Chia NFT Standard Announcement, Storage AMA, Rack Planning LIVESTREAM!

Chia NFT Standard Announcement, Storage AMA, Rack Planning LIVESTREAM!

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i think it's live here i'm not sure if that's live or not let me see grab that link toss it out on the twitters everybody excited about chia nfts i hope you guys are i know i am i need to see the what is that tool the conversations tool docs chat cool so i hope everybody's having a great day i know the announcement that we just got here from chia makes my day just feel a little bit better uh it looks like we've got the chia nft standard we're going to read through it live i have absolutely no idea what's in there so i thought let's just read through it together i'm gonna get this tweet out really quick here if i can grab the url for this live stream i don't know why it's not giving me the url for this live stream but it's gotta be somewhere get a share of a link boom all right all right let me do that and that and that josh what's up man spell austin win an ft standard what is this this is me going live right here guys i am interested in reading through what's up with the nft standard announcement that they just popped out of the other side of chia here we've been waiting for this and we're gonna leave read through it i don't know what's in it but i think that they said live on test net 10 that means people will actually be able to see really easily what's going on what's being developed with that technology so what's up y'all i see that i got three people in here so far that's great i love you guys austin josh and peter spale777 and let's see so we've got yeah and i'll go over a couple other things that are going on also here uh there is a lot of announcements today okay send that out send that message down okay all right cool i've like hit everybody the at everybody message like several times today that's like not cool to do but yeah you know you do what you got to do right you do what you got to do so let's check out what's going on with the chia nft standard as i close that stuff uh we're also going to take a look at some of the rack diagramming planning that i've got going on going to talk about the announcement of yo what's up a green wings how are you doing i i bet green wings is really excited because man they're going to be using the standard so let's take a live read here of what's going on so this is written by e fish which is richard tsao and uh he's talking about in october 21 she began exploring nft space and the role that they can play in it now the nft space has kind of like been a roller coaster so certainly i just got involved austin just got me involved and josh i know you got involved also i think some other people were even drug into it all as well and like we just got fomo into it and we like ended up buying some nfts i think i bought it peak i think i believe i am holding the peak purchase price on the nfts that we bought on so maybe don't take my advice as far as buying nfts because i really don't know about it but definitely i think this is exciting so we see offer files mentioned right here in the first sentence we believe the chia block chain can provide differentiated value through the true digital ownership yes and chia offer files yes so peer-to-peer trading of nfts without a centralized marketplace can be possible coming from the video game industry i guess that's where he came from he wasn't really familiar with nft blockchain world it's important to understand the fundamentals of how nfts work today and then build our solution with an eye towards solving challenges facing ecosystem today and demonstrating real world applicability so i think that you know looking at where the biggest marketplace is open c you've got definitely a lot of opportunity space there because people getting scammed i know just recently uh we heard that you know one of the chia team members on the official chia team who actually has like created collections and stuff out there and has actually bought some nfts they got phished uh and they ended up losing a lot of stuff that was in their metamask wallet so there are real risks out there if you're just a user of nfts so a lot of opportunity uh scams kind of a common thing apparently openc can like uh you know blacklist in nft pretty much bricks the nft destroys the possibility of it being exchanged in the future there's no like clawbacks and recovery so will chia be applaud for that let's dive in deeper so some of the challenges with the current state of the art technology transaction fees yeah okay very expensive i experienced that i think i paid 45 dollars in gas not good inconsistent provenance with creators and owners very difficult to prove when an nft was mended also who the original creator was hard to determine if the previous buyers were real people watch trading or artificial rate floor rising prices like so i guess manipulation i don't know how anybody could solve whether or not something's been bought just to manipulate but definitely providing provenance behind an nft maybe that does that i don't know the digital files associated with an nft have only one source link without any appreciated cryptographic hash if this link ever goes away or if the file is replaced the owner may lose access to the original data files okay that's true um and like i know are weave and are weave's great are weave is incredibly complicated from a mining perspective peter you've experienced that firsthand and like yeah it probably is a perma web as long as you know the future value of things continues but definitely not easy to set up and certainly you know getting things on the chain for our weave i believe they've got our drive now maybe that's made it a little easier i don't know there's probably a lot of sketchier ways to go about it as well lack of confidence that royalties are always paid out to the creators so i guess chia is taking on the royalties aspect directly which i think is huge and very different rules such as royalties are not enforced on the blockchain but only through participating centralized marketplaces okay yeah i can see that but that also is like wow they're really taking that on if they can solve that that changes the nft scape and makes chia the de facto leader in my opinion in nfts because royalties are important to creators and artists artists are going to want guaranteed royalties so that's important in my opinion i i really do hope that they can solve that sounds like a big challenge this means the promise of receiving royalties on every resale cannot happen with private sales between individuals or with non-compliant marketplaces i'm not exactly sure what a non-compliant marketplace is if you guys know let me know i have no i've never heard of i i know about nfts to be honest with you i know of like openc and like fomoing in that's about my experience with nfts up to this point let's see challenge facing the end user for many creators nfts can be a good additional revenue stream but the technology and process can be complicated and difficult to understand true there's a negative commentation of pyramid schemes scams fraudulent behavior with many that they don't want to be associated with i don't know do you guys think i don't know if that's true uh maybe i guess pyramid schemes i don't know how you do a pyramid scheme on nfts but i'm interested i want to run my own now i'm joking uh many established creators are concerned about the environmental impacts of the current mainstream blockchains eth sucks yes some of the drawn and some some are drawn to proof of stake systems because they are often marketed as more green or cleaner we've talked about this like on this channel i've ranted endlessly on it on twitter if you haven't hit me up on twitter that's echo spaceport you should be sure to check me out there uh yeah pos piece of um because it's really just a bunch of servers and like the technology isn't wildly innovative get a galera cluster set up here bunch of servers process your transactions that's not decentralized why it lacks public public infrastructure if you take out a section of like aws or you know some other hosting provider out there you lose basically half of that you lose enough to like lose quorum so you lose your blockchain that's not decentralized it's not a blockchain that's just like an application written on servers it's my opinion on it it's not off let me know what yours is i'm going to get to reading all these comments there's a shitload of comments coming in here adding another layer of complexity uh the current ecosystem has broadly adopted one generic nft standard erc 721 yes it really does appear that it has which seeks to fit all use cases for nfts i don't know i i don't know what the other nft standards are are other blockchains not coming up with their own nft standards like is polygon not got a nft standard i know there's like polygon and like meta facebook crap gonna happen or something like that which i i heard that my wife was like so that means like you're gonna have to teach grandma about nfts and she's gonna buy them on in a you know like facebook marketplace i don't understand that royalties enforced on chain serve a practical example of this missed opportunity and point of friction while substantial standards have been released none have captured the market share of erc 721 okay so i guess there are other standards out there they're just not as popular as of course open c open c drives the gas marketplace openc in my opinion is one of the biggest use cases of ethereum probably why ethereum has had such awesome market capitalization and other things that have followed along with it seeking to outline the challenges of the technology and that of the users helped our team understand where we need to focus and what we need to build to address the issues okay so it sounds like that's a good rehash our plan going forward all right so we intend to address one market vertical at a time and create a bespoke nft standard catering to all markets specific needs rather than attempting to create a one-size-fits-all what standard hell does that mean okay so i guess if you're talking about art that's one vertical like documents uh pieces of like instruments or something possibly i don't know okay let's just keep reading the first vertical is the fine art world i don't know if all of the nfts i've seen out there are fine art but they certainly are some sort of art where we feel we can provide the best platform for artists specifically we are seeking to serve artists who are interested in creating their first drop but have held off because of concerns around sustainability inclusivity and complexity in the nft space all right uh yeah i can see that let me pop over to the monitor here and i don't realize yeah i should have been checking like i'm reading this and like people are like what the hell are you reading like i don't know if i dropped a link there so i'm going to take a chance here catch up with the comments and hey what's up pedro nfgs are too much fun yo yo yo nfc is on chia chia leaf yes i agree nft 0 dev guide greg is actually doing some stuff with the green wings team they're like working together so really excited to see what they can come up with remember that fake chia wallet a scammer made i i have no idea what you're talking about there yeah uh i i'm interested in that douglas so sound off with a little bit more are you saying chia will make the nft standard going forward yeah pedro i think nfg i think really seriously chia has a capability to maybe actually be like the bespoke marketplace because if they're gonna solve all of these problems and these are legit problems if you've bought an nft you've paid that gas you know what the problems are like i think some people bought nfts and they didn't actually get the metadata right or something so yeah there was like a lot of problems so let's keep reading here um let's see our vision for nfts aligns with the chia core pillars of security sustainability and compliance okay that is different because definitely the security of nfts going into the nft creation standard process here is probably going to be a big differentiator and if you want to think about it like this like you've got chia nfts and like all of us have a load of chia nfts right now with chia plots chia plots are technically nfts nobody out there has had an nft that just like bricked up stopped working like your pool plots your nft pool compatible plots were i guess the first chia nft those things are working like they're working for all of us nobody's like hacked it nobody's broken it um to my knowledge nobody's hacked it or broken it sound off if you know of somebody who's hacked it or broken it but i i really don't think that's happened to date yet not at all okay so let's keep moving along here uh our vision for nft is aligned with the cheek or pillars yeah yeah are to truly address the challenges of the space and offer product with unique value we built our nft standard with three key differentiating factors in mind we're seeking is to leverage our sustainable inclusive and compliant blockchain to enable and drive real world applications of digital ownership through true marketplace independence consistent provenance and digital permanence digital permanence josh if you're following along what do you think that means bro i know what i think that means all right true marketplace independence by enforcing all rules such as royalties on the blockchain chia opera files for a non-custody trading with no counterparty risks okay that's true yeah you can just like straight up me and you let's do it i mean those marketplaces exist and it and right to exit from the centralized marketplaces into the greater chia nft ecosystem in the future we will also provide a chia data layer chia data layer can i get a little bit of dl love oh man okay y'all i this is like this is a live stream i'm going to be right back with something if this isn't just like the wildest live stream ever then i don't know what else to say keep it on the data layer this is josh's shirt that he put out um and it's got this nice printing up on the back that costs a lot of money and this is a nice quality shirt it actually really does wick the way the moisture so me i think he printed this up when we were talking about data layer and yeah so i thought i'd just throw this on i didn't actually know that was gonna happen so excuse me from just going out this is a there's a live stream i know what to say where the was i at okay let's go back here okay we will also provide a chia data layer that allows all marketplaces to store and retrieve digital identity and nft metadata in a federated database secured by chia's blockchain whoa i don't know what else to say that's that's got me so stoked uh let me let me see if anybody's got any takes on that i'm gonna like skip forward sweet yeah josh that is sweet it seems data layer might have been too exciting when merch uh josh i believe has these up for sale on his uh website uh so you might check that out um i bought mine with gobi wallet and xch possible to do thank you josh for being such a badass developer love you man going to be talking to you later also consistent provenance by allowing creators to own creators and owners to prove their digital identifiers through their established social media presences why okay so yeah what like twitter twitter me up all right so i did have like the what what the hell like twitter blue for a while and i just gave it up after one month because it was absolutely absolutely that's hilarious uh i did have like a lot of stuff going on uh with that and it was like useless aside from giving me like some metadata around my little name and that wasn't actually valuable but yeah so ah established social media presences so will they be actually integrating into places like instagram and you know i think that we've seen some other people say they're gonna have instagram and you know other places twitter like for their display of their nfts that would be huge in the future we'll provide optional third integration with third-party partners for paid know your customer verifiers and other types of verified credentials i don't know what that means um i don't know what that means you guys tell me what you think that means i have no idea what that means better digital permanence by supporting multiple sources and craft cryptographic hashes for the nft digital files in the future provide integration for optional third-party partners for paid institutional grade storage of nfts now uh let's see so mint garden no it's not mint garden is it this one mint yeah it's mint garden.i yeah i was that's barnard babies right uh so i'm a badass looking at barnyard babies here um just keep that in mind as you're subscribed to this channel don't do subscribe because you saw that uh yeah so this is like awesome what mint garden's got going on this might be one of those partners uh i would imagine that's kind of what they're talking about there i don't know uh institutional grade storage i don't know what that means uh i'm interested uh what do you guys think does that mean like you know data centers i don't know i don't know okay our phased approach as we codified our nft product strategy envision we know just the living room the nft one standard isn't enough we want to deliver an entire user experience that includes a major revision with the chia client gui and an nft ecosystem to launch at the same time ooh does this mean that the client is actually possibly going to be able to like display nfts in it that would be does that exist out there like i know metamatt like coinbase wallet extension does like let me see here gonna show you guys my bonanza of eth that i've got here stored so like okay so this is actually and like i believe what happened with this is there was some like yeah so these actually are not ones i own these were like apparently ones that were minted there was some sort of a deal with the metadata and like i guess coinbase's like extension wallet like plugged that information in but like my actual nfts are not these three nfts they're different nfts the display and that that's been a big source of confusion uh like my first experience with nfts was a huge source of confusion uh some people were like hey you know i paid for one i got a different one there's like nothing you can do about it i forget who it was but somebody was telling me that they bought one and it was like a totally different one all right well let's see as we codify that blah blah blah uh the chief client gui and the nft ecosystem oh that's gonna be so sweet to ensure we are maintaining clear sight lines to our approach and ability to our tech of our tech to address the challenges we've outlined we've brought some of the leading community developers into a closed alpha to ensure a vibrant ecosystem of interoperability we've split our release into phases aligned with our nft design strategy launching today phase one nft zero so i guess this is where we're at today we're at nft zero so now i know mint garden is under an nda they've said that very publicly several times with chia i'm assuming uh so they probably are one of these partners i don't know who else is out there that might be one of these partners hopefully green wings and greg you guys are one of these partners um but yeah looks like launching today is the nft zero so functionally equivalent to the nft standard to erc 721 okay so like i guess going on github looking through some of the branches is where we would actually maybe the dead branch or something like that or maybe they've released an ft standard branch i don't know uh we'll click this button here in a second we'll just see phase two nft one based on community feedback based on community feedback the intent is to update the standard to deliver on promises of independence prominence and permanence we're excited to share our approach with the chia nft standard with you we believe it is a meaningful step to address the challenges and pain that we found with the current nft ecosystem definitely those do exist and create the foundation for our next generation of nft products on the nf on the chia blockchain not only on the chia blockchain on the chia data layer on the chia data layer also i love that i love that the data layer is getting put to use this is gonna be so awesome chia is going to so revolutionize the world okay uh today the chia development community will get a chance to join in the first phase of our project with testnet xer with nft zero on testnet we can't wait to see the exciting projects you build okay they've got some qa stuff here i guess so let's read through that why are you launching a test net version of nfts i think that one should just be like self-explanatory i'm gonna guess that you know it's important for people to actually test things before they just like roll it out so that that would be my answer they're going to give a much more thoughtful answer here back when we started writing the chia lisp code for nfts we intended to launch a release with a narrow focus but it soon became clear that we needed a more modular approach our new design pattern gives us the flexibility to release nft 0 as is today and then nft 1 as a new module for royalties and deads okay so yeah they're bringing out base level functionality then they're going to update that with royalties and deads with each subsequent update we'll be able to add new features without having to start from scratch ooh so backward compatibility possibly i don't know if that's actually what they're saying there but maybe maybe i don't know who commit nfts today we have no restrictions for who is allowed to make nfts however for now you'll need some technical skills such as the ability to run shias test net from the command line cool is there an nft 0 user guide yes we have a user guide for nft 0 look at these guys with their documentation they have so changed their documentation game their documentation go and read the code look for comments in line on the code like it used to be like you're guessing at what something does now it's like there's comments everywhere go look at the most recent config.yaml you'll be surprised if you haven't looked at it in a while all right so uh which will show you how to create and trade nfts as well as use the new set of rpcs i think that got josh excited there he likes rpc a lot question is it possible to mint an nft on main net yet answer nft 0 is for test net use only while it is theoretically possible to mint an nft on main net today you'll run the risk that you will not be compatible with an ft1 due to bug fixes and or last minute enhancements we strongly recommend not to attempt this we will offer no main nft support nor will we make any promises of compatibility with future releases uh i accidentally did something on mainnet and i don't know what i did um one of these days we should do a video on that uh okay let's move on which branch do you need to use for testing nft xero nft and dead development is happening on the main dids branch of the chia blockchain repo on github details of how to access this branch can be found and the nft user guide okay so let's hit that up real quick so look at all the changes it looks like their last commit was like two hours ago or something like that and so this is the branch where you would you know get switch this branch and then you know build it if you were interested in diving in as a developer have nfts been enabled in the chia gui yet yet so they will is what i'm reading from that for now they have only been enabled in the cla but we will be adding more and more nft functionality to the gui over the coming weeks oh that is exciting that is super exciting super exciting what is included in nft zero nft xero includes the basic building blocks of nfts you can nfts from the command line and you can buy and sell them using offers so we're ready to do real actual transactions it sounds like now again nft 0 testnet 10 not mainstream probably shouldn't run out there and just do that right off the bat but at the same time you know i'm ready i've got xch burning a hole in my chia wallet so to speak um yeah ready to spend that what are the differences between nft zero and erc 721 okay well there's probably a lot it provides a highly generalized interface for creating and transferring nfts on ethereum's blockchain chia's nft zero standard contains all the functionality of erc 721 that's pretty big in addition nft 0 uses a list of content uris which allow mentors to store their nfts in multiple locations adding to the nft's permanence by contrast erc 721 uses a metadata interface with a json schema that only provides one uri link riddle me learning things new there because i did not know that you only had one uri link in erc 721 that's really cool to have redundant link possibilities that probably does actually help the permanence of you know that link survive what additional functionality will be included in one that is missing from nft xero the three main pieces of functionality that will be added in nft one are dids royalties and offers these are rather large features which is why nft 0 is for test net only nft 0 is for test net only swapping is also not enabled yet you can only buy and sell nfts for txch finally an ft1 will enable full gui wallet support currently only the command line is supported these features will enable nfts that are created according to the nft one standard to be truly decentralized for the first time your nfv nfts won't be locked to a centralized marketplace or even to any marketplace at all nft1 will bring chia nfts one step closer to true digital permanence and consistent provenance that's really big that is absolutely really big that is game changer big this is not just market differentiation this is market revolution if they can bring true digital permanence and consistent provenance even even if it is just one step closer the way it is right now happens that's bad all the time how will royalties work as part of nft one in nft one the mentor of an nft will decide the royalty structure that's cool it doesn't sound like there's hard coded rules there that's very cool we realize that a wide spectrum of functionality is desired for royalties some mentors may only create nfts as a hobby and they likely won't require any royalties others may be professional artists whose livelihoods depend upon collecting royalties from their artwork nft one will have a flexible royalty structure that will accommodate both of these use cases whoever meant the nft can decide what percentages of future sales will be paid as royalties for the lifespan of the nft so that right there answers a lot of the questions that have been postulated out there about royalties and my estimation it looks like it's a flexible system not fixed not imposed by chia as must be this or minimum this or maximum that so i think that's really good that's empowering and i think that that get there was some speculation about maybe it'll be like a fixed or something like that or an upper limit or a lower limit looks like it's completely flexible the way it really should be all right what are dids dids are decentralized identifiers think of them as a way for people groups computers or even real world objects to identify themselves online she will release its did one standard along with nft one did one will allow mentors buyers and owners to track any nft's provenance giving them confidence in the history or origin of their artwork it will also be helpful in many ways beyond just nfts in fact chia dids eventually will give users complete control over who is allowed to access their personal information and what information they're allowed to see i'm not going to say that i totally understand that but it does sound like a flexible way to say this is the information set that goes along with an nft possibly and this is what my visibility of that looks like based upon the minting of it i don't know if that's defined at mint time or not i don't know uh there's there's a few questions i've got around that but i think that we will see some people with better answers probably in the next upcoming twitter spaces people in the know maybe a little more free to talk about some of the implementation side of things that may have been under like an nda before maybe they can start talking about things a little bit more so it is heating up for summer we've got this release this is pretty epic stuff are chia nfts sustainable okay well oh i think i skipped one will dids be required within ft one no each mender will be able to decide whether their nft will required it professional artists who likely want dids in order to preserve provenance hobbyists may not care about tracking ownership and will escude dids in favor of pseudo and non anonymity of regular xch addresses cool yeah i could see myself doing that like i don't really care about like prominent provenance and you know all that other stuff but if i'm buying something maybe i do want that whoa this is a big day for chia i like really feel like this is a big day for chia archia nft sustainable on other blockchains nfts have gotten a lot of bad press lately for their high energy requirements so this goes back climb it out okay so let's just talk really briefly about one uh kind of you know this isn't necessarily nft but this is like a climate-based dow and they tried to divorce themselves from being like reliant on an entire blockchain you can't do that if you look at something the constituent parts that form that and allow it to function cannot be excluded from the energy footprint i don't care who you are there's no explanation measuring your contracts cost when you're getting on and off of a chain doesn't make any damn sense like no the entirety of the blockchain that's the underlying l1 that forms that blockchain has to be included shia has bar none one of the best out there that is a true decentralized blockchain again not proof of stake which surprisingly has a high energy footprint of itself a true decentralized blockchain does have a lot of computers a lot of computers usually a lot of energy chia is significantly more energy efficient than bitcoin by like light light light years and by ethereum by quite a bit so those really are true l1 blockchains if you look at southern things like solana i don't know whatever that's proof of state whatever i'm not going to get into that again go to go read my chia rants or go read my twitter rants all right so however chief blockchain was designed from scratch to use significantly less energy than proof of work and it does while maintaining the same level of security and it definitely does chias nfts do not require more energy than the base xch from which they are minted very cool extensive analysis of chia's energy usage is available at uh this was actually something that i went and checked out like that has some really good information you should definitely check that out sometime when you're interested and let's read our final uh faq item here when will nfts be available on mainnet soon with a tm so that means usually like soon soon not like soon like maybe you'll die before it happens but soon like you're definitely probably gonna be alive we have completed uh the heavy lifting for creating the nf team one standard however we need to still allow our community devs time to do extensive testing we will likely need to make some minor changes before releasing nft one and did one standards so there we have it let's take a look really quick here at the nft zero developer guides wow yeah so this gives you pretty much what you need to run through it it looks like josh i hope you make a video on this because it looks like you've got you got the ability to create that nft wallet so chia has multiple types of wallets it does not just have like a wallet it has a lot of different wallets that are possible and it looks like it gives you the rpc calls that you need to make to be able to interact with that and you can just script that out and obtain an image and it's hash wow they give you like everything sweet sweet they really show you how to mint an nft on chia not only that they've really documented things very very well so it looks like we've got chia wallet nft create chia wallet show and that'll sync up the wallet that contains that nft nft transfer nft rpc to use the following values wallet id target address nft coin id so wow cool it basically will tell you where these things live and add a uri 10 nft sweet yeah they give you like everything you need very very cool and here is the additional rpc reference material for the nft mints and good examples of how to use it i love seeing the documentation coming to this point where it's very you know easy for a developer to step in read this use this and not have to reach out for you know hand holding and again that is the main dids branch also on chia so let me take a second here i'll catch up with some of the comments that are coming in wow there's a lot of comments i got a lot of catching up to do okay so sorry you're like cheap crypto miner homie love you dude if you have not hit up cheap crypto miner his channel is like filling a void that chia really needs which is like the day-to-day use of your chia stuff he's like working on it he's grinding definitely hit him up sub up to him thomas brewing good thing i woke up in the middle of the night hello guys yo sorry that you're up in the middle of the night but also i'm glad you're up in the middle of the night i hope it wasn't a notification from me that woke you up but if it was it was worthwhile layer two solutions for low minting fees uh so chia has the data layer which is like not necessarily an l2 uh it doesn't necessarily offer like roll ups and zk like it doesn't offer a lot of l2 stuff data layer is like a different beast and like chia is awesome for this it's gonna bring different beasts into blockchain tech that like have not been seen before data layer is kind of like one of them and so i don't know if it really has an equivalent uh reports on ns msnbc and fox news about 99 percent drop in profit based on a report they talked about two days ago i mean i don't know like i could be the nfts are art based nfts are under a lot of pressure i know i talked on the phone to my dad about this and he was like nfts are stupid so um like i think there's a possibility that you see a lot of people that are like nfts like and there's a bad user experience around nfts like why did i pay 50 for something like i don't know uh eath gas fees suck and like openc is the driver of gas fees so like yeah getting that on chia would be way more controllable from a fees perspective uh i i can't say anything except for that i know coinbase also ruled out an absolute piece of crap which was their nft marketplace and i mean it had like errors i like opened up the inspector i was like if i scrolled up after scrolling down like the page disappeared like what in the absolute hell did you guys even test that i don't know i it seemed like they went out of their way to make a bad product i don't know what to say open c is pretty much the market dominator for nfts currently seeing chia as a competitor with real differentiation is something that is definitely welcome as well greg points out here below fine art music literary uh documentation as nfts actual physical ownership of title is something that's been talked about very heavily with nfts also i don't think you're gonna see that unlike ethereum with erc721 it just doesn't provide things like double ink and all these other things like it is not an evolvable standard the way it's implemented right now whereas chia clearly has just talked about in what we just read being an evolvable standard so meeting the challenges of industry verticals is something erc721 not well suited for something chia very well suited for fine art is a category just jumping in very happy to see the release clyde wallace this is clyde wallace and he is from mint garden and he is definitely one of the people that is behind this big change that we've got coming up here uh must be handled on a separate chain as it is a large data file ah yeah so i don't know the technicalities of it i don't know i will be seeking out some one-on-one talks with people that might know and i'll try to provide that answer i don't think they're talking about storing the image on chia's blockchain i don't necessarily know that they're talking about storing it on a data layer but i do think the metadata which is the referential data associated with that nft being stored on the data layer is something i did mention so that would like they mentioned allow for multiple data spots so multiple uris to be associated with that that's better than what i guess erc 721 only allows one link like that one link gets deleted uh oh you got you lose your file uh i bought an nft on openc with matic and they just disappeared i don't know what to say about that gustavo i'm sorry to hear that that's i'm surprised that didn't happen to me to be honest with you verticals might be things like housing tickets legal agreements for ownership of hard goods yes absolutely definitely think that is what they're talking about here greg thanks for all your help and help from the community and discord dude i try what else can i do on the data layer yeah this shirt really cool you can get yours at

and that i paid for with uh the gobi wallet uh i don't know if he's ready for orders uh so surprise josh there you go uh let's see going down here i want that shirt this is a good shirt i like this shirt oh accounting nightmares so by the way uh austin loves accounting nightmares and he has told me on multiple occasions to send him unsolicited questions no i'm joking uh he hates accounting nightmares and yes definitely there are possible issues out there with all sorts of crypto with all sorts of unrealized gains i mean i think people are seeing right now like the difficulty of taxing unrealized gains in a down market like what are you gonna okay so that's unrealized you know it's just it's crazy to be approaching things the way the government has been approaching them hopefully we see some like really common sense stuff come into play where they're like okay that doesn't make sense like maybe this is a checkpoint at the price of most of the cryptos which has been just like free fall the past couple of days uh by the way if you're one of the people that has been in free fall on cryptos just don't take it like crazy you know these markets are up these markets are down like it's tea leaves and there is no crystal ball that can see the future of crypto so believe in the technology like i believe in chia's technology like i really believe in chia's technology because the people behind it differentiators the people behind nft1 here clearly taking on the differentiation of the market as their primary approach so believe in the technology believe in the human capital believe in its ability to deliver changing technologies that we have not seen before chia does embody that you don't get that out there with these other blockchains really in my estimation gee it does deliver that we will have nft zero live on mint garden by the end of the week oh wow that's big news clyde i'm glad to hear that client already does display nfts what what uh when what what that's awesome awesome awesome information wow the client looks pretty good saw it on your announcement on discord okay so i've got stuff to catch up with on discord for sure chia team has done a great job like instructions maybe i should get my art in there if you've got art you should definitely consider the chia block chain as a place to produce that art that's not my you know official take on it but i don't know where else you're gonna go erc721 doesn't sound so hot now open c expensive c also all sorts of issues c so maybe you do want to consider where you're putting it all right so that was kind of a huge cover of what's going on with chia and nfts pretty exciting stuff definitely hit up the people at i think it's clyde wallace22 on twitter that's clyde's twitter handle so hit him up out there also uh yeah yeah seeing that go live by the end of the week on mint it's gonna be like absolutely revolutionary marmots on chain marmots off-chain environments both chain marmots uh that sounds like something that possibly will be in the works i know that the space mark space market crew has been talking about possibly like some sort of extended feature set uh guys definitely reach out let me know which way it's going to go i know that where there was the on-chain talk and some people were pushing back does what she has just released here become an augmenter to that for the space marmot 1 program probably one of the most successful pre-sale nfts and really all we've seen so far with chia and nfts out there currently with cat offerings is kind of a pre-sale approach to things so will that be what we need to go forward i know that they said they were waiting till the nft standard was released before they released so that has me thinking that possibly they're thinking along those lines i don't know uh but definitely interested to see what is going on with that okay so what else is going on in my world oh god yeah so i have been working on where is that i've been working on a rack plan for the floor plan for the garage and this is definitely something that i need to get hammered out so i've got three racks i've got now a 125 amps in there that is in the sub panel in the garage i've got to bolt these three together now if you look at the orientation currently i have one that is kind of in an orientation like this in the garage for the server rack i think i'm going to bolt them all three together right here now the thing i don't like about that is it will give really great reflectivity off of this wall here and that'll kind of echo through the house having it at a 45 degree angle definitely was something i noticed did reduce the echo so i've got to get those hooked up i've got to get the servers on that rack i've got a shitload of plotting to do and these are like garage doors that's a door that's a door but this is where the panel is here for the electricity and so i think running over a little bit of electricity to here i got ladder included with it which if you don't know what ladder is it's basically what gives you the capability to uh it basically gives you the capability to have like a raised structure that you're running data cables on and power cables on and also communication cables on so that is one thing that i'm looking at for setting up also i have structured like yeah they're they're bike rack hangers but they're up here they're above the door and they carry currently network cable i also have a structured media panel over here so definitely going to be doing some changes in the garage immediately this workbench right now filled up with our 920s and our 930s got an absolute pile of work to do to get that all straightened up and i have got luckily all of the electricity work out of the way oh my god that was hard and hot and this is a 3 12 pitch roof and that sucked but i've got down here a pile of processors and a pile of ram so you can bet that that is happening as soon as i get those in the rack all right everybody thanks for joining in today i hope you've had a good time let me see if there's anything else i need to catch up on here as far as comments and i think we're good here and so i will check you guys out next time be sure also this friday in the discord links to the discord somewhere maybe not in the links below actually but somewhere other videos something like that digital spaceport discord this friday storage ama with lebanon john and that's storage jm from the chia network and we're going to be just focusing on nerd stuff so deep dive on tech on stuff relating to hardware storage plotting new blade bit we're gonna actually get this figured out i actually have been running through the like alpha and anomalous results i'll just say anomalous results a lot of knobs to turn a lot of settings to configure not just set it and it goes and it mandates that you have a lot of ram this has a buffer based on ram and apparently there's going to be some releases coming up with blade bit so we will be talking in depth about blade bit also and some of the performance optimizations you might be able to do based upon what your storage subsystem looks like that io subsystem is going to become incredibly important with the new blade bit release i've heard people say that they've gotten really good results with high bandwidth so that means usually a raid zero of a lot of ssds so if you're on like sas kind of two level technology probably three to six ssds will give you a pretty darn good amount of bandwidth and it being able to sequentially write to that is something that blade bits newest alpha does enable so we'll also be talking about whether or not it's going to beat out ram disk somebody asked me that i was like i don't know i can't imagine it beating out ram disk but at the same time old enterprise ssds that you put in a raid 0 pretty cheap compared to 512 gigs of ram so maybe maybe not we will find out on friday and maybe we'll even have some results to talk about i've already done some plotting on the bladebit alpha it was so all over the place i didn't do a video on it i started to do a video on it i was not able to get the results that i was hoping for and i was like and so just we'll wrap that up

2022-05-15 21:55

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