Nerd Student Kidnapped Into A Battle Royale For Experiment

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Akita is your typical gamer boy and since he's Asian he's actually very good at it and like all gamer boys his room is an absolute mess Akita finds his reality boring and he'd rather play games whenever he can wherever he goes one day a giant man with mummy wrappings appears and attacks him maybe he just wants to talk about his Lord and Savior Rod the Egyptian sun god Akita escapes to an abandoned building and the man comes after him Akita uses some traps to attack him but it doesn't seem to work one bit suddenly a woman named meon comes and challenges him to a fight with a five seconds Countdown the battle starts and Mion immediately wrecks him Akita wakes up in a mysterious place and his hands are handcuffed together in strange handcuffs his wounds have also healed there are lots of people around him as well Mion appears and says that to the rest of society they are already dead kinda reminds me of squid game Mion does not reveal her plans so a bit strong man goes to to threaten him and of course the rule of anime is that a big strong man isn't really a threat except for you Cato Mion kills him with ease with her power to turn her hand into a hand Cannon she says that they all have been given unique abilities when the handcuffs turn green they will get removed in five seconds and they will be able to use their powers they are allowed to hurt or kill anyone else here then they are sent to separate rooms to prepare for this strange game Akita finds a piece of paper with his abilities explained on it his power is whatever the other person thinks it is that's a something soon their first round begins a one versus one fight Akita is paired with Madoka a bad boy who hates school and likes to cause trouble after a five second countdown the fight begins Madoka turns a stick into a sword and he starts cutting anything that Akira throws his way so Akita runs into the laboratory where Madoka tells him to admit defeat as that is also another way of ending a battle Akita sets up the environment in such a way that Madoka starts believing aikida has the hand Cannon ability and because his opponent thinks that Akita gets to use the cannon he blows Madoka away with a super powerful bang before aikida can make the finishing blow Madoka surrenders Mion declares Akita as the winner while clapping like a psychopath that's quite the tricky power to be honest Akita decides to keep his actual power a secret so that everyone will continue believing his power to be the hand Cannon time to change characters guys we're going to have to get to know a lot of people after all Yuri is a a high school girl who is a stalker following her her mother also has a promiscuous habit and she brings home new men every day for wrestling in bed this new man has a daughter himself and she's a cute little child named Maria one day Yuri sees her stalker getting ready to end his life so Yuri runs to save him she reaches him but the stupid psychopath pulls her along with him and that's how she ended up in his battle game I hope you guys are sympathizing with this character by now Yuri starts testing her powers which creates a huge shock wave it's pretty powerful but not powerful enough to break out Yuri thinks about her backstory again while her mom was having fun with the new man his daughter riria is left in her care Yuri feeds Rivia and thus she ends up feeling protective of her Yuri vows to get out of this place so she can get back to that little girl Yuri is put in a one versus one battle with a huge and strong man he starts behaving in a typical I am a strong man attitude his ability allows him to smell somebody's condition like knowing whether Yuri is a virgin or not spoiler alert she is he is also a pervert so he removes his clothes and starts rushing towards her and he manages to grab her the man has a pretty messed up past he once murdered a prostitute when she tried to blackmail him Yuri finally uses her power and she punches him so hard he learns to do a backflip Yuri has the ability to multiply her physical abilities five times once again she vows to get back to urea meanwhile Akira is taken to a room full of other people for the second round the second round will be a five vs 5 battle they have two hours to prepare for the battle his team members consist of Madoka and Yuri and two other new people the big guy is named shin and he's a wrestler he has the ability to become unbeatable Invincible for two seconds the guy who looks like Lupine III does not reveal his name so let's just call him Lupine his ability is to turn a button into a rope by far the second worst ability to have Akita does not reveal his powers as his teammates might become as a opponents in future rounds so he says that his ability is to use the hand Cannon turns out they are not going to fight 5 vs 5 directly it's going to be one versus one turn by turn I mean I understand the author would have to go through hell to keep up with the group battle Lupine is paired with a beautiful woman named Rin Rin asks him to Forfeit in exchange for some hanky panky later but Lupine does not accept when Lupine takes his eyes off her for a short moment Ren kills him with big spikes none of them could realize what rin's ability was it's always the seductive girl who gets the scariest Powers just look at lust from Full Metal the second match is between Shin and a reserved high school girl named Ringo the moment the five seconds countdown Shin rushes toward her but Ringo immediately forfeits everyone is shocked turns out Ringo can copy 10 of her opponent's real Powers she tried to copy Shin's two-second invincibility ability but 10 means she would only be Invincible for 0.2 seconds so she immediately forfeited very smart of her Brynn does not take this lightly so she almost chokes Ringo to death but another girl named saiko calms her down promising to win the next round sayiko and Madoka are paired up next sayiko's slingshots marbles at him Madoka swipes it away and the marble becomes a giant wrecking ball when Seiko attacks more Madoka Cuts one of them his ability is to create not just a sword but a sword that can cut through anything despite seiko's best efforts Madoka gains the upper hand and he forces her to surrender but Seiko has one last trick left she expands Her Marble right under madoka's marbles Madoka becomes unconscious and sayoka wins Akira lovingly calls Madoka an idiot in the most polite voice possible next is Akira versus kuji akita's team has two losses and one Victory so he must win he goes to Madoka and taunts him since Madoka thinks that Akira's Powers the hand Cannon akita's hand Cannon activates his opponent kuji starts crapping his pants but when Akita shoots at him kuji creates a barrier which stops his attacks so Akira uses the power of the Asian mom as in he throws his freaking shoe at kuji then he goes behind him kuji forfeits and Aikido wins Akita realizes that kuji's power is to nullify his opponent's Powers when touching the ground he also realizes that he can only use his powers when the other person is directly engaged with him bystanders may think his power is a hand Cannon but he can't use it if they are not engaged with him directly now you might be wondering why Ringo does not use her powers to find out what Akira's real power is you must remember the handcuffs if it's red then their powers are nullified now it's Match 5 the tiebreaker Yuri is paired with that psycho stalker uji the idiot who pulled Yuri off the building instead of being regretful uji seems all happy to be here with Yuri Yuri on the other hand well she wants to murder the crap out of him uji's ability is to turn his body as hard as iron but Yuri still punches him off the stadium aryuri is a real one punch girl Mion comes and congratulates the winning team she puts blindfolds on them and takes them to a nice dinner the losing team will be tortured and then killed nah just joking they will be forced to wear cute bunny uniforms and serve them food Yuri says that her wrist hurts so Akita ties his handkerchief to her another romance is butting in the air would be a shame if these two were paired to fight together later Mion says that the bunny uniforms were just a bit of fun the losing team will have another punishment the winning team is taken to a chamber with five different doors each must take a different path they all wish each other the best of luck and go separate ways before leaving Akita holds Yuri's hand and asks her to stay safe Yuri blushes and runs but this is just a part of akita's plan for the third program Akira is given an interface he has 100 points and he must collect 1 000 points to advance every person he knocks out will get him 10 points he meets a man named Katsuya instead of fighting Katsuya tries to recruit him just then Yuri comes to them being chased by a bunch of perverts Katsuya uses his powers which is to turn wood into a bow that can shoot infinite arrows the perverts have a hand Cannon fighter Akira also activates his hand Cannon and they run away later Katsuya says that the people in the third round have separated into Reds and greens the men before were of the red team and they are led by two powerful people he himself is one of the green team they go to the green team's Village it's filled with old people and even babies their leader yuto is an old man they're happy to have people with offensive abilities like Akira and Yuri turns out the Green Team doesn't have many fighters yuto tells them that they can collect points by completing quests and they can exchange those points for supplies like medicines food Etc since the fourth round is not guaranteed to be safe the red team seems to have no intention of passing they just want to stay in the third round while using their powers meanwhile let's look at her villains the leader of the red team is a giant man called Hajime and the second leader is the calm and collected man named Messiah like typical villains Hajime beats up the four perverts for failing their tasks today while Messiah looks on coldly even that psycho Rin has joined their team green leader yuto says that there is a third team team blue but they are neutral in the conflict between red and green yuto also says that the red team exploits anyone who is weak Yuri gets angry and joins Team Green immediately Akita has to make a choice Akita points his cannon at yuto yuto asks him to shoot so akiro shoots the old man except that yuto has an ability that can block even the Canon's Powers Akita is satisfied with yuto's leadership so he joins them just then another green team member named momoko informs them that a lot more new people have come to join them Akita and Yuri are put in the same room and they immediately find rubber inside maybe they can do something about their virginity but Akita is more focused on something else he tells her that his real power is telepathy Yuri is confused but he convinces her that it's true Yuri believes him and just like that he gains the power of telepathy using this newfound power they start talking through their minds they start conversing about their families and Akita starts trusting Yuri so he reveals to her that his real power is whatever the other person thinks it is just then meon contacts them through a zoom meeting she sends them on a large-scale quest for the next day Team Green reaches some ancient runes where Mion brings out mummified ghouls to attack them every ghoul killed is 30 points and they are not allowed to attack other humans they all work together to beat down a lot of ghouls but just then team red arrives to create trouble since Team Green does not want to reveal their powers to their enemies they leave the sight team Red's second leader Messiah has the ability to force people to work for him in return for a favor he has collected many people who owe him a debt so he sends them to be attacked by the ghouls Akita and the others start saving them so Mion brings out her main goal which is really really powerful yuto has no other choice but to reveal his powers his power allows him to conduct a peaceful negotiation with his opponent when he ends the negotiation he can return all the damage that he blocked kinda like meliota's Revenge counter he blasts the hole through the ghoul I just want to point out that's anything but peaceful Messiah is happy to find out yuto's Powers however the ghoul eats other ghouls and regenerates their boss fight is not over yet Yuri rushes in to save yuto by doing so she also reveals her powers to team red aikida also joins and reveals his powers but he has a plan and he tells this plan to Yuri Yuri believes that Akira's power is teleportation so Akita is saved he gets close and uses the hand Cannon to kill the ghoul but the ghoul starts getting back up so red leader Hajime kills the ghoul he starts talking about how exciting our heroes are like all villains do Yuri attacks Hajime but her strength is useless Hajime attacks her back so myON stops them and announces a new Quest called hunt the king the objective is to take the opponent's leader interface and transfer all his points Mion also adds some spices everyone in the losing team will be killed since Team Green has many injured members Mion declares that the hunt the king challenge will happen in seven days Team Green starts fixing up their injured people one of the people captured by the team red was Ringo but she's in the green team now Ringo is also a gamer and she recognizes Akira as a famous gamer I guess she's developing feelings for him as well the wrestler Shin also joins Team Green yuto tells everyone about the hunt the king challenge everyone is hyped to defy right end and team red once and for all later Ringo tells Akita about her ability to know others abilities since she was with team red for some time she knows their abilities too Akita realizes that he can use her Yuri sees Akira and Ringo spending time together and she starts getting a little suspicious and a whole lot jealous meanwhile a team red member escapes from the greens and he tells Messiah that akita's real ability is not the Canon Akira takes Yuri to meet Team blue for negotiations they continue testing akita's powers like shape-shifting into another person Akita reveals that Ringo knows of his real Powers they finally meet Team blue Akira asks their leader omoto to join them in exchange he will give them hundreds of points omoto immediately starts simping over Yuri so he demands her to join him in exchange for helping Team Green however Akita refuses omotra says that he himself will not join but he will tell his team about the offer and they will decide Madoka is also a part of Team blue he is still looking for a rematch with Akira so he vows to join team red Akira does not give a frick the hunt the king Quest begins taking an opponent's interface will give you one point taking the interface away for three meters will seal the opponent's Powers putting your own interface on one of the five Towers will get you 10 points they can use these points to do various things like shutting down someone's abilities or finding their location Team Green makes it their priority to seal red leader hajime's abilities Katsuya manages to secure one of the towers however Hajime does not stay back and he fights in the front lines he gets into a fight with Team greens as Suka whose ability is to create a sword and she can change the weight of the sword she gives lots of weight to her sword and tries to crush him but Hajime is too strong for her and he easily dominates her team red also has other powerful generals Who start dominating the battlefield one of them Rin runs into Akita for the second time since they met in round two neither of them knows how the other person's Powers work Rin tries to seduce Akira but he does not take it he makes a secret deal with Rin and leaves Rin immediately contacts someone saying that she found Akira Shin comes face to face with another powerful team red member setoguchi who is covered in the blood of dead Team Green members saruguchi's ability is to shrink things he ties a string to Shin's wrist and then he shrinks the string until he cuts Shin's hand meanwhile Hajime is just about to kill Asuka but Yuri makes a heroic entry and saves her Yuri uses her five times multiplied strength to fight him beating him terribly in that terrible 3D animation the Green Team capture a spy that team red had put there however when they try to get him to talk he is dead turns out there is another spy the sweet old lady momoko Akita also comes face to face with Madoka who is back for a rematch madoko can turn small wood pieces into small swords called knives and he uses these to attack Akira just then another General from team red joins the battle his name is rindu and like all team red members he's a psychopath Madoka temporarily allies with Akira to fight rindu because Madoka wants the pleasure of defeating Akira by himself turns out Akita actually called Madoka here while also asking Rin to call rindu here this was his plan rindu uses powerful invisible slices to attack them so they team up properly and attack him from both sides but rindu stops Akira's Cannon however Madoka turns the splinters into knives and kicks them at rendu which kills him meanwhile another powerful team red member named renka kills many green team members so a green team nun uses the last of her strength and her Voodoo ability to kill this powerful fighter good for you sister you the queen but but what is this renko wakes up and fixes her neck just then Rin comes behind her these two girls do not like each other as they are both Alpha females and team red renka attacks with her tools and cuts her in but Rin uses her blood to create weapons she attacks renka and traps her then Rin rushes to the other person who is always with renkai she stabs right through the box the man inside is the one who is controlling the puppets the girl pushing the box is just a slave of the red team Rin has a deal with Team Green if she kills a red team General then Team Green will save her if Team Green wins if team red wins then she'll survive with them but Rin still kills the slave to hide her secret meanwhile Shin continues his battle with setoguchi and let me tell you this Gucci guy is really annoying and overconfident he continues using shrinking strings to cut parts of shin he even manages to reach his neck but a green team girl named hareka uses her wind powers to knock him down setoguchi attacks hereka so Shen uses their body to protect her Shin does not like to use his powers because the memory of his brother's death still haunts him but he needs character development right now so he learns to use his powers without any guilt he can become unbeatable for two seconds for that he has a nice little armor he quickly grabs sitaguchi by the neck and knocks him out meanwhile Katsuya is face to face with an old man from the red team and like all anime old men he is quite powerful enough to dissolve everything he touches just then Akita arrives and sends Katsuya to help Yuri Akita takes out rindu's sword the old man realizes that rindu is dead and he also starts believing that Akira can copy other people's abilities and in doing so he believes that Kira has rendu's abilities and by doing that Akira gets to use rindu's ability he uses the invisible slash to kill the old man as he can't dissolve invisible slashes meanwhile momoku reveals herself as the other spy when she tries to kill yuto but yuto uses his powers to survive she reveals that team Red's leaders Hajime and Messiah are her children she threatens to blow up a child so yuto throws away his interface then she shoots him momoku tells Messiah that yuto is dead but myON reveals that they haven't won Team Green shows another person as their King so momoko starts attacking Ringo to find out the answer Ringo uses her own powers to copy momoko's Powers Ringo's Canon has only 10 percent of the power but she can shoot more quickly before their fight begins momoko puts the baby safely away momoko is a more seasoned fighter and she manages to beat Ringo to the ground but Ringo has the resolve to be stronger and after thinking about about akita's words she manages to crush momoko under some rocks and win their battle Aikido also manages to find Messiah he used the points they collected to ask me on where he was Madoka and shin also joined Yuri in the fight against hashimay however Messiah has been waiting for Akira and he has his slaves ready with him one of them is sayeko who uses her marbles to stop Akira's attacks Akita cannot attack them in return because they are being forced to do whatever it is they're doing Akira tries using the takno Jutsu to gain some time Messiah realizes what is happening but he lets Akira talk and give him some time in doing so Akira is now in a debt with Messiah and because of that Messiah can turn him into a slave but since there is only a small debt Messiah can only tie his legs to chains Messiah starts thinking about what Akira's true ability could be he thinks about the battle with the ghoul and so he starts believing that his true ability is teleportation Akira gets to use teleport rotation but messiah's slaves immediately grab him he then steps forward and stabs Akira however Akira says that this was just his plan to get close to Messiah now Messiah believes that Akira has yuto's defensive Powers so Akita gets to use that power he full counters the knife attack and knocks down Messiah all the slaves are freed on top of that Akita reveals that he was wearing books and meat in Casey got stabbed Messiah admits defeat and hands his interface to Akira Akita takes messiah's points and runs to fight Hajime just then Messiah pulls out another interface he thinks about his sad sad past Hajime and Messiah were orphans who grew up together momoko was one of their caretakers their Headmaster was a terrible person who bullied them every time and even momoka was helpless to do anything snap back to reality Hajime breaks madoka's right arm and Yuri's left arm and he even defeats Shin's Invincible armor Hajime a was 11 years old when he just could not take the headmaster's beating so he took an ashtray and killed the Headmaster just like that Yuri and Hajime punched straight and both of their arms break however Hajime feels no pain and he continues beating her however Yuri also continues fighting back even with broken bones because of course just then Yuri loses her abilities and Hajime knocks her out turns out Messiah used their team's points to seal Yuri's Powers Hajime is about to kill her but Akira uses one single point to send an announcement to everyone including Hajime if he kills Yuri then Akira will kill Messiah Akira challenges him to a one versus one fight Hajime accepts The Challenge and they meet for the climax battle Hajime quickly rushes towards him but Yuri believes that Akira can use her power so Akita is able to use her power of multiplying strength five times on top of that Hajime is rushing toward him so the punch has even more effect Hajime gets knocked out in one single punch but surprise surprise that's not how final villains die Hajime gets up and tells Yuri to take care of that girl she's fighting for then he dies Mayon declares that the quest is over and the Green Team Will Be winners everyone starts celebrating even green leader yuto managed to survive somehow meon arrives and her men take all the injured people to take care of them as Akira is washing his face blue team leader otomo comes and congratulates him otomo asks him what he thinks his power is Akita panics and thinks of the Canon so otomo uses the cannon looks like his power is just like Akira's otomo says that he has no interest in this game he just wants to kill me on with his own hands he wishes Akira the best of luck for the fourth round and leaves Akira becomes unconscious and he wakes up in his own home to his own daily routine he walks around town down and plays his games he goes and meets Yuri and she immediately jumps to hug him turns out they have green tattoos on their wrists the other members are also back in their daily lives and they all have the same tattoos and what the heck was all that at the end that's a heck of a cliffhanger we'll have to wait for season two to know more subscribe for more videos like this turn on the notification and leave a like to help the channel out thanks for watching


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