How to empower the most important communication tool – Voice with Peter Eldon from Access 4

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[Music] hello and welcome to Red's Business and Technology podcast I'm your host Jackson Barnes I'm your co-host Brad Ferris and today we're sitting down with Peter Eldon who's a director of sales and marketing from access 4 who's a leader in the unified Communications in APAC Australia New Zealand and potentially elsewhere Peter thanks for joining us did you want to touch on your background personally before we jump into the topic yeah yeah thanks for having me you guys it's a fantastic setup great to have a look around the red offices it's uh I'm sure there's a bit of work gets done but it looks like it's a lot of fun content and parties that's about it there's this DJ Dex there's uh there's there's um uh table tennis it's all happening I might say triangular gig here so look as I said you said Jackson my name's Peter Elden I'm a director of sales and marketing access file um uh Brisbane and guy you're on my accent wouldn't necessarily tell you that um I've been in the industry for way too long I had my own managed Data Business which did some voice Services back in the day uh actually sought that and got out and would you believe um build a nightclub and run a nightclub out of Brisbane called The X and Y Bar for quite a while oh yeah and uh you know because I've been drunk a lot so yeah you know the wrong side of the bar I think then got out of that and been in managed Services running them and owning them and um after a stint and security joined uh access Forest director of sales and marketing access files today um Australian ucas vendor so unified Communications as a service we purely look after the channel what that means is organizations like red who are brilliant at sorting out the customers needs we're a really good partner in relation to that we're the expert in Unicode unified Communications and host advice and so when you put that two together the outcomes for those end customers are exceptional great looking forward to the chat I think uh what we want to touch on today is the evolution of voice um how Lots changed with covert itself that little period of uh six months 12 months when it first hit the voice Market really changed and a lot of Technology Brands adapted strongly but let's let's go right back to a business voice in let's say 2010 for example so 12 years ago what what did um or business calling or voice look like in 2010 the first thing I would say looking back is it was siled right so it was very you had your your office phones you had mobility and then you had I.T Services all very separate right and everyone kind of knew who they rang and there probably all three different different people and there's probably a photocopy guy in there as well so four different segments of business uh you know we saw that Mobility was really building through at that time and um again it wasn't integrated it was very much they're out of the office can you just ring them on the mobile we didn't really have a way for that um telephony to follow you uh and then we saw that a few apps were starting to come in and we're starting to see some Mobility around data but the the biggest way I would look at it at the time is the needs were were starting to to develop where we needed that continuity of being able to follow people wherever they were we would become more mobile and we had really good technology in silos but they weren't connected and we weren't really getting the benefit of being able to spread that through and you know follow me anywhere and the likes I think some of those um challenges still exist today where uh you know you've got a small business and the most half The Operators or 80 of The Operators just run off their mobile phones um so that was 2010 and what's the current state of well actually before current state let's look at the prior to covert um let's let's touch on that because I guess a pretty rapid evolution in the voice industry so when covered started in 2020 2020 let's start a 2020 really um what did that change with unified Communications well it's really amazing right because it you know if you're going to be um you know when they look at the side of a mountain they can see a major event that hit in geology you can see an asteroid hit the Culvert was that asteroid for UC but also for digitalization so you'll see those memes around it says you know um who was um most um who who most drove digitalization in your business was it the CFO was it the CFO it was covered yeah right and so what we saw is uh in in you know March of 2020 I remember it well you know a lot of a lot of msps and a lot of a lot of businesses you know are very concerned about what was going to happen there uh we we expected a couple of months right we'd all be back in the office by about July and so there was a real Rush on I need my staff unable to work from home and you know you couldn't buy toilet toilet roll and you can buy video cameras I don't know what you want to do with those two yeah webcams and stuff yeah it was Madness right and and organizations like you guys just did a brilliant job in overnight and allowing these guys to have a patch meal method of working right they're working from kitchen tables you know I had friends friends who I was working with it was multiple of them in small apartments in in Bondi in Sydney and one of them's working in a Cupboard trying to get their way from the noise you know the kids or every yeah kids dogs you name it was Carnage right but from a business standpoint msps did such a brilliant job in just getting them going but it was very much a uh let's get me up kind of mentality and so what that was was a lot of mobiles being been used right there's a lot of diversions of numbers to mobiles and you know obviously what we saw is that we weren't back in in place in in three months you know it took two years for us to get to a point where we can go back into the office consistently now I'll also note that I've got five staff at the moment right now with covid and they're talking about another wave coming through at the moment right so when we say we're over there's still going to be you know the only thing I think we can be certain on is more uncertainty there's still going to be more um interruptions to what we do but we are now at a point where most people can go to the office however does everyone want to go to the office five days a week you know we all did a really good job of keeping businesses in the country operational working in cupboards and working off kitchen tables when it was needed and a lot of staff are now saying well if it was good enough then I I was productive then and there was there's some really good data around the productivity of stuff when they were working remotely I want to continue to do that moving forward now when you put on top of that as well the war for talent that we currently have so this this incredible skill shortage we have in Australia and around the world and I might not note as well that we're actually negative in the skill shortage so we're losing more skilled people out of it then we're bringing into the country every every week or month so we've seen that now and say Brad so we're on a negative on that right so even if we fix uh in relation to immigration we've got to get back to zero before we get into the positive so people you know you've got staff who are willing to move you've got a shortage of people and that this hybrid work and flexible work is very much in the mindset of both businesses and in how do I run this but also more importantly these staff in relation to where they're willing to work and and then on top of that it's not about just staff acquisition it's about staff retention because it is a it's a tricky market so when I look at where we're at is there's a couple of challenges I see from this is that we've got we've got poor Community our number of businesses have still got pulsed covered hangovers around Communications there's still a lot of businesses if you call in it's a per experience and I would recommend any any listener on this who owns a business or is c-level in a business go home and ring your business ring your main number ring the support number ring all of them and just see what happens if you're a customer how do you go through do you get lost in call routing hell does the right people answer the call does it happen after hours if you now got multiple offices in Sydney and Brisbane to protect that hour and account it can be quite humbling and it can be quite a revelation to do that and understand what your customer would be experiencing when they call in because there is still a number of valves hangovers from post covert so you know when I look at the what was happening around covert is we we saw a lot of Mobility be thrust our businesses with no choice that from a data standpoint was done securely and was done quite well and most businesses understood that you know if we're going to let people work remotely we need to ensure it's it's a secure and particularly with what we're seeing right now in the marketplace people are very aware of of data data security but from a voice standpoint we still saw some and there still are a number of holes around um you know what was set up as a three-month she'll be right kind of setup has kind of lasted longer than that and uh end customers your consumers they get a little bit tied with that they want that customer experience that they were getting pre-covered and they're kind of holding cost businesses to account now on that so you're referring to the like makeshift um or postcode hangover with UC is that more um maybe businesses who had like old phone systems on premise in their business and all they did was divert numbers to mobile and that was all that that was their covert adoption they still have that set up yeah there's a lot of uh and look they might have diverted it back now so but again the big point there is is you're right there's there's not a lot of flexibility in that so if someone's got a piece of tin sat in an office which is that old phone system it really didn't have the concept of hybrid work or flexible work it didn't have the concept of you know one day everyone came to an office and the next day no one did for nearly two years it's shockingly common how often you see a big like physical phone system in a racket racking offices around still these days when there's so many options to go um you know cloud-based or you know that that kind of thing so it is very surprising so the UC Market hey got hit by media when covert happened and people were working remotely and some people adapted really well some people didn't how did the actual um UC industry changed did it evolve in response to covert we had to right there was a there's a little business I think you've heard of it called Zoom did all right yeah that'd be good Little Engine That Could yeah but you know so so there was very much an opportunity um there for for businesses who took that and zoom did a fantastic job right you know now they're they're struggling when I say struggling from a from a a value standpoint and and now what is that next step what do they become next you know obviously you've got teams teams exploded massively and is you know the largest used collaboration tool out there and you know over 200 million active users um you know what we see around that is a bit more um uh there's more meat to that so when you look at those collaboration tools where you've got a chat you know instant messaging video um email all tied in as one that's that's more of a stair for us that's gonna that's gonna be more of a um a consistent product and and the fact that it's tied to 365 and it's delivered on virtually every desktop so so what we saw is we saw a burst of activity uh we saw that burst of opportunity um and that's kind of settling down to now what is the substance and and you know there's a number of Acquisitions and a lot of businesses around that are looking for those additional feature sets that fill out that offering you know that Smorgasbord and you know again teams and WebEx as well right WebEx is going to a a very similar um offering to teams from the point of view of UC and that's where we see um the growth and and a real opportunity for most businesses is around that um voice and data collaboration piece so taking that internal communication tools that we use a lot of so things like chatting messaging and and and and video conferencing and then plugging in our external telephony so I won 300 I won 800 are ivrs so you know press one for support press two for Tech that technology being able to be delivered no matter where a business a person is so if you're in an office fantastic if they're working from home they have the same access to tools and information and more importantly supervisors and managers have the same awareness of their activity their engagement accountability that allows us to then deliver that customer experience which is is the big one for me at the moment is the customers are really tired with you know making do um and and you know being in that kind of War footing mindset we went through all through covert and they want now things to go back to what they were and and that customer experience experience now it's so important so you're saying that really the evolution that happened from covert and the like the two years that followed is around having it unified so working with other platforms like teams for example um and also the customer experience and journey but also the advanced call features um coming back into standard grade tool sets yeah it's it's about I mean it's in the name right it's about unified communication so it's about it you should be untethered you should be able to work wherever you want to work and there should be no degradation to the tools that you receive or also the customer experience you are able to deliver it's number one and then number two as we have a more dispersed workplace so hybrid work you need to use or what I recommend you use integrated tools to make sure that your culture survives that as well so if you're using very Silo Technologies within your business that won't get better when you have a dispersed workplace because that engagement was around the water cooler or in you know the um the office around the the ping pong table if you're not doing that physically do it virtually so things like um you know Town Halls through video conference and having group chats having verticals within your business around interest be it char Charities or be it Marvel movies whatever it is that integration and that unified piece where we're all coming together to work on technology and then use technology to um socially allows us to continue to culture and build it no matter if we're all in the same office or were were around a virtual water cooler being a chat or whatever that is and that that's really the two challenges is for most businesses now I think most of them are seeing how do I deliver good customer experience in hybrid work but the second one is how do I continue to build a good culture to keep my staff in hybrid work so most of our customers anyway listeners probably then as well are 365 users and um definitely in the last two three years you know lots of inquiry around teams calling and again unifying that for lack of a better term Single pane of glass but everyone's working in teams every day so I know a couple years ago Telstra had a bit of a monopoly on on phone calling through 365 Skype and all that and that that opened up and that's you know causing a kind of an explosion in teams calling I'd be interested to hear from you some of the some of those add-on features or what feature set access for can provide around teams calling and and what is what else can you do so we touched on some recording you know we've talked on monitoring we've talked on routing but particularly around the teams calling maybe just a bit of a yeah a really good question so really you can do whatever you need to do or expect to get out of a Enterprise pabx so Enterprise font system you can do that and Beyond on teams calling now not on every team's calling like there's there's basic teams calling and and that's a great you know basic product which allows you to make a couple of coals and still have Charter likes but what we do at access far is we've built enhanced Solutions and then we had add-ons in that so there's a couple of things about it that make that better one of them is redundancy so you know we have a additional layer of redundancy in there so that if there's an issue with authentication with with teams which does happen you're still able to send and receive calls okay so that that's another area I'd touch on uh Communications continuity so if Microsoft goes has a goes down which does happen sometimes are you saying you can still make calls yeah yeah and still make them receive coal so we actually uh you know we use best to breed um UC Solutions and multiple of those in our in our one offering and so we can actually layer that over the top of it which means that if it goes down the numbers are still answered and you've still got that still that's still telephony which is super important as you said it it is um a database product and there are problems with teams every now and again but on top of that I would I would also recommend that um you know when when businesses are really talking about business resilience these days but most of those conversations around data and I'd say that every business who's having a business resilience conversation make sure you're having a voice conversation around that as well just from a resilience but back to the change question so anything you would want to do and probably some of the things you haven't thought you'd want to do so things like call recording messages on hold um you can do you know time a day routing you can have overflow calls answered in different offices around the country wherever they are you've got the obvious thing where you can just take your laptop and work from home on the other side of the world and you'll still be in ivrs and likes but then we get to the really cool stuff things like um call center analytics so you could run closer call center software which you know used to be quite expensive and and quite a burden on a business to set up and maintain you can now have that as a per user per month integrated into teams and some of your listeners might be going well hang on why do I need a call center well if you can imagine now in hybrid work you might be running an hour accounts receivable team might be five of them uh that team could be spread around Australia it could be spreader over into Asia as well you might have a couple of people job sharing by using that call center analytics you as a supervisor or a manager can now manage that you can see who's on calls more importantly how many calls have you missed if people trying to pay your money so because you can't just walk over and see how many people on the phone right Bingo that's exactly it so what did we used to do we'd we'd go for up I'm doing an impression of a golfer for everyone it's not very good and that's a golfer not a golfer if anyone's winning you know we used to we do that right we'll stick our heads up over the cubicles and we could see what was going on and or something's wrong with Jones she's really she hasn't really been in it recently I'll you know there's something wrong at home I'll go find out how do we do that in that remote workplace and that's not just in in keeping an eye on someone from Big Brother that's also making sure that you've been a good corporate Citizen and HR and PNC are are understanding when someone's struggling or someone's not engaged also having a customer experience point of view right because we're getting a lot more I guess um need for businesses who really don't want to have some separate phone system they want to call out of teams because they're already collaborated internally in that but then they do what needs some not all the time all of like call center functionality because their customer experience that kind of thing they need to know the data around calling how many uh phone calls are in the day for resourcing how many in the queue how many drop off and like if it's a sales for example and you're dropping off calls all the time that can be really hurting your business but also from a resourcing point of view for like you said a five-person accounts receivable team how do you as a manager how would you resource that function if you have no idea how many yeah calls and queue times and that kind of thing right so it's a couple of points on that and you bang on so that first one around um how many cars have I missed if you're running any sort of inbound sales you should run this call center analytics because one of the the and one of the slides to show you is how to miss calls and Harmony calls went on answered and if you work that out for what the average cost of a sale is how many customers you have you work out all that out you've got a real cost every time that one in red is is shown so that's really important really simple widget that you know you've got a business owner who doesn't want to be tethered to the office that wants to be able to go and have some time with the family have that on a phone with bi and can sit there on a mobile and see how my phone's been operated am I missing calls how do I do it resourcing another example around the resourcing is you know how many times have we heard I need an extra person in this department because we're overrun and what we're doing is we're doing that on feel and we're doing that on what we're taught rather than on stats and it what what this um call center analytics does it gives you real data to make decisions rather than well actually we're overrun but that's we're overrun because this person here just doesn't answer the phone yeah I hate myself a carrying that person there might be a reason for that let's go and look at it but at least the data tells you that rather than just you got or what the officer is telling you there's a big difference between oh the the phones are slammed and we look at the data and there's 20 calls per day for four people you kind of go but if you don't have the data you have no idea and you have to guess 100 even even something simple right if you went to most businesses and said business owners said how at what ring would you like to find answered right and they'd go I wanna I'm offering maximum I want to dance it how how do you know how do you know what's going on you can show those stats and most businesses you'll find is it's not right it's it's ringing a lot more than that and that's a struggle so just putting those those stats in there I think we we start getting overwhelmed or we've got a luxury of seeing stats around data but we don't see a lot of it around voice that I'd argue that to most people on the call are listening now voice is more important than data in their day-to-day yeah so how is the analytics presented there's a custom report can you get the CSV is it power bi is it yeah so it's all of those but the easiest way it's it's done up as a display so it's just as a live dashboard yeah exactly so it's a full widget dashboard and it's then fully cons um um adjustable to how they want it so so the individual users can go look at that missed calls is super important to me so I want that as the big one I want that to take up half the screen but I also want number Rings a number of callbacks whatever is required it can be completely customizable for that individual customer is there a way and this might be getting a little bit too deep and too technical but can you it's obviously we're MSP we've got a PSA tool that we use we're going to have the same customers calling and if they've got you know a set range of numbers and or or their numbers are in our um our PSA is there a way to know who's calling bring up their you know somehow program it to bring up the documentation for that client or bring up a ticket potentially if you had customers you're um thinking of ideas and then someone's built that so there's third-party software which plugs it as well that does that very thing so what it'll allow you to do is into your PSA be it connect wise or other task or whatever it is it will actually see those numbers are coming in it can actually even go a step further let's say and I'm sure none of your customers would all your money but if if someone did all your money they're outside of the terms it can actually flag that and send it through to accounts first oh yeah and so accounts checked out cold first and go I need this fixed oh well just about your bill let me start that out but another way can be used is can actually bring up the start of a ticket it will bring up the history yeah so so you're ready to get into that yeah so absolutely the the because we're starting to use voice um are we we're treating the voices smart data rather than just Dom analog noise yeah it means you can do so much more with it and that's whether you and you know the unified comes into it right it's no longer I've got a cable which is analog and I've got a data cable but now the same one and it's track light data so we can we can sort it like data so another one that's interesting that we kind of talked about a little bit um pre-show was around so getting the call recording but then the sentiment analysis so again using AI to kind of was this was the customer happy or were they sad um and you know is that I've read about this I've seen this in the past um but how does xs4 have anything like that how's that technology looking how's that progressing yeah it's really exciting and it's very much an area about where we're engaged in and and focusing on so segment analysis is something that is on our road map and it and it is a little bit down on a road map but it's very much something that we've identified as particularly again from hybrid and flexible work the the customer experience and the staff experience are absolutely linked now and so if you don't have happy customers so if you don't have happy staff you probably don't have happy customers so that's sentiment analysis around customers is as important in team members have a you know are they looking at a second screen are they engaged is it of a you know uh because I can't see what people are doing in the office what's going on in there and you know even the language so if it's call center staff is the type of language negative um forceful supportive um you know grammary tells you about right when you write so it's looking at that as well able to see um you know are my call center people now too stressed and I need to tap them back so all about Cinema is not about overly monitoring it's about supporting the staff in their needs as well in that customer experience so yeah absolutely there is um you know AIS AI gets thrown around a lot right I've got a I've got a rice cooker that apparently has AI okay um it makes good rice I'm not gonna lie but I don't know so but there's a lot going on around those algorithms in um you know I get virtual AIS another one I've been told it's like it is and it isn't any what's a physical AI yeah well I think it's virtual is another word for not you know what I mean it's like it's not really okay but there's there's a lot of work being done in that and a lot of are around bi is around round up just that pulling and the ability to troll through that data and looking for Trends and then buildings yeah and it's it is kind of that just knowing without having to listen to the core was there was this a happy call or was this a sad call and and having that um the big one is Trends right is if you can have just a report drop down you just said you you may have an issue here are you going to talk about Revenue you're as a supervisor you'll pick it up too late yeah and by the time you've figured out to jump on a call and listen that's already upset customers I'm probably not obsessed staff member So the faster we can catch that the better than experiences yep all right it's actually back on to more topic of the show evolution of voice we went through business voice into 2010 and the challenges with covert then up to covert and you mentioned some of the challenges right now already um being good customer experience in hybrid work and good employee experience in hybrid work what other challenges in unify Communications right now at the UC so I'd say the challenges for for anyone with telephone lines the things I would say to think about is how do I untether them from my office and that's number one is how can I deliver the same level of Staff engagement and customer experience no matter where my staff are because that will help you keep staff it will help you provide happier staff which gives you happier customers and it will widen your net on where you can hire staff because if you don't need to make someone come to an office five day a week then you can then look beyond your 40K or 50k from an office so that's absolutely number one find a way to untether yourself from an office and deliver the same level experience no matter where they are the second one I'd say to anyone out here who's got a telephone line um is Communications continuity so how secure and how available is my telephony no matter what the event and there's three events there's an event that happens to your Telco there's an event that happens to your provider so your MSP or your your CSP and there's the event that happens to you as the End customer and so what happens to you you can have a a malware attack you can have a physical event you have a fire a flood I'm you know any of those events um then you move up to that middle line which is the MSP well all those things can happen to them right you guys work very hard to make sure your data's secure and you know I'm sure you guys work very hard in in segregating between vendors and datas as to what data you see which then protects those end customers and then the next question is what is the vendor doing so as you know ourselves at access 4 we can and I'd love to talk about this all day around the multiple feeds we have and the business resilience we've built in and the secure fails we have because I'm not saying we won't get hit we people are trying to hit us every single day as they are in every business everywhere but it's what happens when it does and what resilience do you have in place to a secure your customers data but be to ensure continuity of service to those customers because that the other two is you know the more right onto ever myself the more I I'm in the cloud and then how secure is the cloud I went to because not every cloud is equal and just because a uh MSP or someone says I'm putting you up to the cloud right is it is it the same as uh what you had and what I'd say is never go backwards in in Telco great never never drop down a level of quality just to save a bit of money you want that redundancy and that reliability right reliability and they're not on tethering from the office that was a long answer but it was a good answer though she had some good insights there and I think um it goes back to what you said before which is pretty valuable around if you're wanting to put in direct teams calling for example which we recommend almost everyone in teams to do is to integrate that and you have instead of a separate system call out of teams but make sure you have the redundancy there as well like you mentioned accessible as before so you've got something behind the scenes that can catch when teams Falls over because um yeah it doesn't happen a lot but that does happen and it could be just I mean even if it's 15 minutes yeah that can be a big difference if you're running the inbound calling and even even beyond that right so they've got teams but what's that what's that vendor doing what you know I always push back on whenever someone puts you on the cloud push back on that and ask okay what what does that mean from a redundancy and security standpoint and because you can't at the end of the day is as the End customer you're responsible for your data and you have your continuity and I always ask your partner what what does that mean to me and how protected am I it's quite hard for non-technical um end users though when you when you say the cloud right is it once the cloud isn't just back at the um msp's office um you know some random country or somewhere else or is it the public Cloud so it's quite hard to have those kind of questions from a non-technical but it is good advice and something that people should definitely be checking that's for sure what's uh so what's next for business calling or UC well I think I mean it depends how far we want to go right if you want to talk to Mr Zuckerberg we'll all be in web 3.0 and well I'll be using the you know the um a v of the um uh augmented reality headsets that you guys have got up there will be will be having we won't be having these physical maintenance we'll be set up like the Jedi Council I don't know if anyone remembers the prequels oh I can't wait for a hologram yeah I'm a mad for him but look you know chocolate aside I I really am excited about what we see there there's some incredible applications and some uses of that around training distance training about a democratization of Education that we can see out of this we can see you know helping the planets so you know again if people if we take that next step away from Zoom meetings but we're having um more interactive um being virtual or augmented meetings which then means again we don't need to travel significant distances to do these these are all brilliant things so you what what do I see in a short term the short term I see um far more untethering of offices and and a real take up of teams and UC and and WebEx in the short term but we'll see you know the death of the phone system in an office we're already we're already pretty close to that um you know we'll see further um um combining of those two separate Industries right the voice guy and the data guy it's you know it's come by now and it's the MSP and it's you know organizations like red who are the experts in that um which is great for businesses right it's one throat and choked someone I can I can go to and I if I look after all of that we'll see AI um and and just an ubiquity of communications come through that we'll see more tie into you know um more of these um in the offices so uh the the group sharing systems will see a lot more of those which will be a lot more easier to use um and then longer term you know then we'll see who wins around um Elon and Zuckerberg around their metaverses yeah I mean hopefully the metaverse in office like business uses a long long way away if it even gets there because it'll be pretty hard to replicate that but it was a good point you made definitely about um they're having that one throated choke and this thing we do is uh we've got a couple different arms but being your technology success partner so you get you really partner with an organization these days you don't just have a separate provider for it support except for cyber separate for strategy separate for calling for internet links and all these things it's also closely linked to everyone you've got to be across all the different verticals in technology 100 and that's what I would say to anyone out there is just find that trusted advisor find the red in your business who is an expert in you and then has expert vendors behind them in those verticals yeah and that works really well because they understand your needs and they can deliver the solutions across the whole board and then use those specialist vendors to make sure you're getting best to breed and when that works it works really really well thanks Peter for coming in you provide a lot of good insights and it's been really interesting to hear the evolution of voice from even back from 2010 and just prior to covert to where it is now has come a long way in terms of new functionality that's been introduced and people you know focusing on cloud-based and that unify Communications piece not just business Force anymore and and now we'll see what happens with the metaverse but I really appreciate you coming on where can people reach you if they want more information uh yep so I'm on LinkedIn so you can hit me up as Peter Alvin you'll see me on there and please um follow me and tell me um if you agree or disagree with any of that and obviously for you guys so we would love to um support you guys and if anyone's interested in anything we talked about then obviously red can support you guys in some trials and we can we can set up some proof of Concepts that would love to support you on but again just want to appreciate for you guys inviting me into what is a sale of the Arts set up and uh look forward to getting me in at another point when you've uh you've run out of contributors we made we made a podcast fantastic thanks Peter appreciate it my pleasure [Music]


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