances common today. A lot of countries had more forests in the past, overgrazing and cutting down trees have mutated forested areas into bare. Soil washes away, erodes and becomes a barren landscape without productivity and susceptible to disasters and degradation. Countries must reforest as much as they can with native and
new species that can adapt to their climate and environment. For this, they need a lot of plant nursery to grow millions of seedlings, saplings for reforestation, also for creating new forest farms that produce a lot of useful things, not just food. When large areas that once were barren, become rich forests, water will return to the lands. This is how nature produces and filters water naturally. Without enough biodiversity and nature, there won’t be enough water, nor resources for the growing population. Eventually, Mars colonies will
implement the most effective regeneration systems to build self-sufficient and lively outposts in space. Plants can grow on other planets and soils, scientists have tested and confirmed this. It’s easier for biodiversity to adapt to new environments than a few species of animals, plants, trees in a drying terrain. Forests and forest farms are some of the most significant assets of the Earth and human society. Energy and water generating trees
will be developed by collaboration of scientists and engineers. Solar trees can generate energy, yet by absorbing the air moisture, they can also produce a lot of water to provide water for forest farms. Thus, forests supported by these new high-tech trees can organically and technologically produce energy, water and all kinds of things. Most of the construction can be done with plant-based materials and building blocks. Eventually, scientists will invent the best concrete, asphalt, cement replacements that are made of plants and waste. Currently, concrete and asphalt cities contribute to climate change, environmental degradation and resource depletion altogether. For this reason, cities have to be more like forests,
they have to be designed like forests and exist and grow in harmony with nature and natural resources. Overconsumption has to be proscribed, especially the natural resources. Without rich natural resources, the environment cannot regenerate itself, cannot regrow. In the past, many regions
had rich natural resources and greater forest cover. All of these regions must be transformed back into their most pristine form. Growing and constructing better, and bigger cities won’t solve any issues, nor make society more advanced and more livable. There is waste with great properties that can be used to 3d print all kinds of buildings, facilities, and complexes. In the future, construction can be made with 3d printed waste. Binding
agents can make all kinds of waste like a cement to 3d print entire towns, offices and residential complexes. Vertical forests can be a big part of cities, a lot of buildings can include high-tech vertical farms with great environmental benefits. People can go to stores that grow most of the things on site with high-tech vertical farms and walls. There isn’t much space in most cities, but there is a great need for urban productions and healthier options. High-tech indoor farming can be a solution for polluted cities that
strive to transform themselves into greener sanctuaries. Vertical forests as high as skyscrapers have so many benefits like enhanced ecological footprint, mitigation of heat islands, improving energy waste, insulation and reducing air pollution, provision of plant-based resources. When everything is grown and produced locally, there is no need for long distance transport. Most of the goods travel long distances around the world. This will be a thing of the past, cities will be extremely productive, convert pollution, air carbon, waste into many products. People will be able to interact with how the products and foods they buy and consume are being cultivated and made. This will bring greater interactivity, ecologic knowledge,
natural adaptation to cities. New chemical processes are being developed by engineers and scientists to remove CO2 to make industrial grade materials. Some materials used are derived from steel slag, mineral rocks, and many other sources that can capture and convert CO2 and carbon into useful feedstock for many industries. Many products and building materials will be made this way, they will remove more carbon than they emit, making them totally carbon negative. This can be scaled up globally, once the chemical processes are perfected.
Eventually, industrial processes will remove more carbon than they emit, they will also be powered by renewable energies. Cities and industries will get greener when the materials used to build and make things are carbon negative. They will remove tons of carbon during construction and manufacturing periods. This will form steady microclimates over cities and industrial zones that once pollute and destroy the global environment.
Overgrowing cities have been contributing to climate change and environmental degradation more than any other area for centuries. In due course, these unsustainable zones, where most people live and consume products could become very regenerative, environmentally benign, green and sustainable eco-villages and perhaps eco-cities. Humanity has to remodel the economic and social systems like they live on Mars now, because the Earth is turning into a Mars-like desert sphere rapidly. The new technologies and systems invented during
this time will be scaled up universally to terraform and breathe life into many new worlds like Mars, instead of destroying all life and resources of the precious Earth. The Earth has to reemerge as the most ecologically rich sphere to revive other worlds in this solar system and afar. All industries and cities will follow this new path universally, they will land on Mars and moons, not to extract resources, but to create new ecosystems, bio-habitats, where humans and other organisms can live and thrive. Rather than utilizing technologies and industries that overuse and misuse most of the resources that are extremely fragile and finite, nature’s regenerative processes, species, and organisms can be employed to build thriving, productive ecosystems. Many species that were going extinct as a result of deforestation, environmental decline will be reintroduced back into many regions to carry out their mission of environmental restoration. This effective strategy can be applied to
cities and anywhere on Earth. The biodiversity always restores and enriches the environment, as well as natural resources, enhances microclimates that reduce the impact of climate change and other issues. Technological improvements and inventions are required to create a stable climate globally, yet natural solutions have been proven to be more effective against all the global issues in any field. Nature, when it’s designed properly, has the power to breathe life into anything. It’s a biological machine that’s been evolving in the combination
of many organisms for millions of years. It works better than all technologies. For this reason, it’s better to make the industrial world more natural than technological and industrial than it is. Industrial growth is the wrong path for the economy to grow, it can grow better by enhancing nature in every way possible. People don’t actually need that many products to live sufficient, fulfilled lives. People are happier and more satisfied
when they’re in tune with nature, in cities, in their homes, in their workplace, on the streets, in play areas, in parks, and anywhere else. Oceans can take in more carbon than forests and plants. Marine and coastal ecosystems in oceans like seagrasses, tidal marshes, mangroves, and other marine habitats take in carbon into their roots and store them in sediments below. More coastal ecosystems like these must be restored and grown to sequester more carbon and revive these once thriving ecosystems.
Ecotourism can bring in more revenue to many countries if they can transform their lands into ecological wonderlands. Some countries were able to reverse the damage and pollution caused in a short time. So many people visit them to see and experience their ecologically rich areas that are shrinking around the world. They still have a robust and technologically adequate infrastructure, ecotourism brings more revenue than all other sectors. This
can be the path to follow by all nations. Every state can be remodeled after the richest parks and forests. Even in desert regions, there can be rich ecology and regenerative agriculture and green manufacturing can operate inside designated areas and facilities. Vertical
farming is getting to be more high-tech than many other sectors, agriculture, growing plants, reforestation, green cities can be more technologically advanced than other sectors, as well as more ecologically thriving. Oceans cover most of the Earth, thus they can be employed to so much carbon easier than other systems. By restoring marine ecosystems and preventing overfishing and destruction of marine habitats, oceans can remove more carbon than all forests combined. Soon, space telescopes will detect new worlds and moons in different star systems, probably suitable for terraforming. Of course, these endeavors will be established here in this solar system first, beginning with the Earth. The Earth is in an environmental downfall,
it must be restored and preserved as a biological library to be able to introduce life into other spheres and star systems. Some master gardeners believe that the Earth can gain more forests than it’s been losing if speciation is scaled up globally. It’s a system for forming new species that will become new forests that are more productive and favor humankind and the environment altogether. This is called speciation. Everything is changing all the time, nature is changing as well. It’s not a constant entity encompassing the Earth, it changes seasonally and with the impact of human population. By constituting many
new species that will benefit humans, animals, the soils, and the environment, many new forests that will swallow cities and surpass industrial processes can be developed. Technologies will be made this way by growing new forests instead of destructive mining and resource extraction practices. Feedstock and minerals used for technologies will be growing with species that were either genetically enhanced or selected. Microbial activity must be invigorated, like in rich forest soils. This activity enhances the nutrient storage
and benefits that are essential to all life forms. Traditional farming had been degrading the soils and killing all the microbial and other lifeforms. In the future, every industry has to grow very rich forests consist of many species to produce all the feedstock and materials required. Without this, most of the world will be depleted, there won’t be enough to get by for all nations. Most of the buildings will be designed as vertical forests where people can work, interact, learn, grow, live and produce anything with the resources that are grown nearby. There won’t be a need to transport tons of goods long distances,
new cities will grow most of the things they need. They will basically be self-sufficient forest farms empowered by green energy, manufacturing. Most of the natural solutions to climate change work better than technological ones. Of course, a good level of technology is required to
fully resolve this threat. Soil microbes and fungi are essential to wellbeing and productivity of all life forms and cropland. Most areas around the world had been degraded due to extensive farming, overgrown cities, roads, industrial zones and so forth. This has to change, people have to restore the previous ecosystem that existed there, including rivers, lakes, ponds, forests and all others. Vertical farms inside so many buildings as big as large
cities can soak in so much carbon and convert it into useful supplies. Carbon from the air is absorbed with photosynthesis, this process can be used to capture most of the carbon that cause climate change. Of course, there isn’t enough land for this, so vertical farms can capture more carbon while producing feed. Eventually, they will be able to produce
high grade and high-tech materials like graphene to make new technologies. It may be difficult to grow anything in deserts, yet high-tech vertical farms can produce many things and can be powered by renewable energy like solar. Vertical farms are energy intensive, but they can reduce their energy usage by incorporating channels that direct sunlight to shine over crops. Sunlight can power very large solar farms to power vertical farms, it can also be channeled with fiber optics or other innovative methods like mirrored ceiling bulbs. There is unused and abandoned space in many urban areas that can be utilized for vertical farming.
Some companies already use plants to make most of their products. They developed manufacturing systems that only use plant-based materials. Perhaps, vertical farming can supply plant-based industries and manufacturing indoors, just like growing a variety of plants. By boosting biodiversity, rather than killing it, cities, and industries will get to be more productive and environmentally benign. An incredible amount of carbon can be captured from the atmosphere if most of the products are made with plant-based materials derived from eco-rich polycultures designed to enhanced nature. Most of the carbon from the air can easily turn into biomass to be used for all kinds of things, even for industrial processes.
Some ancient civilizations had been growing very dense and rich forests consist of the most used, eaten and beneficial species. They were able to grow the richest and largest rainforests. There are many civilizations lost in them. Apparently, some rainforests are man-made food forests. This means that humans can plant very rich rainforests that are completely self-sufficient, with the ability to condense moisture in the air as rainfall and create water flow to nurture themselves consistently. Renewable energy and forest productions will be combined to create the most sustainable cities and sectors ever imagined. They will have canopies of growth and yields. New technologies like mechanical trees are
already developed to remove carbon with catalysts that bind to carbon dioxide. They can remove more carbon than normal trees, this carbon can be used to make industrial-grade materials. Captured carbon dioxide can be refined into carbon-neutral biofuels. Most trees take in about a 3-6 grams of carbon dioxide a day. Mechanical trees can soak in about 83 kilograms a day, this is a pretty big difference. A forest of mechanical trees can do a better
job than ordinary forests in removing carbon from the atmosphere. Mechanical trees use less energy than direct air capture systems, they can be easily powered by solar and wind. Solar trees generate energy and water from the air. When these two technologies are combined, solar trees can generate energy, water, also capture carbon from the air continuously.
They can be one of the best technologies to deploy at a mass scale. Some cities already have solar trees. Solar water generation is going to be one of the best systems to produce water from air moisture. Cities consume so much water and energy, they also emit too much carbon dioxide. Solar trees designed to capture carbon and generate water can make cities more sustainable. These technologies can be integrated into buildings for higher
production. Captured carbon will be used to make so many things one day. It’s a very versatile element that can be processed and combined with other elements to manufacture many things. Biofuels made with captured carbon can be carbon-neutral, they release the same amount of carbon when it was captured. Algae will play a significant role for production, carbon capture, biofuels and to make regenerative technologies that improve the environment. Algae grow so fast, a lot faster than other plants, it soaks in more carbon to provide many chemicals for industrial usage. Algae
can be used to make so many things. Large algae ponds capture more carbon than technological solutions. For this reason, it might be more feasible to invest in natural solutions, since they can actually capture more carbon, also provide a great amount of resources for every industry. Algae biofuels are carbon-neutral. A variety of algae is very nutritious as food and feedstock. Algae bioreactors are being installed in many places to remove pollutants and purify the air. Buildings are being designed with algae panels that capture carbon and
provide fuels and other resources for the community. Biofuels are used to generate electricity, other substances are used to make industrial grade chemicals and materials. Bioplastics can be made from algae. Algae grows so fast in large ponds to provide the substances to make bioplastics, biofuels and so many other things. It can be a good substitute for traditional plastics that cause pollution. Bioplastics can be designed to decompose in a short time, some of them can get composted. Eventually, bioplastics that decompose in a short time,
will replace traditional plastics and packaging. Plastics had been polluting the environment and oceans for decades. They must be replaced with eco-friendly alternatives as soon as possible. Algae bioplastics can be a good substitute. There are also plant-based, sugar-based
plastics and packaging. The processing of them will improve with more research and testing. They can be combined with other materials to be as good and durable as common plastics. Algae oils are very similar to crude oil, they’re mostly carbon. This is proof that plant-based alternatives can replace fossil fuels sooner or later. Captured carbon or
plant-based materials can be processed to make graphene and other carbon allotropes that can be utilized for microchip and electronics manufacturing. With great research and development, these new chips and components will be faster and more efficient. Life forms operate with bioelectricity. Nervous systems consist of so many neurons that transmit information with chemicals and electricity. Technology can be more efficient, self-healing and intelligent
when it’s designed with organic materials that can transfer electricity like in biology. With this achievement, technology and biology will merge to create new organic and biological technologies to achieve any goal, without harming the environment. Everything can be made with organic substances derived from plants. Technology will harness this highly evolved mechanism of nature for more efficient, smarter, living electronics, bio-robots that can cleanse the planet and the air, also produce organic resources. New technologies, solutions, systems, infrastructure are being developed with the dedication of many scientists, engineers, and companies to tackle climatic and environmental issues.
These new technologies will be able to improve by time, and they will re-terraform the Earth to terraform and regenerate many worlds in this solar system and afar. That’s why this is the most critical time in human history. Climate change has shown that the planet is in grave danger. It must be reversed or stabilized by any means necessary. Natural resources are depleting extremely fast, they must be restored naturally, technologically, with new solutions and with the cooperation of the entire world. Differences, animosities must be discarded to unite the human society to act upon the biggest issues that will determine the future of the planet and humankind. Tons of new technologies and systems are in development
at this time. This is just the beginning, obviously these new breakthroughs will bring greater good than anything imaginable or ever experienced. There is so much carbon on Mars, perhaps in many other worlds. It can be combined with other elements to manufacture anything
in space. Plants were grown in space, they can be employed to breathe life back into many worlds. Other organisms would come after. The microbial activity in the soil must be very rich, this activity supports all life forms and regenerates the environment. Very
barren lands were restored as rich and prolific forest ecosystems by master gardeners. Sometimes, you don’t need too much technology to achieve a goal. Natural water generation with forests and ecosystems can work better than technological water generation that condenses air moisture into droplets. By creating the correct forest ecosystems in the right places, rivers can be generated without technology. All kinds of plants can be genetically engineered and
altered to produce the right results, which is more carbon sequestration, more productivity, faster growth and other improvements. New forest farms can be created with genetically enhanced species of plants and trees. These new regions integrating this diversity of bioengineered species can be a buffer for climate change, as well as produce higher yields. Buffer zones can restore natural water generation as flowing rivers. New cities will
incorporate the greatest climate technologies and solutions to emerge as buffer zones and sponges. They will absorb more carbon than they emit, enhance the surrounding environment and forest cover, rather than clearing it for construction. Once pristine ecosystems, rivers, forests were displaced by roads, highways, buildings, gray infrastructure in many cities. They can be restored by removing most of them, right in the heart of the city. This will upgrade cities’ sustainability and environmental friendliness. The diversity of species always improve the environment and can create new
ecosystems that are more resilient with the capability to sequester more carbon than other areas. Therefore, the diversity of species must be greater in regions that are getting drier every year. By introducing greater biodiversity, these dry areas can be redeemed. Their natural cycles will come back, rainfall will be more often. In a sense, the Earth is required to be re-terraformed with great biodiversity that will restore every region into its most stable and abundant phase. One day, the rivers may run dry, all the water reservoirs may desiccate. Large scale solar farms and batteries can generate pure water from the air to create
new rivers, so freshwater reserves are secured. Without this, there won’t be a way to generate enough water. The planet must be restored to its most pristine form to continue to generate freshwater naturally. If this doesn’t work, other solutions and technologies must be deployed globally. There is so much carbon dioxide piled up in the atmosphere that can be captured to make CO2 batteries. This new battery system compresses CO2 to store energy. It’s made
of abundant materials like steel, CO2 and water. It’s very efficient in storing energy for the grid, it can be deployed anywhere easily. CO2 batteries can solve the energy storage issue for the power grids worldwide. This technology works in room temperature,
unlike cryogenic batteries. Solar and wind farms can store the excess energy in CO2 batteries that can supply energy during low point hours. Carbon capture and storage will get cheaper by time, CO2 from the atmosphere can go into CO2 batteries that support the global grid.
All the energy and climate technologies must be deployed worldwide to make a difference in climate and global environment. Hence, they must be affordable, made of abundant materials, generate enough energy and get stored effectively. Everything requires energy to operate, so the energy and material sectors are going to be where the innovation is. Lithium-ion batteries require rare earth metals like nickel
and cobalt. CO2 batteries don’t require any rare earths at all. They can be better for the utility grids to store energy from renewables. When carbon dioxide capture is in full operation and improved to be more efficient and compact. CO2 batteries can be installed in buildings, cities, residential and commercial complexes and anywhere in the world easily. CO2 in large tanks are compressed and condensed into liquid carbon dioxide for
storage. During discharge, liquid CO2 evaporates and powers a turbine generating electricity. The turbine’s exhaust fills a dome with gaseous CO2 at ambient temperatures and pressures, returning the battery to its initial state. Carbon dioxide can be compressed into a liquid at ambient temperatures, unlike cryogenic storage units that require very low temperatures.
CO2 batteries won’t ever require rare earth metals that cause supply chain issues. Using CO2 from the atmosphere for energy storage is going to be one of the best climate technologies. It hits two targets at the same time, removal of CO2 and energy storage. Perhaps, they can
be designed to remove CO2 into large tanks, then power turbines with compressed liquid CO2 all in one storage unit. Every city and industrial zone can make use of these new battery systems that are more environmentally friendly than any others. This same system can be so compact to constantly compress and liquefy CO2 as an energy storage and generation unit. After that, it can be used in more compact and smaller applications like housing, transportation,
facilities, manufacturing. With artificial photosynthesis, more carbon can be removed from the atmosphere than plants do. Chemicals used for many applications can be produced by converting and synthesizing captured carbon with artificial photosynthesis. This field will get better with greater research and experimenting. Many types of foods can be produced without farming, which consumes too much water and takes up very large tracts of land. Currently, acetate used to make many things is produced with artificial photosynthesis.
New applications of artificial photosynthesis don’t require sunlight or any other lighting. Chemicals and substances are produced in complete darkness. Acetate is fed to plants for them to grow in complete darkness. If crops are grown inside dark rooms without sunlight or lighting, energy usage will decrease significantly. Foods can be made without needing sunlight, led lighting, fertilizers, soils, land and any farming practices. Basically, a lot of industrial grade chemicals derived from plants,
foods and other substances can be made with artificial photosynthesis more efficiently. Bacteria are utilized to produce acetate that’s used to generate large amounts of biomass with less resources. Making of plant-based materials may not require farming one day, artificial photosynthesis systems can provide the best and most eco-friendly substitutes to materials used today. If artificial photosynthesis systems are scaled up, they remove more carbon than current carbon capture systems, probably more than all forests. That’s because, a lot of things can be made this way. Carbon can be synthesized with many elements to mass
produce useful chemicals and organic matter. Many things will be made this way in the future. Most of the carbon conversion systems are in development stage. They will become a reality one day. Skin tight clothing will generate enough energy from movement to power personal devices like smartphones. Clothing will be smart, they will follow commands, generate energy in different ways like body motion, sweat, temperature change, sunlight, and other ambient sources altogether. They are going to have embedded electronics to make them smarter and generate the energy needed for personal electronics, so they don’t have to be plugged in. Personal electronics can be charged up with smart clothing day and
night. Human body can generate enough energy to recharge electronic devices. Smart clothing will be like smartphones, they will be able to complete many tasks. Most of the devices won’t require plugging to recharge, smart energy clothing will provide the charge. When human body generates enough energy for many devices, it will be like the most efficient battery system. This new technology can be one of the best and most useful climate solutions. When people themselves become batteries to power their devices, there won’t be a need to plug in. Solar charging can’t be as efficient and perpetual like energy from human body. Clothing will have many applications, just like smartphones.
It will be like superpowers when people wear clothing that generate energy, offer many versatile applications that can perform many tasks. The smartphone era may be over, with smart, generative clothing that can cover the entire human body as a bodysuit. Scientists are working on fabric that generate energy in many ways, as well as solar and ambient light altogether. All of them combined can generate enough energy for smart clothing that are as useful and innovative as smart devices. It’s annoying to plug in devices to charge every day. One day, they can recharge wirelessly via energy generating clothing. Perhaps, there won’t be a need for lithium or other types of batteries. Any type of device
can be powered by energy generating bodysuits one day. Batteries, plugging to outlets, will be useless when people are the batteries and the main energy source themselves. Clothing will be able to warm or cool the human body, ambient temperatures will generate energy thermally as well. Thermal devices are capable of generating electricity. Human body has a constant temperature that can generate a lot of energy with thermal fabrics. This new field can be more innovative than smart devices sector, because smart clothing would be able to generate its own energy without batteries or plugging. With this new technology, any surface, wall, roof, road, machinery will be able to generate so much energy to power buildings, homes, offices, to transmit energy wirelessly and so on. Solar nanoparticles
can be tailored into clothing, walls, roofs, surfaces to generate energy. Moreover, energy from thermal can be incorporated into surfaces for free energy from ambience. Energy will be free one day, every surface and device will generate its own energy from various sources. These new technologies can be used to make energy and water generating, carbon
capture trees that can be installed anywhere, in every city. Solar trees are more efficient in energy generation than panels, because their leaf-like panels extend to cover a larger area than traditional solar panels. They can be designed to produce water from air moisture. Just solar itself isn’t going to supply the energy needs of society, all the climate solutions must be scaled up globally.
There are many regions tormented by droughts and desertification, they cannot grow anything, nor have clean water. These regions can be regenerated with air to water production systems. They can grow crops and trees, eventually plant large forests and production fields with water produced from the air. People were always an energy source, they have so much potential, especially during these times of crisis. Everything people do, bodily motion,
warmth, activity can generate energy with clothing woven with energy devices. This will revolutionize every sector. Companies will design products to work with clothing, instead of smartphones and other types of electronics. Humans will become the newest and most efficient
battery systems. Robotics will generate energy just like other sources and people. Robots can operate with solar, this is how satellites operate in space. Robots can be programmed to assist in environmental and climatic problems that are intensifying every year. They can continually plant trees, water and take care of them. New forests can be planted by drones and robots, they can also nurture them after. Robots can generate water from air moisture
and transfer this to the soil. Back in the day, animals used to assist natural growth. Forests were taken care of many animals and insects. Many new forests must be planted to create microclimates that can stabilize global climatic conditions. Robotic technology can be designed after climate and to support nature. Space colonization will be done by robots that generate energy from ambient sources, water from the air, and nutrients from the ground, air, sunlight combination. Robots can create livable habitats for people to travel in space and colonize easily. Most people wouldn’t be able to survive the harsh
conditions in space and on other planets. However, robots can be transported anywhere in space to construct self-sufficient and regenerative environments for people and other organisms. There is great research about super lattice structures to generate energy, also compute better than semiconductors. They can be made of atom thick lattices like carbon
or other elements. By changing the electrical charge, they can mimic elements like lithium, helium that have electron count difference. Super lattices can mimic other elements used for many industries, they can generate free energy, filter anything with adjusted cavities. Many elements used for the switch to clean energy and infrastructure can either be produced or mimicked with super lattice structures in a variety of forms. Free energy is abundant in the environment. New nanostructures and lattices will generate free energy everywhere, upgrade civilization in every way possible.
After this, most of the technologies will be powered by human body, instead of an external energy source. Energy sources cause massive pollution, also they had been inducing climate change. They’re unreliable and caused so many problems. The best way to generate energy might be the human body. Human body transmits electricity in its nervous system to conduct
all of its operations. In fact, it works with electricity. Why can’t it generate enough energy for most things that people do and for their devices that provide new features and attributes to their lives. Sooner or later, clothing that generate energy from the human body will be able to power devices wirelessly. Thereby, it won’t be like the Matrix scenario by any means. Humans won’t be in cells filled with liquid, attached to wires. They’ll be totally free,
2023-05-07 14:19