Chicago Tonight full episode January 13 2020

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Good. Evening and welcome to Chicago, tonight I'm Paris Shutts coming. Up on the program the latest on the search for a new top cop the. Future of cancer treatment, in light of some encouraging, news and meet, some of the performers in a thrilling new show. But, first tonight Chicago's. Popular, 6:06, elevated, trail has helped property, values in the surrounding, neighborhood skyrocket. But could it be too much of a good thing, several, aldermen now say they want to hit pause on some development, around the trail because they say it's leading to displacement, of residents, but, the proposals gardenerd, its share of criticism including from, mayor Lori Lightfoot so, is a moratorium, the, right option to combat gentrification. In, Chicago, joining, us our 35th, Ward Alderman Carlos, Ramirez Rosa one, of the ordinances, co-sponsors. And second, Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins, who has voiced concerns, about this proposal welcome back both of you to Chicago tonight how are you all, right alderman Rosa tell us what your ordinance specifically, is calling, for with respect to development around the 606 so the area around the 606, is leading, the city right now in terms of demolitions, and D conversions, fifth-highest. Sin, terms of the 77, community areas and what, this ordinance seeks to do is put a pause on demolitions. And D conversions, to make sure that we're helping to preserve the two flats and three flats which provides so much of the affordability, in our neighborhoods, Chicago. Is characterized, by gentle, density, it's, a variety of housing options that make sure that we have affordable options, in our community and when, we lose those two flats and three flats of single-family homes we see decreased, enrollment in our schools which leads to cuts we, see that it's harder to maintain a thriving commercial corridor, because there's just less people to shop there and ultimately. We see the displacement that negatively, impacts our communities and Raya Phi's segregation, in the city of Chicago so it's a pause for six months on demolition. And these D conversions, alderman Hopkins, do you believe this is the right approach no, I don't although I share, the goal of continued. Economic growth, in all communities across the city and also making sure that our neighborhoods, our diverse thriving communities, and our, affordable. Housing stock is preserved especially, two and four flats but. We need to be able to do that in a way that doesn't compromise, the right of private homeowners, who, wish to sell their property, especially when they've lived there in the neighborhood for a long time they're invested, in the neighborhood they, want to sell their property, to benefit, from the economic, growth they should have the right to do so all, that. Underneath this ordinance but anyone that purchases, knows that for six months if you, plan to purchase that property to demolish it you won't be able to do so but the goal is that within those six months we will be able to work with the housing department the law department and colleagues. To figure out an optimal, policy to preserve, affordability. In our communities, and preserve, that gentle density that characterizes, our neighborhoods because the cities have done this some say a homeowner, has owned for years and years there and they want to sell, to a developer, that wants, to, convert.

It To a single-family, home because they think they can make more money you say they shouldn't have the freedom to do that I'm saying that converting, so many properties around the 606, a single-family homes is not in the best interest, of our neighborhoods, or in, having, thriving, communities. And that, is why so many other cities have pursued this demolition moratorium. Approach we saw it in Minneapolis, where they imposed it in five neighborhoods we're talking about in doing it just a portion of two neighborhoods, that have been adversely impacted, by demolitions, and D conversions, we've seen it done in East Boulder Pasadena. Cities across the nations have done this on a temporary basis, to preserve their affordable housing stock and come up with a optimal. Solution I mean how could you say there are better ways in your mind to do this what are some of them well there's one that's, currently enforced it's a program that provides up to $25,000, in grant money to people who own these two to three to four flats so they can preserve their existing, home they can get a new roof do whatever modifications. Would be required to bring it up to code and keep it viable that's. A program that is funded by money from the low-income housing, trust fund it should be expanded it should be promoted, and some, of these homeowners along the 606, right now that are considering, selling because, they'd rather get money than put money into their home could, take advantage of a program like this and it helps keep a community stable, we can also take steps to, allow for illegal, basement, conversions, to come into compliance there's, many of these examples all throughout the. Communities, surrounding the 606, where basements, have been converted into illegal, apartments, and homeowners, are afraid of being caught we should work with them it's a good thing to turn these two flats into three flats etc, and, we should be looking for a way to legalised basement, conversion, alderman, Rosa your initial, ordinance I think you wanted a 14 month moratorium. You wanted to stop permits. For, new construction and, and stop zoning, from, going from a three flat to flat to a single-family home all that is out of this compromise, ordinance, so is it still going to accomplish what you want absolutely, the primary, goal, is to hold, those, two flats and three flats and stop the demolition and, to pursue, solutions like, the one that my colleague just put forward legalizing. Those coach-house, legalizing. Those garden apartments, which can help provide. Homeowners. With the income, they need to be able to afford their property taxes and stay in their homes but we don't have the solutions, in ordinance, form yet and so in the meantime that's, why we're pursuing this short-term, six-month. Demolition. Moratorium, the same way other cities have done we saw one. City had a 45 day demolition, moratorium, and then they decided to extend it through November 2020, so the options are there to extend it if we don't see, the citywide solution, that we're looking for but for those six months we know that those two flats and three flats will be protected, while we help, connect, homeowners, with resources, before we got there, let's take a look at a map that shows that the zone where. This moratorium would take place so why, are these the boundaries so humble it looks like it's the eastward. Boundary six or six goes all the way to Ashland how come those are exempt well first, of all this is a solution that was proposed by Logan Square neighborhood association, so they initially wanted a demolition. Fee that, would be paid into, a fund so if you demolish or D converted, a to flatter, three flat ends a single-family home you'd have to pay a fee and, that fee would help build affordable housing, the law department raised concerns about on that ordinance, and so that is why this term we came back with alderman la spada alderman. Maldonado and myself with, a compromise, solution that, was actually given to us by law experts, who said hey you, should do what other cities have done which, is a temporary. Moratorium on demolitions, so those boundaries are determined, by the data that we've looked at where we've seen these are the areas that have been most adversely impacted, by this loss of two flats and three flats at the same time can you make the argument that the, gentrification, in, those areas are is good for long, time property. Owners and that was the point of the 606, was to help spur. Along development, and growth well, that's the reason that we've seen such tremendous, valuation in, appreciation, and real-estate values, back in 2012, the, median price was around ninety seven thousand, currently.

It's Over four hundred thousand so clearly, people are choosing to live in this neighborhood and it's a classic, method of supply and demand where the market is driving these increases, in valuation, I would argue that's a good thing it helps keep the neighborhood viable and again alderman. Rosa has expressed why he's concerned, that things, like three flats and two flats get down zone to single-family, homes why is that a concern well. Because it does reduce the affordable, housing stock in a community and, that we're in complete agreement it's, the solution that we're taking, a different approach to and, my colleague did mention the fact that he's looked at some other jurisdictions. In the law department has had some concerns about that some, of these acts have been challenged, based on the, takings Clause the fifth amendment which many. Property rights it's been upheld time and time again by courts this is something that going back to nineteen eighty five if you do a quick Google search you can see that cities have done this and judges, have upheld it cities, can Institute these types of demolition moratoriums. To help preserve buildings, to help preserve the housing stock judges, have ruled time and time again that this is legal but, on the issue of gentrification the. Sick so sick was six oh six was built to expand green space in an area where there wasn't a lot of green space and we want to make sure that everyone in the city of Chicago has an ability to benefit, from that green space and so study after study shows that the happiest, and healthiest community is one that is integrated, both racially, and economically and, if we're gonna achieve that as a city we need to have a housing stock that supports that Mayor Lightfoot has come out against this although this is a compromise ordinance, do you think this has support. To pass this, ordinance based, on what I'm being told tonight I haven't seen the revised version but, the original ordinance went, much farther than just demolition. Permits it banned construction. Permits it banned zoning, changes those things had one said no no construction, no demolition for, if, we take that out it's much more likely to withstand a legal challenge I agree with that so this compromise version, probably has a better chance but the mayor's opposition. To it was based on the fact that heard you know two decades of experience as a litigator she didn't think it would pass muster she didn't think it could survive a legal challenge because, you are taking away property, right I would have to leave it there alderman Ramirez Rosa Alderman Hopkins thank you as always, and, up next a look at the hiring process for the police departments next leader so stay with us this. Evenings, presentation. Of Chicago, tonight is made possible in part by ComEd. Powering. Lives we. Have a tremendous, source of untapped, efficient, energy right here in our school let, her rip I. Love. This idea. The. ComEd energy, efficiency, program has real ideas, for making schools energy efficient. Just. A couple of hours ago the application, to be the next superintendent, of the Chicago Police Department closed. Chicago. Police Board his state it started the process reviewing, those applications. But, this process has gone differently, than the last, Brandes, Friedman has more on this Brandis wood is different this time around Paris. Last time around when former Mayor Rahm Emanuel was hiring to replace Garry McCarthy the, police for received 39, applications, this time a bit fewer at just 23, applications. Now in addition to the standard resume, of course and letters of recommendation, the Police Board is, also asking applicants. To submit a video up to 20, minutes long that, details their experience, and the responsibilities. Of the Chicago Police Superintendent, last. Time they were asked to submit essays, on police, accountability use of force community, engagement other topics, police, board vice president, Paula Wolfe says the video requirement. May have been effective in narrowing, the field this time. That's. Quite, a difficult, task and, a big effort so I think the applicants, that we're getting now are serious, applicants, who really. Are committed to taking, this job and who have had an opportunity by. Making this video to, think about and present, why they're appropriate, for the job I wouldn't, be surprised there people who started to do the video and then thought hmm maybe, I can't do 20 minutes of why I would be the right person a wolf. Also says that the board did a bit of recruiting.

For This job through contact. With people who are familiar with consent, decrees and recruiting, police leaders for other cities the board was able to reach out to 12 to 15, potential, applicants, and encourage, them to apply Farris, not sure yet how many of them actually did of the 23 applicants, at least we think one of them is not the interim, superintendent, Charlie Beck who's taking, the helm right now for the time being. What did he say about, the process going forward yeah it sounds like a tough role to fill according, to him Beck, says that it will take someone with both knowledge, of Chicago, and its issues, but also with, national, expertise. If. It's an outsider, it has to be an outsider, that that understands. CPD. This is a very, complicated. Organization. But. To come in cold here I think is a hugely, heavy lift. But. On the other side if. It is an internal, person it, has to have. It, has to be somebody, who. Has had access. To. What's going on in the, profession, nationally. And. During, that speech to a full room at the City Club today Beck spent a lot of time comparing, his current city Chicago, to the one he just came from Los Angeles he, also detailed what he believes are the city's strengths, and priorities, both for himself and whoever replaces, him perhaps in the next three months and there's a lot more of that particular, story on our website also. The mayor and interim superintendent Beck have emphasized, that he's not here just to keep the seat warm but, that he intends to implement changes, where he sees fit in addition, to helping the city transition, to the permanent superintendent Beck. Says he's already thinking of some structural, changes but isn't rolling out any announcements, just yet I know. That the mayor and I are both looking at making. Sure that every, you, know within the, CPD is the right size you know and. You. Know one. Of the things that I am looking at is, restructuring. CPD. So it reflects, the. Needs of the city so, you, know I'm not I'm not willing to go into a, large, amount of detail on that right now. But. The time frame is. Very aggressive, now. The Board says it plans to have its initial round of interviews completed, by the end of the month of course, the top three candidates, names are submitted, to the mayor and made, public in Paris that could be a discouraging, factor for, some folks who are applying for the job you know if you're among the top brass or even the leader of another major department, you, might be hesitant having, your name being made public and then your city your boss your constituents, find out you're applying for another job in Chicago so we'll see what happens all right Brandis thank you very much and on. A programming, note interim, police superintendent Charlie, Beck is joining us on this, program Wednesday, night for a one-on-one interview and, a. State agency director, is out collateral, from an explosive email, that's, from a story first reported by, WBEZ. Amanda. Vinicky has that story and more of what's making news in Chicago tonight, Amanda, Paris. Illinois Agriculture, Secretary has, resigned at the request of Governor JB, Pritzker, it's over connections, to a nearly decade, old email about, covering, up a quote, rape in Champaign. Illinois John. Sullivan is not a suspect and details of the rape incident, remain unconfirmed but. Sullivan, acknowledges, being aware in 2012, of the email sent by Mike mcclain a lobbyist. And confidant of House Speaker Michael Madigan that. Advocated, poor state employee praising, the fact that that worker kept, quiet, about a rape in the central, Illinois city, Sullivan. Then a state senator representing, the district that worker was from or near there says he never, read, the email, thoroughly, at the time he, was in the midst of a reelection, campaign while. Also traveling, to Baltimore, for cancer, treatment, in, a statement Pritzker, spokeswoman, says the governor was disturbed, that in 2012, Sullivan, did not handle, the email appropriately. Including. Not alerting, authorities the. Chicago Tribune reports, state investigators, are looking into whether the rape in the email was in reference to a prisoner, who had been released early under then Governor, Pat Quinn administration. Only to sexually, abuse a girl three months later. Buyouts. Are coming to the Chicago, Tribune just. Months after hedge fund Alden capital, became, Tribune, publishing company's. Largest shareholder. Almonds. Known for cutting newsrooms, in a letter to employees Tribune, Publishing's, president, says the, voluntary, buyouts, are meant to avoid the last resort, company-wide. Layoffs. Knight, writes that the company is navigating, industry-wide.

Headwinds. But he's optimistic, about 2020, employees. Are eligible for the buy oats if they've put in as few as eight, years, with the company. The. Archdiocese, of Chicago says. Low enrollment and financial difficulties, are behind its decision, to close five Catholic, schools the, schools that will shut down after, this school year include, Saint, Colette in Rolling Meadows, st., Jane - and Hall in Chicago, st., Joseph's in Round Lake Saint Louise de Marillac school and LaGrange, Park and Saint. Maria Goretti school, in Schiller Park the, Archdiocese. Of Chicago Catholic. Schools remains one of the country's, largest private, school programs, with, 71, thousand, students attending, 205. Schools and cook and Lake counties as. For the weather a slight chance for some snow tonight otherwise cloudy, with a low around 32. Then, cloudy again tomorrow with drizzle in the morning and a high near 39, degrees, and now Paris back to you you, Amanda still to come on Chicago, tonight after 41 years in public service Illinois. Senate President John Cullerton is, stepping, down he'll reflect on his life in politics and what's next how. Improved disease screening and breakthrough treatments, are giving cancer patients, new hope. High. Flying acrobatics, and vocals from new cast members of t otros and zani as. Artificial intelligence, becomes more widespread the, White House lays out best practices, for the technology, and we, peek inside Chicago's, first and only tool library, where city residents, can borrow items like. A meter saw or miter saw but, first some of today's top business. Headlines here's Crain's, Chicago Business, editor, and wire. Thank. You Paris Jewel, Osco is corporate, parent, is again deciding. Whether it should go public. Albertsons. Is expected, to announce in a few weeks whether it will proceed with. An initial public offering of stock which, could be valued at around 19, billion dollars, sources. Tell The Wall Street Journal, the grocery giant has been updating, IPO documents. Confidentially. Filed with the SEC, in, 2017. Albertsons. Scuttled, IPO, plans following, a failed courtship, of Whole Foods which. Was later sold to Amazon. Meanwhile. David. Calhoun, officially, takes over as the new CEO of Boeing today, but, the longtime, member of the company's board is.

Already Making his presence known, bloomberg. Reports the Calhoun pushed, to release a raft, of internal, messages, last week that exposed strife, within the team that developed Boeing's, ill-fated. 737. Max and cast. The company's commitment to quality, and safety in doubt this. Appears to be just one effort to, give the company a PR makeover. In the wake of two fatal, crashes as well, as the failed launch in December of Boeing, Starliner, spacecraft and. Finally. Liquor, giant, Diageo, has, bought a stake in a local maker of alcohol. Free spirits. Ritual. Zero proof which, bills itself as the first non alcoholic, brand to serve up a realistic, alternative, to gin and whiskey, has, attracted, an undisclosed, investment, from Biagio the world's biggest liquor producer, ritual. Zero says it plans to use the Diageo investment, to double its product, lineup and expand, sales to at least twenty five states by year-end from, the current footprint in Metro Chicago, for, Crain's Chicago Business, and, Chicago, Business comm I Manta wire back, to you Paris, thanks. Ann and now, to carol Maureen and a reflection of one state politicians, career. Carol, Paris, thank you, one of Illinois's most, powerful. Politicians, officially. Stepped down this Sunday. At a special, Senate, session in Springfield, where senators will elect a new president John. Cullerton was, elected, to the Illinois House, in. 1978. Moved, to the Senate in 1991. And, has been said its president, since 2009. When, he presided, over the impeachment of governor, Rod Blagojevich, joining. Us to reflect on more, than four decades in public service State, Senator John Cullerton welcome, back to, Chicago tonight, do I have. To start with the news you heard Amanda, vinicky John, Sullivan, the, AG commissioner, is out, more. Of this continuing. Bombshell, of WBEZ. Referencing. An email. About a rape and ghost payrolling. Cover-up. Involving. A top state, comment, lobbyist, Mike, mcclain. In, a nutshell what, a lot of people. Really feel about Illinois government, that its clout. And corruption. And cronyism in, me, too it's a horrible stain. On our reputation you. Know I counted, up the number of people I serve with it's almost a thousand, people that I've served with over 41 years and the, overwhelming super. Majority of those people are honest people and, yet there's some people who have been getting in trouble and it really, dominates. The news and it affects how people look at us I have. I need to know more about what happened here John Sullivan is colleague, of ours he was a great, state senator represented. A Republican, district, by the way and they. Couldn't beat him there probably can see which is so well well respected, so I don't know enough, about the details and what happened but I. Hope, you can't, believe John did anything wrong I really don't I don't know anything. More than that don't what. You do know I mean because this federal investigation. Is all around. Us it's reached into, three, people, in your own chamber. Including a distant. Cousin. Have. The feds talked to you or you to them about any of this no that's. Not the that's. Not the case but obviously, I want them to get to the bottom of this and we, have a Ethics, Commission that we started to see if there's anything we can do legislatively, to try to make. Changes that discourage, people from getting in trouble like this. Again. I come, back to it though there's so many people who start with that. We did, you know our honest hard-working people the, book whether you agree with them or not politically, they're down there to do the right thing and we're all affected by it and personally of course we'll get back to the ethics thing for a second is you reflect on all. Of these years, in, Springfield. Is, there one thing, more. Than any, other thing that you see as a principal. Accomplishment. Well. For me personally I go back to when I first started I got married. In 79 and I got sworn in in 79 and so right after that we had a first, child and I handed. That child over to my wife and she. Carried her in the front seat as we drove home no car seats in the next year I figured out what about car seats and passed the state's.

Car Seat law later. After that - seatbelt law when only 15%, of people wearing seatbelts we were, able to cast. That belt wasn't easy at first so anytime. You can pass a bill, it. Comes up with cigarettes that same same deal anytime. You can pass a law where you know you're protecting. Health and saving lives it's, very very. Powerful. It, really is and that's I'm, very proud of tobacco. It's been one of your real. Crusade, started. And I just I just know, how much it, hurts people I know it cost us billions, of dollars, it. Dicks. People and what we can do is stop children. From starting, the governor this, year proposed. Last, year now proposed, a quarter increase. In the cigarette tax the, advocates the health cancer health folks eight lung cancer, heart, they said that. Doesn't change behavior, if you make it a dollar people, will actually stop, so, we did we made it a dollar and I'm, actually very proud of the fact we also passed the tax on the e-cigarettes. For the first time in Illinois here's. Another problem you believed, in negotiation. You believed in compromise. But. You know, legislation. Passes, out of your chamber, and goes very, often, over to the house to. Die at, some. Point though I know Mike Madigan is a friend of yours. Have. You just been fed up with Mike Madigan no I would say this you have to people, have to know that you have to pass the same language. Out of each chamber it doesn't become the law so institutionally. You have to get along with the other chamber, Mike, Madigan I think is an honest person sometimes. Very difficult to negotiate with, he's really tough he's, very quiet but. We've been able to resolve, our differences and, we and we passed legislation now, it's, true that there's things that I've. Passed and for. Example pension reforms that he doesn't agree with hasn't. Been called over there I had, to fight pretty hard and some of those tobacco, things but we were able to eventually, do it and the other thing Carol's if you start off with half. A loaf like, I'm the seatbelt laws or, even. The. Car seat laws, you, start off half a loaf and you get tougher, and tougher every, year and, it makes it easy when people get more accepting, so there's. Been some. Slow. Growth. But. I think, it's better than nothing he's, older than you you, spend there longer. Than you I, don't think there's any question whether. He is involved or not that the feds are circling their wagons around him is. It time for the sake of Springfield. In the institution. For Madigan, to make your decision, and go, spend more, time with his wife in Canada that's up to him it's a very personal decision in my case I, told. You I was married the same year I got sworn in and it. Was very alarming about four years ago when my wife said she was. Changing her mind now she's for term limits I said do you mean for the marriage or for the political, career she's yes yeah she said you, figure it out so that's, my motivation I was supposed to quit when I was 70 and I've been there 40 years but that's when we had kind, of taken over the governorship I said give me one more year and that's, what we've done so it's a personal thing it's up to the speaker to decide what he wants to do it's like I've made my decision, Mike, Burke, Brown rather, wrote, this in a recent column, Cullerton, has been highly, effective as, a legislator, who helped pass a lot of progressive, laws that, served as constituents, well then.

Again Brown, writes there, have been questionable, outside, business, interests, and a law practice that, included, being, a registered, City lobbyist, along, with who knows what, else you, talk about ethics reform, is it time for, this state to stop letting. Lawmakers. Be, lobbyists, yes actually the aldermen they were just here they've, done that already they have changed the law from what I understand, so, that lawyers, like me don't have to register as a lobbyist this. Is what was causing so much confusion regular. Lawyering, just, like someone if someone is. A lawyer and to contact state agencies enough to register as a lobbyist but, the city had one that required lawyers, to become lobbyists so I was tagged a lobbyist when all I was doing is representing, a client now, if you think that we should have a citizen, legislature shouldn't have a citizen legislature, and everybody should be full-time and nobody should have an outside job I don't agree with that I think you get a better work, product, and I do think we should have some lawyers, in the General Assembly there's, about 18%, now, and, so they, should, be allowed to continue, to practice if they're in the state legislature, and certainly. We can't Lobby the legislature, we can only, he can't. Lobby anywhere and in, Chicago you can practice law and not even even register, as lobbyists but you know there was that golf course north, side or North suburbs you're. An investor your son's an investor, you, talk to the Metropolitan. Water Reclamation District. You said it was as a citizen, but, you, know you're John Cullerton list yeah president, so. Is. This are we splitting here is here and when we shouldn't be well, I, don't, know in that particular case what else could be done there was property, that I I'm, a I'm. The landowner and some property, it was landlocked, it still is there, was no other way to get. It unlocked, and to talk, to the governmental. Entity that owned the property I didn't, do anything for, them, in exchange for that in the legislature, it was a straight-up. Private. Deal, and, that's again. Carolee if you want to treat us differently we, should be held on a higher standard but sometimes, there's just regular, things. That people do in their life which are honest, I've, been that way and.

Now. I'm leaving so maybe I don't have to worry about these questions anymore, huh you, and Christine, raydonia republican. Or architects, of that bipartisan, pension. Compromise. That you spoke of that would have arguably save, the state some money and probably. Would be, constitutional. But, it went, and and died, you, know fast it twice actually in the house is. There really any appetite. For pension, reform, in Springfield, well first of all you you should really remember that, we passed what's called a tier 2 pension that was about eight years ago saved, billions, of dollars so, everybody. Has been hired since then all, the teachers in the state all the state employees all the all, the university employees they have a very modest pension and, it's, the folks that were working before. That that, were now, paying back. The, underfunding. That we did over the years that's, a 25 year program and if we keep on making those payments in those 25 years they'll, be back to being 90 percent funded the bill that I passed that. I sponsored that did not get called house would, save, even more money and it's also something that could benefit some of the some of the actual people who are would. Would. Be subject. To it but, lawmakers like, you, email Jones because. Of a bump in pensions, because, of and a bipartisan, vote get. A real bump in pensions, when you leave right oh we. Have dramatically. Cut the pensions, of folks of legislators. As they over. The years right now I'm told I think there's about a 1/3. Of the legislators, have not even don't even take a punch so yes. You're absolutely right but then because of the Supreme Court decision whatever. Law you had whatever, pension, you had when, when. You when, you earned it that's yours, to keep so. You go off there is a pension, is there a new job, well. Not a new job I've got a partner in a law firm of Thompson Coburn I just haven't had much time to practice there so that's what I'm going to spend, more time doing along. With three grandchildren. Well happy trails to you and Pam and your grandchildren okay thank you very much there's, much more on Chicago, tonight stay with us. Don't. Ever miss Chicago, tonight subscribe. To our podcast get, a daily download, of our show delivered, to your desktop or mobile device, go, to WTTW. Dot-com. Slash Chicago, tonight podcast. And subscribe. Now, we go to Brandis Friedman with a surprising. Yet encouraging. Finding, out of the American Cancer Society, Brandis Paris. Thank you the, American Cancer Society reported. Last week the largest ever, single. Year decline in deaths from cancer from, 2016. To 2017 the. Most recent year for which complete, statistics are available the, cancer death rate dropped by more than two percent the. Overall cancer death rate has fallen twenty nine percent from 1991, to 2017. Now that translates, to nearly three million, fewer deaths from cancer joining. Us to talk about this progress and how more can be made are dr., everett Vokes physician, in chief at university, of chicago medicine where he treats head neck and lung cancer, Carolyn. Brzezinski, vice president of cancer control for the American Cancer Society's, north-central, region which in which serves Illinois. Indiana and other Midwestern and, southern states and dr.. Jeffrey silly who specializes. In oncology, and haematology, at Swedish, Hospital on the north side of Chicago welcome, all of you to Chicago tonight. So. Carolyn. Brzezinski let's start with you please what are the factors leading, to this decrease, in cancer deaths well, it's primarily, two things one is the. Cancer control, strategies. That we have put, into place so things like early detection and. Preventive. Medicine measures, as well as, new. Developments. In therapy, I mean there have been the, the what, we have invested, in research both the federal government, organizations.

Like The American Cancer Society. All. Of that investment in research is starting to pay big dividends, in the development of new therapies, so, what we're seeing is particularly. Result. Of a 2.2, percent decrease we. See great wonderful. News in terms of lung cancer, and the drop in mortality due, to lung cancer and, that's due both to people stopping smoking we know that's the biggest way that you can reduce your chance, of getting of dying. From lung cancer is just not to smoke and then of course improvements. In therapy, dr., silly which cancers, are historically, the most lethal, Wow. Classically, it's always. Been lung melanoma. Cancers. Of the brain. Those, are the ones that we see the most or pancreatic that we have very, much difficulty treating. Doctor. Folks cancer obviously comes in a lot of different forms I don't have to tell you that are, we getting better at treating all, forms of cancer or are we getting better at specializing, at some of them well it's a little bit of both so it's. It's, been clear that lung cancer is what is really dominating the, statistics, this year, and as. A lung cancer doctor I'm very very, happy to see that it's, finally treatments. That, are taking over and that are making an impact so it is right there's, very, very good use, for smoking. Cessation and, that should be done there, should be screening, for, patients. Or people that have had a heavy, smoking history, but. Once. Patients are diagnosed, with lung cancer, 60%, of them have metastatic disease so, they cannot, be cured, as, best. As we know and to. Get better treatments, for them has been an imperative, for, decades. And. What we're really seeing is that over the last 10, years we. Are making impact, on, two, distinct. Areas one is that these cancers, can have genetic. Markers. So. Specific, mutations, frequently. In non-smokers by, the way which can also get cancer, and we, have drugs for that that specifically.

Attack. That, pathway if, you will that's interrupted. And, that gets the cell to grow very quickly that. Is may tremendous, impact, the, other is immunotherapies. And, when. We talk about lung cancer but also melanoma. That is driven by immunotherapies. That, have. Shown to be remarkably, impactful, and it's really rewarding to see that that is so impactful, that it's actually now influencing. The statistics. Presented. Each of you mentioned you know fewer people smoking what are some of the preventative measures or. Preventative steps that we as people just take that can also contribute to this reduce in cancer cancer death rates we talked about decreasing. Not smoking, her or stopping smoking I think. What increased. Your, physical, activity, watching. What we eat obesity. Rates also contribute, to, increased. Cancer incidents. I think, getting you're screening for other cancers colorectal cancer, screening breast, cancer screening all of that contributes. To, reduce. Cancer mortality because, if you can detect the cancer early your. Chances, of carrying that cancer go way up if it's a localized, cancer, as dr.. Volks was saying the problem with lung cancer is sixty, percent of it is it isn't, diagnosed, until it's metastatic well, we now have a screening. For individuals, who have a long history of smoking who, are at most risk for blood cancer, there's lung cancer screening now, and we need to continue to spread that. The. Ability to screen for lung cancer across. Across. Our country so that people can't have access to that. It. Is basically, that those preventative measures in terms of your own personal behaviors, as well, as getting, screened that is really very important, dr. silly we've heard talk of immunotherapy. What. Is that and how does that work yeah, great, question so essentially. What it's doing is helping, the body to. Recognize cancer. Or something that's foreign and to treat it so. Cancer, has a way of kind. Of evading the immune system, so and essentially you kind of switch. That over with the immunotherapy so that can recognize and treat it and. I would imagine compared, to something like chemotherapy. Less. Painful absolutely. And the, side effects and how patients, tolerate it is great, meaning. Most can tolerate it very very well, and, we're seeing even, alone or in combination with chemotherapy the, responses, are better and more durable you. Know the, melanoma. Which was mentioned by dr. Volks also that um you know therapy is effective against, that's, another cancer that we're seeing significant. Decreases, in the mortality rates and in fact in older patients over 65 were. The incidence, was going up or now and, or the mortality rate was going up we are now seeing that that's dropping. So, these. Therapies, are really being incredibly, effective, dr., Brooks how has our understanding. Or our increased, understanding of the genome changed, the way we approach treating, cancer well. I think it, is years of research, and. Frequently. Government, support, but also other, support. Or research, that. Our scientists, have been able to do in, specific, answers and so, think, about something, has. To drive the cell, so. That the normal control mechanisms, are not functional, and those. Are deranged, through. Mutations. In the genome and we, have found ways that we can diagnose, those and diagnose, them quickly across. Various, tumor types and when. Such a mutation is there, and we can determine that usually within about two weeks we. Very frequently have very, specific drugs, for that that's. Very prevalent in lung cancer but, to some degree also, applies to melanoma. Again, Carolyn. Are we you, know at some point it, sounds like we're obviously a lot better at treating cancer, are we close to a cure one day or is it a matter of being. Able to treat someone so. That they can live a, better life and perhaps, a longer life what the cancer diagnosis, I think we see cancer. In many cases, turning into a more chronic disease, that can be treated over time similar to diabetes, great or or another, chronic disease that's. Not across all cancers, we still have a lot of questions and a lot of work, and a lot of things to understand, about many cancers, but. I think, that the, therapies, are being much more effective and then our management, of cancer patients beyond, therapy has, gotten more effective, so we're seeing people live longer as you said with. Much more productive lives, dr. Burks did you want if I could add I think this is really really important, but this is also where screening, comes in so you detect, the lesion early because.

Early Early, detected, cancer can, be cured. Usually, with surgery, or radiation. Doctor. So are there other like treatment breakthroughs, or immunotherapy, that are either having. Or have the potential to your knowledge to make a big difference in cancer treatments, and survival rates well. I think immunotherapy, gets a lot of the news. Of the press because of the sound of it and but, I think going back to those mutations that dr. voc's was talking about we have a lot of oral agents and it seems like there's a new one every month that's. Coming out that's specific, against a certain mutation or target, and. That. Keeps, on occurring, and even. Those drugs the side effects are less and less the more they find - now so I think, a combination of, you know oral agents and immunotherapy, which we're seeing the treatment of renal cell and other things are coming. Out and very effective, and something that we can do in the community now where it used to be something we would just do on trial or in the university or something curl and brezinski are there some, cancers where we're not seeing the improvements, that you're that you're talking about here yes, we still have cancers that continue. To cause, problems. In terms of finding effective, treatments we are still seeing rises. In some cancers cancers like pancreatic, cancer liver cancer. We. Which. Are harder they're harder because a we, do not have an early detection technology. For them and so more research into how we might be able to detect these cancers, early is also effective along, with obviously, research into treatment for those individuals, that are diagnosed, no matter what stage they, happen to be at so they're. There, continue, to be these cancers that are just harder, not to crack and that we have to continue to to. Do research, dr.. Solely the survival, rates for some, demographics, like my race and gender can. Differ, tell. Us a little bit about that and how many people can die maybe I was just a lack of access or knowledge yeah. We were just chatting about this before the program actually that I think, there's a factor, some people just not having access to therapy, and so they're coming in a little bit late and, then. Just the genetics, involved, with it's it's a different cancer, we're fine not all cancers are the same and there's different subtypes, within that and I think that has a lot to do, based.

On Race or kind of their access of what we're finding in terms of screening dr.. Jeffery silly Carolyn, presents key and dr. Evert folks thanks to all of you for joining us thank, you thank you and we're. Back with parish shuts and an introduction, to Teo chose and xanies newest cast members right after this, don't. Miss one of our stories, get, them all delivered, to your desktop or mobile device, with a subscription to the WTTW, news, daily, briefing go, to WTTW, dot-com. Slash daily, briefing and sign, up. Circus. Arts comedy, and cabaret come together in a otros in zani now six months into its run show, has completely, juggled, its cast new, performers, include two people with Chicago, ties but very different backstories. One, came from a West African school, for acrobats, the other grew, up in Peoria Illinois and wound, up a protege, of Prince. An. Acrobatic. Strongman, rehearses, his gravity-defying. Act, his name is al sunny cielo, and he moved to Chicago in, 2016. I'm from Guinea West Africa I came. When I was a young. With. The company so, actually, I start, out so key since I was, 9. Years older, though, he lives and works in Chicago Cielo. Is in demand all over the world he, first studied his craft at the Center for acrobatic. Arts in his hometown of, Conakry. Guinea my, country we, have a lot of circus, community over there we do a, bunch of like tumbling, he. Maybe I make he. Moved to Canada then, to Chicago, and he had to adjust to the local weather and culture the. Weather everything, and the culture was a different, so, you, know I had to you know try, to get useful he. Also teaches acrobatics. And works as a personal, trainer when. Training he told us he does not use weights. I don't. Live the way so, most of my training is a body. Weight training and the. Calla standing on the, lifting your whole way and also, building, this rank and core. Cela. Is one of a slew of new acts at Teatro sins Ani the, ever-evolving show, where Vegas meets vaudeville, and dinner, is served. Through. This. Another. New hire singer. Live Warfield, I am. A native, of Peoria, but I've been living here in Chicago for about four years now I started. My own band and after that I actually. Got. Discovered by prints and I, was. Part of new power generation for, about eight years and, then, started my own career, and I'm here, in the circus. Once. Again live, Warfield. She. Toured with Prince and he was executive producer, of her album the unexpected. We asked her what it was like to be in Prince's orbit, he's a supernova. He. Was constantly, constantly. Telling, us to create and, constantly, telling us to be our authentic selves, you know and I really. Really. Am so thankful for him for that because he was constantly pushing me at a time where I was still trying to figure out who I was in, the music industry on stage and he, just always allowed, me that chance to find out who I was where, he's this superstar. But, he was always just, he. Was selfless and he always really pushed us. Warfield. Has high marks, for her fellow artists, in t otros and zani we, have a crazy. Cast there, are all kind of feels you get from this place, when. You come here and in this tent you just have to surrender yourself to it and know, that you're. Gonna expect the unexpected basically. All. Sunny Cielo told us that the audience, is an important, part of the show I want. Them to feel like we're doing together you. Know I want them to feel like I'm inside of them you know we all do it together. Tatra, Zins Annie's new cast performs six days a week in a show called love, chaos, and dinner, they, perform on the 14th, floor of the Cambria Hotel in the loop and we're, back with more right after this. Chicago. Tonight is made possible in part through the generous support of the Julius, Franco foundation. Seems, like we've been talking about the oncoming air of artificial, intelligence for years but is it already upon us the, possibilities, of AI technology, excites, some but scare others who fear possible. Abuse and discrimination in, a memo sent to agencies, last week the White House is promoting, what seems to be a softer, hands-off, approach to, regulating, AI technology.

Joining. Us to offer his insights, is Christian Hammond professor, of computer science at Northwestern, University welcome. Back oh no thanks for having me alright first off let's just define, artificial. Intelligence, in its most basic form it's. It's actually really. Simple it's. The idea of a, system that. Does something that if a computer if a human being did it we would think of it as intelligent, and the. Question is well what do we do that is intelligent, well we we. Can understand, language we can actually produce language, we, can make decisions we, can recognize things in the world we. Can, do, a little bit of predicting about what's going to come next the. Light it's turning yellow you know it's going to turn red and, but. All of those things are in what, are what's now part, of modern, AI and AI is all over the modern world that just that one of the most common, ways that ordinary, citizens are, interacting. With AI technology, everyday. Anything, you do online has, an AI component, to it so, Google. Search has. AI if you have Gmail and at, the bottom it says oh, here, are the three you know you've got a piece of mail and says you can say yes you could say no you could say maybe later that's, that's. A system that's looking at all the text and figuring out what you might say and giving. You that prediction in helping you facial. Recognition, the. Speech recognition, for Alexa, and Siri all. Of, those come. From AI. And in particular most, of them come from, systems. That are based upon what it's called deep learning in, there's, been some literature recently, about the potential, for bias. Against. Women in, some cases against, minority, with some of these systems ken can you explain that well. I mean imagine that you have a. Whole bunch of data having to do with the history of you hiring. Great. Well, it could be that you hired you, had and you're hiring it could be that you didn't hire underrepresented. Minorities. You didn't hire women and so, you take all that data and you use it to build another system that's going to tell you what to hire guess. What that, system is going to be biased. Amazon. Is famous, for building a resume. Reviewer. Based, upon their. Employees, resumes, and. Performance. Reviews great. Sounds, like a fantastic, system they shoved resumes, into it it's. Biased because in fact Amazon's. Biased, and was, human error there it's well, it was human error but it's it's also it but it's a common, human error and that, is we train things, to.

Know What we know we. Train things on based upon our own histories, and so they they seem, like us and if, I think that if, I think that, that. Tall blondes, are good-looking and. I train a system, up on tall blondes, then it will have an idea that tall blondes are good-looking but, that's my bias so certainly things that need to be ironed out now the White House put, out a list, of its guidelines it doesn't really deal with that what does it deal with. Oddly. Enough the White House came. Out with a. Document. On regulation, that was, essentially. Let's not regulate, it. Was like it, was like I mean because there is a there is a genuine, concern that, we are we might fall behind, we, might be fall behind China in particular in, terms of AI development, because. They are essentially, unregulated, with regard to their AI development and they have access to data that we, can't even imagine. Allowing. Systems to have access to and so, there was a concern about that but, what happens, is that if you don't attend. To what, the side effects are what. The potential misuse of technologies. Are going to be then, there's never a conversation and, so, if, there's never a conversation then you, don't see those ill effects until they actually, occur and that's that's, never what you know and of course they are occurring in China China is gathering, reams of data on on some, of the ethnic we gars that, are being persecuted. Is. This something that governments, need to sort of tell. The public how they're going to approach not, abusing, AI absolutely. Absolutely. And I think the important, thing is to understand, that, the. Chinese, the Chinese, oppression. Of the weavers using. Facial recognition so, they can you can go through you can go through a group and you you reckon you capture. Everyone's face and you now you know where they are going to be forever then, you've got that you've got that facial recognition the White House it said nothing just, telling any concerns in this country that it won't go down that road it, not. Even vaguely but. What you need to do is you need to say they have one line about we. Want to support. The values of this country but. There's never there's, no embodiment. Of that in the and the regulation, and there is never a notion. Of of well. What do we care about we care about fairness we, care about openness, we. Care about access, to justice, there are all these things we care about but. They're never given voice in the document, and even, if the document said look we don't know what to regulate yet at least. Giving voice to those, things would be fantastic would. Be would, be a tremendous step forward, and. It's. Interesting the for. For. Me in France right now it's. Illegal to use the, technologies, of prediction. The, core AI technology, if you're, doing anything with the judicial so, you can't use it if you have a system, that can look.

At All the arguments, that went before a judge and figure. Out the text, from the text how, to craft, an argument for that judge you, can't use that technology, now, I actually think that making it completely illegal is not a great idea but, it it elevates the conversation, now we can talk about it San, Francisco making. Facial. Recognition it's, not part of what you're allowed to do with law, enforcement again. I don't agree with that but, it, elevates the conversation. And what, you need to find fine for systems. Like systems. Like AI. You. Need to find a way to. Elevate. The conversation to, the level of how, are we using it it's not the technology that matters it's. The utilization, and, if, the way we're using it is counter, to what we believe in then. We have to find a way to stop, that and. That's. The thing that is absolutely silent. In. This in, this memo, all right Christian, ham and it's mind-boggling all the all the things that we have to think about with this technology thank you so much no thank you. There's. A library in Chicago, and it's stocked with pretty much everything but books, J chefs ki recently, gave us a tour here he is with another look. Need. A miter saw, what. About a sewing machine or an iron, welcome. To the Chicago, Tool Library a. Tool, library is a lot like a book library in the sense that it's a community space where people can borrow things but. Instead of borrowing books people are able to borrow, sewing. Machines hammers. Drills, all sorts, of equipment that they might not own themselves this, might be Chicago's, first and only tool library, but there have been others all over the world for decades one. Of the first the, tool lending library in. Berkeley, California. That's, where Chicago Tool, Library co-founder. Tessa Burke was first introduced, to the idea it's, really exciting, and unique, in the sense that it is part of the Public Library System so if you have a public library card in Berkeley or in Oakland you. Can borrow tools it's just that simple, Chicago's. Tool Library isn't. Quite there but for, now those who need a tool sign, up for a membership with, a pay what you can fee. The. Recommended, amount is one dollar for every 1000. You make then. You can borrow up to seven, tools a week. And. There's. Quite a range to choose from, we have woodworking, tools we, have gardening, tools we, have power tools we have a lot of saws we, have some kitchen supplies things. Like crock pots and. Unless. We have. Pasta. Machine pasta maker the, Chicago, tool library, opened its doors a couple months ago after. About a year of surveying, city residents, for their opinions, racking, up tool donations. And raising. Money on a crowdfunding. Website I, recently. Have barred a paper shredder a drill, a circular saw. That's. Why I borrowed so far, co-founder. Jim Benton had his first experience, with a tool library, in Portland, Oregon where, he volunteered, and eventually, became a board member it, made me think about the, way the groups of people could accomplish things differently, I want, you to listen to the scientists. The, co-founders say in a time when there's more focus on the environment, everything. From policymaking. To recycling, a tool, library, is a simple, way to better, the world we're, not alone in thinking that and, I think that there's. Definitely a huge.

Heart. A huge piece of the tool library movement that is concerned with climate change thinking, about does everybody really need to own their own drill, does. Everybody really need, to own their own lawnmower I. Mean. A lot of people agree no a drill. Was in fact Tesla's, last and only, borrowed, tool but. I'll, be borrowing more I'm sure. For. Chicago tonight this is Jay chefs key, the. Chicago to library first opens, its doors in September. It's funded through donations grants. And membership, fees for, now the library is located in Bridgeport, it's open Thursdays, and Sundays and, you can find out more on our website and that, is our show for this Monday night please join us tomorrow night live at 7:00 and we leave you now with some more of live warfield of P at Rosen's on E now, for all of us here at Chicago, tonight I'm Brandis Friedman and I'm pair of shots thank you for watching good night, before. The, day of Mitch. The. Key to. Closed. Captioning, is made possible by Robert a Clifford and Clifford, law offices. Robert, Clifford is the honoree of this year's. Special. Fundraising, event that raises money to enhance the availability, of justice, for those without attorneys throughout the state. You.


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