CIO Leadership Live India with Debashis Singh, CIO, Persistent Systems

CIO Leadership Live India with Debashis Singh, CIO, Persistent Systems

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hi everyone welcome to CIO leadership live I  am katar Kent strategist at Foundry and I will   be your host for this episode Our Guest today is  daishi Singh CIO persistent systems uh dhis it is   a pleasure to have you with us for this edition of  CIO leadership live absolute pleasure to be here   thank you so much for having me here thank you  uh let's get into it deis uh could you tell us   a little bit about your role at responsibility at  persistent and what is a current significant Focus   area uh to scale information security at your  company sure two questions I'll take first one   first so as the global CIO the responsibility  is more or less similar across the industry   to ensure that your information your data your  intelligence and of course the required enablement   from the technology perspective is aligned to the  organization goal and it is really giving that age   over your competition to grow at the rate we are  growing today as you know persistent is definitely   doing much better in terms of growth compared  to the industry and that definitely has created   certain areas for Focus for us to cope up with  that growth so that is the highest priority for   me as we speak uh I as you know I have joined uh  persistent around a Year back and with priorities   focusing on complete digital transformation  ensuring that all the systems all the tools   and the data part is kind of stitched together  to enable our growth that was the first part   of it enabling the growth part second of course  ensuring that collaboration piece which is in the   current time we all know people are working in a  hybrid environment distributed across the globe   so ensuring that you have the right platform  right system which enable this collaboration   occurs and give a seamless experience to employees  so that they focus on the customer delivery side   of it so that was second and the third piece  which is pretty pertinent in today's world is   a cyber security and as we all know uh with uh I  mean pandemic coming in people going out of the   perimeter there is no defined way of working  right people connect from home connect from   hotel when they travel and so on so forth so that  essentially means your data is floating all over   right so you have to ensure wherever they are they  are protected and the required assurance and that   confidence is given back to your stakeholders be  it your internal leadership board members investor   and on top of that your customers so that is the  biggest challenge for all all cios and that those   are the priorities I drive now understood and  very well put uh collaboration cyber security and   essentially ensuring that all your stakeholders  are on board certainly every cio's responsibility   thank you thank you for summarizing that uh my  next question is uh you know with technology   updating at such a rapid Pace staying up to date  can be quite a challenge how are you assessing   emerging technologies that everyone's talking  about like AI ML and internet of things or iot   and how are you looking at their integration in  your existing Solutions great question in today's   world can we imagine having an Enterprise  environment without AIML I don't think so   every single Enterprise you will touch upon every  single solutions that is available in the market   you implement there will be certain component of  machine learning certain component of artificial   intelligence comes along with it and let's to  look at why it is so uh I think we spoke about   distributed computing people kind of going across  uh the perimeter operating from anywhere having   that state being The New Normal uh it what it does  it is generating huge amount of data earlier your   data was all inside the perimeter now it is all  over the place so as you collate it and with the   kind of collaboration tools and systems coming in  the dependence on data has gone really multifold   and in a real life Enterprise environment if  you really want to use the data to bring the   intelligence out of it is it I can can we think  about a time uh where it is possible manually   answer is uh no way it is possible manually so we  have to use the Technologies like machine learning   and artificial intelligence to kind of get the  intelligence out of it so it is uh in today's   Enterprise world it is part of it it is part of  every single system every single tool in addition   to that if you look at the focus on employee  experience or customer experience uh has gone   multifold uh and that is again a driver due to  pandemic what happened people went back and they   started operating from home all the time so your  consumer application and Enterprise environment if   you look at that barrier which used to be there  in the past that disappeared so the expectation   from the employees and consumer is that I want  one experience irrespective of Enterprise or   consumer side so earlier consumer side was only  treated for experience and Enterprise was to do   your job that is no more and if you to drive that  experience you have to bring that intelligence   out of your system and the intelligence comes out  of the data and so on so forth and to drive that   you need systems which is enabled and capable of  running uh AI enabled algorithm to give you the   right Insight so that you work and take it and  a uh kind of create Solutions and models which   help employees to really deliver services so that  is that is what is driving the trend and it is   going to continue and the latest uh version that  is the uh generative AI uh which is of course I   mean I'm really looking forward it is going to  change the way we deliver Services we work in   our environment in our office even otherwise it is  completely going to change everything so that is   that is part of our life part of our new life  absolutely I think uh the customer experience   employee experience shifting that you spoke about  is very integral because the boundaries between   workplace and home and thus the experience that is  related to these two places has completely blurred   correct yeah U definitely uh you know moving from  emerging Technologies to another very potent area   data privacy which is emerging as a m major  concern for organizations especially as they   go digital and hybrid or remote so what cyber  security measures and compliance Frameworks are   you leveraging uh to protect against data breaches  and any unauthorized access for your clients   essentially to safeguard them sure for a global  organization like persistent uh as we operate from   different geographies our customers are spread  across the go there are different regulatory   requirement for each go and on top of that we do  service customers from bfsi as well as Healthcare   and they are heavily regulated so that brings the  focus on data privacy and security more than the   other Industries and if you look at our overall  cyber uh resilience framework uh based on the   standard nist and other models that is available  but what we do on top of that is we look at   holistically from end to to end we do not see it  that this is the responsibility of Technology this   is the responsibility of security organization  this is the responsibility HR and so on so forth   rather we look at as an combined responsibility  and drive it starting from uh uh detect protect   and uh ensure that we are uh ready for any kind  of respond and uh restoration right so bringing   all the uh component together so we put the best  of the technology to ensure we are able to detect   it quicker that is the first stage in just in  case there is possibilities because today's world   there are highly sophisticated very very targeted  attacks which is happening and that is always a   catchup game right so there is a possibility  that you might get compromised or maybe one   single device was not updated due to whatever  the reason may be and that got compromised so   how you ensure that is protected that the data  inside that device and it doesn't move is stand   voice from what you say within the organization  so there is a protection layer for that so we   bring the best of the Technologies around it  again and the good part is there are solutions   available in the industry uh and if we configure  it correctly we can definitely limit to a large   extent such uh kind of spread then in terms of  putting the right framework and what we did that   persistent is we created a complete Playbook  playbooks starting from incident reporting then   reaction towards the incident treatment including  our uh legal advisors our insurance agencies and   so on so forth so we brought everybody together  and created a very very uh holistic uh Playbook   which covers any kind of situations that might  happen we are prepared to handle that and we   share those details with our customers as well to  bring that confidence that we are doing the right   thing to deal with that data so that's always a  journey it continues it is never a destination   but I I'm sure we are prepared enough and we  are continuously working to ensure our customer   information data are protected and the Privacy  is protected all the time understood and uh great   response your uh when you mentioned the Playbook  and essentially the confidence that you have in   that and the clients are having that confidence  as well that indicates that you are prepared for   every challenge that may come up because privacy  challenges are ad hoc like you mentioned hackers   are getting smarter by the days yes um so you  know you seem to have a really good grasp on   your role as a CIO and uh uh that makes you very  pivoted in your organization to in driving digital   transformation uh you're essentially the spear  head of digital transformation so what according   to you does the future of it look like in the  technological Services industry such as yours   and how is persistent preparing to adapt to  Contin techn ological you know advancements   perfect uh and a great question again uh the way  I see it and that's my view uh I mean maybe uh qu   can be questioned or can be debated but my view is  technology is going to be simpler and transparent   in future doesn't mean it is simpler from the core  Tech perspective it will be simpler from consumer   perspective from the employee perspective from  customer perspective right so while it will be   and second part I said transparent that I don't  have to really struggle about how it is really   working let me give you a few examples why I'm  saying what I'm saying U as you know document   classification is the base for treating data uh  uh data protection in many organizations right   and that is one of the best practice around it  and how ised to happen in the past people used   to as an author as an creator of a document  I create a document and then I decide this   document is as a confidential document or is an  internal to my organization or it can be shared   with my customer or it will be a public document  anybody can consume it that is the normal way of   life we used to have it with AI coming in AI  engine decides that you don't have to worry   about whether you have classified it correctly  or that is a human error so from user perspective   from a from a consumer perspective technology is  becoming simpler right it is becoming transparent   because AI is taking the decision in the back  end and applying the rules and ensuring when   the data is going out either it is encrypted or  going out the required protection that you need   very very simple and that is what it explains and  you will see Sim SAR way technology is coming in   practically every single space that we work let's  talk about data and data is a large uh kind of I   mean we say today data is the new oil and if you  look at uh the intelligence that we talking about   everything is derived from data but look at the  size of data we are talking about not terabytes   anymore petabytes of data and this volume of data  if I'm analyzing and getting the intelligence out   of it that intelligence which is again AI enabled  or J enabled that is what is playing the cards in   the back end as a consumer I just go and type hey  give me a view of so my Revenue pipeline for next   three months between $1 million to $10 million  so this I just type a simple request very very   simple without any script anything and in the  backend system goes looks at this pite of data   in the back end and gets me the exact specific  answer which is relevant to me based on the access   level that I have and the level of information  that I need so from the user perspective again   it is becoming simpler yeah take wise it is  becoming complex in the back end but that is   completely in the back end right but from the  consumer standpoint and the way I use it to in   the earlier era I have to open five applications  then drop down three to four different parameters   then arrive at this particular data point today  I'm just asking a simple question and getting   the all answer in front of me so that is what I'm  saying technology will become transparent it will   become simpler from the consumer perspective  while the complexity will all move towards   the back end so that is the future I see and I  see it happening very very soon in few couple   of hour years from now yes I I think I would also  uh you know agree with you to a certain extent on   that front because the more complex it gets in  the back end the more user interfacing part of   it feels simple effortless like you don't need  to remember every fact you don't need to press   more buttons know more codes otps all of that  gets dist to one click or two clicks and that is   probably what the future of it is moving towards  uh yes one final question for you dhis um you   know like you mentioned gen Ai and it's the way  it's getting implemented in every organization uh   these days so but with over Reliance on jna also  emerge concerns especially those in the hearts   of employees so do you feel like something like  jna and chat GPT threatened to cause job losses   in the IT industry and if that is if that is true  what then becomes the traits of human talent that   you really look for you know the sort after sort  of talent the ones with the the crem DEA Creme   of skill set so to speak and and when you find  human Talent like that what do you do to spot   it and to retain it perfect real challenge for  the industry but very simple answer here uh we   live in a world which is very fast changing around  us from a technology standpoint having said that   if technology is changing skill set has to change  as well so who are the critical PE resources that   you are relying on those resources who are ready  to adapt and learn new technologies if I'm great   on one technology today three to six months  down the line I may not be great anymore and   maybe one year or two years down the line I may be  completely completely obsolete right if I'm ready   to learn train myself and acquire new skills then  I'm relevant and these are the people these are   the resources these are the skill set of resources  that you should Target for return return them at   any cost who are ready to learn new things and  apply those learning in the real life that is   the first one uh going back to the first part of  the question is it going to impact employability   or it is going to imp impact job loss uh the way  I see it probably more jobs are getting created   than the number of job jobs which is possibly  getting wiped due to jni right uh those jobs   which were possibly uh very mundan in nature or  can be derived with a defined logic or defined   set of query that is what is getting obsolete  that is what is probably becoming redundant in   the system but more complex core technology skill  sets and the uh resource requirement M are really   getting created all over every single Enterprise  today is in the path of jna implementation that   essentially means there is requirement of right  skilled resources who can handle this kind of jobs   those kind of requirements so it is a shifting  from one skill set to other skill set and the   new requirement which is coming our way which is  much much larger compared to what used to be in   the past so I I mean I don't believe it is a a uh  negative Trend rather it is a positive trend we   just need to get aligned and understand that skill  sets are changing we need to change ourself we   need to acate those new skills we need to upgrade  ourselves and align to the new requirements so it   is the that is the way to look forward as long  as that is aligned in people's mind they are the   resources which has to be rained at any cost in  the organization uh you have a really positive   uh you know optimistic outlook on the whole  Genna thing I feel like every CIO speak to has   a different answer a different leaning based on  everything that they've seen but this perspective   certainly stands and you're talking about  adaptability is the most crucial skill you're   looking for whether it is about gen or it is about  the sought after Talent if they're adaptable if   they're willing to learn you would place your  bet on them absolutely that's that's great Dees   thank you so much for all of your perspectives  uh that brings me to the end of this episode of   CIO leadership life uh divish I would like to  take this opportunity to thank you especially   for sharing all your valuable insights on the  changing CIO role the emergence of you know new or   more complex technology and how it's going to make  customers and employees lives simpler and how your   expectations are thus uh you know increasing from  them as well this has been a very enlightening   conversation and very enlightening I'm sure for  our viewers too thank you so much for having me   here it was great talking to you thank you so  much thank you very much uh thank you everybody   uh for those who watched it until next time this  is kirat signing off from CIO leadership live

2023-10-09 06:16

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