Pioneers Talk 7 How Crafted Scrap Supports the Production of Quality Steel and Reduces CO2

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welcome to all today's pioneers talk how crafted  scrap improves the steel quality and reduces co2   emissions my name is christoph stangl i'm  marketing manager at primetals technologies   and i will be today's moderator well with me are  two experts on the one hand it's andreas melcher   he is product life cycle manager for scrap  yard automation at primetals technologies   welcome andreas so it's my pleasure to be  here with you and our audience today hello   hey perfect and my the second expert is heiner  guschall he is ceo of sicon germany heiner glad   to have you here thanks for the chance to be here  it's a great pleasure perfect and i think we have   a great audience as well today i've seen that the  interest in the fulfillment of this talk was like   massive i hope a lot of people are also live now  at this moment so with the next about 45 minutes   andreas heiner and myself will discuss how crafted  scrap enables the production of high quality steel   as well as reduces co2 emissions in your steel  factory how you can convert conventional scrap   into crafted scrap and also how essential  the automation of production processes and   the logistics in steel factories so anytime  you have questions you would like to ask one   of our two experts please just add a comment  to this live stream as if you're used to it   if you would just uh put a comment on the  social media post later on during this live   streamed interview i will just read out some  of your questions and ask it to our two experts   so this is a pioneer's talk interview so let's  start pioneering now um cycle is a specialist in   the processing analysis and sorting of scrap  on the one hand and prometheus technologies   is among a lot of other things of course this  specialist in the identification and automation   of production processes and logistics or the  interpretation of optical identification of scrap   so most likely both of the companies have  already assisted a lot of steel producers to   pimp up their scrap yards but before we're going  to discuss about the specific solutions and how   this works in detail step by step i would like to  go one step back and just ask or discuss with you   what is to nowadays the conventional way how  stupid you should typically handle scrap uh and   maybe you can just share a bit of your experience  uh with us maybe behind you we would like to start   thank you scrap is always fashionable but there's  a lot of room for improvement and that's what we   are talking today about and scrap is traded  based on specifications like from esri bir   and these specifications give general guidelines  on ferrous content on copper content but they're   very general and they leave a lot of room for  interpretations for discussions between steel   maker and scrap supplier i've here for you two  photos one shows typical hms scrap and you see   a high content of impurities maybe this is a  bit worst case but still reality a lot of steel   producers are receiving scrap like this and at  this point we would like uh to improve the scrap   so that seal makers have less problems and the  other slide shows typical shredded scrap and   there we see copper impurities and these  copper impurities make in a lot of cases   the use of this scrap especially for flexi  producers to a problem because of the   inconsistency of this copper content and there we  want to supply and show solutions very interesting   uh thanks senator for bringing these pictures with  us i think this perfectly illustrates the relation   state of the art or reality so andrea's  to your experience regarding like the   automation of production and logistics what  is like there that like standard way how   simple you should usually do this nowadays  yeah usually uh depending on the steel line   you want to produce a recipe for the scrap is  sent to the scrap yard and then according to   this recipe a scrap mix is prepared which is  then sent to your melting unit but of course   as hand already explained you have to trust  that actually the script you are loading   is according to the specification which many  times it is not i see okay and scrap consumers   are basing their scrap mix on a worst case  in order to prevent any production risk   okay okay so this then means that this uh  this actually weight handle scap is let's say   sub-optimum then to put it that way or at least we  would say there's a lot of room for optimization   and so we have seen now that uh obviously  like unsorted on and can convenient   strap is maybe very often the case of the  standard and and standard recipes and that   very often z producers operate on the worst  case scenarios so what are they not drawbacks   when you just follow this kind of policy  or philosophy maybe you want to start again   drawback is that the energy energy consumption  is higher than it should be even the best furnace   producer primetals cannot produce steel from from  dirt and so far we would like to remove everything   what is not contributing to a high liquid yield  before the furnace so steel making starts on   the scrap yard on the other hand we also want to  separate unwanted impurities like copper lead tin   from the feedstock before it enters into the  furnace and that means that scrap needs to be   processed so that it doesn't look like on the  two pictures which we showed at the beginning   okay very good what about you yeah the problem  is is heinous hater that actually the impurities   aren't desired to have in the in the scrap  mixer and nowadays there are possibilities   but there is a quite low effort to track the  quality of the script that is really charged   into the melting unit sir and this is why usually  steel makers depend then on the experience of of their operating stuff which of course you  bring in the human factor they don't act in the   same way each day sometimes because of manifold  reasons uh the result of this is different and   you uh therefore you are getting different  results after tapping off your melting unit   we want to make the use of scrap independent from  your human era yeah yeah that's the goal yeah   and this is kind of necessary to to have  this steady very high quality insured   and otherwise you have like two high  fluctuations also on the end products   depends on the quality of steel which is produced  especially integrated plants flexi producers are   moving have a strong move in the direction of the  use of more scrap and they are very sensitive to   impurities especially copper tin and  this is something where we have to act   and to show solutions uh to make the  increased use of scrap for flexi production   happen for long c production it's not so sensitive  but nevertheless they have the problem of energy   efficiency and energy costs are rising all over  the world significantly so that we can optimize   this as well yeah so in other words so we have  to produce or to to make the ingredients better   to a greater that is required by the steel grade  you want to produce at the end so if you compare   the steel making routes like today high  quality flat steels which are made in in   converter plants there's only a scrap mix used to  an extent of approximately 25 maximums 30 percent   and you can dilute this by using the rest of  80 of virgin material so it is not essential   let's say so essential like in an electric  arc furnace where you go up to maybe 100 of of   scrap charger and where uh impurities are then  included in a much higher volume than compared   uh to a converter yeah very good and we are  in the transition period of the steel industry   heading towards co2 neutrality and the use of  scrap for sure we will discuss this later the use   of scrap is the fastest way to achieve this very  interesting point so uh um this is a i think a   good good point maybe to just welcome also our uh  possibly uh uh uh recently connected participants   um what comes out of this pioneer's talk with the  title how crafted scrap can improve sea quality   and reduces due to we have just started to  discuss let's say the challenges uh around   this topic today with me is andreas meike from  primetime's technologies as well as hannah guschot   from second in in germany if you have any  questions at any time please just input them as   comments to this live stream i've seen there are  some comments already in the queue so please add   them later on i will read some of your comments  out as questions to our experts and you will get   an immediate answer if you not succeed to answer  all the questions during this live stream i will   make sure that i will connect to later on after  the live stream with our experts so that hopefully   we'll get an answer in any case so please  keep on inputting your questions as comments   so we have started to discuss the challenges  when handling scrap which is maybe polluted and   when automation is missing and maybe the  production is too much dependent depending on the   human factor or um actually varying to too much so  there is now specifically space for improvement to   your experience maybe you want to start yeah okay  so from automation point of view of course there   are comprehensive solutions to make your logistic  chain automatic automation supported that starts   from the delivery of the script followed by  unloading preparation or pre-preparation of   the scrap preparation of the scrap mixer and the  transport of the script and then to the melting   unit and tracking each single batch of scrap that  is going to be charged into your melting unit   plus there are intelligent sensors and  technological packages that can support   to identify actually the type of scrap that  is charged or delivered it even gives the   the opportunity to remove unwanted and dangerous  ingredients from the scrap mixer and at the end   you can close the complete logistic circle and  know up to 100 percent uh what you are feeding   your your melting unit so uh if you know your your  ingredients you can be quite sure about the result   you get out of the furnace and so this means their  automation gives a significant advantage compared   to only like experience stored in human brains  definitely it's not only a question of of the   experience because as mentioned before you never  can be 100 sure what kind of impurities you have   in the scrape if you do not check for roughly to  find them so you have to trust actually that the   scrap mixer is according to the recipe but  uh you cannot be 100 sure if you do not put   additional effort into uh into the game to find  out what kind of script you're really using   very good so whether you see a specific  room for improvement to your experience   basically what andrea said that's the point where  we are coming in scrap is today not a certified   or quality proven product it can change  depending on the market situation there can   be higher impurities or less impurities that's  difficult for steel plants to anticipate this   but they have problems with this and and so far we  want to make the utilization of scrap transparent   and transparent means that we have one step  of pre-processing preferably within a steel   plant and this pre-processing means that we  take out all unwanted impurities which are   already liberated and the next step is then  to know exactly the chemical composition   so first step we have prepared a short video which  shows our hms cleaning to convert this ugly hms   crab which we saw on the picture at the beginning  into a quality scrap and here you see a unit   the scrap is fed to a pen feeder for a proper  dosing to a so-called hms screen inclined   and acceleration of material and then magnetic  separation so that liberated non-ferrous metals   stones fines oxides are dropping down everything  what is the ferrous separated from the   from the residue so that nothing is lost  but by this we can increase the liquid yield   by 6 to 10 percent which is a significant  amount and furthermore we can add steps   together with prime metals so that the shear  scrap is further optical controlled and that   further unwanted impurities are separated so that  we get a quality product from the low quality hms   which we saw before there we go very impressive  to see like this big like mountain of dirt which   came out yes that's indeed impressive and when  you consider that this material went before uh   to the furnace yeah and increased just the amount  of slag and cost energy yeah so is this let's say   you say it's really like standard it was like kind  of worst case scenario you just showed now in this   video um it's a bit strange steel producers who  have such units in operation are wondering why   they didn't do it before okay those who don't have  it often say we don't have such a scrap but when   you look on the scrap yard you don't see a big  difference so that's what i said at the beginning   there is potential just by pre-processing  by analyzing the scrap quality becomes   transparent um and then you really see what you  got very very interesting so there is not your   space for improvement uh like from your like  automation view on the topic yeah uh okay maybe   one important aspect i want to add uh increasing  this lag for for many steel producers is a   challenger because the disposal of slager in many  cases is not free of charge so you have to pay   for it so if you take all the dirt out before and  you can decrease the amount of slag of course your   production will become cheaper and that's uh  of course another benefit of cleaning the scrap   before you charge it into into a melting unit  and uh yeah so uh what we are having uh on on   solutions uh uh i prepared some slides to to  show it to you uh the first slide that will   be shown now is uh an optical solution for the  identification and uh classification of scrap   so you can see here actually a scrap tube in  top view on its way uh to a steel making plant   and uh our technological package is here used  to verify that the charging recipe and loading   instructions are obeyed by the by the staff and  to be sure that the correct kind of scrap in the   correct weather is uh transported to the melting  unit on the second slide you can see actually a 3d   scan of the same transport so you can see actually  the truck pulling the the chute in blue color and   in the red color you can see the script that is  distributed uh inside the chute the reason why   we are doing this is actually uh to calculate the  volume of the scrap that is charged into the chute   and uh we are doing this uh first of all to  verify the master data that is stored in the   in the database for steel production so that  actually the specific volume and weight of the   scrap is correct and secondly to be sure  that we can avoid any kind of problems   when charging the scrap into the conveyor in this  in this case because if the volume is very high   compared to the weight let's put it like this  sometimes it's happening that the scrape is   getting stuck uh during the the charging  process and of course this costs time to rectify   gives you a lot of troubles uh uh uh under on  the on the steel plant for floor for cleaning   and so on and so on so uh the system in general  uh supports you to avoid such situation and making   steel production more profitable and safer very  interesting thanks sir for bringing like these   these examples with you um so we have really some  questions so i i um suppose that we just have a   look at them um just one uh a question maybe it  answers just directly because one of you is just   answering uh will be the recording will be it  is made um available later on uh yes it will be   on the one hand um when you go to the metals  technologies corporate linkedin channel this   recording will be available to it as a video  post on the one hand and on the other hand we   will also publish the recording then later on on  our metals technologies uh online metals magazine   we will post a link also later on so if you have  troubles in in following our stream we of course   we are glad if you just tried uh hopping onto  the stream uh some reasons obviously internet   connection is not perfect um but if it's not  possible please then have a look on the recording   later on so let's have a look at some questions um  so the the first question is here um like edgar is   asking how do you imagine the scrap market will  supply all the demand since the increase of scrap   is key for a lot of decarbonizing projects  um of of all like do you have any experience   and how the script market is evolving is  there only like any limitations or shortages the scrap market will remain tight during the next  years it is not possible to produce all the steel   nearly 2 billion tons per year made of scrap this  is simply not possible we don't have enough scrap   of course there's an increase of of scrap arising  during the next years but 30 40 percent maybe up   to fifty percent can be covered uh by scrap and  uh and so far there will always be a lack of scrap   and for sure also a certain fight for  scrap and that also leads to the assumption   that scrub producers scrap traders don't have  the necessity to produce a perfect quality   and so far it's we see more the task in the  future inside the steel plants to refine the   scrap to the quality they need okay let's  see an interesting thing thanks for answer   something to eat for you most likely this is  the the best and viable solution in simpler   words are trying to make better scrap out of of  bad scrap by cleaning and preparing preparing it   and as hannah already mentioned it it is i think  crystal clear that the demand for a high quality   scrap will be increasing and an alternative  is to use virgin materials instead of of scrap   then in an electric advertised for instance  which is from energetically point of view   not desirable because you need more  power to melt such virtual materials   and and in fact it has to be feared that even  the availability of such urgent materials   like hpi for instance will not be sufficient for  the demand on the market scrap can be converted up   to the quality that there can be an exchange of  dri and hbi so that you can react to the market   conditions which are challenging here at the  moment and who knows what will happen to you   in the next months or years yeah yeah can you  imagine yeah so another question actually um   like from francisco is asking what about the dust  generated during the grinding or the storage in   the open yard and afterwards in the eaf so even  in the images we have just seen it seems that like   there's a lot of dust generated what is the  strategy to deal with the dust maybe you have   an answer for this um when we are looking for a  shredded shredded scrap then dust is not an issue   because plants are connected to state-of-the-art  dusting unit but i think the our visitor   is looking for processing hms which can be a  dusty a dusty thing but we have in our units   dust suppression equipment so that there  is no defuse dust emission and furthermore   the cleaning unit is in a way efficient that  99 of fine dirt dust is separated so that   the scrap after the cleaning does not cause  any more environmental issues or concerns   very good thanks a lot another question this is i  think also for you heiner how can we like emen is   asking this how can we exactly know the chemical  composition of a batch by by sorting scrap we are using online analysis um maybe we  want to show the video at this point yeah   we have prepared one video yeah which shows the  ecoskin online maybe you just uh yeah it's running   up yep and the ecoscan online here it is shown  for shredded scrap but we use it as well for   a sheared scrap at the moment it's in operation at  two steel plants or steel recycling companies one   innovative company in german which is cooperating  with a flat sea producer and each batch which   is supplied to the steel plant has to pass or  everything is passing this analyzer so that each   railroad cargo or truck has a quality certificate  so that the final user which is the steel plant   knows exactly the chemical composition of course  we can do this also at the entrance at the gate   after the inspection of the scrap we can of  course also measure the chemical analyzers to   assign maybe the scrap to different  um sorting or processing equipment   this is also possible but by this analysis we  are very close to the mythological chemistry so   that we can predict an advanced yeah how  this scrap can be used very interesting   and so together with the optical tools that we  can provide you're getting the perfect combination   to track the quality of the scrap  that you're using in your production   maybe one question what do you know exactly  andreas this is coming from where is it   yeah there's no name display  just linkedin user but anyway   can you sketch a scrap screening a tool or  equipment is it able to separate stainless   steel from copper and so on possible or  is this some topic for future development no this separation okay this separation  is state of the art okay that is not uh   that's not a problem okay perfect all right so  uh please just uh keep on typing in comments uh   to this live stream uh as a lot of others did  you before we just go on now with our questions   but later on we try to read out again some other  comments and questions and if we do not answer all   them as mentioned before i will try to reconnect  you after this live stream without experts so   that the questions will be answered anyway  so um in the title of this pioneer's talk we   just state that that crafted scrap especially  is the key to succeed in a high steel quality   and in the production so maybe you can elaborate a  bit on this what exactly norm is crafted scrap and   and how can you produce crafts or use or provide  crafty scrap to your steel factory okay so let   me explain actually crafted scrap there is  a scrap preparation system which consists of   elements of electrics and automation plus  mechanical components providing exactly the   kind of scrap and the quality of scrap for  your target analysis in the required amount   in the right timer so this you will get you  will get increased safety in your production   then decrease the energy consumption and  increase the yield of steel in your melting unit so in your description but also now like  the solutions like account is providing uh   included or is something to be added what crafted  scrap is like from from your point of view heiner   basically it's to come to a digitalized scrapyard  it's a modular system it's starting at the   entrance it's starting with the optical inspection  with the correct assigning to different scrap   pre-processing facilities inside a steel plant  and then the analyzers so each step basically can   be added in different phases so nothing has to be  done in one step but basically with crafted scrap   we want to express that steel producers should not  accept anymore the quality they get on the market   but that they get the quality or that they  refine the scrap to a quality which meets   exactly the needs of the furnace and not the  other way around and we can provide all the tools   which are necessary to come from one step that  means the scrap that you get and that you have   stored on your scrapyard to convert it into the  scrap that you really need to produce the steel   you want in your melting unit so in between is  this combination of electric and automation tools   and mechanical tools which can be provided by  sitcom and parameters yeah and actually so this   this demand for crafted scrap wouldn't need has  this always been there and the solutions were not   in place or is this something like both of you  like like it like uh engineered the solutions   and now can offer this kind of enhanced solution  or or was it something like a demand which came   up recently and if this was the case why um so i  believe due to this uh very strong trained mega   trender for reducing the co2 footprint of steel  production it is became quite a necessity because   those high quality steels that are produced and  in electric furnaces which are now produced in   converters need a special quality of scrap and  scrap mixture and this is where we actually target   with our crafted scrap initiative and with  our tools okay very good and modern electric   arc furnaces as per metals supplies designs and  supplies them are completely flexible from zero   to 100 scrap everything is possible whereas today  the integrated plants and as you mentioned it   use 20 to 30 percent scrap and that's the limit uh  more is not possible and with the new technology   dri hpi plus electric arc furnaces we  are exceeding this limit of 30 up to 100   and therefore there's more demand for quality  scrap and therefore we see significant increase   of interest and demand in crafted scrap and of  course in the view of co2 footprint reduction it   is essential because increasing the scrap rate so  recycling material inside and using environmental   friendly produced energy to recycle this of course  significantly reduces the co2 footprint of seed   production which is very important nowadays in  a very fast way yep yeah very good term uh when   we just talk about demand maybe we can just share  the results of a very small poll an online survey   i did prior to this event uh there were just a  couple of replies but i think it's still very   interesting when we talk about demand um on the  one hand i was asking you uh are you ready using   solutions for processing analysis and sorting of  scrap but it was still planned and uh there were   like three options as you can see i guess i do  know it doesn't it isn't interesting for me at all   or the middle answer which all of you chose who  actually answered this poll uh saying not yet   but i want to in future so obviously what we're  discussing now is uh interesting for a lot of   you who attend this call now and then we can  look at the second diagram at the second poll   uh this is exactly what we were just talking  about uh i was asking do you think that the smart   scrapyard can improve uh your steel production and  we have three options uh the first answer uh maybe   it was a bit like exaggerated but saying okay  humans always outperformed automation obviously   none of the answers took this um two-thirds choose  the answer that automation improves steel quality   which is the topic of our today's talk uh where  crafty scrap obviously is the key and one third of   you just chose the option automation is essential  so obviously there is really a demand also   regarding our participant audience here uh  and i'm glad that this is the case and maybe   before proceed um we will have another look at our  questions because there are some of the questions   um coming in here um let me see uh  there is a question uh from from uh   well i think so he's asking a lot  of impurities are found in the scrap   refining and creating the perfect quality  um steel won't be costlier than normal steel   production which is a question so as removing all  the impurities this will this require a lot of of   processing so i don't know can we give an answer  to this um that's that's a good question which   i cannot answer in a completely general way but  what we see is that mechanical processing of scrap   is very economic and that the residue which  are separated have usually a similar high value   than the scrap because of the content of  non-ferrous metals and so far you are not inc   definitely you are not increasing your average  cost for scrap you are reducing the average   cost by scrap processing and this becomes obvious  when you have such a plan and look at the residue   it's very astonishing when you see the amount of  non-ferrous metals which is supplied to date to   steel plants and used in furnaces and basically  lost this is not the idea of circular economy   very good point thanks hannah there's another  question from wolfgang he is asking where do you   see the location for your scrap preparation  process or processes should this be next   to the scrap supplier or collector or should  this be backward integration for steel producers   so i know so a question for you maybe i can i can  try to answer it um i think in general the best   location is inside a steel plant steel plants  have usually a number of different suppliers   and these suppliers have different ideas and and  understandings of quality and in order to get   these different suppliers on the same  quality level we we need the step of   refining inside the steel plant inside  the steel plant we usually have the space   we have a lower energy cost and the steel plot  knows exactly which quality they want to have   and it's a question for me which just uh i have  the impression that the solutions you provide   might not need a a huge investment like in with  the new technology but might be a big potential   to leverage if you use it as a c producer is this  the case if you compare the investment we're not   talking about specific figures yeah if you compare  the investments to dri plants to electric arc   furnaces rolling plants uh we're talking about  small figures yeah um and as mentioned before   it can be installed step by step each solution  is customized therefore we have our scrappy here   yeah which should feature customization  products we can can take maybe we'll the him he was scrappy actually  thanks for being scrappy with you   very nice yeah so he can perfectly  adapt its color his color here yes yeah   it adapts to the environment and through  the necessities of the steep plan yeah the same of course applies to the automation  packages so they are totally modular and can be   integrated into an existing automation environment  in a steel planter and depending on the   necessities and the needs in the steel production  they can be added step by step and add up them to   a complete solution in the best way together with  mechanical preparation and sensors coming from   sitcom yeah very good uh there's an interesting  question this is for you andreas um saya is asking   um is it possible to replace like a blast furnace  by 100 grafton scrap in a large eaf in terms of   economic production do you think this is an option  nowadays to play super blast furnace via eaf   using like grafted scrapton yes of course this is  possible and many steel producers which are using   now blast to innocent and convert the roots are  planning exactly to do that but as i said before   our electric arc furnaces are very flexible  so they even could use the pig iron that is   coming from a blast furnace to be charged into the  electric arc furnace together with a scrape with   other virgin materials so it depends i would say  on an individual solution that of course has to   be checked and and found the best way how the  steel should be produced very good thanks for   answering this yeah please just keep on typing in  your comments to this live stream we won't succeed   to answer all of them but as i promised you i will  follow up them properly so that they will get an   answer from my experts after this stream seems to  be a lot ah there's a lot of coming in thanks a   lot for interest obviously really hit the nerf  in the market showing also like our very small   poles at the very beginning so maybe um one two  questions uh at the very end what i'm interested   in i read in in in the newspaper some time ago  that metals technologies and sickon recently   signed an agreement for a corporation so maybe you  can just um explain us what was the motivation for   this agreement and what are the benefits for  the steel producer due to this agreement what   has changed compared to to the situation before  signing this this agreement so i believe actually   that our sensor and together with the cuscano  seconder that you get could consider as the   brain of the of the scrapyard together with the  mechanical solutions scrap preparation cutting   shredding cleaning sauteing baling and so on and  so on which are practically speaking the limbs   are fitting perfectly together to to  provide our customers with solutions   which uh perfectly integrate them in their steel  production and provide them with the scrap and   the required quality to produce their steel very  good yeah yes our solutions are complementary and   when we want to achieve a scrapyard 4.0 a smart  scrap yard then all these solutions are necessary   and each solution gives a benefit very good so um  another question which is also interesting for me   the solutions you presented so far we were  discussing about as far as i can see let's   say they're really well rather smart making us  very smart at the end pimping it up um artisanal   solutions which really contribute to um moving  me as a steep producer further on my role towards   industry for zero or is it just like a kind of  advanced automation system which is living in my   pulpit no no actually it definitely moves you  into the right direction uh towards industry   4 0 all of those solutions can be integrated  in primetal's industry for zero environment   collecting all the data that actually then can  be used to enhance your steel production so it   is fully compatible and integratable  yeah very good no very impressive um   and and to your experience andreas when is then a  scrapyard really smart certain statements now it's   smart how do we find this yeah as an automation  guy i have to say my wishful thinking is uh uh   the scrapyard really is smart when all the tribal  knowledge and the experience of human operators is   integrated into the automation system and can be  used then to the maximum degree of repeatability   during the process that's my automation  point of view very good well um there are a lot of people are online as far as i  can see you thanks also a lot for your interest   to the participants um i think a lot of stupid  users of course are on because this is especially   designed for them so if someone is really  interested to say okay uh this is interesting for   me i want to pimp up my scrap yard i want you to  convert my scrap into crafted scrap i will utilize   or leverage the potential for my steel production  uh so to whom shall we write home shall we contact   yeah okay i gladly will collect all those  inquiries questions whatever our clients   need and of course we are in constant contact  with second and we exchange all the information   uh regularly so that we can then serve our clients  with the right answers and products hopefully   okay perfect we'll do our best yeah so this means  whenever you have any specific question please   just either contact andrea's makeup directly of  course for this solutions uh i will put later on   again the link to their personal linkedin profiles  but of course since you have registered for this   pioneer's talk today there are linked improvers  anyway connected at this event page as well so um   i think we've come to an end basically of  this today's live streamed interview i hope   you loved uh today's topic i hoped uh i hope the  answers of our two experts inspired you and very   interesting for you i hope you love this format  pioneers talk which we are actually broadcasting   on a regular basis the next pioneer's talk by the  way will be related to land tracking we're gonna   discuss actually what is level tracking and that  it's much more than just uh determining where is   the position of the level uh this is actually a  weird topic i think of this which is very well   connected to what we just have discussed now it's  also logistics but of course just in the mail shop   not regarding to to scrap um if you're interested  in this please just either follow the hashtag   pioneerstalk or just keep an eye on the  corporate channel after metals technologies or   follow my linkedin profile so we for sure we  get then a notification about our next talk   please keep on commenting if you like in this  stream as i promised i will fold up your comments   properly thanks for being with us thanks for your  interest i was overwhelmed by all the comments   and the reactions thanks about for that thanks  also to our experts andreas for being here yeah   thank you too and thanks to our audience and  also thanks heiner for being with us and for   your interesting answers thanks a lot it was  a pleasure perfect thanks again and goodbye you


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