City Council - July 17 2019 - Part 1

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If. I can ask members of council, to please come into the council chambers. Okay. Members, account so if you can please take your seats this, meeting is not resumed. Members. If, I can ask you to ask you to please rise for a moment of silence, and. During. This time please remember Holden, Nalia. Thank, you. Members. We have two presentations. This morning the. First is, to recognize Diane. Young chief executive, officer, of Exhibition, Place on her retirement from the city of Toronto I would. Like to call upon mark, Grimes to come forward for the presentation. Thank. You madam Speaker and good morning we. Started the meeting off yesterday with a kind. Of a sad note in order starting the second day of said we're losing another another, great one this morning we said, goodbye to Chris Brewer yesterday but. Today I'd like to recognize Diane young as she's retiring after a remarkable 31, years 31. Years I career, at the City of Toronto including. 22 years as the CEO chief executive officer of Exhibition, Place I had a chance to talk to Alan Tonks a couple weeks ago at Diane's retirement, party and he, asked her to come down in 1997. On a temporary, assignment, to Exhibition Place where she went on to stay for 22 years and what. A great 22 years it's been Diane, that. Has accomplished a career, at Exhibition Place as, the CEO she played a pivotal role in the development transformation. Of the site into a vibrant meeting and entertainment, destination, and just. A great example of some of the things that have happened here recent. Concur with the collision three-year deal she signed with collision to come to Toronto putting us on the world stage was amazing, but there's been so many to mention, Diane. Led the way for exhibition, was become a world leader in environmental, stewardship creating a legacy of sustainability. For years to come for those citizens. Of Toronto. Under. Her strategic, leadership extra place is now home to BMO Field the. Raptor practice early cocoa Coliseum, to Maine a few and, has hosted major sporting events for this city one. A couple years all the Pan Am Games which, is absolutely fantastic because, on the world stage the FIFA, under-20 Men's World. Cup Women's, World Cup Winter. Classic the, great many great cups we already had a couple great cups their dynamics. Form long-term partnership, the private sector enterprises who, contributed, substantial, substantial capital. Investment, into our city of a structure making excellent place the largest, largest, entertainment and convention, site in Toronto, the. 192, acre site attracts over five point five million visitors to Toronto and, is. An integral part of tronto. And santaros economy, and his exhibition place former. Chair and deputy, mayor Joe Pantalone II taught. Me very soon. Into my. Term. On the boards Exhibition, Place not the CNE grounds it's Exhibition Place so we, had a going-away party for Diana was absolutely remarkable the. Amount of tenants that came up and wanted to speak we. Had Ward roll our singing solicitor, who I don't fuse her this morning but, he brought his guitar and saying that don't go Diane you've probably got a copy that on sale Nicky's. A mammoth let's see one of our big tenants there came and spoke former mlc, employee. Bob hunter was also there. The DiDonato Nick and Pat were there to talk about. Diane's, legacy, former. Chair Joe, Pantalone, II he, was there and, Alan Tonks was there who put. Diane back there in 1997, but, last but not least Henry Kalin hotel acts he spoke and I know this was Diane's baby I did. Were reviews with Diane over the last couple years and she, really made it clear that she wanted to see this thing open and hang.

Around Just make sure that God opened and Diane it, is open and if you haven't been down to Hotel X go down that. Is what Henry counts, is is Diane's legacy is that hotel there's, an option to build another one so Diane so we're gonna invite you to the opening now and it does come but on behalf of the City of Toronto I would like to thank you for your excellent service and dedication as. A valued, leader here. At Exhibition Place we wish you all the best your retirement, I'm grass the mayor to please come forward with a scroll for you. Diane. This, is not to take away from your your. Honor, here today at all but thank goodness we don't have a singing chair of Exhibition, Place board, but having said all that I. Want, to just thank you for being here with us today and thank you for that incredible, record of service that councillor, Grimes just. Made reference to you know I think I'm. Old enough not, as old as councillor grant but I'm old enough to remember, you. Know that Exhibition, Place well, it always had the CNE there was a place where aside. From that and the Royal Winter Fair you were never sure on a continuous, basis what was going on there there was this the old see any Stadium as well but now. It is a place where as councillor grime said there's year-round activity, of all kinds there it was a source of great pride to us that we could have something, like collision, very much a 21st, century event. That did put us on the map at a very excellent, facility that was itself of a global, quality. And. There are many other events I could talk about and I myself maybe, some. Members of council have not yet been to the hotel that, I happened. To go there hadn't. Been until a couple of months ago when I was, early. To go to a. Recognition. Event in in memory, of the people that died in a plane crash, not, too long ago and went into the hotel and it's, just, dumbfounding. How incredible, that hotel is and that again is a tribute both to the developer, but, also to you and, to. Your work in shepherding, that through and it took time it's, like good food it takes time but it's a truly spectacular hotel, and I think it's gonna be a huge addition I also. Look at it from the standpoint of the future which is that I very, much hope and it's not probably, unanimously, shared view inside here but I hope that we can find a way and constic ressies working on this where we can, get. A good. Revitalization. Of, antero place with our complete, input. As should be the case because it's in our city but at the same time I'd like to see us find a way to do something. With Exhibition Place that continues, this work at the same time and do the. Two in cooperation, we'll see if that proves, to be possible or not and I think what you've done is you've, put us in a much stronger position to. Be a part of that going, forward thanks, to the evolution of Exhibition, Place that has happened on your, watch and so I, will. Just add to councillor, Grimes that congratulations, of not just the city council but the people of the, City of Toronto for all of your efforts over all these many years and as. I said yesterday to Chris. Bollinger when, he was retiring unfortunately, as you well know there's. Not much we can do by way of giving you some sort, of greater, token. But I think this carries with it I hope a, very, special, sentiment. From us as, to. To. Our, gratitude and our recognition of your excellent. Contribution, to the city in many different respects but particularly Exhibition. Place over the years and that you'll receive it in that respect. Just. A few words because I know last. Council, meeting summers, coming here, we go it, was it's been an absolute honor for, me, to be part of the public service of the, City of Toronto and Metro, I started, my first. Job in Metro Toronto and then moved on to the amalgamated City and I cannot tell you how great, it is to be a public, service here. And. The best career anyone could have is 22. Years at Exhibition Place absolute, dream job nothing. That I would have ever imagined, as I graduated, from law, school so, so, it was really wonderful thanks. Many thanks to the Board, of Governors and to, the city council because we have brought numerous, numerous.

Requests. Here, for loans and, and. Building. Projects. Etc and, they've always received. The support of the, City Council, and in. An also a shout-out to Exhibition, Place because. The staff at Exhibition, Place have. Made, it happen and, have. Go, in every in every day to try to deliver. Great services, to our clients and, just, just. To note I, I, kind, of hung on till July 31st because yesterday, at Council. There. Was a small report. About. Heritage, amendment. Easement. Amendment and it's all about the, bridge the. Bridge that, will connect, that 400, room wonderful. Hotel to. 210. Thousand, square feet of conference, and gala space and then, there's another connection. From the, Beanfield Center to, our 800, thousand square, feet of exhibition. Space and with that we. Can market ourselves, as a self-contained. Connected. Conference. Convention, facility, and that is key in our industry, and I know as I am leaving our. Sales. Team and our entire staff are, so, dedicated to, not. To, making, that sales pitch for Toronto. And bringing more collisions, to Toronto, in this great. Convention. Facility, which is the largest in Canada six largest North America, and we, are determined, they, are determined, to in. That surplus to the city over the five million and increased that economic. Impact over, the. 4.4.2. Five million because that is what this business can do for Toronto, and it, is an exciting, business and, we. Know it can happen so thank you again for. This recognition, thank. You for all of the support you've given me and Exhibition. Place and the Board of Governors over, this 22 years thank. You. Our. Second, presentation is, to recognize, the Tirana winners at the China innovation, and entrepreneurship. International. Competition, I would, like to call upon deputy, mayor min Huang to come forward for the presentation. Yes, good morning this, morning we were here to recognize the Toronto Award winners from, the 2019. Shenzhen. International. Innovation. Competition, but. First I'd like to acknowledge our guests this morning from, the Consul General the People's Republic of China mr., Hwang Jung acting, council general and mr. Chen Jian, Chen. Lai council, for science tech technology. Shenzhen. China is, known as the Silicon, Valley of, Asia a dynamic, dynamic, hi-tech city of 18 million, people it's. Expat, community established. A relationship with, the City of Toronto in. 2015. Through a memorandum of understanding. Since. Then the progress our two cities have made is nothing short of remarkable not. Only have there been several exchanges between, the two countries but the Chinese community. Moved, quickly for. What they refer to as Shenzhen, speed to. Establish an innovation center to, promote and expand the commercialization. Of discoveries, in Toronto. And the GTA the, offices, right here in Toronto the. City of Shenzhen has also established a global innovation competition, to. Promote innovation and, help entrepreneurs develop. Their products. Please. Watch this video to, get a feeling for the size and scope of this global competition. Our. Accommodation viewed. A very good platform and bridge between center, and Toronto. Welcome, all two cities to be friendship, city beside. MOU in, 2016. So, we have innovation. Competition, innovation, festival. Each year. We set up Innovation, Center in both sides we. Can help more startup, companies, and also, innovation. Companies, to, develop in China especially, find. More investors. Customers. And hunters. So.

Competitions. Have taken place in cities such as New York San Francisco Israel. London. And. The, Canadian finals have taken place at, Toronto City Hall for the past three years there. Were eighteen hundred and fifty global, competitors, this year of them a hundred, and thirty seven travelled to Shenzhen for the global finals today. We are happy to recognize, the Toronto innovation, companies, who made it to the finals and won, several top prizes I would. Ask the representatives, from each company to stand as I read out their name, fie. Boasts won the gold medal in the internet-of-things category. By designing and developing an optical, measurement platform to be used in industrial sensing, applications. Genesis. Bio industries, won the gold medal in the new energy and materials, finals, competition and, the silver medal in the grand final, competition, they're working on creating bacteria, that, turns organic. Waste into valuable chemicals. A. Rht. Media won the silver medal in the internet-of-things category. For creating immersive photorealistic. Holographic. Experiences, at a fraction of the cost of similar technologies. And. Finally, nano device solutions, came home with the bronze medal in the advanced manufacturing final. Competition for its high quality and, high resolution, atomic. Force microscope. In. Addition, to the outstanding platform. Of these companies in the 2019. Competition. To other Toronto companies have been awarded significant, prizes. Khandava. Medical, Inc won the silver, in biology, and life science, and silver in the grand final for its Nova sight hybrid and for, site imaging systems which look, at coronary, arteries, and heart structure. And. In. And. Taplok, won the bronze in, electronic. Science and technology, for developing, the first smart. Fingerprint. Padlock. Also. I'd like to recognize the Canadian, Confederation, of, Shenzhen associations. And the Sai Innovation. Centre Jenny Qi is the chairperson of, the Canadian, Confederation of, Schengen associations. And has been the Canadian, catalyst, and key, architect, of the Shenzhen relationship, with, the City of Toronto. Lee, olya is the president, and CEO of the saw Innovation, Centre located in the City of Toronto Raisa. Meridia, is the honorary chair of the saw experts, Advisory, Council and sogni. Anzu is the chair of the saw experts, Advisory Council we, are grateful to saw innovation, for their work in supporting team. Toronto, and Team, Canada. The. Innovation, creativity, and persistence, of these companies are what position, Canada, as, a global leader in technology. And innovation we, are proud of all of you for your accomplishments please. Join me in congratulating, them, for their great success. Thank. You madam Speaker. May. I just say a madam Speaker that. Beyond. What the deputy mayor said about this particular competition, I just wanted to pay special tribute to razor Reedy who's here he, served as many members will know as a minister and the provincial government specifically, in the area of innovation and when, you see reported, this morning not just this news but also the news in in the news this morning that we again. In 2018, were the third biggest source, of of. Tech. And innovative, jobs in all of North America, it, is a tribute.

To His hard work that he did because I can assure you as mayor, and. Before, I dealt, with him and he made a big contribution as a public servant and as an elected representative during, that time and I just wanted to acknowledge that while he's here thank, you. Okay. Thank you very much and congratulations. Okay. Members. Of council we will now. Review, and confirm the, order, paper there. Are, 122. Items left on the agenda. Including. 53, member, motions. Yesterday. Council. Set times for a number of items I will summarize the items and seek council's, guidance, on how he wishes to proceed this morning. Council. Previously, scheduled, items ie 6.11. On, the cycling, network plan update, an item. Ie 6.12. On, cycling, network, plan. 2019. Cycling, infrastructure, installation. To be considered, together as the, first items, after the mayor's key matters as. The mayor's key matters were only completed. Before the recess last night counts. Was not started, these items. Council. Has also scheduled, the following, items for this morning, au. 3.14. An opening, doors to stable, house e an effective. Waiting list and reduced vacancy, rates will, help more people at access. Housing, CC. 9.2. 8 on, 60. 20 and 60 30 Bathurst, Street zoning, bylaw amendment, application. CC. 929. On. 60-40, Bathurst, Street and 5 Fisherville, Road, is only in bylaw amendment, application. CC. 9.16. On Murray Road regeneration. And land use study a city. Initiated, official, planned amendments. And and. Then, as well City Council will consider member, motions, at 2 p.m., our, first item after, members motion will be ex, 7.10. On Toronto, Hydro corporation. And/or General Meeting. 2018. Audited, financial, statement that. Will be followed by Dempsey, c9 point to the ombudsman Toronto, Inquirer, report, on review of the Toronto Transit Commission. Investigations. Of a February, 18 2008. Incident, involving, transit, fare inspectors. Members. Is it the wish of councils to consider the, cycling, items first, this morning followed, by the other timed, items, because, as you know yesterday everyone, moved, motions, to time items, and these. Are all the items that were, time. For today, and so. I would suggest considering. That we that, we completed, the mayor's key item on vision. Zero that. We continue, with, the two, items that were scheduled, that six, eleven and I use six twelve on cycling network plan. Is. Everyone, okay with that and then we'll okay. On favor carry, I. Would. Now take the release of member holds. Deputy. Merriman, and want yes, thank you madam chair. Page, three. Executive, Committee he. X 7.5 planning. Recreation facilities, for the Don Mills community I, have, a. Two. Motions that I've.

Reviewed, And have the support of staff from one is to. Create a development timeline the second one is to create a community. Outreach. Strategy. I'd. Like, to move that with the report, okay. This is on page three X, 7.5. The. Amendments, are on the screen. Recorded. Vote, Oh, councillor. Thompson did you want to hold the item down. After. The boat I can do it out the vote okay. Okay. So on the amendment, recorded. Vote. I'm secure Janice please. Cancel. Crawford, please. The. Amendment carries unanimously 21. In favor, item. Is a mandate, on, favor, carry. Councillor, Thompson, thank. You for right speaker just on a I. Guess, a point. Of personal privilege I'd, like to just. Comment and. Congratulate. The. Leadership. Of deputy. Mayor men and Wong on, this particular issue this. Was a very tough issue for him with respect to his community and so on there. Could have been a much. More difficult. Situation. As it relates to people. In conflict, and and some of the challenges that we're experiencing, the city's with respect, to some, of the common trees and so on and I think that the. Way he handled himself and, handled this particular matter, really, should be commended by members of council and I want to thank him for his leadership on, this file thank you. Thank. You. Counts. There past your neck. Thank. You madam Speaker, although, I did request a timing of, these. Items on page 10, CC. Nine point two eight and, nine. Point, two nine I'd be prepared to. Move. The confidential. Attachments. And the recommendations, they're in release. Them now okay. So. On page 10, CC, nine point two eight counts, your pasternak is releasing. The item. Yes. R9 yes, a nine point two eight first on. Weber. Carry. On. CC, nine point two nine, on. Favor. Carried. Thank You, councillor. Fletcher. Yes. Speaker, on. Page, three, e ex, 7.10. Releasing. Toronto. Hydro corporation, annual general meeting 2018. Audited, financial, statements, and that is a timed item so that would take care of that, thank. You it is a timed item yes so it would remove, that, good job Oh, your. Release you know yes oh okay. Sorry. Okay. On page three e^x 7.10. Councillor Fletcher, is releasing on fate recorded. Vote. Calculating. Please. The, item, carries unanimously. 22, in favor. Christi. Thank, You speaker on page 10 item CC nine point two six five zero for Wellington Street, West zoning bylaw amendment, the, solicitors, report is now being circulated and I can release that. It's. CC, nine point two six, 504. Wellington, Street on page ten okay. Councillor. Cressey is releasing CC, nine point two six, Bible for Wellington on Weber. Carried. Thank, you. And. Speaker. On page. Eight item. Te seven, point three 300 Bloor Street West I held this as the local counselor counselor Layton was out of the room so I'm happy to transfer. It to him and I believe councillor, Layton is ready to release it with a quick amendment yes thank you very much okay. Just one sec, okay. The, clerk's have the amendment, that was prepared by staff some clarification, on the direction. Oh they. Don't have it yet. Yes. Okay. So. We'll hold, it down until it's, ready counts. Their holiday. Yes. Thank you madam Speaker. Page three au, 3.6. Auditor, General's 2019, status report or note standing on it recommendations, for city agencies and corporations I did. Have a technical amendment. Does. This staff have it I hope, so. And. I'll explain it to members of council it's just changing, the, individual. Who will be reporting, to the Audit, Committee from the Auditor General to, the. To. The CEO of, Toronto, Transit Commission to. Be consistent, with the way that we're doing the other reports, okay. The. Amendments, on the screen on favor. Carried. Item, as amended, on favor carried.

Councillor. Care jams thank, you madam Speaker, on, page, 5. GL. 6.1. - I've. Looked at it I'm ok with it I like to release it. Just. One moment. We. Try to miss it again I'm sorry, which item. 6.1. GL. 6.1. - okay. Do. We have the amendment. Oh. You're. Just releasing it okay. Okay. It's, on the screen. On. Paper. Carry. On. The same page GL. 6.13. Final. Report. On property, sales acquisitions, expropriations. And leases I. Think. There's a I, do have an amendment at the wrap. Up. On its that. We let, it go through because of the sale or release taken place. The. Amendments on the screen. So. Do we want to continue holding it hold, it okay, continue, holding that. 6.25. Increase, in penalty amounts for stopping the parking violation, madam, Speaker I don't really, do this however I do want to thank you in your office for all the work that you have done an input and we're, at this place today certainly, this will go a long way to, answer questions, of people. That park across the schools and on. School buses ohms and everything else and, and. I'd like to release it we're portable teas okay. Gl, 6.25. On. Favor recordable. Please oh sorry, recorded, both recorded. Phone. Council. Lady please. The. Item carries unanimously 22. In favor. How's, your perks oh you. Have another one okay, if staff have. But. This is, ie6, point, one three. Page. Six. If. You don't have it ready I can do it after lunch yeah. You. Got already oh. Oh. Is. That it's on the screen. Ie. 6.13. Madam, speaker Metrolinx. In its usual fashion. Was. Not. Cooperating. With the merchants in my area they. Were not communicating. To my residence we, did have a meeting with staff and the City of Toronto staff I want to thank him for going the extra mile and getting met relation of the tables and this comes, out of this for, us to be able to have a community. Liaison, and be able to speak. To Metrolinx and get answers that we need. The. Amendment. The, amendment is, on the screen, okay. Okay the amendment, is on the screen on favor carried. Item, as amended, on favor Carrie Thank You council perks. Good. Morning speaker on page, 3 I can release e^x. 7.17. Capital, variance report, for the four months ended April 30th, 2019. Okay. I'm page 3e x 7 point 17 counts, of perks is releasing, on favor. Carrie. Councillor. Grimes. Thank. You madam Speaker I just wanted to give you notice on page 8 I'm sorry page 9. Bottom. Of the page CC 9.14, I have to go on camera on this item at some point just to let you know. Thank. You. All. Those in favor of adopting the, order, of paper. On. Favor. Carried. So. We'll go to ie6. Point 11. Which. Is the cycling, Network plan. Questions. Nobody. Has any questions, okay. Counseling. Yes thank you very much madam Speaker in. The report a there. Was an amendment made at commit oh I'll just let all that transportation staff get. Get, comfortable in the hot seat.

So, My questions, are about the cycling. Network. Plan Update. The. Of, the changes, made a committee one that. Was added. Include. Developing. This, recommendation. 17. So. This involves developing, set, of warrants. Similar. To traffic, coming, to support the installation, of bike lanes what now goes into the, thought process, about the installation of bike, lanes. Through. The speaker the the overall cycling network plan is a network, based analysis, on the process of determining which. Routes, are. Value. Cycling, routes in terms of looking at the destinations, they serve the, resident, population, and employment population, they serve the. Cycling, safety. Incident, history, of those locations the, way that those routes would cross barriers, such. As highways, and ravines. Multifaceted. Analysis. To determine, the value of that route for the network and then at the project, level there, is an assessment, on the impacts, and benefits to, that particular. Route and design when. It's proposed, to, come forward so. Before we bring forward, a proposal. We. Do, some. Analysis, that. Says this is where the bike lane should be based. On where, people, what. What, routes people are using currently. Where. We could put them on to safer streets and where. Their destinations, might be as well as building, out a larger, network. That's. Correct if the level of analysis depends, on the scale of the project so it's not as it's. Not as easy as just kind of measuring the speed of traffic the, volume of traffic and saying you're in you're. In the 20th percentile, or 80th, percentile, you, qualify, for a bike lane let's put her on like you look at what streets can, accommodate, bike lanes where. Bikes are going who's. Using those roads and then you make a decision based on that we do we look at potential demand existing, demand and then when you're looking at a particular street. You look at speed and volume of the vehicle, traffic to understand what design type is most appropriate for that location, it's a multi-step, process. So. Do you think it's necessary, for us to develop a warrant, process, similar. To traffic, calming in. Order, to justify, the installation, of bike lanes in these cases I think, that the process that we undertake, already. Includes, all of those checks and balances. Okay. Thank, you very much. Thank. You. Deputy. Merriman. A walk. Yes. Thank you on the on the same topic, this. Is question is general manager we, have a warrant process for stop stop. Signs and and. And. Traffic calming devices like speed bumps yes, do. The speaker we do and that provides a framework for this council, to, decide whether something. Should be recommended, and approved by this council is, that correct do the speaker it does, and. So, sorry. Are you having a conversation just to add that that process, is also defined through, the Ontario. Traffic. Management. Manual. So. So. It's a consistent standard yes. So. Within, that. Arrangement. From. Time to time do, you get motions. From Community Council and notices of motion I, don't. Think I can do it actually would, be through Community Council they. Just circumvent. The process and they try. And in. Sorry, I'm Hawaii are you distracted. The. Question no, no this has to do with traffic. Calming. Finish. Your questions are from sorry thank you, from. Time to time. You. Get motions. From community councils just to put, in speed, bumps and stop signs that aren't. That wouldn't meet the warrant process is that fair to say we. Do we do an analysis related. To the warrant process and then sometimes, it just. Gets short. Circuits to process and they don't do that or. The council, will whatever, they want. Yeah with a different approach has ever happened with a has, that it has that ever happened with a. Bike. Lane where, we've proceeded with a different approach based on counsel feedback or community know if there's. Ever been a net has, ever been a any. Type of bike lane put in that hasn't been recommended. By your staff. Through. The speaker not to my knowledge because. The the process, of installing a bike lane also involves a detailed. Submission. Of the bylaws required, to implement that bike lane and changes, to parking and traffic regulation, so it's not something that can be made, through a single motion so. Questions. General manager transportation, so. Your. Staff, said that there's a proper. Framework and we don't need any more of a framework. How. Many. What's. The capacity, how many cyclists. Need to use the road before you. Recommend. Bike, lane be put on it I don't, through the through, the speaker, we don't just make that decision based on existing law I know you don't but I'm just asking on that but is there is, is there a requirement that there has to be a certain capacity on on.

On A road to warrant, consideration for, a bike lane through the speaker we do not require. A certain. Threshold of, cycling, volume, be met in order to add a second. Facility on our roadway, do you think that's a good idea I do. Because I think that typically. Latent. Demand is. Significant. And that's why we look at destinations, that's why we look at potential users when, you build a cycling, facility, you will I was. Almost always, see. A huge, uptick in the number of users that you wouldn't see if they did not feel comfortable in, that roadway. Cycling, previously, so I don't think you don't you don't think the, number of cyclists, that are using an existing road is. A is, a measurement, that's important. In considering whether a bike lane should be put. In on a road or not I don't think it's the most important, by any means you think it should be a criteria. Probably. It's probably good to look at where a desire line is so you do think that there should be you said probably there should be a criteria, for some sort of measurement, of that therefore there should be a warrant I said, think there should be a look. At existing, facilities. Comprehensively. And one of those things that you'd look at for existing facility, comprehensively, is whether it has some use which implies that there's some desire line on, that facility that's, connecting, one, or more destinations, to each other and people have chosen to use that route either it's flat or they, can get through it with a traffic signal or other prices through the general madam. Chair through you to the general manager transportation, do you ever get any feedback once a bike lane is put in that no one's using it at the end and, and. They don't want they. Don't want those bike lanes put in and and. And, don't. You think it would help if there was a measurement that would tell that would, tell those communities, that those, roads are already used, extensively, by cyclists in, my experience, through the speaker in my experience, there's always a group of people who get, engaged in, transportation. Projects well in advance at the design stage in the planning stage when, the project goes in there's often another group that maybe didn't understand exactly how, the interaction. Was going to happen to get involved after the fact we often have comments, after the fact and that's why we are always committed, to tweaking a facility, to try to make them work with that community, after the fact but as as we've talked about previously in, the council the cycling network plan is just that it's a network plan and so the local access, pieces while critical. And important to get right are part of connecting, a broader network in the city and that's the most critical, thing Thank You. Councillor. Ainsley. Thank. You through you madam Speaker I wanted. To get some clarification, in, the reported, identifies, the West Hill area as one. Of the higher. Used areas, for, bicycling. In. The report so I'm trying to understand how you determine, bicycling, infrastructure. For example in that area because, right now for, example once again bike ring. Posts or bike posts are just being put in on a request. As basis. So. How are we accelerating, bicycle, infrastructure, in that area, as the, demand seems to be increasing, through. The speaker yes we are we actually. Have a project proposed, in the near term plan on Ellesmere next, year. Okay. But what about like. The whole area, we. Are looking at, a approach, to rather than take projects, on a one Street, by one Street basis through the design, consultation. Seeking. Council approval, process. We're looking at the way to cluster, at those roots roots. Like Ellesmere would connect to the, the existing, bike lanes on Conlon's which we're proposing to upgrade in this, council. Session, today there. There are we are looking at network approaches, to expansion and I know in particular Ellesmere, within. That area is in the 2020, program okay, and I guess the other yeah I'm not just interested in the bike, lanes or by groups fully support of those but trying to understand like. White. Posts like bike rings what are we doing to they. Only seem to be going in on a request basis. There's. A mix. Of request basis, that comes through to respond to where residents, are needing to have more bike parking and I know we've, only had a couple of requests. Within your. Award recently and we are open. To receiving more and looking at where we can put more we've also been proactively, putting, in bike parking, across, the city including within the area at, schools, in partnership, with the Toronto District School Board and.

So We. Also have a proactive program, of bike parking along primarily. More retail streets so, those locations where we can provide bike parking in the right-of-way as a proactive, process. Okay. And then the other question I had one of the charts made. Lines all the environmental, assessments, that. Are taking place for bike lanes across the city, one. Of them is for, Eglinton. Kingston, Road Morningside. Is, is. That EA all tied into the LRT the Kingston. LRT. EA. So you're, waiting on your waiting on the, LRT to move forward before you're gonna consider, bike, lanes on Eglinton, Kings Road a Morningside, the. Process for Eglinton, is is on well underway in terms of the park with, Eglinton connects and and future sections. In east, and west of the Edmonton connect section the the other components, are currently planned as part of the LRT work, but they're, depending, on how, transit conversations, happen at the city it may need to be programmed at a different time. So, sorry we would be open to programming, it's innocent on a standalone, basis, study if that depending. On the way that those projects, transpired okay, and if for some bizarre reason the LRT doesn't, go forward, where. The bike lanes on, those. Three roads in the grand, scheme of things they're. Within the major citywide cycling, routes program, in which we would want to pursue full, installation of by 2041 with a 60% installation. Rate by 2031. We, would still be pursuing those major routes, irrespective, of the other projects, they we currently think they would be tied to if. They would go ahead in those years or not okay. And then, the, other thing I wanted to ask about I asked. About it is well yesterday was. The bike, share teo program, because. There seems to be a disconnect between. The cycling, infrastructure, in, eastern, scarborough, and trying. To get by chair teo. To. Be more involved i have like the University, of Toronto. Scarborough Centennial. Go. Train stations. Property. Owners they're all interested, more bicycling. Infrastructure, and being involved in it but, when I approached, bike chair teo and say what are you doing they, always point back to the city and say well there aren't there isn't a lot of municipal. Bicycle, infrastructure, in. Eastern scarborough sign there's a bit of it to me there's a bit of a disconnect there I'm trying to understand, how, that can be addressed. Thanks. For that and we can certainly converse. Further with our colleagues at the Toronto parking authority who run the bike share Toronto Program I know that they've done a feasibility, study of expansion, programs and and it, doesn't, anticipate. Serving, scarborough in the near term because. Of the nature of the way that the the. Demand would be in that area but I fully understand what you're saying in terms of the demand is supported. By the, the route infrastructure, as well and. So we shared the routes that we are planning, with the Toronto parking, authority for, Bike Share expansion, planning. So we can have more conversations, in that regard okay, all right thank you very much. Thank, You Cal sir Ainsley, councillor. Bradford, you have questions. Thank. You very much. I just, wanted to clarify some, of the previous questions, when. We're looking at expanding the cycling, Network installing. Bike lanes. Infrastructure. To support active, transportation are, we looking at the existing, demand or what you were referring to as desire. Through. The speaker we look at a range of different things we certainly as I mentioned previously look. At use. Because, it implies that it's probably a good route for cycling but, we look at I think much, more critical issues, related to, Layton, demand meaning people who might be cycling, on that route if it was improved but aren't cycling now so.

That Would be the potential, correct. Okay and then we're actually looking at that Delta, between existing, demand and, potential. Or latent demand as well when we're. Investigating. Where we should be putting bike. Lanes yes, we look at current cycling, demand based on the 2016, transportation, tomorrow survey data which demonstrates, existing cycling trips as well as potential, demand, trip, generators, the way it with serves transit, access, connectivity. Network coverage how it crosses barriers safety and equity okay, so that's very clear we, are looking at that I, wanted to talk a little bit about active, transportation versus. The idea of traffic, calming we're, talking about a warrant process for stop signs we talked about a warrant process for speed, speed, humps. Is. Just, transportation services. Look. At active transportation or, connectivity, differently. Than they look at traffic calming I recognize that bike lanes have a added, benefit of traffic, coming in some instances, but, is there a different lens for specific. Traffic calming measures like speed humps or stop signs versus. Active transportation, through. The speaker yes and I while. The warrant process is quite, distinct. To each tool that we're looking at for traffic calming or for stop signs and. It looks at a variety of localized, issues related, to volume, and crash rates and speeds. As. I mentioned previously the, the cycling, and active transportation, is typically, better served. Looking, at a network-wide, basis. So while there are local impacts, as well active. Transportation has. A lot of different factors related, to it some of which is related to land use some, of which is related to transit, access and connectivity with other modes as. Well as, volumes. So. Do we take a network approach when we're looking at expanding or building new roads. Through. The speaker I don't think we build, a lot of new roads anymore right. But, if we, would if. You're building a road are you looking at connectivity. With existing roads I know we don't have a lot of greenfield, in Toronto for sure but sometimes the lane weight goes in you're looking at that connectivity through, the speaker we are looking at connectivity, and we're also looking at access so, if a new property is going in where, you have a brand new development, and you need to look at access that's a situation, where we might put, in a new road do, we have a warrant process for that. No. New roads would go through an environmental assessment process. Which looks at many of the factors at. A grander, scale than we've described for cycling Network do. We have a warrant process for sidewalks when we're putting in sidewalks no. We, don't we have a sidewalk. Installation, policy approved by council which says that all major. Arterials, and collectors would. Have sidewalks on both sides and locals will have them on one so. Is it fair to say that what. We're talking about here is connectivity, whether, we're talking about roads sidewalks, bike. Lanes active. Transportation the message here is connectivity. Absolutely. Thanks very much. Thank. You councillor, Bradford. Councillor. Wong tam you have questions, yes. Thank you very much madam Speaker and, thank you staff for the report I'm very curious to to. Ask, if you can unpack the equity statement for us a little bit more I pay. Attention to, all the equity statements within every single report, and I found that in this case you, have actually put in a lot more language, can, you explain. To us how putting. An equity lens over, the cycling network can. Achieve greater safety and inclusion. For, residents, of Toronto. Through. The speaker thank you for that question, I think it's very critical and important that we're looking at the communities, that we serve when, we're making any kind of investment in infrastructure, and the. Equity lens. We spoke about yesterday, when we honored crisper Ehlinger is a excellent. Piece, of making sure we're doing a consistent, scan related, to our communities, and the equity nature of investment. And, we really wanted to make sure that in the cycling Network plan and also in the vision zero plan we, brought that down to the level of infrastructure, investments, so we could identify where. People. Who had the, highest need could be well. Served and I'll let Jacqueline talk a little bit more about the specifics, one challenge was balancing, serving existing, demand, is, that we also need, to make sure that we're serving equity. Seeking groups and vulnerable residents in the city and the way that infrastructure, is. Designed and. Integrated, into the community it's. A key way to. Make sure that people have opportunities.

To And, mobility, when. Infrastructure, is not properly integrated, into the community and doesn't meet the needs of those users it, has a potential to have, unintended. Negative consequences on, equity, seeking groups what, we did as part of this process is we looked at the way that the cycling network served neighborhood, improvement areas and how we can better serve that, particularly. In relation to connection, to transit, to have multimodal, trips and. We also went, out to every neighborhood planning table and sat down and talked with the communities, who represent, the neighborhood improvement areas, at that table to talk to them about what, barriers they have to cycling, and. Active transportation generally and what destinations. Are important to them and if we were to take that that particular work and deeper analysis that you've just, drawn. Some conclusions, to and overlay. That with a cycling, network, plan by. Implementing, the plan as quickly as possible by, targeting, those priority, designated. Strong neighborhoods, it actually, could be an equalizer, you can bring more people into, the. Conversation. Around civic civic, inclusion, is that correct that's correct okay and that's the intention of where, you're going with this report. Through. The speaker it is and I also just want to point out that it also gives, the ability for whoever, there's gonna be lots of people for many years implementing, this plan we, want that equity lens to be baked. Into all of those decisions, so that they don't have to be revisited each time so I don't need to move any other motions it's already. In there that's because that was our, explicit intention, okay thank, you. And then with respect to accelerating. The plan we're always talking about trying to rush, to - to the next waiting, post with. Respect to what. Can move. The plan faster, through implementation construction. Design consultation, and. Just sort of identify, identifying, on priorities, based on what you've just said about the equity lens. Over this report, we. Can address that that's been taken care of but, how do we. Number. One deal, with the, other factors. That that, don't seem to be in the report. And. Namely. Those things that I've spoken about in terms of ECE s coordination. With. Respect to. Moving. Through with, a bigger, broader consultation. Which we know it's important, but we're always going to run into this conflict, how. Do we make sure we get this done. Through. The speaker I think we've done some assessment, about lessons learned about the pace of delivery and some of the coordination challenges through, the first few years of the second network plan implementation, we, feel like we've either we've applied some new strategies, to better tackle the, implementation. Pace and improve, our, capital coordination, and delivery rate as well as our engagement, with communities, we, think that the the, plan in terms, of what its intended, to deliver within. The next three years is 120, kilometres of cycling infrastructure, is quite, a is quite a strong. Step. Forward it's very specific, in terms of which routes are identified, and. It's on par with what other major cities in, North America are delivering, and you're, fairly, confident, that you'll hit that mark you will. Because we've we've had cycling, plans before we've had all sorts of ambitious, strategies. And Quantum's, that speak to large, routes. Hundreds. Of kilometres but we haven't always hit. Our outcome. It's. Certainly our ambition. And our target to do so we know we need help from the communities, as we engage we'll need help from the councillors to work, through the processes, because there are sometimes difficult decisions, on particular, routes and. So we need to balance, addressing. Every individuals concerns with expediency, and implementing, the network but we think that together with the partnerships, of the the. Unity stakeholders, counselors.

That. We can deliver that as staff thank. You. Callister. Carol, thank. You madam Speaker, madam Speaker I want to follow on the questions that councillor Bradford, just asked because I I think they were important, I hope members were listening to counsel Bradford's questions and, I want to follow on that, like, like using an EA system, instead of a warrant system to build a new road for building a new bike path you have already committed that you you, do look at who's, already on it to some extent but in more of an EA process, than a warrant process. Let's. For a minute presuppose, that we did have a warrant process and, I'll, use a local, Road Sheppard. Avenue in my ward is is in. In need of study before, we can proceed with it but, there's, no question that it's, it connects, to a lot of trails it, connects, to a lot of local, roads so it would be used in the network, plan but. I wonder if you could, tell. Me what. Talk. To me about the dangers of deciding. That on the basis of a warrant system, if, I had a if, there, was a warrant system, and. I needed a certain number of bikes to, be on that road to, get staff to recommend, that road in. Your professional, professional. Opinion should I as a politician, say, to my my. Residents, it's, a very dangerous road you're, going to get your bike on it or I can't give you a lane I think. That would be a challenging, prepetition. Through the speaker because some, of the roads that we've introduced, cycling facilities on in. In recent years such as Richmond and Adelaide had very low cycling, volumes before, the, cycle tracks were installed because they were inhospitable, to, cyclists, before, the, the lanes were, changed, and, so having. A a tartly. A minimum, volume of cyclists, it puts people at risk but to, actually. Ride that route to get the demand before you would install it I don't think that would be a safe. Approach. To take for major arterials. Similarly. Don. Mills Road runs. Right through my ward and carries right on down, could. It connect one day - it, could be the relief line north, we. Could have above rail so if you're doing study there you. Got to take into account future transit, etc, etc but. If I want as, part of the equation of designing, the transit, as part of the equation, of making it a part of the the. Network. As is opposed, should I call my residence now and say start. Cycling, all the way down Don Mills Road in a rush hour because I gotta meet a warrant so so, that the transit, will, will include a bike lane that's a great example because some of these major arterials, will require, major. Reconstruction. In order to achieve a safe, separated. Cycle track as part of that cross section and so that's a Complete Streets approach is about rebuilding the street to serve all road, users and, Eglinton connects, is a great example of that where council had the foresight, to plan for separated, cycle tracks as part of that transit, project and now we're in the detailed design of it right. And so. That. Transit, could start construction, and then, no, sane, person would, cycle, on it for years until that transit, project. Was done and so if, you put a warrant system in place I could, actually, never, meet it in a million years until, that that transit, is done and then it would be too late to add the cycling, Lane would that not be the the outcome, of a warrant system that. Would be that would be one of our fears of a warrant system it's, a bit of a cute thing but, it's often said in our field that you wouldn't you.

Wouldn't Plan, determine. If a bridge was needed by counting, the number of people swimming. Across a river and so it's a very similar kind of scenario and lastly. I have one other question I hate to keep belaboring, this point but. We have a warrant system, for pedestrians, let, me know if my rationale, is right for pedestrians, we can use a warrant, system because where, they're just using human leg power so, they have to use the shortest, route so, they so, sadly, they. Might use an unsafe route but, a cyclist, has choices, so, for routes unsafe, they probably are going to go to the other street even though for, connectivity. The, unsafe, street if we, put the infrastructure, there would be the one so so, warrants, work for pedestrians, in ways that they don't for cyclists, am I am I getting that right, to. The speaker that's an interesting, point I would actually say that given the changes, that we've, made to, warrant process through the vision zero 2.0. Plan just yesterday we know that we actually need to take a deeper, look at the way that our warrants serve pedestrians, so that they serve them better and, so we need to revise, what were the old school warrant systems about you need to have this number of pedestrians, that sometimes, we can't rely on that because from a safety perspective and, given the distance and connectivity. And access for people of where they would want to make that crossing, that may be still a safe location even, though it doesn't meet the old school warrant that's why we've changed our warrants for pedestrians, thank you I think I'm clear now thank you madam Speaker thank you. Counts. There holiday. Now. Just to remind members we're doing there Lebanon 12:00 at the same time thank. You madam Speaker. I. Wondered, if I, could just get some clarity on exactly what, we're considering in this report and how the attachments. Relate. To the recommendations. So the, first attachment I wanted to ask about was attachment, number one, and. Do, I have this right that the, recommendations. In the report are, suggesting, that council, adopt. Attachment. 1 which is a map as. Our, vision as to where all of the cycling infrastructure, should go over time and you've, taken some time to score these routes have I got that right. Through. The speaker the, the map as attachment. 1 is an ultimate, Network concept, not every route shown on that map is meant to be constructed. Some, of the routes are parallel. To each other and would need to be reviewed in - which one better serves the root so attachment, one is the summary of the scores of all, of the proposed network routes, that that, scored in a at, least a minimal, scale and. It wouldn't propose that this entire network be installed so, I, don't understand, that because the the recommendation.

That Was put in the report says City Council endorsed the cycling, network plan as outlined, in this report, and mapped as the proposed cycling, Network and near-term cycling, employment ation program in attachments. 1 & 4 so. I, guess there's a member I'm struggling, with this because I'm, to vote and endorse. This through, the speaker the next few words in that particular, recommendation, indicate, that that would be the framework, for bringing forward cycling infrastructure projects, and, and some of the mapping explicitly. And then the text of the report the strategy, explicitly, indicates that we would bring particular. Routes up for consideration in parallel, for to choose the better route to serve the community, okay, each project, would need to come forward to councilor for approval, in no way does this plan looking. For council endorsement about the strategy give, us authority, to install, even a single. Kilometre. Of bike lanes okay understood, now attachment, number four is is a little bit more complicated, it goes into the work that you're going to do over the next few years, and if I got it right it it speaks to a lot, of work some. Of its great some of it I got some concerns with and some, of the things that are included are. Studies. Or. Infrastructure, on places like Bloor Street on places, like Yonge, Street, and. Various, many, many smaller projects, on that map but, that's essentially what we're doing we're tell you go forth and either do a study or or. Build, the infrastructure, you've articulated in, the map through the speaker for clarification, it's to study or to assess the feasibility and. Do some design work and seek council approval to build there, is no accounts Allah proven to build within, this report this report is an overall Network plan and it, identifies, our work plan for nineteen twenty and twenty-one in which, we would bring particular, routes through, the feasibility, design, consultation council approval process and it would be back on your table, to consider, but we're still, endorsing. You to consume, resources and, make effort to create, these projects, and to gloat and consult and design and, spend resources on so council. Would want to be careful with what it's directing, you to go and work on right yes and we have met with almost, all councillors 23, out of 25 plus the mayor's office to go through what is proposed. In each word and so we've we've vetted this quite carefully, and we've clarified with councillors which projects, are tied to other capital, projects in the program okay, through, the speaker I'm sorry cancer holiday I just wanted to say that the.

Part, Of the approach that we've taken and looking at a comprehensive, citywide network like we've done with vision is to give council a data-driven, and, quite neutral, approach to how we would assume, would, propose to connect, this network and build out this network for your consideration. Okay the last is attachment. Number two talks. About major citywide cycling. Routes and we're also going to endorse this map in there and. It talks about if I got it right places where you're recommending that you we do a study in the short-term and maybe in the long term. That's. Correct so it identifies with read the study planned, in the in the short-term twenty nineteen to twenty twenty-one program, as well, as future studies, that would be required, to implement, then major citywide site thing okay attached back to attachment one it essentially. In my observation. Really. Is an overlay, of the busy streets if. I. Could please have some quiet in the council, chambers, please members. Of council staff. Please. Thank. You. Attachment, one if. I could just finish the question if it's okay. Attachment. One overlays. Desire. Lines essentially, and shows, based, on a whole bunch of scores. The. Idea of where the, cycling infrastructure, could go because of desire. And analysis, and, to. Me it looks awfully, like a lot of the busy streets in the city cars. Around those streets people are on those streets bikes are on those streets and if, you could add some comment in the report it talks about you use the transportation, tomorrow, survey, and you take a percentage, of the, existing, car, trips and you, is it sixty. Six percent of those with the assumption, that those. Would become cyclists, how does that math work and how does that relate to this map thank, you, that one is is the result, of the scoring of our, process. To update the cycling network plan so we looked at the 2016, cycling Network plan proposed routes routes, that were also in the 2001, bike plan we, looked at routes that have been defined for cycling as part of local secondary plans that have already gone through the council process we, took feedback from from. Consultation we'd received in the first cycling Network plan route we did analysis, based on the current demand potential, demand and all of the other categories that we spoke about earlier and. Then scored them on how, they they fared and and that is what is. That. Is what is demonstrated, on map one the, the. 66%. Metric, is to not overestimate, potential. Demand it's not that 66%, of, vehicles. Would. Switch to cycling, it's looking at the, amount of trips within the that, are taken by, transit. Or by vehicle, currently it within a five kilometer radius. Only, and it takes a sixty, six percent of the mode share in. That area to understand, potential demand but we've been conservative. To not overestimate that, Thank You. Councillor. Fletcher. I. Know this isn't exactly about, new but I'm very interested in, the. Current. Cycle, lanes and how. You. Have your maintenance schedules there are regular maintenance schedules, and repainting, how often, the. Potholes, that are in all of the cycle, lanes do. You do anything special from transportation. Or those simply when the roads are getting paid. As. Part of the second Network plan in 2016, we had a renew component, which looked at improving. The safety and quality of the existing cycling network and that's through things like repainting. Lines adding, new green, markings, and new symbols, and signage to make, them consistent with today's standards, and, as part of vision zero plan. Investment. From Council last year we, we upgraded, or in the process of upgrading between this year and last, year, ten.

Corridors, Where we added new green markings and new pavement markings the the surface maintenance, is is. Done through. The state of good repair program, as. Well as through a pothole, maintenance and, it's, both on a proactive and responsive, to complaints, basis so, the. Understanding, would be that the. All of the cuts that utilities, have made and they've paved, over or, they've, been taken, out in order to do a permanent pavement. That. There's no one who actually. Reviews. The bike lanes for. Dangerous. Surfaces. Outside. Of what's going on on the main road, we do we have a component, of our vision, zero plan which, is about enhancing, the cycling Network and ensuring, safety and so there there are corridor, specific, enhancements. And and, checking. For safety concerns in, terms of pothole review it's not a separate, cycling. Pothole crew no no there's nobody that, looks at its. You, would agree with me that it's one thing to go over excuse. Me counselor. It's. One thing to go over, a pothole. In your car or, a, large. Bump or some. Kind of maar and the pavement it's, quite another thing to, go over that on, your, bicycle, would you agree the. Speaker I would agree and I also, wanted. To indicate that we have a team of maintenance patrollers, throughout the city who travel, the roadways, and also report back on impacts, to cycling facilities so, we are keeping eyes out for that we tend to get lots of, feedback. Of course from cyclists, and people who are using those routes because they really are on the ground in doing, that do you think the standard that you've said is high enough through. The speaker I think there's always better that we can do in terms of state of good repair for, cycling facilities and, so it's one of the reasons why we are paying, close attention to our budgets, related to critical interim, repair potholes, our Apollo maintenance, is critical, and important but it's a short-term fix and doing, more repair work that is taking getting, a sort of a smoother, outcome. Is critical, for cyclists so we're doing more of that critical interim repair you have a crew, that goes out and simply. Smoothes, the current. And existing bike. Lanes through the speaker we do not you, know we do know but you could, we. Could we could get had a very dedicated, group, that ensures safe cycling because you would agree with me that that's. A very unsafe, condition, the, speaker I would expect. That to be everybody's, job in the division who is doing maintenance repair, but I hear. What you're saying and I think it is important, that we get to that point I know. It's everyone's job but you would agree that it's far different in, your SUV on, Dundas, then, on the bike lane on Dundas which, is very marred shift, up after, a difficult winter so right at the moment there's nobody who's gone, and looked at every one, of our facilities and. Determined. That certain, things need to be brought up to standard, for these small. I'll. Call them vehicles or transportation, devices. That I would are very different than a 4-wheel. Transportation. I would agree that the impact is more significant, and I would agree that we don't currently have a dedicated, crew to do that work would. You be open to looking, at that I would thank, you. Thank. You. Councillor. Crawford. Thank. You madam Speaker when. You install bike lanes what. Sort of work do you do or follow-up, work that you do in studying, the effectiveness, of a bike lane on, a road. Through. The speaker it very much depends, on on the nature of that Street so sometimes. It's a local, street and and it's it's, a not very much impact and so we, just you, intuitively know that it's working well you, address issues on a complaint basis, on. Other streets where we've done much, more extensive, planning, and evaluation. Like in the case of the the Woodbine, cycle, tracks or or blur street we do things as much as counts, of both motor vehicles and cyclists, beforehand on that Street in our on alternate. Streets we look at vehicle travel time in order to inform signal timing changes so, the level of monitoring, and evaluation varies. Based, on the nature of the project so with regard, to when you're looking at you install a bike lane and thank you for mentioning Woodbine, because I'll, refer to that do. You look at the number. One the increased car congestion, do.

You Look at the, traffic infiltration. In the local community, the, environmental. Impacts of the idling, of cars sitting around for a long time. Do. You look at those impacts, and again I'll use what buying as an example on recommending. Any changes. Number, one to the community but changes, to impact, the, safety concerns, because when you look at just, on a safety concern yes it is safer for cyclists, but do you look at the safety concerns in the local roads with, the increased, traffic that is driving around through. The speaker yes in the case of Woodbine even though it was not a pilot project we we, did before counts, of motor vehicles on Woodbine and. Some of the neighborhood. Streets where we knew there would be concerns of infiltration we did after counts. We did travel time surveys, of vehicles of how long they're taking to get


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