So. First of all I just want to thank you all for coming here this evening everyone. Here was invited. And selected because you're either leaders, in design. And media you are you, are part of the Adobe family or you are independent. Professionals, we admire or you snuck in but. We're really we're really one, going back we're. Really we're really happy to have you here and I think one of the best things about events like this is you meeting each other and building, the, community in London, also. By the way we do have some of those appreciated. Behance members, here as well from London and so welcome especially welcome to you so. I'm really excited to talk about a few, thoughts I'm, gonna did a very good introduction here I'll, start with the obvious design, is more important now than ever before but. Why when. You think about a, brand at this point is ultimately, an experience, but it's not an experience, across one medium it's as experience across every, medium we. Reach, customers, now through mobile through, web increasingly, through new new interfaces. Whether, it's voice or, augmented reality and, it's. Never been more important it's also never been as difficult to create. Across so many formats, at once designers. Are more in demand than, ever, before and every, business these days almost. Across every industry talks, about design as a competitive advantage and, we'll talk a little bit about that this evening but suffice to say design. Is becoming more and more important, and so are you. But. Also there's another rallying, cry that we have aside from just outfitting, the professional, designers, and creatives of the world with tools that, we make at Adobe, increasingly. It's also this this notion of creativity for all making. Sure that our products are more accessible to more people any, of us who remember the first time you ever opened up a product like Photoshop. We're totally, daunted, and by all these tools and we didn't know how to use them and so that's something we have to become better at we also want to build tools that students, and everyone, else can use if.
You Think about the. Literacy, education, we got growing up learning, our penmanship, and learning how to write and read and learning how to use a word processor the. Same should be true of design if, you think about the future where. Labor. Will be increasingly, automated and commoditized. Creativity. Is the most uniquely human asset there is right and we have to outfit, students, to be creative we need to outfit people too to be more creative in their in their jobs and and, to stand out at work to stand out at social on. Social, and so, it's it's important that our products, are multi-surface, that they work beyond the desktop that, they are collaborative, they're more inclusive, and they're more accessible and so you're gonna see a lot more from us at Adobe in those, areas over, the coming years I, also. Want to sort, of say something. That's a bit controversial, especially in front of engineers but. I think, it's true that the users experience of Technology these days is even, more important, than the technology, itself I mean, first of all if you think about how modern, technology, companies are built these days using, code it's available in, open-source, and other services, you put together to make a product work it's, ultimately, the interface, it's the users experience that, interface layer that distinguishes, a product. And experience, and a company and. So it's again, another reason why designers, are being empowered in technology. Companies in consumer, product companies really. Across industries. So. There's no surprise that we're. Very focused on the field of experience design of Adobe XD, is, our big bet we, are thinking about the, most, powerful, cross-platform, tool. That, people can use for first. Screen design UX, UI design, but, we're also trying to think about where those designers, need to be in the future whether. They need to be designing, for other new. Entirely unimaginable. Interfaces, as well whether it be an augmented reality or, voice and, we're actually starting to think about how do we make sure the designers, are outfitted. For that future if. You think about the history you, had, print. Designers you know working in quark and then InDesign. Graphic. Designers illustrators. And then the advent, of the web came about and some, made, the migration, and embraced, this new technology, and created for the web and learned how, to do that and some didn't and then, once again web went to mobile some, made the leap and some, didn't and now again we have new mediums like, VR, and AR and, others and again we're going to have to help people bridge and embrace, these new mediums for, their own benefit for their clients and for the rest of us let's. Run a quick video on XD for those of you that have, not seen it with your own eyes. 60. And and. You notice in there that we've, done a few different things we've made prototyping. Part of the design process so it's. Not a third party tool that you have to connect, with it's actually embedded in the design process we've, also baked, in a lot of animation, tools, we've, learned that, modern. Designers of experiences, one also control, with detail the animations, that their customers, are going through and so you're gonna see a lot more of, all of those technologies, coming together in XD we've. Also built XT to be a platform we, recognize that we're not going to come up with all the ideas and, all the tools, that experience. Designers need many. Of you are and and. So we've actually launched a 10 million dollar fund to help developers, of plugins. And other surface, services, that integrate with the. XD. As an experience design platform and we're. Already seeing some remarkable. Things from some of our early partners in this area so it's an international, fund if. You or anyone you know is building design tools and is thinking about how it would be. Compatible with the rest of Creative Cloud with products like Photoshop, and XD, and others you. Know this is this is something that's interesting to consider.
Another. Problem. That we see, in a lot of our customers, workflows. These days whether you're an independent designer, are working within a big company is this. This, this this, need to create, things across many different formats, and many different devices but, have consistency. And control over those experiences. And so, we call this internally content velocity, the, idea that whatever you make needs, to instantly, work across many, different regions and languages, and devices, and formats and experiences. And, so, we really a lot, of the roadmap of our products now is around, boosting. Your productivity, in doing that and making, it all connected, so that when you actually update, an image somewhere or fix a typo or replace an icon it updates everywhere, and propagates immediately, and it, just helps the team work together and it. Helps the experience, be, better and really what you intended, so. Designers, I would, say are finally, at the center I think they've always been very important, now you're seeing more companies founded, by two when, I meet with entrepreneurs, around the world and especially in Silicon Valley you'll see so many companies that are either founded, or co-founded by, designers, you see companies that, are putting designers, on the executive, team letting them have a seat at the table and. I think with this opportunity, comes the responsibility, for, us to make. Sure that we become. Better managers of, process, and become more organized, and become better leaders one. Of the things that I've, been passionate about over the past ten years is is, actually helping designers, be, more organized with the ideas, that they've already got there's. Always this been this obsession with creativity, but, how about the, business practices, of design, the, 99u conference, which, I only mentioned in my intro is, all about outfitting. Designers. As leaders and I think that that's something you have to take into account as you you know get this opportunity to influence the organization, that you're working in when. We do polls, of hiring managers of. Companies and we, ask them what is the talent that you are most seeking, who. Are you trying to hire the most of now. 87%, of of, these of these folks in, especially. Technology companies are saying experienced, designers, and I, think maybe 10-15 years ago it was definitely engineers, maybe even more recent than that the. Tide has turned experienced. Designers are rare, everyone's. Realizing how important, they are in every, part of the business and again. It's just such an opportunity, but. With that we, also have to figure out how to make the, design process more inclusive, it's. Interesting how design, teams used to be these isolated, teams that would throw things over the wall when, they were done with something and get something, thrown dock to them to, make it look better and it's, just complete, opposite, now everyone. Wants to have a role. Some, sort of role in appropriate, role as a stakeholder in, design, and this, has to actually be reflected in the tool itself when, you're sharing prototypes, or when you're sharing any. Sort of work who, are you sharing it with is it a developer. Who needs the design specs, and needs it all kind of partitioned. In the right way for him or her to to bring. It into life or, is it someone in the legal department that, just gets to comment and circle things that are an issue that. Sort of stuff really needs to be considered, when it comes to how teams collaborate, and, it's something that we're all thinking about so. That's, just a little bit about XT. And why, designers, are so at the center these days and what, that means for, our careers and for the fields but. Now I want to just shift a little bit and talk to you about what's, next, what are we most. Excited about what are our product, teams in the labs working. On right now that, we really think will. Change our, careers and also just the world that we live in the. First I like to call connected, creativity, and it's. This idea that in. Some ways we're still chained to the desktop, we, are expected to do all of the professional, creative work literally. Sitting in front of the desktop and unless you are an Instagram, photographer. Or, someone in the social media world that's, largely true still except. That's not really where creativity happens creativity. Obviously strikes us wherever we may be wherever. Me may be inspired and the, fact that you, can only use Photoshop, at the desktop and everywhere else it's either some, half way half big version of Photoshop or something different altogether just, doesn't make sense and so we're starting to think about how do we bring our products, to, other devices as, systems, and how, do we make it so you can pick up right where you left off how can we start really delivering on that value of Creative Cloud to, actually, have a cloud PSD, rather, than a PSD and.
How Does that allow you to work, with other people and in unique ways how, do we have your assets always at your fingertips wherever you are it's. Amazing there's a there's. A there's an app right now called Adobe capture, that some of you may have heard of and, we just added the ability of identifying, a font so, you like literally you take it to any font that is interesting to you you take a picture it finds the font for you in Typekit it syncs it to, your Creative Cloud library across all the different tools that you use that's. An example of connected creativity, and we need a lot more of that artificial. Intelligence, so, this word is thrown around a lot and it's, made to sound very scary, for. Us in the vertical of creativity we, think about AI and in a simple way we, look at the way our customers are spending their time and what, you do all day every day and we, actually have. Measured, in different, verticals, how much of your time is being spent on redundant, repetitive. Annoying. Work and we're. Thinking how can we start to automate. Some of that with, technology, and with algorithm, is whether it's masking, out the hair in a photograph, whether. It's putting. Metadata, tags across 5,000. Photos from a photo shoot that. Kind of stuff can be done with AI and. So for us AI boost, your productivity, so. That you can spend more of your time creating. And, so as you see a AI hit, our products, in features. That's, what you're gonna say you're gonna see that, you're gonna spend a little less time pushing, things around and we. Like to call it like at a creative assistant, imagine, someone you could just kind of hand things to and say hey come, back to me when all 5,000, pictures are tagged and then imagine that that happens in three, seconds that's. What we're talking about so that's the potential of artificial intelligence and creativity as we see it voice. So. Voice is becoming a bigger thing if. You think about it it is the, simplest interface of all I have, two kids who can't, even possibly, find their way to Spotify, but, they can say to Alexa, play, me you know some, Taylor Swift song and they, can do it it's amazing, how accessible, voice is as an interface and so we need to be able to design for, it and, when a new medium like this comes about at first, you say oh I don't know you know that's probably, not my thing I don't want to learn a new tool and then, you'll find that clients. Or. Your company will say we, want this but as a voice application, and. They will look to you because, a lot of the same logic that's used to design modern. Applications, is the logic you would use to design a voice experience, and so we're actually going to be bringing voice into, some of the products that you use today like XD, and it's. Pretty exciting, it's also gonna bring. Up all sorts of questions like, what is the default. Response. When you say something if I say order batteries you know what kind of batteries do I get if I say order a car what kind of ride, sharing service, shows up by default and so these are actually some of the types of problems, and, issues, that. You as designers are going to have to also face, and. It's just it's a wild wild west in terms of voice how, to design for it and and. What it actually means from a customer experience perspective, and, we're excited about it. One. Of my favorites that were really focused on these days is augmented reality we. Were on stage last week with Apple at the big WWDC. Conference, and, we, were there to answer a simple question if AR. Is a big deal if we're gonna experience, the world around us with this augmented, layered information, that tells, us what restaurants, to go to how to find someplace how, do when we go into a store find, our size what, the how, to fix our dishwasher, when it breaks all these experiences. That could be done, in augmented reality but. None of its going to be possible. None of the art that we could experience, and discover is going to be possible, none. Of it will be possible unless creatives, can get their work into it and so. Apple. Came to us and said we have you know great. Hopes for devices, and how they might help, you discover AR experiences, but we need to help creatives, and developers work together and so, we announced something called project arrow and instead, of telling you about it I want to show you it let's throw the video.
So. Project arrow what, did you just see you saw someone in Photoshop, creating something really cool designing, all these butterflies you, saw them bring it in a dimension, turn, it into a three-dimensional, object with. Incredible, level of detail and texture there. Was some animation, that was added through After Effects and then, it was published through, project arrow into. Xcode and so developers, were actually able to bring this into an AR experience, triggered with, someone's iPhone and this, is just the beginning I think we're going to be walking around sooner. Than we think, discovering. Massive. Mile-long art projects, and and an. Entirely, augmented. Experience, everywhere, we walk so, it's exciting, it's augmented reality for, us and and. Then, last but not least another. Thing we're thinking a lot about is, FX. In design, with. This again. With all of this opportunity, comes out responsibility, I'm, reminded, of the the. Notion of the Hippocratic oath in medicine, and how doctors, while they make a living doing what they do at. The end of the day they're serving the best interests of the patient and they sign this Hippocratic. Oath when they enter the profession, and similarly. As designers, the question is what, are our responsibilities. For the end customer experience. There's. These use of things like dark patterns, that get people to do things they don't intend to do hiding. Things that you don't want customers to see there's. Just so many different things. That could go wrong in design, in, terms of how people feel, like their data is being used everything, else that. Again designers are in the position to influence, and, so, it's one of those conversations that, Adobe is starting with a number of different partners what, does ethics and design mean how, do we make sure we build that conversation. So. Creative Cloud is the underpinning of all of this it, is not only the suite, of products that we offer you but, it's also how they function together it's how these underlying services, make the assets connect, it's, how we allow you to take something and make it and then bring it into something like project arrow and. And. To also take the work you're doing and bring into new mediums like voice and I. Think we're in the early stages of our Creative Cloud actually can be and should be and so we're excited for you to stay tuned, at max this year in October our big creativity, conference which I guess, 1% of you will go to because, there's only about a hundred people here but, it's it's really it's an incredible, moment. For us to share kind of the latest and greatest across our entire product line and there, are major, updates, to most of our flagship apps across the board and a, lot of them are geared towards productivity, just making. You able, to create more create better faster, so. A lot to look forward to there o, end. With a very cool initiative. That we are doing in the, second, year, of this Adobe hidden treasures, project. In this, case we went to Bauhaus, Dessau which, was a very. Well known Institute. That. Was for a period of time shut down leading up to world war ii and there were some incredible fonts, that, were under development that were basically, lost. At. That moment in time and we. Figured we'd take on the project of bringing him back to life let's roll the last quick video showing you what I mean. Only. 14 years after, its birth the, iconic. Bauhaus, school of design was. Shut down by the Nazi, regime. Many. Treasures, and unfinished masterpieces. Were left behind, lost. To the world. Founded. On the central idea of training a new generation of artists, to create a better world. Bauhaus. Laid, the foundation, for modern. And changed, creativity. Forever. But. In nineteen thirties Germany, the. Progressive, ideas, of the Bauhaus were, considered, threatening, and the, schools closure became, inevitable. But. Sometimes. What's. Been lost to history. Can. Be brought back. The. Influence, of Bauhaus, lives on and, now you can. Design with a piece of living history. So. It's kind of like typography. Meets action-thriller. But. It's it's. Exciting I mean these fonts are available now on Typekit with Creative Cloud and it'll, be fun to see what people make with them. You.