JOJO FUN - обзор Gamepad площадки на BSC первый IGO - Fate/Origin blind box NFT sale

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hello everyone, dear friends, Kirill Sookast and petruha and welcome to the Crypto Gamers channel today, let's talk about the JoJo platform - his jojo and petruha are great Kirill hello viewers hello to the next launch pad platform the gamepad can, so to speak, crossed with a token copper currents to us so socially - differently they call it that that video our video about hedgehogs this can be said about his older brother or younger brother for clifford it's hard to understand which of them was 1 2 but the essence is about the same we see here it is all happening to us for finance marchi we don’t see how many tokens there are how many sozhin how many addresses they store how many followers they have on twitter in the telegram that is, quite active comments like this we see that they are marketing here or birds hye mi fai yes pay turin all this interesting the project is not entirely new, that is, it is already has been on the market for some time, we can see their road map already that he has a phase at first launch men tokens all this was burned there oh don't climb It was unclear what this would lead to, the most important thing is that now it is the platform of gamepads itself that is starting, yes, this is the launch of new games that they help launch to launch their own token of their oil, how everything will be formalized, we will now tell you what will show, let's figure it out together yes, actually, that's why we are interested in this platform because we already have good experience from the project eat, and because the system is exactly the same, so we are great to record a separate video on this topic before starting what it is, that is, it can be called it exists they have various oils it happens and its genesis is she has some bounty so we have a bronze server of gold there for the task they are given genesis for this here is an example here we have farmer's as they can and they are different motley there are on the market you can see them all looking at the market including the market we expose naturally at a decreasing increasing price and choose the original ones, but we can choose the leads farmers nuts Dr. engineer knight and study For example, the coolest scientists see $ 9000, but now it's worth in Tokyo, explain what the difference is, before everyone understands, yes, that is, each oil of a different grade has hash power and the so-called one that allows you to stink at the junction of some they farm tokens for you, and by going to the navel tab on the left we find the genesis of the mft pool here we have here for a glass of farm it brings in all mining hashrate 100, we have the option to increase the hash of 6, that is, if we glass 4 million tokens here, that's about $ 3,000 yes, now this farm will receive a multiplier x 2 x 4 will cost so on 68 and so on we see that 8 will help to fall asleep in one and oil them either we increase the multiplier or leave it, but it's all up to your discretion budget see for yourself what yours are goals at the moment we are interested in 1 time to immediately explain what gives the network for the stakes in general what it gives in order to understand the general meaning of this because there are 336 there are interest multipliers and yes, for example, for example, what we did we bought were such boxes of nabi nancy and you again opened them from it when you opened them there were six different incity, the rarest of them was the saber widget it gives a thousand hash rating it all didn’t work the nominee could not be withdrawn, just a few days ago, they launched it 6 earned and a new floor opened, so we got out to kick something, bought something on the market, took 8 places and and gave your servers a multiplier they became 2000s of the world and in in total we have ten thousand went this here we see my mining another 10,000 now here there are always indicators that 1000 hash rate per day will give this amount of token of and at today's price then about $ 44 per day you think about kei wow here there are 8 such shaders there, plus a multiplier, it's already decent there for the money if you look at the market dates, don't forget and take it on the market and fan, here we choose a filter, here it is and a saber from decreasing age that here, that is, 1000 dollars 1100 and so on, we took them a little cheaper because before the token was a little cheaper too, but the point is that we do not take this in order to just farm tokens, but here the gimme platform of the gamepad is turned on, but here we see boxing and game bass, let's start with game bass, and this is their first partner, the first game that is launched on their platform, it is called faith origin, you can click here to go to the website to see what it looks like to read the description when the phase starts we see which ones there will be hermeneutics the phoenix werewolf bunny here wedding clothes with 4 types of nfc and this will be a game pool loaf in the near future will start how all this will happen that is, there will be a phase here are five phases of sales of boxes from this project buy boxes we see here there is mount there is pet there are wings there are clothes before or a fashion for you by accident it will cost so timidly 04 bambi will not be sold for 1 that is, you press the buy button, this mask pops up but we confirm we are waiting to speed up the transaction how will it go we can press the next random box will get into these boxes there may be 10 types of incity mounts 10 types, so apparently everything is already beautiful with animation with different gradations written how many of them will be in total what hash rate then everything is quite transparent and understandable we are happy and then receiving these intestinal infections a special pool for this game will open where for their steaks we will farm the tokens of this game, or now we need to immediately understand that tokina and not george will farm attacks on the game itself, and here is just the same there you can see the platforms eat and there is the same, that is, everything was originally there is a Yoshi platform there are already various projects these are cats this is a star moon and as you can see they were also launched, we told about this that there is a bad box and, accordingly, here we got for the joint or and what it brings you can see something like how it looks, then no one says that it will be exactly the same, but this is an example Wrong attention to how what works, that is, you can watch our old videos, we will eat more there and will tell you in detail, but here are our results, yes, there was the first platform, and on the x quad we bought boxes, so it turned out that we got out there I managed to get the cska lipstick there cuttings buy the best he left the rest I sold on the market I scored 8 places somewhere before farming then started the token here it is dx to the token it was now sold for a dollar now it is already sold for about $ 5 or $ 4 and now it turns to show that mine money cash power 1350 3000 money cash a pair per day I will receive today has a token price of one hundred and six dollars per day definitely not bad, this turned out to be pleasant passive earnings, that is, there you decide to save up you are waiting if you enter a glass of sugar and a network, that is it all works without any call [__] of you can accumulate tokens improve yourself here increase the hash rate in the same way the multiplier because we see how many more 100 pins are in the field Alos this is at the current price of 12 million, that is, we can proceed from this, there is not enough for you, you can go to the market for a multi account second address and let's go ahead and clarify that these crystals behind the racks can be used in the game, that is, that the old aligator ft which is used not only here for farming, this is Perry's initial task, that is, the project has not yet started, but there is already an application of these info I gave birth with these cats, but I forgot to tell these crystals of ours, that is, we were getting income somewhere in a month somewhere in a steak. fixed but then the market for these cats was launched separately so he was here mind the genesis of the whale we put these crystals here and got such cool cats of different kind and on random which will continue like the original ax as a nefig oxide and I know how to call them differently it will be possible to play well, whoever does not want it is also a secondary use market crystal remained cats got sell fix you go out find it at but then you harm there if you like the project, you can leave something you can again tormunda you, too, too, as if the project has not yet descended the system is exactly the same here comes again a steak no one will see how much we earn per day, probably my head is by and what we managed to buy only four pieces got one silver 1 bronze each two of these mice steaks only 620 manning power and we draws to us a day, and from 1000 it would be 100 dollars too, but we can sell it right now, but for now we don’t need it so give it to she again to george now, that is, you know, what kind of system, that is, it will be similar here now, that is, as if the project of the same george is not in this, it looks like now there will be a plan of boxes five phases on one 3 800 for the next point 3 thousand sales that is, the present is even less for according to snips 200 with something yes there are 300 thousand boxes and the price becomes a little more expensive and the trick is that, as it were, anyone who wants to can buy absolutely anyone, as if there is nothing limiting, only one box I bought it in my hands because they will remain clear, you can see what kind of project we will look like, but I think you can write it down under a separate vidos, or you can see for yourself, as it were, the trick is that he helps George to launch such projects and what Eat platforms and that george's project will have no idea how many games are known, that you have two more projects already, as it were, launched, but still do not know which ones and who knows by the way open but they just tweeted 10 hours ago, here we see length x quad starman and here are two projects, they also sketched the logo in black, you can probably guess somehow from the silhouettes but who knows, write what kind of project it is because it’s interesting what will be there in george, it’s like 12 12 projects they are going to be like for the leaves exactly according to such a concept, but such a model is actually, in principle, but if we compare yoshio on the principle of a very cool plan of the fact that it is interesting to apply immediately what you can for streak n some initial profit is obtained in the form of a token further than the network, like the game itself, it turns out that you can somehow either stay with the project or try to fix the profit, and from this, of course, such topics will please gladden, but probably someone wondered why you took the north there for whether the information has passed that there will be such an exclusive ollande at the racks of 10,000 hash in the first game, let's hope that we will get it for the sake of the face the whole bet we have passed this there is a chance not very big there just whoever has 10,000 hash chefs as we already have there randomly someone will be given within five days, that is, maybe in the first days everything will be distributed, maybe they will not give it here, as if there is a plus, but just look or strengthen a little in the project with these sliders that to farm passively is a token because who is in Yoshi watched who he came with us this project, I think more than once I have not regretted it, so we naturally don’t tell them to me that something needs to be invested don’t invest because you know the investment this is an individual matter, everyone there already understands and their own decision so they compare that with her di gioia edp this is a type of shiba inu pluses fm he that is, who knows these tokens what is this and axel henney then fatigue game game bass everything together, that is, they are so completely aggressive, they have such marketing, but they also have a large user base who usually like to play on fly into projects, that is, I wanted to find this kind of pro 12 games, but this is rarely published objects aggressive policy in the sense that they said that there was something with the hedgehogs was not connected that they seemed to be in an affiliate program, legs were banging coins because like projects like similar denunciations, yes yes there was an airdrop here you could take your own brushes for a steak like teach them some other incity and and then yoshiki from them will be unscrewed from them, we said we are not official partners, but the blockchain principle is cool that the name incity is the standard of different projects can also be in your project I’ll use them and lure you one another, but I would like to tell you about the bounty that thanks for reminding me here is a bounty such a bookmark before you eat suddenly you decide to buy tokens be sure to take the longing from here you can take the longing for example here I am see took away here silver gold, that is, we take these all three melancholy silver gold and bronze somewhere there is a swap before fights and shades of swap and we will buy it and that maybe you will not go through yet hung up you will buy this token when you have it to buy here, because they are loaded sometimes we copy this address and with pens and here we insert it just now you see then it pops up and you can, when buying, let's say for one bambi you just have to wait it will load I don’t have enough money, but after all, which again, for example, there is also a flash of this token that at each before a transaction it burns out, a part is distributed among all the user, a part of the burning part is fed, so you must always be here with whether it is paris and basically it goes from about 20 percent here with the handles we put 20 to maybe 15 will pass, I don't remember, it seems like at 20, just as if you don't have the opportunity to sell, an error pops up here, slowly increase these three pairs step by step it is we go more vessels for pancakes from api to a gear and here in a separate field we write 15 or 20 percent from the keyboard, and then everything will pass for you, I’ll show you a video of the game on a river, but in general we will tell you a little about the breed. you just need 2 to 2-3 projects, as if in one video, in fact, it 's like playing and shutting with Yoshi, a new project, so eat until the last one, but they also attached themselves to the system, but that is, you can take these genesis of the original two of them to combine and get an egg from which the baby then appears, for this little she we see him on the market here here you can have them to her first, here he crush the eggs and sell there it iv on your child to her of an these are those that were from finance or tea, these are those who are born from two original ones they receive an inheritance body parts you see different body parts you give everything I am an ax Komi not even properties this property you see 36 10 different body parts each part adds a hashrate to him this child there are several basic plus this is all he is after all violet, apparently some kind of epic manning hash rate of 718 turned out, but this is for his own definite on the one who wants to fight like this and farm some other use is not yet visible here is the genus and by clicking on the parents, for example, the parents are a knight, we see here that how many times it will bring the breed of kaunda three times is possible and now he has an interest in marine, then that they wandered 2 to 600 and turned out 707, then before us it turned out more turned out on another less we will put on more no, it’s okay, you couldn’t work for you over 50, but we didn’t harm, to be honest, we’ll say there’s a brad system while I didn’t really understand it, we plunged into a slightly different task, but it is present in food and by the way there is no such thing, that is, there is no brad system there is also mechanics burning you can also farm like vershoks and eat an angel here there is a miracle gamer so -called put here some 4 of his original ones and on that day this is the day when they start and here call [__] works we burn and with a probability of some we get 600 you are such a mess and her gamer what else what else are you at least some kind of video so that we show hotels and you just let the top seem like a simple project to me in terms of what to as if it should be a separate video, but just that these are just a combination to watch just the gameplay for interest, someone may like the project you never know because I'm not sure that we will shoot a separate video directly, as if the games are developing, of course I do not really like these genres but maybe by the way let yourself play a little bit the opinion will be different, but this is that the play is already connected, of course, not the most top-notch, but at least the development of blockchain games is already visible, this pleases because before this games, let's say, more clumsy were now there are at least different genres appear from soon to be of course, already next-gen are completely projects and maybe this game is one of them who knows yes we never forget that we are not lazy trying even if it is not much to our liking, take there a kent of 10 20 dollars try to participate because as we know the project is loved by their early adopters a doctor at an early user will somehow reward somewhere will come somewhere will not come but how to support the industry before checking that is test giving your feedback can be yes and say that this game has gone in the right direction is wrong because we are developing this industry, we are interested in real gamers from ordinary games to move on the elevator games and game maidens from large offices become thoughtful and start to release games with the economy in front of us in the hands of the players, not everything is opaque on their servers, but I think when the type starts up there or the veranda of the garden is already old, then I think it will be possible to really look at this whole industry how everything I really works and whether it will be такие крутые проекты да там что-то участка бой на слуху а не на виду будут эти проекты реально как бы продвижением в дальнейшем каких-то был очень направлений либо таки проект еще пока просто физически не готовы то есть мы пока поймем это к естественно это будет оценки к том как зарабатывать там и педали то есть как бы сам процесс будет это интересно как минимум и так далее я думаю это надо все друзья потом это в деб ри начинаем уходить но если кто то кому то интересно мы оставим резку на на ее кому жалко залетайте по ним здесь вот есть какой-то leader board кто там всех круче реферала вода может быть нам кантины стежка за это упадет вам с вас не убудет так скажем так и наверное все ставим лайки подписываемся и до новых встреч да друзья и вы обязательно напишите кто залетел еще в ёжка просто интересно от нашего первого видео и всем пока пока


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