Chicken Egg Incubation Technology - Broiler Raising Method & Process | Food Factory

Chicken Egg Incubation Technology - Broiler Raising Method & Process | Food Factory

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welcome back to trending Farm have you ever  wondered how factories process millions of chicken eggs what are the methods and processes  for raising Broiler chickens on farms join us to explore the advanced  applications and potential of technology in   the production of safe clean and highquality  products in the poultry industry [Music] to incubate eggs farmers will harvest eggs at the [Music] Farm Workers Harvest eggs in pre-arranged  nests in the chicken raising area [Music] the most appropriate time to harvest is  the morning after the chicken has just   laid eggs to ensure the freshness  and warmth of the [Music] eggs in   addition the farm has just been equipped  with an automatic egg harvesting system the frequent presence of humans in the chicken   raising area causes stress  for them leading to low egg production the automatic egg harvesting  system supports bringing chicken eggs   directly from the hen cage to  the container outside the [Music] cage limiting human contact also  helps keep chicken eggs more [Music] hygienic in your opinion which egg harvesting  method would be more popular [Applause] [Music] have you ever wondered how grating eggs in the  first place affects the health and quality of [Music] chickens each egg then under go  rigorous testing to remove any defects [Music] workers in the factory remove eggs that are  cracked broken crushed deformed or show signs of contamination they examine eggs under light to   check quality good eggs have  clear whites and yolk in the middle chicken eggs are placed in incubation  trays and left to wait at room temperature   about 20 to 22 dgc for 24 hours before  being put into the incubator [Music] this process ensures that only the best eggs make  it into the incubator where they are incubated   for 21 [Music] days we will show you images of  egg incubators symbols of advanced technology   in the poultry industry in the next few minutes  of the [Music] video like and share the video to   spread useful information to [Music] everyone at  a stable temperature of 38 day GC the incubation   room is equipped with 24 state-of-the-art  incubators each holding up to 120,000 [Music] eggs these machines automatically  rotate the eggs every hour mimicking the   natural care of a mother hen and ensuring  optimal embryo [Music] development this   process nurtures each egg preparing  the embryos for their journey into the [Music] world one standout in modern egg incubation  technology is the jamesway Platinum 2 incubator known for its Advanced features  this incubator creates the perfect   environment for hatching with precise  temperature and humidity [Music] control it excels in maintaining  the best conditions for embryo   growth leading to higher hatching  rates and healthier chicks [Music] this technology enhances productivity and  profitability for poultry Farms making it   a vital tool in the [Music] industry  another essential piece of technology   is the senovo palletizer egg  packaging machine [Music] this machine plays a crucial  role in the egg production   process by carefully and safely packaging eggs for [Music] consumers it automates the loading   and unloading of eggs reducing  breakage and boosting [Music] efficiency for smaller operations the prz  and PS pc30 egg Packer offers a reliable   solution ensuring gentle handling and efficient [Music] packaging these technological  innovations Mark a significant advancement   in poultry production improving efficiency  and quality across the industry [Music]   after 18 days of care eggs are transferred  into hatching baskets to prevent newly   hatched chicks from getting stuck and  ensure their safety during the hatching [Music] process then workers move  the baskets to the separation area the eggshells are removed and workers  will examine evaluate and classify the [Music] chicks newly hatched chicks are  often covered in wet down and require special [Music] care they need essential nutrients  during the first 72 hours of life [Music] at this stage it is important to  maintain a suitable environment for the chicks the temperature should be kept at around  35 Day c95 dead sheep the chicks warm and [Music] comfortable adequate  ventilation and a clean dry   area are also essential to prevent the spread of [Music] disease additionally  chicks can be vaccinated against   common poultry diseases to ensure they stay healthy once initial care is complete the  chicks are carefully placed in a transport   tray and sprayed with a thin layer of vaccine  [Music] they are then transported to local   farms where they will be raised under the care of  farmers and veterinarians until they are ready for   meat [Music] production whether you are interested  in commercial incubation or experimenting at home   understanding the first steps in caring for chicks  is critical to successful poultry farming [Music] if you're curious about more Innovations in egg  incubation stay tuned for future [Music] videos   once on the farm proper care is essential to  maintain the health and quality of the [Music] chickens they are kept in clean spacious cages  with adequate ventilation and Lighting [Music] regular feeding with a balanced diet  ensures optimal growth while clean water   is always [Music] available the farmer monitors  the chickens for any signs of illness [Music] bedding is kept dry and clean to prevent disease  and the environment is maintained at a comfortable [Music] temperature Farmers always  ensure ventilation ventilation and   temperature conditions suitable for the  development of chicken flocks [Music] proper care during this final stage is vital  to produce highquality meat and ensure chicken [Music] welfare chickens are raised  on the farm until they are 43 to 60   days old and reach their desired  weight typically around 6 to 10 lb [Laughter] once qualified for processing  the chickens are sent to the food factory they will be stored in a  blue light area for at least one   day to help them calm down maintaining  the best meat quality before processing then workers hang the chicken feet on  hangers and put them into the processing line they are processed removing  hair and internal organs workers   separate the chicken parts and package them before leaving the food factory they are  carefully Frozen to ensure food safety and hygiene we must recognize  the significant benefits of chicken chicken stands out for its  high protein content selenium and   B vitamins making it a healthier choice  than other meats such as beef or [Music] pork chicken has less saturated  fat and fewer calories than [Music] beef meanwhile it provides cleaner  protein with less cholesterol than pork with its mild flavor and tender texture chicken  is suitable for everyday dishes and special [Music] meals they are an indispensable component of  a healthy and balanced diet highlighting its   health benefits compared to other meats [Music] [Music]   thank you for joining us in  exploring how people are using   Cutting Edge technology to mass-produce eggs and [Music] chickens take the opportunity to discover more   about the latest methods processes and  Technologies in this industry [Music] remember to subscribe and turn on notifications  so you don't miss any new videos from us first the goose was domesticated from  the European Gray Goose they were later   introduced to China through trade on the Silk  Road they're raised for fur and meat bringing   a large source of income to farms in China  the most famous being the longu swan Goose   breeding Farm in Sichuan Province do you  wonder about the characteristics of this Goose they often have long necks like ostriches  it has a medium size healthy appearance and   short legs soft thick fur that comes in many  different colors from white black to Gray   and many other [Music] variations to have a  healthy Goose breeders need to take very good   care of [Music] them on average they  consume about 3 to 4 pounds of food a day their food is usually a growth stimulant for [Music] meat thanks to Modern breeding  methods they contribute to the economic   development of farmers in Sichuan province [Music] generating a stable income from Goose  farming has become a popular business   model with breeds such as Sky grass goose  and other breeds but what few people know   is that goose also contributes to the economy  bringing significant [Music] profits currently   the goose is widely bred and is considered  the largest Goose species globally [Music] potential business opportunities  for those involved in livestock   farming gooses are known for their simple  breeding process and high adaptability   making them the perfect choice for  those new to the livestock sector Goose to start the incubation  process and create a baby goose Farmers often start by collecting eggs  do you want to visit the egg collecting Farm   if so leave comment number one and you as a   breeder share the new ways of  caring for geese that you are applying to get delicious dishes made from  Goose liver you should not skip the breeding process before entering the incubation  stage the most important aspect is   to choose eggs that are uniform in  size and shape without any signs of damage each incubator tray usually contains  contains hundreds of [Music] eggs the incubator   is equipped with ventilation fans to ensure  air circulation preventing eggs from being   damaged and providing the stable temperature  necessary for the incubation [Music] process   after a certain period usually about 18 to 21 days  people will spray cold water on the eggs in the incubator this action helps create a  temperature Spike simulating natural   conditions and stimulating the eggs hatching  [Music] process when the eggs have been incubated   in the oven for enough time they will be taken  to another area and covered with a layer of towel spreading a towel helps maintain  humidity and warmth creating a favorable   environment for the eggs to [Music] hatch  at this time the eggs will begin to hatch   into B babies opening a new cycle  in the poultry production [Music] chain they will be vaccinated before being  sent to another breeding [Music] area   besides to develop goose eggs well a stable  temperature is maintained usually around 29   to 37° F and humidity is maintained  from 55% to 60% throughout throughout   the incubation period this is very important  to ensure the development of goose [Music] eggs the success of the incubation process and the   healthy development of the goslings to  monitor the development of the [Music] goslings farmers use high-intensity light  to observe the internal development of eggs they can detect early signs of  any abnormal egg development or health   problems so they can be removed [Music]  early they are then taken to a breeding   area with electric heating bulbs to create a  warm and comfortable environment for the young geese especially in winter weather it helps  goslings and increases their resistance baby geese need a more careful and  digestible diet usually small nutritious granules around 4 to 6 weeks of age  they will be exposed to the natural   environment and practice resistance training  to help make the goose liver bigger and more delicious do you know the difference between  raising geese outdoors and in a barn grazing   geese outside in their natural environment  can allow allow geese to move freely and   find food from their [Music] surroundings  meanwhile raising geese in pens typically   requires providing food and water to the geese in  a controlled environment often with pre-prepared feed do you know the difference between  raising geese and raising chickens that is the environment where geese are  raised there will be a tank for them to swim in helps them reduce air temperature in hot  [Music] climates at the end of the breeding   process on the farm after about 60 to 70 days of  age when the geese have reached the appropriate   weight and size they are brought to the Foy grass  processing area this is the period when Foy grass   is considered most suitable for processing  and use in traditional and Specialty dishes if you know how many geese  a heavy truck can transport please   comment below however before processing  Goose liver goose is often injected into   the body with a large amount of barley  or beans to increase the size of their liver this causes the liver to swell giving a  distinctive flavor to the final product called   Foy grass [Music] in the Foy gr processing  Factory the process is carried out carefully   and professionally first the geese are hung on a  special production line staff participating in the   liver removal process will wear white protective  clothing to ensure Food hygiene and [Music] safety they will carefully separate the  lower part of the goose to access and   remove the liver thoroughly  without damaging the liver Foy grass generally ranges in weight from  about 1 to 2.5 lbs depending on the size of the goose after the liver is removed the rest  of the goose will be transferred to other   lines to continue [Music] processing  this may include skinning meat removal   or subsequent steps in the production  of goose meat products or other Goose   by products at each processing process  products made from Goose in the process   area will be processed with modern technological  [Music] Machinery are you curious about how this   food is prepared comment number one if  you have enjoyed traditional Chinese food when you use products made from  Goose liver what will you provide your body Foy grass is a rich source of protein B  vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc in particular it provides essential amino  acids and unsaturated fatty acids which help   strengthen cardiovascular health in the immune system the cost of products made from Foy  Gras usually ranges from 20 to 40 USD per pound consuming Foy Gras can help improve  liver function increase resistance and support digestion however it is important  to use it in balanced amounts   that are consistent with your daily diet do you have any new farming methods  for Chinese people on how to take care of geese please comment number two if you have a  new method to exchange and share experiences with everyone thank you so much guys for watching  this video so since we don't really have any   clue of what kind of difficulties that  you could be facing in your Farms please   don't forget to share all the problems  you're facing and obstacles you're going   through as this will tremendously  help us with our upcoming videos

2024-07-26 16:57

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