City of Tomorrow - Smart Building Technology

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It's. Happening, here and now. New. Urban, landscapes, are emerging, before our eyes. But. What will our cities look like in 20 or 50, years. Will. They be more livable, or is. Urban, improvement, merely, a utopia. The. Answer, lies and intelligent, planning, innovative. Building technologies. And urban. Greening. Today's. So-called, smart cities are the proving, grounds, for the cities of tomorrow. Singapore. Is a leading, business location. And on its way to becoming a so-called smart. Nation the. Small city-state barely. Twice the size of Vienna can, only grow in one direction, upwards. 96. Percent of Singapore's, 5.6. Million inhabitants, live, in high-rise buildings. Sustainable. Construction is, encouraged, by the government since. Water energy, and, building, materials, are scarce, Singapore's. University. Of Technology. And design offers, classes, in sustainable. Architecture one. Of the professor's, comes from Austria, and then, the courtyards. And all this open, void, spaces in between but. He can also see that the concrete elements. Are shaped in different ways and these features, also provide shade to. These parts of the facade Singapore. Since we're almost. Exactly, on the equator with, most solar impact, on the east and west facades, and that's, why here, on the north and south facade, we, have very, long stretches, of facades, because, there's not much solar impact, but, then when you look at the ends here, here, here. All the East and West facades are very small so, they don't have as much solar in fact in the ends. The. Facades, overhanging, metal, and concrete elements. Shield, against, the tropical, heat the. Design allows for sufficient. Daylight, inside, while, also providing, shade, and protection, against, rain in recent. Years architects, have also increasingly. Focused, on greening. Singapore. Riptide by says essence consists of Cape Singapore, is often, called Asia's, greenest, city the. Tropical, climate plays, an important, role as it helps the vegetation, to grow quickly, in. Turn this green component, has a positive, impact on the climate in the city, for. Example the shade provided by the many trees helps. Keep the sidewalk, and Street pavement, from getting too hot. And, the, green facades have a similar effect, providing. Shade to keep building temperatures, much cooler than they would be otherwise the. Temperature this, is ensemble of Heights with a myth he left relative, cool side. Plants. Over grow skyscrapers. Forming, lush vertical. Gardens, that benefit, the microclimate. And quality, of life this. Urban. Jungle, is a low-tech solution, for climate issues the. City's green buildings, make Singapore, an international. Role model. The. United, World College, is a certified. Green building, the, huge campus, was developed, with sustainability, as the guiding principle. It. Is only 8 a.m. and the outside, temperature is already 30, degrees, Celsius, in tropical Singapore. With. Staggering, amounts, of energy used each day to keep this city's air conditioning, units running the, school leadership was intent on finding a less wasteful. Alternative. For keeping the classrooms, pool. In. 2012. One of the world's, largest solar, cooling, systems. Was installed, that was developed, and tested in Austria, on the, college's roof high performance, solar collectors, produced, boiling, hot water even. With the few sunlight, which often prevails in the tropics. The. Solar plant can supply, the entire. Warm, water needs of this school, it's boarding, home and canteen. In addition. The solar heated, water is used to pre cool the classrooms, as a, result, the school building, uses up to 60% less. Power for, electric, cooling than the average, building, in Singapore the. Plants dimensions, are impressive. The, solar thermal collector, field has the size of approximately, 3,900. Square meters. It. Is a bigger system the. Solar thermal system in Singapore the. Heat produced. By the solar. Collector, view is, transmitted. To the. Storage, tank via, a network of pipes which is approximately, 2,400. Meters in, length 30. Minutes, before classes start, the chiller is activated.

To Convert, the hot water from the solar collectors, into, cool water via. Evaporation. It. Is pumped into a network of pipes to pre cool the classrooms, thanks. To its state-of-the-art facilities. The school has achieved Singapore's. Highest, green building, certification. You. Have to reload the whole page in. The northern hemisphere buildings. Must be heated in the tropics, they must be cooled these, researchers. Have also developed an experimental, concept. For, cooling, buildings and are able to test it at the school an office. Building was built according to their design. In. Singapore, if you want to look at energy efficiency in buildings you're going to immediately point, to air-conditioning it consumes about 60%. Of the, building, stocks electricity, consumption in the country we're. Looking. At adopting, very thin compact. Air conditioning systems that are more energy efficient. A developer. Who builds a high-rise building may. Not be, as incentivized, with energy savings as they would about saving, space either making things large or more atrium like or perhaps. As three for two is putting more floors into, the, standard space of two or three two three four two so, that's in a nutshell the. Concept, what we've done here is build, a pilot, to demonstrate, this technology. The. Building design concept, was developed at the future cities laboratory, a testing, ground for futuristic. Research established. In 2010. In Singapore, as a branch, of the ETH, Zurich. Over. 100. Architects, urban, and traffic, planners, engineers IT. Specialists. And historians. From 29, nation. Are here, to plan the cities of the future a young, engineer from, Austria, is assisting, the project, group for building, cooling. The. Closer altitudes tution Comet silence is the big difference between, conventional systems. And r34, - concept, is. That we use water based cooling, instead of the usual air based design. This. Has several key advantages, for. One it's more space efficient, because we use relatively, thin water pipes instead, of large air ducting, and a selectman, my plus is, more energy efficient due, to water having a much higher heat capacity, than air to fill vinegar, in a key of cabinet animals an infrared. Camera shows. Where the thin pipes carrying, cool water run along, the ceilings, these. Replace, the large air ducts used in conventional air, conditioning, systems, as, a result, three, floors can now fit in the same space as two with. More and more people living in cities and climate. Change as well as urban heat effects, causing, temperatures to rise an, increasing, number of high-rise, buildings, will, need energy, efficient, cooling systems.

Sensors. Installed, in the school office. Provide the researchers, with continuous. Real-time, data the. Data can also be accessed online by, scientists. Anywhere, in the world allowing. Them to take virtual, tours and to learn from the pilot building in Singapore. Digitalization. Rapid, data transfer, smart, software and, high-tech, electronics. Are revolutionizing, the, field of, construction research. New. Imaging, and simulation. Technologies. Are being tested in glice Dorf Austria. Because. For me this meant we need to get the entire side of the facade to, clearly distinguish, the windows and thermal bridges. Right. We need to watch the trees myself. Personally in causing concern it is. This. One-of-a-kind, research. Project, started. During winter, the, early morning cold presents, the ideal, conditions. For the high-tech cameras, which, are mounted on a hot-air, balloon, their. Job is to capture, color, and thermal, images, of entire, city, districts. The. Researchers. Are systematically. Scanning, for hot spots or buildings. In need of improvements. They, are much easier to spot from a bird's eye view, as. It soaking on the hot spots in a rush to hot spots or what we call areas in a city where energy efficiency. Is, low, this. Can be due to heat, losses and facades, or roofs using. The wrong energy sources, for heating and so on. There. Are a number of criteria for, defining a hot spot so, we. Need to analyze the information in. More detail. Technically. Advanced, drones equipped with, infrared cameras. Are used in the second, part of the research project. Thermal. Imaging, from the hot air balloon has identified, the city's problem, zones but. These must now be surveyed, in more detail, using, the drones. These. Are the color and thermal, images. The. Aerial, images, are fed into image, processing, software that. Was developed in Austria, specifically. For this project it. Generates, a three-dimensional. Model on which the thermal images, of each house or entire, city districts, are superimposed. Detect. AF Nami Hutton recently, he fled the 3d, imaging, offers a major advantage, not. Only can i view an individual, facade but, also the building's corners, ledges, eaves, and roof I. Can. Identify all, the hot spots and thermal, bridges from a single image and, I can also rotate, the view to more easily determine, the needed improvement. Decent. Young's Muslimin a Kanan interface, in the. 3d, analysis, identifies, energy, losses the, simulation. Software, recommends, the necessary, improvements, this. Provides, valuable, information to, city leaders and homeowners. Alike. The. Need for improvements. Is huge. Nearly, half of all buildings, in Central Europe date, to the post-war, decades in, captain. Baird - the focus was on building quickly. And cheaply, today. A pilot, project is underway to, test a completely, new renovation. Method, that does not even require residents, to vacate, the building.

The. Method is being tested on an aging, building, dating from the 1960s. The. Former energy guzzler. Will be turned into a modern, plus, energy house, that, produces, more energy than, it consumes. Ready-made. High-tech. Facade elements, containing the building's entire, technical, systems, are being, installed, on the outside. It took researchers, over two years to develop the prototype. This. Is a Shinichi. It's. Great when others, acknowledge, that you have created something innovative. The. Prototype, will be tested, on the building for six months, with continuous. Monitoring, and optimization, the. Curtain wall will envelop the old building's, exterior, heating. And insulating. It and even, producing, electricity, and hot water from, renewable, resources. Each. Pivot, circuit, thus. The. City to climb convinced. That, this will be the future of construction. From. Planning. To the building's equipment all. We do will. Be based on ecological. Sustainability, on, disputes if not the, future will be Belize it's so. It. Would be irresponsible of. Our profession, intact, otherwise. The. Prototype, has proven successful, and, the multifunctional. Facade, can now be permanently, installed. Water. Pipes power lines and thermal insulation are all, integrated, in the prefabricated. Elements it. Takes only a few weeks to complete the renovation. The. Newly adapted building, stands among its outdated, neighbors it, is able to generate nearly, all the energy, it needs using. The components, integrated, in the curtain walls and roof the. New facade, system, benefits everyone. Inhabitants. Owners, and environment. After, two years of testing on the building in Captain Berg the, new system, will go into series, production. Austrian. Know-how, also, provides, a win/win effect for Singapore's, Changi, Airport. A hub. Serving, over 60 million annual, passengers, it is ranked as the world's best, airport for, several, years running. Lighting. Specialists. From Terrill have developed, a unique daylight. System for Changi Airport, to ensure a sense, of well-being, the. Key innovation is located, on the roof often. Unnoticed, by travellers, moveable. Panels are positioned, above each of the 900. Skylights, of the departure, hall the. Panel's open and shut, like butterfly. Wings, depending. On the time of day angle. Of the Sun and, weather situation. To, let in the right amount of natural, daylight while, keeping, out the heat, aluminum. Reflectors, help, direct the daylight and thousands, of perforated, metal panels, hanging, from the ceiling, disperse. The light to maintain, perfect, daylight, conditions inside. Artificial. Lighting is only, used, at night. The. Light management system, not only ensures, traveler, comfort, but also saves, power for, lighting and cooling, so, additional, costs, have been recovered, in only five, years. The, high-precision reflectors. Efficiently. And equally. Disperse, light without blinding, the. Innovative, system, and its Tyrolean, developers, are now, known around, the world. Cities, occupy, only 2%, of, the Earth's surface, but. Consumed. 75%. Of all resources. Clearly. We must change to a more sustainable lifestyle. That, consumes, less energy and natural resources. Animations. Show, what a smart, city might look like in this case on a futuristic. Walk through, God's. The, Styrian state capital, is receiving, a new landmark, the, science, tower which, is being erected next, to an event hall on the former site of a steel plant.

The. Tower will stand like a sculpture, in the heart of a new smart, city that, will be completed, piece by piece by. 2024. As its. Name implies the. New science, tower will also function as a technology. Laboratory, new. Energy, technologies. Are being tested on the building and soon, it will house research, companies, and startups. Focusing, on green technologies. Built. In the present, the tower symbolizes. A more livable urban, future, while. Providing a view onto the city emerging, around it on the 400, hectares site. We. Are in God's universe, it, didn't with sage 2010, in Graz there are 60,000. Students attending, universities, and, a, number of leading international, companies, make their home hard, disk. I am NOT in sukhasana overall. Styria, is currently, the region, with the highest research. And development, rate in Europe if you want income, and I think that's because we've, been able to build. A fertile environment for, it if is be at all so, I don't think it's a coincidence that, this smart cities project is happening, here in Graz smart city playa kangas, it's to it. The. Science tower is an impressive, new landmark, and the centerpiece, of smart, city cots one, of several hundred, urban development projects. In Austria. Funded. By the Austrian. Climate, and energy fund, the, project, is unique in Europe, a metal. Collar installed. Atop the 60, meter high building, provides. The supporting, structure, for its innovative, energy glass. The, almonds for tea known as the estimated mid for shaved equation, we first looked into him what technologies, might fit in the tower ten years ago starting. With the facade. In a billion. Dollars well we learned that we could use it to harvest, energy and perform, energy management functions. So. We developed a totally new glass technology on. The basis of work done by Professor great psychic last evening key person. Though of thinking from core physical ooh it's modeled after photosynthesis. Meaning. It can harvest light energy, like plants but. The energy is converted into electricity, whereas, plants use it for, metabolic functions, and to grow this, energy electricity is used to power the building systems I mean any, access can be stored or fed into a power grid which once. Many buildings can do this it. Will be like David versus, Goliath with, lots of small power plants, replacing, the jobs the. Commands I'm closing off to give mr. song a Tom Kha figures hits income two. Years after groundbreaking. The tower began functioning. As a small, power plant. At, ground, level 12. 200. Meter deep holes were drilled to. Use geothermal, energy. Around. The towers exterior, to thin glass layers, each only 2 millimeters. Thick hardened. In a salt bath at, 450. Degrees and laminated. Next. Ultralight. Photovoltaic, modules. Which follow the Sun. Circumnavigating. The building every 24, hours. They, provide sun protection, and produce. Electricity, and at. The very top the peak innovation. Revolutionary. Energy glass. With, dye sensitized. Cells. Invented. By the Swiss chemist, Mikhail gratzel, the, cells absorb sunlight, via, dye pigments. Instead, of silicon, to produce electricity. As. With into a big gallon so con when we began designing the building energy, glass, was purely in a research stage from, the first natal, cell back then measured only in one square centimeter great. Potential, but much too small for a facade of an effete took Lana money facade it so we didn't know if it would be ready in time plant but, we were all convinced, that it was right technology, on a shelf above, Yvonne a little funny but Zack does is t technically 50 facade is the.

Cells Generate, electricity. Even in diffuse light with, excess, power fed, to a micro, grid in, the near future electric. Vehicles will be able to charge their batteries at, the foot of the tower in the, meantime the, building's first occupants, have moved in they. Have big plans for the highly, livable urban. Future that, is coming into being on the idle, industrial. Site no. Doubt encouraged, by the latest, innovations, in building. Technology. It's, when you won't defeat least those. Who we considered, a lot of different potential solutions, you. Could describe the process, as moving, two steps forward and one step. Back and. It's not finished yet, because. In the years to come the, science tower will, continue, to be used for testing and implementing, new technologies and. Conveyed, to him Oh Oh stupid.


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